Rome Unit Test – History 10 Ms. Blackmore Name: Section I

Rome Unit Test – History 10
Ms. Blackmore
Section I- Multiple Choice (10 pts)
Please choose the BEST possible answer.
1- Which is NOT one of the most influential seas in the development of Roman
a) The Mediterranean
b) The Tyrrhenian
c) The Adriatic
d) The Aegean
2- Who holds absolute power in the Roman Republic?
a) The Senate
b) The Consuls
c) The Plebeians
d) The King
3- Jupiter is comparable to which Greek Olympic God?
a) Apollo
b) Zeus
c) Hermes
d) Ares
4- Chariot Races were held in the
a) Coliseum
b) Streets
c) Circus Maximus
d) The Forum
5- Who holds absolute power in the Roman Empire
a) The Emperor
b) The Senate
c) The Consuls
d) The Patricians
6- Julius Caesar was assassinated because
a) He ruled like a tyrannical King
b) He did not care about the poor of Rome
c) He neglected to consult the Senate
d) All of the Above
7- Which contribution in the system of law do we have because of the Romans
a) The System of Civil Law
b) The Jury
c) The Judge
d) The Death Sentence
8- Which of the following people are NOT included in the Roman social structure?
a) Immigrants
b) Senators
c) Emperor
d) Slaves
9- The concept of believing in and worshiping more than one god is
a) Monotheism
b) Multitheism
c) Polygamy
d) Polytheism
10- Caesar Augustus wanted to be called princeps, which meant
a) Supreme military leader
b) First citizen
c) Exalted one
d) Great One
Section II- True and False (12 pts)
Please circle the correct response. Read the questions carefully.
1- Religion in the Roman Empire differed from Greek religion
in that it was monotheistic.
2- The city of Rome was established near the Po river.
3- Remus defeated Romulus to become the first King of Rome.
4- Neptune is the god of the sky.
5- Roman architecture was profoundly influenced by the Greeks
and the Etruscans .
6- Hannibal led the Carthaginians over the Alps in the first
Punic War (264 BCE).
Section III- Fill in the Blanks (10 pts)
Fill in the blanks below with the best possible answer.
1- The two mountain ranges that protect Rome are the
2- The
and the
of citizens in Ancient Rome.
are the two branches
3- Augustus brought peace to Rome for a period of 200 year, this was called
4two wives.
was a revengeful emperor who killed his own mother and
5- The first written code of Roman laws were called the
6- In the Roman Empire, territories were divided into
and ruled by
. Furthermore, those territories were subdivided into towns ruled
by two
Section IV- Short Answer (18 pts)
1- Compare and contrast the systems of government in place during the Roman Republic and
later in the Roman Empire. Be sure to identify both similarities and differences in order to
make an accurate comparison. (8 pts)
Section V- Long Answer (10 pts)
In as much detail as possible, describe culture and daily life in Ancient Rome. For a
complete answer, be sure to explore various aspects of culture and daily life including
religion, education, the role of men and women, entertainment, and social structure.