W ave P rope rties Apparatus: coil springs (stinky of about 1O-cmdiameter and coil spring of about 2.5-cm diameter) thread stopwatch (a) Transversewaves cause the mediumto vibrate at right anglesto the wave motion. (b) to the wave motion. itudinalwaves causevibration The wave characteristicsyou will observeat this time are commonto all waves.There are not separate characteristicsfor soundwaves, light waves,water waves,and other kinds of waves. In general,all waves follow the same rules.Becausethis is so, you can work with waves in a coiledspringto leam about wavesin general. Duringthis investigationyou will have an opportunity to becomefamiliarwith some of the major characteristicsof wave motion. To do this in an orderly manner,each characteristicwill be outlined clearly in the procedurealongwith any instructionsyou might needin order to observethem. Recordyour observationsin the spacesprovided. A. Tranwerse and LonqitudinalWaves Haveyour lab partner hold one end of the springand stretch it alonga smooth floor until it is about 4 m long. Practiceshakingyour end of the springsidewaysuntilyou are able to send a clear pulsealong its length. Severalpulsestogether will form a transversewave train. Notice the direction in which the pulsestravel and the direction in which the coils of the springmove. 1 . In a tranwerse wave the particlesof the mediumvibrate (in the same, perpendicularto the) direction in which the wave travels. 2. 3. of transversewavesare Otherexamples wavesand Reacha short distancedown the spring'slength and gather the coilstoward you and then quicklyrelease them. The pulsethat travels alongthe spring is a longitudinalpulse. In a longitudinalpulsethe particlesof the mediumvibrate (in the same,perpendicular to the) directionin which the wave travels. B. The Speedof all Wavesof the SameKindin a GivenMediumarethe Same Generatea transversepulsein the coil.Keepthe stretch of the coil constant. Estimatethe speedof the pulse in the medium.Generatea secondpulsebut make it largeror smallerthan the previouspulse. Comparethe speedsof the pulses.lf you are undecidedyou might try timing the pulsewith the stopwatch. Try to generate a pulsethat travels along the spring at a different speed. (the same, different). 4. The speedsof different pulsesin a panicular mediumare ---C. Wavelenqthand Frequencv Shakethe spring back and forth rapidlyto generatewavetrains in the spring.The wavelengthof a wave in the spring is the distance from a crest on one side of the spnngto the next crest on the same side. The frequenry of the wave is the sameas the frequenryat whichyou shakethe spring. Try shaking the spring regularlybut slowly and then regularlybut rapidly.Observethe wavelengthsof the waves. 5. 6. 7. 8. Higherfrequencywaveshave Low frequency waves have (long,short)wavelengths. (long, short) wavelengths. lf groupsof pulsesforrnwavesandthe speedof allthe pulsesyou generatedin the coil arethe samethen (the same,different). the speedof allthe wavesgeneratedin the coil shouldbe The speedof any wave in any mediumis equalto the frequencyof thewavetimesits wavelength(v = flv). All the waves that you generated in the spring travel at the samespeed.Doesit follow from these two facts that high frequency waves must have short wavelengthswhile lorryfrequency waves must have long wavelengths? ----- D. The lnterferenceof Waves You and your partnercan practicesendingpulsestowardseachother at the sametime. Try this and closely observethe pulseswhen they come together and alsoafter they passthrough one another. Try pulsesof the sameand different shapes.Senda pulsedown one sideof the springwhileyour partner sends a pulsedown the otherside. What happenswhen they meet? (add up, are the sameas one 9 . When two pulsesmeet in the springtheir displacements displacement). 10. Whentwo pulsesof about equaldisplacementsapproacheachother from different sidesof the spring they----(add up, cancel)while they meet. 1 1. After the pulsespassthrough one anotherthey are----(changed,unchanged). E. ReflectedWaves Haveyour partner hold one end of the springvery rigidly.Senda pulseto the rigid end and observethe reflected pulse. 12. A pulse reflected from a rigid medium is reflected -----(right side up, upsidedown). Nowtie a long thread to one end of the spring.Haveyour partnerholdthe thread and send a pulsetovvard the end supportedby the string. 13. A pulse reflected from a mediumless rigid than the one in which it has been traveling is reflected (right side up, upsidedown). F. WaveTransferralFrom One Mediumto Another Connectthe slinky with the other coil spring.Stretch the slinky as before. Haveyour partner hold the end of the springand you hold the end of the slinky.Try sendingpulsesand short wavesdown eachspring. Observetheir behaviorat the boundarybetweenthe two springs.Observehow a wave changesas it passes from one mediuminto the other. 14. Eachtime a wave reachesthe boundarybetween the two springsit is-----(partially, (partially, totally) transmitted. totally) reflected and (the same,different). 15. Whena wave entersa new mediumits speedis (the same,different). is 16. Whena wave entersa new mediumits wavelength rt Name :- Period 2. Give examplesof other transversewav€s. 3. Comparethe direction of particle motion to the direction of wave mo tion in a longitudinal wave. B. The Speed of All Waves of the Same Kind in a Given Mediuu {. Describe the speeds of pulses of different amplitudes and different frequencies in a given medium. 5. Compare the speeds of waves of different amplitudes and frequencies,in a given medi"m. ) C..Frequencyand Wavelelgtb 6. Comparethe wavelenethsof waveswith higherfrequencieswith the wavelengthsof waves with lower frequencies D. The lnterferencc of Wrvcr 7. Describe the magnih.rdeof the displacementwhen two pulsesin phasemeet in the spring. 8. Describewhat happenswhen two pulses of equal amplitudeand . 18Ooout of phase meet in the spring. \f-.1 I I I t , 9. What happensif the two pulsesare in phase? Date _ rl 10. Describe the pulsesafter they pass through each other. I - -:; t-J fromProceclure D. this diagramusingyourobservations Figure25-2.Complete E. Reflected Waves 11. How does reflection of a wave from a rigid barrier affect its phase? Figure 25-3. Completethis diagramusing your observationsfrom ProcedureE. IJ L a Name Period 12. Reflectionof a Pulsefrom a less rigid mediumhas what affect on --ii'frffi , F. ltave Transferral from One Medium to Another 13. Describewhat happensto a wave when it reachesthe boundarv betw'eenthe two springs. 14. Frbm your observationof one mediumchange.what do you think might happento the speedof a wave when it entersa new medium? . 15. What happens to the wavelength of a wave when it enters a new medium? ) 16. What happens to its frequency? Interpretcrtion 1. How do your observations in SectionsB and C support the wave equation in which v = fl? 7I ], Date !a I !t I 2. Summarizethe major characteristicsof wave motionvouobserved in this investigation. 3. Where in your environment can you observe some of the general properties of wave motion? 5. ;:.-; Y1 Figure 25-,1.Us€ thi3 diagramto answerquestionstl-10. ra :,r Name . Period e results of wave g_..g3{ For Questions .l_"SJy"_o_v€"_q -qiggg[*qh I J . a. when they meet .1. a. 5. a. b. 6. e.' b. 7. c, b. 8. a. I F 'l b. b. when they poss one onother. Date - i. . I 9. [n Questions4-8 a. tn which diagnamsdo the pulsesproduce constructiveinterferencewhen thevmeet? ? (_Jb. [n which diagramsdo the waves producedestructiveinterference? 4-8, in whichdiagramsare nodestonmedas the pulses 10. In Questions passthroughone another? tl \/ )) t)