Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest Latino Newspaper «Tinta con sabor» • Founded in 1989 • Proudly Serving Our Readers Continuously For Over 14 Years La Prensa is savored by non-Latinos too! Surf our web at: www.laprensatoledo.com Check out our Classifieds! Chequea los Anuncios Clasificados! June/junio 25, 2003 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal Alicia Guer e a ge 2 Guerrra finds futur future att TERRA, pa pag Emanuel H. Enríquez is multitalented artist ( CALENDAR OF EVENTS, PAGE 8 Banda El Recodo y Bobby Pulido to appear at Club International in Detroit this Saturday, June 28. 313-995-4938. See pages 7 and 9. Breves Pospuesta audiencia a hondureña acusada de muertes de inmigrantes Por JUAN A. LOZANO HOUSTON (AP): La presunta cabecilla de una operación de contrabando humano en la que murieron 19 indocumentados tendrá que esperar una semana para saber si le otorgan la libertad bajo fianza. El juez Calvin Botley pospuso el jueves la audiencia para Karla Patricia Chávez, de 25 años, ya que la hondureña contrató nuevos abogados que necesitan más tiempo para estudiar los cargos que penden contra ella. La audiencia fue pospuesta para el 26 de junio. El lunes, el fiscal federal Michael Shelby acusó a Chávez y a otras 13 personas de participar en el ingreso ilegal a Estados Unidos de decenas de indocumentados. La operación terminó el 14 mayo con el descubrimiento de un grupo de personas en un remolque abandonado al sur de Houston, en una zona de descanso de camiones en Victoria. Un total de 17 personas murieron dentro del camión, mientras que los otros dos perecieron después. Las víctimas fallecieron como consecuencia de la deshidratación, hipotermia y falta de aire. Entre los muertos se encontraba un niño mexicano de cinco años. Los 14 son acusados de varios cargos de asociación ilícita para esconder o transportar a los inmigrantes. Doce de ellos podrían enfrentar la pena de muerte si los fiscales deciden pedirla. La hondureña es acusada de ser la cabecilla de la célula de contrabandistas y de otras tres redes. Según los fiscales, Chávez cobró entre 1.500 y 1.900 dólares a cada indocumentado que quería ir a Estados Unidos. Las autoridades dicen que Chávez ofrecía comida de su restaurante a los inmigrantes que escondía. Más de 70 indocumentados procedentes de México, Centroamérica y la República Dominicana estaban siendo transportados hacia Estados Unidos en el camión en el que se produjo la tragedia. Cuarenta y cinco indocumentados que sobrevivieron fueron detenidos. La mayoría ha sido puesta en libertad. Los fiscales señalaron que los que sirven de testigos contarán con visas temporales. Los otros serán deportados. Chávez, residente legal en Estados Unidos, fue detenida el viernes cuando trataba de entrar en territorio guatemalteco desde su país. Las autoridades guatemaltecas la extraditaron el sábado a Estados Unidos. (Continued on Page 4) Migration Series # IV by Emanuel H. Enríquez of Bowling Green Your Weekly Horoscope/Horóscopo Directory of Latino Businesses & Services Classifieds ( Emanuel H. Enríquez has been involved in art since he was 10 years old. He received his BFA’s degree (painting) from Bowling Green State University in 1978 and completed his MFA’s degree (sculpture) in 2000 from BGSU, after retiring from Daimler-Chrysler in 1997. Enríquez is a popular area artist, known for his diversified talents in various fields. His major contributions include: the Who’s Up bronze sculpture, on permanent display in front of The Toledo Mud Hens Fifth Third Field in Toledo, Ohio, which was depicted on page 12 of the August 28, 2002 issue of La Prensa. Other sculpture includes: Empathy (located at the Toledo Botanical Gardens, since 2002) and Alone Together (located at the Schedel Arboretum and Gardens in Elmore, Ohio, since 2001). His paintings include the Chrysler Historic Mural (1993). Enríquez’s TAA award winning Migration Series #4 is part of a five series set depicting Mexicanos migrating to the United States in the first half of the 20th Century. Oil #4 depicts the artist’s uncle and two aunts. The entire series, along with other works from the artist, can be viewed at his web site: www.emanuel-enriquezart.com. Emanuel H. Enríquez and Mike Arrigo among recipients at the 85th TAA exhibit Ohio State University. seum of Art and the Toledo Celebrating the best in visual arts from northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan, the 85th Annual Toledo Area Artists (TAA) Exhibition opened last Friday at the Toledo Art Museum and will remain on view through July 27 in its Canaday Gallery. A special awards ceremony inaugurated this showing at 8:00 p.m. in the Great Gallery, with multiple awards being presented. Two This Week Kalamazoo Commissioners approved ID, 5-2 Vol. 33, No. 15 area artist recipients were Emanuel H. Enríquez of Bowling Green and Mike Arrigo of Toledo. Enríquez received the Molly Morpeth Canaday Award ($350) for his Migration Series #IV oil on convas, depicted above. Arrigo won the Latino Association of Visual Arts (LAVA) Award ($250) for his Ascend and Alight oil and acrylic on panel. Arrigo has a MFA from The TAA exhibition is one of the oldest in the United States and is recognized by many area artists as the event of the year to display the talents of regional artists. Artists were invited to submit artwork and compete for over $8,000 in prizes and awards. Many of the works of art are for sale. One hundred-twelve artists have works of art on display. The TAA Exhibition is coorganized by the Toledo Mu- Federation of Art Societies. This year’s exhibition is in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary Athena Art Society Exhibition. This year’s jurors were Susan Wilczak, director of exhibitions and collections at the Krasal Art Center in St. Joseph, Michigan, and Wes Hunting, glass artist and owner of Hunting Studio Glass in Princeton, Wisconsin. Next Week 3 5 5 9-11 A photo array featuring the 40th anniversary of Padre Richard Notter’s ministry, a recent FLOC fundraiser, and LatinoFest III. Your Detr oiT olé do Connection • Tinta con sa bor DetroiT oiTolé olédo sabor Spiderman loves these webs: www.laprensatoledo.com and www.voceslatinas.com La Prensa Página 2 Alicia Guerra hard at work at TERRA Alicia Guerra finds a future at TERRA Community College Alicia Guerra’s first week of classes last fall was filled with apprehension and a few tears. No, she wasn’t a fiveyear-old leaving her mother for kindergarten. Alicia Guerra was a 46-yearold, mother of four, firsttime college student. And now, nine short months later, she is so happy to be at Terra Community College, in Fremont, Ohio, that she isn’t even taking the summer off. “I was very scared at first” Guerra, a Port Clinton resident, said. “I am kind of a perfectionist, and I felt that my English was not good enough at first. I did cry, and I almost quit. But I thought, if I quit, what would I do?” Guerra’s decision to attend Terra was prompted by a workplace incident. She was a full-time baker at Kroger’s in Port Clinton when she was injured and could no longer meet the physical demands of the job. To make matters worse, her husband, Mario, was already disabled. “It was very frustrating,” she said. “I’ve always worked hard all my life, and you could say I was a little depressed. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I wasn’t going to just stare at the four walls.” Guerra, a graduate of Port Clinton High School, isn’t one to let obstacles stand in the way very long. As a child, she had to overcome a language barrier when she went to grade school. While her parents were born in Texas, Spanish was the language spoken at home. And also when she was young, she helped her family pick tomatoes in area fields on weekends and throughout the summer. Last summer, convinced that education was the path to a good job, Guerra decided to go to college and made a visit to Terra. After consultation with admission counselors and career advisors, she chose to pursue a degree in Office Administration with a Medical Secretarial Major. She started her college career last fall. “It was scary at the beginning, but all of the kids in my classes were really helpful and nice,” she said. “I had never worked with a computer before so this was a new experience.” Now Guerra’s tears are those of joy. “I just get so excited about school,” she said. “The environment here and knowing that I am learning so much makes me want to be here. And my kids are amazed and really proud of me.” Guerra is determined to finish her degree in two years. “You watch me walk down that aisle next year at graduation,” she said. With her associate degree in hand, she plans to get a good job with benefits and then start work toward a bachelor’s degree. Guerra’s advice for others of any age? “Fight your fear to accomplish what you want,” she said. “It is worth coming to college. It’s never too late.” June/junio 25, 2003 To the Editor of La Prensa: Jointly, through the efforts of a great team at the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies (CBS), along with Wayne State University’s College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs (CULMA), we are proud of our many recent accomplishments. In addition to an increase in recruitment and retention, we are especially proud of the caliber of our students, their academic achievements, and the effectiveness of CBS’s innovative programs that our students help to implement. At CBS we have a strong team of professional and dedicated counselors who recruit over 100 students, of which approximately 50 enroll each academic year and receive academic advising. We operate a sophisticated advising, counseling, and tracking for students who are not doing well academically; success seminars; reading-skill courses; tutoring; student-led discussion sessions; personal counseling; and access to other university services. CBS and the Latino En Marcha Scholarship Selection Committee support academic achievement by awarding approximately $150,000 annually in scholarships to students who qualify on the basis of merit, need, and service. The Center’s innovative programs are an effort to create a pipeline of Latinos pursuing higher education while, at the same time, providing opportunities for our CBS students to enhance their leadership skills as they make a difference in the Latino community. The following programs are examples of such efforts: ¨ “Community Outreach K-8 Recruitment Program: Pathways to Success,” a program designed for Latino college students who offer bilingual/interactive presentations tailored for local elementary and middle school minority students. The concept is to bring Latino role models to young students K-8, so that they begin thinking about college preparation and seeing themselves as future successful students at CBS. ¨ Free tutoring in Math, Spanish and English. ¨ CBS Latina/o E-mail Group was created for students, faculty, staff, and community to exchange information and promote dialogue about different issues. ¨ Campus Tours: The CBS recruitment process includes a new program providing prospective students with campus tours. Between 2000 and 2002, 520 students participated in a campus tour led by CBS students and staff. ¨ Voces of CBS (Voices of CBS) is the Center’s choir providing a forum to share the diversity of the Latino culture and music, as we foster Latino student pride and provide a sense of belonging for our students. The choir helps with student recruitment and fund raising because it gives visibility to CBS, CULMA and WSU as we visit corporate offices, schools, universities and community organizations. ¨ Success Seminar Course, an opportunity for students to learn how to navigate the university, improve study skills, how to use the library and meeting Latino role models during class visits. We look forward to a long and rewarding future for the Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies and the students we serve. Challenges are before us as the nation’s universities and colleges face a budget crisis in Higher Education, and particularly here in Michigan with a continuing decline in state appropriated dollars to public universities. We will continue to lead the effort to provide equitable access to a quality university education for Latina/o students while enhancing the environment of diversity campus wide. Sincerely, Katalina Berdy Interim Director, Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan OWN YOUR BUSINESS TODAY · La Prensa Newspaper Staff Culturas Publications, Inc. Rebecca McQueen Alan Abrams Fletcher Word Carla Soto Marisol Ibarra & Brenda Guel Ariel Castro Patricia Rengifo Rico Jennifer Zenk Kathy Sweeny Fletcher Word Aida Maxsam Lisa A. 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La Prensa Newspaper Limit: One free copy per reader. Additional copies are $1.00 each. • Over 1,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa1@lycos.com if you care to subscribe • June/junio 25, 2003 La Prensa Alleged leader in deadly immigrant-smuggling operation arrested; Honduran in custody in Texas By JUAN A. LOZANO Associated Press Writer HOUSTON (AP): Investigators believe a 25-year-old Honduran woman was the ringleader of the nation’s deadliest smuggling attempt that ended in the deaths of 19 people crammed into a stifling trailer. Prosecutors unsealed an indictment Monday accusing Karla Patricia Chávez and 13 others of organizing or facilitating the trip that ended May 14 when the crowded trailer was found abandoned at a truck stop in Victoria, 100 miles southwest of Houston. Seventeen immigrants died at the scene, and two others died later. “This is all about money. These aren’t people who are trying to make a better life for (others) and just providing them a pathway,” U.S. Attorney Michael Shelby said last Monday. “This is about an American dollar bill and people that will do anything and risk anyone’s life in order to gain that dollar bill.” Chávez, a legal resident of the United States, was arrested last Friday trying to enter Guatemala from her native Honduras. She was deported to the United States on Saturday and had a bail hearing Thursday. Chávez is accused of leading a smuggling cell that was in charge of three other rings involved in the operation. Prosecutors said she set the price per immigrant at $1,500 to $1,900, organized their transport through México and into the United States, and arranged safe houses in Texas. The 14 were charged with various counts of conspiracy to conceal or transport immigrants. Twelve could face the death penalty if prosecutors decide to pursue it. “If you consider this a series of gears, clearly there was one central gear that made everything else function the way it was supposed to and that central gear is located right around Ms. Chávez,” Shelby said. Nine suspects, including the driver, were in custody Monday, while five remained at large. The driver of the truck was arrested hours after the victims were discovered. More than 70 immigrants FLOC + BGSU = ESL By Fletcher Word La Prensa Staff Writer Bowling Green State University will be teaming with the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) this summer to provide northwest Ohio migrant farm workers with an opportunity to take English as a second language (ESL) classes. Sheri Wells-Jensen, a BGSU assistant professor and linguist, will be conducting a summer program at the university to prospective teachers of ESL. Part of the course work will involve hands-on instruction. The class has received state funding for the project and has solicited the assistance of FLOC to introduce the BGSU class to migrant workers and organize camp classes for those workers. The BGSU class will start at the end of June and, according to Wells-Jensen, will pair pro- from México, Central America, and the Dominican Republic were crammed into the tractor-trailer. Among the dead was a 5year-old boy from México. Fifty-four immigrants who survived were taken into custody, and most have since been freed. Prosecutors said those needed as witnesses will be given temporary visas to stay in the United States. The others will be returned home. The last two of the 19 immigrants who died were identified Tuesday as Chelve Benitez-Jaramillo and Rogelio DominguezBenitez, both from México. The victims died from dehydration, hyperthermia, and suffocation. Also arrested Friday was Claudia Carrizales de Villa, 34, a Mexican citizen who lives in Harlingen. Tuesday morning, U.S. Magistrate Judge John William Black ordered that she be transferred to Houston after de Villa said through a translator that she understood the charges. spective linguists with those primarily interested in the socio-political aspects of migrant life. Not everyone in the class will be trained, or has been trained, as a linguist. There are still a few openings for the class. The class carries both undergraduate and graduate credits and is open to anyone with a high school diploma. For more information, Wells-Jensen can be reached at 419-372-8935. Page 3 Construction workers, paid at Mexican wage rates, sue employer at U. S. worksite Four Mexican citizens brought suit in federal court in Toledo last week against their U.S. employer and its wholly owned Mexican subsidiary for paying them at Mexican wage rates ($2$3.50 per hour) for work done in Findlay, Ohio last year. The lawsuit, RamirezCervantes, et al. v. Hi Tech Systems, Inc., et al., case no. 3:03CV7298 and assigned to Judge James G. Carr, alleges that the plaintiffs were improperly brought in to work on a construction project at Findlay, Ohio’s Molten (North America) Corporation’s auto trim assembly facility. The workers are represented by Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE). The suit charges that the defendant, a corporation headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, contracted with the workers in México at Mexican wage rates and then improperly brought them in on business visas instead of visas requiring the employer to first search for U.S. workers and pay the prevailing wage. “The defendants here ignored federal laws protecting U.S. workers from unfair competition by foreign workers. The plaintiffs were entitled to the prevailing area wage, approximately $24 per hour. The defendants engaged in illegal activity which gave them an unfair competitive advantage in obtaining a construction contract,” says ABLE attorney Mark R. Heller. “This case is about bringing third world working conditions to the U.S. in violation of federal law,” adds Heller. “These problems were brought to the attention of the owner of the facility, government officials, and the public last year while the work was being performed, but no corrective action was taken by the responsible parties. “What makes it even more outrageous is that the facility being worked on by the plaintiffs received a tax credit by the State of Ohio. The result is that U.S. workers were not employed as required by law, but had to subsidize the company building the facility,” said Heller. The suit asks for the defendants to pay damages in the amount of the prevailing wage for all work done by plaintiffs and applicable overtime. Kalamazoo joins list to recognize the Hispano, la organización Matricula Consular ISAAC, Migrant Legal SerKalamazoo, on June 16, joined the long list in Michigan and Ohio, including the cities of Detroit, Grand Rapids, Battle Creek, Lansing, Pontiac, Monroe, Southgate, Southfield, Toledo, Fremont, and Cleveland, and the counties of Wayne and Oceana, that recognize the Matricula Consular—the Mexican identification card issued to Mexican nationals living and working in the United States. The picture ID was recognized largely for its humanitarian purposes in a resolution approved on a 5-2 vote by the Kalamazoo City Commission. The office of the Consul of México in Detroit, through Sr. Antonio Meza Estrada, urged Kalamazoo to recognize the card as a valid identification for holders, many of whom are temporarily working or visiting in the U.S. and lack a driver’s license or other forms of ID. The cards help Mexicans open bank accounts and obtain other basic services, and can aid in identification and family notification when a Mexican national is an accident victim or involved in other emergencies. Notas: Consul Antonio Meza Estrada dice que «deseo agradecer el apoyo de todas las organizaciones de la comunidad, tales como profesionistas, el Centro vices, Telamon, estudiantes de Western Michigan University y otros grupos, quienes con su apoyo y dialogo con los miebros del Concilio de la ciudad, lo lograrón. «El reconocimiento es importante. Kalamazoo es una ciudad mundial. Tiene ciudadanos de todas partes trabajando en sus empresas, en sus servicios y por supuesto, alrededor en sus campos agricolas. Por eso es importante. Permitira en lo sucesivo a los Mexicanos identificarse como personas ante las autoridades de la ciudad. Cooperar con la policía local en el combate al cirmen y la inseguridad». ¡Queremos ser su compañía de seguros! ¡NO HAY UN PAGO INICIAL ELEVADO¡ BAJOS PAGOS MENSUALES Abierto lunes-viernes North Toledo 3606 Sylvania Avenue Toledo, OH 43623 419-476-7779 9:00 - 6:00 sábados 10:00 - 2:00 South Toledo 4440 Heatherdowns Blvd. #3 Toledo, OH 43614 419-382-3899 Oregon 3344 Navarre Avenue Oregon, OH 43616 419-693-5555 Aceptamos licencias Mexicanas, e internacionales LLámenos para una cotización gratis La llamada es gratis - Hablamos español 1.888.922.7767 • The whole of life lies in the verb seeing • Every exit is an entry somewhere else • One cannot step twice into the same river • La Prensa Página 4 Foreign brides and grooms left at the altar by ID confusion ciation of Clerks and Record- ver clerk and recorder’s office DENVER (AP): Foreign brides and grooms are being jilted, not by their would-be partners but by confusion about a new law aimed at banning government agencies from accepting an identification card issued by Mexican consulates. Passed by the Colorado Legislature this past session, the law requires documents issued by a state or federal jurisdiction or one that is recognized by the U.S. government. The Colorado State Asso- Breves (Continued from Page 1) México deporta a heredero de Max Factor PUERTO VALLARTA, México (AP): Las autoridades mexicanas deportaron el jueves hacia Estados Unidos a Andrew Luster, heredero de la firma de cosméticos Max Factor, acusado de violación. Las autoridades de inmigración mexicanas dijeron que Luster fue deportado a California, donde su abogado planea apelar la condena mediante un recurso legal que estaba a punto de expirar. La policía mexicana arrestó el miércoles a Luster después de que protagonizó una escaramuza con cazadores de fugitivos en la ciudad costera de Puerto Vallarta. La policía de inmigración lo mantiene en un centro de detención de la Ciudad de México. Las autoridades arrestaron también a otros cinco estadounidenses: tres cazadores de fugitivos, un camarógrafo de televisión, y a otro hombre. Aunque la policía mexicana dijo originalmente que el camarógrafo se había identificado como empleado del programa televisivo “America’s Most Wanted” (Los Más Buscados en Estados Unidos), el vocero del programa negó la ers, as well as Attorney General Ken Salazar, argue the wording is too vague and have asked state officials for a list of acceptable forms of identification. Colorado marriage laws do not exclude foreigners from getting married in the state. Before the law, foreign passports and birth certificates were accepted. At least two of Colorado’s 64 county clerk and recorder offices are interpreting the new law in varying ways. Since early June, the Den- has rejected 47 marriage licenses for people from Chile, Ethiopia, Mexico, Russia and Switzerland. “In all honesty, we’re not sure what we’re supposed to be accepting,” said Sherry Jackson, Denver’s clerk and recorder. “It’s totally confusing,” she said. “It’s upsetting the people we’ve had to turn away.” Some couples have left her office in tears, wearing the suits or dresses they planned to wed in. versión. «Nosotros no trabajamos con cazadores de fugitivos y nuestros equipos no acompañan a estos cazadores en sus misiones», dijo Avery Mann. Un vocero de inmigración dijo, a condición de permanecer en el anonimato, que Luster fue enviado a Estados Unidos en un vuelo comercial. El FBI dijo que iba rumbo a Los Angeles. En enero, un tribunal de California condenó en ausencia a Luster por cargos de violación, envenenamiento y posesión de drogas y lo sentenció a 124 años de cárcel. días después que él desapareció durante un receso en su juicio, a pesar de haber pagado una fianza de un millón de dólares. Un tribunal californiano no había dado lugar a la apelación porque Luster es un fugitivo, pero Diamond dijo que la fecha límite para la apelar el fallo judicial es el viernes. Cuando vuelva a California, será enviado a una prisión estatal mientras presenta su apelación, al igual que cualquier otro delincuente, según dijo su defensor, Roger Diamond. Diamond dijo que su cliente siempre ha insistido en que es inocente y que tuvo relaciones sexuales con una mujer, de común acuerdo. Los cazadores de recompensas dirigidos por Duane Lee Chapman, conocido fugitivo que se autodenomina «Perro», continúan en Puerto Vallarta, en el occidental estado de Jalisco, donde podrían ser acusados de ingreso ilegal a México o secuestro. Condenan a 27 años a contrabandista de migrantes en Texas Por CHRIS ROBERTS EL PASO, Texas, EEUU (AP): El líder de una banda de contrabando de inmigrantes vinculada con la muerte de dos mexicanos dentro de un tractocamión a mediados del 2002 fue sentenciado el miércoles a más de 27 años en una prisión federal. El juez federal Philip Martínez impuso la sentencia a Rubén Patrick Valdés, al que un jurado declaró culpable en abril de asociación delictiva para contrabandear extranjeros y transportarlos. Según la acusación de un jurado investigador revelada el 1 de noviembre, los hermanos organizaban de uno a cinco envíos de extranjeros ilegales por semana, desde principios de 1999 hasta mediados del 2002, y en cada envío se transportaban desde cinco hasta 100 extranjeros. Entre los viajes estuvo uno realizado en julio, en el que 28 inmigrantes fueron amontonados en la parte trasera de un tractocamión durante un viaje de 965 kilómetros desde El Paso hasta Dallas. June/junio 25, 2003 Kapszukiewicz touts drug card for migrant workers of TMC Texas Migrant Council, Inc. (TMC) is a nonprofit organization created in 1971 that serves the children of migrant farm workers of Texas. The original concept was to serve the migrant farm worker families working in Texas harvesting the seasonal crops. The TMC provides programs such as: Infants and Toddlers Program, Substance Abuse Prevention, Child Abuse and Neglect Program, National Resource Center on MexicanAmerican Studies, and Child Care Management System and Work Force Centers. In the last 22 years, the TMC has expanded its services to the states of Indiana, Iowa, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington, Michigan, and Ohio during their harvesting season. Ohio branch offices include offices in New Carlisle, Wauseon, Willard, Hartville, Pandora, Fremont, Helena, Bowling Green, and Millbury. Last week, Toledo City Councilman Wade Kapszukiewicz made an appearance at the Fremont office to explain how the Northwest Ohio Pharmacy Card Network can assist migrant workers. “Migrant workers work hard and honestly and deserve a decent break. I believe that our pharmacy card program can help in a small way to keep migrant families healthy,” said Kapszukiewicz. The Northwest Ohio Pharmacy Card Network was created in March of 2003. Thirteen communities, including: Toledo, Lucas County, Oregon, Rossford, Haskins, Walbridge, Northwood, Genoa, Bowling Green, and Wauseon, have all passed resolutions to create the Northwest Ohio Pharmacy Card Network. This group offers to their citizens a threepart program: • A free discount card offering a discount of between 15 and 18 percent off the price of prescription drugs bought at retail, • An American mail order program that will give people the chance to get drugs that they need every day at a discount of about 20%, and • A Canadian mail order option that will reduce the cost of day-to-day drugs even more. After Kapszukiewicz’s presentation, Louis Guardiola, Jr., the Ohio TMC director, thanked the councilman. “We appreciate Wade coming here today. That he’s willing to drive an hour to try to make a difference in the lives of Ohio’s migrant workers is a real testament to his commitment to working people of all races.” These drug cards are available for City of Toledo residents at three senior centers: Zablocki on Lagrange Street at Central Avenue, Kahle on Havenhurst in the Library Village area, and Friendship Park on 131st Street in Point Place. Cards for the other participating communities are being distributed through their local offices and health centers. The mail order program kits are available through the group’s website www.RxSave.org or through the mail. More information is available from 1-800-3291969 or from Toledo City Council offices at 419-2451050. There is no cost to join this program. $25 • Over 1,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa1@lycos.com if you care to subscribe • June/junio 25, 2003 ATTORNEYS/ ABOGADOS BRIAN RAMSEY, ESQ. PRACTICA EN GENERAL 500 Madison Ave., Suite. 520, Toledo OH 43604 • 419-240-2100 Para una consulta en español, llame a Monica González Buckley The Law Offices of Howard, Cherniak, and Gupta, P.C. Friends to the neighborhood for 20 years. A general practice law firm that specializes in personal injury claims. Located at 1020 Springwells (at the corner of Lafayette), Detroit MI 48209. Initial consultation free of charge. Para una consulta en español, llamen a Griselda Garza o Nereyda Villarreal al. 313-849-0567. Tatiana Alvarez, Esq. Boss & Vitou Co., L.P.A. 111 W. Dudley Street Maumee OH 43537 419-893-5555 AUTOMOTIVE TAYLOR AUTOMOTIVE DOWNTOWN Apply on Line: www.taylorauto.com; Call 419-241-2264 [English]; Call 419-3508432 Español]; Toledo OH ; CREDIT APPROVAL GUARANTEED AUTO ROUND UP USED CARS Financing available Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 2 locations to serve you: 4847 Livernois and 5318 Cabot Streets Detroit MI 48210 313-231-2527/313-846-6800 Royal Collision, Inc. Towing, bumping, painting, welding, glasswork. 32 years serving Detroit. 8001 Michigan Ave., 313-582-1000. Se Habla Español. Northland Collision Expert Refinishing & Collision Work 5135-37 Lewis Avenue Toledo OH 43612 419-476-6728 RITE ON AUTO SALES Compra y venta 100 car inventory Financiamiento guarantizado Se Habla Español 6935 Michigan Ave. [6 blocks west of Livernois] Detroit MI 48210 313-297-3333 BARBER/BEAUTY SALONS Violeta’s Salon Cortes de pelo /Haircuts 4844 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-841-6551 Se Habla Español COMPUTERS AMPLEX INTERNET SERVICE $14.95 per month at www.amplex.net Toledo OH 419-720-3635 Toll free: 1-888-419-3635 First month free DRY CLEAN/LAUNDRY ODELLA’S WASH LAND 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. DAILY; corner of Dorr & Collingwood Streets, Toledo, Ohio. Weds. are Senior Day; Jumbo Washers & Dryers; Drycleaning; Silk screening, y más! 419-243-9549. FASHION INNOVACIONES LA MARAVILLA CD’s, musica, botas, el general canelo, ropa vaquera, tejanas, cuevas, Stetson, resistol, sombreros Boston, Wrangler. Tarjetas telefonicas. 4440 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-554-0811 FUNERAL HOMES SALOWICH & STEVENS FUNERAL HOME - ROBERT J. WERTH, DIRECTOR Nuestra familia Serviendo su familia 3833 Livernois Detroit MI 48210 313-894-1334 877-700-3970 FURNITURE MATTRESS CITY 1940 Airport Hwy. Toledo OH 43609 Complete bedroom sets; handmade frames; 40-day layaway. Call Jorge, 419-382-7278. We accept credit cards. GROCERY La Prensa Directory GIFT SHOPS PHARMACY Regalitos Especiales Regalos para bebé, shower, cobertores; accessories para Bautizo y Primera Comunión 4438 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-399-3416 Se Habla Español/ Carmen Ruiz dueña Spingwells Discount Pharmacy Your Personal Pharmacy Fast, friendly service Adel Dakhlallah, dueño 2117 Springwells Detroit MI 313-841-8000 HALL RENTAL LUNA PIER BALLROOM HALL RENTAL Now taking reservations for your Special Occasions On Friday, Saturday, or Sunday Luna Pier, MI 734-281-0246 Weekly Horoscope BY SEÑORITA ANA A★ ★ D ANIEL G UADARRAMA AGENCY; Todo el mundo necesita un abogado, un doctor de familia, y un agente de seguros. Para aseguransas nadie te ayuda mejor que Dan Guadarrama; llamame y permiteme ayudarte. Miracle Mile Plaza, 4925 Jackman Rd.Toledo OH 43613 419-475-2119 419-754-1046 FAX dguadarr@amfam.com MAGDALENA M. SKILES REALTOR Se Habla Español WELLS BOWEN REALTORS 2460 N. Reynolds Rd. Toledo OH 43615 419-356-4208 [c], 419-535-0011 [w] A MEDICAL/DENTAL HACIENDA MEXICAN TORTILLAS (Manufacturers) Corn/Flour Tortillas, Taqueria, & Chips y masa. 6016 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-842-8823 Family Care Medical Center - Medical, Dental, & Pediatrics 5831 West Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-842-8300/313-8421200 Se Habla Español. No appt. necessary DOCTORA EN MEDICINA WANDA VELEZ-RUIZ, M.D. 4115 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-843-8400 Office hours: M-F 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sat:10:00a.m.to3:00p.m. JOSEPH HARRIS, DDS Dentista/odontólogo/ frenos/sobre pedido Se Habla Español 2431 West Grand Blvd. Detroit MI 313-895-4300 DENTAL HEALTH GROUP Mon-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Emergency Walk-ins Daily, 8:30 to ll:00 a.m. Most insurance accepted 3531 Junction SW Detroit MI 313-897-7155 Hector’s Men’s Wear 5449 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-554-2044 66 años sirviendo al publico. Visita Hector y familia Lunes a Sábado. MEXICAN IMPORT STORES XOCHI’S IMPORTS Authentic Mexican Hand Crafts, Great line of gifts, accent pieces, & food products Open daily, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3437 Bagley Street Detroit MI 48216 313-841-6410 DILES QUE LO VISTE EN LA PRENSA ! ESTE PODRIA SER SU ANUNCIO EN LA PRENSA! RESTAURANTS/ BAKERIES LA PERLA TORTILLA FACTORY Manufacturer of corn tortillas and tortilla chips. Supplier of Mexican Food Products (tamales, salsa, chorizo, queso, masa, chicarron, y más), Latino phone cards, Orlandi Valuta money wires ($1,000 for $10). Open 6 days a week, Mon-Fri, 9 am-5pm, Sat. 10am3pm; 3238 Hill Ave., Toledo, Ohio; 419-534-2074; fax 419-534-3230. LUNAS BAKERY II, INC. Family owned and operated for 4 generations. Hot bread daily; flour tortillas; hot tamales; fresh chorizo. M-Sat, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sun: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 5680 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-554-1510/fax: 5541196. SPORTS Life Style Soccer Todo lo que buscas para fútbol, soccer. Marcas Mexicanas y Europenos. 8220 Michigan Ave. [con Loya] Detroit MI 48209 313-584-8584 TAX/ACCOUNTING Bandera Tax Preparation Service 1620 Lansing @ W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 313-849-5633 Gratis: Laser color photo, 8x10. Se Habla Español. ★ ★ ARIES: (March 21-April 20) This week is no time for excessive independent behavior. Try to tone down any possible conflicts between work and home. By the week’s end, you will seem more like yourself - looking for change, variety and adventure. Feelings run high for your lover or mate. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MEN’S CLOTHING HONEY BEE MARKET Detroit’s Favorite Mexican Chorizo 2443 Bagley Ave. Detroit MI 48216 313-237-0295/fax: 2370369 Page 5 ★ A ★ ★ ★ A ★ ★ ★ A ★ TAURUS: (April 21 - May 21) Any career efforts should be put on hold this week, and extra time should be spent with loved ones... you won’t be sorry at the results. The next month will definitely favor marriage or other close ties. Don’t rely on a friend for support; you’ll be disappointed. ★ GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) You have a number of positive trends going for you this week, starting with romance—there are also excellent job and career indications. Your upbeat feelings are real and contagious to those around you. Adopt a low profile near the week’s end, making no decisions. ★ CANCER: (June 22 - July 23) Domestic troubles seem to be highlighted this week and may jar you into reality. Get to the heart of the matter as soon as possible, and don’t defeat yourself by talking in circles. Draw on your intelligence and common sense, and project your charm. ★ A ★ LEO: (July 24- August 23) Your financial picture looks quite rosy this week. Make sure to save a few dollars for a rainy day. It’s time to stop bottling up your feelings, express your anger in a constructive way. Make sure to speak clearly to avoid any misunderstandings among cohorts. ★ ★ VIRGO: (August 24 - September 23) Although expectations are high this week, it may be best to lay low, don’t make waves, and wait for a better day - for you are bound to meet with opposition everywhere you turn. Avoid any overindulgence or overdoing; in all ways guard your health and mindset. A ★ LIBRA: ★ ★ A ★ ★ ★ A ★ (September 24 - October 23) A rather dullish mood will give away to a real sense of being alive, and an interesting job idea promises to send more income your way, if you are more than willing to learn a new skill. Home is where the heart is, and home is where you will find happiness. ★ ★ SCORPIO: (October 24 - November 22) This week seems to be mostly pleasant, even though a bit ho-hum. Zero in on chores both at work and in the home, which need to get done, and you will feel like you’ve accomplished something. Some home members may not be quite in sync with you, causing friction. ★ A SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - December 21) The week seems to revolve around money and social interests—and they may integrally relate to each other. Resist any urges to speculate or take risks concerning financial rewards. Try to avoid making any firm commitments, or breaking any close alliances. ★ ★ CAPRICORN: (December 22 - January 20) Your creativity is strong during the week, whether in a solo project or group situation. Romance may also put stars in your eyes, as you and a loved one see heart-to-heart on an important issue. Delay any important decisions until all the facts are clear. ★ A ★ AQUARIUS: ★ ★ (January 21 - February 19) During the next few weeks you are likely to make a major decision regarding your highest ambitions; a big job or career change is completely possible, but don’t do anything unless it’s been researched from all ends. It’s time to get involved in ongoing education. ★ ★ A ★ PISCES: (February 20 - March 20) This week may seem just like a struggle for survival— primarily on the job, but also in other people’s various problems. Everything seems to be intense, and you should tread lightly, especially when involved in other’s emotions. Everyone seems to be overreacting. IF THIS WEEK IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: It’s time to work on improving at least one important relationship. You are now learning to demonstrate your interest and affections. It’s also time to face any problems, which may be hiding in the closet, probably regarding a family member. La Prensa’s Rico-at-Large Página 6 June/junio 25, 2003 Karla’s Krazy Korner Lupillo Rivera Lupillo Rivera es un gran cantante mejor conocido como “El Toro Del Corrido” nació en La barca Jalisco pero el y su familia se mudarón a California donde el vivió la mayoria de su infancia. Lupillo en 1990 termino la escuela en Poly high school de Long beach, y en vez de ponerse a estudiar la Universidad, Lupillo decidió que seria mejor ponerse a trabajar, asi que empezó a trabajar como manager y buscador de talentos en la compañia de su padre Pedro Rivera llamada Cintas Acuario en la cual el descubrió el talento de el cantante ya fallecido “Chalino Sanchez” quie grabo sus primeros discos de corridos en la compaña Cintas Acuario. En 1993 Lupillo Rivera descubrió su propio talento como cantante y decidió lanzarse como cantante de corridos, desde alli comenzó su gran carrera como cantante de corridos y a tenido muchos exitos como la cancion “Despreciado” la cual lo ayudo a darse a conocer en muchos paises de Latino America y Estados Unidos. Lupillo Rivera ahora acaba de sacar un nuevo disco con la compañia Sony Records en la cual esta promocionando la canción “Amorcito Corazón” la cual fue un gran exito con el ya fallecidó actor y cantante “Pedro Infante”. Lupillo a ganado mucho awards por haber vendido mas de un millon de copias vendidas en el CD “Sufriendo A Solas” y espero que venda muchos mas con su nuevo disco “Amorcito Corazón” as que si te gustan los corridos checa el nuevo CD de Lupillo Rivera que te aseguro de va a gustar. Los chistes de la semana ¿Qué haces, hija? Escribo a Dora. Pero si tu no sabes e s c r i b i r . No importa, tampoco Dora sabe leer. Horrible: que a tu mujer se la lleve una ola Carla with Lupillo Rivera en la playa. Horripilante: que el mar te la devuelva. Primer acto: sale una madre del convento. Segundo acto: está la madre en el aeropuerto. Tercer acto: la madre se despide desde el avión. ¿cómo se llamo la obra? PARTIDA DE MADRE. A mi antes me perseguian las mujeres. ¿Y por qué ya no? Es que ya no robo carteras. Yo tenía 5 hermanas: Pata, Peta, Pita, Pota… y una que nunca llegaba a la casa. Los Colmos … Colmo de un músico... que la esposa se llame tecla y que el vecino la toque. Colmo de un calvo...encontrar un pelo en la sopa. Colmo de un matemático... que plante un árbol y le salga la raíz cuadrada. Colmo de un abogado... haber perdido la muela del juicio Colmo de un plomero... que su novia lo mande por un tubo. No es lo mismo… No es lo mismo que un talibán tire dos torres gemelas a que un tal Iván Torres se tire a dos gemelas. No es lo mismo calzones a bajo precio, que aprecio abajo tus calzones. No es lo mismo una manguera vieja en la calle, que una vieja vendiendo mango en la calle. No es lo mismo el SIDA tiene cura, que el cura tiene SIDA. Tontilandia… ¿Por qué en Tontilandia entran hincados al supermercado? Para ver si encuentran los precios más bajos. ¿Qué hace una tontilandesa tirándose del séptimo piso con las piernas abiertas? Dispatcher On Duty 24/7 SILVER CAB OF OHIO, INC. We Serve Toledo & Surrounding Area Call 419-690-3700 We accept VISA and Mastercard Handicap Accessible Package Deliveries Adrian García Doris M. García TO PLACE AN AD CALL 313-255-4331 VISIT US AT www.jazzdirectmarketing.com Está probando las nuevas “Siempre Libre con Alas Protectoras”. Esa gallina tiene una fiebre de 40 grados. ¡Hombre! me alegro. ¿Por qué? Porque así pondrá los huevos ya cocidos. ¿Por qué se murieron 300 tontilandeses en el mar? Porque se paró el barco y todos se bajaron a empujar. Estados Unidos Español ¨ Tal vez Ricky Martin ¨ Ámame Alexandre Pires ¨ Para qué la vidaEnrique Iglesias ¨Mariposa traicionera Maná ¨ Tu amor o tu desprecio Marco Antonio Solís ¨ Una emoción para siempre Eros Ramazzotti ¨ No Hace Falta un Hombre Jaci Velásquez ¨ Me falta valor Pepe Aguilar ¨ Alucinado Tiziano Ferro ¨ Casi Soraya Latino Fest El latinofest de hace dos semanas fue fantastico, hubó mucha gente y Emilio Navaira cantó padrisimo, que bien que hacen este tipo de eventos para los Latinos y proximamente tendran otro en el Día de Latino Scholarship aci que no se lo pierdad porque estara padrisimo, recuenden que va ser en el estadio de beisbol de los Toledo Mud Hens alas 2:00PM. ACP at LatinoFest III on June 14, 2003 with Hispanic Liaison, Marisol Ibarra Eddie Torres and Veronica Martínez at La Herradura, which sells a line of Mexican food and drink products. They are open seven days a week from 8AM to 9PM. La Herradura is located in south Toledo. 1020 E. Michigan Ave Saline, MI 48176 Office: 734-429-9449 Direct: 734-669-4536 Cell: 734-395-8383 Fax: 734-429-9448 e-mail: pickjules@aol.com Call: 419-255-3343 One week rental FREE when one week is paid! We do short term rentals for events also! Norb Kirian Kirian Mechanical Service, Inc. Your One Stop Call Center Heating & Air Conditioning - Plumbing Refrigeration - Electrical - Boiler Restaurant Equipment - Custom Wood Work Phone (419-242-7539 Fax (419) 244-6737 Expires 7/9/03 ¿Sentimiento Latino? TV6 Mon. - Fri. 12 PM- 1 PM, Sat. & Sun. 5 PM - 6 PM Comcast Brought to you by Jazz Direct Marketing • Fax any news items to: 1-309-214-4165 • Email any news items to: laprensa@lycos.com La Prensa June/junio 25, 2003 Page 7 QUER TIERRA”” TAQUE R ÍA “MI TIERRA MEXIC AN RES TAURANT MEXICAN REST LA MEJOR EN COMID A MEXIC ANA COMIDA MEXICANA “Highly Recommended” by La Prensa Newspaper NOW IN THE FOOD COURT AT WESTFIELD’S FRANKLIN PARK MALL! Check out our Bowling Green restaurant located at 892 S. Main Street 419-352-5200 • Variedad de Tacos (16 nuevo Tacos Higado Ensebollado) • Tortas con Carne a su Gusto • Tortas Ahogadas • Dinners 10 TACOS $8.00 • Lunch Specials 12 TACOS $10.00 • Big Burritos • Mojarras Fritas 15 TACOS $12.00 • Variedad de Caldos • Desayunos 25 TACOS $20.00 • Chimichangas de Res y Pollo 30 TACOS $25.00 Abierto Los 7 Días de 8 am A 12 am 1310 Oakwood & Schaefer Detroit, MI 48217 313.551.2783 Welcome to Quality Hispanic TV Programming Honest Homemade Mexican Food 2500 West Sylvania Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43613 “Videos Calientes” Toledo, Ohio Buckeye Cablesystem Channel 8 & 13 Dual System Channel 21B Thursday 10:00 p.m: Sunday 1:00 p.m.. Defiance, Ohio DC TV Channel 5 Tuesday 10:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 p.m. Cleveland, Ohio TRI-C Channel 54 Monday 4:00 p.m; Friday 9:00 pm 419-472-0700 DO YOU NEED A TRANSLATOR OR LANGUAGE TUTOR? Spanish/English or Fax: 419-472-5044 The road through life has many twists and turns. We write auto coverage and offer discounts that will keep you driving in the right direction. Daniel Guadarrama 4925 Jackman Rd. Toledo, OH 43613 (419) 475-2119 Fax (419) 754-1046 Call today ¨ Good Students Discount ¨ 50+ Premium Plan ¨ Auto & Home Premium Advantage ¨ Auto Renters Discount Spiderman loves these webs: Whose tattoo is this? www.laprensatoledo.com English/Spanish? CALL: 419-870-6565 Bowling Green, Ohio WBGU-TV Channel 24 Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Produced by: Tony Rios Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 80146 Toledo, Ohio 43608 Telephone: 419-729-9915 Fax: 425-928-3585 Email: Rios@voceslatinas.com Website: http/www.voceslatinas.com Advertise on Voces Latinas TV Show AVON representatives needed. Work your own hours. Call for information at 1-877-801-4354. www.estellereyna.com La Prensa Events Página 8 Bailes y La Música By Rico OHIO: Toledo: ClubFrogtown, 3535 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Sat, 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.; salsa, merengue, cumbias, reggae; dancing lessons 910 p.m; 20 first muchachas get in gratis; DJ Joel Vilchez; 419-699-3269. Club Incognito, 4725 Woodville Rd. near Woodville Mall, every FriSat., 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., DJs or Live bands; hombres must be 21-plus, mujeres must be 18-plus; call 419-290-6692. Las Palmas Nightclub, 3247 Stickney Ave; Live bands most Saturdays; call 419-476-1363. Mickey Finn’s, 602 Lagrange St., DJ Tony Rios, Thurs. 9:00 p.m. to midnight. Call 419-2463466. The Connection, 3126 Lagrange St., live Tejano bands every Fri. & Sat, 419-242-2924. MICHIGAN: Detroit: Detour Lounge, 1824 Springwells Street; every Friday night; Baile Cumbia; free cumbia lessons; DJ Manolito; cumbia, salsa, ranchera, merengue; 313849-0900. Club International, 6060 W. Fort Street; weekly Saturday entertainment; 313-995-4938. Los Galanes, 3362 Bagley St., every Friday and Saturday, Latino music; 313-554-4444. Luna Pier: Luna Pier Ballroom; every Saturday night; El Baile Grande, 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Call 734848-4326. Royal Oak: Weds, night; Sky Club, 401 S. Lafayette; Sangria; doors open at 7 p.m. with free dance lessons at 8 p.m; 21 and over; proper attire; 586-254-0560. Utica: Argentine Tango Detroit, 7758 Auburn Road; Tango on Wed. & Fri; Salsa on Mon., Swing on Thur; 586-254-0560. Have entertainment? Call Rico at 313-7294435 or 419-8706565, or email to laprensa@lycos.com, or fax to 1-309-2144165. Spanglish Radio Programs WBGU 88.1 FM, La Unica with Freddie G, Andres, Maribel, & Geraldo Bowling Green, OH domingo, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 419-372-2826 WFOB 1430 AM with Sylvester Duran Fostoria, sábado, 4-6 p.m. Domingo, 8:30 to 10 a.m. WLFC 88.3 FM Findlay, OH viernes, 6 to 9 p.m. WLEN 103.9 FM Adrian, MI domingo, 1 to 4:30 p.m. WQTE 95.3 FM with Lady Di Adrian, MI domingo, 3 to 8 p.m. WKMK 1440 AM La Explosiva “La que se escribe con rojo’” con Batman y Paquita de la Vernor Detroit, MI lunes a sab., 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. WCAR 1090 AM Detroit, MI sábado, noon to 5 p.m. dom., noon to 4 p.m. LA PRENSA SERVICE DIRECTORY ON the Internet [$50 to $250 one time fee depending on size] or in hard copy [for $100 for 5 lines and 26 weeks] To be placed in the Directory of Businesses that service the Latino community contact Rico at La Prensa: 419-870-6565 or 313-729-4435; or at laprensa@lycos.com Spanish Church Services: Evangelical Assemblies of God 705 Lodge Toledo, Ohio 43609 Pastor Moses Rodríguez Miér., 7:00 p.m. Dom., 11:00 a.m. 419-385-6418 First Spanish Church of God 1331 E. Broadway Toledo, Ohio 43605 Dom., 10:00 a.m.& 5:00 p.m. Mier. & Vier., 7:00 p.m. Sab., 6:00 p.m. 419-693-5895 Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor 521 Spencer Road Toledo, Ohio 43609 Rev. Dr. Alberto Martínez Miér., 7:00 p.m. Sab., 7:00 p.m. Dom., 10:15 a.m., 11:20 a.m., 6:00 p.m. 419-381-2648 La Primera Iglesia Bautista 628 Elm Street corner of Elm & Erie Toledo, Ohio 43604 Pastor Titular: J. Truett Fogle Pastor Asociado: Jesus Segovia Escuela dominical: 10:00 a.m. Culto de adoración: 11:00 a.m. Los cultos son bi-lengual 419-241-1546 SS. Peter & Paul 728 Guadalupe Street Toledo, Ohio 43609 Fr. Richard Notter Dom., 12:00 p.m. 419-241-5822 Primera Iglesia Hispana de Monroe Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Pastor Jesse Morales 317 E. Front St. Monroe, Michigan 48161 Dom., 1:30 p.m. Mar. & Jue., 7:00 p.m. 734-848-4271 Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana 3495 Livernois Street Detroit, Michigan 48210 Pastor Titular: Carlos Liese Pastor Asociado: Elí Garza Estudio Bíblico: Miér., 7:00 p.m. Escuela Dominical: 10:00 a.m. Culto de Adoración: Dom., 11:00 a.m. 313-894-7755 Nueva Creación United Methodist Church 270 Waterman St. Detroit MI Services: Juev. at 7:00 p.m. & Dom. at 5:30 p.m. Editor’s Note: Churches desiring to be included in this directory should e-mail the information to Rico, c/o laprensa@lycos.com, or fax to 1-309-214-4165. June/junio 25, 2003 LA PRENSA’S CALENDAR OF COMMUNITY EVENTS June 28, Zamora Entertainment presenta: Banda El Recodo, la madre de todas las Bandas, at Club International, 6060 W. Fort St., Detroit; with el idolo de la musica Tejana, Bobby Pulido; 313-995-4938. June 28, 7th Annual Jeremy Lincoln Pro Football Camp, at University of Toledo’s Glass Bowl. Opened to all students from grades 7 to 12 who desire to learn the fundamentals from the Pros. Registration begins at 8:00AM. Meet Jeremy Lincoln, formerly of the Detroit Lions, and some of his active and retired NFL friends. Parental permission is required. Call Deborah Roberts at 419-535-3126. Through August 9, Marlborough Graphics Prints, Paula Brown Gallery, 911 Jefferson Ave., Toledo [rear], with artists Claudio Bravo and Manolo Valdés. 419-241-2822. July 1, Santana Shaman Tour 2003, 7:30PM; hear the awesome sounds of Santana; DTE Energy Music Theatre; Exit 89 off of I-75, 7774 Sashabaw Rd., Clarkston MI; $50, $31 seating; $3 parking; buy on line at www.palacenet.com. July/julio 12, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm; Mexican Consul Antonio Meza y compañeros de trabajo estarán para ayudar a obtener Matriculas Consulares y pasaportes mexicanos; en SS. Peter & Paul Church, Toledo; To obtain an ID card, bring proof of Mexican Citizenship (birth certificate) and other ID (voter registration card, primary education certificate, etc.). Cost is $29. To obtain a Mexican passport you will need a birth certificate, other ID. Cost is $35 for 1 year and $91 for 5 years. 419-241-5822. July 13, Gametime is 2:00 p.m., Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens, Fifth Third Stadium, downtown Toledo; Toledo Mud Hens v. Columbus Clippers; Mariachi from 12:30 to 1:30PM; autograph signing from 1:15 to 1:45PM; first pitches 1:45PM; Yvonne Ramos sings National Anthem 1:50PM; Gametime 2:00PM. Seating tickets are $10 per ticket with $2 going to scholarship funds. Call Rico at 419-870-6565 or Bob Salazar at 419-893-6227 ext. 7160 for tickets by June 28 to be part of the Latino seating block in section 119 next to right field. July 16, Tall Ships comes to International Park in downtown Toledo. Over 20 breathtaking ships will be on display from July 17 to the 20th as part of Ohio’s Bicentennial. Website: www.tallshipstoledo.com. Call Kelly Rivera, 419-243-8251. July 25, 5:00 to 7:00PM, Puerto Rican Constitution Day at the Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center, 1225 Broadway, Toledo; $15 per person; join the Lucas County Hispanic/Latino Democratic Caucus; call Angelita Cruz Bridges 419-466-9547. September 27, Diamante Awards at Bowling Green State University. Call Yolanda Flores 419-372-8818. Any listings? Contact Rico at 419-870-6565 or 313-729-4435. Also, always call ahead before going to any event in case of last minute time changes or cancellations. Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens to include mariachi Tickets are on sale for The first Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens is scheduled for Sunday, July 13th at the Fifth Third Field in downtown Toledo, with the Hens playing the Columbus Clippers. While game time is 2:00PM, there will be Latino activity beginning at 12:30 PM when mariachi will be entertaining the gathering Mud Hen fans as they enter the stadium. There will also be Latina dancing. Autographs will be signed by some of the Toledo Mud Hens who are not on the roster that day from 1:15 to 1:45PM, adjacent to right field of the stadium. Latino ballplayers include Jason Jiménez (pitcher), Luis Taveras (catcher), Yohanny Valera (catcher), Carlos Peña (infield), and Hiram Bocachica (outfield). Outfielder Andres Torres is back with the Detroit Tigers. Peña may be back with the Tigers by this July 13th date. At 1:45PM, Toledo Council President Luis Escobar will be presenting a resolution from city council, with the National Anthem being sung by diva Yvonne Ramos at 1:55PM. A Latino block has been reserved for section 119 of the stadium, but tickets for this section must be purchased by June 27, 2003. This section is adjacent to the right field area. $10, which is $2 more than the listed Mud Hen price, but these funds are being earmarked for Latino scholarships through the Spanish American Organization (SAO) and La Prensa. According to Bob Salazar, President of SAO, “This will be a community and family oriented day with some funds being raised for Latino scholarships. This is what SAO is all about.” La Prensa scholarship revenues are earmarked for the Latino Student Union (LSU) at the University of Toledo, which will help add to the creation of a new endowment funds for LSU students. Ofelia’s Perfumería Joyeria y Perfumes ¡No cuesta mucho! 419-704-2773 419-242-4672 [Also, 2552 Airport Hwy., Toledo] • Over 1,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa1@lycos.com if you care to subscribe • La Prensa June/junio 25, 2003 Grammy winner Banda El Recodo with Bobby instrumentation—tubas, Pulido appearing in Detroit trombones, trumpets, clarinets By Rico de La Prensa This Saturday, the best of banda and tejano will be appearing at Club International in Detroit—Banda El Recodo and Bobby Pulido. La Banda El Recodo, which is named after their town of origin, is not only one of México’s most successful banda groups, or brass bands, but, one of the most prolific, recording over 180 records/releases, performing in a mixture of Latino dance tunes, jazz swing, and classical music. Its full name is Banda Sinaloense El Recodo de Don Cruz Lizárraga. Formed in 1938, La Banda El Recodo was conceived by Don Cruz Lizárraga (July 1, 1918—June 17, 1995), a selftaught clarinet player. Although his formal education ended after his first year of junior high school, Lizárraga was a master as a musician and bandleader. Teaching himself to play clarinet, against the wishes of his father, Lizárraga had to sell one of his pigs to raise the down payment for his first instrument. In the early 1950s, Lizárraga joined a banda de musica Sinaloense, gradually becoming the group’s director. Shortly after moving to Mazatlán, Sinoloa, he accepted an invitation to sign with RCA Victor, recording his first record in 1951. Although he recorded his first two tunes, Mi Adoración and El Callejero with a quintet, he soon formed La Banda El Recodo with its distinctive line-up of two clarinets, two trumpets, two trombones, bass drum, and snare drum. After Lizárraga’s death in 1995, his clarinetist sons, Germán and Alfonso, continued to tour. Five years later, Banda El Recodo won a Grammy for Best Banda Performance for Lo Mejor de Mi Vida at the first Latin Grammy Awards in 2000. Its current director is Joel Lizárraga, after Germán left the group in 2002 to lead Banda Estrellas de Sinaloa. Joel is a grandson of Don Cruz. His brother, Poncho, is also part of the group. In 2002, it recorded No Me Sé Rajar, a Vicente Fernández tribute that features modern arrangements. In 2003, it was nominated for a best Mexican/Mexican-American album Grammy, competing against Sueños, by Intocable; Libre, by Jennifer Peña; Lo Dijo el Corazón, by Joan Sebastian; and Jugo a la Vida by Los Tucanes de Tijuana. Sebastian won. The first single from the Fernández tribute, the ranchera, No Me Sé Rajar, reached No. 10 on Billboard’s Hot Latin Tracks chart. The 16-member El Recodo has stuck to acoustic La Herradura Mexican food products, music, and SIGA. 932 Emerald Street Toledo, Ohio 419-254-9530 and snare drums—even when smallerelectrobandas became a fad a decade ago. The group has retained its success. Its previous release, Contigo por Siempre, produced one of its biggest hits, Y Llegaste Tú, which in 2001 spent eight weeks at No. 1 on Billboard’s Regional Mexican Airplay chart. Contigo also won the banda-album Latin Grammy that year. •Bobby continues in the Pulido tejano tradition Bobby Pulido, who was born as José Roberto Pulido, Jr. and raised in Edinburg, Texas, has a tremendous musical background. His father is Tejano/conjunto legend, Robert Pulido. His maternal grandfather is Mario Montes, accordionist for Los Doneños. Pulido has won numerous awards in the tejano and grupero music industries including a Latin Grammy nomination for Best Tejano Performance, Best Vocalist, Tejano Crossover, Best Music Video, Best Album, and Best Showmanship. Pulido has six consecutive singles in Billboard’s Latin Top 40 charts and has released eight CDs on the EMI Latin record label. His recent hits include: Vanidosa, Soy Yo, and A Tu Lado. INTERIOR HOME CLEANER, exper’d. No job’s too big or small. Give me call! 313-923-0678. Open daily 7AM to 9PM Page 9 Hartsock sentenced to almost 11 years for 2 Hartsock fled the accident hit-and-run deaths Toledo: Billy R. Hartsock was sentenced on June 16th to nearly 11 years in prison for the admitted alcohol-related hit-and-run accident that killed Ricardo Ruiz, 41, and his uncle Arnoldo Ramos, 51. Hartsock, 29, was sentenced in Lucas County Common Pleas Court by Judge Robert Christiansen to consecutive five-year prison terms for aggravated vehicular homicide and 11 months for failing to stop after an accident, for a total sentence of 10 years and 11 months. “No one has the right to drive drunk and harm someone else. This community is tired of drunk drivers,” Judge Christiansen said. Ruiz and Ramos were crossing Broadway near Western Avenue about 1:30 a.m. on February 1, 2003, when Hartsock struck them. and attempted to ditch his truck into the Maumee River near International Park. Ricardo Ruiz, 25, the son of Ruiz, asked the judge to impose maximum sentences for the three convictions. He said he and his brothers went to the cemetery on Father’s Day to pray at the graves of their father and great uncle and that it was a particularly difficult time for them and the Ruiz/Ramos families. Ha ve a Web Site? Hav YOU CAN HAVE ONE FOR AS LOW AS $250 by linking onto La Prensa’s Directory of Hispanic Businesses & Services. A one-page Web Site costs $250! For example, La Oficina, a thriving business in the heart of the barrio in Detroit, has a Web Site at: http://www.laprensatoledo.com/La Oficina.htm. Latina Graphics has a Web Site at: http:// www.laprensatoledo.com/Latina.htm. For the low cost of $250, La Prensa will design a one-page web site for you or your business and link it directly onto La Prensa, at La Prensa’s Directory of Hispanic Businesses & Services. You won’t have to be concerned with start-up, design or monthly service fees. The total cost for a one-page web address is $250, which can be viewed internationally and for one year. Annual renewal is only $150 including updating your page. Of course, La Prensa can design a full-service web site for you or your company at additional expense. Call La Prensa today at 313-729-4435 or 419-870-6565 for a one-page Web Site. Become part of the 21st Century and the thriving internet market! New Tejano Band Forming Looking for musicians to audition; Call Tony Avila 419-343-8917. Sirviciendo A La Comunidad Hispana Desde 1993 4454 W. Vernor Hwy ~ Detroit, MI 48209 313.554.0060 ~ 1.866.554.0060 os to L 7D ias INCOME er Abi Rembolso Rapido 1-4 dias Electrónico 10-14 dias Envio Regular 4-6 semanas HORARIO: lunes a viernes 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. sabado y domingo 12 p.m. -5 p.m. TAX Rapid Refund 1-4 days E-file 10-14 days Mail 4-6 weeks HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 12 p.m. -5 p.m. - Recíba $10.00 de descuento al menciónar este anuncio - Receive a $10.00 discount when you mention this ad (Si usted quiere hacer su declaración de impuestos pero no tiene seguro social y también necesita numero para sus dependes, llame hoy para más información) • Over 1,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa1@lycos.com if you care to subscribe • La Prensa Classifieds Página 10 Affordable Funeral Services Immediate Cremation $600 or free with state assistance Complete Funeral Services from $2895.00 with state assistance $1805.00 (Funeral package includes up to 4 hours w/ funeral service, metal casket, transportation to local cemetery, grave, grave liner & interment expense) Los Servicios de Entierro económicos Cremación $600 inmediata o gratis con la ayuda estatal Los Servicios de Entierro completos de $2895.00 con la ayuda $1805.00 estatal (El paquete fúnebre incluye hasta 4 horas c/ el servicio fúnebre, el ataúd de metal, el transporte al cementerio local, tumba, el forro del ataúd & el gasto del entierro) Salowich & Stevens Funeral home 3833 Livernois: Detroit, Michigan 48210 (313) 894-1334 Manager Robert J. Werth $250-$500 per week. Will train to work at home helping the U.S. Government file HUD/ FHA Mortgage refunds. No experience necessary. Call 1-800-738-0353. Wood Co Humane Soc Garage Sale Grandstand, Wood Co Fairgrds, BG. Aug 28 & 29, 9a-6p, Sat Aug. 30, 9a-2p. Donations accepted 8/25 & 8/26, 10a-7p, 8/27, 10a-6p at the fairgrounds. NO large appliances, console tvs or A/C accepted. HUGE MOVING SALE!!! Sat. – 6/28 & &/5 528 Islington St. 10am-3pm HOMES FOR SALE Duplex for Sale 1821 Superior St. Great Income Producing Property for Owner/Occupant Two Bedrooms up and down Call (419) 367-3000 969 Islington Three Bedrooms Dry Basement One Car Garage Call (419) 297-2569 Handyman Special 958 Islington Cash - Cheap Call (419) 367-3000 FOR RENT Share mobile home. Rent negotiable. Private bath, clean, nice. Call after 5:00 p.m. (419)536-6947. PREFER NONSMOKER. SERVICES Fully qualified; 25 yrs. experience: Electric, carpentry, plumbing, refrigerators, heating, remodeling; Licensed & insured. Call 419-242-7539; fax: 419-244-6737 for your estimates today! MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Student Health Services Transcribes medical reports and correspondence for medical staff from dictated notes and files reports in the medical chart. Provides liaison with the transcription hardware/software vendor to assure adequate support for the system. Maintains general office supplies of the transcription department. May function as lead worker if temporary medical transcriptionists are hired to provide additional hours of service. Minimum Qualifications: Medical Assistant Degree or Associate Degree required. General computer knowledge and word processing skills required. A minimum of two years experience as a medical transcriptionist at a hospital or other clinical setting. Salary: Parttime, 3-4 days/week, administrative staff position. Administrative grade level 12. Salary is commensurate with education and exp. To apply: submit cover letter, resume, and 3 names, addresses and telephone numbers of professional references postmarked by June 27, 2003 to: Office of Human Resources, (Search R-042), 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. (419)-372-8421. (http:// www.bgsu.edu/offices /ohr) BGSU is an AA/EEO employer. OPERATIONS MANAGER (Readvertised) University Bookstore Bowling Green State University As a member of leadership team, manages, coordinates Shipping/ Receiving and Accounts Payable departments. Coordinates personnel functions for three bookstore locations, including hiring and payroll. Prepares the financial reports and performs other operations management functions. Lead coordinator of loss prevention and office management including purchasing office supplies. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required; accounting, business administration or related field highly preferred. 2 Yrs. supervisory experience; 2 yrs. Accounting/office functions experience. Full-time administrative staff position. Administrative grade level 14, minimum salary $34,807. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Full benefit package available including tuition fee waiver. To Apply: Submit letter of application, resume, and names/add r e s s e s /t e l e p h o n e numbers of three professional references postmarked by July 11, 2003, to: Ofc. Of Human Resources (Search V-025) Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, (419) 372-8421. (http:// www.bgsu.edu/offices /ohr) BGSU is an AA/EEO educator/employer. June/junio 25, 2003 Visual Communication Technology Instructor Bowling Green State University The successful candidate will have responsibility for instruction in undergraduate courses and must demonstrate media agility and have a broad knowledge of photography, print, video, audio, and digital imaging and must be proficient in at least one or more of these areas. This visionary individual should possess the ability to analyze communication problems, conceptualize ideas and create effective solutions. Doctorate plus industrial experience is preferred. Masters degree with significant industrial experience is required. Deadline for receipt of applications is July 7, 2003. The following materials should be forwarded to: VCT Instructor Search Committee College of Technology Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 A letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts (unofficial is acceptable at this time), a list of five references plus letters of recommendation from three of those references. This is a non-tenure appointment and may be renewable. BGSU is an AA/E.O.E. SERVICES: EXTERIOR HOMES AAAAAA All Repairs gutters, roof leaks 30yr exp 586-558-8387; pgr 586-861-0068. A Home reroof from $1299; tear off from $2499. 1,000 sqft max lic. 313-521-2258. Big Special - residential comm. Lic. (313) 587-9794. BLOCK, brick, cement repair, all areas 734-242-2146. JIMS TREE REMOVAL Toppings, removal compl. serv. Sr. Disc. we match or beat all competitors Free Est. 734-777-6071. Mr. WOOD Hdwd. flrs. install/sand/finish. Over 25 yrs. exp. 248470-7691. Omars Tree-Trimmed, Removed, Stumped, Shrubs. Ash. Free Est. 313-838-4440. ROOFING, Siding & Trim, Windows & Carpentry work. Concrete & steps. lic. 313-384-6625 313-269-9562. SPECIAL ! PAINTING 3 ROOMS—$250. ALSO EXTERIORS. 313-273-1519. ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 Office of the Vice President For Student Affairs Bowling Green State University Provides secretarial/ administrative support to the Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA), to the Executive Assistant to the VPSA, the Assistant to the VPSA, and back up support for the VPSA. Minimum Class. Requirements: Ability to calculate fractions, decimals & percentages & to read and write common vocabulary plus: 8 mos. exp. as Secretary 1, or 4 mos. exp. as a Secretary II (or 8 mos. exp. performing like duties in private industry or other governmental office), or completion of coursework to qualify for diploma in secretarial technology or associate degree in secretarial science plus 4 mos. experience; or equivalent. Full time position. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Full benefit package available. $13.68 per hour. To apply for this position an employment application must be completed and turned in to the office of Human Resources, 100 College Park Office Bldg. (search C-14Rd), BGSU, Bowling Green, OH 43402, by 1:00 p.m. July 2, 2003. (http:// www.bgsu.edu/offices/ ohr) BGSU is an AA/EO educator/employer. Jeffrey C. Zilba ATTORNEY AT LAW 124 N. Summit St. Toledo, Ohio 43604 419/255-1515 419/255-2332 FAX Web site: www.zilbalaw.com • The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there • Say one word with your mouth shut ! • June/junio 25, 2003 DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Unison Behavioral Health Group is seeking a Part-time Data Entry Operator. This position performs data entry of clinical and billing information. Work hours for this position are 20 hours per week over 4 or 5 days. Prior data entry experience is strongly preferred with demonstrated proficiency and accuracy. Comfort in dealing with people with mental illness is required. Send resume with cover letter by 06/30/03. Human Resources-DE P.O. Box 10015 Toledo, OH 43699-0015 Fax 419 693-0768 Email: HR@UNISONBHG.ORG EOE RECEPTIONIST Unison, a community leader in mental health services, is offering an excellent opportunity for a full-time front-desk receptionist to join our 200 plus staff. Duties include scheduling client appointments, informing staff members when visitors arrive, accepting client payments, reminder letters, switchboard back-up, light typing. Work hours for this position are Monday through Friday with a late evening on Tuesday and Wednesday. Qualified candidates must have PC experience and ability to learn XACT software for scheduling appointments. Send resume with cover letter by 6/30/03. Human Resources-R P.O. Box 10015 Toledo, OH 43699-0015 Fax 419 693-0768 Email: HR@UNISONBHG.ORG EOE SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM MANAGER Unison Behavioral Health Group is seeking a Program Manager to provide clinical supervision to team of Community Support Providers. Qualified candidates must have leadership ability and creative problem solving skills. LPCC, LISW, or MSN is required, along with case management or other work experience with adults with serious mental illness. Prior supervisory experience is preferred. Send resume with cover letter to: La Prensa Classifieds MANAGING ATTORNEY Legal services work is not for everyone. It takes someone with a commitment to helping others and the drive to want to make a difference. If this sounds like you, and you’re organized, effective and enjoy leading a team, this may be the job for you. Legal Services of Northwest Ohio (LSNO), a nonprofit law firm that provides free legal assistance to low-income persons, seeks a Managing Attorney for its Toledo office. A minimum of three (3) years of legal experience, preferably in legal services for the poor, and membership in Ohio Bar or ability to be admitted by motion, temporary certification, or examination required. Must have excellent legal, administrative, and supervisory skills, excellent communication skills, and a demonstrated commitment to legal services to the poor. Must be computer proficient. Salary based on experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to Managing Attorney Position (Toledo Office), LSNO, 640 Spitzer Bldg., Toledo, OH 43604. Equal access to LSNO offices is available. Those applicants requiring accommodation to the interview/application process should contact the Office Manager at the address listed above. Equal Opportunity Employer. Open enrollment for Ohio State Highway Patrol Troopers Applications are being accepted from individuals interested in becoming an Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper. Applicants must be an U.S. citizen between the ages of 21 and 34, have a high school diploma or GED, a valid driver’s license, and be in excellent physical condition. Applicants should contact their local patrol post by telephone to schedule an appointment for an interview. Questions should be directed to Recruitment & Minority Relations Section at 1.866.Trooper. When: Until July 31, 2003. Where: Any State Highway Patrol Post. Engineering Manager A large, well-established NW Ohio construction steel fabricator is seeking a licensed and registered P.E. who is licensed in Ohio and Michigan. Candidate must have experience in structural design and connection design for structural steel, stairs and railing members, commercial and industrial buildings, schools, libraries, hospitals, churches, etc. Candidate must also have experience in reviewing design drawings for value engineering possibilities. Experience as a CAD operator is a must. SDS/2 experience would be considered a plus. Responsibilities will include the supervision of the engineering and drafting personnel of the company. We offer an excellent benefit package, which includes medical insurance, dental and vision as well as a 401-k plan. Salary is commensurate with experience. Resume may be sent in confidence to lindam@artiron.com or to: Art Iron, Inc. Attn: Linda S. Beal P.O. Box 964 Toledo, OH 43697 Page 11 Director External Affairs & Communication The University of Toledo The University seeks candidates for Director External Affairs & Communication. For more details on duties and required qualifications, please visit our website at hr.utoledo.edu or call our Jobline at 419-530-1313. The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and Educator. Temporary Positions A governmental agency residing in Toledo, OH is seeking to fill several temporary positions. Hours are flexible and candidate can work evening and weekends. Candidates with one or more of the following skills are needed. 1) Migration from NT Domain to NT Active Directory security. 2) Migration from MS SQL 6.5 to MS SQL 2000 and MS SQL DBA experience. 3). NET development using Winforms and ASP.NET especially with working knowledge of the Infragistic components. 4) Crystal Info version 7.0 experience. Porting Crystal Info to Crystal Reports version 8.5 experience a plus. Offer for employment is conditional, subject to passing a drug screen and criminal background check. Send cover letter and resume to: Director, P.O. Box 570, Toledo, Ohio 43697 include salary requirement. First consideration will be given to applications postmarked on or before June 27, 2003, with application accepted until positions are filled. EEO Director of Adult Services Lucas County Mental Health Board has an opening for the Director of Adult Services. The successful applicant will be responsible for the overall planning and system development of mental health services/ programs for adults with a mental illness. A master’s degree and an independent license in social work, counseling, psychology or other related field is required. The applicant must have demonstrated experience in policy setting, system development and monitoring and evaluation of programs. Submit resume to the Attention of: Executive Director 701 Adams Street, Suite 800, Toledo, Ohio 43624. Deadline July 8, 2003. Facsimiles, e-mail not accepted. EEO. Cell (419) 442-2413 CARTER CLEANING SERVICES No Job Too Big ¨ No Job Too Small “VENT A DE OR O AL MA YOREO” “VENTA ORO MAY ¡14 kt Garantizado! Director, CSP Services P.O. Box 10015 Toledo, OH 43699-0015 Fax 419 321-6913 Email: tbutler@UNISONBHG.ORG EOE MIKE CARTER 520 Madison Ave., Suite 259 Toledo, Ohio 43604 Empiece su propio negocio vendiendo joyas con tan solo ¡Llamenos hoy mismo para más informes! ¡LLAMADA GRATIS! Servicio de autobus a diferentes partes de Mexicos Horas: l-v: 10AM-7PM; sab: 10AM-6PM; dom: 11AM-3PM 1.877.723.GOLD (4653) • Over 1,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa1@lycos.com if you care to subscribe • Página 12 La Prensa June/junio 25, 2003 The Baile Latino 2003 committee preparing for Latino Scholarship Day with the Toledo Mud Hens on July 13. From L-R [front row] are David López, Angela Lápez, Sophia Cantu, Sofia Vasquez, Ashley Miller; [back row] Rosalinda Contreraz-Alvarez, Deanna Vasquez, Marisa Martínez, Benjamin Santiago, Melinda Cantu, and Robert Torres. At last week’s going away party, BGSU’s David García is surrounded by his friends and family including: [left to right, front row] Connie Rodríguez, Florinda Hernández, Marsha Olivarez, Yolanda García (his wife), Dave García, Javier García (his son), Yolanda Flores, Lena Quinero, & Elvira González (Dave’s mom); back row: Dr. Alberto González and Marcos Rivera. Lisa Canales Flores photo Detroit Mexican Consul Antonio Meza Estrada addressing LatinoFest III, June 14th Diane King accompanying BGSU artist Emanuel H. Enríquez last Friday at awards at the Toledo Museum of Art. See story on p. 1 and find out why this man is smiling. HI, C RIA ING A M NC DA July 13th is LATINO SCHOLARSHIP DAY with the TOLEDO MUD HENS! Toledo Mud Hens v. Columbus Clippers Sunday, July 13, 2003, at 2:00 p.m., but get there by 12:30 p.m. to hear the mariachi! The National Anthem will be sung by Yvonne Ramos, with a variety of other Latino entertainment scheduled. Sponsored by La Prensa, the Spanish American Organization, & El Camino Real in conjuntion with the support of area organizations including: Adelante, Inc., Aurora Gonzalez Community Center, BRAVO Magazine, Club Taino Puertorriqueño, Hispanic Youth Alliance, Latino Student Union of the University of Toledo, LatinoFest, Latins Toledo MudDemocratic Hens v.Caucus, Columbus Clippers United, Lucas County Hispanic/Latino & National Latino Peace Officer’s Association. To be part of Sunday, Latino seating block, tickets at by 2:00 June 27, 2003. July 13,buy2003, p.m. For tickets, call Rico at (419) 870-6565 or Bob Salazar at (419) 893-6227 ext. 7160 $10.00 per ticket (Seating only)