¡e-Prensa! Receive your free digital version of La Prensa! To subscribe, E-mail prensa2@lycos.com Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest Latino Newspaper «Tinta con sabor» Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! • Founded in 1989 • Proudly Serving Our Readers Continuously For Over 14 Years September/septiembre 3, 2003 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal Li ve in Toledo District 3, 4, or 6? Vote Se pt. 9! Liv Sept. La Prensa is savored by non-Latinos too! Surf our web at: www.laprensatoledo.com ( CALENDAR OF EVENTS, PAGE 8 Hours: Mon.- Thurs. 9:00 - 12:00 Fri. & Sat. 9:00 - 3:00 Sun. 9:00 - 12:00 FLOC hosts 9th Triennial at TERRA Carry-Out Phone (313-554-1790 7400 W. Vernor Detroit, Michigan ESPECIALIDAD DE LA CASA: POLLO JALISCO usadas en tráfico de indocumentados BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP): Las autoridades mexicanas identificaron otras dos casas de seguridad empleadas en las operaciones de contrabando de indocumentados que terminaron con la muerte de 30 de ellos en la localidad texana de Victoria y el estado de Iowa. Los inmigrantes eran albergados en una casa de la zona de Harlingen y otra en Brownsville durante su viaje desde México, de acuerdo con un informe publicado el martes por las autoridades mexicanas. Aunque las autoridades mexicanas están contentas con el descubrimiento de las residencias, las estadounidenses continúan con sus investigaciones. «No podemos negar o confirmar ninguna de las actividades de contrabando de indocumentados nombradas en esas direcciones por las autoridades mexicanas», dijo un vocero de la Patrulla Fronteriza, Reynaldo Díaz, a la edición del miércoles del Springwells Livernois •Jugos/Tepache •Carne a la Parrilla • Tacos •Burritos •Aguas •Pollo Dorado •Mojarra Frita • Licuados •Tortas •Quesadillas •Tostadas •Pozole •Caldos •Carne de Puerco I-75 •Mariscos en Salsa Verde •Breakfast Super Burro W. Vernor Breves •México identifica casas diario The Brownsville Herald. En mayo, 19 indocumentados murieron a consecuencia del calor y la falta de aire al quedar abandonados en el interior de un semirremolque en Victoria. En octubre, 11 indocumentados fueron encontrados sin vida en un vagón en Iowa. La casa en Harlingen era administrada por Karla Patricia Chávez y su pareja, Heriberto Flores Rebollar, quienes esperan ser juzgados en Estados Unidos por su participación en las muertes en Victoria e Iowa, dijeron las autoridades mexicanas en el informe. La casa en Brownsville era manejada por Víctor y Emma Rodríguez, quienes trabajaban en el grupo de contrabandistas de indocumentados de Chávez, dice el informe. Los dos Rodríguez se encuentran prófugos, pero las autoridades dicen estar logrando avances en la eliminación del grupo de traficantes de indocumentados, que ha usado al menos cinco casas como punto de paso para los indocumentados en la zona fronteriza con México. Magistrate Alan Mutchler swearing in the new officers of FLOC at the 9th Triennial FLOC Convention in Fremont, Ohio. More than 500 Northwest Ohio farm workers gathered as delegates at the 9th Triennial Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), AFLCIO Convention last Saturday, August 30, at the TERRA Community College Field House in Fremont, Ohio. As part of the convention, the delegates elected officers and voted on resolutions that will determine the union’s direction over the next three years. The new officers are:Baldemar Velásquez (President), María García (Vice President), and Jerry Ceille (Sec/Treas.). Members-at-large included: Angelita Morrisrroe, Juan Rizo, Viridiana Briones, and Arturo Gutierrez. (Continued on Page 9) Sister Cities back on track for establishing a union with México Last week, area individuals met with John Henry Fullen, executive director of Toledo Sister Cities International, to discuss plans for forming a Sister Cities relationship with a city in México, such as Tampico. In attendance were Betty Rios, Bob Torres, Rosalinda Contreraz, Ben Miller, Arturo Quintero, Magdalena Skiles, María Luisa Tufts, María Rodríguez-Winter, Christine Martínez, Frank Szollosi, Lisa Canales Flores, Celso Rodríguez, María Meyer, and Rico Neller. Fullen informed the group that in 1999, two area representatives went to Tampico to establish such a relation- This Week 4 Your Weekly Horoscopes/Horóscopos 5 Directory of Latino Businesses & Services 5 Classifieds 9-11 Non-partisan Toledo primary uses Diebold Vol. 33, No. 25 ship. Tampico was receptive but there was no follow through on the part of Toledo. According to Fullen, “Twenty-five individuals are needed to form such a committee, with annual minimum dues of $20. Anyone can get ¡Now Open! Club Frogtown! Cada sábado/each Saturday, 10PM-2AM, CLUB FROGTOWN/PUEBLO DE RANA, 3535 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Sylvania, OH; Caribe Swing con DJ Dinas; $3 cover after 10PM pero las mujeres gratis; salsa, merengue, bachata, y tropical. Dress appropriately. Smoking permitted! involved.” Sister Cities links already exist with the cities of To(Continued on Page 3) Valuable E&L Supermercado coupons on page 7 Your Detr oiT olé do Connection • Tinta con sa bor DetroiT oiTolé olédo sabor ( • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,000 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa2@lycos.com to subscribe • La Prensa Página 2 GOP leaders seek resignation of Hispanic caucus chairman ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP): The Maryland Republican Party and Gov. Robert Ehrlich are calling for the resignation of the chairman of the state’s Hispanic Republican Caucus, a group formed this year to attract Latinos to the party. Disagreements between the party and Jorge Ribas arose when the chairman publicly questioned whether Ehrlich is committed to putting Latinos in high-ranking positions in his administration. Party leaders say Ribas’ intemperate and divisive remarks in the media and elsewhere have cast the governor in a poor light. “We believed that there needed to be a leadership change,” said Eric Sutton, executive director of the Maryland Republican Party. “(Ribas) hasn’t gotten along with the program. He’s spent more time worrying about Jorge Ribas than the Republican Party.” John Kane, state GOP chairman, said Ribas “has a hard time controlling what he says (so that he) doesn’t irritate and insult people who are trying to help his own group.” Ribas would not discuss his plans Thursday or comment on Kane’s ul- timatum that the new caucus would lose its affiliation with the Republican Party unless he resigned. “Our relationship to the Maryland GOP is under review. At the appropriate time, the results of our decision will be made publicly known,” Ribas said. Ribas has carefully avoided criticizing Ehrlich in public comments since being reprimanded about his criticism of the administration’s record on the appointment of Latinos. He said the group’s top priority is to help re-elect President Bush. The caucus also “helped elect Gov. Ehrlich, and we continue to support Gov. Ehrlich and Lt. Gov. Michael Steele,” Ribas said. Kane arrived unannounced Monday evening at a caucus meeting at a Columbia hotel to insist that Ribas resign. Otherwise, the state party will disband the caucus and rebuild it without Ribas, Kane said. “The lieutenant governor and I have reviewed the situation, and it’s deemed best that we cut our losses with Jorge Ribas,” Kane said. “He has poisoned the well of trust and respect that we should have with any caucus or any group.” In June, Ribas delivered a sharply worded letter to Ehrlich that called the governor’s minority hiring practices disappointing and urged him to seek out Latino candidates to head the Maryland Higher Education Commission. The letter also asked the governor to create a Latino liaison position in the governor’s office. “We are beginning to wonder if the ‘opportunity team’ forged in your historic partnership (with Steele) fully understood the meaning of diversity,” Ribas wrote in a letter released to media outlets. The letter and later comments to reporters angered Kane and other party leaders. “He is not the person to lead the Hispanic caucus in the direction I want it to go,” Kane said. Paul Schurick, Ehrlich’s communications director, said Ehrlich’s concerns go beyond Ribas’ comments about hiring, but would not provide specifics. Ribas, a native of Ecuador and a Montgomery County resident, was elected the caucus’ first chairman. A veterinarian and pathologist, Ribas owns a consulting company and is a past president of the Montgomery County Civic Federation. He ran for state Senate last year. La Prensa Newspaper Staff Culturas Publications, Inc. Rebecca McQueen Alan Abrams Fletcher Word Carla Soto Brenda Guel Ariel Castro Patricia Rengifo Rico Jennifer Zenk Kathy Sweeny Fletcher Word Aida Maxsam Wally Rodela Publisher Business Manager Senior Staff Writer Staff Writer Entertainment Editor Correspondents, UT Correspondent, BGSU Correspondent, BGSU Cacographer & Sales Graphics Manager & Webmaster Ad design Sales Manager Sales Representative Distribution Culturas Publications, Inc., d.b.a. La Prensa Newspaper Headquarters: 616 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604 • 419-242-7744/7650 Voice • 1-309-214-4165 Fax SALES: 419-242-7744 or 419-870-6565 • laprensa@lycos.com E-mail • web site: www.laprensatoledo.com Member of Newsfinder, an affiliate with AP Copyrighted by Culturas Publications, Inc. 2003 La Prensa’s Detroit Office 4454 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 Sales Rep. Rico & Carla Soto We accept: Discover, Visa, & MC 313-729-4435 September/septiembre 3, 2003 Drug and immigration probes suffer after vendor stops selling Latin American citizen ment officials have ordered— Octavio Duarte, a special agent data or threatened—inquiries into with the Bureau of ImmigraBy JIM KRANE AP Technology Writer When Border Patrol agents came across the corpses of 14 Mexican immigrants who died trying to cross the searing Arizona desert in 2001, a brand new tool helped U.S. authorities identify the bodies and, eventually, the smugglers who abandoned them. The tool was a database containing the personal information of 65 million votingage Mexican citizens. The U.S. government bought access to it for $1 million a year from a giant data vendor called ChoicePoint Inc. The company is based in Alpharetta, Ga. U.S. drug and immigration investigators prized the data, according to the Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement sources, because it gave them latitude to track suspects inside Mexico without alerting local authorities. Now ChoicePoint’s database is no longer available to help U.S. authorities. An Associated Press report detailing the U.S. government’s access to the data triggered a public outcry in Mexico and other Latin American countries from which ChoicePoint had obtained citizens’ private records. After the Mexican government complained that its federal voter rolls were the source, and were likely obtained illegally by a Mexican company that sold them to ChoicePoint, the suburban Atlanta company cut off access to that information. In June, ChoicePoint wiped its hard drives of Mexicans’ home addresses, passport numbers and even unlisted phone numbers. The company also backed out of Costa Rica and Argentina. ChoicePoint had been collecting personal information on residents of 10 Latin American countries—apparently without their consent or knowledge—allowing three dozen U.S. agencies to use it to track and arrest suspects inside and outside the United States. The revelations helped kindle privacy movements in at least six countries where the company operates. Govern- the data sales, saying ChoicePoint and the U.S. government violated national sovereignty. “The federal registry is Mexican patrimony. For a fistful of dollars this information goes to the United States?” asked Julio Tellez Valdes, a law professor and data protection expert at the Monterrey Technical Institute in México. “Millions of Mexicans are now conscious about the necessity of a data protection law.” The raising of Mexican awareness about personal privacy has not, however, been good for U.S. investigations of drug and immigration smuggling rings, U.S. law enforcers say. They consider foreign data an increasingly potent investigative tool, which can be used alongside other databases to identify potential terrorists or simply unmask fake identity documents. In the deadly immigration case in Arizona, ChoicePoint’s tool did just that, helping uncloak a smuggler masquerading as a surviving immigrant, said a person familiar with that investigation. He spoke on condition of anonymity. The ChoicePoint data allowed U.S. agents to run their own investigations in México, while keeping Mexican police—who make the arrests— in the dark until the last moment so corrupt local authorities couldn’t tip off suspects, U.S. officials said. “We didn’t have to rely on the Mexicans to provide us that information,” said one federal investigator who used the ChoicePoint data, speaking on condition of anonymity. “You run the risk of corruption when you ask the Mexicans for something.” Now, Homeland Security’s Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses less efficient tools, officials said. “There’s the yin and the yang for these kinds of products,” said ChoicePoint marketing director James Lee. U.S. law enforcers “love ‘em but they never tell anybody that.” One U.S. agent said he understood the Mexicans’ anger. “I don’t know that we’d like the Mexican government having the same data on us,” said tion and Customs Enforcement in Yuma, Ariz. ChoicePoint also sells U.S. citizens’ financial, legal and personal details to the U.S. government. Privacy advocates charge that the government uses commercial data to skirt the 1974 Privacy Act, which prevents the government from compiling the files itself. Federal anti-terrorism projects—including the Pentagon’s Terrorism Information Awareness program—are designed to plumb databases of Americans’ financial and legal records for clues to suspicious behavior. News organizations, including the AP, use ChoicePoint’s data for researching stories. While ChoicePoint’s sales of Americans’ files remain strong, the outcry in México appears to have torpedoed the company’s largest foreign business. Former employee John Jordan, 41, of Jacksonville, Fla., said ChoicePoint’s Latin American business was on “life support” in June when the company laid him off and deleted its Mexican data. Jordan, a data analyst, said the Mexican files attracted about two-thirds of ChoicePoint’s international sales. Lee characterized ChoicePoint’s foray into Latin America as an experiment, saying the data vendor collected less than $1 million of its $792 million in 2002 revenue from selling foreigners’ personal information. “It’s so small, it has no impact on our earnings,” he said. Lee said ChoicePoint’s business is unaffected in seven of the 10 Latin American countries where it still deals in data. And the company still sells driver’s license data on 6 million residents of Mexico City. Mexican authorities have launched an official probe into the data sales to ChoicePoint, as have those in Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. In Mexico, federal investigators issued an arrest warrant for a fugitive believed to have sold the federal election records to a Mexican data firm, which resold the database to ChoicePoint. La Prensa Nacional Published weekly on Thursday by Culturas Publications, Inc. 616 Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604 Advertising deadline: Monday at 11:00 a.m. [camera-ready] Subscribe to La Prensa today! 26 weeks—only $40.00 52 weeks—only $75.00 Name:______________________ Address:_______________________ City/State/Zip________________ Phone Number:_________________ Send Send your check or money order to: La Prensa, 616 Adams Street, Toledo OH 43604 Culturas Publications, Inc. d.b.a. La Prensa Newspaper Limit: One free copy per reader. Additional copies are $1.00 each. • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,000 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa2@lycos.com to subscribe • La Prensa September/septiembre 3, 2003 Carla’s Krazy Korner Entertainment By Carla Soto Hip Hop: En esta era de influencia Latina y crecimiento del impacto de latinos en los Estados Unidos, la emergencia de Hip Hop en español llega sin ninguna sorpresa. El cresimiento de este genero de música ha comensado a tomar mucha fuerza. Uno de los lideres y mayor contrincante, Kinto Sol esta, haciendo su propia marca en el territorio más dificil de conquistar…Las Calles. La música de Kinto Sol es unica y original devido a la visión de cada uno de sus integrantes. Los integrantes de Kinto Sol crecieron en México, trayendo a si una mezcla de diferente perspectivas hacia la vida en sus letras. Tres hermanos, Skribe, Dj Payback García, y El Chivo. nacierón en México dejando su infancia ahí, y creciendo como adolentes en los Estados Unidos. Los tres hermanos han incorporado las memorias de su infancia y sus experiencias de EE.UU. en su música. El Gordo, de descendecia Mexicana, nacío y crecío en los Estado Unidos. Esta es la razón por lo cual Kinto Sol tiene la abilidad de relacionarse y penetrase en el gusto de la gente de los dos lados de la frontera. Kinto Sol captura experiencias de la vida en su letra y se las presenta a los oidos de su audiencia. Este grupo dinámico cuenta en su música y letra la historia de quien es Kinto Sol y la gente que ellos representan. In this era of Latin influences and the rising of Latinos in the United States, the emergence of Spanish language Hip Hop comes to no surprise. The increasing popularity of this lyrical style has taken off. A leader and major contender, Kinto Sol, holds its Kinto Sol own, making a name for itself in a territory that is hard to conquer—the streets. Kinto Sol’s music is unique due to the vision of its members. The members, who were raised in different backgrounds, bring and mix various perspectives of life in their lyrics. Three brothers—Skribe, Dj Payback García, and El Chivo—all born in México, left their childhood behind in México and were raised as teenagers in the United States. They have incorporated their childhood memories and their U.S. experiences into their music. El Gordo was born and raised in the United States of America. This is why Kinto Sol has the ability to naturally relate to people and the ability to penetrate across both sides of the Mexican-U.S. border. Kinto Sol captures life and portrays it in its music to the eyes of its audience. This dynamic group powerfully conveys the story of who they are and the people they represent in their style, sound, and lyrics. • Comedian George López named to host Latin Grammys in Miami Comedian-actor George López will be the host for the fourth-annual Latin Grammy awards show on Sept. 3. López, a stand-up comedian, is co-creator, writer, producer and star of the ABC sitcom “George López.” He will introduce presenters and performers at the show to be held at the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami and broadcast live on CBS. López has received numerous honors for his contributions to the Latin community, including the Latino Spirit Award for Excellence in Television and the National Hispanic Media Coalition Impact Award. Among the acts scheduled to perform are Ricky Martin, Alexandre Pires with Kelly Clarkson, Thalia, Bacilos and Molotov. Presenters will include television actors Jessica Alba of “Dark Angel” and Adam Rodríguez of “CSI: Miami,” and model-actors Tyrese and Sofia Vergara. • Los Chistes D e La Semana Los hombres son como los horóscopos: siempre te dicen qué debes hacer y generalmente están equivocados. ¿De qué se ríe Santa Clós? De las cartas de los niños pobres. ¿Qué le dijo un número 3 a un número 30? Para parecerte a mi tienes que ser sincero. Pepiño, tras 15 años de relaciones, ¿por qué no nos casamos? ¿Y quién nos va a querer? ¿Qué tienen en común las mujeres bonitas y los perros f i n o s ? Todas tienen dueño. Mi marido y yo somos ins e p a r a b l e s . ¿Andan siempre juntos? No, se necesitan 8 vecinos para separarnos cuando peleamos. Los hombres son como los zapatos de tacón... una vez que te acostumbras a la medida son fáciles de pisar. ¿Por qué la mujer no ha llegado a la Luna? Porque no ha terminado de barrer la Tierra. Los hombres son como el clima... nada se puede hacer para cambiarlos. Llega papá Noel a una Page 3 David Terrazas, Sergio Angel, and César Arzola of Mi Hacienda Restaurant clowning around with comedian Paul Rodríguez when he visited the restaurant several weeks ago in south Toledo. NEXT WEEK IN LA PRENSA: Reviews of Mi Hacienda and El Vaquero, two of Toledo’s newest Mexican restaurants. casa muy, pero muy, pobre y dice: Niños, ¿ya comieron? ¡ N o o o o o ! Entonces no hay regalos. ¿Cómo asustan a los niños en Afganistán? ¡Bush, Bush! Mamá, mamá... ¿me regalas tus pastillas anticonceptivas? ¡¿Qué?! Pero, ¿para qué las q u i e r e s ? Es que ya no quiero que Santa Claus me traiga más muñecas. CDS OF THE WEEK Regalo Del Alma Exitos Eternos 25 Joyas Musicales Hits Mix Herencia Musical: 20 Corridos Inolvidables Siempre Arriba Proyecto Akwid Un Día Normal Gracias 1995-2003 Almas del Silencio Celia Cruz Celia Cruz Los Bukis Celia Cruz Los Tigres del Norte Bronco: El Gigante de América Akwid Juanes Limite Ricky Martin Sister Cities (Continued from Page 1) ledo, Spain; Londrina, Brazil; Qinhuangdao, China; Szeged, Hungary; Poznan, Poland; Toyohashi, Japan; Delmenhorst, Germany; and Tanga, Tanzania. It was agreed that contacts be initiated again with officials from Tampico to determine if that city is still interested in such a relationship and, if not, what other cities would be viable candidates for such a union. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15 at 4:00PM at the Sister Cities offices on the 21st floor of One Government Center in Toledo. Interested parties are invited to attend. Call 419-245-3334 for additional information. Spiderman loves these webs: www.laprensatoledo.com and www.voceslatinas.com Página 4 La Prensa September/septiembre 3, 2003 • Vote September 9, 2003 in Toledo, Ohio at a special non-partisan municipal primary election in Toledo City Council Districts #3, 4, and 6. • In addition to exercising your constitutional right to vote, you will be testing, for the first time, the NEW TOUCH-SCREEN voting system manufactured by Diebold, Inc. of North Canton, Ohio. VOTE with Diebold, Inc. on September 9th, Diebold Voting machines are: 2003, in an historic vote • User friendly in Toledo, Ohio! • Accurate Questions?—Call Lucas County Board of Elections at: 419-213-2047, Joseph A. Kidd, Dir. For an on-line demonstration on the use of this touch screen, visit: http://www2.diebold.com/dieboldes/OnLine_Demo/screen1.html Seguridad Seguridad de de Syndicatos Syndicatos Gran Gran Beneficios Beneficios Entrenamiento Entrenamiento Profesional Profesional Buenos Buenos Sueldos Sueldos Adelantamiento Adelantamiento de de carreras carreras Alianza Aliansa de de Construcción Construcción Profesionales Profesionales Edifica tu futuro con nosotros Para más información, por favor llame a Marisol Ibarra, 419.290.6594 www.acp1.com • Every day is a good day. • • The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there. • September/septiembre 3, 2003 ATTORNEYS/ ABOGADOS BRIAN RAMSEY, ESQ. PRACTICA EN GENERAL 500 Madison Ave., Suite. 520, Toledo OH 43604 • 419-240-2100 Para una consulta en español, llame a Monica González Buckley ALFREDO CASAB ATTORNEY Specializing in real estate, business, personal, family and business law. Bilingual. 79 Alfred St. Detroit, MI 48201 313-578-1206 TATIANA ALVAREZ, ESQ. BOSS & VITOU CO., L.P.A. 111 W. Dudley Street Maumee OH 43537 419-893-5555 AUTOMOTIVE TAYLOR AUTOMOTIVE DOWNTOWN Apply on Line: www.taylorauto.com; Call 419-241-2264 [English]; Call 419-3508432 Español]; Toledo OH ; CREDIT APPROVAL GUARANTEED AUTO ROUND UP USED CARS Financing available Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 2 locations to serve you: 4847 Livernois and 5318 Cabot Streets Detroit MI 48210 313-231-2527 313-846-6800 ROYAL COLLISION, INC. Towing, bumping, painting, welding, glasswork. 32 years serving Detroit. 8001 Michigan Ave., 313-582-1000. Se Habla Español. NORTHLAND COLLISION EXPERT REFINISHING & COLLISION WORK 5135-37 Lewis Avenue Toledo OH 43612 419-476-6728 SPUD’S AUTO PARTS INC We tow junk cars for free and best prices on motors and trannies. 419-865-5756/8655755 Crissey & Angola BARBER/BEAUTY SALONS Violeta’s Salon Cortes de pelo /Haircuts 4844 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-841-6551 Se Habla Español COMPUTERS AMPLEX INTERNET SERVICE $14.95 per month at www.amplex.net Toledo OH 419-720-3635 Toll free: 1-888-419-3635 First month free DRY CLEAN/LAUNDRY ODELLA’S WASH LAND 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. DAILY; corner of Dorr & Collingwood Streets, Toledo, Ohio. Weds. are Senior Day; Jumbo Washers & Dryers; Drycleaning; Silk screening, y más! 419-243-9549. FASHION INNOVACIONES LA MARAVILLA CD’s, musica, botas, el general canelo, ropa vaquera, tejanas, cuevas, Stetson, resistol, sombreros Boston, Wrangler. Tarjetas telefonicas. 4440 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-554-0811 FUNERAL HOMES SALOWICH & STEVENS FUNERAL HOME - ROBERT J. WERTH, DIRECTOR Nuestra familia Serviendo su familia 3833 Livernois Detroit MI 48210 313-894-1334 877-700-3970 FURNITURE MATTRESS CITY 1940 Airport Hwy. Toledo OH 43609 Complete bedroom sets; handmade frames; 40-day layaway. Call Jorge, 419-382-7278. We accept credit cards. GROCERY La Prensa Directory GIFT SHOPS PHARMACY Regalitos Especiales Regalos para bebé, shower, cobertores; accessories para Bautizo y Primera Comunión 4438 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-399-3416 Se Habla Español/ Carmen Ruiz dueña Spingwells Discount Pharmacy Your Personal Pharmacy Fast, friendly service Adel Dakhlallah, dueño 2117 Springwells Detroit MI 313-841-8000 INSURANCE D ANIEL G UADARRAMA AGENCY; Todo el mundo necesita un abogado, un doctor de familia, y un agente de seguros. Para aseguransas nadie te ayuda mejor que Dan Guadarrama; llamame y permiteme ayudarte. Miracle Mile Plaza, 4925 Jackman Rd.Toledo OH 43613 419-475-2119 419-754-1046 FAX dguadarr@amfam.com MEDICAL/DENTAL Family Care Medical Center - Medical, Dental, & Pediatrics 5831 West Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-842-8300/313-8421200 Se Habla Español. No appt. necessary DOCTORA EN MEDICINA WANDA VELEZ-RUIZ, M.D. 4115 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-843-8400 Office hours: M-F 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sat:10:00a.m.to3:00p.m. JOSEPH HARRIS, DDS Dentista/odontólogo/ frenos/sobre pedido Se Habla Español 2431 West Grand Blvd. Detroit MI 313-895-4300 DENTAL HEALTH GROUP Mon-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Emergency Walk-ins Daily, 8:30 to ll:00 a.m. Most insurance accepted 3531 Junction SW Detroit MI 313-897-7155 MEN’S CLOTHING HONEY BEE MARKET Detroit’s Favorite Mexican Chorizo 2443 Bagley Ave. Detroit MI 48216 313-237-0295/fax: 2370369 HALL RENTAL LUNA PIER BALLROOM HALL RENTAL Now taking reservations for your Special Occasions On Friday, Saturday, or Sunday Luna Pier, MI 734-281-0246 Hector’s Men’s Wear 5449 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-554-2044 66 años sirviendo al publico. Visita Hector y familia Lunes a Sábado. MEXICAN IMPORT STORES XOCHI’S IMPORTS Authentic Mexican Hand Crafts; Stetsons; Great line of gifts, accent pieces, & food products; Western wear Open daily, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 3437 Bagley Street Detroit MI 48216 313-841-6410 REAL ESTATE Page 5 Weekly Horoscope BY SEÑORITA ANA ★ ARIES: (March 21-April 20) ★ Your mood might be cranky, resulting from tensions either at home or at work. Speak softly and avoid any disagreements with others. You are in a practical frame of mind and sharp in matters of money. It’s a happy time for romance and love. A★ ★ ★ TAURUS: (April 21 - May 21) A ★ ★ Spend extra time with family—fun and adventure will be MAGDALENA M. SKILES REALTOR Se Habla Español WELLS BOWEN REALTORS 2460 N. Reynolds Rd. Toledo OH 43615 419-356-4208 [c], 419-535-0011 [w] A RESTAURANTS/ BAKERIES A★ ★ (June 22 - July 23) ★Start theCANCER: week in a practical frame of mind. Take time HACIENDA MEXICAN TORTILLAS (Manufacturers) Corn/Flour Tortillas, Taqueria, & Chips y masa. 6016 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-842-8823 LA PERLA TORTILLA FACTORY Manufacturer of corn tortillas and tortilla chips. Supplier of Mexican Food Products (tamales, salsa, chorizo, queso, masa, chicarron, y más), Latino phone cards, Orlandi Valuta money wires ($1,000 for $10). Open 6 days a week, Mon-Fri, 9 am-5pm, Sat. 10am3pm; 3238 Hill Ave., Toledo, Ohio; 419-534-2074; fax 419-534-3230. LUNAS BAKERY II, INC. Family owned and operated for 4 generations. Hot bread daily; flour tortillas; hot tamales; fresh chorizo. M-Sat, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sun: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 5680 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit MI 48209 313-554-1510/fax: 5541196. HEALTH SERVICES Intrepid USA provides personal and home care services. Home health aides are bonded and insured. Call Intrepid USA for an RN personal assessment. (419)861-2722 SW SUBZONE SERV. highlighted. It may be the perfect opportunity for a heart-toheart talk with your children. Roadblocks are likely in realizing a financial goal; you’re closer than you think. Your passion deepens. ★ ★ ★ GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) You and your mate get along throughout the entire week. All those chores that really need to get done will be accomplished like clockwork. Your career is highlighted, so don’t be surprised if you receive a raise or promotion. Keep your patience around children. alone and treat yourself to something that will make you feel extra special. Some co-workers are be critical and sarcastic, but otherwise work runs smoothly. Your career is about to take a big step forward. Managers are impressed with your effort. ★ A ★ ★ LEO: (July 24- August 23) Listen to a friend’s advice on money matters—an objective point of view is what you need. Your sweetheart may be feeling neglected, and accuse you of unrealistic expectations—so make the time for romance and more intimacy. It’s time ★ for a few practical steps to improve your image. A ★ ★ VIRGO: (August 24 - September 23) There will probably be a strong urge to immerse your self in creative pursuits. Keep an open mind and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results. Both business and household projects enjoy favorable influences; and you may get ★ a bonus for recently positive efforts. A ★ ★ ★ A LIBRA: (September 24 - October 23) The more you depend on your reserves, the stronger you are. You inspire family members likewise. There are some self-doubts lingering, which only you can work through. Self-improvement efforts will succeed. Remember—if you can’t say any thing nice, don’t say anything at all. ★ ★ SCORPIO: (October 24 - November 22) Spend time with close friends and you’ll find that your friendships and loves are very fulfilling. There is someone trying to undermine your position with flattery and bribery. Keep your cool. There will be great news about money, and ★ possibly a new, lucrative job offer. A ★ ★ SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - December 21) It will be an effortless and pleasurable week for you. Keep in mind you do have the power to make all sorts of changes for the better. Everyone seems overly emotional as of late, so be on guard for lies and accusations. Harmony will be restored ★ at home by week’s end. ★ A ★ CAPRICORN: (December 22 - January 20) Wherever you are, you will be surrounded by friendship and luck. Unexpected money is coming your way. Both family and work responsibilities are heavy, take one situation at a time. Be aware that guidance comes through your dreams. ★ Positive vibes continue at home. A ★ ★ AQUARIUS: (January 21 - February 19) You need to travel in order to check out an opportunity to increase your income. Don’t neglect a mate who’s starving for attention. Both your professional image and reputation is boosted to new levels. Your charm and magnetism take you ★any sticky situations right now. through ★ ★ A PISCES: (February 20 - March 20) It’s a week of heavy mental stimulation and challenges. Both innovative and unconventional approaches work. Your assertiveness takes you far at work and your family is happy and enjoys being together. Plan your entertainment and include others from the sideline. IF THIS WEEK IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your closest relationships are stable for now, but your inner voice may be prompting you to take time alone for self-renewal. Professional advancement is at hand, so keep your self on the straight and narrow. Your creative urges may turn into profit. DILES QUE LO VISTE EN LA PRENSA ! ESTE PODRIA SER SU ANUNCIO EN LA PRENSA! • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,000 subscribers receive the digital version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa2@lycos.com to subscribe • Página 6 La Prensa’s Rico-at-Large September/septiembre 3, 2003 NUEVO BILINGUAL SERVICE CENTER ENGLISH-SPANISH / SPANISH-ENGLISH María E. Ruvalcaba Notary Public Spanish & English as 2nd Language Classes for Children & Adults/Any kind of Document Translation 68 N. Roessler St. Monroe MI 48162 Phone (734) 241-3317 Fax (734) 241-3326 Cell (734) 915-7006 Email: nuevobilingual@dundee.net “Highly Recommended” by La Prensa Newspaper Frutas y Verduras de México Entertainment Nightly: Mariachi, Trio, Guitar, or Magician! Open till 4AM every Fri & Sat ¿Sentimiento Latino? Mon-Fri 12PM - 1PM Sat & Sun 5PM - 6PM Brought to you by Jazz Direct Marketing To place an ad call 313-255-4331 Visit us at www.jazzdirectmarketing.com TV6 Comcast NOW IN THE FOOD COURT AT WESTFIELD’S FRANKLIN PARK MALL! Check out our Bowling Green restaurant located at 892 S. Main Street 419-352-5200 A Mexican Epicurean’s Delight! Honest Homemade Mexican Food 2500 West Sylvania Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43613 Phone: (313) 963-9013 Fax: (313) 963-3703 Cell: (734) 223-6729 Algo Especial Super Mercado La Familia Hernández 2628 Bagley Street Detroit, MI 48216 Servicio del Mariachi Especial de México La Madrina Ropa fina para bebé Fine clothing for baby • vestidos y trajes • regalos religiosos • recuerdos para Baby Shower y Bautizo 7816 W. Vernor Hwy. Detroit, MI 48209 313.843.5309 419-472-0700 ¿Sentimiento Latino? Fax: 419-472-5044 Mon-Fri 12PM - 1PM, Sat & Sun 5PM - 6PM Visit our patio! Brought to you by Jazz Direct Marketing To place an ad call 313-255-4331 Visit us at www.jazzdirectmarketing.com TV6 Comcast MEXICAN RESTAURANT Authentic Mexican Food The Legend of the Vaquero Long ago Mexican Vaqueros perfected the art of roping, branding cattle, and cooking on the range. The rugged Vaqueros knew how to live life to the fullest. Unique seasonings and the richest recipes created a brand of cooking all their own. Inspired by their legendary skills around a campfire, the style of “on the ranch” cooking uses distinctive spices and mesquie grilling to create these Vaquero favorites for our guests today. On the ranch we do things a little differently. ¡Bienvenidos a El Vaquero! From I94 Exit #212A Livernois Take Livernois south to W.Vernor west (right) stay to the right merge onto DIX. MiPueblo is on the right From I75- Exit #46 Livernois - Take Dragoon West to W. Vernor west (left) stay to the right merge onto DIX. MiPueblo is on the right Two area locations to serve you: • Our new location at: 3302 Secor Street, Toledo OH 419-536-0471 [Fax 419-536-0527]; and • Your favorite at: 26611 Dixie Hwy, Perrysburg OH 43551, 419-872-1230 [Fax 419-872-4345] www.elvaquerorestaurants.com • Fax any news items to: 1-309-214-4165 • Email any news items to: laprensa@lycos.com Sept. 3, 2003 La Prensa Page 7 QUER TIERRA”” TAQUE R ÍA “MI TIERRA ¡Bienvenidos a Mi Hacienda Restaurant! Mariachi, Sunday, Sept. 7 from 6-9PM • Sopes • Enchiladas • Fajitas • Tacos • Horchatas • Jarritos • Chimichangas • Frijoles Charros • Postres • Nachos • Quesadillas • Margaritas • Burritos • Tostadas • Coronas MEXIC AN RES TAURANT MEXICAN REST LA MEJOR EN COMID A MEXIC ANA COMIDA MEXICANA Pollo • pastor • cabezza • carnitas • higado lengua • asada tripas • chorizo • lomo • chorizo con huevo • lenbucha • carne molida • milanes de res y pollo • tacos • burritos • enchiladas quesadillas • chimichangas • pozole • carnes botana a la porrilla birria • tamales • carne en su jugo • especialidad de la comida de mar • tortas • tortas ahogadas • hamburguesas Milanesa • Especialidad comida mexicana, variedad de platillos LONCHE ESPECIAL 3 Tacos con Arroz y Frijoles de lunes a viernes de 9:00AM a 1:00PM En Maíz.....$4.50 En Harina...$5.50 Duesdpues de la 1:00PM En Maíz.....$5.50 En Harina...$6.50 DESAYUNO ESPECIAL; 2 Huevos, Arroz, 2 Hashbrowns y Café gratis, no substitución por otra bebida. Todo esto por solo $2.99 El desayuno es de 8:00AM a 12:00PM ¡Bienvenidos a Taquería “Mi Tierra”! Abierto Los 7 Días de 8AM a 12AM 1310 Oakwood & Schaefer Detroit, MI 48217 313.551.2783 ENORME PARQUEADERO PARA LOS TRAILEROS SEMI-TRUCK PARKING AVAILABLE JOIN OUR PREFERRED SHOPPER’S CLUB! DISFRUTA NUESTRO CLUB AL CLIENTE PREFERIDO! FREE GIFTS JUST BY SHOPPING! REGALOS GRATIS CON SOLO COMPRAR! THE MORE YOU SHOP, THE MORE POINTS YOU GET! ENTRE MAS COMPRAS, MAS PUNTOS ACUMULAS! Imported Beer $2.49 Domestic $1.49 TRY OUR SPECIALTIES: Mi Hacienda Fajitas, Sopes, Enchiladas del Mar, Frijoles Charros, and Tacos al Pastor. We have Horchatas and Jarritos Mexican juices and sodas. Try out Margaritas. We have delicious and economical Luncheon Specials! You can fax your carry out meal requests at 419-380-8110 or call us at 419-380-0411. HOURS: Sun-Thur: 11:00AM to 10:00PM; Fri-Sat: 11:00AM to 11:00PM (Bar open to 12:00 Midnight) ** Bridge Cards and WIC are Accepted ** ** Aceptamos Tarjeta de WIC y Estampillas ** S. Detroit Gla nzm an Heatherdowns Byrne 2 LIGHTS WEST of I-75, Exit 43 [Schaefer Road]. Forty minute drive from Toledo. Happy Hour 3PM - 6PM South Toledo Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30AM-5:45PM lun-jueves 8:30AM-5:45PM Fri/viernes 8:30AM-6:15PM Sat/s áb 8:30AM-5:45PM Sun/dom 8:30AM-4:00PM La Prensa Events Página 8 Bailes y La Música By Rico OHIO: Toledo: Las Palmas Nightclub, 3247 Stickney Ave; Live bands most Saturdays; call 419-476-1363. Mickey Finn’s, 602 Lagrange St., DJ Tony Rios, Thurs. 9:00 p.m. to midnight. Call 419-2463466. The Connection, 3126 Lagrange St., live Tejano bands every Fri. & Sat, 419-242-2924. Sylvania: Club Frogtown, 3535 N. Holland Sylvania Rd; DJ Dinas every Sat., 10PM-2AM; $3 cover after 10PM; salsa, merengue, bachata; 419787-3702. MICHIGAN: Detroit: Detour Lounge, 1824 Springwells Street; every Friday night; Baile Cumbia; free cumbia lessons; DJ Manolito; cumbia, salsa, ranchera, merengue; 313-849-0900. Club International, 6060 W. Fort Street; weekly Saturday entertainment; 313-995-4938. Los Galanes, 3362 Bagley St., every Friday and Saturday, Latino music; 313-554-4444. Ann Arbor: Heidelberg, 215 Main Street; Fri. is salsa night with salsa lessons from 9-10PM and salsa from 10PM-2AM; Sun. is Mexican night with DJ Miguel, 10PM-2AM. 734-663-7758. Luna Pier: Luna Pier Ballroom; most Saturday nights; El Baile Grande, 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Call 734-848-4326. Royal Oak: Thurs; Sky Club, 401 S. Lafayette; doors open at 8 p.m. with free dance lessons at 8:15 p.m; 21 and over; proper attire; 586-254-0560. Utica: Argentine Tango Detroit, 7758 Auburn Road; Tango on Fri; 586-254-0560. Pontiac: HEAT, Pike St. & N. Saginaw St., Fri; music by DJ Cisco; free dance lessons. Have entertainment? Call Rico at 313-7294435, email to laprensa@lycos.com, or fax to 1-309-2144165. Spanglish Radio Programs WBGU 88.1 FM, La Unica with Freddie G, Andres, Maribel, & Geraldo Bowling Green, OH domingo, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 419-372-2826 WFOB 1430 AM with Sylvester Duran Fostoria, sábado, 4-6 p.m. Domingo, 8:30 to 10 a.m. WLFC 88.3 FM Findlay, OH viernes, 6 to 9 p.m. WLEN 103.9 FM Adrian, MI domingo, 1 to 4:30 p.m. WQTE 95.3 FM with Lady Di Adrian, MI domingo, 3 to 8 p.m. WKMK 1440 AM La Explosiva “La que se escribe con rojo’” con Batman y Paquita de la Vernor Detroit, MI TONY & VICKIE’S CABARET featuring DJ music to salsa dance, viernes y sábado, starting at 8:00PM. COME JOIN THE FUN! Admission is $5.00 TONY & VICKIE’S CABARET Near Front & Main Streets in Toledo, Ohio ADVERTISE IN LAPRENSA CALL (419) 242-7744 OR (313) 729-4435 Visit us on the web at www.laprensatoledo.com September/septiembre 3, 2003 LA PRENSA’S CALENDAR OF COMMUNITY EVENTS Sept. 13, noon to 10:00PM, Grito de Independencia Fiesta; Holy Redeemer Church, 1721 Junction, Detroit; at 8:00PM is official “El Grito” Ceremony; music, food, faffles; 313-964-4515 x 13. Sept. 13, 6:00PM to midnight; The Mexican American Citizen’s Club sponsors the Annual Mexican Independence Day Fiesta, at Sacred Heart Chapel, 4301 Pearl Ave., Lorain OH; música, comida, y más; cash bar; $13 per person/$25 per couple; seniors $10; children under 12 years of age gratis; Pauline García 440-288-0719. Sept. 14, 11:00AM to 8:00PM: Festival Latino, Riverside Park, Washtenaw County, MI; música, comida, baile, exhibits; no admission fee. 734-663-0757. Sept. 17, 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Latinas EmpowermentConference; at Ritz Carlton Hotel, 300 Town Center, Dearborn MI; Event is gratis. Registration deadline is Sept. 10. To register: fax name, organization, address, telephone, and email adress to 703-5276009. Sept. 20, 9:00AM a 4:00PM, Catedral de San Pablo, 4800 Woodward Ave., Detroit; y el 21 de sept., 9:00AM a 4:00PM, 806 Youngs St., Ypsilanti; Consulado General de Honduras en Chicago ofrecerá servicio consular a la comunidad hondureña. Requisitos para tramitar pasaporte: 1) presentar partida de nacimiento original o tarjeta de identidad; 2) dos fotografías tamaño pasaporte “de frente”. El Consulado dará también el servicio de fotos con un costo adicional de $10.00; 3) Money Orders por $130.00. Requisitos para revalidar pasaporte: 1) presentar pasaporte; 2) Money Order por $120.00. Para mas información, favor comunicarse al: Consulado General de Honduras en Chicago, 773-342-8281 o 773-342-8289 o con la Sra. Gilma Rodríguez (Detroit) 313849-1905; o Mirian Vásquez (Ypsilanti) 734-340-4059. Sept. 27, 5:00 PM, Bowling Green State University, courtyard adjacent to McFall Center; dedication of “Metamorphosis” sculpture by BGSU graduate Emauel Enríquez, Bowling Green, Ohio. (419) 372-2424. Also, Diamante Awards, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Any listings? Contact Rico at 419-870-6565 or 313-729-4435. Also, always call ahead before going to any event in case of last minute time changes or cancellations. lunes a sab., 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. lunes a viernes, 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. WCAR 1090 AM Detroit, MI sábado, noon to 5 p.m. dom., noon to 4 p.m. WDTR 90.9 FM Caribe Serenade Detroit, MI Ozzie Rivera sábado 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Club Frogtown ¡Queremos ser su compañía de seguros! lunes - viernes 9:00 - 6:00 Cada sábado/each Saturday, 10PM-2AM, sábados CLUB FROGTOWN/ PUEBLO DE RANA, 10:00 - 2:00 3535 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Sylvania, OH; Caribe Swing con DJ Dinas; $3 cover after 10PM pero las mujeres gratis; salsa, merengue, bachata, y tropical. Dress appropriately. Smoking permitted! 1020 E. Michigan Ave Saline, MI 48176 ¡NO HAY UN PAGO INICIAL ELEVADO! BAJOS PAGOS MENSUALES Abierto North Toledo 3606 Sylvania Avenue Toledo, OH 43623 419-476-7779 South Toledo 4440 Heatherdowns Blvd. #3 Toledo, OH 43614 419-382-3899 Oregon 3344 Navarre Avenue Oregon, OH 43616 419-693-5555 Aceptamos licencias Mexicanas, e internacionales LLámenos para una cotización gratis La llamada es gratis - Hablamos español 1-888-9CARROS 1.888.922.7767 Office: 734-429-9449 Direct: 734-669-4536 Cell: 734-395-8383 Fax: 734-429-9448 e-mail: pickjules@aol.com Ofelia’s Perfumería, Joyería, Perfumes, & Mary Kay también! 419-704-2773 419-242-4672 Janie’s Taco Express • Tacos • Carnitas • Barbacoa • Tripas • Lengua • Pop • Good prices • Bistec We do catering with our mobile unit 419-350-4777 We do festivals, fútbol cada domingo y La Herradura, Fri & Sat, 3:00-9:00PM, y más! • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa2@lycos.com to subscribe • September/septiembre 3, 2003 FLOC (Continued from Page 1) Magistrate Alan Mutchler, of the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division swore in the new officers prior to lunch break. Chuy Negrete, a Mexican folk singer now residing in Chicago, provided educational entertainment. Jesse Ponce, Sergio Sánchez, and Frank Ibarra also performed. According to FLOC President Baldemar Velásquez, “This convention represents a unique opportunity for migrant farm workers in the United States. “After 36 years of struggle, immigrant migrant workers are learning to understand the significance of collective action. “This convention is their forum to tell the world about the issues that affect their lives.” Velásquez informed La Prensa that, “Latinos must be tenacious in their fight and support of migrant issues. Great mountains must be climbed to achieve the goals of justice for the migrant workers.” At the 1994 convention, FLOC members directed the union to “Organize the South” in an effort to protect the victories gained by the union in Ohio. FLOC is still living out that directive by organizing in North Carolina and running a nationwide boycott of the Mt. Olive Pickle Company to gain recognition of the union in that state. Several resolutions were also passed including the reaffirmation of the boycott against Mt. Olive Pickle and the legalization of undocumented workers. Invited speakers included: Ken Riley, President of International Longshoreman Association local 1422, leader of the fight to free the Charleston Five; a representative of the French Labor Party; Petee Talley, Secretary/Treasurer of the Ohio State AFL-CIO; Saladin Muhammad, National Chair of the Black Workers for Justice; and the Reverend Floyd Rose, longtime Toledo Civil Rights leader, currently residing in Valdosta, GA. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A local Hispanic social service agency seeks an Executive Director for a full time position. Benefits. Requirements: BA or Masters in Business Admin or Social Work. Experience in grant writing, fundraising, and fiscal management. Proven skills in written and oral communication. Beneficial: 3 or more years of experience in program administration, an understanding of program development, marketing and public relations. Familiarity with ADAS and ODADAS standards, UFMS and other reporting systems. Salary $50,000. Send résumé and cover letter to: Job 1 USA, Executive Recruiting, PO Box 1480, Toledo, OH 436031480. Deadline for submissions: September 5,2003. AA/EOE La Prensa Américas: Argentina avanza a semifinales; México dijo adiós Por JUAN ZAMORANO SAN JUAN (AP): Argentina se apoderó el jueves del último pasaje a las semifinales del Preolímpico de las Américas al vencer por paliza a República Dominicana, en un cierre de la segunda ronda en que México y Venezuela se despidieron con victorias y el «Dream Team» estadounidense sumó su octavo triunfo en línea. Estados Unidos avanzó como primero y se enfrentará el sábado a Puerto Rico, que terminó en cuarto lugar. Argentina se topará nuevamente con Canadá, que quedó tercero. Los dos victoriosos del sábado asegurarán su clasificación a las olimpíadas de Atenas, además de que pelearán por el campeonato el domingo. El otro pasaje al básquetbol olímpico se lo llevará el que atrape el tercer lugar. Estados Unidos y Canadá ganaron los dos boletos olímpicos disputados en el pasado Torneo de las Américas de 1999 celebrado también en San Juan. Ahora hay un pase adicional, y el «Dream Team» y Argentina son los favoritos para llevarse los dos primeros. Estados Unidos aplastó a Puerto Rico 91-65 y terminó la segunda ronda con ocho victorias sin derrotas; Argentina vapuleó a Dominicana 102-72 y finalizó con cinco triunfos y tres reveses. Canadá, que cayó ante Venezuela 93-86, y Puerto Rico terminaron igualados con Argentina, pero los sudamericanos terminaron arriba en la tabla porque los había derrotado en la primera ronda. México, que venció a Brasil 102-92, y Venezuela finalizaron con cuatro victorias y cuatro derrotas cada una. Brasil se fue con 35 y Dominicana con 2-6. Los argentinos, tras haber caído sorpres-ivamente el miércoles ante los venezolanos, dominaron a los dominicanos de comienzo a fin, contando con una buena labor ofensiva del alero Emanuel Ginóbili y el delantero Luis Scola, quienes encestaron 18 puntos cada uno y aportaron nueve rebotes. Previamente, Venezuela dio la tercera sorpresa de la segunda ronda al ganarle a Canadá 93-86 en tiempo extra. El juego había quedado 79-79, pero los venezolanos ganaron el quinto parcial 14-7. Los venezolanos Víctor Díaz y Diego Guevara tuvieron una gran faena ofensiva al encestar 23 y 20 puntos, respectivamente. Venezuela se fue eliminado, pero con el gusto de haberle ganado al subcampeón mundial Argentina y a México, que tuvo en sus filas al jugador de la NBA Eduardo Nájera. SERVICES Fully qualified; 25 yrs. experience: Page 9 A.S. Towing Service Service 24 hours a day Latinos Towing Service Hablamos español Alejandro Salcido 313-894-2633 cell 313-585-6475 Rent-A-Center Rentals at their best at Southland Plaza 1351 S. Byrne Rd. Southland Shopping Center Toledo, OH 43614 Phone: 419-382-8585 Se Habla Español Fax: 419-382-0473 Rodney Rodríguez Franco’s Appliance Smile! Jesus loves you! • Sales • Service • Parts • Pickups • Warranty • Same day delivery Low prices! Hours: 8AM-8PM, daily Se Habla Español Electric, carpentry, plumbing, refrigerators, heating, remodeling; 418 S. Broadway Toledo, Ohio 43609 419-418-0066 Olas Travel & Translations Charo Ledón Licensed & insured. Call 419-242-7539; fax: 419-244-6737 for your estimates today! Avelino 313-333-1680 5010 North Campbell Detroit MI 48210 734-213-5396 Fax 734-222-6314 1900 W. Stadium Blvd. Suite A Ann Arbor MI 48103 Mon-Fri 9:30a-5:30p olastravel@hotmail.com Jeffrey C. Zilba Norb Kirian ATTORNEY AT LAW Kirian Mechanical Service, Inc. 124 N. Summit St. Toledo, Ohio 43604 419/255-1515 419/255-2332 FAX Web site: www.zilbalaw.com Dispatcher On Duty 24/7 SILVER CAB OF OHIO, INC. We Serve Toledo & Surrounding Area Call 419-690-3700 We accept VISA and Mastercard Handicap Accessible Package Deliveries Adrian García Doris M. García Heating & Air Conditioning - Plumbing Refrigeration - Electrical - Boiler Restaurant Equipment - Custom Wood Work Phone (419-242-7539 Fax (419) 244-6737 Greenbelt Flea Market Indoor/Outdoor Open Fri-Sat-Sun, 10AM-6PM Proud sponsors of KNONK BOXING Thousands of items to chose from Dealers wanted! Start your business! Come see the beautiful macaw parrots! 1439 Michigan St. Toledo OH Call Mike or Ed 419-255-0664 419-478-0664 La Herradura Mexican food products, music, and SIGA. 932 Emerald Street Toledo, Ohio 419-254-9530 Expires 9/17/03 Rambo’s Sports Bar & Grill Sports Bar & Grill Hamburger: Buy 1, Get 1 Free! with this coupon! Open daily 7AM to 9PM Exp. 10-2-03 • If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it? • 419.241.2358 La Prensa Classifieds Página 10 HELP WANTED 3rd SHIFT EMP. SUPERVISOR General & Management ¡SE SOLICITA URGENTEMENTE! TV News Reporter BILINGUAL Eng/Spanish If you want to be a part of a growing, dynamic company, please fax your resume to: Job 1 USA Site Super @ 419-255-3279 NBC 24 is looking for an experienced TV news reporter with strong vistual storytelling skills and instincts. NBC24 wants an aggressive broadcast journalist who comes to the morning story meetings with great ideas and a winning attitude. We need someone who desires to live and work in the storyrich region of Northwest Ohio and wants to make a difference. The ideal candidate should have at least 3 years experience and willing to work various shifts including weekends and nights. This is not an entrylevel position and we will only consider candidates who have proven track records of journalistic enterprise. Please send resume and non-returnable VHS tape to: Lou Hebert, News Director, WNWO-TV, 300 S. Byrne Rd., Toledo, OH 43615. Deadline: September 12, 2003. EOE-M/F/H/V. Businesses for Sale HELP WANTED Job 1 USA – a leader in employee management Is looking for a 3rd Shift Site Supervisor manufacturing facility Employee management responsibilities: · assist in managing employees (150), · human resource function, · tracking attendance and payroll issues, · directing and motivating employees, · disciplinary action, · creating a positive work environment. Must have organizational skills, be able to work as part of a team and help build a Strong partnership with the client and the employees. $11-$12 / hour. Quarterly bonus program. Room for growth opportunity. Need an extra $36,000 a year? Vending route for sale. Cost $6,500. Help find missing children. 1-800-568-1392 or www.vendingthatworks.com Servicio de autobus a diferentes partes de Mexicos Horas: l-v: 10AM-7PM; sab: 10AM-6PM; dom: 11AM-3PM End of Summer Special! Borrow up to $1,200.00 for 12 months at 12%* *Subject to credit approval Toledo Urban Federal Credit Union 1339 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43607 (419)255-2276 News Videographer NBC 24 in Toledo, Ohio is in need of an experienced news videographer/editor who wants to use her/his talents to tell award-winning visual stories. We are looking for candidates with big talent and great attitudes, a real professional who can work well as part of a team, or who is equally comfortable working alone on special projects. The ideal person will be an experienced self-starter who does more than just talk about compelling stories, but actually gets them from the brain to the screen, and doesn’t mind doing whatever it takes. Send your tape and resume to: Lou Hebert, News Director, WNWO-TV, 300 S. Byrne Rd., Toledo, OH 43615. Deadline: September 12, 2003. EOE-M/F/H/V. Place your classified ad in LaPrensa! Call: (313) 729-4435 or (419) 242-7744 Welcome to Quality Hispanic TV Programming “Videos Calientes” Toledo, Ohio Buckeye Cablesystem Channel 8 & 13 Dual System Channel 21B Thursday 10:00 p.m: Sunday 1:00 p.m.. Defiance, Ohio DC TV Channel 5 Tuesday 10:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 p.m. Cleveland, Ohio TRI-C Channel 54 Monday 4:00 p.m; Friday 9:00 pm Bowling Green, Ohio WBGU-TV Channel 24 Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Produced by: Tony Rios Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box 80146 Toledo, Ohio 43608 Telephone: 419-729-9915 Fax: 425-928-3585 Email: Rios@voceslatinas.com Website: http/www.voceslatinas.com Advertise on Voces Latinas TV Show “Due to an unfortunate fire, El Reparo at Southwyck is temporarily closed. It will be reopened shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience to our valued customers. “We encourage our customers to visit our El Reparo in Sylvania, Ohio. “Gracias,” —Arturo & Monica López, owners. Te m po ra ril yc los ed EL REPARO 5859 Southwyck Blvd. Toledo OH 43614 419-868-5719 Fax: 868-5950 September/septiembre 3, 2003 EL REPARO 5834 Monroe Street, ste. N Sylvania OH 43560 419-882-7020 Fax: 882-7720 Now serving tacos! Gente de habla hispana con deseos de trabajar. Tiempo completo o medio tiempo. Requisitos: Deseos de superación; Capacitación; & $$$ Buenos ingresos $$$. I n t e r e s a d o s comunicarse al 313841-2326 con el Sr. René Pérez. Place your classified ad in LaPrensa! Call: (313) 729-4435 or (419) 242-7744 ENTREPRENEURS WANTED La Prensa is seeking talented artists, cartoonists, salespersons, distributors, and writers in the following geographic areas: Grand Rapids, Lansing, Saginaw, Flint, Pontiac, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Holland, Monroe, Adrian, Columbus, and Cleveland. The successful candidates will be aggressive, energetic, and knowledgeable about Latino cultures, business, and sales. Bilingual as to English/Spanish preferred. Must have valid driver’s license and insurance. Send résumé or cv to: La Prensa, attn: Rico, 616 Adams Street, Toledo OH 43604; or fax to 1-309-214-4165; or email to prensa1@lycos.com. ¡¡ATENCION HISPANOS!! ¡HOMBRES Y MUJERES. NIÑOS Y ADULTOS! TE OFRECEMOS PRODUCTOS PARA LA SALUD 100% NATURALES PROVENIENTES DE MEXICO, VISITANOS SIN COMPROMISO DE COMPRA TODOS LOS SABADOS DE 3 A 4 DE LA TARDE EN 68 N. ROESSLER ST. O LLAMA AL (734)-241-3317 SE HABLA INGLES Y ESPAÑOL. SI NO TIENES ASEGURANZA MEDICA Y TIENES PROBLEMAS DE SALUD TALES COMO: · ALERGIA · ASMA · ARTRITIS · DOLORES DE CABEZA · MIGRAÑA · AGOTAMIENTO · CANSANCIO · PROBLEMAS CON LA MEMORIA · EMBOLIA · INFERTILIDAD · DESGASTE DE HUESOS · PROBLEMAS DIGESTIVOS · PROBLEMAS CON EL RIÑON · OSTEOPOROSIS · FALTA DE APETITO · SOBREPESO · PROBLEMAS HORMONALES · PROBLEMAS CON LA PROSTATA · DIABETES · ALTA PRESION · BAJA PRESION · PROBLEMAS CON EL HIGADO, ETC. · VISITANOS O LLAMANOS NO TIENES NADA QUE PERDER. • Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans—John Lennon. • MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Student Health Service (Search Extended; Hours of Employment Revised) Transcribes medical reports and correspondence for medical staff from dictated notes and files reports in the medical chart. Provides liaison with the transcription hardware/software vendor to assure adequate support for the system. Maintains general office supplies of the transcription department. May function as lead worker if temporary medical transcriptionists are hired to expand service. Minimum Qualifications: General computer knowledge and word processing skills required. A minimum of two years experience as a medical transcriptionist at a hospital or other clinical setting. Salary: Administrative grade level 11. Salary is commensurate with education and exp. Full-time academic year (AugustMay) with limited summer hours. To apply: submit cover letter, resume and 3 names, addresses and telephone numbers of professional references postmarked by Sept. 12, 2003 to: Office of Human Resources, (Search R-042), 100 College Park Ofc. Bldg., Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403. (419) 372-8421. (http://ww.bgsu.edu/ offices/ohr) BGSU is an AA/EEO employer. ¡¡BUSCANDO TRABAJO!! E m p r e s a Multinacional. Necesita personal hispano en las areas de: Paquetería, Supervisión y Telecomunicación. Requisitos: Deseos de trabajar y superación. Ingles “No” necesario. Concertar cita al: 313-841-2326 con la Srta. Fuentes de Detroit. September/septiembre 3, 2003 La Prensa Classifieds JANITOR LEGAL NOTICE Parker Hannifin Corporation, Hydraulic Filter Division, located in Metamora, Ohio has an open position on first shift for janitorial work. Applicant must be able to operate floor scrubber, lift trucks and other handling equipment in the performance of these duties. Applicant must have a high school diploma or equivalent with a minimum 1-2 year’s experience in a manufacturing environment. The Toledo Public Schools will be receiving proposals for employee group vision, prescription drug, and stop loss average. Written specifications are available through Ms. Lorrie Peneff, Insurance Department, Room 312, Toledo Board of Education, Thurgood Marshall Building, 420 East Manhattan Blvd., Toledo, Ohio 43608. Relevant questions may be directed to Ronald King, Consultant, at 419-2559947 ext 106. NOTICIA Consulado General de Honduras en Chicago ofrecerá servicio consular a la comunidad hondureña en las ciudades de: Sept. 20, 9:00AM a 4:00PM, Catedral de San Pablo, 4800 Woodward Ave., Detroit; y el 21 de sept., 9:00AM a 4:00PM, 806 Youngs St., Ypsilanti; Requisitos para tramitar pasaporte: 1) presentar partida de nacimiento original o tarjeta de identidad; 2) dos fotografías tamaño pasaporte “de frente”. El Consulado dará también el servicio de fotos con un costo adicional de $10.00; 3) Money Orders por $130.00. Requisitos para revalidar pasaporte: 1) presentar pasaporte; 2) Money Order por $120.00. Para mas información, favor comunicarse al: Consulado General de Honduras en Chicago, 773-342-8281 o 773-342-8289 o con la Sra. Gilma Rodríguez (Detroit) 313-849-1905; o Mirian Vásquez (Ypsilanti) 734-340-4059. Please respond by 09/13/03 with resume and salary requirements to: Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Filter Division 16810 Fulton County Road 2 Metamora, OH 43540 Attn: HR – Janitor INSPECTION TECHNICIAN Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA), in Toledo, OH is seeking an experienced individual for the position of Inspection Technician to perform a variety of tasks in order to assist with the efficient operation of inspecting properties under the Section 8 Program; schedules inspections with landlords and/or program participants on a daily basis and maintains daily log of inspection schedules; generates letters as a follow-up to the inspection reports. Requirements: Completion of two (2) years of college in public administration, the behavioral sciences, or other related discipline, plus one (1) year experience with Section 8 inspections, building codes, or maintenance administration, or equivalent. Hourly rate: $15.2672. Must be able to successfully complete proficiency testing for data entry skills. We do background checks and drug testing. Send resume and cover letter SPECIFYING THE POSITION YOU ARE APPLYING FOR TO: LMHA, PO Box 477, Toledo, OH, 43697-0477. Attn: Pamela Gilbert. All material submitted must be received at LMHA no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 5, 2003. . NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE AA/EEO Persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. TORTILLAS MAQUINAS TODO LO QUE USTED QUIERE SABER DE MAQUINARIA PARA TORTILLA DE MAIZ, DE TRIGO Y BOTANAS; MAQUINAS INDUSTRIALES, SEMIAUTOMATICA, Y MANUALES PATENTADAS LADA SIN COSTO. 1.888.301.86.07. WWW.GVILLAMEX.COM. Page 11 Proposals, vision, prescription drug, and stop loss coverage must be returned to the same location no later than 12 noon, Tuesday September 30, 2003. Coverage for these plans will become effective on January 1, 2004. EOE M/F/D/V ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURING Parker Hannifin Corporation, Hydraulic Filter Division, located in Metamora, Ohio has an open position on second and third shift for manufacturing/light assembly work. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent with a minimum 1-2 year’s experience in a manufacturing environment. Please respond by 09/13/03 with resume and salary requirements to: Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulic Filter Division 16810 Fulton County Road 2 Metamora, OH 43540 Attn: HR – Assembly EOE M/F/D/V Back to School Special!! $199.00 1st Month rent for 2 Bdrms plus deposit & $425 per month thereafter. Bancroft Village Apartments Call 419-244-6368 Visit us on the web www.laprensatoledo.com 419-241-RIMS (7467) 1220 Broadway 419-290-3639 www.mexicanstore.net Imported Groceries & Products 4226 Airport Hwy. Toledo, Ohio 43615 419.385.0418 mimexicanstore@hotmail.com Back to School Special!! $99.00 1st Month rent for 2 Bdrms plus deposit & $350 per month thereafter. Bancroft Village Apartments Call 419-244-6368 SANCHEZ ROOFING Preventive maint; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 25 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; se habla español; call Pete Sánchez, 419-7879612. Northgate Apts. Senior community for persons 55 and older. $250.00 Move-in Special. Rent based on income. Included heat, appliances, drapes and carpeting. Call 419-729-7118, Mon-Fri 9-5 for details. • ¡e-Prensa! Over 2,000 subscribers receive the electronic version of La Prensa every week gratis. Email prensa2@lycos.com to subscribe • Página 12 La Prensa Kroger Full Page Ad September/septiembre 3, 2003