Chapter 20) DNA Technology and Genomics p. 375-­‐‑383 Old school Biotechnology • Fungi & bacteria to make wine, cheese • Selective breeding New School Biotech • Modify specific species in vitro • recombinant DNA: DNA where the genes are from two different places (usually different species) • genetic engineering: manipulation of genes for practical purposes • biotechnology: manipulation of organisms to make useful products • DNA Cloning o specific genes are hard to find because molecules contain many genes and many nucleotides are non-­‐‑coding – solution = gene cloning o DNA technology makes it possible to clone genes for basic research and commercial applications: an overview diagram shows how plasmids are used to clone genes cloned genes may be used to make a protein or make many copies of the gene o Daniel Oh 2014 Restriction enzymes are used to make recombinant DNA restriction enzymes: cut DNA at specific locations; protect bacteria against foreign DNA bacteria cell adds methyl groups to adenines or cytosines to the nucleotides recognized by the restriction enzymes restriction site: recognition sequence for a restriction enzyme Monday, December 17, 2012 4:41:35 PM Central Standard Time restriction fragment: series of nucleotides that is made from a restriction enzyme cutting at restriction sites sticky end: single-­‐‑stranded end of DNA fragments; will form H bonds with complementary base sequences of another DNA molecule cut with the same enzyme (see next page for diagram) DNA ligase: makes the temporary connection made with H bonds permanent by catalyzing the formation of phosphodiester bonds Genes can be cloned in recombinant DNA vectors: a closer look cloning vector: original plasmid; DNA molecule that can carry foreign DNA into a cell and replicate Procedure for Cloning a Eukaryotic Gene in a Bacterial Plasmid • see diagram on o • • • • Daniel Oh 2014 next page for a way to clone a gene (1) plasmid from E. coli bacterium with two genes and DNA from human tissue cells is isolated (genes are ampR – resistance to amplicillin – and lacZ – encoding the enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of sugar lactose) (2) digest plasmid and human DNA with a restriction enzyme, creating compatible sticky ends on the fragments of both plasmid and human DNA are mixed together, complementary bases stick together DNA ligase joins the molecules by covalent bonds (3) bacteria cells take up recombinant plasmids (transformation) (4) transformed bacteria is put on a nutrient medium, where it reproduces (including cloning the human genes) Monday, December 17, 2012 4:41:35 PM Central Standard Time (5) nucleic acid hybridization: base pairing between gene and a complementary sequence on a nucleic acid molecule; nucleic acid probe: complementary molecule (single stranded, can be RNA or DNA); the probe is traced by labeling it with a radioactive isotope or fluorescent tag (see diagram on next page); denaturation: separation of the two strands of DNA Cloning and Expressing Eukaryotic Genes: Problems and Solutions • expression vector: cloning vector that has the prokaryotic promoter a little upstream of a restriction site – allow synthesis of eukaryotic proteins in prokaryotic cells • eukaryotic genes have introns – artificial eukaryotic genes are made without introns • mRNA that has had the introns removed can be transcribed back to DNA without introns using reverse transcriptase (see diagram on next page) • complementary DNA (cDNA): DNA without its introns, produced by reverse transcriptase • yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs): have the essentials of a eukaryotic chromosome: origin of replication, centromere, two telomeres • eukaryotic hosts are good to use because many proteins require modifications in order to function, and prokaryotes cannot make these modifications • electroporation: an electric pulse is applied to a solution with the cells – electricity makes a hole in cell’s plasma membrane, so DNA can enter Cloned genes are stored in DNA libraries genomic library: complete set of recombinant plasmid clones carrying copies of a part of the initial genome bacteriophages can be used as cloning vectors cDNA library: represents part of the genome of a cell – used for studying gene functions and tracing gene expression patterns The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) clones DNA entirely in vitro polymerase chain reaction (PCR): a quicker, more selective method to copy DNA many times (compared to DNA cloning) only small amounts of DNA is needed for PCR to work correctly DNA sample does not need to be pure Involves DNA polymerase from Archae bactium:Thermus aquaticus Also reqired: deoxynucleoside triphosphates: dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP for making DNA and supplying energy to the replication process A primer is required. The primer is complimentary to a small sequence of the DNA to be amplified at 3’ end (DNA polymerase works 5’ 3’) process of PCR (see diagram on next page) • double stranded DNA is combined with a heat-­‐‑resistant DNA polymerase and a supply of nucleotides and primers • primers a single-­‐‑stranded DNA complementary to ends of target DNA • at the end of each cycle, the DNA sequence has been doubled • solution is heated again to start another cycle of strand separation, primer binding, and DNA synthesis o Heat DNA to >95° C o Cool to 55° C o Re-­‐‑heat to 72° C and Taq polymerase adds free nucleotides from primers in 5’ 3’ direction o Each cycle lasts about 5 minutes • o o Daniel Oh 2014 Monday, December 17, 2012 4:41:35 PM Central Standard Time Daniel Oh 2014 Monday, December 17, 2012 4:41:35 PM Central Standard Time Chapter 20 (Pg. 383-393) Jeff Yoshimura DNA Analysis and Genomics • Uses of duplicated DNA (homogeneous samples) o Does it differ in different people? Are certain alleles associated with a hereditary disorder? Where & when is the gene expressed? Location of gene? Differs species to species? o Need to know complete nucleotide sequence of gene in different people/species to answer o Genomics – analysis of nucleotide sequences to study sets of genes & their interactions Uses gel electrophoresis (fig 20.8, next pg) separates macromolecules (nucleic acids or proteins) based on their size, electrical charge, physical properties Restriction fragment analysis detects DNA differences that affect restriction sites • Detects certain differences in nucleotide sequences of DNA • Uses gel electrophoresis to sort fragments by size o Band pattern specific to starting molecule o Small molecules (bacteria, viruses) can be identified by their band pattern alone • DNA can be recovered from the gel and can prep. Pure samples of individual fragments • Different alleles have different patterns; see fig 20.9, next pg • Starting materials in fig 20.9 are pure & cloned; could have used nucleic acid hybridization instead o Electrophoresis of whole genome = too many bands to distinguish individually • Southern blotting (Southern hybridization) – procedure used to compare DNA samples; reveals if sequence is in DNA sample & the restriction fragments containing the sequence (see fig 20.10) o Basis for detection is nucleic acid hybridization (last section) o Possible to compare DNA of different individuals or species o Starting material can by entire genome (too many bands in electrophoresis for dye, would look like smear, not bands) o Radioactively labeled probe selects for bands of interest & exposes them on photographic film o Sensitivity can be varied to detect only perfect complements to probe or similar seq. as well o Used non-coding regions to show many differences in band patterns o Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs “rif-lips”) – differences in DNA sequences on homologous chromosomes different restriction fragment patterns scattered in genomes Serves as a genetic marker; inherited in Mendelian ways can make linkage maps • Frequency with 2 RFLP markers are inherited together ∝ closeness of loci Detected & analyzed by Southern blotting Entire genomes can be mapped at the DNA level • David Botstein proposes RFLPs could be map of human genome (1980); now used in other organisms • Human Genome Project – (1990) effort to map entire human genome; sequence nucleotides o 3 stages: genetic mapping/linkage, physical mapping, DNA sequencing o Also maps other species (ex. E. coli, yeast, fruit fly, etc.) • Genetic (Linkage) Mapping (stage 1) o Construct linkage map of 1000s of genetic markers on chromosomes o Microsatellites – RFLPs or short repetitive sequences; enables location of other markers Prepare a probe to match the 3’ end of the known gene (probe 1) Cut the starting DNA with two restriction enzymes, and clone the fragments to make 2 libraries Use probe 1 to screen library II for DNA fragments that overlap the known gene Isolate DNA from the tagged clone, and prepare probe 2 to match the 3’ end of that segment Use probe 2 to screen library I for an overlapping fragment farther along Repeat steps 4-5 w/ new probes to “walk” down DNA Result is DNA map w/ known markers in known order a known distance apart Figure 20.11 Chromosome walking • • • Physical Mapping: Ordering DNA Fragments o Distances between markers are expressed; usually by number of nucleotides o Chromosome walking – (fig 20.11) start w/ known DNA segment, use probe to find overlapping fragments o First cloning vector: often yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) carries 1 million bp long; bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) carries 100,000 – 500,000 bp long o Determine order of fragments (ex. Chromosome walking) then smaller fragments are made o Final sets (1,000 bp long) cloned in plasmids or phage; short enough to be sequenced DNA sequencing (fig 20.12) o Necessary to be able to clone DNA fragments (key point) o Start with pure preparation of many copies of short fragment; use sequencing machine Combines DNA labeling, DNA synthesis w/ special chain-terminating nucleotides, high resolution gel electrophoresis Alternative Approaches to Whole-Genome Sequencing o J. Craig Venter: skip mapping & just sequence random DNA fragments; use computer to figure out order based on overlapping short sequences o Competition between his view & the traditional view faster processing of human genome o Certain parts of chromosomes resist mapping (not understood) (a) Two homologous segments of DNA that carry different alleles of a gene are depicted; only the relevant bases are shown. A single basepair difference results in allele 2 having one less recognition sequence (restriction site) for a particular restriction enzyme. This enzyme cuts the DNA from allele 1 into three pieces (w,x,& y) but cuts the DNA from allele 2 into only 2 pieces (z & y) (b) Electrophoresis separates the restrictyion fragments formed from each allele. A clear difference between the two alleles is revealed by their band patterns on the gel. Allele 1 has three bands, corresponding to w, x, & y; allele 2 has 2 bands corresponding to z & y. (c) Not pictured. Addition of DNA-binding dye, bands fluoresce pink in UV light. Yada yada… Three samples, each containing a mixture of DNA molecules, are placed in wells near one end of a thin slab of a polymeric gel. The gel is supported by glass plates and bathed in an aqueous solution. Electrodes are attached to both ends, voltage is applied. The DNA molecules, which are negatively charged, migrate toward the positive electrode, the anode. A molecule’s rate of movement is determined mostly by its length; longer molecules travel more slowly through the gel. When the current is turned off, the DNA molecules in each sample are arrayed in bands along a “lane”, according to their size. The shortest molecules, having traveled the farthest, are in bands at the bottom of the gel Fig 20-8. Gel electrophoresis of macromolecules. Gel electrophoresis separates macromolecules on the basis of their rate of movement through a gel in an electric field. For DNA, the migration rate--how far a molecule travels while the current is on--is inversely proportional to molecular size. Nucleic acids carry negative charges (on phosphate groups) proportional to their lengths, but the thicket of polymer fibers in the gel impedes longer fragments more than it does shorter ones. Fig 20-9. Using restriction fragment patterns to distinguish DNA from different alleles. Divide DNA frag. Into 4 Synthesis; randomly a dideoxynucleotide is inserted instead of normal one (terminates growing DNA chain b/c no 3’ end); this generates random fragments with a known letter at the end of the fragment Strands separated by electrophoresis; autoradiography used to detect radioactive bands Sequence read from autoradiograph Figure 20.12 Genome sequences provide clues to important biological questions • DNA technology allows study of genes directly w/o inferring genotype from phenotype (new problem: what’s the phenotype!) • Analyzing DNA Sequences o Use computers to find protein-coding genes (start, stop codons etc.) o Human Genome found few unique genes (30,000-40,000); much non-coding DNA is repetitive & long introns Alternative splicing & posttranslational processing explain this o Human polypeptides more complicated than invertebrates (domains have more combinations) o ½ genes already known; some new ones similar to old genes (similar protein = similar duty) o Similarity in genes evolutionary connection between organisms o Yeast have genes extremely similar to human ones (can determine human disease by studying gene in yeast) o Bacteria have metabolic pathways useful in medicine/industry • Studying Gene Expression o So few genes b/c complex interactions between them o Scientists use already sequenced genes to study patterns of gene expression Isolate mRNA in cells; make cDNA library by reverse transcription Compare cDNA with other DNA by hybridization to see which genes are active at diff. stages of development or in different levels of health o DNA microarray assays – used to analyze gene expression in an organism Probe DNA – short pieces of single stranded DNA attached to glass; sticks to microarray b/c of positive charge on substrate Target DNA – cDNA from cells grown under different conditions Compare gene expression in (1) different environmental conditions (dark vs. light; high vs. low ph); (2) Different times during development (child vs. adult); (3) Different states of health (pre vs. post-cancer; pre vs. post heart attack); (4) Different body tissues (muscle types) Isolate mRNA; Make cDNA by rev. transcriptase, using fluorescently labeled nucleotides; Hybridization: Apply cDNA to DNA microarray (all wells filled with single stranded genomic DNA) check for level of glow (more glow = more expression); multiple traits checked for with different colors Determining Gene Function o Disable gene & look for what is missing In vitro mutagenesis – used to cause specific change in sequence of cloned gene; alter/destroy protein product RNA interference (RNAi) – simpler, faster than above; uses synthetic double-stranded RNA matching a sequence of a particular gene to cause breakdown of mRNA Future Directions in Genomics o Proteomics – systematic study of full protein sets encoded by genomes Challenging b/c many more proteins than genes; proteins differ with cell’s state & type Learn how cells & organisms function o Bioinformatics – application of computer science * mathematics to genetic & biological info Huge amount of data DNA variation small in humans b/c new species single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) – single base-pair variations in genome • 99.9% DNA identical between humans Need to identify ~3 million SNP sites; used as genetic markers; study evolution Identify disease genes; sensitivity to toxins/drugs • •