GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET CREDITORS AND ALLOWNACES Learner Note: Although you may have done this work in a previous grade, in grade 10 new entries are made SECTION A: TYPICAL EXAM QUESTIONS HINTS Entries for cash payments and discount received: The cash paid and the discounts received are both recorded in the CPJ. There is a special column allocated for this: Creditors Control which is split in two: one for the Payment (the actual amount paid after the discount is deducted) and the other for the Discount received. Or an alternative format is to enter the full amount to be written off the creditors account (money and discount) in a creditors control column and the discount in a discount received column. The triple entry principle applies: Cash payment to the creditor: Dr Creditors control – liabilities decrease Dr the individual creditor in the Creditors Ledger – liabilities decrease Cr Bank – assets decrease (if overdraft - liabilities increase) Discount received from the creditor: Dr Creditors control – liabilities decrease Dr the individual creditor in the Creditors Ledger – liabilities decrease Cr Discount received – income increases Calculation of discounts received: Discounts are sometimes stated as a percentage: Settle a creditor’s account of R200 less 5%: Amount paid is R190; discount received R10. The amount of the discount may be stipulated: Paid a creditor R150 towards his account; discount R12: Amount paid is R150; discount received R12. The amount of the discount may not be stipulated: Settle a creditor’s account of R300 with a cheque for R280: Amount paid is R280; discount received R20. The amount paid is subject to discount: Paid a creditor R500. This payment is subject to a 10% discount: Amount paid is R450; discount received R50. Page 1 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Question 1: 76 MARKS Session 9 LEARNER SET 45 MINUTES Required Prepare the following in the books of Bees Shop for April 2009. 1. CJ, CAJ and CPJ. Provide for the following additional columns in CJ and CAJ: Trading stock; Equipment; Stationery 2. Post to the following accounts in the General Ledger. (Opening balances/totals are supplied in brackets). 3.1 Creditors control (R48 950) 3.2 Discount received (R2 980) 3. Post to the Creditors ledger. 4. Extract a Creditors List on 30 April 2009 Information Creditors List on 31 March 2009 Nowy & Co. R16 480 Fedpro Supplies 31 560 Padia Services 910 Transactions 05 Paid FedproSupplies by cheque (C92) R14 000; discount R700. 09 Bought merchandise on credit from Nowy & Co. R400. (Inv. X4) 10 Bees Shop complained to Nowy & Co. that the trade discount of R40 was not deducted on the invoice issued on the 09th. Sent them D/N (J9) for this amount. 12 Settled the amount owing to Nowy & Co. on 01 April 2009 less 7½ % discount. This payment was made by electronic transfer. 15 Received the equipment R1 200 and stationery R800 ordered on credit from Fedpro Supplies. (Inv. B2) 17 Returned R150 worth of stationery to Fedpro Supplies as it was unsuitable. Issued a D/N. (J10) 20 Padia Services undertook repairs to the refrigerators for Bees Shops R190. Received a credit invoice from them. (Inv. V12) 30 Paid the R910 owing from the previous month to Umeg Suppliers. (Cheque no. C93). Settled the amount owing to Fedpro Supplies less 10% discount. This payment was made electronically. Page 2 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET SECTION B: SOLUTIONS AND HINTS HINTS Make learners aware of the triple entry principal Emphasise the double entries when posting to the ledger Make sure you are able to calculate the discount Balance sheet accounts must be balanced and nominal accounts must be totalled BEES SHOP CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL – APRIL 2009 Doc no C92 B/S C93 B/S D Details 05 Fedpro Supplies 12 Nowy& Co. 30 Umeg Suppliers Fedpro Supplies Tradi ng stoc k CPJ1 Debt ors Creditors cont Control rol Sundry accounts Dis-count Amo Re-ceived Fol unt Fol Bank CL2 CL1 CL3 CL2 14 000 15 244 910 16 839 14 700 16 480 910 18 710 700 1 236 1 871 46 933 50 800 3 807 B7 N9 CREDITORS JOURNAL – APRIL 2009 Inv D no Creditor Fol Creditors control X4 09 Nowy& Co. CL1 400 B2 15 Fedpro CL2 2 000 Supplies V1 24 PadiaServices CL3 190 2 2 590 Details CJ1 Trading stock Equipment Station- Sundry accounts ery Amount Fol Details 400 1 200 800 190 400 1 200 800 Repairs 190 B7 CREDITORS ALLOWANCES JOURNAL – APRIL 20.9 Inv D no Creditor J9 10 Nowy & Co. J10 17 Fedpro Supplies Fol Creditors control Trading stock CL1 CL2 40 150 40 190 40 CAJ1 Equipment Sundry Stationaccounts ery Amount Fol Details 150 - 150 B7 Page 3 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET GENERAL LEDGER OF BEES SHOPS BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS SECTION Dr CREDITORS CONTROL B7 2009 2009 April 30 Bank and April 01 Balance b/d Discount received CPJ1 50 800 30 Sundry accounts** CJ1 Sundry accounts* CAJ1 190 Balance c/d 550 51 540 May 01 Balance Cr 48 950 2 590 51 540 550 b/d *Or ‘Total allowances’ **Or ‘Total purchases’ NOMINAL ACCOUNTS SECTION DISCOUNT RECEIVED N9 2009 April 01 Total 30 Creditors control Pencil foot 2 980 3 807 6 787 b/f CPJ1 BEES SHOPS CREDITORS LEDGER – APRIL 2009 - Nowy & Co. Date 2009 April 01 09 10 12 CL1 Details Fol Balance Inv. X4 D/N J9 Electronic transfer Discount b/d CJ1 CAJ1 CPJ1 CPJ1 Fedpro Supplies 2009 April 01 Balance 05 Cheque C92 Discount 15 Inv. B2 17 D/N J19 30 Electronic transfer Discount Padia Services 2009 April 01 Balance 24 Inv. V12 30 Cheque C93 Debit Credit 400 40 15 244 1 236 Balance 16 480 16 880 16 840 1 596 360 CL2 b/d CPJ1 CPJ1 CJ1 CAJ1 CPJ1 CPJ1 14 000 700 2 000 150 16 839 1 871 31 560 17 560 16 860 18 860 18 710 1 871 CL3 b/d CJ1 CPJ1 190 910 910 1 100 190 Page 4 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET CREDITORS LIST ON 30 APRIL 2009 Creditor Fol Amount Nowy & Co. CL1 360 Fedpro Supplies CL2 Padia Services CL3 190 550 Learner Note: You should realise that the creditors control account and the creditors should be in balance at all times SECTION C: ADDITIONAL CONTENT NOTES CREDITORS JOURNAL A trader purchases stock and other items such as equipment for cash or on credit. Cash purchases are recorded in the CPJ if payment was made with a cheque or PCJ if petty cash funds were used. All credit purchases are recorded in the Creditors Journal (CJ). Any services acquired on credit (e.g. repairs) are also recorded in the CJ. The source document for credit purchases is an invoice, which he receives from his supplier. Credit purchases has the following effect: the item (e.g. trading stock) purchased is debited; Creditors are credited. Creditors are liabilities (amounts owing to a trader) and increase on the credit side. The triple-entry principle applies: Creditors control is credited and the individual creditor is credited in the Creditors Ledger. Trade discounts This is a discount allowed by one dealer to another. Trade discounts are allowed for cash or credit purchases. The reasons for offering trade discounts vary from dealer to dealer. Some offer trade discounts to promote bulk buying; to clear obsolete or slow moving stock; to promote/reward customer loyalty; etc. The trade discount is calculated and subtracted from the invoice price – the dealer records the net amount. No entry is made for the trade discount. Trade discounts should not be confused with discounts that are granted for early settlement of accounts. CREDITORS ALLOWANCES JOURNAL The dealer may have to return items due to inferior quality, damaged goods, etc. He may also claim an allowance on damaged goods or overcharges. Returns and allowances are recorded in the Creditors Allowances Journal (CAJ). The trader sends a Debit Note (D/N) to his supplier indicating the reasons for his claim. The supplier would issue a credit note (C/N) if he approves of the claim. The source document for entries in the CAJ is either the debit note issued or the credit note received. Page 5 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET SECTION D: HOMEWORK Prepare the following journals in the books of Ebzo Traders (owner Mr E. Ebzo) for May 2009: 1. CJ, CAJ and CPJ. Provide for the following additional columns in the CJ and CAJ: Trading stock; Equipment; Consumable stores; Maintenance and repairs. 2. Post to the following accounts in the General Ledger. (Opening balances/totals are supplied in brackets). (a) Equipment (R75 000) (b) Trading stock (R44 660) (c) Creditors control (R32 000) (d) Discount received (R500) (e) Maintenance and repairs (R1 500) 3. Post to the Creditors ledger. 4. Extract a Creditors List on 31 May 2009. Information Creditors List on 30 April 2009 Fine Traders Jigzo Stores Slamo Limited R11 500 18 000 2 500 Transactions: May 2009 03 Bought consumable stores for R400 and stock for R8 600 less 10% trade discount from Slamo Limited. (Inv B52). 05 Paid R5 000 towards the account of Fine Traders. A cheque (no. C76) was issued. 06 Sent a D/N (no. D39) for R90 to Slamo Limited for damaged consumable stores returned. 07 Settled half the amount owing to Jigzo Stores less 5% discount. The payment was made electronically. 10 Bought the following items on credit as per invoice no. T098 from Fine Traders: Stock R1 210 Consumables stores 240 Stationery 170 12 Claimed for an allowance of R120 on poor quality stock received from Fine Traders. A D/N (no. D40) was sent to them. 15 Settled the amount owing to Slamo Limited on 01 May 20.9. The payment of R2 250 was electronically transferred to their account. 17 Jigzo Stores also undertake a repair service. Received an invoice (no. Y21) for R490 for repair work done on the printer. 18 The owner Mr E.Ebzo checked invoice no. Y21 received on the 17th. He established that the labour charge was R50 above the standard rate. A D/N (no. D41) was dispatched to them. 20 Fine Traders imported stock on behalf of Ebzo TRaders from London. The invoice price of the goods was £200. Customs duty amounted to R90. The exchange rate is assumed at £1 = R10. Ebzo TRaders received invoice T130 for the total cost of the goods). 25 Bought three large display calculators from Slamo Limited on credit. The cost price of each calculator was R120 (after deduction of the trade discount). (Inv. B99) 26 Sent back one calculator to Slamo Limited because the display was defective. D/N no. D42 as issued. Page 6 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET 30 Settled the entire amount owing to Jigzo Stores less 5% discount. electronically Payment was made SECTION E: SOLUTIONS TO SESSION HOMEWORK STONES STORES CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL – MARCH 2009 CRJ5 Doc. no. E9 E10 CRT E11 E12 D Details 06 20 24 30 O. Nice O. Nice Sales Analysis of receipts Fol DL2 DL2 M. Moody DL1 O.Nice DL2 195 200 600 800 798 Bank Sales Cost of sales 195 200 600 600 800 798 2 593 600 Debtors Control Dis- Sundry accounts count Amo Fol Details Allowed unt 200 200 5 - 840 840 450 2 080 40 42 87 450 N1 N2/B6 B7 N4/B7 CASH PAYMENTS JOURNAL FOR MARCH 2009 CPJ5 Doc D Details no Creditors control Sundry accounts PayDiscount Amount Fol Details ments received Fol Bank Trading stock B/S 25 O. Nice(r/d) DL2 200 200 DEBTORS JOURNAL – MARCH 2009 Inv. No. D Debtor Fol BQ12 BQ13 BQ14 BQ15 05 12 24 28 O. Nice M. Moody M. Moody O. Nice Debtors control DL2 DL1 DL1 DL2 Sales 460 900 600 580 2 540 B7/N1 DEBTORS ALLOWANCES JOURNAL – MARCH 2009 Debtors C/N No. D Debtor Fol Allowances C12 07 O. Nice DL2 80 C13 15 M. Moody DL1 40 C14 29 O. Nice DL2 120 240 N3/B7 DJ5 Cost of sales 345 675 450 435 1 905 N2/B6 DAJ5 Cost of sales 60 90 150 B6/N2 Page 7 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET Page 8 of 9 GAUTENG DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SENIOR SECONDARY INTERVENTION PROGRAMME ACCOUNTING Grade 10 Session 9 LEARNER SET GENERAL LEDGER OF STONES STORES BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS SECTION Dr TRADING STOCK B6 2009 2009 Mar 01 Balance b/d 9 600 Mar 31 Cost of sales 31 Cost of sales DAJ5 150 Cost of sales Balance 9 750 April 01 Balance 2009 Mar 01 Balance 31 Sales Bank (r/d) Cr DJ5 CRJ5 c/d 7 395 b/d DEBTORS CONTROL B7 2009 b/d 500 Mar 31 Debtors allowances DAJ5 DJ5 2 540 Bank and CPJ5 200 discount allowed CRJ5 Balance c/d 3 240 April 01 Balance b/d - NOMINAL ACCOUNTS SECTION COST OF SALES 2009 b/d 11 400 Mar 31 Trading stock DJ5 1 905 CRJ5 450 2 080 920 3 240 15 200 2 540 600 18 340 N2 DAJ5 150 13 605 Pencil foot DEBTORS ALLOWANCES 2009 Mar 01 Total 31 Debtors control Pencil foot 240 920 SALES N1 2009 Mar 01 Total b/d 31 Debtors control DJ5 Bank CRJ5 2009 Mar 01 Total 31 Trading stock Trading stock 1 905 450 7 395 9 750 b/d DAJ5 N3 900 240 1 140 DISCOUNT ALLOWED N4 2009 Mar 01 Total 31 Debtors control Pencil foot b/d CRJ5 80 87 167 The SSIP is supported by Page 9 of 9