Central Texas College GOVT 2305/2306 and GOVT 2301/2302

Central Texas College
GOVT 2305/2306 and GOVT 2301/2302 Academic Advising Information
Updated January 13, 2016 by Office of Dean of Student Services
As a friendly reminder, students can take the following combinations to satisfy the state’s legislative
requirement of six semester hours in federal and state government: GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2305 or
GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2306. The following combinations will not satisfy the legislative requirement:
GOVT 2302 and GOVT 2305 (omits study of the Texas constitution) or GOVT 2302 and GOVT 2306 (omits
the study of the U.S. constitution). If a student completed only GOVT 2302 and is in a CTC program of
study that requires six semester hours of government, the student would need to take GOVT 2305 and
GOVT 2306. In an effort to minimize such a situation, the information below is provided.
If a student completed a government course through an out of state college and university, and CTC
articulated the transfer course to GOVT 2302, please contact Jenilee Williams at
Jenilee.williams@ctcd.edu , Coordinator of Transfer Evaluations. Most likely the student took
American, federal, or national government. If so, the course equivalency will be changed to GOVT
2305 Federal Government. Then the student will only need to enroll in GOVT 2306 Texas
Government to complete the six semester hours of state and federal government.
If a student received evaluated credit for GOVT 2302 through a CLEP exam (American Government),
contact Jenilee Williams. The evaluated credit can be changed to GOVT 2305 Federal Government.
If a student successfully completed GOVT 2302 but earned a “D” in GOVT 2301, the student cannot
replace the “D” grade by taking GOVT 2305 or 2306. CTC will make an exception to accept the “D”
grade in the student’s CTC program of study if the student’s cumulative CTC grade point average and
overall grade point average (CTC and transfer) are 2.0 or higher. However, student should be
advised that if transferring to a four-year college or university, the “D” grade may not be accepted.
Likewise, a student who earned a “D” grade in GOVT 2302 cannot replace the “D” grade by taking
GOVT 2305 or GOVT 2306.
Prior to Fall 2012 the majority of associate of applied science degree (AAS) programs that included a
three semester hour government course provided the student the option to take GOVT 2301 or
2302. However, in an effort to minimize students taking GOVT 2302 before completing GOVT 2301,
only GOVT 2301 was listed as an option effective with the Fall 2012 catalogs. Although the Fall
2012/13 programs of study listed GOVT 2301, if the student took GOVT 2302, GOVT 2302 will still be
accepted. GOVT 2302 will be accepted in the AAS programs of study that required only three
semester hours of government. For example, in the 2012/13 AAS Criminal Justice program, GOVT
2301 was required. Prior to Fall 2012, either GOVT 2301 or 2302 could be taken.
When preparing 2013/14 degree plans or student agreements in programs that require GOVT 2305
and 2306, if a student has successfully completed GOVT 2301, add GOVT 2301 in either the GOVT
2305 or 2306 requirement and include a comment on the form that the student can take GOVT 2305
or GOVT 2306 but does not need both.
Other Related Information:
6. If a student takes GOVT 2305 and 2306 and took GOVT 2302, GOVT 2302 cannot be used to satisfy
another requirement such as an elective or social/behavioral science elective. Reason: The GOVT
2302 content was covered when the student completed GOVT 2305 and 2306. Likewise, if a student
successfully completed GOVT 2301 and for lack of knowledge completed GOVT 2305 and 2306,
GOVT 2301 could not be used to satisfy another degree requirement for the same reason.
7. It is highly unlikely that an out-of-state college or university offers a Texas government course.
Therefore, CTC will not accept six semester hours of government in transfer from a non-Texas
college or university to meet the six semester hours of federal/Texas government required in the
various CTC degree programs unless there is a direct articulation to Texas Government.
8. On an individual basis a substitution for GOVT 2301 may be made for students who are on the
General Studies degree plan that required GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2302, and the student took only
GOVT 2302 before GOVT 2301/2302 were replaced with GOVT 2305/2306. Any exception for course
substitution would be made on an individual-approval basis and follow the same guidelines for
course substitutions—requests for substitutions are considered when the student is 6 to 9 semester
hours from degree completion. Based on state rules, course substitutions cannot be made in the
associate of arts and associate of science degrees that require the 42 semester hours core
curriculum. (The General Studies associate of arts degree does not require the core.)
9. GOVT 2107 is not available to students through CTC. However, this option is mentioned in the event
another Texas college is teaching GOVT 2107. Students with credit for GOVT 2302 and 2305 or GOVT
2302 and 2306 or equivalent combinations may satisfy the legislative requirement by earning credit
for GOVT 2107, a one semester hour course. The combination of government courses to meet the
legislative requirement is only valid if the student successfully completed GOVT 2107.