Year 6 Lion Class Curriculum Letter

Together for Excellence
13th September 2013
Year 6 – Lion Class – Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
Dear Parents
Welcome back from the Summer break. I hope that a restful and enjoyable time was had by all
and that we are all ready to get right back in to a whole new year.
Curriculum Overview
Attached to this curriculum letter, you will find a curriculum overview of the things that we will be
covering in our learning this half term. I hope that you find this informative and detailed enough.
There is also a list of useful websites attached that link specifically to the things that the children
will be learning about. Please do access these at home, if you have internet access. They are
very useful and will give you a great idea of what your child is doing at school and how you can
support and enhance their learning at home. We are hoping to participate in a school trip to the
National Army Museum in London in December (the website is attached to the website list
overleaf). I would like to invite you to our class assembly on Wednesday 25th September at 11
a.m. In preparation for this could all the children wear something green, brown, or dark blue
(anything similar to an army uniform from the first and second world war).
School Timings
Just a quick reminder that the whistle is blown at 8.45am. Children are not
supervised on the playground until 8.40am when the duty teacher comes
out. School finishes at 3.00pm. It is really important that attendance remains
good, especially in this important year leading up to SATs.
Physical Education and Games
Lion Class take part in outdoor Games on a Wednesday and indoor
PE on a Thursday. For indoor PE, the children need black/blue shorts
and a white t-shirt. In the colder weather, tracksuits are suitable for
outdoor Games and appropriate footwear is essential. Please make
sure that children do not wear jewellery to school.
Reading and Library Times
Children are expected to read with an adult for 20 minutes at least 3 times
a week. They all have 1 or 2 library books and some children may have
additional books to support them in the learning of reading. If they are
reading library books they need to be of an appropriate level for your child
to read alone. If they have two books, one maybe harder and is for you to
share together. They are expected to have their books in school at all
times. Our library day is on a Monday afternoon. Within the classroom
there is a visual reading challenge for the children, which I am sure they
will tell you about.
Home Learning
Home learning is very important in bridging relationships between home and
school. Home learning tasks each week will consist of a piece of English
work, a piece of Maths work and a piece of Science/Topic work. The work will
relate specifically to what your child is doing in class that week so that you
can help them develop their skills at home and have a greater understanding
of what your child is doing each week. Home learning will come home on a
Monday and be due in on the following Friday.
Breakfast Club/ Tuck Shop/Healthy Snacks
A reminder that Breakfast Club runs from 8:15am – 8:45am daily and is
open to all children. Breakfast Club takes place in the hall at a cost of £1
per day. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, or you are a service
family then Breakfast Club is offered free as well.
We have noticed that many children are bringing in a variety of unhealthy snacks for break time.
Children may bring a piece of fruit/veg or a cereal bar in for a play time snack. We also have
our break time tuck shop where a selection of items can be purchased. Children may bring in a
maximum of 70p per day for play time snacks.
Your support is very much appreciated and if you have some spare time to offer us, maybe to
listen to readers, help with a school trip or to come into lessons, you can contact me via the
school at any time.
An early reminder that the Year 6 residential will be to Little Canada (PGL) on the Isle of Wight,
from Friday 13th June – Sunday 15th June 2014. We will be writing to you soon with details and
costings of the visit. Details can be found at
Please remember that SATs week for Year 6 is Monday 12th May – Friday 16th May 2014.
Yours sincerely
Mark Francis
Year 6 Class Teacher
Lots about our school and class can be found at
and Languages
Scientific and
and Social
Health and Well
the Arts
In writing, we will be learning about writing diary extracts from the viewpoint
of characters during the second world war and also looking at biographies
and autobiographies – focusing heavily on Anne Frank. We will be writing
fictional stories and a persuasive non-fiction text in the second half of the
In reading, we will be looking at many different genres, taking particular foci
to what the text is telling us about the subject it is describing.
In Maths, we will be looking at the value of numbers and using our
knowledge of all four main operations to manipulate these numbers. We
also will be looking at checking our work using the inverse operation through
real life maths.
In Science, we are studying gases around us, and how we classify by
investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. As Science is
everywhere investigating particularly to how this shown in the world around
In topic, we will be looking at World War II, closely researching the main
events of the war – geographical situations and human viewpoints. We will
be looking at the timeline of the war with all its closely related topics.
In PE, we will be focussing on gymnastics where we will be using what we’ve
learnt to travel on and around apparatus. In Games, we will be learning
cricket skills predominantly, but how these skills can be used in many other
different activities.
In PSHE, we will be focussing on ‘new beginnings and taking responsibility’
where we will be learning about rules within other countries and how they
differ from our own.
In DT, we will be investigating structures, particularly the air raid shelter, and
looking to design and make our own.
In RE, we will be looking at Judaism through our topic work, but also
investigating Hinduism.
We have a whole school assembly on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Friday’s assembly is our celebration assembly where we celebrate our
attendance winners, Housepoints and Stars of the Week. Tuesdays and
Thursdays are for class assemblies and circle time.
Some websites to help at home
We hope that the following sites will really help you to support and enhance your child’s
learning at home and their enthusiasm in their learning. Please remember about internet
safety and that you must be sure that your child only accesses appropriate and safe sites
for their age.
School Trip