TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 9.0 63 TEST AND DEPLOYMENT PHASE To enter the Test and Deployment Phase, a completed development test baseline must be submitted. The development test baseline contains the first delivered build of the system and configuration deemed ready for independent testing. During the Test and Deployment Phase, the developed system undergoes independent testing, the project team and production support teams prepare for the system release, and the system is deployed to the production environment. Exhibit 32 summarizes the entry criteria, objectives, and exit criteria of the Test and Deployment Phase. Exhibit 32: Test and Deployment Phase Overview Phase Entry Criteria Phase Objectives ??D e v e l o p m e n t T e s t Baseline ??Verify satisfaction of system acceptance criteria ??Test Readiness Review (TRR) approval ??Evaluate operational security and data integrity ??Approval to begin phase as determined by work pattern ??Certify and accredit system ??Determine whether to accept system as delivered ??E s t a b l i sh p r o d u c t b a s e l i n e ??Deploy system to production environment Phase Exit Criteria ??R e q u i r e d p h a s e d o c u m e n t artifacts submitted to the ICE Electronic Library ??System successfully p a ss e d i n d e p e n d e n t testing ??System certified and accredited ??S y s t e m p r o d u c t b a s e l i n e d ??Release Readiness Review Approval Certification signatories concur that the project team has satisfied the review exit criteria ??S y s t e m O w n e r a p p r o v a l and Technical A r c h i t e c t u re a n d Integration concurrence to conclude the Test and Deployment Phase ICE System Lifecycle Management Handbook October 2004 TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 64 9.1 Independent Testing Process and Capabilities In preparation for independent testing, the independent test team reviews the documents and code artifacts developed by the project team and creates an independent test plan. This test plan identifies the testing scope, methodology, and schedule; specifies the testing environment and configuration; and defines the test procedures. As appropriate, the independent testing team may present for selection to the IT Project Manager and System Owner testing options of varying scope, duration and risk. The independent test team may, as determined by the testing scope, conduct one or more of the following types of testing: ??System Acceptance Testing - Verifies the functional requirements as described in the Requirements Document to determine if the product performs the business functions as documented ??Security testing - Validates implementation of security requirements and controls in the system and identifies potential intrusion or sensitive data exposure vulnerabilities ??Interoperability Testing - Assesses the compatibility and potential impact of multiple software components coexisting on the infrastructure ??Performance testing—Detects any performance and capacity limitations by generating system load that emulates the behavior of users conducting business trans actions, determines when performance begins to degrade, and identifies bottlenecks across the system application and infrastructure ??Facilitated User Acceptance Testing - Provides a controlled environment for actual users to test systems before the system becomes operational. At the conclusion of independent testing, the independent testing team prepares a report on the testing results, which is delivered to the System Owner, IT Project Manager, project team, and other stakeholders for review. Detailed information regarding the scope and processes of these tests can be found in the Architecture Test and Evaluation Plan (ATEP). October 2004 ICE System Lifecycle Management Ha ndbook TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 9.2 65 Test and Deployment Phase Activities During the Test and Deployment Phase, the project team typically performs the key activities identified in Exhibit 33. Each activity is subsequently decomposed into the main tasks that the project team should execute to ensure that it successfully and efficiently accomplishes the activity. The activities and tasks are listed in the recommended order of completion; however, the actual order will depend on the particular project. Exhibit 33: System Test and Deployment Process Development Test and Deployment Submit New Build Key Test (9.2.1.) (9.2.2.) (9.2.3.) (9.2.4.) Activities: Certify independent test lab Support independent testing effort Prepare the Certification and Accreditation Package Prepare for production deployment Disapprove Release Readiness Review Approve Key Deployment Activities: (9.2.5.) Deploy system to production environment Operations and Maintenance Activities ICE System Lifecycle Management Handbook October 2004 TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 66 9.2.1 Certify independent test lab 1. Maintain contact with TAP Test Lab Engineer to complete independent test lab configuration and certification. 2. Approve and sign Certification of Independent Testing Environment. 9.2.2 Support independent testing effort 1. Coordinate with ICE Architecture Assurance to identify the independent testing to be performed and to determine the preliminary testing schedule. The independent testing conducted in the ICE Independent Testing Facility includes: 2. Maintain contact with the independent test teams throughout the independent testing effort, providing technical assistance as required. 3. Review daily and weekly status reports. 4. Determine corrective action for test problem reports (TPR) found during the testing effort. (Note: A TPR is created during testing whenever actual results do not match expected results and the discrepency could not be resolved or satisfactorily explained.) a. Review the TPR and prepare a fix or workaround or postpone the fix until a future release. If the fix is postponed, the problem is recorded in an independent test report and becomes a system change request (SCR). b. If a fix or workaround is prepared, deliver the code to Version Manager for retesting by the independent test team. 5. Review the results of the independent testing effort. 9.2.3 Prepare the Certification and Accreditation Package 1. Coordinate with the ISSO and Security Engineer to assemble the Certification and Accreditation (C&A) Package. 2. Review the System Security Plan, Security Risk Assessment, and Contingency Plan for accuracy and completeness and update if any changes needed. 3. Include the results obtained from the independent Security Test and Evaluation performed on the system. 4. Coordinate with the ISSO and Security Engineer to submit the C&A Package to the DAA for accreditation after the ISSM signs the Certification Letter. 5. Initial implementation provides a six month Interim Authority to Operate (IATO) after which an operational ST&E is conducted. The operational ST&E is necessary to achieve full accreditation. October 2004 ICE System Lifecycle Management Ha ndbook TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 67 9.2.4 Prepare for production deployment 1. Validate the accuracy of system and user manuals and update if necessary. 2. Coordinate with the Help Desk, a component within Service Delivery, to provide the information required for this release. 3. Confirm SLA agreements. 4. Finalize training curriculum and update the Training Plan. 5. Train end users 6. Coordinate with production teams to identify the optimal time for deploying the system release into production in order to minimize disruption to the existing production environments. 7. Construct and distribute the broadcast e-mail to notify system users of the expected downtime and when the system will be available. The notice should include the deployment schedule, a brief synopsis of the benefits of the new system, the difference between the old and new system, responsibiliti es of end user affected by the deployment during this phase, and the process to obtain system support, including contact names and phone numbers. 9.2.5 Deploy system to production environment 1. Execute the Conversion Plan. 2. Deploy system 3. Arrange for Operational Security Test and Evaluation to be conducted on the production system. ICE System Lifecycle Management Handbook October 2004 TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 68 9.3 Test and Deployment Phase Document Artifacts The project team records the evidence of its work in a set of document artifacts, the possible range of which is identified in Exhibit 34. The approved project work pattern determines the required artifacts, which compose the set of phase document artifacts and are identified in the project work breakdown structure (WBS). Exhibit 34: Test and Deployment Phase Document Artifacts Test and Deployment Phase Document Artifacts New ??Certification and Accreditation Package Updated if needed ??V e r s i o n D e s c r i p t i o n D o c u m e n t ??U s e r G u i d e ??Deployment Plan ??Conversion Plan ??S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e Manual ??R e q u i r e m e n t s T r a c e a b i l i t y M a t r i x ??O p e r a t i o n s M an u a l ??T r a i n i n g P l a n ??P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P l a n Artifacts produced by independent testing ??Independent Test Plans ??Independent Test Reports Note: Some of these artifacts are updated, expanded, and refined continually throughout the lifecycle as the project evolves; provide the appropriate level of detail commensurate with the complexity of the project and the information available during this phase. 9.4 SLM Milestone: Release Readiness Review The Rele ase Readiness Review (RRR) ensures that the system is ready for deployment. Specifically, this SLM milestone verifies that the project team satisfies the system acceptance criteria, establishes the product baseline to be deployed to the production environment, ensures that any necessary initial end user training has been conducted, confirms that production support teams are ready to deploy the system to production, and establishes the deployment date and time. Exhibit 35 provides a guide to the Release Readiness Review. October 2004 ICE System Lifecycle Management Ha ndbook TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 69 Exhibit 35: Release Readiness Review Guide Guide to the Release Readiness Review Pre -Review Activities ??Verify that all outstanding Development Phase issues have been resolved ??S u b m i t t h e T e s t a n d Deployment Phase document artifacts to the ICE Electronic Library ??S e n d e -mail notification to S L M R E V I E W @ D H S. G O V t o schedule the Release Readiness Review ??Prepare a system release readiness overview and project status update briefing to present at the review ??P o s t c o d e i n V e r s i o n Manager (VM), verify accuracy of assigned label, a n d s e n d e -m a i l m e s s a g e t o C M T O O L S@ D H S . G O V n o t i f y i n g ICE Configuration Management of posted code in VM and identifying the l a b e l a s s i g n e d to code Review Activities Post-Review Activities ??Review the readiness of the system for release and project status: The project team presents a summary of the system release preparation results and readiness and updates the project status ??R e s o l v e a n y o u t s t a n d i n g Release Readiness Review issues ??R e v i e w i n d e p e n d e n t t e s t i n g r e s u l t s : ICE Architecture Assu r a n c e reports o n a n y o u t s t a n d i n g i s s u e s and raises any questions ??R e v i e w T e s t a n d D e p l o y m e n t P h a s e d o c u m e n t a r t i f a c t s : ICE Architecture Assurance confirms that the Test and Deployment Phase artifacts are in the ICE Electronic Library and reports the docume nt assessment results ??Incorporate any required changes or additional content into the Test and Deployment Phase d o c u m e n t s a n d s u b mit the updated documents to the ICE Electronic Library ??D e p l o y t o p r o d u c t i o n environment ??R e c o r d R e l e a s e R e a d i n e s s R e v i e w r e s u l t s : The chair/facilitator completes the Release Readiness Review Approval Certification form with input from the appropriate stakeholders and notes any issues ??S i g n t h e R e l e a s e R e a d i n e s s R e v i e w Appr o v a l C e r t i f i c a t i o n : Th e signatories concur that the project team has satisfied the review exit criteria, the system owner indicates the level of system acceptance, and the designated Technical Architecture and Integration representative c o n c u r s t h a t t h e project team can deploy the system to the production environment and begin system operations Typical Review Attendees ??T A P S L M R e v i e w F a c i l i t a t o r ??S e r v i c e D e l i v e r y R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ??S y s t e m O w n e rA ??IT Business Management Representative ??I T P r o j e c t M a n a g e rS ??TAP Quality Assurance Analyst ??C o n t r a c t T e a m P r o j e c t M a n a g e r ??TAP Technical Architect ??Technical Architecture and Integration Representative S ??Information System Securi t y O f f i c e r ??T A P I n d e p e n d e n t T e s t a n d E v al u a t i o n ??OISSM Representative ??IT Engineering Services Representative S Signatory A Approval Authority ??TAP Configuration Management Analyst S S ICE System Lifecycle Management Handbook October 2004 TEST AND D EPLOYMENT PHASE 70 9.5 Test and Deployment Phase Stakeholder Roles Exhibit 36 identifies the stakeholders and their roles in the completion of the activities during the Test and Deployment Phase. Exhibit 36: Test and Deployment Phase Stakeholder Roles Matrix P = Performer SLM Roles R Prepare the Certification and Accreditation Package R P Prepare for production deployment R P R P Deploy system to production environment R P R P Coordinate and consolidate document assessments User Group P USCIS Records Services R ISSO Support independent testing effort Help Desk R Training Services P Service Delivery R Systems Engineering Contractor Project Team IT Business Management IT Engineering Services Architecture Engineering Archite cture Assurane IT Project Manager Certify independent test lab ISSM System Owner Activities R = Resource and Guidance IT Business Council C = Collaborative Partner P R R P R P R R P Release Readiness Review October 2004 ICE System Lifecycle Management Handbook