RATING AGENCIES – Q&A The Risk of Over-reliance on Ratings Markus Krebsz, MSI SII CPD Seminar, London – 2 July 2009 CONTENT • • • • • • Overview Ratings Application Constructive criticism Risks/Mitigants Questions & close 2 OVERVIEW QWIZDOM SURVEY As part of this interactive workshop session • • • • We asked 50 seminar attendees to answer seven topical questions and to submit their answers via each participants’ Qwizdom unit The following pages • Illustrate for each question • the audience’s response • Indicated by the Qwizdom symbol: 4 QUESTION 1: Do you use Rating agencies and if so, how? (A) I do not use them (B) Once a day or more (C) Once a week or more A 24% D 44% (D) I do, but only infrequently C 16% B 16% 5 QUESTION 2: How many (Credit) rating agencies exist globally? (A) 3 to 5 (B) 6 to 15 A 10% (C) 16 to 30 B 13% D 52% (D) More than 30 C 25% 6 1) A.M. Best Company, Inc. 2) Agusto & Co. Ltd. 3) Ahbor Rating 4) Apoyo & Asociados Internacionales S.A.C. 5) Bank Watch Ratings S.A. 6) BRC Investor Services S.A. 7) Calificadora de Riesgo, PCA 8) Capital Intelligence, Ltd. 9) Caribbean Information & Credit Rating Services Ltd. (CariCRIS) 10) Central European Rating Agency (CERA) 11) Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. 12) China Lianhe Credit Rating, Co. Ltd. 13) Clasificadora de Riesgo Humphreys, Ltda. 14) Class y Asociados S.A. Clasificadora de Riesgo 15) CMC International, Ltd. 16) Companhia Portuguesa de Rating, SA (CPR) 17) Credit Analysis & Research Ltd (CARE) 18) Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh, Ltd. (CRAB) 19) Credit Rating Information and Services, Ltd. (CRISL) 20) CRISIL, Ltd. 21) Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd. 22) Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) 23) Duff & Phelps de Colombia, S.A., S.C.V 24) Ecuability, SA 25) Egan-Jones Rating Company 26) Equilibrium Clasificadora de Riesgo 27) European Rating Agency (ERA) 28) Feller Rate Clasificadora de Riesgo 29) Fitch Ratings, Ltd. 30) Global Credit Rating Co. 31) Interfax Rating Agency (IRA) 32) Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency (ICRA) Source: www.defaultrisk.com 33) Islamic International Rating Agency, B.S.C. (IIRA) 34) Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) 35) JCR-VIS Credit Rating Co. Ltd. 36) Korea Investors Service, Inc. (KIS) 37) Korea Ratings Corporation 38) Lanka Rating Agency, Ltd. (LRA) 39) Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC) 40) Mikuni & Co., Ltd. 41) Moody's Investors Service 42) National Information & Credit Evaluation, Inc. (NICE) 43) ONICRA Credit Rating Agency of India, Ltd. 44) P.T. Kasnic Credit Rating Indonesia -- Indonesia 45) P.T. PEFINDO Credit Rating Indonesia 46) Pacific Credit Rating (PCR) 47) Pakistan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (PACRA) 48) Philippine Rating Services, Corp. (PhilRatings) 49) RAM Rating Services Berhad (RAM) 50) Rapid Ratings International, Inc. 51) Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) 52) Rus Ratings 53) Seoul Credit Rating & Information, Inc. 54) Shanghai Credit Information Services Co., Ltd. 55) Shanghai Far East Credit Rating Co., Ltd. 56) Slovak Rating Agency, a.s. (SRA) 57) SME Rating Agency of India Limited (SMERA) 58) Sociedad Calificadora de Riesgo Centroamericana, S.A. (SCRiesgo) 59) Standard and Poors (S&P) 60) Taiwan Ratings, Corp. (TCR) 61) Thai Rating and Information Services Co., Ltd. (TRIS) 62) TheStreet.com Ratings, Inc. 63) Türk KrediRating (TCRating) 64) Veribanc, Inc. 7 QUESTION 3: AAA (Fitch) = AAA (S&P) = Aaa (Moody’s)? YES 32% NO 68% 8 RATING PRINCIPLES Fitch Ratings, Standard & Poor’s: Probability of default (PD) = First dollar of loss What is the ultimate default risk? Moody’s: Expected loss (EL) = [(PD) X (LGD)] What is the amount of net loss suffered? 9 Y QUESTION 4: D (Fitch) = D (S&P) = D (Moody’s)? YES 47% NO 53% 10 RATINGS MAPPING TABLE Fitch Ratings Investment Grade Long-term rating Short-term rating AAA AA+ F1+ Long-term rating Standard & Poors Short-term rating Long-term rating Aaa AAA Aa1 AA+ Short-term rating Mapped internal r a t i n g iAAA iAA+ A-1+ AA Aa2 AA- P1 AA iAA Aa3 AA- iAA- A1 A+ A-1 iA+ A A-1 or A-2 iA F1+ or F1 A+ A F1 A2 A- F1 or F2 A3 P-1 or P-2 AP-2 iAA-2 BBB+ F2 Baa1 BBB F2 or F3 Baa2 P-2 or P-3 BBB A-2 or A-3 iBBB BBB- F3 Baa3 P-3 BBB- A-3 iBBB- BB+ BB Speculative Grade Moody’s B BB- BBB+ Ba1 BB+ Ba2 BB Ba3 BB- iBBB+ iBB+ iBB B Ranges within B-1, B-2 and B-3 iBB- B+ B1 B+ B B2 B iB B- B3 B- iB- Caa1 CCC+ iCCC+ CCC Caa2 CCC iCCC CCC- Caa3 CCC- CC Ca CC iCC C C C iC CCC+ Not Prime iB+ C DDD, DD, D D Source: Bloomberg, Fitch, Moody’s and S&P Moody’s: D D C D iCCC- iD 11 QUESTION 5: SF Bond 1 rated AAA (Fitch/ S&P/ Moody’s) = SF Bond 2 rated AAA (Fitch/ S&P/ Moody’s)? YES 13% NO 87% 12 SUPER-SENIOR RATINGS Structure 1 Tranche 1: Tranche 2: Tranche 3: Tranche 4: Tranche 5: Tranche 6: First Loss piece: Structure 2 AAA AA+ A BBBBB B+ NR Tranche 1: Tranche 2: Tranche 3: Tranche 4: Tranche 5: Tranche 6: Tranche 7: Tranche 8 First Loss piece: AAA AA AAA A AAA AA+ A BBBBB B+ NR 13 RATINGS QUESTION 6: How would you define ‘rating’? (A) Opinion (B) Benchmark measure for PD AAA (C) Benchmark measure for LGD D A 25% 41% C 3% B 31% (D) View not necessarily based on facts or knowledge 15 RATING DEFINITION • An opinion… * [Financial journalists] • …on the relative ability… • …of an entity to meet financial commitments. * ‹ä|xã ÇÉà ÇxvxáátÜ|Äç utáxw ÉÇ ytvà ÉÜ ~ÇÉãÄxwzx Ratings are benchmark measures of… • Probability of default (PD) • Expectations of Loss given default (LGD) 16 RATINGS… …can capture: …do NOT capture: • Credit risk Market risk Liquidity risk Operational risk Basis risk (IR risk) …and are “hard-wired”… • by Basel II • into banks’ credit rating models • Investment guidelines and Asset management mandates 17 STATISTICAL: Probability of Default 30% 1-year PD 25% 20% Moodys 15% S&P 10% Fitch 5% 80% CCC/C B- B B+ BBBB BB BB+ BBBBBB BBB BBB+ A- A A+ AAAA AA AA+ AAA 0% 10-year PD 70% 60% 50% 40% Moodys 30% S&P 20% Fitch 10% Source: Fitch Ratings CCC/C B- B B+ BB- BB BB+ BBB- BBB BBB+ A- A A+ AA- AA AA+ AAA 0% 18 RATINGS SCOPE • Public • Private • Credit assessment • Market-Implied ratings (CDS, Equity, Spread, Price etc.) 19 RATING ACTIONS Rating DEAL STAGE • Preliminary • Final • Paid in Full (PIF) / Redemption INDICATORS • Upgrade, Downgrade • Affirmation / Confirmation • Withdrawn Suffix RATING WATCH • Positive • Negative • Evolving / Uncertain OUTLOOK • Positive • Negative • Stable 20 APPLICATION RATINGS are used by … Banks, Other Financial Institutions, Originators & Issuers, Investors, Financial Regulators, Other Rating agencies, etc. … in order to … • • • • Outsource analysis Determine required economic and regulatory capital charges Manage individual credit & portfolio risks Feature as input into Structured Finance models (CDO2 etc.) 22 CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM FAILURES AIG, Bear Stearns, Bradford & Bingley, Enron, Icelandic banks, Lehman Bros., Monolines, Northern Rock, Parmalat, etc. In their own words... Fitch: “… did not foresee the magnitude of the decline…or the dramatic shift in borrower behavior…” Moody’s: “We did not . . . anticipate the magnitude and speed of the deterioration in mortgage quality or the suddenness of the transition to restrictive lending.” S&P: “it is now clear that a number of assumptions used in preparing ratings on mortgage-backed securities issued between 2005 and mid-2007 did not work.” Source: US Government Oversight and Reform Committee, Oct 2008 24 CRITICISM • • • • • • • • Business model: Too slow to react Assumptions, methodologies & models Conflict of interest (“issuer-pays” model) Limited capture Split ratings Notching Implied ratings & internal competition etc. 25 THE RISKS OF OVER-RELIANCE - AND SUITABLE MITIGANTS TIMELY ACTIONS and DEFERRAL Rating process: Timeliness of Rating changes Rating scope vs. time: Bond maturity profile • Process stages to reach rating decisions • Detection of bond- vs. asset class-specific and/or systemic issues • Legal final vs. expected final maturity • Life-time ratings (40+ years) • Timely payment of interest & ultimate payment of principal 27 TIMELAG of RATING ACTIONS Number of Global SF Bond Downgrades by CRA 190,000 180,000 170,000 176,046 160,000 TOTAL 150,000 S&P Moody's Fitch 140,000 130,000 120,000 110,000 111,605 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 68,372 60,000 50,000 40,000 49,594 50,968 1Q08 2Q08 47,510 30,000 30,749 20,000 10,000 7,992 1,166 2,042 1Q07 2Q07 0 3Q07 4Q07 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 (Since January 2007 - Source: Bloomberg) 28 Regional problem GLOBAL IMPACT Number of Global SF Bond Downgrades by Region 190,000 180,000 170,000 175,208 160,000 TOTAL 150,000 Europe US 140,000 130,000 120,000 110,000 111,239 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 68,073 60,000 50,000 40,000 49,160 50,676 1Q08 2Q08 47,284 30,000 30,597 20,000 10,000 7,981 1,161 2,035 1Q07 2Q07 0 3Q07 4Q07 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 (Since January 2007 - Source: Bloomberg) 29 OPERATIONAL RISKS • Changing methodologies and assumptions • Timeliness of rating decisions • Model risks • Striking the right balance between non- and over-regulation 30 RISK MITIGANTS • • • • • Understanding the meaning of ratings Understanding instruments’ risks Independent analysis Internal ratings Disputing rating decisions and methodologies with the agencies – is it really worth it? • Operational risk scenario: Awareness that agencies CAN and DO get their ratings wrong 31 QUESTIONS & CLOSE 32 QUESTION 7: Would you now give CRAs more or less credit ? Less Less 70% More More 30% 33 CONTACT Markus Krebsz +44 (0) 79 85 065 045 krebsz@web.de markus.krebsz@4-most.co.uk 4most Linen Hall 162-168 Regents Street London, W1B 5TE Tel. +44 (0) 207 038 3690 www.4-most.co.uk ANNEX: Ratings & Probability of Default (PD) 1 year Moodys 5 year S&P Fitch Moodys 10 year S&P Fitch Moodys S&P Fitch Aaa 0.00% AAA 0.00% 0.00% Aaa 0.18% AAA 0.10% 0.11% Aaa 0.40% AAA 0.45% 0.37% Aa1 0.00% AA+ 0.00% 0.00% Aa1 0.15% AA+ 0.16% 0.11% Aa1 0.25% AA+ 0.34% 0.47% Aa2 0.00% AA 0.00% 0.00% Aa2 0.28% AA 0.15% 0.14% Aa2 0.67% AA 0.77% 0.68% Aa3 0.00% AA- 0.02% 0.01% Aa3 0.18% AA- 0.52% 0.25% Aa3 0.33% AA- 1.11% 0.91% A1 0.00% A+ 0.05% 0.02% A1 0.38% A+ 0.64% 0.41% A1 0.84% A+ 1.68% 1.30% A2 0.03% A 0.04% 0.04% A2 0.68% A 0.42% 0.57% A2 1.69% A 1.80% 1.78% A3 0.03% A- 0.04% 0.04% A3 0.65% A- 0.86% 0.75% A3 1.69% A- 2.44% 1.91% Baa1 0.17% BBB+ 0.22% 0.22% Baa1 1.46% BBB+ 2.30% 1.82% Baa1 2.31% BBB+ 4.65% 3.82% Baa2 0.12% BBB 0.28% 0.21% Baa2 2.11% BBB 2.17% 2.14% Baa2 5.49% BBB 5.27% 5.61% Baa3 0.41% BBB- 0.39% 0.42% Baa3 3.60% BBB- 4.94% 4.03% Baa3 7.20% BBB- 8.97% 8.23% Ba1 0.66% BB+ 0.56% 0.63% Ba1 6.76% BB+ 6.47% 6.19% Ba1 12.38% BB+ 11.74% 12.25% Ba2 0.62% BB 0.95% 0.90% Ba2 8.82% BB 9.98% 8.37% Ba2 14.66% BB 17.34% 17.08% Ba3 2.23% BB- 1.76% 2.05% Ba3 19.14% BB- 15.03% 15.92% Ba3 36.24% BB- 24.97% 30.27% B1 3.03% B+ 3.01% 3.10% B1 25.27% B+ 20.86% 21.53% B1 47.43% B+ 30.15% 38.18% B2 5.93% B 8.34% 7.24% B2 31.24% B 29.44% 27.84% B2 44.48% B 36.29% 41.06% B3 10.77% B- 12.15% 11.71% B3 43.55% B- 37.71% 39.23% B3 62.32% B- 45.05% 53.69% Caa-C 22.24% CCC/C 28.83% 25.54% Caa-C 60.40% CCC/C 50.85% 53.55% Caa-C 78.81% CCC/C 56.45% 65.07% 35