ARTS 1301 - Academic Affairs

South Texas College
Division of Liberal Arts and Social Science
Visual Arts and Music
Art Appreciation ARTS 1301 Section Outline (Course Syllabus)
Fall 2011
Instructor’s Information:
Instructor: Instructor’s Name
Office Location:. Office Number
Dept Phone: (956) 872-2503
Email: Instructor’s Email
Office Hours: Instructor’s Office Hours
Office Phone: (956) xxx-xxxx
Fax #: (956) 872-2505
Department Chair’s Information:
Name of Chair: Phyllis L. Evans
Office Location: Pecan Campus, Building B-118
Telephone: (956) 872-2668
Fax #: (956) 872-2505
Course Information:
Art Appreciation
ARTS 1301
Section Number
Class Day/Time
Classroom Location
Catalog Description:
1.This course concentrates on values and meanings in the visual arts, including evaluation of selected
2. Prerequisite: Passage of the reading section of the TASP test or completion of Reading 80 with a grade
of “C” or better.
Program Learning Outcomes:
This course satisfies the Visual or Performing Arts requirements of the core curriculum.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Art Appreciation students will engage through various means, in the study of a broad variety of art
related topics.
2. Students will analyze, evaluate, explain, compare, contrast, and appraise information acquired in
these studies through the production of and engagement in written, oral, and/or hands on art
3. Through written, oral, experiential, and hands-on projects and activities, students will analyze,
evaluate, explain, compare, contrast, and appraise major monuments according to stylistic and other
formal criteria, and as reflections of the social structures in which they were produced and the
relationship of the arts to society.
4. Students will demonstrate their informed comprehension of the formal aspects of a work of art
including the elements and principles of design. Students will utilize critical thinking skills to
synthesize an objective evaluation with subjective criticism of the art form in an articulate personal
reaction to the work of art. This will involve analysis, evaluation, explanation, comparison, contrasting,
and appraisal of information acquired on the students’ behalf through the production and
engagement in written, oral, and/or hands on art projects.
5. By the end of the term, students will possess a working knowledge of basic art terminology, and
have the ability to analyze works in terms of the intent, purpose, function, and formal aspects. To
demonstrate this working knowledge, students will analyze, evaluate, explain, compare, contrast and
appraise information acquired in these studies through the production of and engagement in written,
oral, and/or hands on art projects.
Departmental Outcomes for Visual Arts Courses
•Understand the relationship of the arts to society.
•Understand the different types of visual arts and genres.
•Understand the individuals and their roles in producing fine art.
•Understand the value of arts to help maintain a balance in thought (arts vs. science).
Exemplary Educational Objectives for Core Humanities and Visual and Performing Arts
Component of the Core Curriculum
•To demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
•To understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an historical
And social context.
•To respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
•To engage in the creative process or interpretive performance and comprehend the physical
and intellectual demands required of the author or visual or performing artist.
•To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
•To develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the humanities
and arts.
•To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on
intercultural experiences.
Intellectual Competencies
•READING: Class assignments will include readings from a variety of printed materials such as books,
text, journals, newspapers, and/or other sources of written information. Through these readings, students
will analyze the written material as it pertains to the disciplines of Visual Arts and/or Music.
•WRITING: Class assignments will include writing critiques, reaction papers, and/or
research reports. Through these writings students will produce clear, correct, and coherent prose as it
pertains to the disciplines of Visual Arts and Music. In the practice and reflection required for these
writings, students will discover a topic, and develop and organize it effectively for an appropriate Visual
Arts and/or Music Audience.
•COMPUTER LITERACY: Students will be required to research topics via the Internet and write reports
using a word-processing program. They may also be required to utilize PowerPoint, or other graphics
program in order to develop computer literacy as it pertains to the disciplines of Visual Arts and/or Music.
•SPEAKING: Class assignments will include speaking presentations and small group
discussion. Through critiques, formal oral presentations, and/or informal group discussions, students will
communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language as it pertains to the disciplines of Visual
Arts and/or Music.
•LISTENING: Students will be expected to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken, artistic, and/or
musical communication. Students may be asked to listen to lectures, guest speakers, media presentations,
musical and artistic sound arrangements, and/or other forms of auditory communication. Class
assignments will include quizzes, exams, and/or reaction papers to assess the students’ skills in listening
as it pertains to the disciplines of Visual Arts and/or Music.
•CRITICAL THINKING: Students are asked to solve problems creatively, make value judgments and/or
evaluate aesthetic experiences as they pertain to the disciplines of Visual Arts and/or Music. Various
forms of assessment, such as written reactions to artistic and/or musical productions, creation of artistic
works in which a creative solution is found to a specific problem, and/or the performance or creation of a
musical piece will be used to encourage critical thinking and analysis.
•The subject of cultural/gender relations will be taught and through lectures, assignments, and group
discussions. Students will learn and understand their relationship to the larger world and the
responsibilities of living in a culturally and ethnically diversified world as they pertain to the disciplines
of Visual Arts and/or Music. This complies with Perspective 1 of the South Texas College Institutional
Effectiveness Plan: “Establish broad and multiple perspectives on the individual in relationship to the
larger society and world in which he or she lives, and to understand the responsibilities of living in a
culturally and ethnically diversified world.”
•Lectures, assignments, and group discussions will stimulate a capacity to discuss and reflect upon
individual, political, economic, and social aspects of life as they pertain to the disciplines of Visual Arts
and/or Music in order to understand ways in which to be a responsible member of society. This complies
with Perspective 2 of the South Texas College Institutional Effectiveness Plan: “Stimulate a capacity to
discuss and reflect upon individual, political, economic, and social aspects of life in order to understand
ways in which to be a responsible member of society.”
•Deadlines for assignments and attendance policies will be strictly enforced to encourage
students to actively participate and maintain a sense of personal responsibility. This also complies with
Perspective 2 of the South Texas College Institutional Effectiveness Plan (as defined above).
•Students will use computers in research of topics. Through lectures, assignments, and group discussions
will become aware of the advances in computer-mediated arts and/or music, and the role technology has
taken in expanding the arts and/or musical media. This complies with Perspective 4 of the South Texas
College Institutional Effectiveness Plan: “Develop a capacity to use knowledge of how technology and
science affect their lives.
•Students will demonstrate ethical behavior through active group participation, avoidance of plagiarism
and cheating by copying and/or distributing other students’ work or instructors’ exams and assignments.
Other discussions of ethics may be discussed as they pertain to the disciplines of Visual Arts and/or
Music. This complies with Perspective 5 of the South Texas College Institutional Effectiveness Plan:
“Develop personal values for ethical behavior.
•Through lectures, assignments, and group discussions, students will develop the ability to make aesthetic
judgments as they pertain to the disciplines of Visual Arts and/or Music. This complies with Perspective 6
of the South Texas College Institutional Effectiveness Plan: “Develop the ability to make aesthetic
•Through lectures, assignments, and group discussions, students will integrate knowledge and understand
the interrelationships of the arts and/or music and all other scholarly disciplines. This complies with
Perspective 8 of the South Texas College Institutional Effectiveness Plan: “Integrate knowledge and
understand the interrelationships of the scholarly disciplines.”
Instructor Outcomes
Each instructor personalizes the content of his/her course here.
Departmental Course Requirements:
Art Appreciation students will engage through various means, in the study of a broad variety of art
related topics. Through written, oral, experiential, and hands-on projects and activities, students will
demonstrate their comprehension of the relationship of the arts to society. Similarly, students will
demonstrate their informed comprehension of the formal aspects of a work of art including the
elements and principles of design. Students will utilize critical thinking skills to synthesize an objective
evaluation with subjective criticism of the art form in an articulate personal reaction to a work of art.
Students will gain exposure to a broad variety of two-dimensional, three-dimensional and temporal
(time-based) media and art genres, and will demonstrate, through various hands-on means, their
comprehension of the physical demands that are required of a visual artist. Students will investigate
specific artists who have shaped and influenced art and the events in science, philosophy, religion and
history of each particular time and place that had an impact on the art of that era.
Evaluation Methods and Grading Criteria:
A combination of oral assignments, written assignments, in-class quizzes/examinations, oral
presentations, and classroom activities can be used to evaluate student performance. Each instructor
will have at his/her discretion, the ability to combine the admixture to evaluate student performance.
Students may display their level of understanding of the learning outcomes in several manners.
•Evaluation Method for Exemplary Educational Objectives
Each instructor will evaluate Exemplary Educational Objectives by utilizing a combination of
assignments including some or all but not limited to the following: oral assignments, written
assignments, in-class quizzes/examinations, oral presentations/discussions, classroom activities,
creative artistic/musical projects/performances. This will provide students with the opportunity to
display their level of understanding of the learning outcomes in several manners.
•Grading Criteria
Each instructor will have at his/her discretion the ability to combine the admixture to evaluate each
student performance. Each instructor will have at his/her discretion the ability to apply grading criteria
to the various assessment instruments as he/she sees fit.
Academic Integrity
Each instructor will explain his/her policies on academic integrity.
From the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook: Students attending South Texas College are
responsible for adhering to standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly
activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all
academic activity at South Texas College and students are expected to act in accordance with this
principle. Incidents involving academic dishonesty are typically handled by the course instructor or
academic department. In some instances, cases involving academic dishonesty may be referred to the
Director of Student Life, Site Coordinator or Coordinator for Judicial Affairs/Ombudsperson for
adjudication. Types of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
a. Cheating
• Copying from another student’s work.
• Using or possessing materials not authorized by a testing proctor (such as lessons, books, notes,
calculators, etc.).
• Knowingly using or soliciting, in whole or part, the contents of an un-administered test.
• Collaborating with or seeking aid from another student without authorization during a test.
• Substituting for another person, or permitting another person to substitute for oneself, in taking a
course test or completing any course-related assignment.
• Using, buying, stealing, or transporting some or all of the contents of an un-administered test,
homework answer sheet, or computer program.
• Using, buying, stealing, transporting, or soliciting a test, test facsimile, answer key, or other
written works.
b. Plagiarism
• The appropriation, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means someone else’s work
and then submitting that work for credit as if it were one’s own without appropriate
acknowledgment to the author.
c. Collusion
• Unauthorized collaboration with another person in the preparation of an academic assignment
offered for credit.
Late Work
Each instructor will explain his/her policies on the acceptance of late work/missed exams.
Attendance Policy
Each instructor will explain his/her policies on student attendance.
Required Textbook & Resources:
• World of Art 6/e. Henry M. Sayre. ISBN-13 978-0-205-67720-7. Pearson.
•Supplies Needed: Each instructor will list additional required supplies/resources here or indicate that
a complete list is attached to the syllabus.
Developmental Studies Policy Statement:
The College’s Developmental Education Plan requires students who have not met the college-level
placement standard on an approved assessment instrument in reading, writing, and/or mathematics to
enroll in Developmental Studies courses including College Success. Failure to attend these required
classes may result in the student's withdrawal from ALL college courses.
Statement of Equal Opportunity: No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits
of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by South Texas
College on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status or disability.
Alternative Format Statement: This document is available in an alternative format upon request by
calling (956) 872-2503.
ADA Statement: Individuals with disabilities requiring assistance or access to receive services should
contact disABILITY Support Services at (956) 872-2173.
Each instructor will create a calendar or proposed weekly schedule here that indicates what topics,
assignments, readings, assessments, etc. will be covered each week. This is a proposed schedule, which
is subject to change.
Acknowledgement, Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless Agreement
I am aware of the dangers associated with processes used in this class, and the possibility of
injuries while using this facility. I agree to assume full responsibility for my own safety and the safety of
my property while I am in this studio/classroom, shop and lab area, both indoor and outdoor.
Additionally, I hereby state that I have been trained by the instructor, staff member or designated
assistant in the correct use of the equipment I will be using while in this class, and in the proper use of
safety equipment associated with the use of such equipment.
I agree to follow all safety signs, warnings, and instructions given by the instructor, staff member
or designated assistant. I agree to never remove or otherwise defeat the guards on any equipment, except
with the full awareness and permission of the instructor.
In consideration for being allowed to use the above mentioned facility and equipment, I hereby
release and hold harmless South Texas College, its Board of Regents, officers, advisors, agents and
employees of the Art Department from any and all liability due to injury arising or resulting from any act
or omission, neglect, or otherwise of said South Texas College Board of Regents, officers, advisors,
agents and employees of the Art Department, or any other person or other participant in said activity
while using this studio/classroom, shop and lab area, both indoor and outdoor. The terms hereof shall
also serve as a release and an assumption of risk for my heirs, executor and administrator, and for all
members of my family and may be plead as a bar to litigation.
I also agree to indemnify and hold South Texas College, its Board of Regents, and all of the
college’s officers, advisors, agents and employees above mentioned, harmless from and against any and
all damage to property which may occur while I am in this studio/classroom, shop and lab area, both
indoor and outdoor.
Student Signature
I have read and fully understand the policies outlined in the syllabus/course outline. I am fully aware of
the grading criteria for this course, and I understand all policies pertaining to attendance, late work, and
Student Signature
I understand that STC may use works produced in this class for gallery shows, in an online or printed
gallery, or in department or college promotions. ____________(Initial Here).
I understand that my work will not be sold or offered for sale without my prior permission.
____________(Initial Here).
I understand that the ownership of all works produced in this class remain mine. ____________(Initial
Here) .