Govt 2302 Test 3 Federal and State Judiciary, Law

Govt 2302 Test 3 Federal and State Judiciary, Law and Procedure
Max Castaneda
1. Most American law is based on ?
2. The body of judge-made law is known as ?
3. A court rule bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases is called ?
4. The doctrine of stare decisis means ?
5. (A) source(s) of American law include(s) What are they?
6. Jurisdiction and standing to sue constitute (What do both of these make-up?)
7. An opinion of a court is (What does an “opinion” mean?)
8. If a case is remanded it ?
9. If a case is affirmed it ?
10. A concurring opinion is often written by a justice because ?
11. A court opinion reflecting the views of most of the judges is called ?
12. The dissenting opinion is important because ?
13. Judicial candidates for federal judgeships are usually suggested by ?
14. The power of the courts to determine whether a law or action by the other branches of
government is constitutional is called ?
15. Presidents have the power to change the direction of the Supreme Court and the
federal judiciary by ?
16. Judicial implementation refers to ?
17. If Congress disagrees with a decision of the Supreme Court concerning the
interpretation of the U.S. Constitution it can ?
Govt 2302 Test 3 Federal and State Judiciary, Law and Procedure
Max Castaneda
18. If Congress disagrees with a decision of the Supreme Court concerning how a law is
interpreted it can ?
19. Public opinion can serve as a check on the judiciary because ?
20. An issue that the court believes should be decided by the executive or legislative
branch is called ?
21. The term “original jurisdiction” is the power that pertains to ?
Municipal courts have exclusive jurisdiction to try ?
Municipal court cases deal mainly with cases involving ?
The constitution of Texas requires each county to have ?
Justice of the Peace courts have jurisdiction over ?
Most criminal cases tried by a justice of the peace court pertain to ?
Which of the following Texas judges must be a licensed attorney? (At what
level in the chart is this a requirement?)
The chief trial court handling large lawsuits and felony criminal cases for
the state of Texas is the ?
Which court has exclusive jurisdiction over automatic appeals in death
penalty cases?
The Texas court usually designated as a juvenile court is a ?
For most criminal appeals in Texas, the reality is that they are decided by
the ?
Govt 2302 Test 3 Federal and State Judiciary, Law and Procedure
Max Castaneda
The intermediate appeals court for Texas is the ?
The highest criminal court (appellate or otherwise) in Texas is the ?
How many justices sit on the Texas Supreme Court?
The highest civil appeals court in Texas is the ?
An appeal in a Texas court ? (What is it based on)
An alternative to a grand jury indictment in minor criminal cases is known
as ?
The jury that determines whether there is enough evidence to bring the
accused to trial is called ?
Texas electoral races for judgeships have caused major concerns because ?
Civil law in most states is based in large part upon ?
The principle of following legal precedents by a court is known as ?
A court designed to determine the last valid will of the deceased is known
as a ?
43. Efforts to reform lawsuit abuse in civil courts is known as ?
44.The most serious types of crimes are known as ?
Govt 2302 Test 3 Federal and State Judiciary, Law and Procedure
Max Castaneda
45.Minor crimes are known as ?
46.Crimes such as murder, forcible rape, robbery, burglary and motor vehicle
theft are included in the ?
47.Plea bargaining ?
48. Gambling, prostitution and drug possession are known as ?
49.Grand juries in Texas are (What is their purpose)
54.The United States Supreme Court case requiring police to inform a suspect
of his constitutional rights is ?
55.The initial appearance of the accused before a magistrate is known as ?
56. The writ requiring a person be brought before the court is known as a writ
of ?
57.A motion for delay in a criminal case is known as a ?
58. Texas jails and penitentiaries are designed to accomplish ?
59.An “adversary system” of justice means ?
60.Which of the following may explain the fact that Texas has a higher crime
rate than most other states? (What are the reasons according to the book,
for the Crime rate in Texas.)