P i Y Your Ref: Ms. Elizabeth Leacy, Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 3000, Johnstom Castle Estate, Co.Wexford. Our Ref: Date: M672 14’ October 2004. Dear Sir or Madam: do not hesitate to contact me. Co n se nt o Should you require further in f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Please see attachedthe MSDS sheets for the glues that we use onsite, as requested by the Agency as part of our IPC licence review, to determine if Finsa Forest Products fklls under the Solvents Directive (1 999/13/EC). SAkES OFFICES Spain Alicante Barcelona Logrotio Madrid Muxika Santiago Sevilla Valencia 3ubai -rance qederland reland taly ’oland ’ortugal Jnited Kingdom N FlNSA FOREST PRODUCTS Ltd. SCARIFF County Clare Ireland Tel.: + 353 / 0 61 92 10 38 Fax, + 353 / 0 61 92 1129 e-mail: ffp@finsa.es Registered in Ireland No. 98769 Vat No IE 4736935W Scz IS. EN IS0 9002 Approved System Qualify Directors: S Garcia (Spanish],J.M. RamOS (Spanish),V. Romero (Spanish].E. Santos (Spanlshl. G. Frey (Spanish).J. lschner [Germon) EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 \ EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . I UREA FORMALDEHYDE CONCENTRATE EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 \ '. \ EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot 1. IDENTWICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND OF THE COMPANY/ENTERPRISE 1.1. Identification of the Material : 1.2. Identification of the Company Enterprise ........................................... 986) 540014 2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ABOUT COMPONENTS Formaldehyde (CH20) >I= 25 % R 23125-40-43 S %-26-36137-51 se nt o Substance: Concentration (YO): Hazard Symbol; IUS-Phrases: Co n 1 i f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru Emergency Phone se . FORESAJndustrias Quimicas del Noroeste,S.A. FAX+34986540855 Avda. de D o b Urraca,94 e-mail: foresa @ finsa.es CALDAS DE REYES (Pontevedra) 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 3.1 Toxic by inhalation: Provoking breathing diiliculties, loss of sense o f smell, palpitation (rapid heart ’ beat), headdache. 3.2 Toxic by ingestion: Provoking nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. 3.3 Toxic by skin contact: Provoking skin burns and allergic reactions. 3.4 Eye irritate: Provoking lacrimation, conjunctivitis and corneal burns 1 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 . . . 4.FIRSTAID 4.1 General twhcide: Remove the victim from the contaminated area 4.2 Contact with skin and mucous membranes: Wash the contaminated areas abundantly with water for at least 15 minutes, do it under an emergency shower if available. Contaminated clothing and shoes should be removed under shower 4.3 Eve contact: Irrigate inmediately with large amounts of water for a mjnimun of 15 minutes to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Held apart the eyelids during irrigation to insure water contact with all of tissues of the surface of eyes and lids The victim should be sent to a physician, preferably an eye specialist, as rapidly as possible 4.4 Ingestion: Do not induce vomits Co Calla physician ns en swallow 2 gr 3 drops of water or milk 4.5 Inhalation: Removed the exposed persons from the contaminated area, they should be kept warm but not hot If the victim lost concioousness put him laterally If the victim is no breathing, an effective means of artificial respiration should be initiated inmediately. If oxigen inhalation apparatus is available, oxygen should be administered but only by a person authorized for such duty. If the victim stop breathing or seems to have an heart attack, immediately start giving him artificial ventilation and external cardiacal compression, only by a person authorized todo it Call a physician 2 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 5. FlRE FIGHTING 5.1 Recommended means: Water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam and halon 5.2 Not advisable means: Water jets, 5.3 Protection eauipment: Waterproof coats, boots in PVP material, goggles and helmet When fighting indoor fires, self-contained breathing apparatus is necessary, of F co or py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . 5.4 Procedure on combat to fire : Avoid product spreading I Xefiigerate with water the exterior parts of the tanks exposed to fire I \Keep away the unnecesary persons I Co ns en t Fire fighters should remain with the wind to their backis and apart fkom low areas and tanks. 6. MEASURES IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL LEAK I Use adequate respiratory protection, goggles, gloves and boots in PVC material Cheek the valves bolt and cover leaks I Avoid the product projection over the skin, eyes respiratory system and clothes I Prevent the drain of the product to the sewer, water course, permeable or agriculture lands and dwelling areas I Throw big quantities of pulverized water over the product In case of small quantities, clean with a towel that should be burned after Warn the authorities in case of serious contamination 3 I EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 h. 7.- HANDLING AND STORAGE 7.1 Handling: No breath of vapors Wear protection wardrobe, goggles and gloves When severely exposed use adequate respiratory mask Keep vessels tiightly sealed Workplaces and working methods must be designed to prevent driect contact with formaldehyde solutions ru se . Emergency showers and eyes washing facilities must be available at the workplace f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he 7.2 Storage: Store in well ventilated places Store in drums or tanks in a temperature range between 16 - 35 "C Avoid contact with oxidizing and alkaline materials Co n se nt o Storage tanks should be adequately grounded to discharge static electricity and to reduce other electrical hazard Indoor storage areas should be in areas having floors pitched toward a trapped &ah or in cubed retention areas. 8.- INDIVIDUAL EXPOSITION/PROTECTIONCONTROL 8.1 ResDiratorv urotection: Severe exposure to formaldehyde may occur in tanks during equipment cleaning and reapirs, when decontaminating areas following spills, or in case of failure of piping or equipment. Employees who may be subject to such exposures should be provided with proper respiratory protection and trained in its use and care. Available types are described bellow: . Sefl-contained breathing apparatus . Positive pressure hose masks . Air line masks . Industrial canister type gas masks . Chemical cartridge respirators. 4 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 1 8.2 Hand protection: Use gloves made of rubber or the other impervious material 8.3 Eye protection: Cup type fi-amed goggles, equipped with the approved impact resistant glass or plastic lenses, should be worn whenever there is danger of UF coming in contact with the eyes Metal or plastic rim safety spectacles with unperforated side shields with safety lenses or suitable all plastic safety goggles may be used where continuous eye protection in desirable, as in laboratories f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . 8.4 Another Drotections: Plastic shields with forehead protection may be worn where complete face protection is desirable "Hard"hats or soft-brimmed hats or caps may be worn to give protection against filing objects or liquid leaks an splashes, respectively. Leather or rubber or other imprevious may be worn to protect the body against formaldehyde splashes. Co n se nt o Note : All the equipment of protection must be caremy kept, insppected, cleaned and sterilized periodically. 9.- CHEMICAL AND PaYSICAL PROPERTIES Color: Colorless at 20 "C Pungent and irritating Odor: Boiling Point: > 100 "C Inflammation Temperature (in closed recipiente):N.D. Autoignition Temperature: N.A. Explosive Limits:: N.D. 1.20-1.30(depending on concentration Density at 25/25 "C: 1 Solubility: Soluble in water EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 5 10.- STABILITYAND REACTIVITY Concentrate of UF solutions can undergo a nonhazardous self-polymerization to form pardormaldehyde which precipitates out of the solution Oxigen fiom the air can oxidize concentrate of UF to formic acid, which is corrosive Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents, phenols, strong bases and copper, iron and silver salts. 11.- TOXICOLOGICAL INF'OlU'VlATION f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Acute inhalation effects: Excesive vapor concentrations are readily attainable and may cause serious adverse effects Excessive exposure may cause severe irritation to upper respiratory tract and lugs Co n se nt o Sings and symptoms of excessive exposure may be abdominal cramps andor diarrhea 12.-ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Noxious for aquatic We Do not drain down a sewer or surface waters Formaldehyde can be degraded by certain bacteria in soil to carbon dioxide and water Bioaccumulation does not occur 13.-EL*IMINATIONSUBJET The waste disposals resulting from this product, must be manager according to the present legislation, specially in installations of eliminatiodvaluation properly authorized. I EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 - ... - ... .. .. ... . . . 6 14.- TRANSPORT INFORMATION Usual tanks : Stainless steel cistern with variable capacity 15.- INFORMATION ABOUT REGULATIONS Exposure limits values : VLE - CM 1 ppm Portugese Norm NP - 1796 (1988) 16.- OTHER INF’ORMATIONS he ru se . $6.1 Recommendations: f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot The employees working in the handling, storage and shipping of formaldehyde should be quali@and possess official licenses for such job. 16.2 Biblioeraohv: A.- “Toxic and Hazardous - Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual” The International Technical Information Insitute, Tokyo, Japan, 1978 - Formaldehyde” Manufkcturing nt o B.- “Chemical Safety Data Sheet SD - 1 Co n se Chemists Association Inc. Washington, 1960 C.-“Product data sheet - Formalin LM 42” Perstorp Formox, Swedwn, May 22 1995 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 . 3 -$ !'* L 1 y FORESA I ESPECIFICACIO NES TECNICAS Fecha: 17/01/01 Revision: 1 1de Pa& 1 Control de 2alidad CONCENTRADO UF-80 Parametro Rango Unidades FormaIdehid0 56 = 57 OO / en peso Urea 23 = 24 OO / en peso se . (E.L.110 - 59) to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru (E.L.1 0 8 - 59) Viscosidad a 25 O C (E.L.102- 59) 1,300 CP - 1,310 g/cm3 Co ns en Densidad a 25 OC (E.L.103- 59) 90 = 200 pH a 25 O C 6,5 = 8,O Materia reactiva 79 = 81 Coeficiente de expansi6n ciibica 0,0006 (E.L.104- 59) OO / en peso g/cms.oC Observaciones: EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:27 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . MELAMINE EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot Issue date: January 1 4 1996 Version: 2 Page 1 of 7 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Chemical product name : Melamine Common chemical name : 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine Chemical formula : C,H,N, CAS no : 108-78-1 EINECS no : 203-615-4 se . Supplier's name and address . D S M Melamine Americas, Inc D S M Melamine Limburg P.O.Box 327 P.O. Box 43 ru P.T. D S M Kaltim Melamine ot he P.O.Box 4834 JKTM Addis, Louisiana 707 10-0327 % Jakarta 12510 Indonesia (62) 21 7984261 Telefnx (62) 2'1 7984266 Telex 66075 DKM Jkt I A 6130 A A Sittard The Netherlands (311 46 4773854 Tslefar. (31) 46 4773049 Telex 36777 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny USA (1) 504 685 3015 Telefax (1) 504 585 3003 Emergency tele'phone 8 I ' . : (3 1) 4 6 4765555 It. ns en Emergency telefax .* : (311 46 4766440 Co Transport emergencies for North and South America: CHEMTREC, (800) 424 9300 2. COMPOSlTlONllNFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Chemical name of substance C A S no. % (w/w) 2,4,6-triamino-l,3,5-triazine 108-78-1 > Impurities contributing to the hazard: 99.8 ~ Symbol R phrases none none Not applicable 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Physicallchemical hazards : Melamine is non-combustible and melaine dust is weakly explosible. Environmental hazards : None. Effect(s1 of (overlexposure : Above threshold limit value of nuisance dust of 10 mg/m3,irritating to nose, throat and respiratory tract. Mildly irritating to eyes. 8 DSM r\ 1?, e z EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 Melamine Page 2 of 7 Issue date: Januay 1 4 1996 Version: 2 Symptom(s1 of (overlexposure I Inhalation : Irritating. Ingestion : Skin contact : Not irritating. Eye contact : Redness, pain. > 10 g may result in abdominal pain. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES : Rinse mouth with plenty of water. Consult a doctor in event of complaints. Inhalation : Remove victim to fresh air. Consult a doctor in event of complaints. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Ingestion : Wash off with water and soap. Skin contact : ‘Wash out with plenty of water. Consult a doctor in event of complaints. Eye contact Suitable Co Extinguishing media ns en 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES : Melamine is non-combustible, use water to cool. In case of fire in immediate vicinity: use any extinguishing agent Unusual fire and explosion hazards : Melamine is non-combustible. It can however Protection of firefighters : Self-contained breathing equipment. decompose when exposed to fire. In case of a lack of oxygen, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide can be formed upon decomposition. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES I Personal precautions : As mentioned under heading 8. Environmental precautions : Not applicable. Methods for cleaning up : Collect spilled material in sealable containers. Disposal according to local, provincial and federal regulations. Remarks : Prevent formation of melamine dust. P EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 i I:-1 ' -- Safety Data Sheet a --_ - -_ Conforms to /SO 11014-?:1994 (El ?. Melamine 11 Issue date: Januay I",1996 Version: 2 1 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 1 I/ Page 3 of 7 Handling Technical measures : Provide mechanical or natural ventilation to maintain nuisance dust concentrations within acceptable levels. Safe handling advise : Avoid eye contact. Avoid breathing dust. I Storage : Do not stack more than two bulk-bags > 1000 kg on top of each other because of tear risk. Storage conditions : Store away from highly flammable substances. Keep in a dry place. Incompatible products : None. he ru se . Technical measures f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny en to Packagirrg materials ns (I. I Co I ot \ : Exposure to high concentrations: dust mask. : Not applicable. : Not applicable. : Safety goggles. EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 a Safety Data Sheet Conforms to IS0 I 1014-I: 1994 (Eland 9 7/755/EEC Melamine Issue date: Januay la, 1996 Version: 2 Page 4 of 7 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance : Crystalline powder Colour : White Odour : Odourless Molecular weight : 126.13 Melting point : 354 Boiling point : sublimes Decomposition temperature : 354 Density : 1573 kg/m3 (20 OC) oc to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . oc : 3 g/l(20 O C ) Solubility in water Vapour pressure : 0.204 mbar (20 OC) pH (10 % slurry in water) 1 : typically 8.4 to 8.9 : > 280 OC Autoignition temperature : > 1050 O C Dust explosion class according to VDI 3673 : St. 1 (weakly explosible) Ignition energy : Co ns en Flash point > 8700 mJ 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability : Stable under normal storage conditions. Conditions to avoid : Avoid temperatures above 300 OC. Hazardous decomposition products : Melamine is stable under normal conditions. In addition to carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and, to a little extent, nitrogen oxides, the following decomposition products can be formed in case of a lack of oxygen: above 3 5 0 OC: ammonia. above 550 OC: hydrogen cyanide. Hazardous reactions : Will not occur. EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 I I - - j Melamine 1 - Page 5 of 7 Issue date: Januay "I* 1996 , Version: 2 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity : LD, LD, LD, LD, Oral : Mildly irritating. Skin irritation : Not irritating. Sensitization : Not sensitizing. Chronic toxicity : se . Eye irritation he ru c: male rat: 3,100 mg/kg female rat: 3,800 mg/kg male mouse: 3,300 mg/kg female mouse: 7,000 mg/kg ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny : Environmental Protection Agency 1988: the risk on bladder tumour promotion, posed by melamine, is non-existent or at worst, extremely low. Carcinogenicity Mutagenicity : Not mutagenic. ns en ~~ No relevant chronic toxicity. Co 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 0 Mobi f ity : Adsorption on soil is not expected. Persistence and degradability : The substance Ecotoxicity : Melamine has been shown to have low toxicity to aquatic life. is not readily biodegradable. It is however inherently biodegradable. 96 h LC,, (for fish): > 3,000 mg/l ( = solubility melamine in water) NOEC fish chronic test: > 1,000 mg/l 48 h LC,, (for Daphnia): > 2,000 mg/l NOEC Daphnia magna 21 days: 18 mg/l EC60 Algae: 940 mg/l NOEC Algae: 320 mg/l ECG0 bacteria: > 10,000 mg/l EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 Page 6 of 7 Issue date: Januay Id. 1996 Version: 2 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Responsibility of the receiver to have knowledge of national and local regulations. : Please comply with all local, provincial and federal regulations Methods of disposal 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION - : Not restricted. Inland waterways : Not restricted. Sea : Not restricted. Air : Not restricted. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Land RoadlRailway 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Responsibility of the receiver to have knowledge of national and local regulations. to EC Classification : Not classified as a dangerous substance accor EC criteria. Co ns en Label name Hazard symbol Risk phrases Safety phrases : None. ’ : None. : None. .-... . HMlS rating: Health Flammability Reactivity WHMIS class : 1 : o : o : D2B EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . UREA FORMALDEHYDE RESIN THAT WE PURCHASE EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot .. EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 a c, Pt/2 . Dynea Ireland Ltd Marino Point, Cobh, Co. Cork. Telephone: +353-21-4855100 Facsimile: +353-21-4855156 Emergency No: +353-21-4855120 -'- Ireland Ltd. SAFETY DATA SHEET Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY SYNONYMS, TRADE NAMES: Prefere 10F219 (L-219), Prefere 71 1485J (Urex 3485), Prefere 87 01640H (CFL-3), Prefere 10F057 (C57), Prefere 11F311 (L-3 11) Prefere 10F58I8 SUPPLIER: Dynea Ireland Ltd, Marino Point, Cobh, Co. Cork TELEPHONE: +353-(0) 21 4855100 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: Tel: +353 (0) 21 4855120 (24 Hours) ot he ru se . Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny I CHEMICAL NAME: 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATIONON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME: CAS No. CONTENTS HEALTH (class) RISK (R.No.) FORMALDEHYDE: 50-00-0 4 % T, 23/24/25 34,40,43 60-75% 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Co ns en UREA-FORMALDEHYDE POLYMER: Not regarded as a health hazard under current legislation. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES i EYES: Promptly wash eyes with lots of water while lifting the eye lids. Contact physician if irritation persists. SKIN : Remove affected person from source of contamination. Promptly wash contaminated skin with soap or mild detergent and water. Promptly remove clothing if soaked through and wash as above. INHALATION: Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. INGESTION: Promptly let affected person drink lots of water to dilute the swallowed chemical. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: This material is not flammable. Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted. EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 Urea Formaldehyde Resin Page 2 o f 4 HAZARDS: HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: , . High temperatures generate Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (COz). 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL CLEANUP METHODS: GENERAL: Runoff or release to sewer, waterway or ground is forbidden. ABSORB: Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. COLLECT: Shovel into dry containers. Cover and move the containers. Flush the area with water. Prior to flushing, consult Local Water Authorities. Avoid skin and eye contact. Ventilate well, avoid breathing vapours. Use approved respirator if air contamination is above Accepted level. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Keep in cool, ventilated storage and closed containers. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . USAGE PRECAUTIONS: 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT NAME: FORMALDEHYDE CASNo. STD LTEXP 50-00-0 2 ppm No std. UREA FORMALDEHYDE POLYMER: STEXP (10min) 2ppm No std. se nt o PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: MEL (Shrs) Co n 0 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE RESPIRATORS No specific recommendation made, but respiratory protection must be used if the general level exceeds the Occupational Exposure Level (OEL). PROTECTIVE GLOVES Chemical resistant gloves required for prolonged or repeated contact. Use protective gloves made of rubber or plastic. EYE PROTECTION Wear chemical safety goggles where eye exposure is reasonably probable. OTHER PROTECTION Use engineering controls to reduce air contamination to permissible level. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES COLOUR: APPEARANCE: ODOUIUTASTE: SOLUBILITY DESCRIPTION: VISCOSITY (25C): White Liquid. Formaldehyde Soluble in water 0.1-2 Pas EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 . ' 3 3 D Page 3 o f 4 Urea Formaldehyde Resin * - ' a pH VALUE: 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Ca. 8 STABILITY: Avoid contact with acids. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION: PRODUCTS: High temperatures generate Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (C02). 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION >5000 mgkg (oral rat) No data available HEALTH WARNINGS: Exposure: This chemical has good warning properties. MEDICAL SYMPTOMS: Irritation of eyes and mucous membranes TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Information relevant to formaldehyde toxicity. In the EU formaldehyde is classified as a Category 3 carcinogen. This means that formaldehyde is not known to be carcinogenic to man (Category l), or regarded to be carcinogenic to man (Category 2). Although at high concentrations, formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in rats, there is no convincing evidence that the substance induces cancer in man. For this reason formaldehyde has been placed in the lowest Category 3. CARCINOGENICITY: Formaldehyde is classified as a Cat.3 Carcinogen (EU) f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . a TOXIC DOSE - LD50: TOXIC CONC. LC50: 12.-ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Urea formaldehyde Polymer: Slowly, but not readily biodegradable. TOC - removal 28 days: 61% BOD28: 0.62 mg/mg substance. Nitrification 28 days: 0.45 mg N03-N/mg substance. Formaldehyde; No bioconcentration. Biodegradation: BODYCOD: 0.68 (readily biodegradable). se nt o DEGRADABILITY: Co n w ACUTE FISH TOXICITY: a Formaldehyde - LC50 1.OOO - 100 mg/L (96h) Urea-Formaldehydepolymer - very IOW toxicity, no inhibition of activated sludge at 140 mg/L suspended solids. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ~~~ ~~ ~ When cured, the resin may be disposed on an ordinary landfill. Dynea material must be disposed of in accordance with EPA (or other relevant legislative) requirements. Advice, if required, on the disposal of waste Dynea Products is available from Dynea Ireland Ltd. DISPOSAL METHODS 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION LABEL FOR CONVEYANCE: No transport warning sign required. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION ~ LABEL FOR SUPPLY: No classification given. RISK PHRASES: Not Classified SAFETY PHRASES: S-26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:28 Urea Formaldehyde Resin Page 4 o f 4 S-36/37/39 s-44 ‘S-51 Immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and Eyelface protection. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show label if possible) Use only in well ventilated areas. 16. OTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION SOURCES Dynea UK Safety Manual NO. AD2 “Handling Precautions for Formaldehyde-based Products, Vinyl Emulsions and Hot-melt adhesives” 0 Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . REVISION DATE: 28/01/04 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 ... . ... . .....- - SAFETY DATA SHEET Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin I IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin PRODUCT NAME: f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot TEL: ru Dynocheni UK Ltd, Alyn Works, Denbigh Road, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1BF Wales. (01352) 757657 SUPPLIER he bi se . SYNONYMS, TRADE NAMES: Aerolite 300, Aerolite G, Aerolite KL,Aerolite UL 4330, Aerolite UL 5144, Aerolite V, Resin DUL 5289, DUL 5342, DUL 5639, DUL 5678. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE(S): Tel: 01352 750116 (21 Hours) 2 COM POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS CAS No. nt o INGREDIENT NAME 50-00-0 Co n se FORMALDEHYDE UREA-FORMALDEHYDE POLYMER ' 0 CONTENTS 1-3 u/ow/w 60-75 %,\vIw HEALTH RISK (CliISS) (R No.) 23/24/25, 34, 40, 43 T 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. Possible risk of irreversible effects. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. INHALATION: Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. INGESTION: Promptly get affected personnel to drink large volumes of water to dilute the swallowed chemical. Do not induce vomiting (induction of vomiting should only be performed upon the advicc of qualified niedical personnel). Get medical attention immediately. and rinse the mouth repeatedly \vith water. SKIN: Remove aflected person froni sourcc of contamination. Wash the skin immediately with soap and ufater. Safechem N o :11019 Page 1 1 5 >>> EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 1 - I-". Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin EYES: ' EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Promptly wasI1 eyes with plenty of water while lifting the eye lids. Contact physician if irritation persists. This material is not flammable. Use estinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: N o unusual fire or esplosion hazards noted. 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES GENEW. Runoff or release to sewer, ivatenvay or ground is forbidden. ABSORB. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. COLLECT. Shovel into dry containcrs. Cover and move the containers. Flush the area with water. Prior to flushing, consult Local Water Authorities. USAGE PRECAUTIONS: Avoid skin and eye contact. Ventilate well, avoid breathing vapours. Use approved respirator if air contamination is above accepted level. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Keep in cool, dry, ventilalcd storage and closed containers. Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . SPILL CLEANUP METHODS: I 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT NAME CAS No STD LT EXP (8 hrs) 50-00-0 FORMALDEHYDE UREA-FORMALDEHYDE POLYMER MEL. 2 PPm N o Std ST EXP (15 min) 2 PPm No Std. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT RESPIRATORS: N o specific recommendation made, but respiratory protection must be used if the general level esceeds the Occupational Esposure Level (OEL). PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Chemical resistant gloves required for prolonged or repeated contact. Use protective gloves made of: Rubber, neoprene or PVC. EYE PROTECTION: Wear approved chemical safety goggles where eye esposure is reasonably probable. Safechem N o :11019 Page 2 1 5 >>> EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 . .. - Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin OTHER PROTECTION: Use engineering controls to reduce air contamination to permissible exposure level. AL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: ODOUR/TASTE: SOLUBILITY DESCRIPTION: pH-VALUE: VISCOSITY: Liquid. Formaldehyde Soluble in water. 8.0-8.5 1.00 11.00 Pas @ 25 OC STABILITY: See Technical Information ZONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid contact with acids. COLOUR: White. I)H-VALUE,CONC: - FLASH POINT (“C): 8.5-8.8 >IO0 - Dynochem UK Ltd. I I TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: High temperatures generate: Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (C02). Ammonia or amines. Co ns en >5000mg/kg (oral rat) rOXIC DOSE1- LD50: No data available. r o x I c CONC.- L C ~ O : rOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Information relevant to formaldehyde toxicity:’ In the EU formaldehyde is classified as a Category 3 Carcinogen. This means that formaldehyde is not known to be carcinogenic to man (Category I), or regarded to be carcinogenic to man (Category 2). Although at high concentrations, formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in rats, there is no convincing evidence that the substance induces cancer in man. For this reason formaldehyde has been placed in the lowest Category 3.’ [EALTH WARNINGS: Exposure; This chemical has good warning properties. Irritant of eyes and mucous membranes. Mild dermatitis. allergic skin rash. ITHER HEALTH EFFECTS: Formaldehyde is classificd as a Category 3 Carcinogen (EEC), IEDICAL SYMPTOMS: Irritation of eyes and mucous membranes. 2 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION EGRADABILITY: Formaldehyde: No bioconcentration. Urea formaldehyde polymers are slowly,but not .readily biodegradable. 3 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Fechem No : I 1019 Page 3 / 5 >>> EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 Liquid Urea Formaldehyde Resin DISPOSAL METHODS: Dynochem materials must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of 'The Special Waste Regulations 1996'. Advice if required, on the disposal of waste Dynochem Products is available from Dynochenl UK Ltd. LABEL FOR CONVEYANCE: No transport warning sign required. ROAD: ROAD TRANSPORT NOTES: No label required for Road Transport RAIL No label required for Rail Transport SEA: SEA TRANSPORT NOTES: No label required for Sca Transport AIR: AIR TRANSPORT NOTES: No label required for Air Transport to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . RAIL TRANSPORT NOTES: Possible risk of irreversible effects. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. R-40 R-43 Co RISK PHRASES: ns en HARMFUL SAFETY PHRASES: In case of contact with eyes, rinse irnmcdialely with plenty S-26 S-36/37/39 S-5 I of water and seek medical advice. Wear suitablc protective clothing, gloves and eyeiface protection. Use only in well ventilated areas. UK REGULATORY REFERENCES: T h e Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. The Chemicals (Hazard Informalion and Packaging for Supply) Regulations. EH40 Occupational Esposure Limits. Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Classification, Packaging, and Label1ing)and use of Pressure Receptacle Regulations. Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations. Special Waste Regulations 1996 (SI 1996 NO. 972). Health and Safety at Work Act 1971. INFORMATION SOURCES: Dynochem UK Ltd Safety Manual / No.AD2 'Handling Precautions for Formaldehyde-based Products.Vinyl Emulsions and Safechem No :11019 Page 4 1 5 >>> EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot REVISION DATE: Safechem No :11019 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot se f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot I Co n 1 UREA FOFUMALDEHYDE VENEERING RESIN EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot ... se . . Co n I , i EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 1- REVISION DATE :04-03-2004 .- U i S A F E N DATA SHEET Prefere 4752 (Aerolife I IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANYIUNDERTAKING Prefere 4152 (Aerolite V) Urea formaldehyde resin used for veneering. SUPPLIER Dynea UK Ltd. Alyn Works, Denbigh Road, Mold, Flintshire CH7 1BF Tel: 01352 757657 Emergency Tel: 01352 750416 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . PRODUCT NAME APPLICATION The Full Text for all R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION se 4 FIRST-AID MEASURES nt o Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. CLASSIFICATION Carc 3;R40. R43. Co n a GENERAL INFORMATION Remove victim immediately from source of exposure. Provide rest, warmth and fresh air. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. Keep affected person under observation. If unconcious, loosen tight clothing. Place unconscious person on the side in the recovery position and ensure breathing can take place. Perform artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. INHALATION Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. INGESTION Rinse mouth thoroughly. DO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. .\ SKIN CONTACT Wash skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. EYE CONTACT Promptly wash eyes with plenty of water while lifting the eye lids. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing. 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Use fire-extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding materials. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. SPECIFIC HAZARDS Fire creates: Carbon dioxide (C02). Carbon monoxide (CO). Nitrous gases (NOX). EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 $ REVISION DATE .04-03-2004 . Prefere 4152 (Aerolite V) 'J .! *' c PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN FIRE Self contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. I 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS Product is partly soluble in water. Stop leak without risk. Do not discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. SPILL CLEAN UP METHODS Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Remove containers and flush area with water. Inform Authorities if large amounts are involved. For waste disposal, see section 13. 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE USAGE PRECAUTIONS Avoid spilling, skin and eye contact. Provide good ventilation. Eye wash facilities should be available when handling this product. USAGE DESCRIPTION Read and follow manufactureh recommendations. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS Keep containers tightly closed. 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION OES - LT mg/m3 2.5 mglm3 . SODIUM HYDROXIDE LT-ppm 2 ppm se Std MEL ru Name ST - ppm 2 PPm - ST mgIrn3 2.5 mglm3 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he -FORMALDEHYDE...% 2 mglm3 ns en INGREDIENT COMMENTS MEL = Maximum Exposure Limit. OES = Occupational Exposure Standard. Sk = Skin Absorption PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Co PROCESS CONDITIONS Provide eyewash station. ENGINEERING MEASURES Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation. RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT Respiratory protection must be used if air contamination exceeds acceptable level. HAND PROTECTION Chemical resistant gloves required for prolonged or repeated contact. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Rubber (natural, latex). Neoprene. EYE PROTECTION Wear approved safety goggles. OTHER PROTECTION Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact. 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE Liquid COLOUR Colourless to White ODOUR Formaldehyde SOLUBILITY Slightly soluble in water. BOILING POINT ("C) pH-VALUE, CONC. SOLUTION FLASH POINT ("C) 8-9 > 100 CC (Closed cup). >loo RELATIVE DENSITY VlSCOSlN 1.28-1.31 @ 25 "C 1000-2200 mPas @ 25 "C EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 Prefere 4452 (Aerolite STABIL I N Stable under normal temperature condhons. Storage at higher temperatures will give increased viscosity. This gives a decrease in shelf-life. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS None at ambient temperatures. Fire or high temperatures may form harmful vapours (CO, C02, NOx). f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION LD50 (oral,rat): 800mg/kg (formaldehyde) Formaldehydeis a category 3 carcinogen. GENERAL INFORMATION Irritant properties are the main hazard. INHALATION Vapour may irritate respiratory system or lungs. Gas or vapour is harmful on prolonged exposure or in high concentrations. INGESTION May cause stomach pain or vomiting. SKIN CONTACT Slightly irritating. Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause severe irritation. EYE CONTACT Irritating to eyes. Repeated exposure may cause chronic eye irritation. HEALTH WARNINGS Mild dermatitis, allergic skin rash. Inhalation of high volume of vapour may cause: Irritation of nose and throat. Ingestionmay cause: Stomach pain. MEDICAL SYMPTOMS Nausea, vomiting. Sneezing. Eczematous irritation. MEDICAL CONSIDERATIONS Skin disorders and allergies. Co n se nt o EGOTOXICITY The product is not expected to be hazardous to the environment. MOBILITY Partially water soluble. BIOACCUMULATION No bioaccumulationexpected. DEGRADABILITY The product is expected to be slowly biodegradable. ACUTE FISH TOXICITY Polymer: Low toxicity expected. 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL METHODS Dispose of waste and residues in accordance with local authority requirements.Confirm disposal procedures with environmental engineer and local regulations. ADR CLASS Not classified for transport: ADRIRIDIIMDGIIATAICDG CPU LABELLING 3 14 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 i ’ . Prefere 4152 (Aerolite b!l ? F Harmful CONTAINS FORMALDEHYDE ...% RISK PHRASES Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. R40 R43 SAFETY PHRASES Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eyelface protection. S36137139 This material andlor its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. S60 UK REGULATORY REFERENCES EH40 Occupational Exposure Limits. EU DIRECTIVES Dangerous Substance Directive 67/548/EEC. Dangerous Preparations Directive 88/379/EEC. Safety data sheet directive 911155. 16 OTHER INFORMATION 04-03-2004 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru RISK PHRASES IN FULL NC Not classified. Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. ma24125 se . REVISION COMMENTS Change of product name. REVISION DATE Causes bums. Causes severe bums. R37 R40 R43 Irritatingto respiratorysystem. Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. May cause sensitisationby skin contact. Co n se nt o R34 R35 4 14 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot HOT MELT ADHESIVE FOR EDGE BANDING EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot G I Tel.N r .: - 05021 /a8 241 T e l . N r , : 05021/88-241 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Information ~ r l pproduo4 Trade name: EAKOLL-SK K4/384/LV i Chemical cbaractmrik3t.h Co ns en to ( p reparatiom ) \ :: j '' ! ' & I _ - I FIRST x h &bUkLES t ! I mdz- d fnformtion ! I kl;;sftfi hazard ,ariees from the solid BUbctance. Bpcauee \e h i g h working temperature. the danger of burns exists. EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 - SAFETY DATA SHE3ET IN ACCORDANCE WITH 91/1$5/EEC EC-Safety data sheet W bate p r i n t e d : :DNR.. Amended o n : 6.10.94 13 . 0 4 . 9 4 , : rade name: ._ RAKOLL-SIC. K4/58rnV H,B.Fuller 4.2 OII inhalation vapsurs a t e inhaled when working on tbe melt, provide f r e s h air. In case of irritation of t h e respiratory system, seek medical attentioa, 4.3 On Page: 2 Version; 1 GmbH Nienklurg If contact with the skin Treat a s f o r burns: cm coatact with the molten p r o d u c t , cool quickly with cold water. Do not remove solidified praduct from the s k i h . Seek medical attention. On contact with the eye After contact of hot melt with the se . e y e s , wash immediately u n d e r running water for 15 minutes ahd seek medical attentioa! he ru 4.4 1 On s w d o w i a g g.6 Information for the physician f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot 4.5 Consult a physician. -- .- FUWl?%GEITINGMEASURES ;. 1 Suitable extinguishers A d a p t to fire'e surroundings: water, foam, powder, c02, sand i. 2 Extiaguiehers unsuitable cm safety grounds not ap plicabla i. 3 Particular hazards aesociated with tho sabatance, its cmmbustion products or resulting gasea PlIain combusfjon products: CO, 1202. acrolein and acetic acid. i. 4 Particular pxotective equipment Wear breathing Drotectioh which is indeaendebt of the Co n se nt o i surrounding air. - - - MEASUIFLES TO i 5.1 i.2 BE TAREN ON ACCIDENTALkELEASE Precaut$onary m e a ~ u r e sfor humans a r e needed far spilt granulate. If melt leaks a u t , take precautions to avoid burns. N o pertieuIar precautions Precautionary m e a e u ~ e sfor the sm~iroanrent N o gpacial precautions necessary a I . 3 Method for cleasing/spillagc Cleau up any spilt granula: '.-X-F-: ,:io= . f a k e d melt t o cool. EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 E C - S a f e t y data aheet Rate printed: KDNR. . . Versioa: 13 . 0 4 , 9 4 : I RAKOLL-SK Kq/s8mv Trada name: 6.4 Amended on: 6.10.94 Pagar. H.3 .Fuller 9 1 - GmbH N i a n b u r g Addition4 infarmation nQ?H I I I _ 7 &LING 7.1 Bandling I AND STORAGE hformation d o bandling No special protective meaaures n e e d e d ru se . Iaformatioa o n protectian 3gaiBst fire and explosion special precautions a e c e s m r y . 7.2 Storage f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he No Requiremeats for storeraoms and containers Store d r y . Infarmation on storage together with other subsltaaeee net applicable Storage temperature : 10 20 ' C Co n se nt o - 8 LIMITS OF EXPOSURE AND EQTJS2-T 8.1 Additiuaal informatioh 0x1 the nature cvf technical equipment Provide adequate ventilatiozl at the workplace, 8.2 Components with workplace-relevant concentration linnits 8 3 Personal protective equipment ~ - FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION General protecztfon and hygiene P2888nre8 W h e n handling t h e melt, do not inhale vapoure and avoid contact with t h e s k i n . Breaching pretectian Not Decessary where room is adequately ventilated. Hand protection E m f - r e s i s t a n t gloves a r e t o be worn only when handling t h e melt. Eye protection Fully enclosed p r o t e c t i v e glaases for hahdling the melt. Body protection W e a r suitable industrial c l o t h i n g . EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 . - EC-Safety data sheet Page: 4 9 Appearance Form : granulate B e i g e ,RAL 1001 neutral Colour : Odour: Data relevant bu safety CHANGE OF CONDITION TEMPERATURE ACCORbXNG TO - 96 - he ' C (at 81 " C 'C to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Inflammability : Ignition temper- : approx. Self -igniting properties : Fire promotiag propertiee: 73 ot . Boiling p {range: approx , Softening p , /range: a p p r u x . Hardening p . lrange:approx. Dropping p . / r a h g e : a p p r o x . Melting p . /range: approx. Flame point: approx. ru se . TESTED "C 104 "C "C 4 c Co 9.2 ns en 9.1 --. Explosiolr haeard : lowst: EXPLOSION LUMITS Vapour preBeure .. ...- . density. - . Density Bulk I 1,54 : - upper: : n.a. hPa hPa hPa (at (at (at g/cm' (at kg/mJ (at 20 'C> HBF Solubility in water: app, g/l [at ia . app. g/l (at PE value; (at gli water) (at 25°C) iasoluble. - Dia t rib 11Cion c oefficielr t E octan01/uratet log POW Compoaents : Viscosity approx. 80000 mPas 20.: ' C Brookfield . i C .-- RVT HEF EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:29 SAF'ETY DATA SHEET I NACCORDANCE WITH 91/1$5/EEC m EC-Safety data sheet Date printed: . : KDNrR. . Trade name: 6.10.94 Amended on: Page: Versim: 13.04.96 , 6 1 - RAICOLL-SK K4!58ULV H . B . F u l l e r GmbH Nienburg INFORMATION ON ECOLOGY 12.1 Details of elimination lperslstehcs aad deconylosition) 12.2 Properties relevant to the ecology 12.3 Ecataxic effeota 12.4 Further detaile ob ecology 13 INFOEMATION ON DISPOSAL - ot he ru se . 12 Prodact to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny 13.1 Waste Ire& Waste : Duty of ptoviding evidence: RscommmndaWn : - + ,Contarnipatad aackaPing Becmunendation : Recommendation : Empty package of all residue@ ( d r i p free, run f r e e , scraped but). Channel. package preferab1.y into Co ns en 13.2 local r e u s e / r e c y e l i a g while abserving localihational regulations. Reemtm- cleaning agent: n o t applicable 14 INFORMATION ON T W S P O B T 14.1 Overland tranepdrt APR/RfD and GGVSlGGVJE ADR/RID-QGVS/E Class Warning notice -> Hazard-nr : Description af gaode : Number/letrer: S u b s t . -nr: Remarks : Not a hazardous s u b s t a n c e in terms of transport regulations. 14.2 Transport an domeelic waterways ADNf AD N R Clags Warning natioe - Z Category: DeecripClas of goods I Remarks : AaN/AUNB Nwnher/letter: not applicable EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:30 4 7/>0 '94 710 ' 9 4 B 3 5 3 1 8731952 B + 4 8 5021 88170 08:55 08:43 +++ FINSA FOREST +++ N U IRLW N.A.A. B F - N I EllPORT ---F- @001/004 @006/003 - -1- - -- SAF'EW DATA SHEET IN ACGORlDANCE WITH 9Ul!j5/EEC I :' EC-Safety data sheet Date printed: . . : Amended on: 6.10.94 13 . 0 4 , 9 4 KDNR. T r a d e name: Paga: 5 Version: 1 - RAKOLL-SK K4/ssultV H.B .Fuller GrobH Nienburg TESTED ACCORDING-TO . - . - .: . . . . - . .: Solvent separation test Solvent content - . Further iaformatinm .-- AND REACTNITY be avoided . COAdition8 t o not applicable se STABILITY - 10.2 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot IO. 2 g.a, ru 10 n.a. 46 he 9.3 % Substances t o be avoided not a p plicsble 10.3 Hazardous declsmpositizrn products If severely o v e r h e a t e d , acrolein, acetic acid, carbas. monaside and carbon dioxide can be formed, Further information Zinc and copper in any form accelerate t h e reaction and t h e thermal decomposition. 1I . 1 Acute toxicity Co ns en 10.4 Seasibilisatian : Not known. 11.2 Subacute to chronic toxicity 11.3 Experience in humane : Accordilrg t o p r e a e n t knowledge, n o damage t o health is t o he expected when u s e d correctly. 11.4 Further information: none EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:30 SAFETY DATA SmET IN ACCORDANCE WITN 9V155/EEC EC-Safety data sheet Date p r i n t e d : KDNR.. . 6.10,94 Amended on: 13 . 0 4 , 9 4 1 '. Page: 8 Version: 1 : TA Air Class: Number : Water eontaminatioa risk class: Proportion in %; 0 (f.liquiiis) (self- classification 111 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he .-- 'This iaforznation is based an our preeent-day knowledge, but does auk imply say assurame of product charaeterieties. ~ 7 ,r" c o t applicable - not determined = Method of H.B.Fuller GmbH 7 ns en n Co -_. ru se . Other regulations, Iimitatioas and acta of prohibition: Observe Berufsgenossenschaft UVV (VBG 81 1: "Working with adheaivee" EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:30 !,'lo '94 110 ' 9 4 08:56 08:44 B 3 5 3 1 8731952 =+43 5031 881iO +++ FINSA FOREST N.A.A. EBF-NI EXPORT +lt+ fiAb IRLhND @1ao3/004 Qooa/oos _-,- Amehded 6.10.94 OIL: IMDG] GGVSee Class W A G , C o r r e c t techa. name: Remarks : not applicable Air transport 1 PG : EMS-NO. : Marina pollutant: UN-No.: : ICAO-TI and IATA-DEB J C A /IATA ~ Claes C o r r e c t t e c h s . name: Remarks : n o t applicabie UNlID-No.: he ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Further information Store in a d ~ p ylace. REGULATIONS - EC guidelines ns en Marking according t o PG : Identification letter and hazard description for the product : Labelling 3 s defined by C h e d e a l Act n o t mandatory Co 5 Version: . .4 . 13,04.94 se . ru Lte p r i n t e d : 3NR. : Component(s) responsible for hazard labelling: contains : not appliaable Particular designation far certain preparations (accordiag to Appendix I1 of the Guidelinee on Preparations 89/3?9/&EC 1 not applicable National re gdationa Additional classification according to Dangerous Goods Act Appendix II not applicable NOL: Remarks : n o t applicable I[nformatbn om working lim.itatioB6! n o t applicable W a a c t i o n s Act: not applicable VbF Class: Temperature clam icccoxd. Fire class according to DIN 14011: B to DIN 57165: EPA Export 25-07-2013:18:56:30