National Scan-level Life Cycle Assessment for Production of US Peanut Butter Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability ••• Technical Report 3Q-2012-01 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................ 1 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 5 2 LCA METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................. 7 2.1 GOAL AND SCOPE DEFINITION ................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2 Goal ............................................................................................................................................8 Project Scope and System Boundaries ......................................................................................8 Audience .....................................................................................................................................9 Functional Unit ...........................................................................................................................9 Allocation .................................................................................................................................10 Life Cycle Impact Assessment ...................................................................................................11 Cut-Off Criteria .........................................................................................................................12 LIFE CYCLE INVENTORIES ....................................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Uncertainty ...............................................................................................................................13 Software, Database and Model Validation ..............................................................................13 Emission Factors .......................................................................................................................13 Industry Sector Model Development ........................................................................................15 3 SCAN LEVEL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS ................................................................... 33 3.1 RECIPE LIFE CYCLE IMPACT ASSESSMENT................................................................................. 33 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 GREENHOUSE GAS AND CLIMATE CHANGE ............................................................................... 40 3.2.1 3.3 3.4 Highest Weighted Characterization Categories .......................................................................35 Lesser Characterization Categories ..........................................................................................38 Cultivation Practice Comparison for Greenhouse Gases ..........................................................43 UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 44 SUMMARY OF SIMAPRO® MODELING ...................................................................................... 46 4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 47 4.1 4.2 LCIA USING RECIPE MIDPOINT ............................................................................................. 47 LCIA USING IPCC 2007 GWP .............................................................................................. 48 4.2.1 4.2.2 Cradle to Grave ........................................................................................................................48 Peanut Production Scenarios....................................................................................................49 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 50 A. ADDITIONAL MODEL PARAMETERS FOR INDUSTRY SECTORS ............................... 53 B. ADDITIONAL RESULTS TABLES AND FIGURES ....................................................... 59 C. CRADLE TO ROASTER EMISSIONS ANALYSIS......................................................... 62 i List of Figures Figure ES-1*. Peanut butter industry climate change impacts, cradle to grave, kg CO2e per kg peanut butter produced .........................................................................................................................................................2 Figure ES-2*. Total emissions for conventional and strip till cultivation practices in units of CO2 equivalents. Results determined using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. ...............................................................................3 Figure ES-3*. Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis results, 95% confidence interval, as compared with the initial SimaPro® model output and industry estimates for various packaged goods (EWG, 2011). .........................4 Figure 1-1. U.S. domestic use of peanuts (Pooley, 2005) ..............................................................................................6 Figure 2-1. Stages of a life cycle assessment ................................................................................................................8 Figure 2-2. Overview of peanut butter production process ..........................................................................................9 Figure 2-3. Process flow of national weighted average cultivation processes ............................................................18 Figure 2-4. Buying Point input/output flow diagram...................................................................................................19 Figure 2-5. Sheller input/output flow diagram ............................................................................................................22 Figure 2-6. Blancher input/output flow diagram .........................................................................................................25 Figure 2-7. Roaster input/output flow diagram ..........................................................................................................25 Figure 2-8. Processing and packaging input/output flow diagram ..............................................................................27 Figure 2-9. Retail input/output flow diagram ..............................................................................................................29 Figure 3-1. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis, cradle to grave .....................................................................................34 Figure 3-2. Recipe midpoint impact analysis, cradle to retail gate ..............................................................................35 Figure 3-3. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis for human toxicity characterization category, cradle to retail gate. ....36 Figure 3-4. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis for marine ecotoxicity characterization category, cradle to retail gate. .......................................................................................................................................................................37 Figure 3-5. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis for freshwater ecotoxicity characterization category, cradle to retail gate................................................................................................................................................................38 Figure 3-6. IPCC 2007 GWP cradle to grave impact analysis, kg CO2e per kg peanut butter produced ......................41 Figure 3-7. Comparison of GHG emissions from various food types (EWG, 2011) ......................................................42 Figure 3-8. IPCC 2007 GWP impact analysis process flow contributors, cradle to retail gate .....................................43 Figure 3-9. IPCC 2007 GWP impact analysis for conventional and strip till cultivation practices in units of CO 2e .....44 Figure 3-10. Probability distribution function for GHG emissions for peanut butter (kg Peanut Butter/kg CO 2e). 95% confidence interval displayed on chart as red vertical lines. ........................................................................45 Figure 3-11. Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis results, 95% confidence interval, as compared with the initial SimaPro® model output and industry estimates for various packaged goods (EWG, 2011). .......................46 Figure C-1. kg CO2e emissions per kg roasted nuts produced. IPCC 2007 GWP method ...........................................62 Figure C-2. Percentage of total CO2e emissions by life cycle stage .............................................................................63 Figure C-3. CO2e emissions by input. Life cycle inputs contributing less than 1% of the total emissions are not shown. ...........................................................................................................................................................63 ii List of Tables Table 2-1. National Average 16oz Peanut Butter Product (The Peanut Institute, 2010) ............................................10 Table 2-2. Peanut supply chain product loss approximation.......................................................................................11 Table 2-3. Midpoint Categories in the ReCiPe impact assessment methodology (Thoma, et al., 2010) .....................12 Table 2-4. Diesel combustion emission factors ...........................................................................................................14 Table 2-5. Gasoline combustion emission factors .......................................................................................................14 Table 2-6. Natural Gas combustion emission factors ..................................................................................................15 Table 2-7. Liquid Propane combustion emission factors .............................................................................................15 Table 2-8. Weighted average for peanut cultivation in the US ...................................................................................16 Table 2-9. Summary of Georgia peanut enterprise budget inputs and outputs by production scenario for one acre of cultivated land (UGA, 2011) ......................................................................................................................17 Table 2-10. Farm model input and output processes for nation average aggregate farm peanut production ..........17 Table 2-11. Buying Point model input and output processes ......................................................................................19 Table 2-12. Sheller model input and output processes ...............................................................................................21 Table 2-13. Sheller chemical and pesticide inputs.......................................................................................................23 Table 2-14. Blancher model input/output parameters ...............................................................................................24 Table 2-15. Roaster model input/output parameters .................................................................................................24 Table 2-16. Summary of all material inputs to a 16 oz jar of peanut butter ..............................................................26 Table 2-17. Transportation diesel totals for materials that make up a 16 oz peanut butter product on a per ton basis. ..............................................................................................................................................................27 Table 2-18. Retail model input/output parameters ....................................................................................................29 Table 2-19. Retail waste flows .....................................................................................................................................30 Table 2-20. National average dishwasher use data (Thoma, et al., 2012)...................................................................31 Table 2-21. National average peanut butter and consumer behavior data (Hogass, 2002) .......................................31 Table 2-22. Summary of consumer disposal assumptions ..........................................................................................32 Table 3-1. IPCC 2007 GWP cradle to grave impact analysis, kg CO2e per kg of peanut butter produced ...................41 Table 3-2. Greenhouse Gas Protocol results by impact category and cultivation method .........................................43 Table A-1. Farm chemical inputs .................................................................................................................................53 Table A-2. Farm chemical inputs, continued ...............................................................................................................54 Table A-3. Blancher and roaster cleaner use per ton of peanuts produced ................................................................55 Table A-4. Blancher and roaster pesticide use per ton of peanuts produced .............................................................56 Table A-5. Processing ingredient inputs and diesel transport requirement for 1 ton of ingredients .........................57 Table A-6. Packaging material inputs and diesel transport requirements for 1 ton of materials ...............................58 Table B-1. Fossil depletion process flow impacts for 1 kg peanut butter ....................................................................59 Table B-2. Freshwater eutrophication process flow impacts for 1 kg peanut butter ..................................................59 iii Table B-3. Terrestrial Acidification process flow impacts for 1 kg of peanut butter ...................................................60 Table B-4. Particulate matter formation process flow impacts for 1kg of peanut butter ...........................................60 Table B-5. Photochemical oxidant formation process flow impacts for 1kg of peanut butter ...................................61 iv Executive Summary The purpose of this study was to perform a scan-level life cycle assessment (LCA) and impact analysis for peanut butter production in the U.S. Objectives for the LCA were: 1) a literature review of the peanut industry, 2) a life cycle inventory (LCI) review, and 3) an assessment of a variety of impacts including carbon. The literature review of the peanut industry is submitted as an attachment to this report. This document provides a description of the life cycle inventory, assessment, and impact results. The project scope included environmental effects at a national scale in order to put into context the environmental impacts that can be attributed to the entire life cycle of a 1 lb jar of peanut butter in the United States. A complete model of the peanut butter supply chain accounting for extractions from nature through final disposal of packaging materials was constructed using life cycle inventory data from survey results, scientific and industry literature, expert opinion, existing manufacturers’ LCAs, other industry provided data sets, and U.S. based unit processes from the U.S. Life Cycle Inventory housed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, 2012). The primary impact categories were evaluated using the ReCiPe impact analysis model (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). ReCiPe identified toxicity impacts from emissions from four main processes: natural gas production, disposal of municipal waste, disposal of coal byproducts, and pesticide use. Natural gas production and use was associated with drying (buying point) and roasting. Disposal of municipal waste was associated with blanching, roasting, and processing. Disposal of coal byproducts was associated with processes on the farm. Pesticide impacts were primarily associated with farm operations, however, pesticide use amounts reported at the sheller, blancher, and roaster were in quantities large enough to be used in the model. A scan level impact assessment was also performed for greenhouse gas emissions using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2007 Global Warming Potential (GWP) model evaluated for impacts at the 100 year point (Frischknecht & Jungbluth, 2007). Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were measured in kg CO2 equivalent (kg CO2e) per kg peanut butter produced. IPCC 2007 GWP showed the use and disposal phase had the highest GHG emission, followed by farm activities (Figure ES-1). The consumer use and disposal GHG emissions were driven by the electricity required for cleaning dishes (pumping and heating water). Because of the high consumer use impact and the peanut industry’s lack of control over this phase the boundaries for the LCA were established from field to peanut butter processor gate. Within these boundaries farm gate impact was roughly 27% of the total 1 greenhouse gas emissions from the supply chain with the next highest contributor being the peanut butter processor at 22%. The production of electricity by bituminous coal was the most significant process contributor to greenhouse gases across the supply chain. This electricity is used to power all of the processes from the buying point to retail with its most significant use at the peanut butter processor. The complete cradle to grave life cycle impact assessment for peanut butter shows a GHG impact of 2.64 kg CO2e. Figure ES-1*. Peanut butter industry climate change impacts, cradle to grave, kg CO2e per kg peanut butter produced *Also Figure 3-6 Further analysis was performed using IPCC 2007 GWP comparing greenhouse gas emissions among the four major peanut cultivation practices (Figure ES-2). Irrigated conventional till production had the highest impacts, while non-irrigated strip till had the lowest. While irrigated varieties used less herbicide and fungicide than their non-irrigated counterparts, electricity use for pumping water accounted for a greater impact on GHG emissions. 2 Figure ES-2*. Total emissions for conventional and strip till cultivation practices in units of CO2 equivalents. Results determined using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. *Also Figure 3-9 Finally, uncertainty analysis was performed using Monte Carlo analysis in order to determine the statistical variability of GHG emissions from field to peanut butter factory gate. The variability of each input variable was characterized, resulting in 95% confidence that the GHG emissions from one kg of peanut butter was between 1.24 and 6.71 kg CO2e, with a mean of 2.91 and standard deviation of 1.61. This is comparable to the initial SimaPro® model results of 2.64 kg CO2e and within range of other estimates for emissions from consumer packaged goods (Figure ES-3). 3 Figure ES-3*. Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis results, 95% confidence interval, as compared with the initial SimaPro® model output and industry estimates for various packaged goods (EWG, 2011). *Also Figure 3-11 4 1 Introduction Corporate social responsibility, including sustainability, is one of the top priorities for executives in the consumer goods industry, according to the 2010 “Top of Mind” survey sponsored by The Consumer Goods Forum (The Consumer Goods Forum, 2010). Retailers, suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors are seeking ways to improve their operations using the framework of sustainability. Consumers continue to ask for green products and services and express an interest in understanding the sustainability of the products they purchase as well. There is an increasing willingness to make purchasing decisions based on what they know about the environmental impacts of a product. Thus, the peanut industry and the American Peanut Council identified a need to conduct a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) for U.S. peanut products focused on quantifying embodied energy, emissions to air, and the consumption of water and other natural resources. There was also the additional need to assess the impacts of these inventory flows on climate change (global warming potential), resource depletion, and human and ecosystem health. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool to account for complete interactions and combined effects in a product chain. LCAs can provide quantitative, confirmable, and manageable models to evaluate production processes, analyze options for innovation, and improve understanding of the complexity in systems. LCAs have been used as a tool to identify “hot spots” in the production chain that may introduce opportunities for simultaneously lowering environmental impacts and improving efficiency and profitability (Hogass, 2002). This LCA will allow the peanut industry to position its products in the market place in terms of their sustainable attributes and respond proactively to consumer concerns. It will provide a milestone that will guide the peanut industry to engage more sustainable practices and reduce environmental impacts, while validating those reductions through science-based product LCA. Peanut production in the United States resulted in 3.96 billion pounds of product during the 2010 growing season, corresponding to a 7% increase in production from the previous year. Peanuts produced in the U.S. are mostly used in food and confection products. Value-added peanut products have been developed which have a number of applications including bakery, confectionery and the general consumer market. Among these are: peanut butter, snack peanuts, peanut candy, roasted inshell, peanut oil/meal, and seed/residual as shown in Figure 1-1. The largest area of consumption of peanuts in the U.S. is from peanut butter, which consumes around 32% of the peanuts produced in the U.S. each year (Figure 1-1) (Pooley, 2005). As the manufacture of peanut products expands, energy requirements along the process chain will increase. 5 Food production processes like those involved in the manufacture of peanuts represent one of the largest industrial sectors in the world, resulting in significant amounts of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Though emissions and other production outputs have been shown to impact environmental quality at multiple scales, quantifying the environmental impacts of specific manufacturing processes can be difficult (Roy, et al., 2009). The goal of this project was to quantify a variety of impacts from U.S. peanut butter using Life Cycle Assessment. Specific objectives for the LCA included: 1) Reviewing existing literature related to the sustainability of peanut products; 2) Defining the detailed data requirements for the project; 3) Gathering and analyzing data from provided and available sources - including literature, economic census, USDA, and peanut plant surveys; and 4) Computing the life cycle inventories and evaluating environmental impact metrics using linked unit process models in SimaPro®. The overarching goal of this work will be to equip peanut industry stakeholders with timely, science-based environmental performance data to inform decision-making and drive innovative new products, process and services. Figure 1-1. U.S. domestic use of peanuts (Pooley, 2005) 6 2 LCA Methodology LCA is a tool to evaluate the environmental impacts of a product or process throughout the entire life cycle. For agricultural products, LCA begins with production of fertilizers, then crop cultivation, processing, use, and disposal of wastes associated with its end-use. This includes identifying and quantifying energy and materials used, wastes released to the environment, calculating environmental impact, interpreting results, and identifying improvement opportunities. This LCA has been structured following ISO 14040:2006, and ISO 14044:2006 standards which provide an internationally accepted method of conducting LCAs, while leaving significant degrees of flexibility in methodology to customize individual projects to their desired application and outcomes. Broadly, an LCA consists of four stages (Figure 2-1): 1) Define the goal and scope – including appropriate metrics (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, hazardous materials generated, and/or quantity of waste) 2) Conduct life cycle inventories (collection of data that identifies the system inputs and outputs and discharges to the environment) 3) Perform impact assessment 4) Analyze and interpret the results The goal and scope definition phase is a planning process that involves defining and describing the product, process or activity, establishing the aims and context in which the LCA is to be performed, and identifying the life cycle stages and environmental impact categories to be reviewed for the assessment. The depth and breadth of LCA can differ considerably depending on the goal of the LCA. The life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis is the second phase of the LCA. The LCI is an inventory of input/output material and energy flows in the system of interest. The analysis involves identifying and quantifying energy, water, materials and environmental releases (e.g. air emissions, solid wastes, wastewater discharge) during each stage of the life cycle. The life cycle impact assessment phase (LCIA) is the third phase of the LCA. This step quantifies the human and ecological impacts of material consumption and environmental emissions identified during the inventory analysis. Interdependencies often exist between impact categories, and poor decisions can be made when only a single impact metric is used as the basis of the assessment. For this study, eutrophication, acidification, ozone depletion, land use, and other impact categories were analyzed using Impact 2002 and ReCiPe, two LCIA models integrated into SimaPro® 7.0, an ISO 1404x 7 compliant platform for performing LCA. Life cycle interpretation is the final phase of the LCA procedure, in which the results are summarized and discussed. Its goal is to identify the most significant environmental impacts and the associated life cycle stage, and highlight opportunities for potential change or innovation. Figure 2-1. Stages of a life cycle assessment 2.1 Goal and Scope Definition 2.1.1 Goal The primary goal of this study was to identify environmental impacts including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production, consumption, and disposal of peanut butter in the United States. The scope of this work does not include declarations to the consuming public. 2.1.2 Project Scope and System Boundaries This life cycle assessment is a cradle-to-grave global impact assessment and carbon footprint (global warming potential) analysis of U.S. peanut products. The data collected was primarily from the year 2010. The system boundaries begin with peanut crop production, and end with the disposal of the empty package/container by the consumer including recycling (where applicable), incineration, or landfilling (Figure 2-2). Also included will be the full analyses of the upstream impacts of materials and 8 energy consumed for each of these processes. Collection of detailed capital infrastructure data and the corresponding GHG emissions are not included in this project. Figure 2-2. Overview of peanut butter production process 2.1.3 Audience For this life cycle assessment, the primary audience is food industry managers (farmers, peanut processors, packaging companies, and retail) who may use the results to identify opportunities to reduce GHG emissions and/or the consumption of natural resources. Consumers represent a second potential audience for the study results. The LCA supports the peanut industry’s ability to work proactively with retailers to educate consumers about agricultural and food sustainability issues. 2.1.4 Functional Unit The functional unit of this study is defined as one pound of peanut butter as consumed by U.S. consumers. For convenience, the analysis conducted in this study is for the 16oz peanut butter product category and does not take into consideration processing and packaging material for additional product sizes. Literature and survey data was used to define the components that make up a 16oz jar of peanut butter. Using this data we created a national average 16oz peanut butter product that is an aggregate representation of many different peanut butter brands (Table 2-1). All SimaPro® model inputs are for the functional unit of 16oz, however, in the impact analysis we run the model for 1 kg of peanut butter. 9 This is accomplished in order to be able to compare the peanut butter life cycle with that of other consumer packaged goods using a standard unit of comparison (1 kg). Table 2-1. National Average 16oz Peanut Butter Product (The Peanut Institute, 2010) 16oz Peanut Butter Peanuts Sugar Salt Oil (Stabilizer) Total 16oz Packaging Lid/Seal1 Jar2 Label3 Total mass (oz) mass (g) 14.40 1.17 0.20 0.24 16.00 408.23 33.17 5.67 6.80 454.00 0.39 0.99 0.05 1.43 11.1 28.00 1.30 40.40 1 Polypropylene lid with aluminum seal PET Jar 3 Paper Label 2 2.1.5 Allocation Where allocation of inputs is required, the allocation procedures follow the ISO 14044 allocation hierarchy. There are three stages in the supply chain where allocation occurs: alternative products produced during shelling, retail energy use, and a third stage for consumer travel and storage allocated to peanut butter. We used an economic allocation model for the shelling processes, allocating a percentage of the energy footprint based on the economic value of the functional unit produced as compared to the other products. For retail and consumer use we followed the methods of the US Dairy LCA study (Thoma, et al., 2012). Retail shelf space was allocated to determine the appropriate retail energy demands. For consumer use, an allocation model was used that allocates a portion of families grocery expenditures and grocery travel for the purchase of peanut butter. Losses in the supply chain can be broken down into peanut byproducts and product losses. Peanut byproducts account for the majority of loss and include gravel, dirt, and debris, peanut hulls, and peanut skins. Losses attributed to byproducts do not have a significant economic value to warrant any of the environmental burden of production. Product loss or waste in the supply chain include, poor quality peanuts, processing and consumer waste. Total loss of mass in the supply chain for byproducts 10 and product loss combined are reported to represent an approximate 40% reduction of mass from peanuts produced on farm to peanut paste consumed. This number is significantly lower at 19% if we only include product loss. The majority of product loss in the supply chain occurs at the consumer level, where we assumed that 20% of the peanut butter purchased is wasted (USDA-ERS, 2011). The burden of product loss during manufacturing occurs between roasting and retail and was assumed to be a 3% reduction of mass. Total losses (byproduct and product loss) used in the peanut butter model are displayed in Table 2-2. These losses in the supply chain affect the reference flows of upstream processes. In order to get the required flow of 14.4oz of peanut paste into the consumer use phase, 23.95oz of peanuts have to be produced on farm (Table 2-2). Table 2-2. Peanut supply chain product loss approximation Starting % Weight (oz) Supply Chain Product Loss Farm1 2% 23.95 2 Buying Points 2% 23.48 Sheller3 22% 23.02 4 Blancher 6% 18.87 5 Roaster 2% 17.80 6 Processor 2% 17.45 Retail7 1% 17.28 8 Consumer 20% 14.40 1 (USDA, 2011) Assumed loss due to peanut grading and debris 3 Survey reported loss including hulls, debris, and waste 4 Survey reported skin loss 5 Survey reported quality nut loss 6 Survey reported product loss 7 Assumed expiration and product damage loss 8 (Thoma, et al., 2010) 2 2.1.6 Life Cycle Impact Assessment For the our model analysis we used two impact assessment methodologies: ReCiPe midpoint impact assessment and IPCC 2007 GWP. ReCiPe midpoint is a problem-oriented approach and uses environmental themes such as climate change, terrestrial ecotoxicity, and ozone depletion to communicate impacts (Heijungs, Goedkoop, Strujis, Effting, Sevenster, & Huppes, 2010) (Table 2-3). Midpoint impact assessment uses equivalent values of reference chemicals such as CO2 equivalent or P 11 equivalent to measure impact. The IPCC 2007 GWP impact assessment methodology is a way of reporting GHG emissions from peanut butter production on a kg CO2e basis. The main greenhouse gases emitted by humans are: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Fluorinated Gases (EPA, 2012). Table 2-3. Midpoint Categories in the ReCiPe impact assessment methodology (Thoma, et al., 2010) Midpoint Categories Unit of measure Midpoint Category Unit of measure climate change ozone depletion terrestrial acidification freshwater eutrophication marine eutrophication human toxicity photochemical oxidant formation particulate matter formation terrestrial ecotoxicity kg CO2 eq 1 kg CFC-11 eq kg SO2 eq kg P eq kg N eq 2 kg 1,4-DB eq 3 kg NMVOC 4 kg PM10 eq kg 1,4-DB eq freshwater ecotoxicity marine ecotoxicity ionizing radiation agricultural land occupation urban land occupation natural land transformation water depletion mineral resource depletion fossil fuel depletion kg 1,4-DB eq kg 1,4-DB eq kg U235 eq 2 m a (occupation of 1 yr) 2 m a (occupation of 1 yr) 2 m 3 m kg Fe eq kg oil eq 1 chlorofluorocarbon-11 equivalent 1,4-dichlorobenzene 3 Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds 4 Particulate matter smaller than 10 micrometers 2 2.1.7 Cut-Off Criteria In determining whether to include specific inputs, a one percent cut off threshold for the impact analysis of any input was adopted; however, small flows were not omitted when data was readily available. The one percent cutoff threshold was applied when running the impact analysis model. This means that process flows contributing to less than one percent of the total impact for a specific impact category were excluded from analysis. Emissions resulting from capital goods were also excluded from the analysis. 2.2 Life Cycle Inventories The Life Cycle Inventory stage of an LCA requires gathering input and output data for each element of the system and for each process and product option. The major system elements are the peanut butter industry sectors: farm, buying point, sheller, blancher, roaster, processor, distributor, retail, and consumer. Each system is composed of smaller unit processes which correspond to their primary inputs and outputs. Literature was the informational foundation for the construction of the peanut butter life cycle model. In addition to literature, multiple peanut industry experts were consulted throughout the study. Data was required for each input and output and was sourced from survey results, scientific and industry literature, expert opinion, existing manufacturers’ LCAs, other industry provided data sets, and 12 U.S. based unit processes from the U.S. Life Cycle Inventory housed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, 2012). Unit processes were constructed within SimaPro® and linked to EcoInvent upstream processes, which created a picture of the footprint for the entire system. Information and data from two previous GHG emissions studies were also used for several processes within the peanut butter model (Thoma, et al., 2012) (Thoma, et al., 2010). 2.2.1 Uncertainty Monte Carlo simulation was used to quantify and characterize uncertainty from ranges of input data. This process was rules-based and incorporated probability distributions for variable data that reflected the knowledge and process uncertainty associated with the variable. Monte Carlo analysis is indispensable for establishing defensible metrics for evaluation, providing a quantified measure of what is known and what is unknown, as well as the inherent variability of a process. 2.2.2 Software, Database and Model Validation SimaPro® software system for life cycle analysis, developed by Netherlands based Pre Consulting, was used to create the framework for this LCA model. Background processes used to develop the entire reference flow for a major process, such as injection molding for PET jars, are from the EcoInvent and U.S. Life Cycle Inventory databases. All data, formulas, and assumptions within the model have been reviewed by the author and at least one additional team member. 2.2.3 Emission Factors Electricity The scale of this analysis and the limited location information that was provided required that we use a national average for electricity production. However, there are three electricity production regions in the U.S.: Eastern Interconnection, Western Interconnection, and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Interconnection (Deru & Torcellini, 2007). The use of the three main interconnections as the basis for calculating environmental burdens from electricity production are better than national, state, or even utility-level emission factors because there is virtually no electricity energy transfer between the interconnect grids, so at this level there is some certainty about the actual fuel mix used to provide electricity. However, due to the low resolution of data and the need for confidentiality of sources, the national average mix of primary fuels was used to characterize power plant emissions for all processes within this LCA. 13 Transportation and Fuels Combustion Emissions from transportation were calculated using EcoInvent unit processes for specific vehicles. When unit processes for vehicles were not available, EPA emission factors were combined with fuel production processes to quantify transportation emissions on a ton-mile basis. Diesel (Table 2-4) and petrol (Table 2-5) emissions were calculated using emissions factors published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 2008). Natural Gas (Table 2-6) and liquid propane (Table 2-7) were also similarly modeled using emissions factors published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, 1995). When a fuel is combusted, it is an oxidation process where the original fuel molecule is split and combines with oxygen from the air to produce water, carbon dioxide, and heat. This is how 1 kg of diesel can produce a greater amount of carbon dioxide. Table 2-4. Diesel combustion emission factors Model Units Unit Process or Emission Name Model Amount Units Amount 1 1 gal 1 2 3.17188 kg 10.15 2 4.50E-04 kg 1.44E-03 2 Inputs from Technosphere Diesel, at regional storage/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U kg Emmissions to Air Carbon dioxide, fossil Methane, fossil kg kg Nitrous oxide kg 8.13E-05 kg 2.60E-04 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U kg 1 gal 1 Outputs to Technosphere 1 Converted using density of diesel fuel at 20°C 2 (EPA, 2008) Table 2-5. Gasoline combustion emission factors Model Units Unit Process or Emission Name Model Amount Units Amount 1 1 gal 1 2 3.15 kg 8.81 Inputs from Technosphere Petrol, unleaded, at regional storage/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U kg Emmissions to Air Carbon dioxide, fossil Methane, fossil kg 2 5.14E-04 kg 1.44E-03 2 kg Nitrous oxide kg 9.29E-05 kg 2.60E-04 Gasoline, manufacture and combustion/US U kg 1 gal 1 Outputs to Technosphere 1 Converted using density of petrol fuel at 20°C 2 (EPA, 2008) 14 Table 2-6. Natural Gas combustion emission factors Model Units Unit Process or Emission Name Model Amount Units 1 m 2 2.23 kg 1.92 2 4.27E-05 kg 3.68E-05 2 3.52E-05 Amount Inputs from Technosphere Natural gas, at evaporation plant/JP WITH US ELECTRICITY U 1 kg 3 1 Emmissions to Air Carbon dioxide, fossil Methane, fossil kg Nitrous oxide kg 4.09E-05 kg Natural Gas, manufacture and combustion/US U kg 1 m kg Outputs to Technosphere 3 1 1 Converted using density of Natural Gas at standard temperature and pressure 2 (EPA, 1995) Table 2-7. Liquid Propane combustion emission factors Unit Process or Emission Name Model Units Model Amount Units 1 1 m 1 2 2.94 kg 1713.52 2 4.12E-05 kg 2.40E-02 2 1.08E-01 Amount Inputs from Technosphere Propane/ butane, at refinery/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U kg 3 Emmissions to Air Carbon dioxide, fossil Methane, fossil kg kg Nitrous oxide kg 1.85E-04 kg Propane, liquid, manufacture and combustion/US U kg 1 m Outputs to Technosphere 3 1 1 Converted using density of Liquid Propane at standard temperature and pressure 2 (EPA, 1995) 2.2.4 Industry Sector Model Development Farm Input data for each peanut production practice was obtained from enterprise budgets prepared by the University of Georgia Extension Agricultural and Applied Economics Department for the different cultivation scenarios (UGA, 2011). The enterprise budgets provided information on the recommended chemical, fuel, and other input amounts for one acre of cultivated land, along with the anticipated yields. For this LCA, we analyzed the farm footprint based on an aggregate farm that is a weighted average of each production practices inputs and outputs (Table 2-8). An industry estimate was provided by the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA that roughly 80% of peanut farmers use conventional tillage practices while 20% use strip tillage. Further, a U.S. peanut crop irrigation percentage of 35% was also given (Lamb, 2012). The inputs and yields described in the Georgia crop budgets for all practices 15 are summarized in Table 2-9. Figure 2-3 shows the input flows for the aggregate farm that was incorporated into the model. Table 2-8. Weighted average for peanut cultivation in the US Model Production Practice Weight Conventional, Irrigated 28% Conventional, Non-irrigated 52% Strip, Irrigated 7% Strip, Non-irrigated 13% Each farm input was matched with an EcoInvent unit process for the production of that input. Unit processes were selected based on the similarity of the end product with the input defined by the enterprise budget. A list of the farm inputs and unit processes used in this aggregate model can be found in Table 2-10. Due to a lack of unit process data for inoculants, this input was excluded from the analysis. Seed requirements were also excluded. Different pesticides were listed for the varying production practices requiring us to use a generic EcoInvent pesticide. The production of the inert compounds in each pesticide was excluded and only the total mass of the active ingredients were considered. Electricity use for irrigation was estimated using the estimated electricity cost from the enterprise budgets along with the average cost of one kWh of electricity in the U.S. (BLS, 2011). The total mass of inputs was assumed to travel 25 miles from a regional storehouse to the farm. 16 Table 2-9. Summary of Georgia peanut enterprise budget inputs and outputs by production scenario for one acre of cultivated land (UGA, 2011) Conventional Strip Till Units NonNonIrrigated Irrigated Irrigated Irrigated Input Seed Inoculant Cover Crop Seed Fertilizer Herbicide Insecticide Fungicide Irrigation Electricity Preharvest Fuel Use Harvest Fuel Use Output Peanuts lb lb bu lb lb lb lb kWh gal gal 130 5 0.5 4 14.2 7.2 9.2 12 130 5 0.5 1.1 14.2 5.7 265.2 9.2 12 130 5 1.5 0.5 5 14.2 7.2 5.2 12 130 5 1.5 0.5 2.7 14.2 5.7 212.1 5.2 12 ton 1.4 2 1.4 2 Table 2-10. Farm model input and output processes for nation average aggregate farm peanut production Units Amount Model Units Model Amount Bushel lb lb 0.3 0.5 1000 g g g 2.18 0.07 130.05 lb 24.1 g 3.13 gallon gallon kWh 8.4 12 89.1 g g Wh 7.58 10.84 25.55 ton 1.60 kg 0.41 SimaPro® Process Name Input Rye seed Boron Lime/Gypsum Pesticide Preharvest Fuel Use Harvest Fuel Use Electricity Output Farm Grade Peanuts Rye seed IP, at regional storehouse Borax, anhydrous, powder, at plant Lime, from carbonation, at regional storehouse Pesticide, unspecified, at regional storehouse Preharvest machinery fuel usage Harvest machinery fuel usage Electricity, low voltage, at grid Peanuts, at farm, conventional till, non-irrigated/US U 17 Figure 2-3. Process flow of national weighted average cultivation processes Buying Points Data for the Buying Points section of the model was derived mainly from returned survey data for the year 2010. Survey questions centered mainly on fuel use, electricity use, and tons of peanuts handled. The Buying Points model uses the national average Farm Grade Peanuts whose inputs were incorporated from University of Georgia Agricultural Extension Services peanut crop budgets (UGA, 2011). Thirty eight buying point surveys were returned and all data was aggregated on a per ton basis. All of the inputs to the buying point can be seen in Table 2-11. A flow chart diagraming the buying point processes are shown in Figure 2-4. 18 Table 2-11. Buying Point model input and output processes Units Amount Model Units Model Amount ton 1.03 kg 0.42 KWh/ton 15.04 Wh 6.77 Diesel gal/ton 0.44 g 0.65 Natural Gas ft /ton 76.03 g 0.86 Liquid Propane gal/ton 1.49 g 1.52 tons 1.0 kg 0.4 Input a Farm Grade Peanuts Electricity b 3 SimaPro® Process Name Peanuts, at farm, conventional till, non-irrigated/US U Electricity, low voltage, at grid, US NREL/US Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Natural Gas, manufacture and combustion/US U Propane, liquid, manufacture and combustion/US U Output Sheller Grade Peanuts Peanuts, at Buying Points/US U a Farm Grade Peanut analysis was developed using University of Georgia peanut crop budgets, conventional till/non-irrigated b Electricity use was calculated by summing the provided data for screening, cleaning, elevating, drying, and building operations electricity on a per ton basis Figure 2-4. Buying Point input/output flow diagram Diesel use was calculated by using the reported tonnage handled, the total distance traveled round trip from the farm to the buying points, and the percentage of semis versus wagons used. The percentage of semis and wagons was used to determine the average single trip total load capacity for a particular Buying Point. The reported tonnage handled was then used to determine the number of trips 19 necessary to transport the peanuts to the Buying Point. Trip distance from the Farm to the Buying Point was then multiplied by the number of trips required and then converted to total amount of diesel used by a applying a Semi and Wagon fuel efficiency estimate based on the percentage of Semis versus Wagons. Reported yard diesel was combined with the transportation diesel. Natural Gas and Liquid Propane use for drying peanuts was initially to be estimated using survey data that requested the amounts of Natural Gas and Liquid Propane used on site. However, survey response concerning these two factors was extremely low. We then developed a Natural Gas and Liquid propane estimate from the ratio of Semis to Wagons, the total amount of peanuts dried, and a report produced by the National Peanut Research Laboratory (NPRL) (Butts, 2010) indicating Natural Gas and Liquid Propane consumption rates per ton of peanuts dried, assuming a standard initial moisture content (IMC) of 17% and a cutoff moisture content of 10-11%. Buying Point electricity use was developed by summing the estimated electricity consumption of screening, cleaning, elevating, drying, and operations. Screening, cleaning, and elevation electricity use was estimated using information provided by Larry Cunningham on standard motor sizes and specific processing rates on a per ton basis (Cunningham, 2011). Drying Fan electricity on a per ton basis was estimated based on research published in the Peanut Science journal (Blankenship & Chew, 1979). Using a standard IMC of 17%, the following equation was used to determine the electricity requirements on a per ton basis for drying fans where TEU is the Total Electricity Used in kWh per ton of peanuts dried: (Eq. 1) Buying Point operations electricity was estimated from data from two specific buying points provided by Larry Cunningham. Sheller Sheller model inputs were taken from returned survey data for the year 2010. Survey questions were used to understand the basic inputs to the shelling process: Whole Peanuts, Electricity, Diesel, Petrol, Liquid Propane, Polypropylene, Cleaners, and Pesticides. Sheller Grade Peanuts are peanuts that have met grade at the Buying Points and are purchased by the Sheller. Five sheller surveys were returned and all data was aggregated on a per ton basis. All of the inputs to the sheller can be seen in Table 2-12. A flow chart diagraming the shelling processes is shown in Figure 2-5. Diesel and petrol 20 consumption by the sheller were calculated from the surveys using the combination of fuel used on-site at the farmers stock storage, fuel used to transport the sheller grade peanuts from the farmer stock storage to the shelling plant, fuel used to transport shelled peanuts to the shelled stock storage, and fuel used to transport rejected peanuts back from the blancher. Liquid Propane consumption from the survey was from forklift use at the shelling plant. The total amount of Liquid Propane was reported for each plant and aggregated on a per ton of peanuts processed basis. Electricity was a combination of reported electric forklift hours, shelling operations electricity, and cold storage electricity. For facilities with operations other than shelling peanuts, an allocation was assigned based on the reported percentage of energy used at the plant specifically for the shelling of peanuts. Table 2-12. Sheller model input and output processes Input Sheller Grade 1 Peanuts Electricity Units Amount Model Units Model Amount ton 1.21 kg 0.50 Peants, at Buying Points/US U KWh/ton 97.80 Wh 13.60 Electricity, low voltage, at grid, US NREL/US SimaPro® Process Name Diesel gal/ton 0.58 g 0.26 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Gasoline gal/ton 0.16 g 0.06 Gasoline, manufacture and combustion/US U Liquid Propane gal/ton 0.11 g 0.03 2 kg/ton 7.36E-03 g 1.02E-03 2 kg/ton 1.93E-02 g 2.68E-03 Propane, liquid, manufacture and combustion/US U Cleaners, combined value, at regional storage/US U Pesticides, combined value, at regional storage/US U ton 1.00 kg 0.41 Cleaners Pesticides Output Shelled Peanut Peanuts, shelled, at sheller/US U 1 Shelling Grade Peanut analysis was developed using survey data from the U.S. Peanut Shelling Industry 2 All pesticides, insecticides, and cleaners used were condensed into a single value and represented in the model using the surrogates "Pesticides" and "Cleaners". Mass conversion assumes the density of water. 21 Figure 2-5. Sheller input/output flow diagram Cleaners and Pesticide use was also reported on the survey and shown in Table 2-13. Each cleaner and pesticide was aggregated on a per-ton of peanuts processed basis, based on their active ingredient. Because of the wide variety of cleaners and pesticides available, most were combined into categories with similar active ingredients. SimaPro®, however, does not contain processes for most of the chemicals used at the shelling plant, therefore, placeholders were developed using generic chemical processes for pesticides and a cleaner ratio of Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Hydroxide that was representative of the survey data. 22 Table 2-13. Sheller chemical and pesticide inputs Active Ingredient Units Total Active (kg) kg/Ton Cleaners Hypochlorite kg 1559.59 7.31E-03 sodium hydroxide kg 4.54 5.14E-05 Total Cleaners kg - 7.36E-03 beta-cyfluthrin kg 2.38 4.32E-06 cyfluthrin kg 3.99 4.52E-05 Pyrethrum kg 74.95 8.48E-04 Indoxacarb kg 2.50E-03 2.00E-08 Pesticides Aluminum Phosphide kg 3889.04 1.83E-02 Entec 10/Unknown Pest kg 3.79 3.03E-05 Methyl Bromide/Unknown Pest kg 4.54 5.22E-05 Total Pesticides kg - 1.93E-02 Blanch and Roasting Blanching and Roasting are separate processes; however, all of the survey results were from facilities that accomplished both. This created a unique problem when separating out the energy and materials embodied in each individual process. This was done by assigning a weight factor to each input that was shared by each process and is explained in the following paragraphs. Five surveys were returned containing blanching and roasting data that was aggregated on a per ton basis. All of the inputs to the blanching and roasting processes can be seen in Table 2-14 & Table 2-15. Flow charts diagraming the blanching and roasting processes are shown in Figure 2-6 & Figure 2-7. Diesel consumption for blanching and roasting was from the transport of peanuts from the previous spot in the supply chain. For the majority of the survey respondents, this was the sheller. Diesel use for each process, whether blanching or roasting, was allocated based on how my major processes were accomplished at the facility. If the facility is simply a blancher/roaster, then each process was assigned 50% of the diesel impact. If the facility is a blancher/roaster/peanut butter manufacturer, then each process was assigned 33% of the diesel impact. Natural gas was reported for each returned survey. Determining which process was assigned the impact from natural gas was based on the assumption that all natural gas reported was for the roasting of peanuts. 23 Table 2-14. Blancher model input/output parameters Units Input Shelled Peanut Amount Model Units Model Amount SimaPro® Process Name ton 1.00 kg 0.43 Peanuts, shelled, at sheller/US U KWh/ton 164.65 Wh 78.50 Electricity, low voltage, at grid, US NREL/US Diesel gal/ton 2.14 g 3.28 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Natural Gas cf/ton 276.06 g 3.21 Cleaners kg/ton 0.23 g 0.11 Pesticides kg/ton 5.95E-05 g 2.84E-05 Natural Gas, manufacture and combustion/US U Cleaners, combined value, at regional storage/US U Pesticides, combined value, at regional storage/US U ton 0.87 kg 0.41 Electricity Output Blanched Peanuts Peanuts, blanched, at blancher/US U Table 2-15. Roaster model input/output parameters Units Amount Model Units Model Amount ton 1.00 kg 0.42 Peanuts, blanched, at blancher/US U KWh/ton 164.65 Wh 75.60 Diesel gal/ton 2.14 g 3.15 Electricity, low voltage, at grid, US NREL/US Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Natural Gas cf/ton 1164.67 g 13.00 Cleaners kg/ton 0.23 g 0.11 Pesticides kg/ton 5.95E-05 g 2.73E-05 ton 0.98 kg 0.41 Input Blanched Peanuts Electricity Output Roasted Peanuts SimaPro® Process Name Natural Gas, manufacture and combustion/US U Cleaners, combined value, at regional storage/US U Pesticides, combined value, at regional storage/US U Peanuts, roasted, at roaster/US U Facility electricity consumption was part of the survey response as well. In order to assign electricity use for each process accomplished at the facility, we used the survey question, “To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your total energy consumption was used for the blanching or roasting of peanuts at your facility in 2010”. This percentage was used to determine how much electricity was assigned to each process. 24 Cleaners and Pesticide use reported on the survey are shown in Appendix A, Table A-3 and Table A-4. Cleaners and pesticides were aggregated, combined by active ingredient, and replaced by SimaPro® placeholders in a manner similar to the one used for the sheller. Figure 2-6. Blancher input/output flow diagram Figure 2-7. Roaster input/output flow diagram Processing & Packaging Materials Peanut butter processing and packaging for the purpose of this report will be considered a single unit process, however, all surveys returned were for facilities where peanut butter processing was accomplished alongside other processes, such as roasting and blanching. Similar to the blanching and roasting section, we used a weighting factor where applicable in order to assign specific impacts to individual processes. In order to input all of the processes into the SimaPro® model, we first broke 25 down processing and packaging into the ingredients and materials that make up a jar of peanut butter, and then the final assembled product. The final assemble product including roasted peanuts, other ingredients, and primary packaging is shown in Table 2-16. Flow charts diagraming the processing and packaging process can be seen in (Figure 2-8). Table 2-16. Summary of all material inputs to a 16 oz jar of peanut butter Units Amount Roasted Peanuts kg 0.41 Electricity SimaPro® Process Name Input Peanuts, roasted, at Roaster/US U Wh 129.52 Electricity, low voltage, at grid, US NREL/US 1 g 5.47 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Cleaners g 0.47 Cleaners, combined value, at regional storage/US U Pesticides g 0.01 Pesticides, combined value, at regional storage/US U Oil, Stabilizer g 6.80 Stabilizer, crude coconut oil at plant/US U Sugar g 33.17 Sugar, from sugar beet at plant/US U Salt g 5.67 Salt placeholder, at plant/US U Label, Paper g 1.30 16oz product label, at plant/US U Lid, Poly/Aluminum g 11.10 16oz product lid, at plant/US U Jar, PET g 28.00 16oz product jar, at plant/US U kg 0.49 Peanut Butter, 16oz at Processor/US U Diesel Output 16oz Peanut Butter 1 Diesel listed is for transportation of roasted peanuts, transportation of other materials is imbedded in that materials unit process 26 Figure 2-8. Processing and packaging input/output flow diagram Reported diesel use was for the transportation of roasted peanuts to the peanut butter processor. Transportation diesel requirements for all other materials that make up a 16 oz jar of peanut butter are inherent in that particular material’s unit process. The diesel amounts needed to move these items are shown in Table 2-17. Table 2-17. Transportation diesel totals for materials that make up a 16 oz peanut butter product on a per ton basis. Amount (ton) Transport Diesel (kg/ton) Stabilizer Oil 1 26.69 Sugar 1 14.34 Salt 1 26.14 Jar 1 18.98 Label 1 60.96 Lid 1 26.98 Secondary Packaging 1 15.01 Product Assembly 27 Cleaners and pesticide use in the processing phase did not have high reporting levels. It is assumed in this report that similar types and amounts on a per ton basis of cleaners and pesticides were used in the processing phase as were used at the roaster. The additional peanut butter ingredients (oil, sugar, and salt) are represented as individual unit processes. Each of these ingredients has a specific transportation diesel demand as well as manufacturing flows within the SimaPro® Model. Table A-5 in Appendix A shows all of the individual inputs for each ingredient. Packaging includes primary (PET Jar, Polypropylene Lid, and Paper Label), secondary (cardboard tray), and tertiary (palletized) packaging types. The types and associated mass of each material that makes up the primary packaging can be seen in Table 2-1. Packaging was modeled using LCI data collected from the American Peanut Council sustainability survey as well as similar packaging types used in the Cheese LCA (Thoma, et al., 2012). Input flows and unit processes for each packaging type can be seen in Appendix A, Table A-6. Retail After distribution from the processor to the retail gate, peanut butter is displayed on store shelving for purchase by the consumer. During this phase, the two distinct emissions streams are overhead electricity and overhead fuel. The Cheese LCA study was used to make estimates of the sales volume, space occupancy, and energy demands of peanut butter. Cheese LCA electricity demand such as ventilation, lighting, cooling, space heating, water heating, and other miscellaneous electrical loads were applied to estimate overhead electricity demand for peanut butter at retail. For our purposes, we assumed a similar shelf space allocation and final energy footprint for peanut butter while subtracting the appropriate amount of energy that is used for the refrigeration of cheese and dairy products. Peanut butter products were assumed to travel the same distance from the distributor as in the Cheese LCA as well as use a similar amount of natural gas, according to shelf space (Thoma, et al., 2012). Table 2-18 contains the data that was used to populate the retail portion of the SimaPro® model. The retail flow diagram can be seen in Figure 2-9. 28 Figure 2-9. Retail input/output flow diagram Table 2-18. Retail model input/output parameters Units Amount SimaPro® Process Name 16oz Peanut Butter g 0.49 Peanut Butter, 16oz at Processor/US U Distribution 1 g 500 Distribution, from processor/US U Natural Gas 2 g 0.45 Natural Gas, manufacture and combustion/US U Electricity 3 Wh 37.6 Electricity, low voltage, at grid, US NREL/US kg 0.494 Peanut Butter, 16oz at retail/US U Input Output Peanut Butter at Retail 1 Value is equal to the transport allocation that was used in the Cheese LCA 2 Value is density converted from Cheese LCA 3 Value is equal to the retail electricity demand from the Cheese LCA minus 45% refrigeration energy (Thoma, et al., 2012) Waste flows from the retail sector are from secondary and tertiary packaging and consist of cardboard, plastics, and wood (Table 2-19). We assumed a plastic and cardboard recycling rate of 29%, which is in accordance with the national average (EPA, 2009). Waste from broken pallets was assumed to be 10%, or a 90% reuse rate, which is in accordance with reuse rates seen in other peanut industry sectors. Reuse and recycling flows are modeled in SimaPro® as “avoided products” which allows the model to reduce the total impact from these items. 29 Table 2-19. Retail waste flows Units Amount Waste Cardboard g 11.7 Plastics g 1.30 Wood g 1.37 Avoided Products Cardboard g 2.17 Packaging Film 0.24 g SimaPro® Process Name Disposal, packaging cardboard, to inert material landfill/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Disposal, plastics, mixture, to sanitary landfill/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Disposal, wood untreated, to sanitary landfill/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Corrugated board, recycling fibre, double wall, at plant/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Packaging film, LDPE, at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U Consumer Use & Disposal Impacts accounted for in this phase include transport from retail to home and cleaning energy embodied in running a dishwasher. For the consumer transportation fuel impacts, we followed the example of the Hogass Industrial Milk LCA (Hogass, 2002) and allocated fuel for consumer travel based on an estimate of the weight percentage that peanut products represent in typical grocery purchases. In allocating dishwasher space, we followed the example of the cheese LCA and allocated based and the percent of a typical dishwasher cycle it would take to clean all of the dishes associated with a 16oz jar of peanut butter (Thoma, et al., 2012). This method assumes a standard dishwasher capacity of eight place settings and six serving pieces based on the Energy Star standard dishwasher criteria (Energy Star, 2010). Using the Cheese LCA, we assumed a place setting to consist of two plates, one bowl, six utensils, and three glasses. Therefore, the total capacity would be 48 utensils (6 utensils x 8 place settings) and 54 non-utensils (2 plates + 1 bowl + 3 glasses x 8 place settings + 6 additional serving pieces). Further, it is assumed that 10% of the water and energy is allocated to the utensil rack and 90% for the non-utensil rack (Thoma, et al., 2012). Using these numbers, we assumed a 10% dishwasher allocation to clean dishes resulting from the consumption of a 1lb jar of peanut butter (16 servings) which includes the use of 16 utensils and 4 plates. Table 2-20 and Table 2-21 show the assumptions and final allocation amounts that were developed for dishwasher use and consumer travel. 30 Table 2-20. National average dishwasher use data (Thoma, et al., 2012) National Average Units Amount kg 22 kWh 1.5 Soap kg 0.025 1 % 10% Tap Water Use Electricity Allocation of Single Cycle for 16oz Peanut Butter 1 Assumes a combined dishwasher capacity of 54 plates, cups or bowls, and 48 utensils. Assumes 16oz Peanut Butter contains 16 1oz servings requiring 16 utensils and 4 plates for an average capacity of 10% for a single cycle. Using a national average rate of 9lb of peanut butter consumed per household per year (USDA/Economic Research Service, 2011), the average price of $2.25 for one pound of peanut butter (Mid-Atlantic Information Office, 2012), and an average annual family grocery budget of $6129 (BLS, 2011), we determined that the allocation of peanut butter for each grocery trip was 0.33%. The average number of trips a family takes to the grocery per year is roughly 110 (Gordon, 2007), and the average roundtrip distance is 10 miles (Economic Research Center, 2009), equating to 1100 grocery miles per year. Using an economic allocation, if 0.33% of the average family budget is for 9 lb of peanut butter, then we can assume that 0.33% of the miles used for groceries in a year were driven to purchase those 9 lb. Therefore, an allocation of 0.40 miles per year per 1 pound jar of peanut butter was used to model the consumer peanut butter transportation load. Table 2-21. National average peanut butter and consumer behavior data (Hogass, 2002) National Average Units Amount Trips to Grocery per Year 1 # 110 Roundtrip Distance to Grocery 2 miles 10 Annual Grocery Budget 3 $ 6129 Annual Peanut Butter Consumption per Household 4 lb 9 Cost of Peanut Butter per lb 5 $/lb 2.25 % 0.33% Miles 0.40 Allocation of Each Grocery Trip to Peanut Butter Annual Peanut Butter Miles per lb of Peanut Butter 1 (Gordon, 2007) 2 (Economic Research Center, 2009) 3 (BLS, 2011) 4 (USDA/Economic Research Service, 2011) 5 (Mid-Atlantic Information Office, 2012) 31 There is a relatively small quantity of post-consumer waste generated, and it is modeled using EcoInvent processes for landfill disposal. Recycled goods are attributed back to the model as an avoided product, meaning that the recycling of certain goods lowers its overall impact. The package disposal picture for a 16 oz peanut butter product is shown in Table 2-22. Table 2-22. Summary of consumer disposal assumptions Plastics % Amount (g) Recycled 1 32% 12.16 Incinerated 1 14% 5.32 Landfilled 1 54% 20.52 Recycled 1 32% 0.35 Landfilled 1 68% 0.75 Aluminum 1 (EPA, 2009) 32 3 Scan Level Results and Analysis 3.1 ReCiPe Life Cycle Impact Assessment This model and life cycle inventory has been analyzed using an impact methodology called ReCiPe Midpoint. There are 18 characterization categories within ReCiPe Midpoint which reflect issues of direct environmental relevance. The midpoint impacts associated with the entire peanut butter life cycle estimated by the ReCiPe Midpoint Model represent potential processes that could cause some endpoint impact. In LCA the impact categories that directly derive from human activities and potentially cause damage are midpoint impacts; the damage that ultimately results from these impact categories are called endpoint categories. For the sake of consistency with the model analysis and comparison of the results with other GHG studies, the results are presented for one kg of peanut butter (2.2 lb of peanut butter), normalized for comparison to world values. In the cradle to grave ReCiPe LCIA, the highest impact categories from peanut butter were human human toxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity, and marine ecotoxicity characterization categories ( Figure 3-1). The life cycle phase with the greatest impact, Consumer Use and Disposal, is not in the control domain of the peanut industry sector. The Consumer Use phase was influenced heavily by the electricity demand used to clean dishes as part of peanut butter consumption. The peanut industry has little to no control over how a product is used after it leaves the supply chain, and therefore no power to reduce its environmental impact. The focus of the remaining ReCiPe impact analysis was the supply chain up to and including retail (cradle to retail gate) with the remainder of the ReCiPe results excluding consumer use and disposal. Figure 3-2 shows the ReCiPe impact assessment overview for cradle to retail gate. 33 Normalized Impact (World Factors) 0.003 0.0025 0.002 Consumer Retail 0.0015 Processor Roaster 0.001 Blancher Sheller 0.0005 Buying Point Farm 0. Impact Characterization Categories Analyzing 1 kg 'Consumer use phase/US U'; Method: ReCiPe Midpoint (H) V1.06 / World ReCiPe H / Figure 3-1. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis, cradle to grave 34 0.0018 0.0016 Normalized Impact (World Factors) 0.0014 0.0012 0.001 0.0008 0.0006 0.0004 Retail Processor Roaster Blancher Sheller Buying Point Farm 0.0002 0. Impact Characterization Categories Analyzing 1 kg 'Peanut Butter, 16oz at retail/US U'; Method: ReCiPe Midpoint (H) V1.06 / World ReCiPe H / Normalization / Excluding infrastructure processes Figure 3-2. Recipe midpoint impact analysis, cradle to retail gate 3.1.1 Highest Weighted Characterization Categories In this section we will take a closer look at the top three characterization categories as analyzed by ReCiPe for U.S. peanut butter production excluding consumer use and disposal. The top three as previously discussed are human toxicity, marine ecotoxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity. All three share a common unit of kg 1,4 Dichlorobenzene equivalent. 1,4 Dichlorobenzene is the reference chemical for these characterization categories because it is anticipated to be a carcinogen in humans and animals and because of its lipophilic properties, meaning it will accumulate in the fatty tissues of animals. In section 3.1.3 we will take a closer look at what peanut butter industry sector processes contribute to the impacts shown below. 35 Human Toxicity The factor of human toxicity encompasses human health damages by a chemical using dose and inherent toxicity of a chemical (Hertwich, Mateles, Pease, & McKone, 2009). This factor can be accounted for and applied to the human population, N, using Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYS). The main processes affecting Human Toxicity in the peanut butter production chain are natural gas extraction, crude oil production, disposal of spoil from coal mininig, and bituminous coal electricity production (Figure 3-3). Natural gas use is most predominant at the roaster. Peanut butter processing contributes the most towards the production of crude oil for the transportation of materials involved in making peanut butter. Processes on the farm are most responsible for the disposal of coal byproducts. Bituminous coal for electricity production is needed for processes with high electricity demand, mainly, the farm, blancher, roaster and processor. 0.045 0.04 0.035 Natural gas, at extraction site Natural gas, unprocessed, at extraction Crude oil, at production Disposal, spoil from coal mining, in surface landfill kg 1,4-DB eq 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 Electricity, bituminous coal, at power plant Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse Disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to sanitary landfill Disposal, spoil from lignite mining, in surface landfill Mercury, liquid, at plant Phosphorous chloride, at plant 0.01 0.005 0. Discharge, produced water, onshore Disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to municipal incineration Remaining processes Figure 3-3. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis for human toxicity characterization category, cradle to retail gate. Marine Ecotoxicity The fate of essential metals such as Cobalt, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, and Zinc in the ocean are the main driving factors behind marine ecotoxicity. Contributions to marine ecotoxicity are primarily from disposal of municipal waste, disposal spoil from coal mining, and natural gas production (Figure 3-4). The disposal of municipal waste impact is from the blancher, roaster, and processor 36 sectors. Disposal of spoil from coal mining is resultant from processes at the farm. Natural gas production is primarily for peanut roasting. 0.0006 Disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to sanitary landfill Disposal, spoil from coal mining, in surface landfill Natural gas, unprocessed, at extraction 0.0005 Natural gas, at extraction site Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 0.0004 Crude oil, at production kg 1,4-DB eq Disposal, spoil from lignite mining, in surface landfill 0.0003 Disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to municipal incineration Operation, lorry 7.5-16t Discharge, produced water, offshore 0.0002 Disposal, hard coal ash, 0% water, to residual material landfill Disposal, tailings from hard coal milling, in impoundment Discharge, produced water, onshore 0.0001 0. Disposal, nickel smelter slag, 0% water, to residual material landfill Phosgene, liquid, at plant Remaining processes Figure 3-4. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis for marine ecotoxicity characterization category, cradle to retail gate. Freshwater Ecotoxicity The characterization factor for freshwater ecotoxicity is comprised of three items: environmental fate, accumulation in food chain, and the toxic effect of the chemical. A characterization factor can be created for each chemical by the emission of one unit of chemical and its effect on human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity (Berthoud, Maupu, Huet, & Poupart, 2011). The freshwater ecotoxicity impact is dominated by unprocessed natural gas and pesticide use (Figure 3-5). The majority of pesticides are used at the farm level, however, there are very small contributions made by buying points, shelling, blanching, roasting, and processing. Natural gas demand is driven by the roasting process. 37 0.002 Natural gas, unprocessed, at extraction 0.0018 Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse kg 1,4-DB eq 0.0016 0.0014 Disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to sanitary landfill Disposal, spoil from coal mining, in surface landfill 0.0012 Natural gas, at extraction site 0.001 Discharge, produced water, onshore 0.0008 Crude oil, at production 0.0006 Disposal, spoil from lignite mining, in surface landfill 0.0004 Disposal, municipal solid waste, 22.9% water, to municipal incineration Disposal, hard coal ash, 0% water, to residual material landfill Remaining processes 0.0002 0. Figure 3-5. ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis for freshwater ecotoxicity characterization category, cradle to retail gate. 3.1.2 Lesser Characterization Categories In this section we will take a broad look at some of the remaining characterization categories that are significant to peanut butter production. These analyses will also exclude the consumer use and disposal phase. The remaining characterization categories that are significant to peanut butter production are fossil depletion, freshwater eutrophication, terrestrial acidification, climate change, particulate matter formation, and photochemical oxidant formation. Detailed below are the process flows in the peanut butter production model that contribute the most to these impacts. Climate change is analyzed separately in section 3.2. Fossil Depletion This assessment is based on an increase in price of fossil fuels in a balanced market. As fossil fuel use and production continues, humans will need to adapt to less conventional resources that will be harder and more costly to obtain (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). Fossil Depletion is based on an equivalent kg of oil. The top three process flows contributing to Fossil Depletion are bituminous coal production for processing peanut butter, natural gas production for roasting peanuts, and crude oil production for farm use (Appendix B, Table B-1). 38 Freshwater Eutrophication The major limiting nutrient in freshwater is phosphorus. Subsequently, when freshwater is saturated with phosphorus, eutrophication occurs. Phosphorus emissions can be evaluated with a damage factor for the eutrophic swing in the freshwater (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). Freshwater eutrophication is measured based on a kg of phosphorus equivalence. Coal waste disposal, pesticide use, and mining waste disposal stem primarily from on farm processes. (Appendix B, Table B-2). Terrestrial Acidification As sulfates, nitrates, phosphates and other inorganic substances undergo atmospheric deposition, an acidic shift can occur in the soil, harming plants that thrive at a certain pH value in the soil. An acidic deviation in this value could not only promote the decline of a target plant species, but also cause a shift in species occurrence (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). This characterization category is measured by kg sulfur-dioxide equivalent. Sulfur-dioxide, when oxidized in the atmosphere, produces H2SO4 which in high concentrations can lead to acid rain. Major contributors to Terrestrial Acidification were the production of bituminous coal for electricity and natural gas production (Appendix B, Table B-3). Particulate Matter Formation Particulate Matter Formation refers to a solid or liquid mixture of organic and non-organic substances with a diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10). The impacts of Particulate Matter Formation include respiratory issues from inhalation, aerosols as well as other assorted health problems (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). Particulate Matter Formation is measured by kg PM10 equivalence. The main contributor is the production of electricity by bituminous coal for all peanut industry process which are electricity intensive (Appendix B, Table B-4). Photochemical Oxidant Formation Photochemical reactions cause the formation of atmospheric ozone which is hazardous to humans, and leads to a greater occurrence and severity of many respiratory diseases such as asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. DALY’s are used to determine the severity of Photochemical Oxidant Formation (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). Photochemical oxidant formation is based on equivalence to kg non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC). NMVOC’s are organic chemicals with high vapor pressure at room temperature, 39 which means that a solid or liquid may release these as gases into the air. The production of electricity by bituminous coal is the primary contributor to this impact. 3.2 Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change Climate change potential is the measure of a specific greenhouse gas and its contribution to positive radiative forcing. Radiative forcing is measured by the change in net irradiance, which is the electromagnetic radiation per unit area incident on a surface. Certain gases, in increasing concentrations will retain more thermal radiation from the sun, thus increasing the temperature of the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gases emitted by humans are: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Fluorinated Gases (EPA, 2012). Climate change affects human and ecosystem health, as well as many other environmental mechanisms (Goedkoop, Heijungs, Schryver, Struijs, & Van Zelm, 2008). Climate change is measured in kg of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (kg CO2e). This climate change impact assessment was accomplished using the IPCC 2007 GWP method. Table 3-1 and Figure 3-6 contain the complete cradle to grave LCIA as analyzed by the IPCC 2007 GWP impact method, which includes consumer use and disposal. Consumer use was the greatest contributor to GHG due to a high electricity demand by the dishwasher. The farm was the next highest contributor to GHG, with the main contributors being fuel for machinery, fertilizers and pesticides, and electricity for pumping water. When comparing the GHG emissions for the entire life cycle of peanut butter to that of other common food products, peanut butter GHG emissions are low (Figure 3-7). For reasons explained in the ReCiPe impact assessment, the remainder of the IPCC 2007 GWP impact analysis will consist only of cradle to retail gate phases. 40 Table 3-1. IPCC 2007 GWP cradle to grave impact analysis, kg CO2e per kg of peanut butter produced kg CO2e/kg peanut butter Farm 0.511 Buying Point 0.064 Sheller 0.046 Blancher 0.265 1 0.369 Processor 0.406 Retail 0.204 Consumer Use & Disposal 0.762 Roaster Total 1 2.64 Dry roast process Figure 3-6. IPCC 2007 GWP cradle to grave impact analysis, kg CO2e per kg peanut butter produced 41 Figure 3-7. Comparison of GHG emissions from various food types (EWG, 2011) The greatest impact on climate change from processes within the peanut butter industry, excluding consumer use and disposal, stems from the production of electricity by bituminous coal (Figure 3-8). This electricity is used to power all of the processes from the buying point to retail with its most significant use at the peanut butter processor. The next highest contributor is from diesel use on the farm. This can be seen by combining the preharvest and harvest machinery fuel use processes (Figure 3-8). 42 Figure 3-8. IPCC 2007 GWP impact analysis process flow contributors, cradle to retail gate 3.2.1 Cultivation Practice Comparison for Greenhouse Gases In our final impact analysis, we examined the different peanut cultivation practices as described by the Georgia crop budgets used to populate our model. The amount of CO2e for each cultivation practice was again determined using the IPCC 2007 GWP method (Frischknecht & Jungbluth, 2007) in SimaPro®. Table 3-2 shows the amount of CO2e produced for each production practice. Table 3-2. Greenhouse Gas Protocol results by impact category and cultivation method Conventional, Conventional, Irrigated Non-irrigated kg CO2 eq 0.320 0.301 Strip, Irrigated 0.281 Strip, Nonirrigated 0.279 Average Practice 0.305 The conventional till and irrigated scenarios resulted in higher emissions than the strip till and non-irrigated scenarios, respectively (Figure 3-9). Processes that accounted for less than 1% of the carbon dioxide produced were excluded. In all four cultivation scenarios, the input categories with the largest contributions to carbon dioxide emissions were harvest and preharvest machinery fuel, as well as insecticide applications. 43 Figure 3-9. IPCC 2007 GWP impact analysis for conventional and strip till cultivation practices in units of CO2e 3.3 Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis was performed in order to determine the certainty of the results within a prescribed confidence interval. Each source of data included in this model carried with it some form of uncertainty, either from inherent process variability or from a lack of knowledge of the range and tendencies of actual process data. There are several major factors in determining uncertainty, such as: degree of expert data verification, representativeness of the data for the entire field of study, temporal and geographical correlation, and sample size. To determine uncertainty for the peanut butter model a database of all the data inputs were characterized for process and knowledge uncertainty. For example, electricity consumption at the sheller was based on industry survey responses and normalized on a per-ton of shelled peanuts basis. For electricity consumption the data were based on measurements representative of the some of the sites under study within three years difference from the reference year with a sample size of less than 10. Using these input characteristics SimaPro®’s uncertainty model was used to describe the data and its distribution and determine an uncertainty value for electricity consumption at the sheller. Each input 44 to the model was parameterized using this process. Inputs with limited data (less than five observations) were assigned a Lognormal distribution and a coefficient of variation of 1.22. SimaPro® uses the Monte Carlo method, a computational method, to calculate uncertainty. Monte Carlo uses random sampling of the input data characterized as probability distribution functions (pdf) and returns results as a pdf (Figure 3-10). A 95% confidence interval was used to determine the upper and lower boundaries of the kg CO2e produced per kg peanut butter. Uncertainty analysis was performed on the entire peanut life cycle from cradle to grave. The results indicated that there is 95% confidence that the GHG emissions for a kg of peanut butter was between 1.24 and 6.71 kg CO2e with a mean of 2.91 and standard deviation of 1.61. This is comparable to the initial SimaPro® model results of 2.64 kg CO2e and within range of other estimates for emissions from consumer packaged goods (Figure 3-11). Figure 3-10. Probability distribution function for GHG emissions for peanut butter (kg Peanut Butter/kg CO2e). 95% confidence interval displayed on chart as red vertical lines. 45 Figure 3-11. Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis results, 95% confidence interval, as compared with the initial SimaPro® model output and industry estimates for various packaged goods (EWG, 2011). 3.4 Summary of SimaPro® modeling A complete model of the peanut butter supply chain accounting for extractions from nature through final disposal of packaging materials was constructed and life cycle inventory data from publically available sources was used to support an analysis of multiple environmental impacts. The primary impact categories were found using the ReCiPe impact analysis model. ReCiPe identified toxicity impacts as significant and driven by emissions from four major processes: natural gas production, disposal of municipal waste, disposal of coal byproducts, and pesticide use. Natural gas production and use was associated primarily with the buying point where drying occurs and the roaster. Disposal of municipal waste is associated with blanching, roasting, and processing. Disposal of coal byproducts is associated with processes on the farm. Pesticides are usually associated with the farm, however, significant pesticide use was reported at the sheller, blancher, and roaster. An initial evaluation of our SimaPro® model concluded that 1kg of peanut butter produces 2.64 kg CO2e. Further, Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis revealed a mean of 2.91 kg CO2e with a 95% confidence interval of 1.24 to 6.71 kg CO2e. The greatest impact on climate change from within the peanut butter life cycle occurs at the consumer, followed by the farm and processor. The highest processes impact stems from the production of electricity by bituminous coal. This electricity is used to power all of the processes from the buying point to retail with its most significant use at the peanut 46 butter processor. Conventional till, irrigated peanuts incur the greatest amount of CO2e, which is resultant from the electricity used to pump water. 4 Conclusions The purpose of this analysis was to perform a scan-level life cycle assessment and impact analysis for peanut butter production in the US. Objectives for the LCA were: 1) a literature review of the peanut industry, 2) a life cycle inventory (LCI) review, and 3) an assessment of a variety of impacts including carbon. This report provides a description of the life cycle inventory, assessment, and impact results. Objective 1, the Literature Review of the peanut industry, was prepared in a separate document. The results of Objectives 2 and 3 were presented in this document. The project scope included environmental effects at a national scale in order to put into context the environmental impacts that can be attributed to the entire life cycle of a 1 lb jar of peanut butter in the United States. In the report, we focused on the factors in the peanut butter life cycle that were the highest contributors to environmental impacts, specifically human toxicity, marine and freshwater ecotoxicity, as well as climate change, which was an important impact for the peanut industry shareholders. Most of the ReCiPe midpoint and IPCC 2007 GWP analysis did not include the consumer phase because of a lack of control over this phase by the peanut industry. 4.1 LCIA Using ReCiPe Midpoint ReCiPe midpoint impact analysis showed that human toxicity, marine ecotoxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity were the three highest weighted characterization categories. All three share a common unit of kg 1,4 Dichlorobenzene equivalent. The main processes affecting Human Toxicity in the peanut butter production chain were natural gas extraction, crude oil production, disposal of coal byproducts, and bituminous coal electricity production. Natural gas use was most predominant at the roaster. Peanut butter processing contributed the most towards the production of crude oil for the transportation of materials involved in making peanut butter. Processes on the farm were most responsible for the disposal of coal byproducts. Bituminous coal for electricity production was needed for processes with high electricity demand, mainly, the farm, blancher, roaster and processor. 31% of the total Human Toxicity impact occurred at the farm and another 26% occurred at the roaster. Contributions to marine ecotoxicity were primarily from disposal of municipal waste, disposal of coal byproducts, and natural gas production. The disposal of municipal waste impact was from the blancher, roaster, and processor sectors. Disposal of coal byproducts was resultant from processes at 47 the farm. The freshwater ecotoxicity impact was dominated by unprocessed natural gas and pesticide use. The majority of pesticides were used at the farm level. Natural gas demand was driven by the roasting process. The farm accounted for 35% of freshwater ecotoxicity and 35% of the marine ecotoxicity impacts. 4.2 LCIA Using IPCC 2007 GWP 4.2.1 Cradle to Grave This climate change impact assessment was accomplished using the IPCC 2007 GWP method which uses units of kg CO2e. Consumer use was the greatest contributor to GHG due to a high electricity demand by the dishwasher. However, consumer use was not included in the majority of the greenhouse gas analysis. IPCC 2007 GWP assessed that the greatest impact on climate change from processes within the peanut butter industry excluding consumer use stems from the production of electricity by bituminous coal. This electricity is used to power all of the processes from the buying point to retail with its most significant use at the peanut butter processor. Natural gas production for the roasting of peanuts and on-farm diesel use were also significant contributors to the total CO2e produced. Discounting consumer use, farm gate impact was roughly 27% of the total greenhouse gas emissions from the supply chain with the next highest contributor being the peanut butter processor at 22%. The complete cradle to grave life cycle impact assessment for peanut butter shows a GHG impact of 2.64 kg CO2e. When comparing the GHG emissions for the entire life cycle of peanut butter to that of other common food products, peanut butter GHG emissions were low. We used the Monte Carlo method to determine the uncertainty associated with our model. A 95% confidence interval was used to determine the upper and lower boundaries of the kg CO2e produced per kg peanut butter. Uncertainty analysis was performed on the entire peanut life cycle from cradle to grave. The results indicated that there is 95% confidence that the GHG emissions for a kg of peanut butter was between 1.24 and 6.71 kg CO2e with a mean of 2.91 and standard deviation of 1.61. This is comparable to the initial SimaPro® model results of 2.64 kg CO2e and within range of other estimates for emissions from consumer packaged goods. 48 4.2.2 Peanut Production Scenarios In our final impact analysis, we examined the different peanut cultivation practices as described by the Georgia crop budgets used to populate our model. The amount of CO2e for each cultivation practice was again determined using the IPCC 2007 GWP method (Frischknecht & Jungbluth, 2007) in SimaPro®. The conventional till and irrigated scenarios resulted in higher emissions than the strip till and non-irrigated scenarios, respectively (Figure 3-9). Conventional tillage required more preharvest diesel than strip till which stems from the greater amount of field preparation required in conventional till. Irrigation required the use of electricity to drive the water pumps where as non-irrigated did not. Non-irrigated practices used less herbicides and pesticides than irrigated peanuts, according to Georgia crop budgets, however, it was not enough to offset CO2e produced through electricity production. In all four cultivation scenarios, the input categories with the largest contributions to carbon dioxide emissions were harvest and preharvest machinery fuel, as well as insecticide applications. 49 References Berthoud, A., Maupu, P., Huet, C., & Poupart, A. (2011). Assessing freshwater ecotoxicity of agricultural products. Springer-Verlag. Blankenship, P. D., & Chew, V. (1979). Peanut Drying Energy Consumption. Peanut Science, 6, 10-13. BLS. (2011). Average Energy Prices in Atlanta - September 2011. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Southeast Information Office. News Release. BLS. BLS. (2011). Consumer Expenditures--2010. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Butts, C. (2010). 2010 Peanut Drying Research Summary Report. USDA, ARS, National Peanut Research Laboratory. Cunningham, L. 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Farm chemical inputs Product Name Active Ingredient Amount Units US EcoInvent Unit Process Boron - - - Borax, anhydrous, powder, at plant Lime/Gypsum - - - Lime, from carbonation Abound azoxystrobin 2.08 lb/gal Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse Artisan flutolanil 3 lb/gal Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse Fertilizers Fungicides n/a propiconazole 0.6 lb/gal Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse Bravo chlorothalonil 4.17 lb/gal chlorothalonil, at regional storage Chlorothalonil chlorothalonil 6 lb/gal chlorothalonil, at regional storage Tebuconazole tebuconazole 3.6 lb/gal Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse Tilt/Bravo propiconazole 0.3 lb/gal Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse n/a chlorothalonil 4 lb/gal chlorothalonil, at regional storage Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-DDichlorophenoxyacetic acid 3.8 lb/gal 2, 4-D at regional storehouse 2,4-DB dimethylamine salt of butyric acid 1.75 lb/gal phenoxy-compounds, at regional storehouse Cadre ammonium salt of imazapic 2 lb/gal Pyridine-compounds, at regional storehouse S-metolachlor 7.62 lb/gal Metolachlor, at regional storehouse lb/gal Glyphosate, at regional storehouse Herbicides 2,4-D Amine Dual Magnum Glyphosate glyphosate 4 paraquat dichloride 2.762 Prowl pendimethalin 3.8 lb/gal Pendimethalin, at regional storage Select clethodim 0.97 lb/gal Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse ethalfluralin 3 lb/gal Dinitroaniline-compunds, at regional storehouse Gramaxone Inteon Sonolan lb/gal Bipyridylium-compounds, at regional storehouse 53 Table A-2. Farm chemical inputs, continued Product Name Active Ingredient Amount Units US EcoInvent Unit Process Storm sodium salt of bentazon 2.67 lb/gal Benzo[thia]diazole-compounds, at regional storehouse Storm (2nd a.i.) sodium salt of acifluorfen 1.33 lb/gal Diphenylether-compounds, at regional storehouse flumioxazin 51 % by mass chloropyrifos - - Karate Z lambda-cyhalothrin 2.08 lb/gal pyretroid-compounds, at regional storehouse Steward indoxacarb 1.25 lb/gal diazine-compounds, at regional storehouse Temik aldicarb 15 % by mass Tracer spinosad 4 lb/gal Herbicides Valor Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse Insecticides Chlorpyrifos organophosphorus-compounds, at regional warehouse [thio]carbamate-compounds, at regional storehouse Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 54 Table A-3. Blancher and roaster cleaner use per ton of peanuts produced kg/ton Active Ingredient Total Active (kg) Cleaners 3.66E-02 Hypochlorite 9.19E+03 2.14E-01 sodium hydroxide 1.15E+05 1.56E-02 Potassium Hydroxide 6.39E+02 1.56E-02 Tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether 6.39E+02 4.37E-03 Sodium metasilicate 1.79E+02 8.24E-03 Disodium Trioxosilicate 3.38E+02 7.81E-03 Quaternary Ammonia 1.26E+03 2.51E-02 Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate 1.03E+03 1.26E-02 Sodium nitrilo-triacetate (40%) 5.15E+02 2.51E-02 Tomadol Surfactants 3.09E+03 3.08E-02 Phosphoric Acid 4.98E+03 8.62E-03 Butoxydiglycol 4.63E+02 8.62E-03 Ethoxydiglycol 4.63E+02 3.71E-03 Sodium Xylene Sulfonate 9.96E+01 3.71E-03 Benzenesulfonic acid 9.96E+01 3.71E-03 Cocamine Oxide 9.96E+01 3.56E-03 Sodium Percarbonate 2.14E+02 1.42E-04 Sodium Metasilicate Anhydrous 8.57E+00 3.41E-03 2-Butoxyethanol 4.10E+02 1.04E-03 Sodium tripolyphosphate 6.27E+01 1.09E-02 Nonyl phenol ethoxylate surfactant 6.59E+02 2.23E-03 Nitric Acid 1.34E+02 3.09E-04 Hydrochloric Acid 1.86E+01 1.99E-02 Isopropanol 1.20E+03 3.70E-03 Ethanol 2.23E+02 Total Cleaners kg/ton 4.70E-01 55 Table A-4. Blancher and roaster pesticide use per ton of peanuts produced Active Ingredient Total Active (kg) Pesticides Pyrethrins 1.85E-01 cyfluthrin 3.48E-01 Piperonyl Butoxide 9.07E-01 Pyriproxyfen 3.63E-02 Magnesium Phosphide 2.22E-01 Imidacloprid 1.13E-01 Z-9 Tricosene 2.27E-02 Deltamethrin 5.09E-01 Bromethalin 4.95E-05 Brodifacoum 8.14E-04 Difethialone 3.84E-04 Aluminum Phosphide 2.62E+00 d-trans Alethrin 7.68E-03 Phenothrin 7.14E-03 Brodifacoum 2.49E-04 9, 12-tetradecadien-1-yl acetate 1.11E-03 Total Pesticides kg/ton kg/ton 2.73E-06 5.13E-06 3.38E-05 1.35E-06 8.26E-06 4.22E-06 8.45E-07 1.90E-05 1.84E-09 3.03E-08 1.43E-08 4.35E-05 1.27E-07 1.19E-07 4.14E-09 1.84E-08 1.19E-04 56 Table A-5. Processing ingredient inputs and diesel transport requirement for 1 ton of ingredients Units Amount SimaPro® Process Name Stabilizer Oil Input Coconut Oil ton 1.00 Crude coconut oil, at plant/PH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Diesel kg 26.69 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Sugar Input Sugar ton 1.00 Sugar, from sugar beet, at sugar refinery/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Diesel kg 14.34 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Salt Diesel ton kg 1.00 26.14 No SimaPro® process available Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Salt Input 57 Table A-6. Packaging material inputs and diesel transport requirements for 1 ton of materials Units Amount SimaPro® Process Name Jar Input Jar, PET ton 1.00 Polyethylene terephthalate, granulate, bottle grade, at plant/RER WITH US Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Moulding Process ton 1.00 Injection moulding/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U Diesel kg 18.98 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Label Input Label, Paper ton 0.99 Paper, wood-containing, LWC, at regional storage/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Label, Adhesive ton 0.01 Proxy_Adhesives and binders, at plant NREL /US Diesel kg 60.96 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Lid Input Polypropylene ton 0.90 Polypropylene, granulate, at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U Aluminum ton 0.10 Aluminum, secondary, rolled NREL /RNA Moulding Process ton 1.00 Injection moulding/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U Diesel kg 26.98 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Secondary Packaging Input Packaging Film lb 10.00 Packaging film, LDPE, at plant/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U Corrugated Box lb 90.00 Corrugated board, recycling fibre, double wall, at plant/CH WITH US ELECTRICITY U Pallet p 1.00 EUR-flat pallet/RER WITH US ELECTRICITY U Diesel kg 15.01 Diesel, manufacture and combustion/US U Output Stabilizer Oil ton 1.00 Stabilizer, crude coconut oil at plant/US U Sugar ton 1.00 Sugar,from sugar beet at plant/US U Salt ton 1.00 Salt placeholder, at plant/US U Jar, PET ton 1.00 16oz product jar, at plant/US U Label, Paper ton 1.00 16oz product label, at plant/US U Lid, Poly and Aluminum ton 1.00 16oz product lid, at plant/US U Secondary Packaging lb 150.00 16oz product, secondary packaging, at plant/US U 58 B. Additional Results Tables and Figures Table B-7. Fossil depletion process flow impacts for 1 kg peanut butter Process Name Units Fossil Depletion kg Oil eq Bituminous coal, at mine 0.1705 Natural gas, at extraction site 0.0978 Natural gas, unprocessed, at extraction 0.0564 Crude oil, at production onshore 0.0361 Crude oil, at production offshore 0.0292 Crude oil, at production onshore 0.027 Natural gas, at production onshore 0.025 Crude oil, at production onshore 0.0244 Crude oil, at production offshore 0.0243 Hard coal, at mine 0.0175 Crude oil, at production 0.0143 Crude oil, at production 0.0133 Lignite coal, at surface mine 0.0129 Natural gas, at production onshore 0.012 Natural gas, at production offshore 0.0113 Natural gas, at production onshore 0.0109 Remaining processes 0.0387 Table B-8. Freshwater eutrophication process flow impacts for 1 kg peanut butter Process Name Units Freshwater Eutrophication kg P eq Disposal, spoil from coal mining, in surface landfill 4.11E-05 Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 2.23E-05 Disposal, spoil from lignite mining, in surface landfill 1.04E-05 Disposal, basic oxygen furnace wastes, 0% water, to residual material landfill 1.32E-06 Remaining processes 4.33E-06 59 Table B-9. Terrestrial Acidification process flow impacts for 1 kg of peanut butter Process Name Units Terrestrial Acidification kg SO2 eq Electricity, bituminous coal, at power plant 0.0044 Natural gas, at production 0.001 Natural gas, processed, at plant 0.001 Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 0.0004 Operation, lorry 20-28t, fleet average 0.0004 Operation, lorry 7.5-16t 0.0004 Electricity, lignite coal, at power plant 0.0003 Natural gas, sour, burned in production flare/MJ 0.0003 Hard coal, burned in power plant 0.0002 Hard coal, burned in power plant 0.0001 Remaining processes 0.0012 Table B-10. Particulate matter formation process flow impacts for 1kg of peanut butter Process Name Units Particulate Matter Formation kg PM10 eq Electricity, bituminous coal, at power plant 0.001 Natural gas, at production 0.0002 Natural gas, processed, at plant 0.0002 Operation, lorry 20-28t, fleet average 0.0002 Operation, lorry 7.5-16t 0.0002 Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 9.26E-05 Electricity, lignite coal, at power plant 7.69E-05 Natural gas, sour, burned in production flare/MJ 5.31E-05 Hard coal, burned in power plant 3.86E-05 Transport, train, diesel powered 3.01E-05 Hard coal, burned in power plant 2.95E-05 Remaining processes 0.0004 60 Table B-11. Photochemical oxidant formation process flow impacts for 1kg of peanut butter Process Name Units Photochemical Oxidant Formation kg NMVOC Electricity, bituminous coal, at power plant 0.0017 Operation, lorry 20-28t, fleet average 0.0008 Operation, lorry 7.5-16t 0.0007 Electricity, biomass, at power plant 0.0006 Natural gas, vented 0.0001 Natural gas, at production 0.0001 Transport, train, diesel powered 0.0001 Electricity, lignite coal, at power plant 0.0001 Pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 0.0001 Electricity, natural gas, at power plant 8.32E-05 Natural gas, processed, at plant 8.02E-05 Remaining processes 0.001 61 C. Cradle to Roaster Emissions Analysis In addition to the main emissions analysis, which included the raw materials production through disposal phases for peanut butter manufacturing, a secondary assessment was performed for the emissions from the cradle to roaster stages. This analysis is valuable for industries that require roasted nuts for uses other than peanut butter production. The included life cycle stages were farming, buying points, shelling, blanching, and roasting. Using the SimaPro model developed for peanut butter, the total amount of CO2e emissions from cradle to roaster was calculated using the IPCC 2007 GWP impact assessment method. The functional unit was 1 kg of roasted peanuts, and infrastructure processes were excluded from the assessment. The total amount of CO2e emissions estimated using the IPCC method was 1.08 kg CO2e per kg roasted peanuts with the farm and roaster being the two highest contributors at 0.41 and 0.38 kg CO 2e respectively (Figure C-1). Both of these stages were energy intensive, with relatively large fuel requirements for planting and harvesting machinery on the farm, and large electricity and natural gas requirements for the peanut roasters. Figure C-2 shows the percent emissions contribution of each production stage. Figure C-1. kg CO2e emissions per kg roasted nuts produced. IPCC 2007 GWP method 62 Figure C-2. Percentage of total CO2e emissions by life cycle stage 63 Figure C-3 shows the CO2e production from each input in the process, excluding inputs that contributed to less than 1% of the total emissions. The inputs resulting in the largest amounts of CO2e were electricity production, natural gas production and combustion, as well as farm fuel for planting and harvesting machinery. Figure C-3. CO2e emissions by input. Life cycle inputs contributing less than 1% of the total emissions are not shown. 64