• All you need to do is answer this question-
Who are you?
• If it helps, use a web diagram like this
An exercise
• Look at your list
Pick the 10 that are really important to your identity
Try to order them from 1 to 10 with 1 being the most fundamental and 10 being the least
Now listen
Where does this self concepts come from?
Is it something we just naturally do? Most primates can recognize self
Is there something different about knowing that you are a self and self concept
Self-recognition is a step in the process to selfconcept
How do we get from self-recognition to self-concept?
• Try this: Ego Busters and Ego Boosters.
Self-concept develops through interaction with others
Reflected Appraisal
• We “develop a selfconcept that matches the we believe others see us.”
Think of how a child is impacted by egoboosting or ego-busting messages as it grows.
Significant others are those whose statements have more impact than most
Is external input the sole way to develop self-concept?
Social comparison: evaluating ourselves in terms of how we compare to others
• Two ways to do this
Same as/different from
These are reference groups
Even objective facts (height, weight, skin color) are impacted by the significance we attach to them
Final question: Is our selfconcept always someone else’s fault?