UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Department of Civil Engineering CIV 531F Transport III - Planning Fall 2014 Course Objectives: This course is intended to provide the student with the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) The ability to design and execute an urban transportation planning study; A working knowledge of transportation planning analysis skills, especially relating to travel demand analysis; An understanding of current transportation planning issues and policies; and An understanding of the overall process of transportation planning and its role within the wider context of transportation decision-making. Instructor: M.J. Roorda SF3001E Teaching Assistants Aya Aboudina Chris Harding Sami Hasnine Toka Mostafa Adam Weiss Timetable: Lectures: Tutorials: Grading System: 416-978-5976 Monday, 12-2 pm GB220 Thursday, 2-4 pm GB221 Included within the lecture periods Assignments 20% Debate Mid-Term Exam (Aid Sheet) Final Exam (Aid Sheet) TOTAL 10% 20% 50% 100% Textbook M.D. Meyer and E.J. Miller, Urban Transportation Planning: A Decision-Oriented Approach, Third Edition , 2012. Digital copies of the full text or individual chapters can be purchased online A hard copy will be made available on short term loan in the Engineering Library. Required readings from the text are listed in the course schedule. Additional readings will be distributed on the course website periodically throughout the term. Lecture Notes Lecture notes, and many of the course handouts will be available on the course web site. CIV531 uses Blackboard for its course website. To access the CIV531 website, or any other Blackboard-based course website, go to the U of T portal login page at and login using your UTORid and Password. Once you have logged in to the portal using your UTORid and Password, you’ll find the link to CIV531 course website along with the link to all your other Blackboard-based courses. Assignments Assignments will be handed out in class on Thursdays and will be due in class on Thursdays as per the schedule that will be handed out in class. All assignments must be completed. Failure to complete all assignments by the last day of classes will result in a 5% reduction in the final grade for the course, in addition to the zero grade for each incomplete assignment. Assignments handed in late will receive a grade deduction of 25% per day but will be counted as complete. Mid-Term Exam A mid-term examination will be held, as indicated in the schedule. The exam will be 110 minutes long (12:10-2:00 pm). The exam will be closed-book, Non-programmable calculator, with a one-page (double sided) aid sheet. The exam will cover both the “systems analysis” and “planning” components of the course. Debates Each person will participate in one debate. The debates involve groups arguing the “pro” or “con” side of a current transportation issue in the Toronto Area. Class votes determine the winner of each debate. A short written report documenting each team’s position is also required. Further details concerning the debate format and topics to be debated are forthcoming. From the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters It shall be an offence for a student knowingly: (d) to represent as one's own any idea or expression of an idea or work of another in any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form of academic work, i.e. to commit plagiarism. Wherever in the Code an offence is described as depending on “knowing”, the offence shall likewise be deemed to have been committed if the person ought reasonably to have known. Any cases of plagiarism will be dealt with strictly in accordance with the code of behaviour on Academic Matters. If you are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism, please consult the following website: HOW TO ACCESS THE COURSE WEBSITE Logging in to your Blackboard course website Like many other courses, CIV531 uses Blackboard for its course website. To access the CIV531 website, or any other Blackboard-based course website, go to the U of T portal login page at and login using your UTORid and Password. Once you have logged in to the portal using your UTORid and Password, you’ll find the link to CIV531 course website along with the link to all your other Blackboardbased courses. Activating your UTORid and Password If you need information on how to activate your UTORid and set your password for the first time, please go to Under the “First Time Users” area, click on “activate your UTORid” if you are new to the University or “create your UTORid” if you are a returning student, then follow the instructions. New students who use the link to “activate your UTORid” will find reference to a “Secret Activation Key”. This was originally issued to you when you picked up your T-card at the library. If you have lost your “Secret Activation Key” you can call 416-978-HELP or visit the Help Desk at the Information Commons on the ground floor of Robarts library to be issued a new one. The course instructor will not be able to help you with this. 416-978-HELP and the Help Desk at the information commons can also answer any other questions you may have about your UTORid and Password. Email communication with the course Instructor At times, the course Instructor may decide to send out important course information via email. To that end, all UofT students are required to have a valid UofT email address. You are responsible for ensuring that your UofT email address is set up AND properly entered in the ROSI system. You can do that by using the following instructions: To submit the information to activate your UTORid and Password (see above), you will need to click the “Validate” button. Follow the instructions on the subsequent screens to receive your address. Once you have your UofT email address go to the ROSI system, ( log in and update the system with your new institutional email address. You can check your UofT email account from either 1. The UofT home page (Choose “webmail”) Or 2. Via Outlook, Mozilla etc. Visit the helpdesk at the information commons for help with the set up. Forwarding your email to a hotmail, gmail, yahoo mail or other types of accounts is not advisable. In many cases, hotmail/gmail/yahoo automatically filters email from any address into the junk mail folder. Therefore emails from your course instructor will end up in your junk mail folder. You are responsible for: 1. Ensuring you have a valid UofT email address that is properly entered in the ROSI system 2. Checking your UofT email account on a regular basis.