Basic Search and Full text Access from Emerald Insight

Basic Search and Full text
Access from
Emerald Insight
Revised since 03/09/2015
Go to
and click on ‘Databases’
Key in the full or partial database
name/publisher and click on
‘Find databases’
Further info is available and you may
access the database via dedicated URL
Click on ‘Log in’ for
off campus access only
Click on ‘Shibboleth’
Choose ‘UK higher Education’ under
region/group and click on ‘Select’
Look for and click on ‘University of Nottingham
Malaysia Campus’
Type in your university username and password
and click ‘Login’
e.g username : ksax4abc
Note : Please ensure that you are at the
Shibboleth/Institutional authentication page with
the Malaysia URL (
You have successfully log into
the database
Type in the ‘keyword’ or
‘keyphrase’ and click on ‘Search’
You may refine further the search results
Click on ‘PDF’ to access the
fulltext of the article