Year 3 Home Guide WW2 A Child's Perspective

‘Minds to Learn, Hearts to Care’
Year 3 Home Guide
WW2 A Child’s Perspective
Autumn Term 2015
WW2 A Child’s Perspective
Dear Parents / Carers,
We hope that you are looking forward to your summer break and that you
are now looking forward to the new school year.
The Creative Curriculum topic for the Autumn half term is ‘WW2 A
Child’s Perspective’. The children will be learning about this topic, which is
linked to the Key Skills in History.
The subjects of R.E, PSHCE, Music, Computing, French, English and Maths
will continue to be taught discretely, although cross-curricular links will
be made as and when it is possible to do so.
During this topic, we will discover what life would have been like for a
child during the Second World War. We will be focusing on the
experience of being an evacuee and learn about their experiences and
what led to them being evacuated. We intend to explore rationing,
learning about what sort of foods were rationed and looking at war time
recipes. The children will have opportunity to create a meal using war
time ingredients.
We will find out about everyday life during the war and learn how people
tried to keep safe during the Blitz. We also hope to investigate what our
local area was like during the war. The children will be learning about the
experiences of Anne Frank, comparing her experiences during the war to
children in Britain and why she is well known.
Our final focus will be the end of war celebrations, learning about VE day
and recreating a street party.
Activities for children and parents:
 Research children’s experiences of the war.
 Find out where and why the war started.
Useful Websites
In English this term we will be studying fiction, non-fiction and poetry
Stories by the Same Author
Children will look at books by the same author with a focus on
Michael Morpurgo.
They will then discuss how every author has a ‘style’ and a way of
writing stories and of illustrating them that is all their own.
Children will plan, draft and create their own stories based on
these books.
Poetry –Shape Poems
During this unit children will be immersed in shape poems, with a
focus on calligrams.
They read, recite and discuss a variety before writing their own,
including poems using possessive apostrophes and relative clauses.
Children study the use of onomatopoeia and similes for effect.
Poetry –Traditional Poems
Children will read a selection of traditional poems based upon a war
They will have the opportunity to investigate and understand the
key features of Traditional Poems.
They will explore the vocabulary of sounds and study the use of
adjectives and adverbs/adverbials as descriptions.
Children will then write poetry inspired by the poems that they
have read.
Adventure Stories
We will read some short adventure stories and identify the plot
structure, common themes, settings and characters.
Analyse language use and connectives to signal time, place or
We will plan and write an extended adventure story divided into
chapters or paragraphs. Identifying a problem, events and
resolution and use typical characters and settings.
Information texts
We will be looking at the different ways of presenting information.
Read and persuasive texts, explaining and evaluating responses.
Using words and pictures we will practise writing persuasive texts.
Through role-play and drama we will explore particular persuasive
scenarios (e.g. a parent persuading a reluctant child to go to bed)
and discuss the effectiveness of different strategies used.
Instructions and Explanations
Children will be looking at a range of instructions and explanations
and investigating the different features of this genre.
Children will build up to writing their own instruction and
explanation text.
Children will be using diagrams, subheadings, charts, labels and
They will write their own instructions and explanation text with a
correct sequence and using connectives to link sections of the text.
Useful Websites
In Maths this term we will be continuing to cover a variety of topics.
Throughout the units this term we will be focusing on multi-step word
problems, time, shape, measuring, division and fractions as well as
developing our written methods for the four operations.
This term the children will develop their knowledge of:
Refining and use efficient written methods to add and subtract
two-digit and three-digit whole numbers and £.p Rounding, number
operations and inverses to estimate and check calculations
Identifying the doubles of two-digit numbers; use these to
calculate doubles of multiples of 10 and 100 and derive the
corresponding halves
Comparing the impact of representations where scales have
intervals of differing step size
Using decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and partition
decimals; relate the notation to money and measurement; position
one-place and two-place decimals on a number line
Recognising the equivalence between decimal and fraction forms of
one half, quarters, tenths and hundredths
Activities for parents and children
Practise recall of this term’s Target Tables 3x table + recall of
previous tables ( 2x, 4x, 5x, 10x)
Practise increasing the speed of recall for all 2-digit + 2-digit
numbers and 2-digit x 1-digit numbers
Practise adding/ subtracting mentally pairs of two-digit whole
numbers (e.g. 47 + 58, 91 − 35)
Useful Websites
Art/Design & Technology
Over the course of the Summer Term, we will look at a variety of art,
design and technology skills. Some ideas will be linked to our topic of the
Second World War.
We will be focusing on ‘journeys’ and will be exploring different ways of
representing objects and features relating to maps and journeys. The
children will create their own artwork linked to the journey of an evacuee.
War time recipes will be explored and we will look at the ingredients used.
We will create our own wartime recipe thinking carefully about the food
that was available during WW2.
Useful Websites:
We are Researchers
In the second half term, children will undertake a unit named ‘We are
Researchers’ where they will learn how to research information online,
but by using a systematic and ordered approach. Children will then use
the information they have discovered to create their own presentations
and to organise the information in a useful and relevant way, which will
also be helpful to others. There will also be the opportunity for children
to share their findings with the rest of the class through the delivery of
their own multimedia presentations.
We are Comic Writers
During the first half term, children will complete a unit titled ‘We are
Comic Writers’ whereby they will undertake the processes involved with
creating cartoons and comic strips. Throughout this unit, children will be
creating their own ideas for a storyboard before transferring these
ideas to create a comic strip using a computer. Children will then be able
to develop their presentation skills by showing their work to other
members of the class.
The ICT skills we will use include:
Using search engines online
Exploring and creating databases on Microsoft Excel
Using maths skills for data collection, analysis and presentation
Using graphing software to show the impact of the information
Exploring patterns in data
Using Microsoft Word to produce written pieces
Explore how to create changes to the text on Word
Useful websites:
http://www.nationalarch ives /focuson/census/
In the Autumn term we will be covering two areas: Animals including
Humans and Light. The questions to be explored are;
How far can you throw your shadow?
How could we cope without electricity for one day?
How far can you throw your shadow?
Explore shadow formation using torches and other light sources.
Introduce children to the idea of light travelling in straight lines.
Children explore shadows of themselves in different positions eg
standing, crouched down, with arms extended
Children measure and record the length of the shadow at different
times of day.
Describe after observing over a period of time, how the position of
the Sun appears to change in relation to their classroom (or room
at home) during the day.
Predict that the opaque materials will form shadows and identify
results that were unexpected eg the plastic bottle made a pale
How can Usain Bolt move so quickly?
 They will be finding out how long it takes them to run 100m and how
far they can run in 9.68 seconds.
 They will be looking at the arm joint and how it works. Children will
also have the opportunity to make a similar joint.
 The children will investigate the role of the muscle and how it helps
the arm to move.
 They will learn how the food we eat gets transported around the
 The children will be learning about the skeleton. They will
understand how the skeleton and muscles link to support them.
Useful websites:
Useful Information
Children in Year 3 will be given homework on a Friday to be completed and
handed in the following week on Wednesday. This will be English or Maths,
given out alternately, along with weekly spellings which will be tested on
Fridays, in their new spelling groups. Spelling books will be sent home on a
Friday too, and should be returned the following week ready for the next
Homework is always linked to what we have been learning in class or what
we will be learning the following week. The homework is appropriate to
the level of ability of your child, with some challenge for extension –
children may need some support at home but this should really only be for
Children are encouraged to read at home each night – up to 15 minutes if
possible. Children are permitted to change their reading book each
Monday and Thursday, and are encouraged to bring in their school planner
at least twice a week for school staff to monitor children’s home reading.
Please encourage your child to be well prepared for school; remembering
to bring homework, planners, reading books and the correct P.E. kits.
Please ensure that your child has all items in their PE kit (including
trainers for outside P.E) to ensure that they can take part fully in the
Using the home guide
The guide is to keep you informed about the topics and themes being
studied at school and to offer ideas for activities at home. Some useful
websites have been given.
If at anytime you have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to
contact us. May we also take this opportunity to say that we are looking
forward to getting to know you and working with you this term.
Miss Copping, Miss Rowntree and Mrs Legender
Summer Term Targets
Stage 3:
To extend the range of sentences with more than one clause by using a
wider range of conjunctions e.g. when, if , because, although
To indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe with singular
nouns and regular plurals
To use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.
To use known spelling rules when writing unfamiliar words.
To discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and
Stage 2 Secure and Stage 3 Ready:
To use full stops, capital letters, question marks and commas
To convey opinions about characters and settings effectively.
To predict what might happen next from details both stated and implied.
To use known spelling rules when writing unfamiliar words.
To predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.
Stage 2 Emerging and Developing:
To use full stops, capital letters, exclamation and question marks
To use tenses accurately.
To use known spelling rules when writing unfamiliar words.
To discuss the sequence of events in books and how items of information
are related.
Summer Term Targets
Stage 3:
To add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a 3-digit number
and 1s, 10s, 100s.
To solve number problems and practical problems involving these
To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8
multiplication tables.
To recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe
Stage 2 Secure and Stage 3 Ready:
To recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and
subtraction and use this to check calculations and missing number
To solve problems with addition and subtraction: using concrete
objects and pictorial representations; applying their increasing
knowledge of mental and written methods.
To recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and
10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even
To identify and describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the
number of edges, vertices and faces.
Stage 2 Emerging and Developing:
To count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any
number, forward or backward.
To recall and use add and subtract facts to 20 fluently, and derive
and use related facts up to 100.
To show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order
(commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot.
To identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including the
number of sides and symmetry in a vertical line.