The Grapes of Wrath Unit—December 2013


The Grapes of Wrath Unit—December 2013-January 2014

Students must take notes for this unit in the same format they used on previous units: 1-2 pages for each day of reading including a well-documented quote and response and bulleted notes taken in sentence fragments as well as all appropriate Applied Practice passages—the packet notes should include quotes and definitions as well as some indications of how answers were chosen.


Study for the unit test on Tuesday.

Begin reading the Argumentation chapter and case studies in Patterns; get ready for the quiz.

Review literary terms, vocabulary, packet work, MLA format, etc., for the final.

Buy a practice book for AP English Language and Composition.

Do other work as assigned.


Read and take notes on chapters 26-30—26-27 (2 nights), 28, 29-30—in the novel.

Make up any reading quizzes you missed or didn’t pass on the first try so that you are eligible to do all the essays and the unit test for this unit.

Study vocabulary for the quiz on Tuesday.

Study for the unit test on next Tuesday.

Review literary terms, vocabulary, packet work, MLA format, etc., for the final.

Buy a practice book for AP English Language and Composition.

Do other work as assigned.

12/23/12-01/03/13 (Winter Break):

Read and take notes on chapters 19-25—19-21 (3 nights), 22, 23-25 (2 nights)—in the novel.

Study vocabulary for the quiz on the Friday after Winter Break.

Review literary terms, vocabulary, packet work, MLA format, etc., for the final.

Buy a practice book for AP English Language and Composition.


Read and take notes on chapters 13-18—13-14, 15-16, 17-18—in the novel.

Study vocabulary for the quiz on the Tuesday after Winter Break.

Make up any reading quizzes you missed or didn’t pass on the first try so that you are eligible to do all the essays and the unit test for this unit.

Write the essay in class on Monday.

Do other work as assigned.


Read and take notes on chapters 7-12—7-8, 9-10, 11-12—in the novel.

Study vocabulary for the quiz on Friday.

Study new vocabulary for the quiz on the Tuesday after Winter Break.

Make up any reading quizzes you missed or didn’t pass on the first try so that you are eligible to do all essays and the unit test for this unit.

Do other work as assigned.


Read and take notes on chapters 1-6—1-4, 5-6—in the novel.

Study new vocabulary for the quiz on next Friday.

Revise and proofread your essay draft for the peer feedback workshop on Tuesday.

Revise and proofread essay to turn in on Friday in class and online by 8 p.m.

Do other work as assigned.
