Pentateuch - Big Dream Ministries

Review Helps
for the
The Amazing Collection:
The Bible Book By Book
In 1999, I was listening to an excellent Bible teacher expound the rewards of studying,
memorizing and meditating on God’s Word. I have to admit I was rather smug as I had
been a student of the Bible for almost thirty years. But it was at that very moment that
three words hit me like a ton of bricks. Oh, they were very familiar words. In fact they
were so familiar they had lost their impact, but on that day, God used them mightily to
shake me out of complacency and into a whole new way of thinking and approaching the
In that split second it occurred to me that if indeed this book really was the WORD OF
GOD, then why was I not highly familiar with every single book. I had taught the Bible
and certainly had been a faithful student to the teaching that was available to me (and
there was a lot as I lived in the Bible belt and had even attended seminary) but still I
couldn’t truthfully say I was well versed in every book. But why wasn’t I? If it
represented the only recorded words that God had given man, why did I not have this
knowledge and understanding deep within my soul?
Those were hard questions that served as the impetus to begin developing The Amazing
Collection; The Bible Book By Book.
But there was another question that arose from this divine moment with God. Why was I
unable to recall so little from all of the studying I had done? I began to ask many other
serious students of the Word. I would begin by asking what Bible studies they had taken.
The response usually included a fairly lengthy list of popular studies. Some of those were
considered “light” while others were very detailed and “deep’. More often then not this
was proceeded by a few words on how wonderful the study was and how very much they
enjoyed it.
But when I asked the question “What did you learn that you remember?” I was often
confronted with a somewhat blank stare. It was then that I realized that I was not alone.
Somehow we were learning much but remembering little.
When we began to develop The Amazing Collection: The Bible Book By Book, we had a
goal that was a bit unusual. People would LEARN FOR LIFE about every book in God’s
Word. Yet in order for people to truly learn, repetition must take place. And so we have
developed this “Review Helps for Facilitators of The Amazing Collection”. In it you
will find the main points that students should remember and also some creative ideas for
helping them do so. Though some may seem silly, we have found that after the initial
shock of “playing games” or being given a “test” they will come to see the value of
review, repetition, and various paths to stir their memory.
It is our prayer that this will be a helpful tool and stir your own creative ideas in ways to
plant the main ideas of each book into the minds of your students.
There may be some pushback as you will hear “but the Bible is not just about facts and
dates and characters, but about the heart of God”. That is very true yet the story God has
written is made up of those very things, facts and details, and they give us clues about
Who He is and how He works with mankind. Proverbs also points out that wisdom
includes knowledge (facts) and understanding (remembering and applying). Wisdom,
knowledge and understanding all work together to help us know God Almighty through
His Word, the Bible.
Pat Harley
Big Dream Ministries
Because we learn by review, review, review….the following are
some review helps for leading the Amazing Collection study. A
good schedule would be as follows:
Watch the Genesis DVD
Discuss the Learning for Life questions
Do the homework during the week
Come back to class and review Genesis (both oral and
written) and discuss the homework
Watch the Exodus DVD
Review the preceding books on a regular basis to help
students remember the characters, sequence of events and the
mighty works of God in each book.
Some of the ideas for review are games or challenges that
should be done as a group. If your students meet around round
tables then have that group be a team and they will play
against the team at another table. At no time should any one
individual feel that they are being pitted against another
person. These games or challenges are not done for the
purpose of finding out who is the smartest but in helping the
students learn in different ways. The challenges should be done
in fun and good humor. Sometimes it makes the challenge
more fun by offering prizes like M&M’s or Smarties or
Amazings candies. Though lighthearted, the purpose of such
challenges should always be to help the students retain what
has been taught.
Session One: Genesis
The Book of Beginning
Genesis is a foundational book for the rest of the Bible and the first book in the
Pentateuch. There are many major events and major players and it covers a great deal of
time and material. As students begin this study, they may easily become overwhelmed
with the length of reading and many facts. It will be helpful to show them that Genesis is
the beginning of a true story and because it is a story it flows in chronological order.
Also you may want to reassure them by letting them know that this material will be
reviewed over and over again in the proceeding books.
Take time to acquaint the students with each section of the workbook as
Introduction, Table of Contents and the Workbook Guide
Before watching the DVD, introduce the workbook. Please point out to the
students the Introduction, Table of Contents and the Workbook Guide (pg
The Pentateuch at a Glance
This chart on page 13 should be explained. The larger boxes tell the HISstory while the smaller boxes add additional information during the time
period of the book below it. For instance, Leviticus is a rule book for the
priests that are introduced in the book of Exodus while the people are at
Mt. Sinai.
The Chronological Relationship of the Books Chart at the end of each
workbook is a great tool. For example, in the Old Testament History
books the story starts in the big boxes (Genesis) and ends with Nehemiah.
The History Books above these in the smaller boxes (Leviticus,
Deuteronomy, Ruth, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Esther) add additional
information to the book in the larger box below it and fit into that same
time period. There is no more Old Testament history covered after the
book of Nehemiah. The rest of the Old Testament books fit into those
historical books.
Memory Cards
Encourage the student to cut out and laminate the Memory Cards at the
beginning of each book. Cards can then be put on a ring and kept in a
purse or in the car for quick reviews. Lamination and hole punch can be
done at stores such as Office Max, Office Depot or Staples.
Introductions to Materials
Review the information provided on page 19 and 23 as you introduce the
concept of the Pentateuch and the Book of Genesis.
Every weekly lesson has a corresponding map. These maps help the
student put God’s story in its proper location.
In the back of most workbooks, additional maps help the student gain even
greater geographical information. The Modern States and the Ancient
Near East Map on page 157 shows the Modern Names for the Biblical
areas covered in The Pentateuch study.
Point out the key facts in the Overview. This will occur with every book
in the Amazing Collection and is also the same information on the
Memory Cards that they will have laminated.
DVD Outline
Every DVD has an outline. It should be filled out as the students are
watching the DVDs. If this is distracting for the student, all of the answers
to the outlines begin on page 158.
Learning for Life
These discussion questions should follow the DVD and provide impetus
for small group discussion. A Leader’s Guide is on page 171 and
Appendix A “The Effective Discussion Leader: A Worthy Goal” on page
180 gives valuable information for those facilitating a small group.
The Homework
There are two methods for doing the homework. One is the COMPLETE
READ. If the student is following that method, they will read the entire
book in a week. The chapters that should be read follow the words
COMPLETE READ before the daily lesson begins.
However, if time is short, then the key chapters have been chosen for the
QUICK READ to give the student a good overview of the book without
reading every chapter. The written work is the same for both the
The students should come to class prepared for discussion with their
homework competed each week.
Review It
At the end of each lesson there is REVIEW IT paragraph in the margin
that once again allows the student to review the important points made in
each one of the daily lessons. After the student has completed the week’s
written lessons, there is a Review “quiz”. This is to give the student a
review of the main points they have just studied. The answers are in the
“REVIEW IT” paragraphs in the margins following every lesson.
Now that you have reviewed the workbooks with the students
Show the Genesis DVD
Teacher: Eleanor Lewis
Graphics: “I Was Created For..”
Music: I Am Your Beloved
Vocalist: Linda Osborn
Learning for Life
Take time at the end of the DVD for discussion using the
“Learning for Life” questions that follow the DVD outline.
Wrap Up: End the session with prayer. Ask God to help each student
truly learn for life the overview of the book of Genesis.
What to Remember in Genesis: Book of Beginnings
Time covered:
Estimate 2200 years
Abraham to end of Genesis 286 years (2090-1804)
(Chapters 12-50)
Main characters:
Main Events:
Creation (Beginning of man)
Fall (Beginning of sin)
Tower of Babel (Beginning of Languages)
Abraham (Beginning of Israel)
Three promises God gave Abraham
Many descendents
Land of their own
Descendent would be a blessing to the
Jacob the father of 12 sons
Joseph was used by God to move Israel to Egypt
Garden of Eden
Session Two: Exodus
Book of Deliverance
Begin session two with a discussion of homework from the book of Genesis. The areas
below are suggested but you may wish to cover more of the homework if time allows.
The bottom of page 30
The two questions on page 34
The bottom of page 37
Top of page 40
Top of page 45
Oral Review
Give a brief oral review of the book of Genesis and remind them that the history books
tell a story with natural flowing sequences of events. Try not to read these oral reviews
but say it in your own words.
The Story So Far
(Review of Genesis):
The theme of Genesis is the Book of Beginnings as it tells the beginning of the world,
sin, nations, and the chosen race. It covers approximately 2200 years.
God crested the heavens and the earth and made man and woman, Adam and Eve. He
placed them in the Garden of Eden and gave them only one command. They were not to
eat of the fruit of the tree of life. They sinned when they disobeyed God’s only negative
command and with that sin entered the world.
Eventually the entire world became so violent and evil that God brought a flood
and all perished except Noah and his family. The population of the world grew once
again and with it the pride of man. They began to build the Tower of Babel so God
confused their languages and nations were formed.
Beginning in chapter twelve, God raised up one man, Abraham, and gave him
three promises. He promised him many descendents, land, and that one of his
descendents would be a blessing to all the nations of the world.
Abraham had Isaac. Isaac had Jacob and Jacob had twelve sons. One son, Joseph,
was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers. There he was falsely accused and
imprisoned. Through a turn of God-events he was released and became second in
command of the nation. His brothers, thinking he was dead, came to Egypt seeking food
during a famine. There their family was reunited and all came to live with Joseph in
Egypt. At the end of the book, Jacob dies followed by Joseph.
Written Review
After a brief oral review, present them with the following Written Review. You may
choose to use only half of the following review if there are time restraints. Make it
fun and light-hearted but do not embarrass anyone by asking who got them all correct at
this time. As they adjust to this type of review they will relax a bit and not be so hard on
themselves. However, this first time around is not a good time for anyone to reveal how
many they missed! Reassure them that this is for their own encouragement and not for
others to know their score.
The Written Review may be copied and one given to each student. You may also simply
copy the material on a board or put them on an overhead screen in order to save paper
and let them use their own notebooks or paper. .
This Written Review is to be done by themselves. After they have had enough time to
complete the work then give them the answers and let them correct their own papers. This
is for their review purpose only.
Please Note:
The answers are given to the questions for the facilitator on the sheet
following each Written Review..
The DVD for Exodus
Introduce the DVD
Teacher: Pat Harley
Testimony: Fay Runnion
Music: I Just Want to Be
Vocalist: Kathy Smith
Learning for Life Questions
Take time to discuss the Learning for Life Questions at end of the DVD outline.
What to remember in Exodus: Book of Deliverance
Main Characters:
His brother Aaron
Main events: Ten Plagues
Nation of Israel birthed
Crossing the Red Sea
The Ten Commandments
The Tabernacle
Mount Sinai
Time covered: 430 years
Wrap Up: Pray that God would give each student a clearer vision of His great power as
they study the book of Exodus this week.
A Written Review for Genesis
1. What is the theme of Genesis?
2. Name two good things that began in Genesis and two bad things.
3. How many years does the book of Genesis cover (approximately)?
4. Why did God destroy the world with a flood?
5. What four events took place before Chapter 12?
6. Name the prominent players in Chapters 1-11.
7. Who were the prominent players of Chapters 12-50?
8. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised him three things. What are
those three promises?
9. How many sons did Jacob have?
10. How did Joseph end up in Egypt?
11. Why did Josephs brothers go to Egypt?
12. At the end of Genesis where are Abraham’s descendents living and what is his
family’s condition?
13. In your own words, what is one thing you have learned about God in the book of
Number from 1 to14 on the right side of the paper and then put the following events and
people from the book of Genesis in chronological order.
1. Abraham called out of Ur
2. Sin entered the world
3. Joseph sold into slavery
4. Isaac born
5. World flood
6. Joseph imprisoned in Egypt
7 Jacob marries Rachel
8. Joseph becomes second in command of Egypt
9. Adam and Eve
10. Jacob dies
11. Jacob has twelve sons
12. Joseph thrown into a well
13. Creation
14. Nations are divided (languages
A Written Review for Genesis
(Answers for facilitator: there may be more answers than we have
given here.)
1. What is the theme of Genesis? The book of Beginnings
2. Name two good things that began in Genesis and two bad things.
Good; heaven earth, man, animals, plants,
Bad: sin, death, separation from God, division between men
3. How many years does the book of Genesis cover beginning with Abraham?
4. Why did God destroy the world with a flood?
World was full of sin, violence. He was sorry He made man.
5. What four events took place before Chapter 12?
Creation, fall, flood, nations (languages)
6. Name the prominent players in Chapters 1-11.
Adam, Noah,
7. Who were the prominent players of Chapters 12-50?
Abraham, Jacob Joseph
8. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised him three things. What are those
three promises?
Many descendent, land and descendent would be a blessing to the
9. How many sons did Jacob have? Twelve
10. How did Joseph end up in Egypt? His brothers sold him into slavery
11. Why did Josephs brothers go to Egypt? To get food during a famine
12. At the end of Genesis where are Abraham’s descendents living and what is his
family’s condition? They are living in Egypt in peace and prosperity.
13. In your own words, what is one thing you have learned about God in the book of
Genesis? Individual answers
(Facilitators: These are in the correct order.)
1. Creation
2. Adam and Eve
3. Sin entered the world
4. World flood
5. Nations divided
6. Abraham called out of Ur
7. Isaac born
8. Jacob marries Rachel
9. Jacob has twelve sons
10. Joseph thrown into a well
11. Joseph sold into slavery
12. Joseph imprisoned in Egypt
13. Joseph becomes second in command in Egypt
14. Jacob dies
Session Three: Leviticus
The Book of Holiness
Begin session three with a discussion of the homework from the book of Exodus. The
areas below are suggested for discussion but you may wish to cover more of the
homework if time allows.
Top two questions at the top of page 59
Top of page 63
Bottom of page 67
Top of page 68
Last two sections at the bottom of page 71
Oral Review
Give a brief review of the book of Genesis and Exodus and remind the student that these
two books tell a continuing story of God’s work in history.
The Story So Far:
Genesis: God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a garden and gave them
everything except the fruit of one tree, they disobeyed and sin entered the world. As the
world grew more violent, God flooded the world but saved Noah and his family. As years
went by once again the people grew in pride, so God confused their languages.
God then chose one man, Abraham, and gave him three promises: many
descendents, land and a blessing to the world. His grandson Jacob would have twelve
sons. One of those sons, Joseph, would save all of Jacobs family from the famine and
they would settle in Egypt.
Exodus: After 400 years Jacob’s family (the Israelites) were now a multitude and living
in slavery in Egypt. God raised up Moses to lead the people out. When Pharaoh refused,
God sent ten plagues to convince Pharaoh to let Moses lead the people out of the land.
God parted the Red Sea for them to cross and led them to Mt. Sinai. There God gave the
people the Ten Commandments and instructed them to build a tabernacle for God to
dwell in the center of the people.
Written Review
After an oral review of Genesis and Exodus, give the Written Review on the following
pages from Exodus before watching Leviticus DVD. Have them correct their own work.
Watch DVD for Leviticus:
Teacher: Linda Sweeney
Testimony: Victoria Teague
Music: Holy, Holy, Holy
Vocalist: Verna Law
Learning for Life: Discuss the Learning for Life questions that follow the Leviticus
What to remember in Leviticus:
The Book of Holiness
Religious Instruction for Israel
Where: Mt Sinai
Time Covered: 1 month
Wrap Up: Pray that God would give each student a special awareness of His great
holiness this week.
Written Review for Exodus
How did the people receive forgiveness for their sins?
Who led the people out of Egypt?
How many years did the Israelites live in Egypt? (Approximately)
What did God use to force Pharaoh to let His people go.
What did God do for the people at the Red Sea?
Where did God lead the people?
How long were they there?
What structure did they build as a dwelling place for God?
How many sons did Jacob have?
How many promises did God give Abraham?
Which son of Jacob’s became second in command of Egypt?
Where was the tabernacle located?
How many commandments did God write on tablets?
What did you learn about God in the Homework this week?
Name the book that tells of the following works of God.
1. God gave instructions for a Tabernacle as a meeting place for God and Man.
2. God created everything and then gave all of it to man except for one fruit.
3. God provided for Jacob and His sons during a famine.
4. God flooded the earth because of great wickedness.
5. God led the Israelites from slavery.
6. God chose one man to be the Father of a great nation which would be an example
to the world.
7. God provided a blood covering which saved the Israelites from death.
8. God confused man’s language so they would not understand one another’s speech.
9. God gave a man wisdom to discern dreams which led to that man becoming
second-in-command of Egypt.
10. God gave the Israelites a set of rules for life with God and life with one another.
Written Review for Exodus
Answers for the Facilitator
How did the people receive forgiveness for their sins?
Through animal sacrifice
Who led the people out of Egypt?
How many years did the Israelites live in Egypt? (Approximately)
400 years
What did God use to force Pharaoh to let His people go.
10 plagues
What did God do for the people at the Red Sea?
Parted the waters
Where did God lead the people?
Mt Sinai
How long were they there?
1 year
What structure did they build as a dwelling place for God?
The Tabernacle
How many sons did Jacob have?
How many promises did God give Abraham?
3 promises-descendents, land, blessing to world
Which son of Jacob’s became second in command of Egypt?
Where was the tabernacle located?
Mt. Sinai in the middle of the camp
How many commandments did God write on tablets?
Ten Commandments
What did you learn about God in the homework this week?
Name the book that tells of the following works of God.( The chapter has been added
for the facilitators benefit only)
1. God gave instructions for a Tabernacle as a meeting place for God and Man.
Exodus (35)
2. God created everything and then gave all of it to man except for one fruit.
Genesis (1-2)
3. God provided for Jacob and His sons during a famine.
Genesis (42)
4. God flooded the earth because of great wickedness.
Genesis (7)
5. God led the Israelites from slavery.
Exodus (12)
6. God chose one man to be the Father of a great nation which would be an example
to the world.
Genesis (12)
7. God provided a blood covering which saved the Israelites from death.
Exodus (12)
8. God confused man’s language so they would not understand one another’s speech.
Genesis (11)
9. God gave a man wisdom to discern dreams which led to that man becoming second
in command of Egypt.
Genesis (40-41)
10. God Gave the Israelites a set of rules for life with God and life with one another.
Exodus (20)
Session Four: Numbers
Book of Unbelief
Begin Session Four with discussion of the home work from the book of Leviticus
Discuss chart on top of page 88
Middle of page 90
Middle of page 93
All on page 94
Bottom of page 97
Oral Review:
Review the story from Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Remind the students that
Leviticus does not add to the history but is an instructional book that fits into the last
part of the book of Exodus.
The story thus far: (Review the story of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus.)
Genesis: God created Adam and Eve who rebelled against Him and sin entered the
world. As sin increased God flooded the world except Noah and his family. Later He
confused the languages and nations were formed. God raised up Abraham and gave
him three promises: people, land and a blessing. Abraham’s great-grandsons moved
to Egypt and were living in peace at the end of the book
Exodus: Four hundred years later the Israelites were in slavery. God brought ten
plagues on the people of Egypt and Moses led them out of the land and to Mt.Sinai.
There God gave them the Ten Commandments and instructions for building a
Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was placed in the center of the camp. Upon completion,
the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle signifying that God was indeed with His
people. It was there that God met with Moses and the Israelites.
Now God’s first promise had been fulfilled as Abraham’s family was now a nation of
about 3 million people.
Leviticus: was a rule book for the priests and contained instructions for properly
approaching God through animal sacrifice and also included laws for holy living for
all of the Israelites. Leviticus does not add to the historical story but was an
instructional book that clarified the way to God through sacrifice and the walk with
God through sanctification.
The laws given at Mt Sinai were civil, moral and spiritual and would be the
foundation for the nation as they settled in the land God was about to give them. They
were now prepared to begin the journey to the Promised Land!
Written Review:
After an oral review present the students with the following Written Review before
they watch the next DVD. .Have them correct their own work
The DVD for Numbers:
Introduce the DVD:
Teacher: Margie Ruether
Testimony: Trace Balin
Music : When the Well Runs Dry
Vocalist: Trace Balin
Learning for Life: Take time to discuss the Learning for Life Questions that follow the
What to remember in Numbers:
The Book of Unbelief
Author is Moses
Main Characters: Moses, Joshua and Caleb
2 Censuses
12 spies
Israel rebelled against God
40 years wandering
40 years (1444 BC to 1404 BC)
Mt Sinai, the wilderness, Kadesh-Barnea, Plains of
Wrap Up:
Pray that each student would give them courage to obey God even when they do not
understand what He is doing.
Leviticus Written Review
1. Who probably wrote the Pentateuch?
2. What is the theme of Leviticus?
3. What is the theme of Exodus?
4. What is the theme of Genesis?
5. How long did the people camp at Mt. Sinai?
6. Why did animals have to be sacrificed?
7. What does “atone” mean?
8. What is “Passover” and why is it celebrated?
9. What did the furniture and rituals of the Tabernacle show men?
10. What was the purpose of the Tabernacle?
11. Who alone could go into the Holy of Holies?
12. After God led the people out of Egypt, where did He take them?
14. What did God do to cause Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt?
15. Who is the prominent player in Exodus?
16. Which one of God’s promises to Abraham was fulfilled during the 400 years in
17. What was the purpose of the Israelites spending one year at Mt. Sinai?
18. How many tribes were there? What tribe was not to be given land?
Draw a line from the column on the left to the best match for
that word in the column on the right.
Survived the flood
Ruler of Egypt
Number of years at Mt Sinai
Had twelve sons
Father of Jacob
Imprisoned in Egypt
First man
Received three promises from God
God sent 10 plagues to this country
Adam lived there
Mt. Sinai
The Israelites spent one year there
Garden of Eden
The Israelites wandered forty years there
Rules for life with God and man
She ate the fruit
Abrahams wife
Jacob loved her
10 commandments
Leviticus Written Review
(Answers for facilitators)
1. Who probably wrote the Pentateuch?
2. What is the theme of Leviticus?
3. What is the theme of Exodus?
4. What is the theme of Genesis?
5. How long did the people camp at Mt. Sinai?
One year
6. Why did animals have to be sacrificed?
Substituted death
penalty for sin for us
7. What does “atone” mean?
To cover or cancel
8. What is “Passover” and why is it celebrated? God passed over the Israelites
when the death angel passed through Egypt because of the blood covering on the
9. What did the furniture and rituals of the Tabernacle show men? It showed the
Israelites how to approach a holy God.
10. What was the purpose of the Tabernacle? It was a symbol of God dwelling
among the people.
11. Who alone could go into the Holy of Holies? The High Priest
12. After the God led the people out of Egypt, where did He take them? Mt Sinai
19. What did God do to cause the Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt? Brought 10
plagues upon the land
20. Who is the prominent player in Exodus?
21. Which one of God’s promises to Abraham was fulfilled during the 400 years in
The promise of many descendents (2.5 million)
22. What was the purpose of the Israelites spending one year at Mt. Sinai? To be
trained and educated to organized and rule themselves as a nation and to be
given civil, moral and spiritual laws.
23. How many tribes were there? What tribe was not to be given land? Twelve- Levi
(Answers for facilitators)
Survived the flood
Ruler of Egypt
Number of years at Mt Sinai
Had twelve sons
Father of Jacob
Imprisoned in Egypt
First man
Received three promises from God
God sent 10 plagues to this country
Adam lived there
Garden of Eden
The Israelites spent one year there
Mt. Sinai
The Israelites wandered forty years there
Rules for life with God and man
10 Commandments
She ate the fruit
Abrahams wife
Jacob loved her
Session Five: Deuteronomy
The Book of Obedience
Begin Session Five with discussion of the homework from the book of Numbers. The
written work below is suggested for discussion but you may wish to cover more of the
homework if time allows.
Middle of page 113 to the bottom (What was wrong…)
Bottom of page 117
All of page 121
All questions on page 123
Because Deuteronomy is the final book in the set, the schedule will be different from
other sessions.
Watch the Deuteronomy DVD. Remind the students that both Leviticus and
Deuteronomy are instruction books and do not add to the history. Leviticus is instruction
for the Priests and Deuteronomy is a review of the work God has done and the laws He
has given
Teacher: Eleanor Lewis
Testimony: Babbie Mason
Music: With All My Heart
Vocalist: Babbie Mason
Learning for Life Questions:
Take time for discussing the Learning for Life Questions at the end of the DVD
Oral Review of the Pentateuch:
The Story So Far: The Pentateuch is made up of five books and all were probably written
by Moses. Another name for these books is the Law, or the Torah.
The story thus far: (Review the story of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus. Numbers and
Genesis: God created Adam and Eve who rebelled against Him and sin entered the
world. As sin increased God flooded the world except Noah and His Family. Later
He confused the languages and nations were formed. God raised up Abraham and
gave him three promises: people, land and a blessing. Abraham’s great grandsons
moved to Egypt and were living in peace at the end of the book
Exodus: Four hundred years later the Israelites were in slavery. God brought ten
plagues on the people of Egypt and Moses led them out of the land and to Mt. Sinai.
There God gave them the Ten Commandments and instructions for building a
Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was placed in the center of the camp. Upon completion,
the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle signifying that God was indeed with His
people. It was there that God met with Moses and the Israelites.
Now God’s first promise had been fulfilled as Abraham’s family was now a nation of
almost 3 million people. They spent one year at Mt. Sinai.
Leviticus: was a rule book for the priests and contained instructions for properly
approaching God through animal sacrifice and also included laws for holy living for
all of the Israelites. Leviticus did not add to the historical story but was an
instructional book that clarified the way to God through sacrifice and the walk with
God through sanctification.
The laws given at Mt Sinai were civil, moral and spiritual and would be the
foundation for the nation as they settled in the land God was about to give them. They
were now prepared to begin the journey to the Promised Land!
Numbers: God led the people from Mt. Sinai heading to the Promised Land. Once at
the border, 12 spies were sent in to access the country. They reported back that there
were giants in the land and they were too afraid to go forward. Two Spies, Joshua and
Caleb knew that God would protect them and fight for them but the people refused to
listen. God punished them with forty years of wandering until all of that generation
had died. Only those children 20 and younger survived.
Deuteronomy: Once again the people were at the border of the Promised Land.
Moses gathered the people around and gave three sermons. He reviewed Israel’s
history, he reviewed the law, and he called for obedience and courage. Moses died at
the end of the book and Joshua took his place as leader of the people. The people
were now prepared to conquer the land God had promised Abraham.
What to remember about Deuteronomy:
The Book of Obedience
Who: Moses
What: Religious instruction repeated
Israel prepared to enter the Promised Land
Moses gave the Israelites three sermons
Moses died
Where: Plains of Moab across the Jordon River from the Promised Land
Time Covered: 1 Month
Written Review of the Pentateuch:
This written quiz is a little more comprehensive then the others and covers all five of the
books we have studied so far. Again, have each student correct their own work.
Pentateuch Written Review
Genesis is the book of ____________________________________________
Exodus is the book of _____________________________________________
Leviticus is the book of ___________________________________________
Numbers is the book of ____________________________________________
Deuteronomy is the book of ________________________________________
What book covered the most years?
What two books in the Pentateuch are instructional? _____________ ____________
What book first mentions Abraham? __________________________________
What book first mentions Moses? ____________________________________
What book did the people arrive at Mt. Sinai? _____________________________
What book first gives the Ten Commandments? __________________________
What book has a world wide flood? _______________________________
What book tells about twelve spies? _________________________________
What book is a review of the law given in the book of Exodus? __________________
What book tells about the people wandering in the wilderness? _________________
What two books bring the people to the border of the Promised Land?
_____________________________ ______________________________
What book does Moses die?__________________________________
What book does Abraham die?______________________________
What books does a whole generation die?___________________________
What book does Jacob and Joseph Die?_________________________________
Pentateuch Written Review
(Answers for facilitators)
Genesis is the book of ______Beginnings____________________
Exodus is the book of ________________Deliverance_______________________
Leviticus is the book of ________________________Holiness__________________
Numbers is the book of ________________Unbelief_____________
Deuteronomy is the book of _______Obedience_____________________
What book covered the most years? Genesis with 2200
What two books in the Pentateuch are instructional? _Leviticus and Deuteronomy_
What book first mentions Abraham? __________Genesis 11_______________
What book first mentions Moses? _____Exodus2________________
What book did the people arrive at Mt. Sinai? _
Exodus 19___________________
What book first gives the Ten Commandments? ________Exodus 20 _________
What book has a world wide flood? ________Genesis 7______
What book tells about twelve spies? _______Numbers 13_________________
What book is a review of the law given in the book of Exodus? ___Deuteronomy 5_
What book tells about the people wandering in the wilderness? __Numbers__
What book bring the people to the border of the Promised Land? __Numbers_
What book does Moses die?_____Deuteronomy_______________
What book does Abraham die?______Genesis_________________
What books does Moses give three sermons?___Deuteromony____________
What book does Jacob and Joseph Die?________Genesis____50__________
Review Activity
This review is different from all the others because everyone participates and the students
work as a team to accomplish the goal. Every one helps each other. It is fun and active.
On pieces of paper or large cards, put one word on each card. Then mix them up and
distribute to the students. If you have five students than each student gets five cards. If
you have a large group like twenty-five then each person would get one card. Have the
students arrange the cards in chronological order. Time this activity so they will have a
sense of urgency! If you have more than twenty-five then you may wish to add more
words to the following list. Reading from left to right, the cards are in the proper order.
3 promises
10 plagues
Instructions for Priests
Three sermons
Tower of Babel
Isaac Jacob Coat of Many Colors
Mt Sinai
10 commandments
Sacrifice 10 spies wandering in wilderness
Moses dies
Joshua leads
generation dies
End of Pentateuch