Draft Level 2 Reporting Forms

GRF 310.0: Statement of Financial Performance ( G )
Australian Business Number
Institution Name
Reporting Period
Scale Factor
Reporting Consolidation
Draft GRF 310.0 Level 2 Insurance Group
Thousands of dollars no decimal place
- Level 2 insurance group
Premium revenue:
Direct business
Inwards reinsurance
Total Premium Revenue
Outwards reinsurance expense:
Relating to future years cover
Relating to current and prior years cover
Net Premium Revenue
Claims expense:
Associated with Direct business:
Relating to future years
Relating to current and prior years
Associated with Inwards reinsurance:
Relating to future years
Relating to current and prior years
Gross Claims Expense
Gross claims expense which is due to changes in valuation assumptions / model (this isn't included in the
underwriting result)
Reinsurance recoveries revenue:
Relating to future years
Relating to current and prior years
Total reinsurance recoveries revenue
Other recoveries revenue
Total recoveries
Net Incurred Claims
Acquisition costs
Other underwriting expenses
Levies and charges
Commission revenue
Total underwriting expenses
Underwriting result
Draft GRF 310.0 Level 2 Insurance Group
Total Business
Investment income
Other operating income
Other operating expenses
Negative goodwill immediately recognised in profit or loss
Profit (loss) from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued
Profit (loss) from continuing operations before income tax expense (benefit)
Income tax expense (benefit) from continuing operations
Profit (loss) from continuing operations after income tax
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations after income tax
Net profit (loss) after income tax attributable to members of the company
Retained profits at the beginning of the financial year
Adjustments to retained profits due to change in accounting policies / standards
Reduction in retained profits on share buy back
Amounts transferred from reserves
Total available for appropriation
Dividends expected, declared or paid
Aggregate of amounts transferred to reserves
Retained profits at the end of the reporting period
Draft GRF 310.0 Level 2 Insurance Group
Total Business