COM 252 – Interpersonal Communication This handout represents things of particular interest, but does not necessarily represent EVERYTHING that you will need to know for the exams. Be sure that you understand the following concepts, can give examples of them, and recognize them in situations. You will want to carefully read the chapter and review the material discussed in class. This handout is designed to help you review some of the key aspects. Chapter 2 – Communication & Identity: Creating & Presenting the Self What is the self-concept? Characteristics? What factors shape the development of the self-concept? How do personality, gender, & culture impact the self-concept? What are self-fulfilling prophecies? How do they help shape the self-concept? How do they influence communication? How can you change your self-concept? What is communication apprehension? What factors might make you more apprehensive? (7) How can you reduce CA? (3 theories) What is identity/impression management? Characteristics: How do we manage impression face-to-face? How do we manage impression in the mediated setting? (See handout) Key Terms Cognitive conservatism Communication apprehension Face Facework Identity management Perceived self Personality Presenting self Reference groups Reflected appraisal Self-concept Self-esteem Self-fulfilling prophecy Significant other Social comparison State apprehension Trait apprehension