2015 Year 11 Research Conference…Aiming for Quality 8.25-8.45 Registration TUNE IN TO RESEARCH @ HALL 8.45am 9.00am Welcome Keynote Speaker (Professor Uxbridge) … We do research everyday – it’s not scary stuff “Aiming for Quality” 9.15-9.35am Research Techniques Breakout Groups: Red = Rm 7; Blue = LE Rm; Yellow = Rm 8; Green = Rm 23; Purple = Rm 6 9.40-10am Subject-Specific Activity THINK ABOUT YOUR TOPIC @ TEAM CHALLENGE ROOMS (Complete steps 1-3a) 10-10.30am www.mmcresearch.wordpress.com – find your statement and a basic source to get started (Refer to the Team Challenge page in your booklet) Step 1. Defining - research question (Why? Hoy? To what extent?) Step 2. Deconstructing - concept map Step 3. Exploring, Gathering & Note-making a) search strategy Morning Tea 10.30-10.55am (provided on Lower Level of JBS Building) return to breakout rooms on time please FLEX YOUR RESEARCH MUSCLES @ TEAM CHALLENGE ROOMS (Complete steps 3a-5) 11-12pm Step 3. Exploring, Gathering & Note-making b) sources (website, journal articles and e-books) c) evaluate reliability of 3 sources d) reference your sources 12-1pm Step 4. Synthesising & Formulating Synthesise the information (put it all together) to justify or refute the statement Make a judgement and give reasons for your decision Step 5. Presenting & Reflecting (allow 20 minutes to create and upload) Present your findings in a PPT or WORD document and upload to PADLET http://padlet.com/wall/mmc_research Lunch 1.10-1.45pm SHARE YOUR FINDINGS @ TEAM CHALLENGE ROOMS (Complete step 5) 1.45-2.25pm Presenting & Reflecting (3 mins) Present to the group and vote on the best researcher 2.25-2.30 Reflecting Vote on Best Research Team RESEARCH TEAM AWARDS @ HALL 2.35-3.00 Reflecting Award presentation & Evaluation 3/2/2015 MMC Research Conference If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it…the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Geobbels (Nazi Propaganda Minister) Subject‐Specific Activity www.mmcresearch. wordpress.com O Choose one of your subjects from the list below O Find the article your teacher has suggested for your next research assignment O Use the databases on the Searching Databases page: UQ Cyberschool, Library Webs or WebLinks for this task (note how easy it is to avoid the Google trap) O Reference your article using your diary pp.21-22: Referencing Add this information to your next research assignment https://mmcresearch.wordpress.com Team Challenge Aim: to investigate the statement and reach conclusions on the truth and significance using evidence from the internet sources. 1. Go to your allocated group 2. Follow the directions for the “Team Challenge” 3. Present and vote Let the research begin!! Please now go to the room allocated to your colour Red = Rm 7 Blue = LE Rm Yellow = Rm 8 Green = Rm 23 Purple = Rm 6 Morning Tea is from 10.30am-10.55am 1 Year 11 Research Conference 2015 Subject-specific Activity These topics and articles/websites will be useful for your next research assignment. Find these articles using the databases accessible at school. Subject Modern History Topic Nazi Resistance Database pathway Article name APA Referencing Library Webs Modern European History Hitler’s Germany Resistance to Nazi rule Revolt & Resistance Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team. (2008). Revolt & Resistance. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/revolt/index.html Study of Religion Pluralism in Australia Library Webs Religions Christian Denominations in Australia Christianity’s Potential Contribution to Australian Society Watts, V. (2009). Christianity’s potential contribution to Australian society. International Journal of New Perspectives in Christianity, 1(1), pp. 5-12. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from http://research.avondale.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=np c Ancient History Roman republic to Empire Library Webs Ancient and Medieval History Rome: Republic Rome: Republic: Second Triumvirate - Octavian UQ Cyber School Social Sciences Ancient History Rome Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome UQ Cyber School Art & Art History The personae of Augustus Adams, J.P. (2010). The personae of Augustus. California State University. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from http://www.csun.edu/~hcfll004/augpers.htm Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome Halsall, P. (Ed.). (2011). Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from http://legacy.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/asbook09.asp Artcyclopedia Malyon, J. (Ed.). (2014). Artcyclopedia. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from www.artcyclopedia.com/index.html Art Geography Water Catchments Food and Nutrition Cardiovascular Disease Drama Magical Realism Biology Dietetics UQ cyber school Social Sciences Geography managing catchments Murray-Darling Basin Authority Northern Basin UQ Cyber School Home Economic & Hospitality World Health Organization Cardiovascular Diseases UQ Cyber School The Arts Artcyclopedia Magic Realism Northern Basin Murray-Darling Basin Authority. (2015). Northern Basin. Retrieved February 27, 2015, from Murray-Darling Basin Authority: http://www.mdba.gov.au/aboutbasin/northern-basin Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014 World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2014. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from http://www.who.int/nmh/publications/ncd-status-report-2014/en/ Magic Realism Malyon, J. (Ed.). (2014). Magic Realiam. Retrieved February 26, 2015, from Artcyclopedia , http://www.artcyclopedia.com/history/magic-realism.html UQ Cyber School Science & Technology Biology Public Library of Science (PLOS) - Biology Insulin signalling and dietary restriction differentially influence the decline of learning and memory with age Kauffman, A.L., Ashraf, J.M., Corces-Zimmerman M.R., Landis, J.N. & Murphy, C.T. (2010). Insulin signalling and dietary restriction differentially influence the decline of learning and memory with age. Public Library of Science: PLOS Biology, 8(5). Retrieved February 26, 2015, from http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1000372 REFERENCING Reference List / Bibliography: A reference list is a list of sources you have used in your final written piece. It is essential to fully reference the bibliographic details following the APA conventions below. A bibliography is a list of all the sources you have accessed during your research process. In-text Referencing: It is essential to recognise the source of the information and reference it in your writing (in-text). When you use evidence from a source you can either “quote” directly or paraphrase into your own words. Book Book with 2 authors Reference List Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of book. City, State: Publisher. Neal, M. J. (2005). Medical pharmacology at a glance. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing. In-text “Quote” (Surname, Year, p.#). “…….…..” (Neal, 2005, p.#). Reference List In-text Book with 3 authors Reference List In-text Academic Journal Article Reference List In-text Newspaper Article Reference List In-text Paraphrase… (Surname, Year). Pharmacology is ..……… (Neal, 2005). Author (Year)........paraphrase. Neal (1999) suggest that…. Surname, I. & Surname, I. (Year). Title of book. City, State: Publisher. Purdie, N. & Smith, D. (1999). Indigenous rights. Sydney: Macmillan. “Quote” (Surname & Surname, Year, p.#). “There is significant damage…..” (Purdie & Smith, 1999, p.12). Paraphrase... (Author & Author, Date). ……………… (Purdie & Smith, 1999). Author and Author (Year)…………. Purdie and Smith (1999) suggest... Surname, I., Surname, I. & Surname, Initial. (Year). Title of book (edition). City, State: Publisher. Smith, J., Brown, C. & Jones, V. (2000). Athens was awesome once (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press. “Quote” (Surname, Surname According to Surname, Surname & & Surname, Year, p.#). Surname (Year), paraphrase…. “Pericles was manipulative…” According to Smith, Brown & Jones (Smith, Brown & Jones, 2000, (2000), Pericles manipulated people… p.5). Surname, Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume (Issue), pages. Hollander, R. D. & Steneck, N. H. (1990). Science and engineering related ethics. Science, Technology & Human Values, 15(1), 84-104. “Quote” (Surname, Year, p.#). Paraphrase … (Surname, Year). "This idea influences ..." Science and engineering….. (Hollander (Hollander & Steneck, 1990, p. & Steneck, 1990). 90). Surname, Initial. (Year, Month Date). Title of article. Newspaper. Retrieved from URL. Dicum, G. (2010, December 1). A book lover's San Francisco. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com Surname (Year) reports ….”. Dicum (2010) reports “San Francisco...”. Paraphrase………. (Surname, Year). San Francisco......... (Dicum, 2010). Statistical data (tables & graphs) Creative Works: Image Creative Works: DVD Reference List Company. (Year). Data title [Data file]. Retrieved from Database, URL. Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Report on the Australian population [Data file]. Retrieved from Demographics, www.abs.gov.au/stats In-text “………….” (Company, Year). Paraphrase…. (Company, Year). According to statistics “...” (ABS, The average number of… (ABS, 2009). 2010). Surname, I. (Year). Image title [Image]. Retrieved date, from URL. McQueen, A. (2010). Fall 2010 Ready-to-Wear collection [Image]. Retrieved June 2, 2010, from http://www.style.com/fashionshows/AMCQUEEN/ Reference List In-text ... (Surname, Year). … (McQueen, 2010). Reference List Surname, I. (Writer), Surname, I. (Director) & Surname, I. (Producer). (Year). Film title [DVD]. City, State: Publisher. Atherden, G. (Writer), Featherstone, D. (Director), & Pringle, J. (Producer). (1986). Babakiueria [DVD]. Sydney, NSW: Australian Broadcasting Corporation. …………… (Writer Surname, Year). Babakiueria tackles double standards by... (Atherden, 1986). In-text Website article with author Website Online Media Files (Youtube) Blog Reference List Surname, I. (Year). Title of article or webpage. Retrieved date, from URL. Cooper, H.L. (2010). A brief history of tactile writing systems for readers with blindness and visual impairments. Retrieved 10 June 2014, from http://www.tsbvi.edu/seehear/spring06/history.htm In-text According to Surname (Year) “Quote”. According to Cooper (2010) ".….." Reference List Organisation. (Year). Title of webpage. Retrieved date, from URL. Queensland Rail. (n.d.). Queensland Rail free wi-fi. Retrieved January 6, 2011, from www.queenslandrail.com.au/RailServices In-text Organisation (Year) suggests “Quote”. Queensland Rail (n.d.) suggests … Reference List Creator. (Year, Date). Title of video [video file]. Retrieved date, from URL. CSIRO. (2009, May 25). CSIRO - Making a difference [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_1mip1iS70 In-text Creator Name (Year)… The CSIRO YouTube video (2009) reveals ... Reference List Surname, Initial. (Year, Date). Title of article or webpage [Web log post]. Retrieved from URL. Becker, G. (2011, January 2). Implications of student performance [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://uchicagolaw.typepad.com/beckerposner/ In-text “Quote…” (Surname, Year, paragraph #). "Modern economies have enormous ...." (Becker, 2011, para. 7). Paraphrase … (Surname, Year). ………….. (Cooper, 2010). Paraphrase …… (Surname, Year). ……………. (Queensland Rail, 2014). ………….. (Creator, Year). ………….. (CSIRO, 2009). Source: QUT Cite/Write http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/qutcite.jsp#apa Team Challenge Aim: to investigate the statement and reach conclusions on the truth and significance using evidence from the internet sources. STEPS 1. Defining Consider the statement and pose a research question (Why? Hoy? To what extent?); make an initial judgement 2. Deconstructing Start a concept map (key ideas and words) 3. Exploring, Gathering & Note-making a) Develop a search strategy (what search terms will you use?) b) Read the sources (website, journal articles and e-books) note-make (a few dot points) add new ideas to the concept map c) evaluate reliability of 3 sources - (use one worksheet per source; investigate one source per person to ensure you are using time productively) d) reference your sources (refer to the diary pp.21-22) 4. Synthesising & Formulating - (worksheet) Synthesise the information (put it all together) to justify or refute the statement Evaluate the truth and significance of the statement based on the evidence in your sources Make a judgement and give reasons for your decision 5. Presenting & Reflecting (allow 20 minutes to create and upload; 2 mins per group to present) Present your findings in a PPT or WORD document and upload to PADLET A brief overview of your findings and evidence + HOW you researched Present to the group and vote on the best researcher - prizes to be won in each group 3/2/2015 Exploring & Finding Quality Sources O Develop a search strategy (what search terms will you use?) O Read the sources (website, journal articles and ebooks) Search Strategy O Key words from mind map O Search terms O note-make (a few dot points) O add new ideas to the concept map O Evaluate reliability of 3 sources - (use one worksheet per source; investigate one source per person to ensure you are using time productively) O reference your sources (refer to the diary pp.21-22) Aiming for Quality Sources WHAT? O Academic Journals O eBooks O High quality websites/organisations WHERE? O BCC & SLQ Library Databases O University of Queensland UQ Cyberschool Academic Journals O Academic journals are written by and for experts (scholars and researchers) in their chosen field. O They are used to share research with the academic community to build the body of knowledge on a topic. O For in-depth examination of a topic, academic journals should be your first choice. O Years 11 & 12 should be starting to use this level of academic material Via UQ Cyberschool www.library.uq.edu.au/schools Log in to these databases from the UQ Cybershool website 1) LIBRARY WEB (search by specific topic) Username: mmcollege Password: donkin 2) WEBLINKS ONLINE (search by broad school subject areas) Username: mmcnundah Password: donkin 1 Reading Techniques Reading Techniques Gathering, Reading & Note‐making Strategies Reading Techniques 3/2/2015 Note‐making O Be selective and systematic O Identify the purpose and function of a text O Identify how information is organised O Include your thoughts O Use symbols and abbreviations O Use concept maps and diagrams Adapted from: Study Skills for Academic Writing, Phoenix 1994. 1 Team Challenge: EVALUATING RELIABILITY SOURCE: ______________________________________________________________________________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY URL/Address Title of Article Author, if any Date of Publication, if any Date Accessed Team Challenge A) What evidence you have to gather B) Time limits – each person should do one source each; set timeframe for your group to follow; allow time to collaborate, discussion and decision making; and preparing presentation C) Utilise resources well – team members, research booklet with plenty of sites and databases to access, laptops, seminar tutors for advice, highlighter and of course your fancy research seminar pen. For each source complete the following sheet then compare your evidence. 1. This is source is/is not reliable because.... Don’t forget authorship, credentials, accuracy, coverage, language used, referencing 2. What is in this source that is useful to supporting the truth of your statement? 3. Has the source relied on other evidence (referred to others) to make the viewpoint more convincing? Rating on Reliability 0 Very Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Team Challenge: EVALUATING RELIABILITY SOURCE: ______________________________________________________________________________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY URL/Address Title of Article Author, if any Date of Publication, if any Date Accessed Team Challenge D) What evidence you have to gather E) Time limits – each person should do one source each; set timeframe for your group to follow; allow time to collaborate, discussion and decision making; and preparing presentation F) Utilise resources well – team members, research booklet with plenty of sites and databases to access, laptops, seminar tutors for advice, highlighter and of course your fancy research seminar pen. For each source complete the following sheet then compare your evidence. 4. This is source is/is not reliable because.... Don’t forget authorship, credentials, accuracy, coverage, language used, referencing 5. What is in this source that is useful to supporting the truth of your statement? 6. Has the source relied on other evidence (referred to others) to make the viewpoint more convincing? Rating on Reliability 0 Very Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Team Challenge: EVALUATING RELIABILITY SOURCE: ______________________________________________________________________________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY URL/Address Title of Article Author, if any Date of Publication, if any Date Accessed Team Challenge G) What evidence you have to gather H) Time limits – each person should do one source each; set timeframe for your group to follow; allow time to collaborate, discussion and decision making; and preparing presentation I) Utilise resources well – team members, research booklet with plenty of sites and databases to access, laptops, seminar tutors for advice, highlighter and of course your fancy research seminar pen. For each source complete the following sheet then compare your evidence. 7. This is source is/is not reliable because.... Don’t forget authorship, credentials, accuracy, coverage, language used, referencing 8. What is in this source that is useful to supporting the truth of your statement? 9. Has the source relied on other evidence (referred to others) to make the viewpoint more convincing? Rating on Reliability 0 Very Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent Team Challenge: SYNTHESISING EVIDENCE As a group, compare the evidence found from each source and make some decisions about your argument. STATEMENT: _______________________________________________________________________ 1. Connections (CORROBORATION) between the sources Are they saying the same thing? e.g. Smith (source 1) and Jones (source 2) both believe that Climate Change is a government conspiracy to scare people. Does this make it reliable because they agree? 2. Differences (CONTRADICTION) between the sources What are they saying that is different? e.g. Smith (source 1) is a skeptic and doesn’t have a scientific background but Anderson (source 3) disagrees and he is experienced in geography. 3. The best source is________ because… 4. Is there any truth to your statement? Explain. What evidence will you use from the sources? 5. Considering the truth in your statement, judge how significant Rate significance: 0-------5; provide explanation is it in terms of its contribution to understanding the world around us? Team Challenge Statement Research Question Search Terms Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Judgement & Reasons Reflection on research