K-2 Science Vocabulary by Standard No list of specific vocabulary is given in the state core. These words are culled from the core standards and were chosen because they occur over and over in many grade levels. At the kindergarten level it is enough that students hear these words used in context by their teachers. By first grade students should be able to use the words correctly in their own conversations about science. By second grade students should be able to determine what process they are using when engaging in science. There is no expectation that students be able to read or write these words in the lower grades. Please be sure you are using variations of these words to ensure students understand them in all their forms. For example, use observation as well observe, classified as well as classify, and plural and singular forms where appropriate. Students may understand what the word “warm” means but not relate it to “warmth” or “warming.” Being explicit in how you approach these terms will help students make connections in their meanings. Standard 1 – Processes of Science 1. choice 6. conclusion 2. classify 7. data 3. collect 8. describe 4. communicate 9. different 5. compare 10. fair test 11. graph 12. identify 13. investigate 14. observe 15. question Standard 2 – Earth and Space Science 1. air 11. hot 2. cloudy 12. lake 3. cold 13. larger 4. cool 14. moon 5. day 15. night 6. Earth 16. ocean 7. fall 17. part 8. foggy 18. pond 9. hail 19. rain 10. half 20. river 21. rock 22. seasons 23. sleet 24. smaller 25. snow 26. soil 27. space 28. spring 29. star 30. stream 16. report 17. similar 18. sort 31. summer 32. sun 33. sunny 34. warm 35. water 36. whole 37. windy 38. winter Standard 3 – Physical Science 1. back and 7. fast forth 8. float 2. change 9. force 3. circular 10. heated 4. color 11. living 5. cooled 12. mixed 6. curved 13. motion Standard 4 – Life Science 1. alive 6. eat 2. baby 7. environment 3. basic needs 8. food 4. breathe 9. grow 5. dead 10. habitat 14. move 15. nonliving 16. object 17. pull 18. push 19. shape 20. sink 11. life 12. life cycle 13. offspring 14. parent 15. resemble 21. size 22. slow 23. straight 24. texture 25. zigzag 16. senses 17. space (area) 18. survive This list is necessarily incomplete. If you find words your students are using often in your teaching of the science core, please jot them down here. We can make our list better for ourselves and other teachers. Thanks, Julianne Paul 9/4/14