From Conception to Baby EDUCATORʼS

From Conception to Baby
Beginnings of Life
Copyright © 2011 Learning Seed
Suite 301
641 West Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60661
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Legal Niceties
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Copyright © 2011 Learning Seed.
This educatorʼs resource guide is copyrighted according to the terms of the Creative Commons noncommercial license ( It may be reproduced, in its part or
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Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
Resource Guide Credits
Writer: Kathleen Ryan
Editor: Kari McCarthy
Copy Editor: Jennifer Smith, Michael Robbins
The Video: From Conception to Baby
Copyright © 2011 Learning Seed.
This video program is protected under U.S. copyright law. No part of this video may be reproduced or
transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the Publisher,
except where permitted by law.
Closed Captioning
This program is closed-captioned.
Related Learning Seed Programs
Beginnings of Life series:
Pregnancy in Progress
Understanding Childbirth
Newborn Development
Heredity and Environment
Questions, suggestions or comments?
Email us at or call us at: 800.634.4941
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Table of Contents
Program Summary ............................................................................................................................................................4
Additional Resources........................................................................................................................................................
Unit Pre-test (with Word Bank)............................................................................................................................................6
Unit Post-test (without Word Bank)......................................................................................................................................7
Pre- & Post-test Answer Key...............................................................................................................................................8
Unit Lesson Plan
Each lesson lasts about 40 minutes (one class period) unless otherwise noted.
Each lesson assumes the student has blank paper and a writing instrument.
1. Video Viewing Guide
(Students watch the video From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life during this lesson)
Knowledge: Can the student recall or remember main principles, ideas, or information?
Lesson Plan...................................................................................................................................................9
Student Worksheet.....................................................................................................................................10
2. How Does It All Begin? (Fertilization Timeline)
Comprehension: Can the student explain ideas or concepts?
Lesson Plan.................................................................................................................................................11
Rubric/Answer Key.....................................................................................................................................12
3. Pregnancy Advice Column
Application: Can the student use the information in a new way?
Lesson Plan.................................................................................................................................................13
Information Sheet........................................................................................................................................14
Student Worksheet.....................................................................................................................................15
Rubric/Answer Key.....................................................................................................................................16
4. How Do We Compare? Essay
Analysis: Can the student distinguish and relate the different parts of a statement?
Lesson Plan.................................................................................................................................................17
Rubric/Answer Key.....................................................................................................................................18
5. Substance Abuse & Pregnancy (PSA)
Synthesis: Can the student create and combine ideas into a new product?
Lesson Plan.................................................................................................................................................19
Rubric/Answer Key.....................................................................................................................................20
6. Postcards From the Womb
Evaluation: Can the student appraise?
Lesson Plan.................................................................................................................................................21
Rubric/Answer Key.....................................................................................................................................22
Glossary ...........................................................................................................................................................................23
National Standards..........................................................................................................................................................
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Program Summary
In this program, viewers learn about the complex biological process involved in creating a brand new person. Students
learn about fertilization and how chromosomes determine the gender and physical attributes of a baby. We show how a
single cell develops into an embryo and follow the rapidly changing stages of fetal development. Students also examine
the importance of prenatal care, nutrition and a healthy prenatal environment.
Program Learning Objectives
Students will know how fertilization takes place.
Students will identify what happens during the 10 days that follow fertilization.
Students will learn how the embryo develops during the first 8 weeks of gestation.
Students will learn how the fetus develops from week 9 through birth.
Students will understand the importance of prenatal care.
UNIT DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: These 5 question are used EACH DAY to wrap up your lessons.
How does fertilization take place?
What happens during the 10 days that follow fertilization?
Describe some of the embryoʼs development during the first 8 weeks of gestation.
Describe some of the development that the fetus goes through durning the 9th week through birth.
Name some ways a woman can help create a healthy prenatal environment?
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Additional Resources
NOVA - Lifeʼs Greatest Miracle
StorkNet - Pregnancy and Parenting
The Visible Embryo
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Servicesʼ National Womenʼs Health Information Center
The Birth Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have a Safe and Satisfying Birth
William Sears, Martha Sears, and Linda H. Holt.
What to Expect When Youʼre Expecting
Arlene Eisenberg, Sandee E. Hathaway and Heidi Murkoff
Your Pregnancy Week by Week
Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word bank.
The process of human development begins when a ____________________ and ____________________ cell
successfully combine. The period of time between ____________________ and birth usually takes about 38 weeks or
266 days. The combined genetic make up of these two cells forms a ____________________ and determines the
attributes of the baby. ____________________ result from sperm with a Y chromosome and ____________________
from sperm with an X chromosome. Two separate fertilized eggs produce ____________________. One fertilized egg
that splits in two produces ____________________.
The outer cells of the blastocyst develop into the ____________________, a protective protective-filled sac, and the
____________________, which becomes the placenta and umbilical cord. The inner cells, or embryo, become the
____________________ (thatʼs the skin, sensory organs, and respiratory system), the ____________________ (thatʼs
the muscles, bones, and digestive tract), and the ____________________ (the internal organs). During this period, the
heart divides into ____________________ and pumps blood, the brain divides into left and right
____________________, and the eye, ears, nose, mouth, appendix, pancreas, fingers, toes and
____________________ begin to develop.
____________________, like drugs, alcohol and toxic ____________________ can harm both sperm and egg cells,
causing ____________________ or miscarriage. Pregnant women should completely avoid ____________________.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS, can cause heart defects, smaller than normal brains, and other physical
____________________. Pregnant women should take care to use vitamins and ____________________ only as
directed by their ____________________ provider. One vitamin that is very important to fetal development is
____________________. In order to be sure mother and baby are doing as well as they should be they need to receive
regular ____________________ from healthcare professionals.
Word Bank
prenatal care
folic acid
prescription drugs
substance abuse
birth defects
skeletal structure
fraternal twins
identical twins
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Directions: Fill in the blanks using key terms learned throughout the lesson.
The process of human development begins when a ____________________ and ____________________ cell
successfully combine. The period of time between ____________________ and birth usually takes about 38 weeks or
266 days. The combined genetic make up of these two cells forms a ____________________ and determines the
attributes of the baby. ____________________ result from sperm with a Y chromosome and ____________________
from sperm with an X chromosome. Two separate fertilized eggs produce ____________________. One fertilized egg
that splits in two produces ____________________.
The outer cells of the blastocyst develop into the ____________________, a protective protective-filled sac, and the
____________________, which becomes the placenta and umbilical cord. The inner cells, or embryo, become the
____________________ (thatʼs the skin, sensory organs, and respiratory system), the ____________________ (thatʼs
the muscles, bones, and digestive tract), and the ____________________ (the internal organs). During this period, the
heart divides into ____________________ and pumps blood, the brain divides into left and right
____________________, and the eye, ears, nose, mouth, appendix, pancreas, fingers, toes and
____________________ begin to develop.
____________________, like drugs, alcohol and toxic ____________________ can harm both sperm and egg cells,
causing ____________________ or miscarriage. Pregnant women should completely avoid ____________________.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS, can cause heart defects, smaller than normal brains, and other physical
____________________. Pregnant women should take care to use vitamins and ____________________ only as
directed by their ____________________ provider. One vitamin that is very important to fetal development is
____________________. In order to be sure mother and baby are doing as well as they should be they need to receive
regular ____________________ from healthcare professionals.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word bank.
The process of human development begins when a
successfully combine. The period of time between
identical twins
fraternal twins
. One fertilized egg
, a protective protective-filled sac, and the
, which becomes the placenta and umbilical cord. The inner cells, or embryo, become the
(thatʼs the skin, sensory organs, and respiratory system), the
muscles, bones, and digestive tract), and the
heart divides into
(thatʼs the
(the internal organs). During this period, the
and pumps blood, the brain divides into left and right
, and the eye, ears, nose, mouth, appendix, pancreas, fingers, toes and
skeletal structure
begin to develop.
The outer cells of the blastocyst develop into the
and determines the
result from sperm with a Y chromosome and
from sperm with an X chromosome. Two separate fertilized eggs produce
that splits in two produces
and birth usually takes about 38 weeks or
266 days. The combined genetic make up of these two cells forms a
attributes of the baby.
, like drugs, alcohol and toxic
birth defects
can harm both sperm and egg cells,
or miscarriage. Pregnant women should completely avoid
substance abuse
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS, can cause heart defects, smaller than normal brains, and other physical
directed by their
folic acid
receive regular
. Pregnant women should take care to use vitamins and
prescription drugs
only as
provider. One vitamin that is very important to fetal development is
. In order to be sure mother and baby are doing as well as they should be, they need to
prenatal care
from healthcare professionals.
Word Bank
prenatal care
folic acid
prescription drugs
substance abuse
birth defects
skeletal structure
fraternal twins
identical twins
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 1: Just the Facts
Video Viewing Guide: LESSON PLAN
Summary: Students watch the 30-minute video From Conception to Baby while completing the corresponding
worksheet .
Special Materials
• Learning Seed video From Conception to Baby
• A means of playing the video to students
• Copies of Student Worksheet (p. 10)
Note to Educator
This lesson can be preceded by the PRE-TEST on page 6. To fully set-up and review the lesson, you may need to use
two class periods.
Learning Objectives (Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills)
The student will understand how fertilization takes place.
The student will know what happens during the 10 days that follow fertilization.
The student can explain how pregnant women can make choices for a healthy prenatal environment.
The student will understand the embryoʼs development during the first 8 weeks of gestation.
The student will know the development stages of the fetus from the 9th week through birth.
Lesson Warm Up (10 min.)
Write down one thing you did each month for the last nine months.
Lesson Activity (30 min.)
1. Inform students they will be watching the program From Conception to Baby, in which they will learn about the
prenatal development of humans.
2. Distribute worksheets, read the instructions aloud, and direct students to complete the worksheets as they watch
the program.
3. View the movie, and collect the completed viewing guides.
Lesson wrap-up questions: Should be the same each day. Suggested discussion questions are on page 4.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 1: Just the Facts
Video Viewing Guide: Student WORKSHEET
1. As you watch the program, write down 5 facts from each chapter.
2. Place a star next to any facts that you learned for the first time.
3. Put a check mark next to any fact you already knew.
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Chapter 1: Pre-Fertilization
Chapter 2: Fertilization
Chapter 3: Germinal Stage
Chapter 4: Embryonic Stage
Chapter 5: Fetal Stage
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 2: How Does It All Begin?
Fertilization Timeline: LESSON PLAN
Summary: Students will review how fertilization takes place and create a timeline to illustrate the process.
Special Materials:
• Large-sized blank paper, a ruler, and art supplies or computer software that creates a timeline (e.g. TimeGlider,
Timeline Maker, GanttProject)
• Access to detailed information about the fertilization process. For example, you may provide students with
• a textbook, or
• a replay of the fertilization chapter of the video shown in the previous lesson, or
• instructions on how to find the information at the library, or
• access to the National Institutes of Health website ( and search for “fertilization.”
Note to Educator
This lesson may take more than one class session. If you do not have classroom Internet access, you can direct students
to access the site outside of class, or create your own presentation or class lecture using information from the website.
Learning Objectives (Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills)
The student will understand how human fertilization begins.
The student will know the order of events that take place during fertilization.
The student will understand how gender is determined by fertilization.
The student will learn about the basic genetics involved in fertilization.
Lesson Warm Up (5 min.)
Direct students to create a journal entry exploring examples of traits you believe you inherited from your mother and
father. Alternatively, students may describe friends or family members who seem to have inherited traits from their
Lesson Activity (35 min.)
1. Inform students that they will be creating a timeline to illustrate their understanding of fertilization and
2. Instruct students about where you expect them to access detailed information on human fertilization
(see Special Materials section above for some options).
3. Distribute the rubric (p. 12) and discuss exactly what information you require for the timeline. For example:
a. no fewer than 10 events
b. a full-sentence description for each event
pictures/drawings to accompany the events
d. an original title for the timeline
4. Collect timelines at the beginning of the next class and lead a class discussion to create a timeline on the board.
Lesson wrap-up questions
Should be the same each day. Suggested discussion questions are on page 4.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 2: How Does It All Begin?
Fertilization Timeline: GRADING RUBRIC
Quality of
There were 2 or more
on the timeline.
There was 1
on the timeline.
There are 3 or more
or spelling errors
on the timeline.
There are 2
or spelling errors
on the timeline.
All of the information
was accurate
All of the information
and deepened
was accurate.
the studentʼs
of the topic.
Spelling and
There is 1
or spelling error
on the timeline.
There are no
or spelling errors
on the timeline.
The timeline is
somewhat lacking
neatness, and the
layout is somewhat
The timeline is neat,
and the layout is
The timeline is
exceptionally neat,
and the layout is
completely balanced
and pleasing
to the eye.
The student
expressed little
about the topic.
The student
expressed adequate
of the topic.
The student
deep knowledge
of the topic.
The timeline
has all of the
required elements.
The timeline has all of
the required elements
as well as some
extra information
that enhances
learning or design.
The timeline is
sloppy and
Neatness/Layout disorganized,
and the layout
is very unbalanced.
The student
did not express
about the topic.
The timeline is
The timeline is
missing 2 or more of
missing 1 of the
the required elements. required elements.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 3: Healthy Pregnancy
Advice Column: LESSON PLAN
Summary: Students read about issues in pregnancy health and respond to fictional letters to a “pregnancy advice
columnist” in order to demonstrate their understanding of prenatal concepts.
Special Materials
• Copies of the Healthy Pregnancy Information Sheet (p. 14)
• Copies of the Advice Column Questions (p. 15)
• Copies of the Pregnancy Advice Grading Rubric (p. 16)
Learning Objectives (Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills)
• The student will analyze what they have learned about prenatal development.
• The student will restate their understanding of prenatal concepts and best practices.
• The student will apply the prenatal development knowledge they have gained in a practical way.
Lesson Warm Up (5 min.)
Direct students to write a journal entry about the best advice they have ever received and why it was so helpful.
Lesson Activity (30 min.)
1. Distribute the Healthy Pregnancy Information sheet. Select students to read each of the four entries aloud.
2. Ask students if they have any additional information to add, or any questions about the content.
• For any questions that either you or a student in your class cannot definitively answer, assign the question as
extra credit homework to a volunteer student.
3. Distribute the Advice Column Questions, and Advice Column Grading Rubric.
4. Direct students to read the instructions and rubric and to ask any questions they may have about the assignment.
5. Allow students 20 minutes, and the use of additional materials, such as textbooks if available, to formulate their
• Remind the students not to plagiarize the information they have, but rather to write original work and cite the
source of their facts and statistics when appropriate.
6. Collect worksheets. At the end of the class, or during the next class period, read aloud some student answers and
solicit feedback from the class. Was the answer correct? Was it supportive? Was it complete? Was it useful?
Lesson wrap-up questions:
Should be the same each day. Suggested discussion questions are on page 4.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 3: Healthy Pregnancy
Cigarettes contain nicotine, which can interfere with fetal
Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated multivitamins
development or cause birth defects. It constricts blood
that make up for any nutritional deficiencies in the
vessels, which reduces blood flow to the placenta.
mother's diet.
According to the Center for Disease Control, women who
quit smoking before or early in pregnancy significantly
Their folic acid, iron, and calcium content are especially
reduce the risk for several adverse outcomes.
important. Folic acid, in particular, is a B vitamin, which
has been shown to reduce the risk of birth defects
Women who smoke during pregnancy are about twice as
involving the brain and spinal cord.
likely to experience premature rupture of membranes,
placental abruption, and placenta previa. Babies born to
Women who suffer from morning sickness may be even
women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to
more in need of their prenatal vitamin. The iron content,
be born prematurely and/or with low birth weight,
however, may be contributing to their morning sickness.
increasing their risk for illness or death. They are also
Pregnant women should contact their physician for options
more likely to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
on how to combat morning sickness.
Moderate, low-impact exercise can help to provide a
Most health care providers want to see patients once a
healthy prenatal environment for the fetus. Mothers who
month for the first 6 months, and then more frequently
exercise throughout their pregnancy generally feel better
after that. Doctors perform important tests during prenatal
because it releases endorphins and makes them feel
checkups - blood tests and ultrasounds are the most
calmer and happier. A mother who feels good will be less
common. Doctors look for diseases and conditions known
stressed, and will release less of the stress hormone
as maternal risk factors. They include diabetes, heart
cortisol, which can affect their baby. Exercise can tone
disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, and epilepsy,
and strengthen a mother’s muscles to help carry the baby
as well as sexually transmitted infections which, if not
more easily and prepare them for a smoother delivery.
treated properly, can be harmful to the fetus.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 3: Healthy Pregnancy
Advice Column: Writing Exercise WORKSHEET
Directions: Read these letters written to an advice columnist who specializes in questions about prenatal development.
On the back of this sheet, write responses to TWO of the following questions. Your answers should be thoughtful, original,
and complete, offering advice, counseling, and support. Make sure to support your answers with facts and explanations.
Each response should be about a half-page long.
Dear Doctor,
I’ve been told not to smoke during my pregnancy, but I’ve cut down to only like two or three cigarettes
a day. What harm can that do?”
-Smoking in Tulsa
Dear Doctor,
My nurse-midwife told me to continue a moderate exercise routine, but I’d rather just take it
easy. I mean I’m only going to gain weight anyway. What’s the point?
-Claire and the Cupcakes
Dear Doctor,
I’m in my first trimester and get queasy all the time. I’m thinking about skipping my prenatal vitamins until
I start to feel better. What do you think?
- Tossing My Cookies
Dear Doctor,
I’m pregnant with my second child, so I’ve been through this all before. Why should I bother
going to all of those prenatal doctor’s office visits?
-- Second time Around
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 3: Healthy Pregnancy
There was 1
inaccuracy in the
All of the information
was accurate
All of the information
and deepened
was accurate.
the studentʼs
of the topic.
Quality of
There were 2 or more
inaccuracies on the
Spelling and
There are 3 or more
There are 2
There is 1
There are no
grammatical or
grammatical or
grammatical or
grammatical or
spelling errors on the spelling errors on the spelling error on the spelling errors on the
The response offered The response offered
The response was The response offered
neither useful advice useful advice but did
supportive and
both supportive
Neatness/Layout nor any sense of not convey a sense of
encouraging but was encouragement and
support or
support or
lacking useful advice.
useful advice.
The response did not
The response
convey in-depth
coveyed knowledge
knowledge about
about one topic but
either topic.
not the other.
The response
did not present
any hard facts
in either letter.
The response
presented hard facts
in one letter but not
the other.
The response
conveyed adequate
knowledge of the
The response
conveyed deep
knowledge of both
The response
presented one hard
fact in both letters.
The response
presented multiple
hard facts in both
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 4: How Do We Compare?
Research Paper: LESSON PLAN
Summary: Students independently research the gestation of animals then write a comparison paper about human vs.
animal gestation.
Special Materials
Students should have access to the Internet and/or the library to view dynamic illustrations and animations of the
gestation process in both animals and humans.
Learning Objectives (Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills)
• The student will identify the similarities between the gestation of a human and an animal.
• The student will distinguish the differences between the gestation of a human and an animal.
• The student will analyze why differences in the gestation process between a human and an animal exist.
Lesson Warm Up (10 min.)
What do think would be some of the differences between animals and humans during gestation? Why do you think that
Lesson Activity (30 min.)
1. Inform students they will be writing a comparison paper about human vs. animal gestation. Explain the format of a
comparison paper. (Five paragraphs: Introduction, Topic A, Topic B, Compare/Contrast Topics A & B, Conclusion)
2. Suggest to students that they consider researching the gestation of a dog, an elephant or a dolphin as a potential
comparison animal. We recommend two possible websites for their research:
• Visible Embryo
• National Geographic Channel
3. Distribute the essay rubric on page 18 and answer any questions students have about the assignment.
Lesson wrap-up questions:
Should be the same each day. Suggested discussion questions are on page 4.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 4: How Do We Compare?
Quality of
There were 2 or more
inaccuracies in the
There was 1
inaccuracy in the
Spelling and
There are 5 or more
grammatical or
spelling errors in the
There are 3-4
grammatical or
spelling errors in the
All of the information
was accurate and
All of the information
showed a deep
was accurate.
understanding of both
elements of the
There is 1-2
grammatical or
spelling errors in the
There are no
grammatical or
spelling errors in the
The paper does not The paper made few The paper compared
The paper made
compare items, and comparisons and the
items clearly but insightful comparisons
Organization and
uses irrelevant or no supporting information
and used specific and
was incomplete or
information, though relevant supporting
relevant, was general.
The student did not
express knowledge
about the topics.
The student
expressed little
The student
knowledge about the expressed adequate
topics or expressed
knowledge of both
adequate knowledge
of only one topic.
The student
expressed deep
knowledge of both
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 5: Substance Abuse & Pregnancy
Public Service Announcement: LESSON PLAN
Summary: Students perform a skit that could be a 60 second public service announcement on the topic of substance
abuse during pregnancy.
Note to Educator:
This lesson will require two lesson periods. Students will be creating a script and practicing it during the first lesson and
performing them for the class during the second lesson. Students may be directed to access the National Library of
Medicine website:
If Internet access isnʼt available in class, you can use the information you find there to create a power point presentation
or lecture to pass on the information.
Learning Objectives (Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills)
The student will understand that the wellness of an unborn baby is directly affected by a womanʼs choices.
The student will identify the types of substance abuse.
The student will understand the common side effects of substance abuse during pregnancy.
The student will demonstrate their understanding of how substance abuse can affect an unborn baby.
Lesson Warm Up (10 min.)
What are some examples of public service announcements you have seen on TV? What were the topics? Were they
effective? How did they try to get their message across in a persuasive way?
Lesson Activity (30 min.)
1. Inform students that they will be working in pairs to create and perform a skit which will be a 60 second public
service announcement on the topic of substance abuse during pregnancy.
2. Split students into their groups, distribute the rubric on page 20, and discuss your expectations for the project.
Required elements can include: clearly naming the type of substance abuse, listing 5 facts during the skit, and
providing real resources (hotlines etc.) that parents can contact if they need help.
3. Direct students to view National Institutes of Health website ( for information to create the content of
their PSA. Alternatively, students may use materials distributed in class, visit their school counselorʼs office for
information, or visit the library.
Option for extra credit: Students may choose to film their PSA outside of school and play the video for their
class presentation.
4. After each skit is performed, students should allow a brief Q&A from the teacher and fellow students.
Lesson wrap-up questions
Should be the same each day. Suggested discussion questions are on page 4.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 5: Substance Abuse & Pregnancy
Public Service Announcement: GRADING RUBRIC
Quality of
All of the information
There were 2 or more
was accurate and
There was 1
All of the information
inaccuracies in the
deepened the classʼs
inaccuracy in the skit.
was accurate.
understanding of the
Group showed a
severe lack of
cooperation with
each other.
Cooperation was
The group showed
somewhat lacking in cooperation with each
the group.
The group showed
with each other.
The group was
The group was well
severely unprepared The group needed
The group was
prepared and needed
and needed prompts
prompts and
prepared and needed
no prompts or
and reminders during reminders more than 1 reminder or prompt
reminders during
more than half
twice during the skit.
during the skit.
the skit.
of the skit.
The group did not The group expressed The group expressed The group expressed
express knowledge little knowledge about adequate knowledge deep knowledge of
about the topic.
the topic.
of the topic.
the topic.
The skit is missing 2
or more of the
required elements.
The skit has all of the
The skit is missing 1
required elements as
The skit has all of the
of the required
well as some extra
required elements.
information that
enhances learning.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 6: Postcards From the Womb
Summary: Students create and present a postcard as a visual aid to describe a specific week of fetal development.
Special Materials
• Resources that give specific information about fetal development during each week of gestation.
• Art supplies or a computer program that can create a document with text and images.
Note to Educator
Students need access to week-by-week facts about prenatal development. If your textbook and teaching materials do not
have this information, try StorkNetʼs Pregnancy Week-By-Week Guide:
Learning Objectives (Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills)
• The student will understand the physical changes that take place during a week of prenatal development.
• The student will learn the incremental changes that take place week to week during prenatal development.
Lesson Warm Up (10 min.)
What elements make up a good postcard? What kind of information do you like to read on a postcard?
Lesson Activity (30 min.)
1. Inform students that they will be creating a “postcard” written from the perspective of a fetus to explain and
illustrate what happens during a specific week of prenatal development.
2. Distribute the rubric and discuss your expectations for the project.
Required elements can include: a title for the post card, color pictures (cited source if not original), minimum
of 5 facts about that week of pregnancy, additional information about what a pregnant woman experiences
during that week.
3. Assign each student a week of development (distributed evenly among students, from week 1 to 40).
4. Direct students to research information about fetal development during each week of gestation in their textbook or
other resource materials, such as
5. After each studentʼs presentation, allow time for a brief question and answer session.
Lesson wrap-up questions:
Should be the same each day. Suggested discussion questions are on page 4.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
Lesson 6: Postcards From the Womb
There were 2 or more
Quality of
inaccuracies on the
There was 1
inaccuracy on the
All of the information
was accurate.
All of the information
was accurate and
deepened the classʼs
understanding of the
There is 1
or spelling error
on the postcard.
There are no
or spelling errors
on the postcard.
The postcard is neat,
and the layout is
The postcard is
exceptionally neat,
and the layout is
completely balanced
and pleasing
to the eye.
Spelling and
There are 3 or more
or spelling errors
on the postcard.
There are 2
or spelling errors
on the postcard.
The postcard is
sloppy and
disorganized, and
the layout is very
The postcard is
somewhat lacking
neatness, and the
layout is somewhat
The student did not
express knowledge
Knowledge about the topic, and
was unable to answer
most questions about
the postcard or topic.
The postcard is
missing 2 or more
of the required
The student expressed
The student expressed
The student expressed
adequate knowledge
little knowledge about
deep knowledge of the
of the topic and was
the topic, and was
topic and was able to
able to answer the
unable to answer 50%
answer all questions
majority of questions
of the questions about
about the postcard
about the postcard
the postcard or topic.
or topic.
or topic.
The postcard is
missing 1 of the
required elements.
The postcard has
all of the required
The postcard has all of
the required elements
as well as some
extra information
that enhances
learning or design.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
the mass of cells formed by the further division of the morulaʼs cells, which have also
divided into distinct cell groups
Dizygotic twins
also known as fraternal twins, these result from two eggs that are released around the
same time and are fertilized by two different sperm cells
the inner group of cells in a blastocyst, these begin to develop into a fetus during the 9th
week of pregnancy
fine hair that covers and protects the skin of a fetus
Maternal risk factors
diseases or conditions a pregnant woman has that can be harmful to the developing
baby. Examples include diabetes, epilepsy and sexually transmitted diseases.
a tar-like substance that collects in the bowels of a fetus as a result of early digestion
the spontaneous death of an embryo or fetus before it has developed sufficiently to
survive without its mother
Monozygotic twins
also known as identical twins, these result form one fertilized egg that separates into two
individual cells and then into two individuals with shared DNA
Morula a mass of cells formed by the division of the zygoteʼs cells
Myelin a protective coating that forms around developing brain cells
any substance that can interfere with fetal development or cause birth defects
Vernix caseosa a protective coating that forms on the fetusʼ skin
the cell formed by the union of a male sex cell (sperm) and a female sex cell (ovum)
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life
National Standards
Grades 9-12
12 - Human Development
12.1 Analyze principles of human growth and development across the life span.
12.2 Analyze conditions that influence human growth and development.
12.3 Analyze strategies that promote growth and development across the lifespan.
14 - Nutrition and Wellness
14.2 Evaluate the nutritional needs of individuals and families in relation to health and wellness across the lifespan.
15 - Parenting
15.1 Analyze roles and responsibilities of parenting.
15.2 Evaluate parenting practices that maximize human growth and development.
15.4 Analyze physical and emotional factors related to beginning the parenting process.
CDCʼs School Health Education Resources
Grades 6-8
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to
enhance health
1.8.3 Analyze how the environment affects personal health.
1.8.6 Explain how appropriate health care can promote personal health.
1.8.7 Describe the benefits of and barriers to practicing healthy behaviors.
1.8.8 Examine the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
Grades 9-12
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to
enhance health
1.12.3 Analyze how the environment and personal health are interrelated.
1.12.6 Analyze the relationship between access to health care and health status.
1.12.7 Compare and contrast the benefits of and barriers to practicing a variety of healthy behaviors.
1.12.8 Analyze personal susceptibility to injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
Copyright 2011 Learning Seed