Management Information Systems Concepts – MGMT 6249 Fall 2014 MBA Program College of Business Administration University of Northern Iowa Instructor: Nikhil Mehta, Ph.D. E-Mail: Office Hours: MWF (10:30 am -11:30 am) and by appointment Office: 260 CBB Phone:(319) 273-2958 Course Schedule: • Wednesdays 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm from November 12 – December 17, 2014 (Room CBB 224) and January 14 – February 11, 2015 (Room CBB 113). • Saturday Seminars 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, December 6/2014 (Room CBB 224) and January 17/2015 (Room CBB 113) Required Material: 1. Business Driven Technology; 4th edition; by Page Baltzan and Amy Phillips; McGraw Hill. 2. Additional reading materials including articles/cases from New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review and/or online articles/movie clips. eLearning ( eLearning will be used for posting announcements, course material, and grades. Course Information: This course provides topical coverage of contemporary information technology (IT) with a focus on effectively planning, organizing, justifying, controlling, implementing and integrating IT within business. Topics include: IT and competitive advantage, information and network architecture, software, hardware and network fundamentals, systems development life-cycle, outsourcing, managing innovative technologies, disaster recovery/contingency planning, and global applications. Learning Objectives: Today’s turbulent environment requires businesses to modify and extend their traditional approach to change. Businesses now have to undertake strategic change and transform themselves into ‘agile enterprises’ in order to confront and respond to increasing complexity and uncertainty. One way of achieving this goal is to use information technology (IT) effectively. IT plays a critical role in not only facilitating business functions from marketing to customer support to production to accounting and finance, but also allows a MGMT 6249 (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Page 1 company to create sustainable competitive advantage. IT also provides more innovative strategic choices so that businesses are able to manage effectively such critical factors as quality, lead time, cost, risk and their relationships with customers and suppliers. This class focuses on exploring and understanding various aspects of IT and key issues in organizing and managing it. Managers must understand the challenges facing their organizations, and also be aware of the available technologies that could be employed to counter those challenges. They must also understand issues involving the changing/design of business processes in order to effectively implement such technologies. In addition, this class explores contemporary issues, such as IT outsourcing, security, privacy, and ethical issues in information systems. Course Policies: It is your responsibility to read assigned chapters/cases/articles before class and be ready for class discussion. Read announcements and other materials on the eLearning regularly. You are not allowed to use your laptop/cell phone during the class hours unless I require you to use them to access certain websites or online articles that relate to class subjects. Attend class on time. Your late attendance due to schedule conflicts from work or other classes is not acceptable. You are also expected to participate in all class sessions. o If you know that you will be away due to business trips and cannot complete a quiz/exam/papers in a particular week (see grading components in relevant section below), it is your responsibility to inform me "before", "not after" the deadline of a quiz/exam/papers. This tentative syllabus is subject to change by the instructor. Usually, I will mention in class or send an e-mail to the whole class for a major announcement, such as policy and schedule changes. Communication: o E-mail and eLearning announcements will be the primary method of communication. Each student must have an active UNI e-mail address ( I will contact you through the eLearning e-mail system, which contains your UNI e-mail address. o Once I send a message to your e-mail account, I assume that you have the information. If you want to forward UNI e-mail message to different e-mail address, please contact the IT department to set it up for you. If you do not receive my e-mail in your UNI mail box, it is possible that your mail box is full or suspended. You must contact the IT department to fix this problem immediately. o Important: When e-mailing me, please start your e-mail’s subject with RE: 6249 - For instance, RE: 6249 - Questions on assignment #1. Put your name in full at the end of your e-mail. o Please maintain professionalism in your e-mails. o If you see something wrong with the schedule or other class material on eLearning, or notice any technical problems, please inform me BEFORE, not after, the deadline of an assignment. MGMT 6249 (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Page 2 Performance Evaluation and Grading Procedures: Following traditional grade categories illustrate how your final course grade will be assigned: A >= 93%, B >= 83%, C >= 73%, D >=63%, F < 59.9% Plus and minus grades will be awarded. Your final grade will be a function of following major components: Weekly Quizzes from Assigned Chapters (20%) It is your responsibility to read assigned chapters to keep up with the foundational knowledge of IT issues. This being an MBA class, we will typically not discuss the assigned chapters in class. In some class sessions, I may give a basic explanation of certain topics before heading into article discussions. Each week, you will have a quiz from assigned chapter(s) and articles for that week. You may not make up a missed quiz. Activities Pertaining to Assigned Articles Each week, one to four assigned reading articles will be used as the subject of class discussion. The list of articles will be available on eLearning. The list will provide you with each article’s details (title/magazine/journal). It is your responsibility to search the article through Rod library’s access to online databases. Sometimes, I may provide you the article via eLearning. Team Presentation of Assigned Article(s) (20%) Working with 2-3 other students as a team, you will present 1-3 assigned articles. Articles (and team presentation dates) will be assigned by the draw-of-lots. I will provide you with general presentation guidelines. o The presentations should be between 25-30 minutes. Points will be deducted for staying under 25 minutes. o Every week, the presenting team(s) will need to email their presentation to me by Tuesday (5:00 pm). Late submissions will result in a substantial penalty. o The presented team(s) should bring a printed and stapled copy of their presentation for me on the days they present. o The presenting team will also need to email 3-4 discussion pointers/questions/issues to me by Tuesday (5:00 pm) of the weeks they present. I may discuss these questions in class. Excel/Access Assignments (10%) We will spend a portion of some class sessions (and/or entire class sessions) working on various software applications. Based on these lab sessions, you will be expected to complete 1-3 in-lab or outof-lab Excel/Access assignments. I will announce the submission deadlines for these assignments later. Late submissions will be penalized. MGMT 6249 (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Page 3 Final Project Presentation (20%) The team project is an opportunity for you to study “in detail” the IT architecture, processes, and strategy of an organization. Depending upon the extent of organization’s IT function, your team may even conduct an audit of one or more of these components. You also have the choice of studying these issues in a specific scenario, such as an IT-implementation project of significant proportions (e.g., implementation of an ERP/CRM/KM system in an organization). A 2-page (1.5 spaced) project proposal is due by December 3rd. o Proposals may be denied if the team shows minimal grasp of the issues they intend to analyze, or if the scope of the project is limited. To ensure timely approval of your proposal, I would recommend that you discuss your project scope with me prior to submitting your proposal. Detailed guidelines for project and presentation are available under the “Course Content” link on eLearning. Email me your final presentation by midnight Monday, January 26th irrespective of the day you present. Final Exam (20%) The final exam will be in a multiple-choice format. The final exam date is subject to change with notice by the instructor. No makeup exam is allowed without the instructor’s approval in advance. Participation (10%) You are required to participate in the class activities actively and meaningfully. An example of active and meaningful participation would include having read and analyzed assigned articles and making valuable contribution to class discussion (not simply agreeing with what others have said). Missing classes or inactive and ineffective class participation will negatively affect your grade. ADA Policy: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) provides protection from illegal discrimination for qualified individuals with disabilities. Students requesting instructional accommodations due to disabilities must arrange for such accommodation through the Office of Disability Services (ODS). The ODS is located at: 213 Student Services Center, and their phone number is: 319-273-2676. Academic Integrity: Students of the University of Northern Iowa are required to observe the commonly accepted standards of academic honesty and integrity. Except in those instances in which group work is specifically authorized by the instructor of the course, no work which is not solely the student’s is to be submitted to the instructor to fulfill the course requirements. Cheating of any kind on examinations and/or plagiarism of projects or papers is strictly prohibited. Plagiarism is defined as stealing or passing off the ideas or words of another as one’s own, or presenting the idea or product from an existing source as one’s own. Any student who cheats or plagiarizes, or any student who assists another student to cheat or plagiarize, will be subject to a penalty determined at the instructor’s discretion. Penalties may include, but are not MGMT 6249 (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Page 4 limited to, a reduction in points awarded, zero points awarded, and automatic FAILURE of the course. The case may also be forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs for university disciplinary action. CBA Course Repeat Policy: The following policy has been adopted by the College of Business Administration (CBA) with regard to repeating CBA classes: Students enrolled in a College of Business Administration (CBA) course at the beginning of the second week of the Fall 2014 semester will not be allowed to register again for the same course until the end of advance registration for Spring 2015. Students who wish to re-register for a course may place their name on a waiting list. Registration accommodation will depend on course openings after the completion of Spring 2015 advance registration. Summer session is excluded from this policy. Tentative Schedule: Date November 12 November 19 December 3 (Project Proposal Due) Sat., December 6 December 10 December 17 January 14 Sat., January 17 January 21 January 28 Assigned Articles TBA Chapter Assignments TBA TBA Chapters 1 & 2 Chapters 3 & 5 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Chapters 7 & 8 Chapters 9 & 10 Chapters 11 & 12 Chapters 13 & 19 Chapters 15 & 17 Class Agenda Syllabus; Course Discussion; Team Assignment; Article Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Quiz; Article Presentation & Discussion Excel Lab Project Presentations February 4 Project Presentations February 11 Final Exam/ Final Case Analysis Note: This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor by written statement/class announcement/e-mail. MGMT 6249 (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Page 5