Welcome to ES.1 9/9/12 3:34 PM Base ES ES.1 ES.2 ES.3 ES.4 ES.5 ES.6 ES.7 Wiki Experimental Science Student Website Welcome to ES.1 Only three countries in the entire world have not adopted the metric system of measurement Burma (in Southeast Asia), Liberia (on the west coast of Africa), and the United States of America. Burma is the poorest nation in Southeast Asia and Liberia is one of the most impoverished nations in the entire world. Neither Burma or Liberia are currently players in the technological revolution that has swept the globe in recent decades. Even though the United States has not adopted the metric system of measurement, ALL science in the United States is done using the metric system exclusively! Accordingly, in Exploration21 we will only use metric measurements. In Class Today: Exploration21 Student Web and Wiki Sites In class today you work with your teacher to log onto and explore the Student Web and Wiki sites for Exploration21. It is important that you learn and understand how to access the Exploration21 Student Web and Wiki sites as all of your background information, homework, lab protocols and instructions during the year will be on these two sites. In Class Today: Journal Club In Journal Club ES you will read about a way scientists can now measure the mass of single molecules. As you read this article you should think about the metric system, scientific experiments, and observations. Reading Scientific Principles ES.2 and ES.4 will help you better understand this article. You will be guided in your discussion by your teacher. Strategize for success: By printing the article to the right you can highlight and focus on information that supports answers to the following discussion questions: 1. According to the article, what is novel about the mechanical device created by the team of scientists at CalTech? 2. What is the size of the mechanical device mentioned in the article? 3. Is the mechanical device described in terms of metric units of length, mass or volume? http://exploration21.com/Experimental_Science/Experimental_Science/ES.1.html Page 1 of 2 Welcome to ES.1 9/9/12 3:34 PM 4. What type of observations were researchers able to make about immune cells in a human body? 5. How could researchers observe the function of proteins within cells? 6. What type of variables do you think the researchers had to consider in order to create their device? Homework: Getting Ready for the Labs Make sure you can log onto the Exploration21 Sector ES.1 webpage and the Experimental Science Student Wiki Site. A part of your homework will be to find the protocol for ES.3 and ES.5 on the Student Wiki Site and to read Scientific Principle ES.2 on the ES.2 Student Web page. In Scientific Principle ES.2 you will read about the metric system and some of the tools used to measure length in the metric system. In Scientific Principle ES.4 you will explore more about the metric system including measurements used in volume and mass. Labs ES.3 and ES.5 focus on using the meter stick, metric ruler, volumetric equipment and the triple beam balance to measure objects in the metric system. Log onto the Student Wiki Site for lab protocols for Labs ES.3 and ES.5 and other resources that will help you prepare for your experiments. Copyright 2012 Cognitive Learning Systems http://exploration21.com/Experimental_Science/Experimental_Science/ES.1.html Page 2 of 2