FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS 5UBJECT= QREFENLEASE IKLDMPPIE SIEARYEQRI PART:1 01? 1 ...1:=E£. -, I .1 ~§§% A ,4 " 92__. ;.._, _-:__ 4 --=:=;-;:. ,1 3 91 ~41: R =:5:&#39;&#39;3." "5-4-<== ---" 92 . &#39; / E:525252525252§:;:§:§:§:§:§:§:;2§2§:y =§§iaiaia§ ,:,5;a_.5._._.;:,._:_&#39;j&#39;2jej:§2§:§:§:§:§:§:§z " &#39;-:3;5;5:5:5:5:5:5:§:§:;§;§;;;§:§:§,g:v_,_;515151512:-_ _._.;:;:;:;:1:;:1:;I;5:1:5:5:5:E:=:=:i:=:=:=:i:i:I.,.,,-§é§§§§?i?駧?E===i=iiiiiiiiiiiii5i5 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . / _ " - y1 THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED ARE BLURRED, THAT LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN REPRODUCED. BE GREENLEASE KIDNAPPING [SUMMARY REPORT] 1 ,1 .. 4» _ _, k. 92 &#39;. . ; 1.. _&#39; *&#39;=; . - ;.* ;1 1:- ,>1: ," -92 4" 51>_._ . .-liq J:IIPOR I-I-X A1 l&#39; [PHI WHEN {IOU FDR WHICH HAD] I§DR&#39;l&#3 HA1 IY I -.--1:. _~92ji._r 1 Q2: jig: -1 ER una.| &#39;.,&#39;-45¢ §&#39;; !"-"Fri. k,.__.,;,-, Hill _-I,-._t:_ ;1 -_- r 717 :1 ..[#-.- t -92,., 4_t,~ _Q92&#39;, =+ 1m92==&#39;m==~»--4 rw.-&#39;-.-&#39;~92 t .9i:"Té &#39; """" a _ an ia * m&#39;1=./=1o/2o a af 1n/1=./ .- I ..4,~=~ 7 &#39;i&#39; U11-I -: 929292 §_E,ii5*"-__" ?" # &#39;7 _92=-El ll-15* :":. &#39; U *4-1:, -.&#39;*&#39;l-._ T""4 _£Q££____ E#- : 1T&#39;_" I _§_};g__c.gsis ofFacts? i 59?. CH CARL AUSTIN HALL, waa.,JohnJames Byrges,Steve _,,_ St rand, Robert White, John Grant, John Haggb, Heady, Esther Grant, E. Gran ,0 _Z - U ~. &#39; CARL AUSTIN HALL andBONNIE IEFILY *0 0 W I I _ -l - -1 =s.~. ; - 5 &#39;5" 1 admitted kidnaping victim.92W/,- charging them Withviolation of_ Section B76, Titlel8, . &#39; &#39; ransom m0ne~ recovered by St 1501115Police Department, to Bureau custody l0=-7=53,amrlappearedbefore U. S. CommissionerEDWIN J. BEAN, St. Louis, Mo. and temporarily committed to - &#39; _&#3 3 92_ BEAN l0~9~ 53, I waived hearing and remanded to custody U. S. Marshal. Removedto Kansas City, I-{AIL admitted during initial interviews 4 actualabduction, buryingof victim, i HE.-&#39;-.DY admitted taking of ~ 1&#39;} executing ransom notes of victim. - £1-omschool in Kansas City, 4 15, : -- Ho; at requesttr HALL but tldmdd 110knowledge of i<idddp1dg-st- &#39;* 92 time. Denied knowledge ofcircumstances pertaining to victim&#39;s death. On10-11,53HALL admittedtransportationof r~ 1 I victim -92 II = 92__ * Missouri 10-ll»-=53. planning kidnaping, and pickup of ransommoneybut denied actual killing _,- _-m~_;;-.. ., custodyof U. S. Marshal, St, Louis, Mo. uponfailure t0_ make$100,000.00 bond. Broughtbefore U. S. Commissioner 92 1 1A» U..S. Code. Subjects re1eased,_a1ong with $295,lit0.00 of K &#39;c ..&#39; ,-S-, - ~. -< u_ r Commissioner CHARLES H. THOMPSON at KansasCity, Ho. 10»?-5_, i;_;. I 1. 92 ,- Authorized complaint filed against subjects before U.S. "1 r 5 - to I 1 l Whenquestionedby St. Louis Police Departmentre possession oflargeamount of money, HALL 1 3 "&#39; &#39;_ HEADY apprehended by St. Louis Police Department, 10»-6-=53and 10-=7-53 respectively. ,.a I j I 1 EQ§EE_!19§<iR0YE §&3§1&#39;iLE55lE.Lt?r-_== rm?-H Wvi iv It i _ EXTORTION a. Grant; BONNIE EFIILWHEADY, RecBonnieEmily TOWI1, /1 was-., Mrs. Vernon Ellis .-$1 § cat KIDNAPING " &#39;4 victim fromMissourito Kansas,killing victim in Kansas and &#39; I-3.1143 92 92 subsequently transporting victim&#39;s body to St. Joseph, Missouri &#39;$ ;>.{.&#39;:""~ &#39; FORWARUEQ IFTPIQVEAID 92 1% 1. !;-.7 -,, 92 11""&#39;-1&#39;-iv ;J-&#39;5&#39;] 1-5.;&#39;i. &#39; >1"-~&#39;-f,? {,,__ I 92K .» -P3: *1 I __ no um wnrri IN 1&#39;!-till: __ IFACII.- iv .. ,.- - . _ e_e ___ e_ i=d-1-32;; -rmsncrolrru ii : 1- , my 4 ;¢4>5 i 4-_./&#39; k If I WW K _ &#39; Y Vi -H: &#39; - r~ ~. _ A92 *1, ~ Q,{!92f9292"" _ Q&#39;19! HI3 tJ14== t/ "§_%"" ,§® Ema 6g]:&#39;%§5|?ir§0?Et dis,e¬n!i17zi£dou . >4 ax, _ 5QKansas I0793 ; 0 5-= st. LU1.liS -4.29! ; i&#39;*&#39;";7f i 11> K e P ROPERI for burial.HEADY adnfttsd participation inplanning of _ iii, ___ _ __ _____ _ ; _r __ ll ~e_,~ , c =_ a as -~ OF FBI--Thisconfidential reportandits contents areIoaned to youby theFB andarenotto be _&#39;_ - ». .. ; _ ..-L-__92,:..-Q-1. ;-.a,-_,~,_ ,_ _ .,__ N - - 1...».-. _.;-_.=.-. _- ;.- =1.9 Ai-4-92--.1-.2 *1 I s .. 1 -a P! &#39;50 .E ¥ .4 _&#39;.&#39;:-*s&#39;irr :_1r-.:__§ 1: _._&#39;=§>s&#39;=;. f? é&#39;~.".3 i .I&#39;§ s&#39;. Q-.~"a -. t~ sen? ; ;"~§7&#39;5 9.* ,. J-1.: l"_ +1! 92,&#39;_&#39;_ 9:311 tr. -_.._.-3.f_{;, -.--to 1 5:-332;: ;q».. h. /~ 4-alt: ..i_:___? Q E _. 1 >.- ,-fl &#39; 51 7"h29 .5-»£ gynoggis of Facts: Continued! :-Z kidnapping, intent to kidnap at time of abduction, and gave complete details regarding victim&#39;s death. Signed statements obtained. Activities of subjects at time of abduction to apprehension and substantial corroboration through investigation of these activities in St. Louis, Missouri set forth. Physical evidence recovered during investigation described in detail. Subjects deny any knowledge of whereabouts of unrecovered ransom. Subject&#39;s descriptions set : forth. Ransom recovered, $380. - recovered $295,280.00; ransom located, but not yet E__¢ u-_-_--n Hp DETAI1.S=- it ; fl _ sg. LOIll_§_.,rnssourn This investigation represents the of many Special Agents assigned to the St. Louis Office. identities of these Agents are specified in the body of in relation to the investigation conducted by them. combined efforts The the report. u -_ F ».m _,-gu n 552 ..-"_ H 4 -1-,r&#39;.=&#39;-T semi &#39;r!"&#39;1:1&#39;¬ ~_~: ra-,-1 J 1 .r. ..,&#39;. .; .4. .._-?.-1. 1?- § *4-&#39;?&#39;-?&#39;i .1,-i_.;£__9_--.45: ééi 1;-5: 1-&#39;~ ; = ;._;.§ J:-&#39;§§I : ~15 92_,-J-. - -"_-mi-- C 7;:L#>..¢~J!~l--.i. 92:S;*92.=.£u=s&#39;uLii;mL;iALE .;- ...4_.5/Lea. _.u.._&#39; -&#39;*-.._-». s 192»&#39;1r..:.:.»&#39;.-...» I &#39;92u.e.921.;_"&#39; .""s&#39;.§w.z4-127.1-»... .-r.~.Q&#39;.;.;._"" &#39; ask:-5-..&#39; " &#39;i&#39;»i.92 s.i|$1-£1-&#39;3-&#3 ..- A . .5 - . ...-!.~_u-.3L 7-11.29 .+ _;;1.:~.f&#39;. E .&#39;2&#39;*&#39;_?92&#39;: ._.. TABLE 1 .,ul - 5;. 4". 11 vii" I. Ag APPREHENSION OF SUBJECTS BY s&#39;r.. _LOUIS POLICE DEPARTMENT I1 = =1-Eli? :5 -§=t&#39;I?:l"" .-,;n&#39;~* I &#39;~:¢*&#39;5=&#39; _...-. .;~;....--. 7_.1 : III. NOTIFICATION or APPREHENSION INITIAL POLICE REPORT . .. . . c. SUPPLEMENTARYPOLICE REPORT .. . .. . . sié a .-_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.S&#39;I&#39;ATEMENTSOFHALL.... ....... B. STATEMEN&#39;I SOFHEADY............ Page u0 1. Oral Statements 2. Signed Statement of Bonnie Heady . of Bonnie Heady . .. . .. I .. .. B Q QC e e . I 3 3 h CHEONOLOGICAL srmmar OF AC&#39;I TI_E__;Z___&#39;I:._I,ES ogsusmcw IN ST. IDUIS IV . . . 5T_*!&#39;1f51!¬§*{&#39;1l§_9F;§*U5JE°T5 -.&#39;-I&#39;-5.&#39;A. B. &#39; ;T>=&#39;;; .&#39;:.".. .-.{-. -.;.-,&#39;;-2 . , ;...;. .a| 7 A. B. - i... fill; OF CONTENTS MISSNIRI ACTIVITIES OF CARL AUSTIN HALL . ACTIVITIESOFHEADY. .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. QQBEOBORATING _El-QDENCE CONCERNIEG SUBJECTS 50 ACTIVITIES IN ST. LOUIS] A. YELLOW CAB - SPORTSMAWS 15 50 68 BAR TO SLAY S BAH B.SLAY SBAR..-............. C. BRO AYARMYSTORE . 89 106 1!. lOMINGS&#39;l&#39;REE&#39;I E. F. ORBAR................ IELL l92&#39; CAB HI-NABOR BAR TO GREYHOUND IIIII IQGO5PC§I ~.=; .- =~ ;:.-- :7 .- 1&#39;. .-. _ -&#39;2 7 1.-&#39;1 lg:.1 1 ,4 G.BUSTERI-1INA1.S............... 107 H.COLUMBO&#39;STAVERN........ 107 I. PHONE CALL TO BARNEY PATTON . . ... . .. J. BARRETT-WEBER FORD MOTOR COMPANY . K.1+5Dl+ARSENA.L............... L. OLDSCHILLEI-AGHBAR........ .. .. .. 108 3 =,_.;. hr 1*. 3&#39; ."&#39;-_,..-. F : Fm? 5%"&#39;== {&#39;3 _, ,uw £5 vi @213 -Q &#39;1-,-I l i .2, 1%.!/-1.,¢i ~ §"-;&#39;<Z-.=;v|.,£ 1 . ..1 .- =.1&#39;71-.&#39;~:M /- -.¢;=;¥.-;T.¢_ .92r.:*1~" =. !-92~&#39;J==, ¢-4. ~ .&#39;:¢?»l;_1.&#39;,&#39;-..;.. ;=&#39;.-L1. =.&#39;-;¢;~.;-,_-@._-»:,;1&#39;=.~;"-.1-= _-_-,¢:-E-;.,R -.L=92 .-1&#39;=l5-~1,=&#39;"_}1;{>.T-£<~=.5.i:;;i=i .-IE1¢$.§-.5;§»2&#39;; __ ,5 SL ?= . -we $1-1325&#39;» I :4 __L. . I 72* ~2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page igi 92. -34&#39; V0 X. I. Z. ! HALL&#39;S PACKAGE CORAL COURT HOTEL HARBOR INN . HARDWARE HART IS 5 O LIQUOR STORE . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . I O O O O 0 D I B I I I n I 0 I II O O 0 9 0 BOYD&#39;S DEPARTMENTSTORE, CLAYTON ,HI RESTAURANT, MC KENZIE ROAD AND U . 5. TOWN HOUSE HOTEL . . . . 0 O 0 _G 0 U Eq; a; I&#39;.; Vi. 92-&#39;:~-.&#39; k-- :5--. i:&.1i&#39;_-ii? E.~% "."T 3 .._° -A-. -! -I JOHN OLIVER HAGER .. . . POLLY LANE . .. . . . . . O. SANDRA O&#39;UAY . u . v .. D. HRMAN . . . .. . .. G 0 0 0 ?§1"1&#39;» iI.1:&#39;I=.i -.l-_ - . . -1 . A. SUMMARY OF F31 I O I 0 O I I I I I I 6 I 0 6 0 9 I 0 0 I I I I ., . 1. , f92.;&#39;11.A& LTIONS LABORATORY E1 4 -... I $311. ..-3&#39;: 4;. IX, v 92. 1, 2E |. F, B. I I I II O I U II D U Q I 111%-.&#39;f.I;1;£1.92--1r~zO.;.__.? 91;.-t"&#39;. »&#39;.?:E7:I£ ~i .-.§"L A, I O I I C I O Q A. Be JOSEPH DRESTE I I I D U SSOUR i HIGHWAY is8 PRINCIPAL FIGURESI Y5 V» S. T. U. V. W0 I I I O 1"&#39;§.. 01-msJam: 1-zAn.:~&#39;.n_ __ _ IIIIIIIIII l . ¬ 0$_7@1;7;L TlI§@-...T.__92&#39;?&#39; I.Q&#39;?E A. n1=;scmP&#39;r10r1oP F1101 , -E33 , B. 9. if E-4.1.3 GE?!-1 3EH¢ 1l .. DES-C-?IPTZ -I-!: .-.... .... ..._-.--.-..... O I zmrz-."-&#39;=s. , . . I 0 I O I I I O I 129 no $2? uo 137 133 139 1&0 :-1 &#39;55 - . . _; _ _ -_-, ; 92_. -92 __-_.-._,-..--.,__.. -,,-. h .. .4 .».- _..--92 --_-» .1»w-in-.b&#39;=_-.1-I:-n-.*.r "w - __~.&#39; -,~ :. 1-: .-_~»_:.»_.92._-./-e. < *_1&#39; 92--&#39;-__-,- ;--*" ;-,;&#39;-&#39;.:-1 &#39;1 "-:-1--; : - I-&#39;#&#39;-~ ~-,.-~92_-J - "&#39;:&#39;-"*""""" ,J&#39; . 5&#39;--=..~;a »_e&#39;.w=._-u-11¢»!==¢.§*_-.5.-_;g_.-m»=..;;.;;fi,-;L <41, :r-L,-,@-2.»:--;-1!--&#39;J~"Q»&#39;-.:; 1-?92-¢:"&1 .. "~* *-l *""4= -&#39; &#39;1 "&#39;-"*&#39;*&# "- __ I-~- &.=,-bin»...-*1»3;p_¬-»1Z..=I..r1.>&#39;s¢u;~;_ - 1-. =:e . :5 I , g ¥ 1&#39; ._. &#39;.+}§ A-1* . &#39; --.~ - 5.--3 4=.~.&#39;:&#39; . 5&#39;-I -» -1.1. 1.. 92 ;&#39;,_: 1.;-I -_. $2 _ I-&#39; < -1.1,» 51. 7=-A29 F .__ V. i 92 | 1» 5?E3§&#39;iE §lQ¥i9F §U5@lB3I§_BY 5&#39;12 19iJl§_P0L-19$ 1- §9ti£is_e@_121=___9£eAseeeheaeiee &#39; 7 :-1=;21.4 K !f"L = l . At Midnight, October 6, 1953, Chief of Police JEREMIAH 0&#39;00NNELL, St. 4:!?- Louie Police Department , telephcnically contacted SAC J. E» THORNTON at the _ . 1,--T 0 . _&#39;=;¬ g_ .5&#39; --.-.1 1-.-J! c- ~__!_, 1 - ; T3 .3,- B1 latter : residence and stated that he thought the Department had aomathingwery g~rod* atthe llth District Precinct. Chief OQEDNNELL requested SAC THORNTON to join:himthereimmediately withanother Special Agent. T .. ectly to 54- the llth introduced s.»i jo - $20 bills of e SEC immediately mm - _ _.b&#39;1E! and they proceeded dir- Chief UQTHNEIL, having just arrived, |&#39;92ar$92r92 |&#39;.mnnt md. sac monmon t-e 11.- 1nms&#39;...nm.mi!R.<:. of &#39;l&#39;.ha District At that time L DmS mm 92 Precinct where disclosedum Z&#39;ia§§%&#39;Zm E§{ ¢&#39;;F&#39;E= had been recovered and that CAI-ILAUSTINHALLhad admitted the kidnapping ROBERT GREENLEASE. 92 A &#39; F1 -.-_.. -fr-.-1 $51-..;&#39; 5 ~T 1¬&#39;7_&#39;;_ fr :T1§ §7&#39;f5 * &#39;¢:1.* =.¥: 92¢ "&#39;92 D -K: 4-750 -7-79! I l&#39; ~xxxxxx . XXXXXX XXXXXX FED ERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FUIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET I I LPagets! withheld entirely at this location inthe file. One ormore ofthe followingstatements, where indicated, explain this deletion. I]/Deleted exemption under e_,_ S! _i_1 material availablefor release to you. El Information _Ewith no Sesregable pertained only to athird party withno reference to youor the subject ofyour request. [I] Information pertained only to athird party. Yourname islisted in the title only. l:l Document s! originating with the following government agency es! 7 EPage s! _ , was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. referred for consultation to the following government agency es!; it W. W . __ . _ as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBl. EPagetsl withheld for the following reason s!: l:l For your information: __ _ _ B The following is be to number used for retregarding nce pages: these =/ass-&#39; --E=14/ _I1,4-_ye.w Hf-I &#39;1 _ J 4 XXKXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DELETED PAGE § S! NO DUPLICATIONFEE X XFOR THIS PAGE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X I J _,_.;~.:1:-:¢" . .vI *5 sagL .- S- 1:1.-_:92:-4 u.e.1<-is s.-=.-;»:.=s-.-*1-..&#39;,r-;-;&#39;.;.;1~.92 ;v.92-..= .eo:.e.Lna&#39;>r.=;.....:£:.-.-=_<;.:=,:l.:n:.1&#39;=&#39;=_4..:¢:_=" " .1&#39;_- -+ >192~1 c..:.=:4.;"s&#39;=z<.".;:»; 1.&#39;: .s.1. £-_&#39;.&#39;£3v|;&#39;l»L s~1_-:»u.=.:.:.&#39;;. -m>&#39;,=-!_=-;si.;_~&#3 S§-T-"id;-&#39 ;._ >- u i -HI S1#7-M9 Q, E e,Tsh _._. _f, Z5 . .11, . II. STATEMENTS OF SUBJECT§ &#39; 1» I K foll »_=-?. _&#39; STATEMENTS OF HALL ,,r interview by SA with subject CARL .lUS&#39;I&#39;IN HALL was ccnducted on October7, 1953: CARL HALL was interviewed at the llth _ District, St. Louis P°lice Department, at which time he advised he was born July 1, 1919 and that he was an insurance salesman and had been living with BONNIE HEADYfor several g months in St. Joseph, Missouri. HALL was in a miserable physical condition and vomited and slipped out of his chair on several occasions. It was necessary to have a waste basket in front of him, and it could not be determined whether he was suffering from the effects of alcohol or whether ihe Pi; morphinewas wearing off. was sent to the City Hospital. When he returned on a stretcher, still in a miserable physical condition. Ehenhe did revive to an extent, most of his answers to inquiries were mumbled and inarticulate &#39; .&#39;.--&#39;1. &#39;, boy was well he was elicited from him, it was to the effect that the have been released on Monday at Pittsburg, Kansas, and should in front oi the Besse Hotel. At times he indicated the boy might be in Parsons, Kansas, with 8. or T i""" , who"&#39;eindicated ,i&#39;|_.1..&#39; was " tn the kidnapping and whose responsibility it was to take care of the child- 92g After " _av&#39; .- continuous questioning, HALL seemed to break and indicated that the GREENLEASE boy was dead and was buried in HE|92DY&#39;S backyard at 1201 South 38th Street, dt. Joseph, Hissouri. He indicated new flowers had been planted over the spot where he had buried the GREENI-EASE boy. &#39;1-ILLL stated he had turned the boy over to a TCM MARCHshortly after he had met BQINIE HEM]! near the Kat: Parking Lot in Kansas City and that TOE MARCH was to take the GREENLEASE boy to the HEAD! home in St. JosePh:illiBB°111 &#39; i- 7: 19533., _ I i i and found that Y E I in the kidnapping. The following signed statement was obtained from HALLon October V_ 1 &#39;92 "October 7, 1953 he-a» .-,-. "ens | A photograph of THG-EAS JOHNMARSH,FBI N0. ll2l3?3, was exhibited to HALL, and he would neither identify nor eliminate him as the TCM" MARSH or 1 - ARCH involved >51.. ,>-. _ _ l HALLadvised that, upon returning to St. Joseph, Missouri, on @ctober"§ 1,953, with Bunnie pygmy, he had expected to find the TOMMARCH and the "boy, and when he did not find them he went down to the basement the GREBELEASEboy had been shot. :. = -. F - He blacked out completely at 2:h0 a.m., and later E{é&#39;;.= _!" words. When information 5. :-1. -&#39;;5 W-ex " St. Louis, - liissouri I "I, CARLAUSTINHALL, have talked with Chief of Police JEREMLLH O&#39;C{1~INELL, Colonel LCNGof the Police Board, Lieutenant LCIJIS SHCULDERS,Chief of Police _ . .&#39; ---.7-.= 7="- 92..-- . ..-&#39;,.-,...; .=92<-rp. , 92 t BRANNON and J. E."I&#39;HOHNTON of -15. ii? - 1 e=-as. .,. . .._s-sr -eu--r».-&#39;-1w-.¢-,--,-.-92-van ,--.=-1-u-~.&#39;1&#39;i&#39;!r"_ » -. . -29&#39;/ -,92.¢.; ,&#39;<"h v-.¢.-c~&#39;.:92 -. ., ..,. .. ~.=s&#39; ii" - IE. _1., .-E . . in . ;&#39;dr . éi I. . .1-_. -vI =1.---&#39;-&#39;- .--&#39;. - - -... r, 92..-.-,-§» -- .-4 -- l-.~&#39;- :| . 1> -. . -1-&#39; . .-. -~--*1-&#39;_~.=&#39;.»g W. 92--R. -. &#39;-..92-: -~.|.. . . :_rj_.&#39;_" . 4» - -&#39; 4-..1&#39;~--. ~ 1_ 1»_ Y 7.7-7&#39;--v 1- &#39;92 "V-.- 1 +, ...--.< - .---.~ 1*1-;-.-_; - &#39;&#39; 35&#39; ..-_-11; ; &#39;--&#39; - :3Zx _&#39;_,-2*--}" ."&#39; ""f;1&#39;1F-_&#39;» R.&#39;. . -&#39;:._.=._< ; ."-,-.-__-_.~ _-_--_-;~_~-&#39;-_~.92-&#39; _&#39; -. *-92.".&#39;--___&#39;_ &#39;-; ___~<,-_--:_:»I. _;___ _,-;,;,,_ -;-t --.-",;~&#39; ;;_-".&#39;;.;.=.92&#39;..-I .&#39;.;.. 5...-&#39; .»&#39;1 _£4Z:&#39;1&#39;jl$|- .-..-.&#39;;-As .1 ;;-@ie.@e@}ymu&za&u¢mm@ .&#39; . 1&#39; &#39; V,-&#39; E?&#39; . &#39; 192 . -&#39; ~.&#39;.", &#39; 4.0 8% st #7-n29 &#39; .7. I mow 9&#39;Federal the Ear-eat oi Investigation. :- all of these men are law-enforcement officers and the following statement is entirely free of my own. No threats expect I will that or promises have been made to me. stand trial in Court and know that I I am entitled to an attorney angiwant to tell _theentire truth. "I have knownoi the GREENLEASE family for manyyears, having aw __- attended military school with PAUL GREENLEASE, who i an adopted eon. I knew the family was wealthy and that there was a small boy about six years of age, and thought of kidnapping him for about two years and planned it on several occasions. "I sent BQINIE HEADI, a girl to get BOBBY G . 1".&#39;.f-[1-;~- was ill and that I told &#39; her he was my son and that my former wife did not "lent me to see him. I told her to tell the mm or the person who answered the BOBBIE&#39;s mother | "with for several months at St. door to say that Missouri, I hail-lived 5:3 3?.-Y E__, ..-_ Joseph, . . . _ vv ._ she had come 92 ~. for him. BCNNIE HEADYand I had driven from St. Joseph, Hissouri to Kansas City, hlissouri in a Plymouth station wagon and I left BONNIEHEADI out at Katz Parking Lot, hOth and llain Street, and on my instruction she took a taxicab to the school and was gone about twenty minutes and returned in a taxicab to the Kata Parking Lot. -I I told her to go shopping around the Plaza, a shopping area, and - -, 1. "+&#39;-&#39;-_=i made arrangements to meet her in an hour. - 1,-: 1 __.- &#39; _1, "I took BOBBY GREENLEASE over on Hestport Road. I gave the boy to Tm MARSH,whowas driving a 1950 Chevrolet, grey-gunmetal in color, and by pre-arrangement MARSHwas to&#39;taBOBBY Oke to St. Joseph, Missouri to 1201 South 35th, the homeof BCNNIE in the plaza area &#39; HEADY. I then returned and met BONNIE and told 1"_+ :7" &#39;i? 1-: 7: ....21 . -.- g -5. | 7°&#39;: her I had taken the be the school -P I _up in the Plymouth station wagon and drove back to St. her home at 1201 South 38th Street. Q. was he dead when you got there? A0 T65» &#39; Q. Wherewas the other man? _JA. He wasgone. Q. H01! was he killed? ET? A. With a gun. __ __ , Q. Where was he shot? H .. st? Y back to icked her Joseph to 92 i 92 i i i .1" &#39; __» ,_=--55;. .;g=_.;. ~ _~ t - .. E»: &#39; 4&#39;5 »&#39;:"-.?"r..&#39;..,&#39;.&#39;:.L&#39;_.1?-" =&#39; :-"&#39;".,= 1 I -.1-1. . F -1&#39;. - }"i § . :-L.-:11 -V --.1 &#39; - ...-. --».,.-. -».. k. I:-";&#39;."i&#39;1f:&#39;-&#39;51"-iiii-I.4,- if 3 :-&#39;= .:__;z_._ " 1-firs.-i-v.;F.&#39;$o.2-e|_!;..~_.,;q,*F&#39;;.;;!JI§rL92a.ri.;_,;r-&#39;.r.?_; = .....s&#39;..._..5;-.i;r.",--,, ,-:;_.-. -,,¢1-_;.g;g;.-.,92.=1;T=,-"-&#39;.¢," 1t:i-n!.§92n=-.>&#39; am.,5»;.:;;,,gi&#39;z,,-1,".;.;"._»», -,3,-,,g ,B -,»;.;_§.; ..ii: -:_--...-.;......_....=.1¢............-..-J-1 BL #7-h29 K" -r--"?|&#39; ;.-. .5711? T. . i.-Q. What did you Ihad A. do when you found him in this condition? to bury him. I Q. where 1 &#39; &#39; 2 _1 - &#39;-I _.--&#39;a _._ 1. W1 .1 g " Q .Mi A. In didyou bury him? the back yard. l "I took a note to religious medal off BOBBY and BOBBY&#39;s family. Icovered up the buried with dirt Z-1.1151 1&#39; toldBUNNIE as Iwanted to.set out aower f&&#39;JWGI"b and Iplanted them in later sent spot where bed. BCNNIE a BOBBY was - H&#39;F hnv 1:9 ..._..,..... -ll&#39;IV 5cg ....._, eday it in nmn f&#39;1n-marl: _........ -_......-.. HEADY bought the or so where Ihad buried BOBBY eeuzanxsaase. "T »n1..=* the eases, .7..._ 515:. &#39;. -.- -1, ; -._-,3 -&#39;§&#39;v. :l Itold Hr. LEDTERMAN Mr. IEIYIWAN - ti.-Q? _§&#39; n +l&#39;92&#39;l&#39;92nn 4 -IuI92II92 val. nun; on vaH1! &#39;r.l&#39;92&#39;|&#39;l&#39;I92 vua !&#39;92nrIQ|:!&#39;irw&#39;92e vuaaguaaa gum pay stationsIfansas Cit; Ihad talked withone man named LEIJTERMMI, BOBBY and that he was safe. that BOBBY would be returned safely Itold &#39; if$600,000 were E ; paid in tens and twenties. Itold him Iwanted them in Federal 15.3545-vnrg nn-I-no J-J -P...-.1-.. -I-an-.11-n-. 4:.An92no92&#39;| nI4n§--ulna-l-n D0921:-92-Iii-rr92 l92n¢g JL Gll-92d&#39; Hz; oil-uUl"IU.LU Cl&#39;|I J-&#39;¢92l°l QL LLUDUL &#39;6 92l-LDUIEJJ-v Du : lrf=* &#39;--"L.--ST" Mail at I sent Mr. GREENI-EASE Kansas City, Missouri were going to make acontact a letter and told andplaced it in the U. S. him in the latter that ifhe he should place the ad "meet me in &#39;l.l&#39;-. I"lI7Il 92fT -an-I--A l C 13 -L.-. I|I.l 92I &#39;b-.-.._. hinqnnll -in mu +&#39;hr| Yunnan92..a.J.u.y f&#39;92-i-I-we Q4-are u-u.1.92.:|.5u uuu uuuaua QUGJQ Ill-I-II .&#39;|-il&#39;L|1JJ.£JI&#39;92.D&#39;I.I92l IGLLUUU LAJ LJIUI Jul | BOBBY could answer certain questions. Mr. LEDTER1-IAN asked me to &#39;1 -=:-<1 1,. ask BOBBY .&#39;; 3 3- .3 -r. 1.-E --q. » _ F ii 1&#39;»; &#39; §;;:|-&#39;,. .3; of his chauffeur. I. "I told them to put a white flag on the caraerial for twentj minutes and they were to drive up and down Ham Street between 0 29th and 39th Streets. Idcn&#39;tknow whether they followed these instructions as Iwasn&#39;t there and depended upon the ed in the paper. --&#39;05: the name Iwanted to test them and made another call and talkedto Hr. LEDTEHMAN again and told him we would try again. to go out sign. Iwas Highway 69 and get Iplaced the note in my car. anote-underneath there and Isaw &#39; Itold a sign, him some view l.EDTERMAN get the note. k I L ? > i "The next contact was him to go to the corner worried because Iknew to collect, place the and the made by telephone and this time In the meantinn andpick up anote. BOBBY GREENLELSE was dead but I 5til]. final arrangements were that Hr. Itold Iwas tried LEDTEEEMAN would $600,000 about ten miles east of Kansas City on Route 140 on side road 10E. The money was in an Army duffel bag and was placed on the side of abridge. I d1dn&#39;t see anyone following him L I ..;-$5 E ,-._l&#39;F..-.1¢..»-_-a..*.-1; .--.-.-¢..¢-.-..,-.§q--,my -_-Aw-;__-g,-n;». .-.r.r:1--: ,= 1-;,@..v-n-;~ep;1-.r-re9-a.e-1y,-p-;.r-71&#39;2 F -E =-,s»»,;;-;i%&#39;a.;&#39;.*:*-*.&#39;.» ;*=.:"?2 =.=;-<?§*f7i%-?a..-;&#39;.5* &#39;=..§1,<_-,,.~ra-.-;:"&#39;;~&#39;= =;/9»;-. T¬¢. -.*i&#39;=»z »,.., mi 1:$»,&#39;. &#39;a3F,.~? -;; 1.1». :1-;-1 1:;--I 1"&#39;.e, 1 P:-: c _-_+ -21-;<921~= E/i:&#39;;1":-&#39;..= -1" -1-1 e " "-1-.».&#39;==:"*:. .-1&#39;fa 1as-{&#39;- S-£117 - efrr£:§f&#39;=&#39;9§*7J?-§ < §§&#39;!" {51»If.7&#39;-17$ =1.:.»;T-= F =5.1&#39;;T.-:&1?1¬ &#39; &#39; &#39;5 :1 -&#39;1? 3&#39;; -Y -. i-_£251 f &#39;.§. 112$;=5£. r&#39;a*-<i;&#39;?;f:§::5&#39;.&#39;§i;-f£§? $3,-1-z;r1&#39; &#39;.=";£f-f&#39;-a .&#39;-1-.l="3 <7l=&#39;."§¢~ 5.-1 E E1-:-.3. --11-1-= ="-is &#39;.&#39;=7=.-7?? &#39;» B ".*==&#39;.=--&#39; ¢&#39;.*-=»&#39;¥ = ;&#39;: Tf »i-l &#39; .::5n-" ~" --& &#39; -&#39; &#39; "" -Ls~.~ _ -;_ ;;.§, _i.; ac_&#39;¢_-... &#39; :-&#39;4 séats &#39;»5:i"a.&#39;u-..>4z -: -u-&#39;1-»-92»-¢--.&#39;»ws-h~#--iv--n 1 ii&#39;7 ;TJ-"5 F 3% .-_&#39;.{=_;?.f, -f1uriexiw-2?.-11;has;»sié.»=<:-ma-e. -ks;-.1=~;;.~._*3.01 n4;-.11;-zeiiuktr-L!n*_*-id;scaE|nsL.~a:9Z-$:2:7cf&# -;i_a.....&#39;~&#39; =---=-*&#39;~...* -5=_. ? .~"::5:¢ f:! ,5. 0 _;. T - £&#39;_. L ::&#39;=. 433% e7,-|_;&#39;;1:i d! am mi?-:. &#39; I"-&#39;-925é e=t §>;e-:=;e3 7»:- I-T&#39;§:&#39;$z ~ ;L;1r.»&#39; &#39;_i:~§, r- t 5L #74429 ,. ,.. I. -3-F! 1:: es . . J:-_1 *:":r_I "and knew and drove it in the I-IE-"ADI and to the spot, got out, picked up the duffel bag and placed trunk of a rented car. After getting the money BCNNIE I drove back into Kansas City and called the C-REENLELSE home from a pay station from that no police were around. I-waited about on Troost. I a bar ten minutes him I told gotten the bag and I would send him a wire the following at Pittsburg,-, Kansas in care of Western Union. I told him the return of BOBBY GREENI-EASEwould be did not send the wire and l-cnew that BOBBY instructions concerning set out in the wire. I could &#39; ¢- -";_=;;;,§ not be returned he was because dead. "BONNIE READYwas with me while Iwatched the contact place the money in the duffel bag at the spot and was in the car when I &#39;- 92.&#39;;_92&#39;{&#39;-".&#39;é got out md got it. BCNNIEI-IEADIand I .---.1 .,...c&#39; _-4 AZ .;..,.V_§ had morning &#39; £ a drove to St. Louis arrivixg early in the morning and rented a room or an apartment at 115014 Arsenal Street. B l92INIEHEAD !and I had an argument and I left the apartment leaving her with about $2,000 of the kidnap money. &#39;3. .&#39;.f92&#39;---,1-;. 92, -1".:-.-.&#39;f&#39;- "I drove to a motel /..~&#39;=.&#39;.>&#39;_&#39; ;.-,&#39;1&#39;stayed, I think, in cabin .&#39;_-.&#39;, . , . _&#39; .! &#39;. _, ; J 9- V-i ..-¢ : l_-:--g .__- 1.__&#39; ..;.,&#39; -.1 &#39; .. _-2:5 -*- ._= &#39;-25*?" -.-&#39;2 .5 it&#39;ll: &#39; J .._. &#39; .1 in . 1:-3-I &#39; -.&#39; -&#39;-34";-. -.&#39;IT;:i"&#39;.§. &#39;.&#39; .1-5 F 2-3. =§§~. ¢ =.. -4;-<a,_ s.-;:-s :._!§;_-:3. on back to of them was to Coral Hotel or Coral arrangedto get a town in a cab. She came back to mail a letter to an attorney Court and girl to stay - the motel that the country. I leaving I r named BARNEYPATTONin the Corby Building at St. Joseph, lllssouri. I said I was planning sent him the key to may apart.-aent in St. Joseph. F who stayed in the motel "SANDY, the girl contact me through me or contact me of Western Western Union and I by the name of Union. I wanted with me, was to hink I told her to call" -PM"? at 5t= Louis m care SANDY to mail a letter from Los Angeles to BARNEYPATTCII in St, Joseph to tell him what had happened. I made telephonic contacts with the GREENI.-EASE home and sent letters through the U. S. lbil and told the GHEDILEASE fwily the boy would be returned safely if i "BCNNIE HEADY itfr-cm 1; 1~ ¢f-$1-9.: what <35! 4-MK FT;I : -tr-I it. the day in a cab and I madearrangements for her to go to Les Jlngelee by plane and gave her some of the ransom money. I think I gave her $1,000 and I told her to do two or three things for me. me lon ,..l&#39;* J. .=--r - h9A. I with me through some cabbie and stayed with her overnight. I went 15?; -.-7&#39;3: -.I- called 0 her. $690,000 were paid ms. wasdrinkingconsiderably and I tried to conceal Although she was the whole thing was all &#39; suspicious I about. -1Sc- don&#39;t think she knew V . L. . :» Liv ,. : s. i£+ 92- 92 i., 1;;_-Q .92 ....-.. A_.--_ 1;>;r.t-_.92.I.-:..-2..-..J;&#39;92".4.1.v.?..92-..-92 ..- _-_,-__ 1,; -,_ - _- -,.;,1-. ,-. -,- ;_.;-A e -._ &#39;,,-..., .- ¢_,».. -_,--_ u;¢.»_-. _~v, _|._ 92 .;,-».-.., ..=.1..4- .-_.y_- -:;=;¢-.-~.,__ ,1} ._~_ _ I.-i,.._ l_ .i., ..1-... ._ &#39;.m»,n 1 _-&#39; ~44 - .1-"-.a..1 ~.» a..-a. ?-_"»E&#39;.:s&#39; ~J.»..-&#39;L...1&#39;kI@&#39;! .L$t;.<.&#39;~.;a.¢--.=_x-1&#39;_J..1a--=-.¢=. -&#39;_n-92H&#39;9292d 92_J3 :Iia"JlU§&#39; J».1.ewa.-;.1-n- 1==_. ~.=m.¢..&#39; .-cw . Q, _1- ! A .&#39; 1.1: 3-"1? . b. .. !_.-. 1&#39; st #7-L29 2 "I entire _I ..l know that statement against me in of six I will have is free and Court. I to stand trial in I know that itcan "witnessed: Eu Jo each page» é sh ms» -in-Iii heading "I A- of Physical Examinations which reflects that at _on October §1 --3&#39;-if Sf. Louis City Jails the time for water suffering afford him alogical - &#39; The following interview was conductedby Sis r";t1 -4?- 92 Mo»- The above statement was taken under extremely difficult conditions of I-I.LLL S physical condition. Refer to medical report under the e. sem.i=co matose condition and mumbling Because of thiss, it was not possible to interview» ; ;&#39; Y .. % AUSTIN HALL FBI; Sta L51- Bg M00 E an FBI» .372 I r this eused have read the above statement consisting pages and have initialed Signed: CARL 5. ?! in view <&#39;=_.[I_ Court and andwill be 8 and9-, 1953,while HALL HALL was 1 .- ifH in from acute alcoholism. and thorough quid was inoarcera ed in the 92Q <92Q92 &#39;-22 I-[ALL advised that he 1932 at who was P1 easanton, Kansas; that is the son of JOHN AISTINHALL, Iho died in his father was aprominent attorney, quite wealthy and left his familywell-provided for and that upon .._~-._.. the death of his mother, in-S. mu ct mm, in 19h3 at, &#39; r> .45-vi 1._ 1&#39;l .Kansas, he, CARL HALL,received an inheritance, which, had he been frugal, _.would have maintained him in --1 "-4-. i-0_ -1 0 .-_.~&#39;=gai . . -K. . ,!_v~ 1,1».&#39;=.:&#39;.. P; ._.? .3 ,.~92 :&#39; I -o J -.-= ,_j .. w. . .3 _, ..&#39; .-. _., , __ _, __"_I_ , ,:_ ,,.-..,. a...-.5»: ...-1-I .A ,.. ,-, . __- . .__ ,7 , - . . .,,3 _ ,4-.. _.- ,92 .., .., .-.- !&#39;92 ~~-=-=---~~-.- .,~ . <. - 7... -- . .. 92 -...-1. . H .. -» 92 ~ -- _ -_@,92-.~, - ----&#39; --92- &#39;*-- I ya, . I _ __ _ M r ____ __I __ &#39; _ _____ , "__1;, _,.__~. .-, __ .._92. _, . _.- »_,-_;~9292_ ,_._: -.:-.:-l,. ;&#39;-&#39;7_ ;&#39;:,_=.-.. :»__-.-31; L 4.5-§_ &#39;3-_:r&#39;_; _ &#39;" " :_ -.-. -- . -. .-" ., V-.--., . #..;. -._&#39; &#39; -92 ~" &#39; -i l - &#39;.&#39;-1-"&#39; Q »&#39;-1 _:&#39; _ ~ »..&#39;-, ,<-. . &#39;-V 3,-,&#39;~, . &#39; .-,*.-92.*&#39;Q-&#39; -&#39;.-;_--L.-".&#39; _.. ,.-. .&#39;.<,i&#39;-;~_-.~ - &#39; -&#39; -.,&#39;*> -. 92 -____.,{_,. -.,--..-- .~&#39;-L1-&#39;-=~ &#39;~-= -14. ._;j-4 &#39;1" --?-&#39;-»..--"-4-.» --&#39;~~&#39;-c - .."-~&#39;_1, 1".-.1-"-"* y~#-:.*1 ¢~-.~_ .". z-"-"-- "-, -_-_,,.-,_-,_,;,;.,_ ,__ ,5 . 92::__,_ ,__ _._ ,. ,. . ,__ , . -,. ,..._.~ ,_. . .92 . 41 .,.. ..,-. _,=_,-. ,.¢-...-."...|.._.._.__..92-:,.. -u.._5.|:¢Z-o-¬.1&#39;w.T&#39; -_|..->l.--:»=..-4-rs.;c4&#39;4-92-&#39;1]-I-1-=I=.L-.r;!»is-"f~ &#39;7&#39;F &#39;1al§a 4%i-u¢|1me§a -nu-*{-*9-a.i5ii5&#39;i =1-&# 1 -1 - ¬&#39;-I r . - I £2 &#39;1" 31- ?==-#329 , o . QCI&#39;0.f1J._,n_;,_- _L i_ ¢»§.LL-L-.:4_.....&#39;-_-I ___ Jl--_-9 .. V...-,.-..-I--..-.3-...-.. =|.4"--1;-in-1---Q. _¢ Jiil-8&#39;?HaV u+:n-FAQ I! 923¬.iJ-9 . &.;U£l lu. n Ewuu uuun.":&#39;= 1-&#39;4 W-&#39;»" hg gag Barri, at £;;.w1;14-3;» spfingg, lliszeouri, in 1946 to IRI&#39;.-ENE-§:¥10LB!E;S.*arrd-*t1~.nt the "1&#39;-&#39; . giivgpoevi] 1950 in R&#39;anaan~ aity, Minoari, while ho-no in California. Iv . _&#39;i>J&#39; ._> ohilérwn mm: bornso a result of thin "ma-r&#39;1"iag0 Ind this in his only legal .-».f 1*»; marringm He "rt-a*;1:h-at-he "ernturedoizm United States llarino 9011:: in 1938 4 but arm unahlo to rooall his Marina Corp: urial .= :1 4 - 2 »;-E .5 ;:1 - 1 . J i :1 mrmberr, He enlisted for I foo:-=1_92,"eas~ term and at the oomrmnoemontof hostilities ho etoayed in the Marine Corp: until 1916 when ha roooived an honozvable oclinohargowith 1 rating of CO&#39; "[l-Ufiilo Ho atawd that he reooiveci no personal decoration in-oombet, alt- hougnhie division, the First Marine Bi-ri<a"ion, did foo-sire a"rmit"oit,"a1&#39;siona TItat:-7».-i tlzat ho had :-an ¬f%." *;iii&#39; 1""¬ for being ii1l=.§ai ritho-at 1iiTi *- -1 was no-rez"111-u*mi1i1;e&#39;ry&#39;p1* but he-1! »5on apont short periods of confinement +.?~,-J military stazknioc Ha sfrazod t n_a"&#39;; in 3.94? he pvrtisared tn aerial 1n&#39;*op~=$- bu a*~;irg sea -rioa 1-;t3~. offi 1* 1012 E1.a1":i.m":~":&#39;-s, K-anaas City, Missouri. Hi: &#39; L11 in thig 1"#n# ~Jru&#39;IE92.&#39;s. pathos: om "BUZZ" HF F~SC&#39;rIE-"ISLE-. Ho -olaims that ho -{mi -51-11¢ - dnature -.2. for e mhozt period of tins and least imtlroen $16,600 and $13,000., Ho oat; lino uni the other l-ooateai at Amozroo, ilittouri .-,~ He -advieedothatrhe 4.-:1-1 92 had no- he 1:-asthe polo ownor, although he 111-ed in-Kenn: 9 ;;r, lIi..aa"om~i,--nn~=i""op=a2&#39;a*i:od ram o-fromEar-;-noQity,-having a manger for each ._- I v thon boughttr: liq:-or 1"to: -os*i1: Ea-92*-:. sea r:¬_7, *Him&#39;:ouri§*~om mar"the- innit: pazr- ozz-=;r&#39; in this ver.twr*=.s»z that 4I i r. atom», ani ti-at ha perennially rem down about "on:-e a reek to ohaok the books. Ho for a period. of aboart -ono yearn J- uzirlmatmo ho r>-raw!-thosa liquzrr ato-f*<=,1= ¥1~=;7;<_= rm-:,"2*,ing, "ti-sou li&#39;;rrcw&#39;o-rtoro": "ha" "got to 1h=&#39;ir<kir.g hon-wily and his i riofo li-2&#39;l,&#39;hir.2u He r;ats&#39;l&#39;t-hat, he had taro*:&#39;e :&#39;r in"Kan&#39;;as id"ernr;&#39;os Fity after 1*&#39;et .&#39;.;"&#39;..&#39;:.: from tho so-:"~&#39;iooe ,"1&#39;:he 92g &#39;i tr&#39;:rt "b-ring 1-"izomrat 816 lest Séth Terrace oh.-.;=> he resided from 194? through 1948, the last address being at 318 leaf. -f __-.. , ii &#39;l-iL Eétmot, .H<;2*which mas a duplex, -where he resided from 19% through 1949., !d tor his wife left him ho went to I-msAngelou amthad no rteady _- amp1=&#39;j1n;=-I I !-I $1181 - hp e&#39;b1Im&#39;mil&#39;1g around the oz="o11n&#39;t&#39;r y"1i1"i11i:&#39;Irng~-and gambling until - he &#39; hari lost all of his intsriizanoeo Eu &#39;iI1"5!!p 1951, f.:a mber , he was &#39;Bf z~£?§ at Kansas -95. City, Miaaomd, for }9201Ging"&#39;U&#39;p"L"|m oub drivers -fore -total of $33600 and as a result. of those hro hol dap: _§ ho "ras"~sentance1i"too*sez&#39;"te £&#39;iv=> years in "the Missouri Sum ?en:H:ent:I.n1"y at Jefferson City, Missouri, Registry #65592, basing -roooeiw.-d."in January, 1951, land paroled in lpril, Ho an-W1 nu nu; " !&#39;10!&#39; was sums mason of Kansas city, at that time E ,. 1953. butthat MP0 EARWMVQN, Atto1"ney=at-Lair, St.Josoph, Missouri, val - E l -was i*noa1&#39;1:e&#39;ra.t-ac! upon conviction for bade-oheok charges, 92¢_-> "92. % 92 inntnamontal{i1"ob1:aining his parole; at ho *oi>t-a"11:rod&#39;en:pl -at theoymen-B Bura1 fo: llo dtor"9o1npn1:r_y, Stu Jozmph, Missouri,for HALLOCuncarning P111011, .92... 4IIvi -,7_I 1&#39; 7 1 HALLetated that he ha-.-.knmrnHr PATTON for e numberof years andIn well acquainted with him when Era PAT ON ! m:-an & t bo": ne&#39;y==Kansas at-=-1ul&#39;"at Ci-by, lliasourin, He stated that while in the Missouri State Penitentiary, Jefferson City, Ilia-Eouri, he the hoapital and his cellmete in C Hall nu é-"F . o &#39;92" em s-D one a ..,_~ --* __ .- -a*a"Exo"elz-in-r Epringu, Hiwzowi. Ho stated that -upon re-imn from the Penitentiary, he prooeodod to Sta Joseph, Missouri, Obtlined §=."&#39;-": 9= 5%; .=-,-1; -,1 ,7 I: an z.part.mnt, and-wry shortly the-roa.f tx&#39;z" temot BONNIE EMILY BRUIN READY the Pony F1-proneBar, RobidenuxHotel . Ho stat-so that to the best of his "111 " -. - ._;,;__-.,, .- &#39;_, -~1_ ___;,; =~ ;;: ..&#39;=,,92 §;,:;-&#39; &#39;3;;.f.;_;_; &#39;-L51,-_;,__,5_.j_--&#39;1. _:. ".&#39;l;_:_"_-&#39;,,_ 3&#39; --I-j-Q;._-,&#39;.&#39;, :_&#39;--I,-, L_E.4"-"--&#39;;; -_;1_;-_A&#39;k&#39;1A4-._&#39; =.L:L ;; iL-;;92.-_"E;.;I~=*.";..;&#39;.*,h .&#39;_;.i:"h 92. - -&#39;-- ,.LL"I_--.&#39;_-.&#39;_;; :;,;_=;;1 ;_ ~ a ihi » J ==+1.2S .Ta _-_._i .-1 . ti-on he"1n-at BONNIE!F&#39;..FMI-Y shunt-""1»%ri -niddlu, or possibly for the i"om.-aewéial Life Inaurén é ¬O P 3T_T i"-is fa i &#39;-, &#39;1? &#39;1 the latter part of 353.3-,, 1&5?-1,, while he -1-ea vwviiag fa? this Siaffwd 9-star Game".-:.&#39;in5 1-.hi.>§. ~&#39;§=mjp1oym~ant "ha"rtatedhe workedfar Sraffcrd léotorG059?-1§Y&#39;?0?&#39;8PPr-oximntoly onemnnth- cutdid 1rot"&#39;mai:a "any" money , and"then"sesared--1 job I i 92F1&#39;1 re 3%BriIi-ll Li!-anInaurunm»Cumpmry, whosehuadqxzarttm; an in the Ritli 3111151118» K911"! &#39; " City, 1|[ .a..@"crcn~i., mulling 1ifo~insuranca. He:stated that hi.a""in:madia&#39;tu" supervisor I1?i?-5-f= F-EEG 01&#39; B955-&#39;-P1-5.= it $35 e.d."i..+"a.a.; pr-:rvi."c~n";"ly mrrrztiumdo , BALL;rhs-had in }°.&#39;; heTAI. had"!mmmd into about furty=sigh*-- hour: after" he first ha? hama and ha-r life "&#39;:"a&#39;ia%;i enzhii ihif on i va . in "a mutual met BOHHIB ocmmmnltw the time cf th-air"-a esto BO%E HE-&#39;-B !&#39;, a Ac-n rrrwadalxsoholio, fauna HALL a fit asmpanion who shared her drinking am-i"w:fti"as"End--ti;=sif"""1&#39;!ei&#39;1 y"1.&#39;92:n:":mpti1on I111ndmi sdly two fifth: a day» ;;.=l E!-J -~_ _ _. :7 .,&#39; -+ i"&#39;-&#39;?.;" &#39;-"-:.--7 fngfn g;:_PgF. IHSQAN1 jg PI_1<§ &#39; _§.=.-"!_I _ . . 13". .,,~1&#39;~ aw?!- 1-&#39;J. r _1 pazq:-:~t1*"e.te a"maj&#39;Ix" kidnapping &#39;4? 3. _-,» 3 ,, -.. HALL cm 1n l26r"ris1:r adviwd that ha has had it in hirminad E I. 1:0 fcr""a"t 1e*a"stt1ro"3rea&#39;rs.. He "rt-utud, "however, t,ha"T;ha new-er a¢tuelly"conaan&#39;§1"ated on fcnrznulating final plan"; until tfblr i ! hia release-from the Psnitentiary. Ha 2-hated, however. that he "hadthoughi :1-.; x.~.*.»:::=ri~ua :_" rietailv. feiativa -t-Q r:-.kir;Er."=5;:;-while in ri-ng the Pe iianiiirfy &#39; -.1 1 1. -~_ a L. -&#39;1 -42-4that times had. no . pith:-cl out any was-sifiz viaiima He at-at;ed"thn b up ?:.£.s" 1~»alu-awhe kr-ow &#39;{i1 2*-OBITFJ LE."_} £0 G?_I£Ni£-.I.A¬lE, Src, was an extrumly &#39;az.e.a mz-.3... -_-*.=1;," Ha ha.c&#39;-. no knowledge of 1.}.-: ~u:ast. amount of his Irealth, but he 1:31»- that 2 he Inn. om oi "1-he smalti-i"»:=12~ H1:-n in Kansas City, Miazouri, l I and. ~*-:»0"-.11.-i afford to pay an uxtwmiy high " of money for "ransomo Ho i1&#39;:rbUd is i;§&#39;i::"=:*B"1he nffwnzlaxi ;-"ha Kaspar bé5.&#39;i.itary Awudamy-with PAUL GREEN1-BASE, 92 92 ;&#39;_&#39;{-A that. M. -=_ .--_ this s=.é ..c.=pted zen of RQEZRI C» GRE. £_&#39;h En L}&#39;: , but ASE&#39;,, "that he did int;.~l.r-¢a :ulj&#39;° Ho stated that, &#39;_;£ ._-1. . ronalleotion, ha doubted that he had over had. -shypara-rrrml-umtv&#39;e1Ta"l:: with PHIL c"on GFEEINLEASEQ % T v!- &#39;25. ? -Ia. to hi: not -know his In hzrtheranue - of the "pro17aT&-%ien""Hf §:&#39;6f"&#39;dsc"the .i:d¢i1Ig"17ht1; GREEN!-BASS family would be unit-able, he made"teiuphvni! "cull: 92 :0 the: GREENLEAE--rurt-dance and "Tao th» "mutur "conqnamv and a:c"a*H:a""inud n tm"tm--amt the GREERLEAS3 family was in Bzropu 1:-nvacations. hut he did wbtain infmwnatiun .I&#39;*e&#39;1a 460 l:i-To their expaw caé. rm-turn to their hrmn in Kansas iityi i asouria Eu "statedthat he wOI7&#39;uto*d.ri&#39;va 1&#39;1B1by4-the .&#39;GFEIENI-EASE Bd ham: and "observed mi two -U !* li&#39;hl"OI oacasions Hr GREENL-BA$E "taking victim from his "hume in "a blue .r Streets, Kansas Q-1-by,Mi"s"rau1*1.."-Ha duni"=s11"ezr:phstio~a11y i:hxt""he hadwwrur " I v engageitho "victim in any co"n*rer&#39;:s"a1;it>n, but i"na"1&#39;ra1i1&#39;e:d"t1&#39;nt the » was alcleiy n+.zp92s1"uxmd"tu uni from usher.-11rhich."w&#39;ou1d possibly prevent him of his parentn He stated &#39;.la&#39;from abdue.-tingthe victim from the cu:&#39;to1§_y that 1."&#39;m ! IBSO21 ti-mi he picker} out the v::z"i1:»e of kidnapping was that in hit opinion it was a. oer-+.-ainway of O&#39;t : ;aining_ a grant "deal 1>1 moneywith tin -=".;~§.¥% -l$ greatest 1-3. ! r "E!"d&#39;.92.11*a1: 7" sedan to tha "French Insti-t-ate -No-{rmDame D-e Sivan, loadted at 38th and Looult 1??- I r _ degrae of safety. lnonny and obtain it quickly. Ha statnd. it was his idea to obtain I lot of Ha stated that if he had turned to this cashing I ~ I w I 1 1 :7;+--_ " -IQ ": 1:§J§§ _ . I 1-.,_ .". &#39;_ _. .{?_&#39;.. "mi . . ,92._-...~. .92v. as,-mvd.-n.~..r2-..:;~....4=:-,.-1:--1163. v6=..i;.5-..»a-L....m! - -_u92&#39;$._I:.1....1:.n..._...-.i.92.Zs. 4._,__ - -~_, _:4..¢r.&#39;a.-r-L!o&#39;_92L* _4,-_.== . -<___rJ¢_ &#39;.¢ -,.-,_ . ._-_. .;§___M _._ E 7_&#39;_ , _ _-._,_ 4 .} .-, ; A,., _. .,___92 . ._>,_,_, .- .._ .._V,92. - .- - . . . ,-._6 -- ;,;-;.92»-. e»..L::?.nI --=rr&#39;4 ~-&#39;- _-_.V--- &#39; I-AV »=-..__1_.;,.-A, -92.-_|. .92; ~~----_-..:,..-.... ,_-u,_,_._,_,__,_,<;_;,.,.1m_v.,.n, -5-E4 ~&#39;* -1*" "" ;.|-L-&#39;--C-_rHI", KI >.. I 3. ; .;. EL 4&#39; W j ?-4:13 pl aaah crime with the possible danger of detaotion and apgrehension,-whereby on a kidnapping he oould claim an extreme awount of money pulled by one job J ani uacure a inferzation that great deal of funds. He statad that it would be nooeeaary to obtain I he realized from the above custody of tha victim by t someruse perpetrated upon the nzhool aothoritie: at the French Institute *1 Norm Dane Po -Eior-.= Hedi-therefore eon:-we-ted 1.1-st??? to hie parenour, BOIIELE E?APY, telling her that he had"previ:u§l3 teen married and that hi! former . =! 92= . &#39; >4. sevefal trip: he made driving by the G§F?NL?AS? home he had.BONNIE BRADY in ths oar with him and used the exouse&#39;th:the hoped his son would be out in R V. at the time of divorce had eeourvd a court order which vou1d&#39;prevent hi: .-&#39;l. wife from ever seeing or having custody of hie non. He denied that he_hed ever &#39;.- told $121BONNIEHEAPY&#39;th& hB&#39;I35 formerly maxfied to Bree GRETNLEASE,but did $2: emphatioally tell her that BOBBY GRZENLEAST was his song He stated on the .= _+¢-1 =-2 :5-:l.= -Eiiif £1 tns yard and he would at least get a fleeting glimpse of him» He Itated EGNKLH HEAD?in her alcoholic-condition was gullible, easily swayedand would do anything f6? one nf dnink of iiiikfon he: al:oholi:"mini§ ehe"would be in"a g-1-:;&#39;;:? if&#39; "1 -2?-i . -._ -__ E &#39;3 ...§ 1.1 :1 -.. 2-. _,_. .y-_~ -»..., Be further advised that for days, due to and related that I1 i ehe wcild drink at least a pint of whisky before-breakfastn He stated that hie only fear at the particu1ar&#39;tim@ was that ¥ra= B HNIE&#39;EEAiY was not getting hi: inatruotions through her drunken mind and would foul up things at the frusial time when it came time to obtain the victim; statrd e his story Ua that B535? k neliewizg GRFENLEAHEwee hi: through to son has getting her and that she wee it. hi In further preparation for thia kidnapping CARLHALL stated that he one afraid that the ransom money and the duffel hag uaed to carry the raneom m nay vculd be treated with a ohemioal solution whith might ugon touch be trdsgferred to his perscn and effect hie eppreheneione He therefore, went .! ii : is the Western Auto gopply Store at Ft. Jonaph, Missouri, and purohaeede hid» plantio shoot nhioh he dGB$Fib¬§.5Efour to five foot square» Hg sinned that tho duffel the reason that hag and that he purohased this was that he oould not the fdh qm duffel he oould"wrep it around bag on the plastic sheet to handle it and not run the danger of having any chemical solution tren for to his persona He aloe advised that he purchased the tablet paper to prepare the random notes at of ehioh he is unable to "- haze a ten=cent store in 3t= Joséph, Hiasouri, speoifioally Ho also advieed that prior to moall at the neme "thoprosent time. the kidnapping heproceeded to Union Statiml in Yemen: City, l saouri, purchased an edition Okldhcman, as wall as several other ncw"pape: and he opt fr m of the this the Bail Eli Ziihhomdnedition the ed of the Greenlaaoo- bersEotor Qompan. He stated i> that ha oqt this ad for"the&#39;Pu?puse of throwing the FBI off his trai1,/ inaomuoh no concluded that ad was removed and thet th they FBI wouldidanti y&#39;from whichnnsnaper-thin would oonoontrtte for iunpeota in conneotion with this ease. in the state of Oklahoma Ea stated that he pasted this r ._&#39;Ie- ;i-7-H-&#39;-92;$ .41, -_ .§e&#39;v &#39;-i~l&#39;_&#39;1¢&#39;&&#39;¢&#39;F.!Z.&#39;i -Kn! i4_1i1-"Tn"J:L:-&#39;3 ¢d=;:4&#39;-1" |¢e&#39; L-J-.4 -an _nL-e -_ ¢si|§.-&#39;B92;n L-&#39;j_48I_1i i92--Li-"hub;-lei u; -i -I;. ;¢-9:.,92;14i&#39;_",_*;92.I.L92.n. £9-Li -lvivliick-I Il-"£~l92 .i;;l. ?l4n&#39;.&#39;_ »I , aw !- . QW 51- &#39;.-&#39;=-429 Concerning "runrwa note ihmbezr 1, -hredwired zi had prepared so-tuul abductionof tho victim, folded same and oarried pooket for he in .,.., .-.1: that he thli note prior to the itin his eoet unable to it to be state the neoneldernble period oi exoot :ia1re"t1-Ha ; he prepared approximately "two week: prior to the preparation for this kidnapping, -he end tine, Altnough the note, he estimated "actual abduction, that no In furtinr " - pT&#39;¬p1=red"thiuinletter the home R-I 0!" Bi -NNIEBRADY, using her writing clerk and that the to pants the *pr-wvioualy meni oned went ad "bearing ii? the letter nae "thrown away; Hremphat- i wally "denied that BONNIE HEAD? 1111&#39; "nan-:..led than iurtter to- hie "kn-o1r1edg&#39;e d:1d1f:e nor "e&#39;re1"" ne1p-11im~prepl&#39;rI or Dhraee the letter cketeila relative tn: .fa and insirbed to tho that he too -zoh tape"n1ed&#39; lire GREPJ~ILPASE°e "name "on new-er-oonsulted her preparation of thin or any ininq &#39; at the v ~I figure of $1.0 and $20 this amount $653,000 -as ransom an he had read. previously and that he estimated that hag because eduffel bag was big, ..__:. _r_1 - ._.4_ ,LL. TBI1.&#39;l.G1~B HT CD5 stwdy and _ . _.__ I irll n 0 | V emillion in - bill: 11Juld&#39;m2.keabundle weighing er-ound -85 pounds, nndtimt would oonveninmly" bi! *1:-&#39;n1&#39;1"ied and yet. that itwould be 0. s4- -e;&#39;.,...__ _Q___ _. __.__a__ 31 2-.l"aC 0Il.l1 a.T"U1&#39;Il llFIIOVITIE -" in preparation to-the would not _4, _l_!.___ _n1e U1 TIHE w=UI1o » tear easily In *p*r~e&#39;1:rar&#39;a%ic>n of the firot rvrnnnm-note he stated-that he "placed ,&#39;_~;. 3$ the note in eermall -em-elope and -than putothat-em-slope in alarger one-&#39;"a-md &#39;fT;&#39;L&#39;§» 9?? »&#39;_.&#39; ..I -I addressed the reolh-ezi he ontaztde ofothe made amistake neoond envelope in the to Hz", address. He GPIEBJLBAE and--subsequently advised that he lLr-- G2-tEENLHA "saddreel "from the"&#39;tele&#39;phone bookof -Kuneea I of the &#39;{?<? I -.1- : foni if" I1 oi >1 he errived that $600,000 e&#39;ub&*l;&n t.ini "emoont"_to-coverhirneede. He also advised we-but he put "in the -i i-rrt"1=-ena&#39;om -letter inzrbruntione-relative duffel I " GR... - ll:?,.*l.,..<&#39;!_&#39;E fanilye <iolle1:=&#39;z 1. would -igh evgreat deal I-: v -. I . other eubsequent letter In fazrzherprepatzution forthin kidnapping, he stated, § P __ . had obtained - . - E city, -Hietontd. 92l . HALL rtated "that-the only identification he used in the preparation first ransom letter -rel the letter WHO" He could give no particular for using&#39;"%¥1i&#39;i"1"61"-&#39;?&#39;.=1er -~r&#39;oa- n;-"he might jmri:-as, well -have used. *G, _ .» oC-1" any -other letter, tut just W1 the ranwm note, HALL stated money be obtained in small bills, Federal Re1¢e:"ve-"iiankrthrou-gh-out picked &#39;M &#39;"at1 >andon:,. Also, -in ounniéoti-on "&#39; um 1 asked Hr. cnnmmzusz: -that on-moron . $10 and $?-0%, from the twelve the *Un:l&#39;%ed Staten. He eepa-rate * eteted~t;im1;--1;}-p reaeon that -he did-this-was -of --course, the lmaller bill-5 could be-pa-seed-at any atom without -any unuua.l- &#39;o1i.roumetenoee Surrounding the bill itself -and that the twelve differ-ant 1&#39;-2:: anyone to trace federal reserve bank: would in the event the moneywas aerializedo thin: re-neon he also put in the letter that, "I 5:; time to get this money F 9 &#39; _ ~_ make itmore difficult He gtgtg fol;-l 1- realize that itwill - HALL eteted that about take gong / 1:10weeks before th lcidna ll. 1-he ient" i Unsla San Pawn ; :$hop, Minnesota on in Avenue Ka"nae:C5_1,y, £21335"--1-her :3 P"l1"¢31 -Mil 8Q38 caliber Smith and leaner. lnuh-=noae revolverand nbox of -,ii 4.-, -3_9.= -r " <. 1 k ? I J 7;" I ,1? Ir g -,&#39;,7* r -:;l _&#39;: 1 J,&#39;5&#39;92&#39;f;.,-,,,"¥ . .&#39; &#39;0! -._ .- f 1-5,, -I-1 _ QFTIE , l&#39;."U". -. . ~,{92.,,,s -4l &#39;-&#39;&#39; $4.-.;_7"l7&#39;T&#39; §_&#39;7¬F&#39;!"&#3 1.5? -"_=z,. "&#39; , hj~;|:_f_=&#39; 1&#39;5. 55,} ,!},&#39; t,3&#39;-7-_,.1" |?_¢7&#39;_,Y Bl; __1-_.7Z-i -v 92 A&#39;§{, :,.~ 92. _~ >-_-. _.~ ,,¢11-_4I-_ .;l&#39; -:»=_ .-.. h ..1&#39; _- !5.="=,,,_f-&#39; ._, -Q,»-L ,;;&#39;-;.-. ,_., =,¢»,;.-.-» : --1/K .,"1&#39;§;{.">;.%¥T 4-|-92. ._-. *.- -&#39; ,,,: <1 &#39;:,92 "1 E --K"c__;&#39;-a-","&#39;7-:.+"1&#39;-" X"_¢&#39;-&#39;-92&#39;-.-;92_,y. ~ l ,_ " .- r_&#39;7}&#39;U,_ 4-i..&#39;."7 "-,_-.; -&#39;1," - &#39;.,--_=--,a--.-&#39;--:»"_ . &#39; &#39;--. ,.i,--".1. r »~&#39;1 .~1 ,3,-&#39;_»-_= _- _.g;r_;=1._ é,-*_-&#39;,I--. ".: ;:"¢a."_:~~__=";"_92=-; ~;"&#39;-,&#39;-&#39;.r1,IT-. ~=&#39; ._ 9 .EL-"3.°=F< .&#39; 3"Q=-f:-12. &#39;:I&#39;l.&#39;;".&#39;-&#39;_ -i !.._&#39;,,&#39;=1-.11;;-3;;;3&#39;£I zéiz-!T_?;&#39;; §<¢&#39;,&#39;§f1§,?;?*>;1551?,-§"§&# &#39;-,;-_.§_92-T;,".&#3 ,3§}:&#39;5 , -ii} f j;-;.~ .-.= ~2 &#39;.- . . V. _-- _._ __», -. ._.-.;;-_.-I.» ._ ;__._ __ .- .- _92 ...,~, ..=.__». -:4 - -_ -. _w_.-,p _. .&#39;_ ___ --_..K-.. .;¢,_. 5 ~-. .1." =_ -~."-..; -» 3-.92__.___-~. . J-.».=:.-;: &#39; " " *&#39; .=:-.=~92_.-v.&#39;=w=, &#39; - &#39; . ~ » ..&#39;-="..:w_.l~&#39; - ~ * i- .%&#39; ~ - &#39; "- -&#39;*&#39;-...&#39;-&#39;"-¢~.~I>=.&#39;;u..<:.:s.= &#39; ~ml » <1 IA _ L-,1-_-r-.1 .11;* .¢=-$2.1, -;&#39;.&#39;; :.t=;u..-&#39;~s1.....;. &#39;-;;.¢~:~:¢>92l=§.~.2;r.:_>l;;;.;=L;.u:;,t::_..2&#39;...=_,._¢."&#39;> " ~-&#39;:.-.-¢..:_-1&#39;i*92>-"~ >&#39;3% >.~ - .11 - _-_.. .I vll ,. . E ..» 3%; Sl.?~»4E 9-- t ommmitiono Ho vlorli-ad 1;-hatohaapurchased. this fireamow oamnunition a":;=92z"1~M p92r;"poaa oi "v;a~r?1y"l"ng-out"th-e- kieinvapping, stating that rob a si f llzly Store in Kansas city and it *4 aw; ;t,. ._ sued as to the oicbontity oftho ,..i -<4 2:4 .J! 1::-=_ _-e-4 I_>1,i Ihen &#39; looked trrorot-:92ro of than and final 13&#39; deal-dad onthe Safeway 5311*.-.maborat at llth and -Broadway.E1 &#39; ti izr,-3.:..oel-to-i that he had. diuo-ass-ad -robbing this shot !-with his confodomtu, TOM IEARE; but nu unable to supply any of tho details as to what MARSHwas to do and no very -29.5;-s oonoorning this propoaed roifoaryo .HA1-L atato-i that about aweek 4. "haoohad intended-to oasod for this purpose. ztvzw -he xa-idha had . 92l for tho before ti -.e kidnapping, he re.-ntod 1 green Ford Sedan fromahrontal -agunoy in tho 200 block of Seventh Stroot, $t@ Joasph,Mo , -in h B?-HNEE BRADYname, : and used it on several trip! to Kaunas 9ity to house the G ki-.:n=-pp;ing., Ea &#39;= t&#39;at:ad "rwnsontho hI9"T&#39;B this.r.1 oar§J!&#39;5 -was bonanza he was afraid that 1;h-¢_&#39;=not-ins ,1,-~;,-1;] tho Plymouth 5&#39;1;a12-1g-an =,iO1&#39;1 -and he did"n":.rt1nmt t0 attract suspicion to it 5.: he d-::ire-: . to use Ifith rm-peat it during and following the kidnapping. to TOM MA .-?SE_. subs-=#-qwlent imanigation has inziiwridual has "no connection with this an a<. wnapllco . and tho murdarar of tho rs":-z stigatiom tiotim. . ..- diaolosed HALL alleged &#39; -. - thntthil that MARSH no Conoarning TOM MARSH. tho a1.1egad aoc-omplioe and mu!-"defer of -the victim, E _L!_- ztr-tat . ho firart mat this individzml in ainavern, the Keg &#39;?~a1re:°n, Ihich is located in tho his-therlanda Botesl in tho 3800 blmk on Main Ft. and after having afor .="-*3 3.I, &#39; _1-1 d: §.r.?.»a. and eIcha1:g&#39;lng pleusantrielq. he vsalizo»: ;6-}&#39;=-it oom-i.~;»&#39;:,, toduo some of the slang eaqmessions that MJ92.? was undoubtedly an ox- "ha used 1vhioh"1mro peculiar Hg: :-lg Be oi-ated w-0.111lilo: to that on about tbs go on a"real -new enough in it, told. LE1-1R-EH that it i&#39;U-Ali willing to to and inquired as to hm! much they might if realize. HALL-statad c-sash or business ooups either the he he Plymouth cation &#39; and talk in tha 1949 or 1950 two door gray Chotrolot of MAB-E. HM-.L atatod this latter oat appeared to be r i there pl=am1~=;»~i the GREENLEASEY kidnapping, He gtqtod some occasions they would alt and talk in wag-an ofBONNIE BRADY, or alt I. -3 3? a. . .4-. 2 1.51 him if and. that MARSH toldhim he would would to at least $100,600, at which timo MARSH statedthat he go on anything that biga HALL stated. from that time on, -ho and had num.-aroua confer-onoea and that on ::~:»~.: ::.é meetingwith l»!.5.EE*I he asked good caper, 92 to peni- ~&#39;;--.-.v_ .-a1r_,~ D life 6:-nit-dlt.hat o"="s~1~- toldhim ha was an "exw-zon-riot W had served t.1?rw> and he lzkk-owl:-2 rieni rl that he told. MU? -&#39;1-I ths-.t"ho *1u-asan o1=-con, He stated, :~--z =r&#39;-:=°.* tom-*a"u*-, he felt :1%11"~.e the-3&#39; both realim ani undavstood oaoh :&#39;:ti&#39;:B1 atatul in&#39;s this 92V a,_._1 l I F 1 F in 0.-.x~::e»l!.1~ent oonzlltlon, had androd plaid seat covers of the nylon variety.» 11¢. -4-¢n..4 no I . 4. Lav 5IiIA92i&#39;iV92|ln-c- -..-¢. luzlw 4-L...-L uuuu nwnbor» Ho oouldrnot recall 4492...-._...._ In-......v.-Q-1 1.:_.__.....1_L__ &#39;l.._J_ ;___ __.._ 4.» uulv lu.:92:u&#39;.4:.l .l.5z&#39;-uimiil ]_.rJ.n&UB SHE CIDBI I101} 92____ KIBUI In1_-.. any accoasorias the our had other than aradio. denied this automobile 1-an equipped withaapotlight. He Ho deniedthat there were any blamiuhoa of. any bind out-i"ther the o.xtoriw&#39;li"rrl:a"rim= or ofthis oar, which would D075 readily lti lltify it» H6 $&#39;CB»t8d, houe ror, lU92R.$H {Old him I18 hadpurchased it l rather recently andhe aszmmd thia para.- maze had beenma a in Kansas City. MLRBH P: -1t told. him he wan residing at l-ha Lasallq i-I.»;&#39;;-131 -denied butthat ha had at-or tontnctad or via-.itec}1him at um 1m+.=.1. HALL cluimmium =11 subsequent contacts,1Ii th mass, a.! *?:o~." MARSH agreed to go in with him on the GREENLEASE Kidnipf- took i ng, place around Union Stat"lon_.,generally in the east parking lot "where theywould stop and talk mrgr &#39; £129 planand oooasiormlly they would go up on the Liberty B-lamorial &#39;Ha11 to discus: i ii "J:. ~ - ;~ 1-1"~-__-."-&#39;..._"." . I -. <..~ . - ._._:....-.==.-:-.-924>4."--Q. &#39;: -.~-~. *1 ;. . 5&#39;" --l- _YT~:92;.."4.-:~--1- 1.-2&#39;_&#39;. _.....u_&#39;.-.;4_-_.¢;£92...:.. _:"..~;.L._-.--_...=..-.." ..- mu-..4"&#39;.-...J._-.-.. .1.".".¢!* v~ ----"&#39;;3&#39;;&#39;4"7,:"".&#39;-§r{"&#39;-92--- ---A-Q7~ 4i-,-.~¢-;o,-..e..£--.».¢-.--- AP &#39;-92 .&#39; -,__, ._.&#39; &#39;_ 3. gv 920:92* 1&#39;-92 ____ go . 1 3 ,-5 -. _ . __:_ :_ .,&#39;-E . .195. 1-"- I1-an prressadfor detailed unable to he .1 be r 4 "i 1.. .. _. "B;-53;» < ~71 same, is Geeloz gt-ion "eonvorning MARSH, HALL claims unable ire his dmsso ""He"r":ete ""i:ha"t _. *_nit_e1.y" gathered the "iznpreesion the ; 5-£1 -.25"?! we aonxerwirat in Kan;-as s-4: 92 e flzrniah Ci-by, inaanmoh ea he would dirhinguish one R811 acquainted direotion from another but s. h v-"F ;~ hf: P P empfc BL5.17I 5&#39;3 oth f in¢ h I-"TN?-TI ;¢_=peore.d to "be not "ughfr.-.2~aa.. $5 }&#39;r. ;&#39;I&#39; too familiar with 1:-"ar"iou5&#39;s t*r&#39;>ots, avenues and Herloniedhaving any rldor. as to the nativity of i E other MARSH or ao&#39;.£gr&#39;"0&#39;.1ni thatl~! .n~"o~:."1"L. he hack any isieaae. the of type of to BONNL5 HF?ADY=;.~further homein denies S-to and Joseph. "and arrive :1: ahead HALL end 37?.-?>Y92i MARSH ha-:1, if any. "ln hZ£?¬ was a::p1"o~_;-"ed, arhe Jc": +a,1iQl1 E._= and that seemed to he assumed foot, ne" :s&#39;1.H".-.83 he ss oualy doubted if &#39;i&#39;ra&#39;rv=on occasions money"and "be brolce on from 1:hiu"tha.1. 1-{%.RSH"naa probably on HEAL? u.e :1e.= HALL stated on one our-anion than !J&#39;.AR5§Ii had never been to aarno S f"!3#.?i"-ahome» in 51;» joseirh, 55.sst1uT* ., and "whorl later" "questioned an &#39; LLKRE- I aould drive directly sicai hm to 2 mg: I ,, he r"-"¢p13.e~:i trm: prior from Hanna City, llissouri, to the kidnapping he had with the 1 ? Victim taksn MARSH in BONNIE i &#39;3 P1ys&#39;aou*?1~. nation wagon and had clri we-n him over the road, outlining HARE? him and ciafinitely giving him "tho route to BSNTTIE HEA1?Y°s "home" and EFNN7 on him how to get in the house th?ough&#39;the baaoman u Ho denied that + > * |&#39; 5 ">3? <._ e of &#39;. I:-1,1. W >1 £9 av». &#39;7 : MARSH "irrir"-I Hm house &#39;ol"zi1:~::1 have to "$1-=i"r-er. him. by the "house a times so he the looaiion ami the drive-waya Pertaining to F-1:, duties"or"ig:smen*;. in this k1&#39;§.nopj_!i ng, - "3"KM .;a&#39;t;Q;d . tint, dug to E HEA.Ti&#39;P3 &#39;.11":n1ken $ J1&#39;ld at ll I&#39;§Ti 1;7l?l&#39;L$.»!,1, OI1. he Qcul nib irugi; -1.1 -.92 of the 1r.i."¢~&#39;;-Lm while he, hgf fit]; H. .L!.., 1&5oboe:-.t in Kansas iiity, Missouri, 5.. _:_" 1=, >wrr-z&#39;a:;g&#39;=_-ms-:1t=a .1 -;:r:" "thepay-off and oral 1-:-ntion. of they ranrom» "Ther=e=Poop T-_&#39;§ hai have somebody that he "@:":.1*l true ; "real. quiuk," and therefore, pg-162. ;has . ashor -; a-zquaintanoe vi.-?;; 92&#39;= &#39;»L-=:,:g,h ho M.1.&#39;=1_- £3, -expli-:£ him to I »:,un&#39;f,=:>="ly um victim of in BONNIE Hl?A3.";"s home,and after the pay-=»of1to be :2 the viotim at the Bane Hotel in &#39;F&#39;i+.tsb~:.1"g,zo""the.*.: Kansas, he would for 31 4" f&#39;+. -V.":z:&#39;navi his to home. He etrbed that ZZARSH "agreed to this aa":igmnent"an1i" ., .: &#39;, -"sf; , or 6.. 1.: semice: 0&#39; thwy were to split the $560,000 ransom in equal shares, &#39; " 1vi Uni, 1"I!=I.L stated that "three or four days bafore the kidnapping, he gave &#39; &#39;-" Z LARSH the =38 oalibe": S 6: I snob=no":a~, wrhioh he had p1rovioua"1y"puroha5ed It gun in -5 Sam"s the 5&#39; .5 Q takin .i.I. _92. £11,. ~ r. ~:-/ 4.1: ,_._...--v. L --5 Pair.-&#39;1 Shop in Kansas C ry, Hanna. H1: front." of an for Union Station his protection tho victim, E oars of in Kenn: "stated he gave Ci ¥!}&#39;that and MARSH had in the event he was stopped or BOBBY GR.E".:§. lL&#39;£!.SE. H.-92HSH""l:h:La ar1:ed1:o,he:ve i final HALL sta&#39;»:e&#39;i that aday or 1.-no pzri or to the kidnapping, made the a1"rarov--n-r&#39;£:-1 1:14-h HKRQR as bra ..-.. 11&#39;! 4: I."F r*:3*1-M-1 -i &#39; _._ _.. 1&#39;1 . I lj_92 . .v-.nn&#39;n no _HQld ul av-vv-.-. ahnien . _D____.. _- __, _____,_ - __._..__ _- -_&#39;.. .- 7 _...-1 +11-I ...._u |IA92-lrrd-LABU tho?1.JAR &#39; _ &#39; L. =H wasto ho in h;.s, MARSH : , on_ . parked around the corner north of ~1. -I &#39;of -v he Southwest Expressway, HILL ore Road on . the fi1"&#39;"a"t tweet east Wbatp 1. &#39; &#39; &#39; . -name . &#39; &#39; u n4-a&#39;b"e remll to 92.the of this §" .1=&#39;e-9 and : rtratad he would not know it was :. _. r questioned while -_ 3 1. _ & .&#39;J§ .;_;_; 1.: 1.-z, 1:; 1. 5&#39; " Er.- -- - .-, 1. =-.»-.1-~~.-.- .- *- -» -...&#39;.- - -- -» --. *- -&#39;.-.-v:_- -1 -~- ~. --;-"~---.-&#39;- _*-~&#39;.--.-1 -.&#39;=.&#39;-:;<;":=:if-&#39;2- =.=-.1=:; -~ *=-&#39; > ..~-:25.-&#39 ..,r_1_.. -,.&#39;-.--, .:¢. ,.=.n~~. ,*.:._:..-2;.-.:..- .,i&#39;.1|18-..-1¢&#39;»r.;-&#39;~:_!-. $1..-bJ..&#39;--.31;-&#39;,¢;;..4 Lu 1,1;;_=::;-.¢-&#39;/;;.-@L,&#39;,,._5g¢;_;;_;,;4;_.;~&#39;,.,;i._¢.;,,;,;;_L@ ».;r.=.. -.~-i-1 &#39;0; .-... .;__,,,_,,_;92,_;.<.-K.-.>~;A.{4_,,y.-.-.%,;-1-.. -.¢».-...-;,,.~.$..92..;L-=._...-1.1&#39;:. __.~. ~_ .1»? :1&#39;1 . F .-; -_tna i.. -_ . _"&#39;;_;&#39;,6ft. Q1-§&#39;: j§;: Q" -"F; &#39;: 3?}. _ 51% -2 . =&#39;"?T&#39; 5% siatei. that In f1r-&#39;:i-manna of "thaw prspa.:"a a. .1-n to affect. this kidna.PPing, E-AU-L Sunday," E ptembar 2.7, 1953, while at BONNIE HE.- KEY *1-hams in; Si . ~.7@a& §hp i£tzsou"1-=1, aim and ha had a. s:=s: =vz"an~:e conw-ruin; "tho "exact T010 aha was to &#39;piu;y"tn"§&#39;a:>"mra"1nh&#39;s Viv -r!.m rm N-.~%::~92*: Dana De Sim Sshuc-1.. He rtatesd "khan"; :__&#39;-LE? in &#39;r.e-"P vi:-u*&#39;.:J::em wondition wrauld mrtrbo ables e -31. : "the mm: he was in t"l&#39;r& FI"E"nInrbitwbi =3h afraid int BONNIE HEAD! &#39; tr: accurately varry nut the 1-010 and uheni;he had considerable tltffi unity with her ire"-apinghar any from whisky P. ! i W. _>=.=.> Hzat she would not be in 1.-oo_ drunkacondition on 1: :-nu- £01101!-in; Monday 1:0.-1&#39;.. ».2;:, go ti-u~o<.1g}*. to with the piam Ha st.1e.+.a:1 he want our hen" fola with P her" newral tima and finally arrived at the ooncelueion tha ; aha had tho _jl e 15:11.; of h-er part well in mind. &#39; &#39; -;.. 1-A,r. .;_?.i; I I 92 ,-0 ~ n | G- < 1 F I-i 5 .k_l""&#39; 2?. 92.1 F ." &#39;/ E ~- &#39;21? _+fA ..- _..:,...;-i ..;.r12;J¢._.;¢_;=1-1..:.:;...-J-L.; .-_&#39;. a-:&#39;;-_..;..c.&#39;..a&#39;_; .&#39;.&#39;_~..:;:_&#39;._~~¢.;_.2,&#39;u_-..;"Q:t.-..;ix__.-ta.-&._l --~--=1 e 1- --»------ AWe-~-:<1-Q-u1--P-4---&#39;¥§...;%4 -&#39;---.;n,.a.;. v-us-r..=£..-i., P". ,-_. - ._ 0 _ 92 <92 it SL 7-L29 , -_. ._ ,.___ - if .- Q _.._., 1:: fw_ =.=..&#39;*.i ".: .&#39;:92 5% M 2? - ~. we 1".-1&#39; DETAILS RELATIYE TO KIQNAPINQ CARL HALL advised that on the morning of instant kidnaping, 28, 1953, he and BONNIE I-IEADY arose very early for them September and proceeded to Kansas City, Missouri, at 6200 a.m., via Highway #710 Upon cominginto North Kansas City, they stopped at Lynn&#39;s . Tavern in North Kansas City for an eye=opener, after which they pro- ceeded into Kansas City proper where he purchased some chlorophyll and Clorets to kill the odor of liquor on BONNIE HEADY sbreath. Hestated they rode around and looked over the French Institute Notre Damede Sion School, as he felt that his plan was not fool-proof, from the school without sending BONNIE HEADY in through he would have done so and changed his plans at the last the front door minuteu I&#39;l&#39;e stated they parked in the neighborhood and observed the children, but that he could not conceive anyway of getting the victim out of the telling ._ [ 1 due to the fact that BONNIE HEADYwas undependable due to her drinking. He stated that had he been able to get BOBBYGREENLEASE school without using the front door approach." He stated he again briefed BONNIE HEADY on exactly what she was to say which consisted I . &#39; ;,2&#39;-I : -_w n5 .___..; -. 1.1 J the Sisters that she was Mrsu GREENLEASEissister of and had been shopping with her on the Plaza when she suffered a heart attack and that she desired to take BOBBY from the school to take him to his mother. HALL stated that he decided around 11:00 aame would be the best time to pull this ruse since it would be getting close to the lunch hour and that there would be considerable natural confusion occasioned by this HAIL stated that at approximately 11:00 a.m. he drove west up Main Street to the corner of Thirty=ninth and let BONNIE HEADY off at the filling station on the her to walk down to the Toedman Cab southwest corner according to his plan; HALL the French Institute, and instructed Companyand get a cab and go to" stated that he immediately drove into the Katz parking lot after letting BONNIE HEADY out of the station wagon and sat in the parking lot waiting for BONNIE 1- as planned. the 1 92 -7. -1 He stated that in a very short time he observed a Toedman Cab drive into the lot off of Main Street and saw BONNIE HADY and_a boy get out of the cab. He immediately knew that his plan had been successful, but in order to avoid detection, he drove further on to Katz could I walked lot around not possibly the corner to the south so that see him the cab driver &#39; He stated after the cab drove off the lot BONNIEand BOBBY over to the station wagon and got in with BOBBY sitting in the I W 1i I l F. g 15% -:- #93; E asi.*; 4._ 1»iJas 3 , -be _ ."=--r.-ix;-n-1. ,. _, --u. .,, x._ _. _T V =_. .:,-:,_ ;. .> _.; --,--&#39;=.-.&#39;. "-= .-&#39;=-.-..;._..-.1 _. »-new an. ..1-u r~&#39;: =-&#39;n.-r -.m1 -#4:>1a»92;-..n-.......92-.r.~..¢Q-.-.-Y,-a_;a/.meta.-is-e92.92?_r.~.s92,n-s¢aa.,Q-.u~_u1,>..s_,_,=.>.._4..@uQ& 92>>-d§ ¢@-4-A .-.= zs%92s.-4--J -. r. g? 0, :93: F-g {- 1 92°&#39;92i {,_ 3" I37. T" T SL 7-h29 ed} E4 .§J middle of the front seat, He stated he spoke to BOBBY, asked him how he was and started to carry on a conversation with him. He stated BOBBY was very talkative and gave him absolutely no trouble, He stated he immediately drove off the Katz lot after BONNIE HEADYand BOBBY got into the car; going west on to Westport Road. He stated that to : V2 3,1 .&#39;__. 1 _. ,:_.,.: _92 ~.l _,__..| I 7&#39;»--E -. Q-1 - the best of his recollection wait around could not that intersection recall driving first street rd Q -.&#39;_ 4:--- east of -.&#39;.;cl.-_ _?= Q .": .. . &#39; J, "we; until he came back. her down to the Plaza areas He stated11e- s P E &#39; the Southwest Expressway and turned north on headed northn He stated}: stated he immediately got back in the station after which wagon and he drove back 1 r City, hence up Highway #71, to had originally St. Joseph, planned to he got apprehensive and see if MARSH had arrived there MARSH did decided to and if over fifteen to Sta all . to MARSH Joseph and everything was minutes head 92 92 I * and handle BOBBY over go immediately as planned not have He stated Kansas City turning the Westport he was gone a little and after she got Bridge to North Kansas Missouri» stay in the ransom demand? but immediately after BOBBY HALL . turned around east to Bank where he picked up BONNIE HEADY. He stated over ten or fifteen minutes after he let her out in the car he drove down Broadway across the ASE that he to&#39; immediately goth out of the station wagon; told BOBBYto come on and get in the Chevrolet as the man was going to take him for aridec He stated made no protest and willingly got in the Chevrolet with MARSH. HALL stated L I the Just around the corner off of Westport coming in directly gun-metal grey Chevrolet belonging to TOM MARSH which was back on to Westport, -._11&#39;1; - out of HALL stated that after letting BONNIE HEADY out of the station ~agcn he immediately drove on west on Westport Road to the parked in this location ...~_ ,3. a BONNIE HEADY station wagon somewhere near the Hestport Bank§ which is located at the intersection of Westport Road and Broadway, and told her to this street behind the .:__m_ gT:&#39; :11. he let start on alright. him and that he himself drove pretty fast and arrived at BONNIE HEADY&#39;s home and left BONNIE sitting in the can He immediately went around and u into the basement and as soon as he entered the basement he saw BOBBY GREENLEASE°s bodylying on the basement floor with blood all around and his, HALL s, .38 caliber Smith and Wesson snub-nose revolver alongside the body. HALL stated he immediately became panicky and left the sitting and house, going out told her shdpping. He stated to the to go downtown station wagon and pick where BONNIEHEADY was up his laundry and do some that BONNIE HEADY complied with his request L and immediately drove off in the station wagon, HALL continued was absolutely no one in the HEADY home, it was entirely deserted the time he discovered victim&#39;s body. There were no automobiles .. 92_ . 1-: ""2 2&#39;1" 1 , __92_ -?t- é 1| that there at in 92, / &#39; _ _-z,&#39;,;;A: 5a;&#39;;»,~;&#39;:.="z:_=_:e.&#39;:::=y92-5 ;,&#39;=¢._s_a1ue=:@.:~:::;:;s1=§.{;r, 1 -.5"- :5,F??3"3F§§E H &#39;Ilié Q} 2&#39;92 % ,9l_.;_-13%,L,,.-V_ _-;&#39;@r 11a1-;w&#39;*1:;";§=¢t. I192 _-.., k -;. ~J §?ii-I??? ,92 -921» _I in 1.5.92, ...,&#39;__,,.,_ a. 4 ... _, L, ,<;.- _~. W qrsf. ,!,LA »-92 ~. ..--.92 -J, .~..~-,.- M.-.", .J&#39;» ;92_,,i,; ;?i_.;.,_.:_&#39;__,A ~ ,.._;,{_,;,_31,-ELK __:A-_.-_3..;~.,__ g,_w:<.,;,*,..{,{_92;.g;,,1. jg.,.92.|..; 3,! -1,. J l--._.J ,<-- - 1:-.-,-..,-...» :~"~t -:&#39; 1 . 7*, -&#39; &#39; 1"; Q r 3- 92 1&#39;1. 1. . _&#39; -_.""." -q-__ ,1" _ __ .. f ,. ._ M &#39;.., . __ ;s92nZ1r4ii<&5<i92:Fv{:.&#39;t.]|92L"i-J&uF4&#39;uA-.-!_j, &#39;._r" " 921-;.;:.;_.¢-,m_:.a~,_;_4..:=.Q _"___,__.__, _.;&#39; H _Pa , "._92..__:._.;..&#39;--,~_-inst; _,_&#39& -__ -w-M:r.z&#39;92.-.<92.1...e¢,-as-I~es¢.:~..tq-.-c!¢,1./no»=|-.a.w...|~.c-In.-=a.a:92.ta,a |g,k..{ "&#39; " hum - &#39; - I-..-,:=...,*. .,,1 &#39;dmLJ.&#39;,§,; " ,<92 -45: I -92 F SL ?=h29 -.-.- as _ ui- g l, I? . r-,_92 .&#39;.92"? .~.&#39;- -&#39;5. =-ii the neighborhood that he left for agrave could observe and as soon as BJNNIE HEADY feet frun the house porch in a corner. and about one and He stated he dug this grave one=half feet from the He stated sheet, put he stopped downstairs, took the victbn&#39;s body on it and the blue He stated, plastic decided to bury him. prior to however, that he would wait until and then on all had carried station wagon, put the and disnose itback occasions blood on the back stairway, -__"_§. !>-.- He of it body in in this it and downstairs the on the kitchen floor body, in that this extremely the kitchen second time. from the carry fashion. BONNIE s return he realized was dripping i BONNIE HEADY got plan would not work and at this point he was becoming so nervous and panicky he had carried the body upstairs into F. -F &#39; .&#39; Y5 .7 I-1 ,_ at this size stated h= made one trip up the stairway, went outside, decided the hole was not suitable, carried the body back downstairs and then that ... -1 back about two and one-half to three feet deep. He stated he was so excited and panicky time that he was digging very rapidly and that he dug agood grave which he was certain would hold the victim. arrived at the conclusion &#39;1.?&#39;:_~: home, was going to get the 1_._. n, it out to the Missouri River 1. - .- I downtown he immediately got a shovel and proceeded to dig for the victim, which grave is located about two and one-half I He stated i I the basement, and on the back screen door frame. He advised that he did not carry the victim in a sling fashion with the blue plastic sheet, but carried him in his anus, and it was entirely possible he could have slung the body around, splattering blood as he did so. He advised that shortly thereafter, BONNIE HADY came home in adrunken condition, that he did not speak to her or have any other conversation with her and that she went in the house to the bedroom and began to sleep, He stated that he then carried the body back up the stairway another time, placed it in the station wagon and then realized that he might be detected while he was disposing of the body and finally decided to bury it in the previously dug grave. He stated he then removed the body from the station wagon, although considerable blood had dripped in the station wagon at this period. He stated that he then wrapped the body in the blue plastic sheet, placed the body in the grave and put aquantity of lime on top of the body to facilitate decomposition as he had read that this was the thing to do to half in get rid of abody. at this He stated that he particular time only filled as he was in arush twb before. coat pocket addresses it He stated he had been carrying this letter but had not addressed it, and at BONNIE s writing desk, that he after which to Kansas around in his rushed upstairs he got A I T the grave about to return City tomail the first ransom letter, which he had prepared aweekor c_7 :3;-&#39;*"1 Zr 1 F in the and ¢ .&#39;92 ___ o__ _,1 __, r _ _r,&#39; , _ _W _, ___ . .,Y. _.__,_,_, ,_.-_1___:. ,~__,._ _,___., .e92; _ . 1.&#39;f<I» 4.M_q -a-&#39;1-.92.-_&#39;inMe2_&#39;n-wt-.&#39; 1...-.---1..-J" hn1t3&#39;rdAi M. QaD492¥Q92X il i*A11& 5&#39; §i¥¥Lw .-.,."aw .. _,;i-e &#39;- o 1.-,_:|,~,_l_., ., - "&#39;4 &#39; .&#39;-&#39;2 ---"1 _<; ;,-5,a-¢i;.__a E:-."&#39;1 .-,-1-_-.~=_ ,_.=», _.- -A~¢. "=I 2 v_-.7 -7 0 $9 SL 7-529 ., Plymouth station wagon and rapidly drove He stated boxes to make sure stated it J"! pp"; he drove up and that the was about letter would 6200 p.m. immediately returned to north Kansas City got ..i :3 letter. He stated 1 be picked up that 5 . mail night. when he got to Kansas City He and as he on Broadway somewhere After mailing this letter . i between he St. Joseph, Missouri but upon getting to to thinking about the address he put on the he stopped and looked at a telephone book and . realized that he had put the wrong address on the GREENLEASE letter. He could not recall what address he had put on the letter but he was definite y sure that it was wrong and that the correct address was 2920 Verona Road, HALE stated he got to wondering about whether they would get the letter or not, but stated he figured that since GREENLEASE .. 1 .~ J .-J -__f.-,5.-, .| E 92 .&#39; . __ 1&#39; was well known and he had addressed the letter to was ashort residential street, it would stated he sent this letter special , City. down Broadway looking at remembered it he mailed the first letter the Coates House and Twelfth Street. in to Kansas the victim&#39;s family before . Ha; 5. =1-1&#39;2? ns ment agency. At this letter number admitted that one in he had well knowing ,,. instant case prepared and Missouri, he around 6:00 get to the matter a.m. he law enforce- copy of ransom documents, didso. to BONNIE HEADYis home night drinking went out 1 to_ and the two envelopes and he readily mailed all three of these that BOBBY GREENLEASE wasalready dead stayed up all him. He to any was shown aphotostatic HALL stated upon returning 1?.» &#39; Verona Road, which eventually delivery, hoping it would get they reported point HALL when he and as soon as and finished filling in it the hole at St. got light, which H &#39; was BOBBY GREENLEASE&#39;s grave. HALL was £1 the clothing worn by the victim at the time his body was found in the f basement of BONNIE HEADY&#39;s home, and he stated that due to his panicky; condition he could not accurately remember any details concerning the, boy&#39;s clothing, but does definitely recall that he was fully clothed questioned in detail as r Joseph, _V_ _ although he could not L 92 i P to &#39; &#39; remember whether he had on shoes and socksg. At this point in the interview the Jerusalem medal apparently worn by victim at the time he left the French Institute School and enclosed in the¢ second ransomnote, was exhibited to this medal from the clothing of the HALL He readily admittediremoving dead victim enclosing it in aransom note as proof that of §OBBY GREENLEASE. I- point out he continued 3w -h id y&#39;e&#39;~. @113: J . sole purpose 4 At this to HALL to steadfastly claim that there was such aperson of kidnaper 1 point in the interview Agents made every effort the fallacy of his story, its inconsistencies, but -26- : ~=@ for the he was the actual as to - F It _ V. ._ .--. -- __._,: --A_r92 . » ., _ :.__ _I _;_ _ __I :.,_!,,__:&#39; &#39;-&#39;.,&#39;r _ __ 1.__ 1-_;_ -I ;;: .____ h,, -=. -7-..,. _ _ I, .. ._ .I V.-,.,_ __-__>,J_-, _. .;_ , _.- - 1..._ 7. , 1_._,..,3, --_ _.-,&#39;., ,,_ H. .:,, ,,==-_ H-_-;_. - g~_,1_q.__-_ .-_-3&#39;; "A .- ,-= ,_&#39;,> -,- _--... 92-. -1-,-IA ,.-~- -_~.. . .52;. "£,.P" AI.&#39; ?3:¥ 2192!. @= -.~_ sass ie**=éI&#39; Iahs 92- -_§"". _ __ ___ _, _ _, _ _ _ _H ___ _ , _ , ..,.,, _ ,,,,._,. ._,.._-. ._., _..__ __,... ,»_92. ._,-a,__;_.._.,_,,._;1-.-__g;_.;»; ~_..f$, 3 r:&#39;.&#39;. ,&#39;».-,".-F " &#39;c.&#39;&#39;-1*. 1-&#39;1 1}&#39; &#39;:&#39;: I -.T-.§l 2 3" :"" ?-I» ,--73-5. &#39;"&#39;7 * -"~-&#39; -31-.T-er-"" _&#39; "-"F-I, .9-;~" :1" ¥&#39; {I &#39;71:; 157: 1&#39; 8&#39; " E >.7" -="- .Y&#39;-&#39;5" -&#39;11 &#39;1:. :;U - -r* "-.&#39;z =.&#39;_5"&#39; .L"-3&#39;1 S-lb - H; , __&#39;-,3;->55-. __ ~._,., .;_~,- _., . -I; &#39;: -.,-:.:: -___<,;;-.-_, -r._-{ ,-- &#39; r-" _*~,¢-.&#39;,1 ..< _.&#39;,-- ;--" t..¢,.-! .-31»-_92-,-I 1 ,>.>92-. =-,1-&#39; ;=¢-»;-:- .1 l"92 ==:__*-92---:1.--__-92;~~ 1.-92&# »»=%§i%"§1 Z-n-s£?;YR :1 7J?7 <1*a"Yi»*"r;»~:=»=~e1¢-~;=-¢<-»¢.--~ <-,»,¢~r. .=». -B» ..--,~=.;_I., 7, __, _._ , ,,-1* __ .r.92 ..;-92 . -.&#39; 7&#39; ;e.-<.:".#I~&#39;s,-t;=_~ ~-;=1;.-&#39;-,=ls =»,-":< ii. a*::&#39;i~=1-;*f~,&#39;-;=,&#39 za--::=--rim;.&#39;__ _-5;-",.:-___. .4 _ -1,, _;_.. &#39;*-1,,-. &#39;--_.-:i ;." ;_j_H|-._e_.1. ,,-»_ ,3...-.&#39;. <>.§&#39; *r~ .r-2.;-I x .1 :_&#39;-:___ =-- ,.. :.,-1,.-._-..1_.-. =.;, an .u~v~IMs»-A-la. V. .3,;-5&#39;", "- --" ="* =-&#39; 54, ?.r--:».n-J;-.¢..oi-ti $_&#39; ~ .&#39;.&#39;__ 92 ¢,.:" -_92as-ul¢92=»¢¢;er.-..;4.-:a.a...&#39;-a &J>Am92L§11&@92q@AL&92nmm;ng 5h.kdm~¢ A£aR&nn%Qm .-1!»->.n&#39; - r __ ..7 _ __.&#39;¢ -I .-a&#39;v.:;. f-.5! ; _,2-1 , bi. 92 _h i92L"5&#39; W I . s~m% 5?? 3¬L§3 SL7-£29 __,_ . 4-. =;-.1 -11-- H.-an --4 .-_" LLM MAIDH and -._&#39;-_ ,e_| actual murderer of BOBBY GREENLEASE, Nhile HALL at this point steadfastly denied that he had actually murdered victim, he stated, "I know that ;,¢ than anyone I&#39;m going to die, and that I know I am more responsible Ea £7; ,__. . _-ea "__-a econtinuing 1 .=-4&#39;u .-J 92 |1| -|I| iNi; Qmp al-1CaJ.J.y and ,,,,_i;,,ii-92-|__ _:_i.q_.1 emOL1On3.l.J.y OBHIEQ denial that repeating, "I stated that ii-I§5 l&#39;.- i.-I -2#.~ =1 ?:&#39;--; ;L: ,-1:. mailed the he murdered in his own victim and the didn&#39;t do it, I he would was sure . .: HALL stated that after first ransom note, he was not that BOBBY ebasement. He stated he wagon as it had blood in to clean but could up this in 3 who did it. to using water, abroom and rags. He and he accordingly got was already in glass some_ receptacles in the also tried to clean up the Plymouth station it in the back. He stated he used turpentine vehicle. He not recall was killed he knew what he also stated did with he had blood on his clothes them. "ff - &#39;. :13» :-~ &#39; the time -.>...,=i >&#39; ,2-.,_._ trying to decide what to do with the body, but claimed she was in her bedroom passed out. He stated that she never knew athing that was going on, but the next morning after reading an account of the kidnaping T 1.- 3:5: if P in I I 92 HALL he returned from Kansas City, having went down in the basement and tried entirely satisfactory gasoline and turpentine, which rapi keep 51? &#39; didn&#39;t do it. didn&#39;t do it. I mind he clean it up as best he could, stated this " :9-#12 -_ is -.,f1&#39;p-II!-. -.__ I-92-.wan um:_ else because I planned the kidnaping and it&#39;resultedin the death of BOBBY GREENLEASE=" Repeated questioning of HKLL resulted in his BONNIE HEADY basement, s but emphatically denied _.-_. .,.___,___;__ &#39; &#39;5 "* .&#39; ..T .L92.-l. 1.I.-llau nc: HALL admitted that BONNIE he was cleaning out HEADY was in the the basement and during house all during the time he was BOBBY and what had in the Kansas City Times, BONNIE asked him about happened to him and he told her he was o.k. and she should not wqrny about him, He stated he showed BONNIE where he had dug up the back that he told her he yard where he had buried BOBBY&#39;s body, but denied had buried the body at this point, but ground so that she could plant some flowers told her he had prepared the and they decided some --- A drysanthemums would look nice in this location. HALL stated they_ accordingly drove to Mclnnish Greenhouse and bought adozen ddysanthemums, after which he and BONNIE returned home and planted them over the O *4§92 mddion their shoes 13&#39;7" grave, watering them downgood. He stated he and BONNIE both got while planting these flowers. Q &#39;A l I i 92 5-- » _r x_ , .1 47 -&#39; &#39;. E . 92&#39; ->. i&#39; _:>L I. as . 1. . - .=.&#39;~: .:. _;_, .,=1. _--1~-,»_ .,- .1..92 1 .a__,_ ,,_-.j.;,-;,-;__.»;s;;92.1*,...&#39; __., . ,_&#39;<-~_.;92.&#39;4 ___= .V_;, _.,._ _.-..-._~_ -.;.l-- - _-.,~ , . _,1» _._=-V; ..-;.__.--,-_.._.&#39;v_&#39;.,.._ of": 2&#39;92 _92,-.;.-Q."-;&#39;_. : 5 .;Jl-1"f. ;4 ..w;;&#39;;. _:o.a: 4; ._._~.. .3,» : _.;f ;~_;<:43 &#39;:_ :1--"»&#39;.;,.;.,;;,92-l... 4-,;;,¢_,,,» ,- ,¢,, -=n--->w:...&#39;.&#39;_s..=r;.<.;...»=;..LbtlLirsilaaasiE}-.&#39;@I-anneal-&#39;¬» size--:£.y¢..,,-_.»;.;,:5.-.&#39;x.,..&#39; ir."u§51-3-"-Qq,.45-§fAm¢.L. "I L,-E . " ._ - " 3r . -. l_ ~ 7= due 4 W : .-1: --u a-5 41 i .1.-» __. 4 elu v %1 92!/ U to the fact that the soil around the grape arbor was becomingsour and BONNIE wanted him to put the lime in to revitalize this soil. He Q_§n&#39;lQrl that the shovel which he used to dig the grave see the one he Du vwu probably purchased in the hardware store in St. Joseph, Missouri, approximately one monthprior to the kidnapping. He stated he purchased this shovel to assisthim in setting out tomato plants. It was pointed out to HALL that tomato plants are nonnally planted in the spring and he advised BONNIE had some tomato of the year and not in the fall desired these planted during the e plants planted in the spring but late He stated summer months. that he was unable to recall the name of the hardware store where he purchased same in St. Joseph, Missouri.wes other unable details !&#39;! _._i to which describe could the clerk who sold him the shovel or any DETAILS RELATIVE TO MAILING OF HQNSOMLETTERS :92&#39;&#39;3: z I? The details relative to the mailing of the ransom letter 5¬&#39;*T> :&#39;=&#39; number one, which is postmarkedKansas City, Missouri, 6:00 p.m., F3 September 28, 1953, have been previously set forth above and, as previously of a ._ this stated, HALL letter. has readily should be It noted admitted preparation and mailing that this the contents of City, Missouri, on the morning of September29,1953, at which Kansas time he should have a rag attached to the aerial he had received the first ransom letter. .0 __., this latter ..-L . I, .1e; . = I..=1;_ ._ he could offer no logical number Relative to the preparation and mailing of ransom letter two, HALL continued that after he had mailed ransom letter number one, he realized he had put an erroneous address on the envelope of ransom letter number one. He stated that he believed he addressed the letter to Mr. GREENLEASE at 2600 Verona Road but after the latter was mailed he recalled that his proper address was 2920 Verona Road. He stated that due to this error he was afraid that Hr. GHEENLEASE had not received the first ransomnote and, therefore, prepared ransom letter numbertwo at BONNIE HEADY&#39;s homein St. Joseph,Missouri&#39;ou similar stationery stated that 0! } I reason why he placed these instructions envelope. September29, 1953. He P of his car signifying Concerning item, HALL on interview stated that he did not make any attempt_to observe whether or not Hr. GREEHLEASE complied with these instructions and in the I letter requested Mr. GREENLEASE to proceed from 29th and 39th on Hain Street, that i be verified. he handprinted this letter on at the BONNIE HEADYhome which was white linen tablet paper which he estimates to be approximately five by eight inches. . i L 1; 1! .,3..4 1 , L »V» ,¢= - .- :.» ..» -- -" - r "-92 &#39;= -- I &#39; .2&#39;." , .1 ; ~"&#39; v -">"7i §&#39;=4;:: . ,1 ,._&#39;u.1 r92§;.;,Z;;£J_l.§."f¢;>ai&#39;_=;92 -,1 J-u_.&#39;;92.".: as :.=:. 1~_92;:-;; =-_-&#39;:;;_,~.e<_: .>&#39;;>- ;=;m.&#39;_:¢:;.;:.1.92_&#39;.rz.;;92£...¢_.&#39;* s&#39;-1 _";:ia&#39;-§=J&#39;¥;1.?- - -""&#39;" » ~<-&#39;>-=m-&#39;r "- -- -&#39;92L&#39;..&#39;§:i ->1<=¥=-=>~m r. ¢- E - 71 _-. _...ynn "J-__i EL ?E He stated that he and signed 2920 Verona three cent &#39; Aphotostatic as? -50% it "M" Road, stamps handprinted the copy and addressed message in the envelope Mission Hills, ._"-92 &#39;¢&#39;. - HALL and ,ii§:;%;it-&#39; I ?- letter he and marked of ransom he stated that prepared at envelope in this letter He thereupon, in the letter number itwas atrue placed seven upper left~hand two was exhibited to likeness and replica of BONNIE HEADY°shome and addressed to -GHEEHLEASE. However,prior to Jerusalem cross Kansas, itSpecial ransom letter number two to Mr, ROBERT C. GREENEASE, medal which sealing the CARL the Mr. ROBERT envelope he pat the he had removed from to show Mr, GREENLEASE order who had custody of his son, corner- victim&#39;s bodyin this that it was the writer of After preparing this letter he drove to Kansas City, Missouri with BONNIE HEADYand dropped this letter in a United States ii. _mail " &#39; rs 2% 5-1 . 2% -.-:-= s -:.-an as -&#39;i .f _ vii?" J-T. 5&#39;!" Ir. I&#39;E. -us... box, the location of which he was unable to recall. I i ¢ After mail- ing this letter they returned to St, Joseph, Missourie HALL also stated that in ransom letter number two he requested Mr. GREENLEASE to put an ad in the Kansas City Star personal column as followsi "Meet me in Chicago, signed Mr, GREENLEASE that this GREENLEASE had ransom payoff, the money He also G°°" He advised would be the available and advised that in this ransom letter addressed it letters he that Mr. to negotiate letter he the infonmed had prepared it and - HALL continued that these actually were the only two ransom had sent to the GREENLEASE family but did admit that he had left notes at various places in Kansas City, Missouri while they were negotiating the ransom payoff. He stated, however, these were notes of instruction as to where to put the ransom money rather than any additional demand for 1 homesick and repeated the bag, Subject HALL, envelope which contained number two and he admitted that he as above stated. also instructed him, HALL, was willing that his boy was "okay" but instructions to put the money in an army duffle was also shown the photostatic copy of the Hr. GREENLEASE that he signal to same. e&#39;I&#39;E1.EPHONE_CALLS A!_IQ_:ADDITI_OliAL _RANSCil4__1[§*.]"u0TIATIONS ~ . £5, Vii we-»< &#39;.&#39;-Pf. -{ii F-". I- "e I.» I ._ v.» é. i 92 ., ,- ., ., - ..I -~ #11. e- -&#39; _ _,,_&__,_ ,;_,_ ._,,v____,,,_;, ,_ -...49292:-L ..r-.,92.-_r¢-.-_-.-.:».-.-.-1..-. as -.s=-he-., _..v-_,-_._¢~/92-s.,..A£l _-n-ah I-u.a¢.n-:-%~.-Q-4.~.:la.~1.:~d&#39;.92e~,:|-.&#39;~...14-1.-use A&&92..*a.-a.4u.-ur-.92.;=é>.-.>§..=s¢u»£;-4. &#39; . 92&#39;:.A II Y.-.:&#39; I &#39; I-&#39; tW, . I $1 l- . _d T6 /10 1 &#39;» SL 7=L29 said he had his already and said, handkerchief placed over his is M&#39;."The man said, "What This repeated, "M", The man asked some questions but "Six hundred thousand, twenties and tense said he they remained all day observed in following ads 1&#39;7-I 1415-&#39;; --l.: l ., -1.- 1;? -&#39;.{ ¢_ ._.-. was the " M° meet me in contact he had been all he I answered was, I hung up. liter making home in St. Joseph, and made aphone call to Thursdays On Thursday evening he column of the Kansas City Star Chieago Sunday - G°," waiting for as he the HALL said this had instructed the GHEENLEASE the " F by saying, Tonight and identi r had used before, said he ended the i residence in avery similar manner to that which he his voice with his handkerchief; HALL conversation i 1 = 92&#39; GEEEFLEASTs to place this item in the paper when they had the money ready. HALL did not go to Kansas City Thursday at all but sometime during the dayy Friday, October the sesond, he drove to Kansas City himself in 5&#39;.-&#39; &#39;-.&#39;-17&#39; &#39; disguising i!&#39;*"&#39;! &#39; the personal adisguise They asked something about the boy to which he replied, "Medal." Then this phone call he and BONNIE returned to her Missouri where mouth as did you say?" and which he hung upn E5 ,,.92. r Q. -,1. r-.&#39;."&#39;_ -..~&#39;I = -5 --&#39;g_ :3&#39;* HALL then stated that and that the iirst he placed mail box anote on the bottom of the point of he started contact was with instruztions corner, HALL nail box laying out &;29th and to go stated he with some tape to h2nd apayoff route Holmes where and Charlotte fastened this whioh he under a note to had bought the at Herman&#39;s Drug Store in Sta Joseph, Missouri and believed that this tape was still at BONNIE HEADY s homer HALL stated he also had some red chalk which he had purchased at Katz Drug Store in north Kansas City and he used this chalk to mark arock at the corner of L2nd and Charlotte with ared cross and tions which Brethern and under this directed that United Church BONNIE HEADYwas with -1., ". "_" w off route but that she rock he the money at L0th him all placed asecond be left in the and Harrison. during the was inebriated time he and did note of alcove of HALL stated layed out not know instruc- the First that this payh what was K going on. HALL stated that on the date of the he was driving a1952 Ford sedan which had Company in the 200 block of Seventh Street, the name of BONNIE wagon to Kansas City HEADY. He earlier or stated he had left first payoff been rented St. Joseph, had either it at 1 92 attempt from aU4Drive-It Missouri, in brought the station home but believes it was f&#39;=.7_~-e tiA ? ti .92.&#39;aa&#39; fit a3=" "- _r ,_-.-.-s .aitr:~;-*.92&#39;. __-y -r, - Z Q. ..-. . &#39;_. _ ._ 1.. I .. &#39;__-I _ =.~ /. -!;_ -_ 1, -._ . ~_-_. A__-.-._.;V. |__ -~ . _;. ._ -c -92»,-_ -_;_-_, _:;;&#39;.92_-"_._,1&#39;, _"__;_j" _-|;;1;.;-i-;.r:v;&#39;e:.aa-s--!.¢n92-I.»- l92rt:92.s=-xi. -92.; "~ _-;.~;s&#39;*,,m<ss.sssc&#39;ZL..s-1:3.-;-3-,5 Jn- .&#39;.6.&#39;Eu;.:~1uahulazlqlnnzsetgzi.-¢v£E-zu_L -.-&#39;,&#39;.a.*~..&#39;>&#39;_=4 a..* .. 1.. -._ £3; 3% ?. 2% .5 g | fl . r- l --eggQf1f1..;ij7;ccs_; qr? I 1* &#39; i &#39;-rs -.-_. 1 e-:*i< .321? . 1 5 =i SL 7 h29 north Kansas City. He allay suspicion stated the reason he from HEADYand; of rented this course, himself, Ford was to He stated that he had already changed the license tags on the Ford by stealing a set of plates off of acar parked on the streets in north Kansas City . 1 &#39; -,____ , . -_~__ and had thrown the that he was armed "-1&#39; :1 .-§. i.--.= -I: 1:." . ii 1&#39;. £.T~. .1 -"5&#39; for the .38 caliber rented car Smith and away, He stated Wesson snub-nose revolver as was the case on all subsequent payoff attempts. At the time HALL layed out this payoff he had no intentions of attempting to pick up the package but merely wanted to give the GREENLEASEs s dummy run _,¢ regular license with his to_see if they were sincere and to make sure they had not layed atrap for him. He had have twr dummy runs before he already figured out in his plans made any attempt to collect the to ransom money. HALL stated making atelephone that he call to started the the GREENLEASE first payoff attempt by residence at about 1230 on Saturday morning, October 3rd, from abar near Armour and Troost. He did not further identify this bar but stated that they were closing until about at the time he made the call. HALL stated he drove around L200 a.m. and drove by L2nd and Charlotte and noticed that the rock under which he placed his second note was still in place. He then drove to the telephone booth located at the streetcar shelter house at Brushcreek and Main, at which time he placed acall to the GREENLEASE residence and asked the party answering what had&#39; 3? d? 17$ happened. He was advised that they did not have the money at the home, had had trouble finding his notes, and were afraid it would be daylight before they could comply with his instructions. iThis party told HALL they had written him anote and placed it where he had directed the payoff to take place. After receiving this explanation HALL replied in a disguised voice, "Tonight" and hung up. HALL did not go by the church to pick up the message that they he was afraid itwould claimed to have left him as be a trap» HALL stated that after the first payoff run and his early morning phone call to the GREENLEASE residence, he and BONNIE HEAD! returned to St. Joseph, Missouri, where they remained until Saturday we ;;. afternoon, at which time they returned to Kansas City in the rented 1&#39; ~&#39;_&#39;.T .-<.Ford and layed out apayoff route in north Kansas City. He stated that BONNIE HEADY was with him when he layed out this she was inebriated and did not route but know what was going on. again stated After laying i F i 2 » ll. :3. yt, ,_ - *5{in P1 sq, .,, , N:$&#39;;_-2.; --_~._v&#39;§-&#39;, ,- . . -.*:"--,., |2.- .._.,.o..._-,,_-.&#39;. sa isd _ _ __-,3, __ _ 1. -.. 92 :-r-*r.*<;; f;;;- . L92 __.2,--=:»"&#39;-» 5;_;i&#39;_&#39;k a._ , ,r;>92- . f __ -; ;x-: +r=.--,;,,;_~»,».+~ - asses "adds I i-ea ..._-__ _ -r , ..._{ h - _- .-, --vi. ._ . . y __,.~___ I _ . *3 __-_1. :5, _L,-&#39;-;___- &#39;.i _. __<:____ ,__ . _ _ _j_;,".;_ _;.5 &#39;-;_ _&#39;.&#39;_;rl92_._ --,-.&#39;.__ , 1:__,&#39;_. , .",§}_:-: §,: .&#39;-_ ,&#39;.§___:?;&#39;-I-&#39; __"._&#39;{."; ~&#39;-. -:.§.;-&#39; _ IV,92 _!;&#39;.;¢,.;-&#39;_a _la-,.92_.,.-,5»... -,q.:.&#39;_:-as.»--.»-tr-o-,.@¢ 92-4-:4».-..i.>¢¢.r..»-1:--_aL-ea.-u_,aa&#39;.14g.|¢, ~ =»-we-92 >.sn--aw:.=~.: uM¢w::*%:m e§-uawvb_%¢md.mmwJn _-L» i-!92-&#39;-r-JJ-=&#39 "-- a:?_§fay n "~ 5fur M; --.&#39; gees _1 2- ,,. 1"! .1-*.-Y"-&#39;:~I ,_-., -;.&#39;1. 31 7 &29 s-a_ &#39;4;-E ! out the tourist payoff route in north Kansas City he rented amotel in a court at the intersection of United States Highways #71 and #69, using the nameof Mr. and Mrs. HEADYand giving the address of either Booneville, Columbia, or Sedalia, Sunday, October hth, he tgjg Missouri. About 1:30 a.m. 3 | drove to Kansas City; Kansas, having BONNIE HADY in the car with him but she was again or still inebriated,and made a phone call to the GREENLEASE residence from a pay station in the Town House, Kansas City, Kansas» He told the answering party, after identifying himselfas he haddoneon subsequent calls, to g I £: -&#39;1.-;-._.-&#39; w. -1 e-_ &"I_&#39;92l% .-:1: s4 hi! sea Eh? go to 13th and Summit where they would find a note under a rock marked with a red cross. He had previously placed this note under the rock and this note directed the receiver to go to north Kansas City and drive up Highway#169 to the Oak View addition sign and there to look under another rock with a red cross where he had placed a note directing them to leave the money bag up a seldom used lane closed to the LUMM Fanm off Highway #69 between Highways #71 and #169. I 92 92 I , HALLstated that he was parked on Highway#69 in the rented ,;.-1-.."---.1 $z--.; . _ I &#39;v~ .&#39;: r6--_*-vi: ,_;&#39; as _,T,:-. - :1 &#39;_ Ford and that BONNIE HADY was with him but was asleep. He stated but did drive down into bag and could not see it. Kansas where the lane where He then drove he had told them to leave .. I he placed another phone call from the pay station at the Town House to the GREENLEASE residence, at which time he was infonmed that they had left the money and that he should go back and look for it. He drove back and looked but still could not find it and, being afraid that a trap had been lain for him, he then drove to the Ben Bolt Hotel in north Kansas City, at which point he again called the GREENLEASE home and was told that they had left the money as directed but-were now on their way to pick it up for fear that soe unauthorized person or persons might find it. He told them it was his mistake and that he would payoff that day and he would deliver .-_~&#39;_- the back over to Kansas City, call them later in the day, and said they should definitely £erg. he saw a dark Cadillac go by and assumed it was the payoff car. HALL stated he had no intentions of trying to pick up the money that night 1 i 92 l 92 1 make the BOBBYGREENLEASE to them within twenty-four hours. &#39; HALL stated Hrs. GREENLEASE had previously talked to him on the phone after he had agreed to see if it would be possible for her to talk to her son although he well knewhe was dead and buried. When he told her it was impossible to talk to her son because it was l I 4&#39; 1&#39; . t .-J;&#39;>l-&#39;. V-. -...,".l .:.92&#39;.n_.a:_-&#39; &#39; 1;-&#39;,,&#39;I&#39;, &#39; n.-.I.r..Qa"..-}Q-¬a.i§>-=-"592LL&#39;,.,4.." -&#39; u-_;;;a,;!.92i.- i;I n¢V1n192&#39;I~ :_&#39;I1&#39;r:"b92-1,1-I --&#39;;ln I&#39;*.<.; s;nh;;a§$em#smunmnmmmmmnnnQnemnnmmamnmaman Q ____ 1._. 1,»_ _-§_j-l_.-.<;if -. -H --.=»,_._4-_ -,5 °oL-5;. 1;, £2: "55-Igt &#39; HQ5;---92-&#39; ;,-1»-,_ : 1. 92 " ~ W &#39; &#39;. A. -, 92&#39; I Q ,._¢-.- - 1" l>-1 Ti -I;_ -72&#39;. -=1 : _. 1i -: *:£¥ u If-&#39;.-1. ;,We :% "Z.-&#39; , . _ SL 7*h29 too much $1- _, &#39; 1P n ~==; f&#39;92 . - _a of arisk questions that to get him to she wanted to have the phone, he said BOBBY answer she asked him and requested two that he phone her back. The first question was something about who was their chauffeur in Europe and the second question had something to do with what BOBBY had built in his playroom. HALL told Mrs. GREENLEASE he would endeavor to get BOBBY to answer these questions for her and call her back within an hour, knowing full well all the time that BOBBY was already dead. When HALL did call he told them that BOBBY had refused to answer was alive and well the questions but homesick that BOBBY had told him about try and reassure them that the be sure to go through with but he HALL assured them said that that BOBBY he made some .1 remark his parrot that whistled in order to . boy was still alive so that they would the payoff. HALL stated that on Sunday; October eth, he and BONNIE HEAD! checked into Tiny and Marie&#39;s Motel on east Highway #h0, taking the end cabin as you drive in on the right hand side. He stated that BONNIE HEADYhad passed out and remained in bed all day He stated that he went out and started laying out a third payoff route, finally deciding on county road 10E running south off Highway #L0 to a bridge about a mile from for the payoffc Highway #h0 which he thought would be HALL stated that he had already told 1»e ? 1 ".&#39; 4. call them until 8:30, at which time he apologized for being late. ,He stated that this call was placed from Katz Drug Store, Lynnwood and Troost, and that he talked to Mro LEDTERMAN. He told LEDTEHMAN hewas going to make the payoff very simple and that they could expect the child back within twenty four hours. October hth, He stated but that that he he did not He finally stating that he, himself, hotel in the Berkshire which the told him could not phone booth it was some kind of a"shire" remember the correct name of-the was located, but which P told LEDTEHMAN he should go to Pittsburg, Kansas and wait for a message addressed to him, LEDTEHMAN, in care of Western Union at that point, which would tell him where the child could be picked up. HALL stated he told LEDTERMAN hewould call him at exactly 11:30 p.m. at telephone Valentine 92?9. HALL stated he did not tell LEDTEHHAK where this phone was located as he was somewhat muddled. He stated that LEDTERMAN kept insisting that he tell him the location of this phone as he had no other way of finding out where it was located and that he finally told him it was somewhere around Lynnwood and Troost; more specifically, near the LaSalle Hotel. 1. the GREENLEASEs that he would call them at 8200 p.m., Sunday, g 92 a good place &#39; - .&#39;|. -&#39;7; .- -&#39;1&#39; Ks-.a < I he now knows as 1 | 5 5 Hotel. - -33-. ;_:1;1§_s $%% i t--1-.~. J: ."=5., _~ 1. ~ -I~. I $5 -sci .&#39; .P:40 _ .-.w-.&#39;__~.-.,-__&#39;__ -3.&#39;m92:&#39;=2};&#39;l&#39;,:l&#39;-;=&#39;;l:, . _ ; ,;,&#39;,,."_-___&#39;:.92&#39;.c&#39;l2:&#39;1 .&#39;.__"&#39;-*&#39;.; iL-..._=./1;r.;;~.r.=92éI_1;,¢;_ " 5- &#39;l_l?;;-&#39;=I:_ §;,&#39;.&#39;,1.§&#39;-&#39;g -mks -.&#39;A;-_i ,<.92;;"j~ ~§*-_@"1*>=-=92&#39;-&#39;egg-§§g:§&#39;3i".5»w"¬§,*a&#3 ,_;" ti-. ::&#39;i i Q &#39;i _;f¬ "J._::j Ii; § -3&#39;»: ,1?Ia :1 W.. . ii 1:" la; :2; _,1;:I .1 A SL 7 h29 HALL stated that he called LEDTERMAN,as arranged, at exactly 11:30 p.m. at telephone Valentine 9279, making the call from a pay phone in afilling station on the south side of U. S. Highway#h0 between Blue Ridge and Stevenson&#39;s Cafe. He stated that at the time of this call he told LEDTEHHAN to proceed east on U. S. Highway#h0, past Stevensonis Cafe to road 10E; and then turn south on this road for about one mile until he came to a bridge where he should throw the bag out _ on the right side of the road on the north side of the bridge. stated ..f&#39;-. .&#39;."..-&#39;r_ 1*;-L: at ,lis? 1,... .~t,.-..- 4-. - > I that near he remembered parking he made the phone call on Highway§hO with until this filling he saw a dark Cadillac two men in it whom he took to be station HALL from which go by going east LEDTERMAN and was with him at the time his partner. HALL stated that BONNIE HEADY all of these negotiations were going on but as usual was inebriated and did not know what was going on. HALL stated he was driv ing the rented Ford and started out three or four minutes behind LEDTEHMAN in the Cadillac. He stated he droye downroad 10E to the south off Highway#hO but did not see the bag as he drove by so he went on south a couple of miles BONNIE HEADY was with him all c oming toward him. He then which was coming south. the time and that as soon | started He stated that as he crossed over the bridge he stopped on the north side, got out, and picked up the bag which was on the west sid e of the road and put it in the trunk of the Ford. He estimated that h e actually received the ransom money about 12:30 a.m. Monday morning, October 5, 1953. .,.-_ &#39;14 5-. . 1&#39; I -in HALL stated that after getting the money bag he drove back in-I-A Ynnnan f92"+&#39;rr nn man- Qu :1-A11 a bar located on the northwest ¢HUU&#39; ILGIIDQO 92l.LlJJGnu 1-u-nun0- VI -ILL froa corner of Blst and Forest to the GREENLEASE residence, Gilmore 6200, where he talked to Mr. LEDTERMANN and told i 92 w I him, "we got the bag." HALLalso rememberedmaking the remark about, "I might buy a Cadillac." HALL stated that he promised LEDTEHMANhe would send him a wire in _ _.___:__.. -./_ 1r-..4....... n_:.... :.. n.u.l..92........ Ir--0- 11-: L.-i ..92-. the mul.&#39;u.|.ll5, u,r&#39;J n¢buGx.&#39;11 UJLLUIIlu 1 luuauuzgs, nc|ua35 vG4..|.l1lg u4.1&#39;i&#39;i nu3l 3 alive and well he could pick up BOBBYand assuri ng him that BOBBY was and full of hell, knowing of course that BOBBYGREENLEASE had been He stated dead and buried since Monday afternoon, September 28th. _I we. .&#39;-" |I and then He stated pulled off the road and turned ar ound headed back north. and waited for five or ten that he tunied of! his motor and lights minutes until he saw car lights up and drove past the Cadillac L HADY that prior to the picking up of the ransommoneyhe and BONNIE had checked out of their motel around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. and he sta 92 92 n H 1 _~ , _e... . .. ,, __1_-a _. f§ % ,»..n- &#39; t t 1-ig.:&#39;_< §~i%? 4-; ? 4 92_ ~ ,1.- 92. -, . ,.-.,--_ .,92<-&#39;-=. ,_-,1,-&#39;1,._ _ _ _- ,-,V .-. ..- H: I .-.--.. ... --&#39;I- -.92n&#39;:-_,--I-4-.i.; -_. -; .. -92-_ ..;_, _.> ._ _ __ . -I,1-A-.I ~--V ., . .,-_ _ .,. _.,v.._» r . l92 &#39; , ,-< v-. .-I -.&#39;-~-= -.---,-.J ~ . ai.-<.. .E= .-.---.1 -&#39;-" 92=-&#39;.92 . < , -_&#39;.. J: I "1_ , ~._&#39;» ->_:-_5 -:_~ -_; __92 &#39; _1 . 1- _ q; 3,; _.. . _ . .-;&#39;&#39;..--. Q.92. e .. .3._5.. ._&#39;. 1-».-,;"-_&#39;<92._¢_" {f_&#39;. ~;<- _> ;v.: &#39;.&#39;_--. &#39;, &#39; 1-"":=1 ;RL-&#39;.-&#39; .-/-&#39; Ty . _t- ,;_~ &#39;.-ii~ ?J92;..*I-&#39; -_&#39; -;-&#39;.*.."-.-.-&#39;Tr-111k" T.~"~" -&#39;1"-~31-?; r"~-&#39;92 3 1"?-?3:" -3 3&#39;-!&#39;£{"*f. :&#39; ¬& =fa,_,.1-_-0 , ~" &#39;~ _1 .-;,~,_;-.__i,. -.e K~&#39;L, --, -&#39;--!-1-&#39;" - _;&#39;_ ,»_ ,.&#39; » 92..-u_--~,-E.;;;=i1-.._. I-»_: -_ _ -;. -v_>, 1,1.-,_L--.-1 . -.-,-..--&#39;. &#39;-.i&#39;921 -. _,;-=,--&#39;92&#39;§_-&#39;__ ~,.-:¢,-,._.. ._|--1-_».<1-.-.--,..=&#39;. Y,-a.-Q, 92&#39; .-.. ._ .492 _.:__,___b,... t_..._-<_ . ., &#39; -... ,-..-~, 4, -;..._-,~-» ...-. _92._;H__; I _i,__..__,n_," ___&#39;, .4 .,._ .. ,K-<==r.¢~:-5113.-m1-Rk-kI., .7 ,1 .,. _-.,. _&#39; _e 92A!"92_,_. _._;;. -._ .. ._._.92, 92._Jn1,, ,- iblh ., {m**h .~92 . .-N-. 1&#39;5-ht! aii . ¬92. -$:&#39; a..~ ._.-_..|_l-_;..c--~._&#39;¢ iP!|»{ # ¢i&*§ ¥££&#39;~"Q, ¢___._¢@11l»mm!ius§m@A& ~, ta .:;-&#39;23": 1-- -.-_ . _3-,n_2-1 __1 4. -.o éé bqé, §§ .&#39;V -f" £1 ,c" &#39;.--1 3L 7&#39;=-if 9 =-*1-2: ,~Q 3 J2.&#39;_&#39; . - On Ootober 10, 1955, eubjeot CARLAUSTIN HALL was interviewed ty .15»:-&#39;.&#39;__é WILLIAMG. SIMON,ASAC,at the 51:0Louie Qity Jail. HALL*advisedthat he 1m staying at the Torn House Hotel in St.-..Louis, lliesouri, at the than oi&#39;"hi1 J-=?F .--. --. arroit. The room, rhieh "he"occupied, 1-an "a. living"1"oom1&#39;1th"&#39;pul1==o&#39;ut ted: 0 &#39;.-.l §~Y and e This kitchenette oloset and a 1-urge closet at the left he described an e -uralk=~ ol l*n mretwtth of the hall entrance. a *v:h&#39;°eeeer in ito HALL atated that itxun "in this closet that he had planed the two metal mite _j;;;. L; -_ 56"." : .n_ can; which oontained the reneom money, HALL-eontiwroedthat the crown 92 -.,.~;_&#39;.;l¢?-.&#39;:=*, ><=@--2 leather I hag and the zipper brief vase mere in -the -lhiogtroon. up against -the ~ tell owl thet the brie! oeee -ta: imeiiately edjeeent to the hell em-t.he by--wean suit oaie me pushed up against ito HALL oontinued that at-what he ; eatinatoe was ehortly before B100 F020 he no iitting in the-roomalo-no -having n drink of whiskey. He stated that at tzhia time BONNIEwas still [haying at the Amenel 51:1 !-":3, epertmento 0-He 1%,. " thethe retells items IhUI t]II bO f0l&#39;O &#39;~&#39;.u;:.-, -&#39;-5 8260 Polo; teeauge he1B8&#39;U&#39;I1_3eU _<[0HN&#39; §GER*tod_1E2&#39;,E5 hisGing girltrien &#39;wrp to H9.L-L : 8.P8 .!"§n&#39;Qm"5 at 8200 9.11-.=.HAL1Tiif£. &#39;-{ha not met this girl friend, 1.&#39;> .If2-&#39;-&#39;i-; but that JOHNHAGERwaste tring her as a date for him. He tdvited that .,-; was e rap on the door, and" t1ro menwalked in andplaoed HALL&#39;DIl I BI&#39; =__-._ !~_; _ 8.1"2 B:i"-Jo He said that the taller of thetmo. did the talkirg - 9 1rho,1n all T &#39;:&#39;.#_&#39; _ -. -L»-92;;__ __ . 1&#39;..: ..a...__.__4inn-we nun-rn&#39;1&#39;92!*bn I3l l&#39;Y _.a...4-_.1 4.|.._1. 92__4-... .1 pf QDa[| ,_,1,1_&#39;§3&#39;p KI "&#39;1-WI-I-92nU&#39;l-IHI-192I J-IUUJ-D BI192J&#39;92-I-I-Ii-&#39;34-"&#39;LDo HALE IUHBUU UISIIU I15 unn:iu.2; -2&#39;. i V e gun on &#39; 3,.-&#39;:_. ie.t:.-Joy thoughts "The jig was up and that the other manheld gun was in e desk drawer loadedo HM-L oontinued that HALL and that HALL": ._-.-__ av-&#39; F1, . _ to look around and went lrhroughHALL : pockets and suitcase from the kezrohief -pooket of HALL : V0.-to He atatea that he it not positive that they 1re1-etaken from this pocket, &#39;1:-at 1&3 8 -ITBthat the kQ YH"IB1 taken B from one of hie P ck tlo He eon &#39; tinned that, after-the tall man got tn keys, he .1-leardhim go into the the tall man Ktarted tool: the ",,&#39;f_-&#39; = &#39;2 3;-1&#39;? 2, *%* 1. _-2" D . &#39;1-J» keg-a to the olozmt and thought he heard him openthe suitoase, and iiALL told the other gimax: I think the jig 1| op. The tall-"man talked hack-into -the-"room &#39; :>?;&#39; and di not "saye&#39;ny1&#39;:&#39;hing&#39;i§&#39;J&#39;0&#39;u eeeing any moneyin"-the euitoase .0 1t -I .f -_1;,-&#39;5 oonltirmedthat the other to I1l IIl.&#39;B&ld HALL, What do you-1nean?""andhl-L l said "1 don&#39;t know that I meant," .l"BfO1"I°ihg ."to HALL": "remark,e."I think jig is up. HALL continued that the tall man then opened the"-briefoean ¬&#39;_ &#39;i the :-¢.,,,; . ;"E-1&#39;3 and ho said, "Looks like you&#39;ve got quite a bit ofmoney hafe J mid "Yen," and the tall menaaid, I 1 o&#39;o.:1d it, and HALL stated that 1-=¢r HL1.-Lsaid that, while tool: about $20,000 this was prior ahw om I 5* , "J ~ f or $30,000 HALL I&#39;m putting the trier -oese.bsok*1here he did replace it in its former location- at the CORALCOURTS,he teliewa and pleoed it that to the time that he took the moneywith the thought of burying it in-"the grourrda am. advised that in-raked the officers, this ell in in the brief ease and that e.&#39;5out,"&#39; thinkingthat the tall suit &#39;eA|:e,""1I.nd that the "tall mac&#39;- menhad not seen themoneyin tin. "mananswered, in effect, Be quiet. IIheo. l , 5. 1 55- .5: ;i_L~T_&#39;;. 4.§-IL : ;,, gfi _.,. -at =.-92&#39; &#39; la. 12* .-92. &#39; . _ »._m .-¢.92.J...-%-.-.-,0-.*.-.1.-.1e~; = »&#39;¢:r-n;1.u~1 1-» .~= .:=-.-mu .~g.». A" :-:.¢»-.1:;*.;-:11-&#39;I:r:;.:;.=:4--:&#39;= ah : ~_&#39;. - 1 &#39;3 $12.1 , 4;. -~. . >40 sL T=4Z9 took r _ A men took him "out of the"donr e.nd &#39; H <.&#39;§.zL$.:;::.."... !-- him to the _ Police Stnti-unetznd thathe believed that on departing fromthe hotel they &#39;i:ocrkedthn"_dtor. He"ituted :1 that -Bmaydid"-not bring the nit tesea tr brief were -with them, lee.-ring than _.. 1ll&#39;1lOt"d&#39;0ttG= I]"l7hiI HALLadmitted at .__,_-3 in the room-andHALL I&#39;U liU1"I "11 H_1 I?_l ~ mi this point that he had been drinking quarter grain of morphineo whisky steadily and had taken e r HALLconcludedthat, an he walked out _ofthe door with the uffiterl he rememberedthat the -two t1-an key: to the hrgeut "-suit--eare&#39;1v1~e lying on " the dreeeero He stated that he didenot meetiw "only"keywhichtamewith the ot&#39; metal suit GHIQo HALL concluded that he had not seen the suit easel from the time he was taken out of the he-tal roomby the two men and that 1-! hi I&#39;M not _...,; . lE&#39;75;&#39;.¥ giwn any receipt for theni = _ e&#39; i K Y 92 i H R =3 -#2 .-.-,,. .; I -1 Z -z F 11% ;-, .-._. -. I . .I "3 ._ _ I ._ " 11¢ ii 92 .5 ;~..,., &#39;5,-4: I .7 J &#39;1"; 2 1 15: _ -, - .,; &#39; =;?r&#39;% V. --2 / fé." P ; ~ -&#39;1; J 3 4 5* _ 1; }?"f_ . -1 r-. 3 :1! . , -36- 92 1 I I --vs .92&#39;r _..,, . .- >, .-,-92..-= . . ti ---..&#39;..&#39;...v.92...!;:&#39;;. !.r_.:;. is _. _,_, - I __ _-,-I __ .-~ .1--__-1 *--..-&#39;-&#39; &#39;-..&#39;-=".&#39;;","& I,.- 1_, -__ ,_ __, . _._. . - __~~ ._ , .,..,. __ _. ..4. .,~_,-.._-:;;_-;_;-_ .-._~.-. ; ....<.»&#39;:. =-_m - -, .--~ -&#39; ,.-- - &#39; , ._ &#39;;-. _: -.-r- -_ ----*_-1--1-,&#39; _-_-_-,go..L is-&#39;. - .~;., ;.&#39;. .. :|..-&#39; ,._..;1-,-.-= &#39;..." -131" -1-I1=.:92_...=.--.:-=&#39;--»:<:;-.x:o~s:;:.-_a...*"&#39;is§.»su,r;..;.¢:~....--&#39; at-&#39;. :is;*..,».&#39;"-~r.:<__~ s.~..>.- -~» -&#39;1*a-1 -r-&#39;f ..|_.t... -&#39;=. >-1-9--_~1.."&#39; -;_--&#39;4»£»u3>¢~¢92»-e.-;-_a£a -;-- :2 : : r L" r ,} ;. &#39;-&#39;3"_|&#39; 92 1 4 r~_-}>{ 2, _=~°&92 ?-1:29 _t The following interview conducted was by Special Agents 92 p. 953 a C q it time ey and on pertaining to the L at the St. book of l Louis City matches found possession. . twhi Jail. HALL in HEADI&#39;s ;- Pertaining to .732 .-* October 10 interviewed CARL A&#39; was questioned I &#39;_A . possession at the time the book of her of matches arrest by the found in BONNEHEADI&#39;a St.. Louis Pol eDepartment, subject stated that these matches were obtained at the El ncho tel,Eans ..-,, him on 10/1;,/53, and ~he wrote the name of no EUIERMAH J&#39;» .7f&#39;.City, Hoe, by in penuil inside this match case. He stated that he c dinto this motel &#39; ~- re $ 1-». -I.~ -.&#39;92&#39;~ with BONNIE I-IEADY the under name of ill;-. and Mrs. V. E. LLADYE Booneville Missouri, although they checked he does not recall the exact time in the mo ning that ins an-t . xi . Q} - 1." &#39; 13$ ?§ -..... .--t -- §d§e 92" .:.;. _/I they had ~He stated that at possession obtained from the Mc Cord Bell He does not recall that he had previously the license stolen Company in St. Joseph, number but believes in North Kansas that it City, Missouri. the Missouri. was a plate i 5 I E Ei shah; £1?-425*: 1-.$.&#39;92&#39;-_ -..- %§§%§ ¬I*%"%~. T: ki .n shes? %si§= 192-*.~"&#39;é$f* A 7 .&#39;;&#39;~&#39;:, -.!&#39;§ .&#39; __ .. i &#39; V" __,. &#39; -- &#39; &#39; " 5"" "*1 U &#39; .?b92?:_&#39;I __ ..7".~_, . ..&#39; is - -.-_{ _. ._.-_ _.1. ., ____. s __ __ i_92_,._ » -, -~. .. .- -..._,~ .w, .__=. .; 92-=_-. -.. ~ , ;~, ¢ " ._= -.-A-F1 "-&#39;>~,&#39;_92& &#39; . ,1. _ _-. i. -... ..~_ , . ,._, . ., r.-- - "s*_92_i=~=_:_&#39;92v t -_-&#39;J- .., ..92I-~_--,.-:,--_,-. _ V. LL .,., , ._.,.-,-L ,., ,_._<..._,»92,.,....,..s.,__, _.1-.,-s-;~_--_-. -,- . -: __; .-.-"...§.&#39;. ;..-,-.=s.&#39;:»s.92_-..&#39;.; -&#39;:|;".:L._ . ,.-Ede usei.-.u"292~ --.-.._-....s..i.",s-a.-._,...=~....s.f._._;s.&#39;.,. .i.;92.;,s.Q ; --i-shi_-&#39;~.»:;-_a"~a<=» .§.;r_.:, - 8.,t.-|-st. ?- .3 ;.L.=L92_&#39;|. :4. [_. t, .,;,,.1s. , _-.?- , -I =2&#39; 7|F T ¥ 55 &#39;1l:§ 1.. &#39;_&#39; L is:- -55:.2.1.1-"-.5 ,.E . ;-Ir 1; 1-4 _;.=-i &#39;.=¢fTi w; --3 .-.""! _ s.=&#39;;,..-;: |"92 --_,.-.-Hr .- I_ &#39;t{> 5 f . HAT-Q _ r. 7...-*- rev? &#39;-:-1&#39;-31. ! SL 7-n29 92 . _ nnnnnrntnn Hi or-hn&#39;i+&#39;§nI-92 for n&#39;|n&#39;l-Minn ls:-921I92cnn92&#39;|nn+ +!92 +hQ QT]-1%? ll-I-I16 +hA 92ll- U HJUUHW U-L92JIl92l§ IIJ-Jhim 92IuL92|-&#39; Illlllls D92 92JQ¢921 l~¬ UU l9 U11 kidnapping, HALL stated that the suit he was wearing on September 28, 1953; was a blue sharkekin suit, size he, Ihich he believes he took to a cleaning in St. shop on Frederick Shirf J1 v be n gas Avenue by the name of either He stated Joseph; Missouri. that he believed that HOBSONor HODSON he put the Q ifIJ-92rU-L-Ill FlHer a-la Q :|+ vu EH5 &#39;§&#39;,&#39;§vI92e Ha you-iauaauu hnnrrl Q_r| 1-H 1&#39;1 4 Y! -Fla new van uw var: u1n+imlu uvw-1; wast: Qeavvina am. 5 washing machine at BONNIE&#39;s home and endeavored to launder same. He stated that he does not presently recall what disposition he made of the shoes 0" necktie ."&#39;.-;-"&#39;:&#39;1..&#39;: __:._. 1,? _,_ &#39; 5»-5 &#39;7" := TI he was wearing. l HALL sas questioned . in detail concerning the alleged blooi stains appearing in the HEADY home ihich he states were from the victim&#39;s body, and he advised that the stains appearing on the door casing at the basement steps leading to the kitchen and those leading to the front part of the /n -.=.-,.i..s 92,"-5 kitchen were no doubt from the victim&#39;sbody. stains leading iron the kitchen back door were also no body in that direction. doubt He likewise stated r | I T those into the dining room and then to the from the body as he had carried victim&#39;s &#39; ._- -2 45>-. _-. =;-VZ 11.2 -1;: -% 1-1 "5 _W;9&#39;15 5- -&#39;-F&#39;i5 &#39;Q__&#39; 4-11$ 2?! He also advised that any blood stains that appeared upon the cushion and bedspread in the dining room were also probably iron the victim&#39;s body. He stated that the cushion and bedspread, previously mentioned, were nonmally on the b&CKporch of the hone but due to the cool weather the back porch was no longer used and these thing were brought into L I the dining room. He advised that they had been taken off the back porch p prior to instant , kidnapping. He stated he does not recall laying the bod on the fiber rug on the back porch, but that is entirely possible. He also stated that he did not recall specifically the house to pat the dirt used it and not using line to but ax in the basement -&#39; recall. dry, long handled he washed the chamois skin and hung it does not recall endeavoring to launder the quilt > of into the victim&#39;s grave, but that he could have He also advised that on the the F 92 l .92 -- _ "-" = ..- aw.-a-"ea """-._._. -o;-.~&#39;..; .- .¢-.~&#39;..-.a.,..-,...a. 1. ..1-I-~..=;,../.1.-u-:4 -~ .<-r1 ywen:¢u.M@a-§uh»mz".m92-.¢vmuAw .1-&#39;1&#39;; &#39;-1-FF" 92 P _..,,-.,,,,,..,_.,_-.,.92..1;..¢_w..L...1 -&#39; .q,--4-;..e92u.-;-.¢ -2 J.- -. ~.-&#39;-an - if P -. : 5? -" »~ :-1-e&#39;92.-L: 1*: &#39;-"&#39;:,""f=} n-.-&#39;:= J »-: ¢ -2 I ; SL 7-1:29 I Ti -1 them and placed them in the wastepaper basket or the incinerator. -2?-e definitely recalls not recall what he did that there empty cartridge with the remaining live _He cases, cartridges but does? in the cylinder- ? s He also advised that to the best of his recollection the=victim&#39;e body did not have the mechanical pencil at the time he observed it. &#39; The red ribbon with the medal was on the body, and he mailed the medal HQ - i 4 with the ransomnote. &#39; He stated he believed he placed the red ribbon in the eastepaper basket and subsequently burned it He advised he items or other material . were three -4 In an effort .=.&#39;_».&#39;_ &#39; lE , ;il§ @?¬ owe and activities at the HEADYhone. could not recall burning any newspapers, wood in the incinerator. -to pin subject HALL down to his exact at the time he discovered actions the body and subsequently to sending BONNIEHEADY to St. Josephto do someshopping, he related the following steps believed to be taxen by him: ~ ,1 -f ~ . l. -&#39;.-3" I. I That he re-entered the basement, picked victim&#39;s body up ~ and placed it cover. - on the plastic rd? 2. He left the body in the basement, obtained a shovel outof the garage, walked out on the driveway to the rear east Bide of the house and commenced to dig a body. I - &#39; " .&#39; .. 1~ ._,E_-7&#39;5 3. _"I&#39;-1 h. &#39;_&#39;;&#39;.&#39; &#39;| _-;if |;_ 3, a&#39;t:&#39; &#39; 4:. , .33 ._--1 -<1 about another foot or two at which time victim&#39;s J ~- he believed heard BONNIE HEADYreturning from downtown St. which house. time he re-entered the That he dispatched BONNIE HEADY down and rest and believes he » Joseph at &#39; =&#39; - to the living roqmto lie that he took her a bottle of-- at liquor and to the best of his recollection she did go to the living room and lie down on the couch and yet it could have : for That he dug a grave about a foot deep, went bacx down in the basement to observe the body, then returned and dug the grave 1},-". grave been that she retired to the bedroom to lie ;: down. 5. Hethenrandown thestairsand drove thestation wagon into &#39; the basement, put victim&#39;s body in the rear of the Plymouth station wagonallegedly at that time for the purposeof taking &#39; -39- 2- §> -i ~ I.-_>&#39; ..__4- tmga -.-_., TI? % I &#39; . go. -..---.- Fa: at -, *s T .".-._ 0 -. 1eg. I . IP &#39; Er.-. ,.... .~ , , 4. __ 92_.;-_~ .3.»-._,-.._.._; _,._. A ._._-;;_,_ ,_.._., _ -._. -I . - _-p. ,- .-_;. =.,_-..»..;-..&#39;__-,-_.;..i, -_,-..»..-_;-- &#39;.;,-.--.-;_:;. __-.=_;;.-...-,. -t &#39; U -.;.;.- .-.»...: f._-.I --,;_ .."_92 .1..,_-_.-.-. . ..I... < . . . ;..... . H. ___ .,,,-.. -. - .-9;-._ .. ... ...-.A . .._ _ .-.~...aD921..-_.;».-Z-,.;.-;,e-.;f92..,_. : -.._.-. . ..=-!-_*_v-.:.~.-;; ~...... _&#39;.&#39;_.,~-&#39; =.--&#39;»._.,.";--_.,..,_-&#39;.-.._92 1-¢.; -_jI ~.-,-&#39;; = -&#39;,¢,.-&#39;-1»-3 =_~,-., ~--_.,_1 -&#39; ~- -~ - ;;_- »;..___-,;;_-.--i_.=»&#39;-_921;92 *:~/*3.*..-:-*,,-92?.~.=ff92:_.;;_g.;._{ ,.._.,., -< it-~ »_ ~ ,»_.~&#39;.&#39; u ..w~ ---I » , "*. w &#39;--&#39; <4 -< ..&#39;-L;;;.;_.t__ _-.k. --_-, -;_92.,-g_£; ~.__;_J ._.:,__,~éL . E,-1 ,e4__.;;.&#39; ,--._.&#39;_ _» - -.1-E_.f_--1, 2...-. -__.-E -_ ,:-gr» - .~_,._-,_ _.;._-am -.."&#39;-. ;. .-E-1-..;92" .-,..u--.--.-_.-.--..~_-&#39;, =1-.. A V2v . 1 . /&#39; aid .-.&#39;. 5:-_ .1 sf: &#39;=-1: . as SL § 7-I129 1l l I-L-.3 _ it to the river and disposing of it in that fashion, but M I then decided not to take the body to the river." &#39; 2 He is unable to explain dispose of the bod in &#39; I don&#39;t know why I .&#39; 1. didn&#39;t go to the river bacx on the basement floor ;.S._r..-1--I drove . gr} .: 1-_92_{ then -- 7. Got out of the automobile andwentback up 8. .1 _....n. Believes the ran into the house to l- observe that that she was either or couch drunk on a -_l &#39;&#39; HEADYn38 doing and recalled had passed out of the and andfinished grave. he than inside | wagon and placed re-entered the car back down in the basement. digging instant the ~ BONNIE sleeping 92 1: ! 1 house. - 9. Re-enteredthe basement,broughtthe bodyin his arms up - the stairs wrapped in the plastic sheet and entered the_ kitchen. .-f92" 1 %% w." and &#39; -- Plymouth station wagon in an effort to back itout basement but stopped before he completed bacxing out .~"92 &#39;-. .&#39; &#39;- .- did not Iith_1t.q_1_" i 6. He then removed the body from the station it Jllll reason why he any logical this fashion, but merely states "I was so excited He laid the body down and went out the back door for the purpose of burying the body. &#39; &#39; He stated that under the bacx steps he does not believe in the basement which he advised that he possibly could remember. &#39; xix , E: that he ever had the body leads to the Kitchen, although &#39; have placed the body there but does not &#39;. 10. Placed the body in the grave with the blue plastic sheet. &#39;-Went in the garage and obtained a BQOKof lime, dropped it on the body leaving the empty sack in the grave_and-half filled the grave with dirt. e is &#39;~ _*~- i. mf .§% F; -&#39;~ _iv}- 11. He than proceededto the housewherehe washedhis hands , and face in either the bathroom or Kitchen and removed his i ll i .na,¢. *#*n hiss aiiaa sees &#39;3.I . .. 532;": 111 -"&#39;. e;.;_:£&#39;-ea &#39;; _"u ,%§ teat? :ae@*. {T P.- _ 92 4 _---~ -.":_._.::&#39;92,-r: - @,~., ...~.. _ 11&#39;" -_ _.&#39;-A-;.,.,. -;_ . .1.---1-. .-.-"_ -aj ,_;.i_ _ . ._ ,.,-4_.,_ ; ..: 1: ;-V.&#39; . J.., _ .». .,.V,-,&#39;..._&#39;-.&#39; ,-g . -I"-;_ = ,; -V, ~ - _-_._--1-ff-,-_-__,-" ».-<~&#39;*= &#39;-J;-_-,;:&#39;~5, -. T =,~;.5- ~..c_-.A_;,&#39;1-","Z" ";.=-= _-. -r.-_ ?7&#39;;"Bi--; . ;.$._..,,.,,-f "55~"1?.-_ ~71&#39;:J-P:.? |,_ -&#39;I-3I"1-in I ---~,, ,;.r._~&#39;.. Y"- =_ -., 92M.-&#39;.a ..,= &#39;4,-~"&#39; _ 15--3;"5-11 .,.,-.1"-&#39;.-;.|b,5, 92: ". - ~ -.. - ..*,~.&#39;; > ~_ &#39; 92&#39;~=1&#39; -;~ ,. Q_ -;1 _-LIT92 -&#39;1&#39; - I92-_ - .- -_,-. ._. -_ .1-a">" 92..¢;_=+-.-&#39;-.-. 1.2-.&#39; -r.-&#39;. "-3 1*.i£» r -&#39;1 F"-11..., ~&#39;:-.&#39; _ ; .;.-:-.I4J;&#39; ~_1%~,"&#39;»11~.. 1" :1--. 5" &#39; ""&#39;F" "-, &#39; ~&#39;-""&#39;T I -&#39;-92 &#39; &#39;1&#39; &#39;1--1="&#39; It ..-&#39;. &#39;."7""ls I .» -". L .. ,1? Y.-"E."-1&#39;";&#39;§.=&#39;¢""&#39;13"»-7&#39;"-1;; 1 W -F &#39;i&#39;J"¥-.i-="-"&#39;"1"-&#39;*= "" ":&#39;~. -w-&#39;5&#39;-.1;»-_ * ,"i Y. rT5§:" - .?z..?s > -we... naassesxaaa , 2:;-==.:,,-" &#39;_;d_-" ~?92 &#39; ll Q s.:1-.1»-_;a.:.:;ie.»=a=:*i:=;*=->-~92.;.92=»=<-L..l---,_92 4.-#2-_&#39;:_»&#39;;_-"..-.=-;s-;.:.Z."-£.2 *I-.l-G "122 &#39; &#39;.=-;-;=.w.....-&#39;. ---° 1"-..;.v.... e.:.*...1.=-....:r..=.. l ;%:_&#39; .%3&#39;.f=&#39;L1,"!-Trr 4 _.&#39; -*1 A!, -__ K-A:-___-, , . . .&#39;,"&#39;_ F an -"1 ==&#39;r &#39; 1 an-2-J I gm w»-.1 xi .- st 7-h29 _..g_a..2&#39; ::-j&#39;~-.5; .9. at &#39;-: ..&#39;>*::&#39;-T letter .1.----1~ .5 reealls ,a%;; HALL statesthat it is entirely possible that bemailedthis the main post office building in Kansas City, Iissouri, that when he mailed the letter he loosed at and- the collection schedule and discovered that he only had a couple of minutes before . = -m~~¢ H p ;soul d be picked up. nail He stated he drove /-.3&#39;- ,_ -FF.~&#39; Kl.-_"-.* -E Q.! __47;--.~ .--3? ="-2". 1: .&#39;2 .;§ET&#39; e5?T the » to KansasCity, Iissouri from St. Joseph 1 in HEADY sstation wagon for the purpose of mailing the first ransom letter &#39;nd then stopped at Lynn&#39;s Tavern for e drink on the Iay&#39;back to _ St. Joseph. He stated that to Kan as Iagon was an hour. it was his customto drove City in approximately one hour&#39;s time, I from St. Joseph that the Plymough station extremely speedy, and that he normally drove from 90 to 95 miles He returned to BONNIE HEADY&#39;s home at approximately 7:30 or 8300 puma on the night of September25, 1953. He stated that upon his return to he became the radio HEADY s home that they both started drinxing quite heavily » and exceptionally intoxicated and passed out while listening toi He denied hearing the news of instant on the radio that night. Kidnapping being broadcast v&#39; &#39; 5 J» -§g ~&#39;~ w &#39;55 ;~"{~.&#39; : as Q3; §$5 .-5-I 2;" ,_ ;= $33 E. 5%: 4 at V-,--__1__~,/.1-.;.;...-2,»-.;.n.r.:f.&#39;.la>a-1.-e I. *1-_r V _§_, -_ ____ __ __V H__, w| lDl92Q|-no-|" - __ r __ __ _: I I-&#39;Iqlr!AII&_ .j;, -.2 ; _ : N __ :. &#39;,1_,:_j_, .V~. _,_&#39;:_».-_..__; .V.1&#39;1. 5,92_-&#39;-J . d_-_&#39;.". I-1_&#39;¢92.-I|&#39;A@IM$L§ ~»niQ.ZnI-UiI_ w--».=.-~92an-I-oh.-.;::-_&#39;-_-__-1.».-1;leg-$5.:-r¢.,-a=vAqz a-hi!-vlhli-vlr--Pi *-&#39;-*1--¢~ -=vz xii»-: _g,_. .L 1 92_ &#39; an -. :1- pl 5; :FJ -2. -!_-2&#39;. iii? $ 3-! w pg SL 7 h29 having any money and he told her that if she wanted him to he would go on aholdup and get them plenty of money; that he and BONNIE HEADY talxed 5;; :; about what he might successfully holdup and that he cased two Safeway Stores in Kansas City, Hissouri, with the thought in mind of pulling the holdup. One of these stores he stated was on Broadway, around .&#39; -- K 1_&#39; bleventh Street g i .¢,;-&#39;5 and the other store 300 blocx.- . was somewhereon Broadway, in the &#39; &#39; He stated that BONNIEdiscouraged him from pulling the holdup stating that of them itwas not to get 1 by on. neceesary,that she =- HALL continued that on had enough money for - both .I lussday morning, r September 29, 1953, * ; Us I -.,- , "I although he hadn&#39;t sleptmuch all night, arose and during the course of the morning BONNIE had either read in the newspapers or heard over the radio the fact that BOBBY GREANLEASE hadbeenxidnapped and that she V: _.&#39;-~&#39; 1 came to him and wanted to know, "What it was all about." HALL to go on been to sleep. He stated he doesn&#39;t Know whether stated - she went back to bed but that she made no further protest, and he believes that he went out and completed filling in the hole where victim had been buried. He denied that BONNIE HhADY had assisted him in th *&#39;gin of the grave. -17* L3 &#39; I that he told her then that he had Kidnapped the victim but for her not to worry and I1 ?.&#39;.-E 1 | ¢ F I 92 pg 1 . ",1._- .. wry. &#39;%i 4.-.5,-_-=~ ,_.__--.. _ __._-.;_-.. _. FA *3? ea. gs. &#39;2&#39;-?i . . ._ ._,.i_ L" ._ . , __&#39; ,. , -,5f.; A_;.~__ , ,--.h_ . l. __, -.._--1."-;&#39; he _ -=7"&#3 ,_. . ...4 4.. -; -----&#39; -vi_-.92 .> .. " V1 l.&#39;::jI!v..._~ -~..4;-.5.1.-&#39;.:--J.- .- .-*-.=-&#39;-:."*".=-& .-I Y "l-;--&#39; 92 . ,-- -,_. _.. -; - ..._V-.__ * . ;,-__. . . .._..-.- -_, ._-; 1-v,------,-&#39; -&#39;_-.-_I/---u_-. --;--. -. &#39;5--1_"w-_».~ ~~__I:&#39;:"il.j_&#39;_"&#39;:"I&#39;:;1,-_i" we &#39; l"".: _" _-. ». 92 _.,.__,. -,/92 - . ». *.92--.- ,._-_ i;£_92__:_ H_ _..._--;_r__._ {. ;-__,. = 92-3.-_ -I;-;,_.._.&#39;_ &#39;-_=.,. _.-a - v . - __&#39;__::£%._ i _-."1-4 ;._. - . .92.. .- .. - A.92 _-,,&#39;--I--.._ ;_ &#39; &#39;14 ?! &#39; &#39; ". .. "1 .L% K &#39; ,,, |I 1t - - :-t.~. 1 L i.-;_,, ; _:&#39;.i:" 1 5 . SL 7 h29 ____,. -.. ~ [ ._,.~; -- He statedthis following this action they wentb... into house ehere he and BONNIE had efee drinks and ransom letter using the stationery in the _.; H. _ Concerning other asecond writing desk in BOBNIE&#39;s home. J. 1; . &#39; &#39; I interest HALL denied that he had ever ? bought-any line at the St. Joseph Lumber Company, St. Joseph, Hiseouri, but does believe that instant grave at that best of he had purchased the shovel which was used to dig lumber yard. He also advised that the lime, to the his xnowledge, fertilization of is not soil. " _. >-&#39;. items of the prepared . &#39;~_ ¬ &#39;5&#39;." &#39; ,.~_ "i that he "Hot_L1me" but - &#39; s. ...- ordinary lime .*- used in l.- -&#39; the L 1. ; I-le also stated that he had been wellscquainted with RICHARD fDlQ§&#39; §ihBEY, asalesmanat the Swafford Auto Agency, St. Joseph,_ ieeouri, denied ever mentioning to GARBEY his plane to holdup any establishment 7" -;,;-i-.»§but pr_,thht.he mentioned any "big Jobs."p He stated that at the time GARBEI I . I was getting married, believed to be July, 1953, and GARBEY had mentioned j 1;.-"-5 . In _, .. 1$J&#39;I ... |;"L 3.1 Q1 &#39;A _ __, 1:; -._:___,_ .&#39;§._; .4 -| .4. I f that he was short him asmall of funds amount of He further their opening stated that the conversation He denied State Penitentiary, inmate, however, punished for *The r.-éu --... ____ ..;&#39;92 &#39;. .1 1 .l."&#39;-5} .1 _,s-: :4; offered&#39;to loan he had it, but GARBEI about he denied deal and stated that furnishing the transaction in the hospital of the Missouri liseouri, stating that while he was an narcotics. However, that he . l | talked to but that some of the inmates did bresic into the stole some , married. L + stage. stealing narcotics Jefferson City, definitely was they were penitentiary . P E apprehended and not one of these inmates; following interview was conducted by SAC D.S. HOS&#39;1&#39;E& dS i al Agent an pec with October l2, he had he believes agency together sum of money to finance the got "beyond hospital and stated that he could get an automobile any specific never and HALL money so that 1953. , subject CARL AUSTIN on HALL . _ . &#39;p __ HALL was questionedthe byabove relative to his tripfrom H923?92 Kansas City to St. Louie, Iissouri. During the course of this interviei&#39; and 9:25 at p.n. Special Agentgof the uenver Office cams K into the chapel where HALL was e ng n erviewed and mentioned to HALL that BONNIE HEABY had said that she had lost her hat and that she had seen HALL the kill victim. After this statement bQHALL became dmotionally upset and stated, "It&#39;s true,It&#39;s rue. He then verbally admitted that on the date of the xidnapping, September 28, 1953, after he and HEADYhad obtained the victim they drove south of Kansas City on &#39;_ Highway 69 possibly three or four miles until they came to alarge fern E. T =. &#39;..:~.n,.-1 n 1.-.¢.m...&#39;<a&#39;~.&#39;:&#39;~ =.~-*.*=&#39;r¢;.a-.".-1. :&#39;:;<-.;~.&#39;.> lH!&#39;3l.-4-._ ; 92-:;-..--.-;_--.&#39;».-...&#39;_ .I192-f;¬92"&#39;»Q ;.-;..;..1;-.-@&#39; &#39;-.~&#39;.¢&#39;.@.: -.s 1&#39;22.#Z&#39;-4;-.&#39;n-I.-92=;. r.;#L; .2 as &#39;1 L,&#39;1 ag; -|. --£ ,.. wi .=;l1 -92--.i if -1 .,.a. 4&#39; vi :, . . 1 --n ....4 Z; as E71 .H4 SL ?~h29 T , kri 31 Q; ::1jT§ ---Q -i~?.;§ 0 ll £3 =..&#39;.: c} @11. 21-=.= with off afence aroud it. on a road and went HALL continued that near this farm he turned some distance and then turned down a lane which he remembered as being boud by a windbreaker twenty feet high, and that after going down this lane a short distance he stopped the car and shot the victim through the temle. He continued that BONNIE HEADY walked behind the HEADY returned automobile to the a short automobile distance at which and time after he shot he took victim the out victim of the automobile placing him on the ground and wrapped his remains in a blue plastic cover. He stated that the victim bled considerab1y&#39;and that these was a large pool of blood along the shoulder of the road Where he left the remains While he prepared to Wrap up the victim in the blue plastic cover. He stated he then placed the victim in the rear i of the station wagon, and he and HEADY&#39;returned to Kansas City and then to Stu Joseph. He further related that previous to the time the V1Ctim Was kidnaped, he had decided to kill him because he considered the boy evidence, He additionally rapidly and that related decompose the he thus that remains for in decided this order to destroy the evidence. purpose he bought the lime to to avoid detection. i *3 HALL at this mentioned as being time also his accomplice, stated that the individual who he TOMMARSH, was not involved in this Ca-SE 0 ! Imudiately -4- if F after the above interview October 119 1953, Special Agent : Office entered the&#39;chapel after iv and at 10:55 P.M., L thest.Louis92Q "X392 departed and a statement was obtained from HALL by agent CNNORS outlining his and subject HEADY*s activities in connection with the kidnaping, the transportation; murder, and other activities. &#39; l "10/11/53 | 1 F :1as ,»,_-.. », . 74.";=0it . &#39;3. -51...:--; ...:.JJ.1.2&#39;.&#39;£;iw_&#39;.&#39;~&#39;~.-.=. >,.==.&#39;.-A. .-.,:".&#39;a -L =...-.,. ¢_&#39;r-.-i. #&#39;:w.=.;..> ~. .¢.=.=;i.?, 9.".-_ &#39;M L§i&#39;-&#39;-&#3 --_.&#39; &#39;~.1 1 SL &#39;1»-h29 living at her residence. I brought the subject up to her and we talked about it several times. I had thought of the Greenlease boy some time ago because I heard of all their money. We began to makedefinite plans about three &#39; weeks before the kidnaping. Bonnie was with me in all the arrangements. .5? him in the we pla.nned that we At first house but than we were afraid would keep that he might recognize us or the house if we let him go. We then planned we had to ki]_&#39;L him. We had planned to get him out of school by Bonnie going to the school and saying that the mother was ill and she had come to take him home. morning of the kidnaping we St. Joe around 6:00 left AM and went dovm to Kansas City and parked around the school. then drove around till about 11:00 or 11:30 AM thinking ,--5 ,..._. .&#39; 92 i&#39;.:_--&#39;-_&#39; would be the near the best taxi time. stand At around and told her that I time to go and try left Wed that her off to get the boy. and to meet me at Katz Parking lot, 110thand Main 515., KansasCity, Mo. In about 10 or 15 minutes she was back with the boy. We had her Bonnie&#39;s! station wagon, a - &#39; 2;- "1 1951 Plymouth. 1» &#39;17? already had the gun and a few days before, I bought a Shovel and a bag of lime. I think it was a fifty or 1&#39; seventy five pound bag. I also bought two blue plastic covers, at the Western Auto Store in St. Joe. 0n the at 929 § » : Q 1 F 92 Bonnie a.nd the boy got into the station wagon and we drove out Highwayl69 in a southerly direction, turned off at a large farm with a fence around it and a big lake on the inside. We turned west and drove to a big hedge row, a distance of two miles or so and turned in and stopped. There was a large barn there and an airplane -I-Iv parked behind distance it the barn. away. I out and I shot once trying I don&#39;t know whether hit him First I tried to strangle that I had to shoot him. E1 _ 1! got out and walked to hit or not him in for some I pulled the heart. I he was still alive. him but saw it wouldn&#39;t work and I shot him through the head on the the second shot. I took him out of the oar, laid him on ground and put him in the plastic bag. I remember a lot of blood there. is -- - Bonnie had the gun in my coat pocket. about 2 and in the the station miles south This farm where the lcllling and 2 miles west of the occurred state line state of Kansas. We put the boy in the back of wagon and drove back to St. Joe. We drove 1 > 92 I II ._, hr T -15- g r -2: _ as-an § §*&#39;:&#39;:5&#39; :6*&#39;5! t}. av J1111:"7 -.&#39;_,~. " "-&#39;11. -""&#39; ~;---&#39;=.¢J92r&#39;"=&#39;:&#39;. -" o&#39;-"wk-.1 &#39;7-er"-.:-.vs, -gr -. .. 92-&#39; ;rv&#39;=!"; .!<;~rnj-Iv:-.v:&#39;-. surf -&#39; --1","-1-&#39;. 92 " &#39;-&#39; ~ - r- r&# S;-*=-.-*-as;-< "$?{&#39;-.¢>»5,r%_-=xg <_24: +.-92.?q=:?$. ¬£&#39;,-?"lF -&#39;e"/:I?n=:X &#39; f ;:l.=:l?.I*§ -=<;¢==s2"v >$§;;&#39;:$n"*tI~":!-4i= @ 1.w&#39;.&#39;- P-*="¢I.&#39;-*>f!" y*.F:&#39;, W11 ", _.. 1 1 i, ».. -,§-1-~f*&#39;~=:a:5-"@&#39;.;.3.="&#39;a 1y _ ~92 [14 la v .-_.i.g-= a " &#39; *~-&#39;24.--""=1-".~.<nP-?;"I§¥:<:As=? 1-iv.&#39;5~; 4--5?l*!J-s=9:-*Y-¢> ¥-. -. >g; &#39;.. §&#39;--&#39;2,-7.51-=-1--3.: U-*5/¬*V ;-&#39;#1&#39;==~;-¢&#39;<;&#39;; >~.".".-;1-&#39;-= ~rI"1 &#39;-i---In Z-,1; ~&#39;-= 1-.1-1&#39;-3&#39 1 II*r""lC . _.,2" 92",.._,.-.,.,--_,-. - -92 ._.---.-.. &#39;>.l~,&#39;c», 4..!-1,1,1 -rd ,y, :_. ._,.4 _,-._,.:92 ,,-..».,-,;l_&#39;|-,,.,,-,&#39;; K-5;, .~,»-.-=5.~W, ..-i-&#39;.-"5&#39; -_-». ..,. =... __:L-_:.__;,I,:.d:-E :.:.:;, r. .,_. Il 3_V-_,.,n..,.._.. -... -. .1, &#39;> z- A-=-. ,-:.-I.»->;. . <"r~&#39;=f --&#39;92~ -.1.>&#39;.-;< --l.t 1,5,,-g-,"~ =7 ;-:"1~--.¥=: -&#39;§.=1-=<5.= -,_»~ -:3 ~;._,,}?§._.}.__.,_._,,;l:_92__ ---. i .---&#39;:;_: ..; ..;.-_.,,_;A-1,. _._.qr,» _._.&#39; _.I"¢921.i92.1 L~;f,;;_ /I-.!; A..~.1 1-...___, !-_&#39; :";}" ;192..,&#39;.j,»_,Q :.§,_.92":~~:.§ [xvi~.>H__.i-. ,,92_1_.-.__,. .,;,11. ,_92_, .92_1. 1,*r _. » I V-» ; ._-_=_ ._ 92= "&#39; fr &#39;:1.-»11.L,.,LL»;:vi_.~K.»92:.-".1-5-!92*:v-¢.:n_-1".-=a .~ ¢&#39; ,->;ru~&#39;<-.nv:92--4~ ._.~-e _= &#39;, . -- rr &#39; :1 -&#39;&#39;__m-&#39; I -,-m&kmuh»:-&r¢ .- 92 -"&#39;. 1&#39;:r-~ &#39;,92 -a.-;" -&#39;--" ;: 11.LP:&#39;.~a.~ . . i -at ¢%mmnnMduwu¢uM;.ea&2knuh%an§n&h¢ham¢mn$ .=vu|.92.~3r&#39;92-.a--oi-i;-2 - ~I -It1--. I 4 t_, o 3;; ._._,i st M129 directly to the house and into the garage. fie had dug the grave the day before and we put him in the grave. I put the whole sack of lime on top of him and we filled _&#39;&#39; the grave. The next day we bought and planted chrysanthemums 9:2 there. T? The day the boy was killed, after burying him I drove to Kansas City and mailed the first letter. back to St. Joseph. I realized then I had put the _-75.1"; I-I811&#39; . !_. $.1- address on the envelope and mailed believe this was the following I I wanted to see the ad in the paper and the next night went down to Kansas City and put the notes under a mail box at 29th and Holmes, and at h2nd & Charlotte. On purpose we didr timalce the m:-kup and went back to St. Joseph. Bonnie was with me on the trip. The next night we returned but I don&#39;t think we put out any notes. On the next night we again "3 1, .-.&#39;_3}&#39; _&#39;-. F, i? &#39; drove to Kansas City we put out two notes, :&#39;_._,&#39; I and giving instructions as to where to put the money. Ch this occasion the directions weren&#39;t clear and I missed ,.92 . _&#39;-&#39;3 . -__r_&#39;I_; *1.I the Spot. be but I Went down the lane that I thought it cou]dn=t find the money. I turned around was to to go back: but passed them on the way. I had forgot to change the license plate on the Ford we rented, and thought they saw it. "fie stayed in Kansas City that night in a motel. The next day I left her in a motel and made arrangements for the first pickup. I called the Greenlease home and .*_ _ . A: _.4.1: told __;;; them to drive out and leave the money. This time trunk and headed for St. Louis. After half hour or hour out of Kansas City I to see if ._ Y1: Q-4.- when __&#39;. letter all Then we drove into we came to St. St. Louis. the ribbon helped me fill in .-3~=;*.:"&#39;-§! ,&#39;-iv The duffle bag was full. We had no definite I that recall in the the grave the waste basket. Bonnie second 92 . had &#39; when we buried him. Bonnie was I do not knew what happened to I never did count it. There was supposed to be $600,000 in the bag. -h6. 1! - plans in on all the planning. the rest of the money. "no 55:4.*. Louis. &#39; driving about one got out and looked I had put the medal that was around the boy&#39;s neck a.nd threw 4I the money was there. % the arrangements were clear and about midnight We picked up the money, which was in a de le bag and I put it in the % i P and Summit 13th and one underneath a sign "Dal-cviewInc." in North Kansas City. Meantime I had been calling the Greenlease house ail. -= iF_+.§2:+92&#39; 1» i I drove wrong a second letter. day. I lI , T ! I E-.4. . Q, =1: ~i 3-" ..».;E§ s1. 7-1129 &#39; 2*-5 _ . "I havereadthe seven read itI sign it andeachpage as voluntarystatement. &#39; &#39; -.~ -.1.; -5/ _V&#39; J "Witnesses T I;I: 1 n beinga truthi and ul 1 CarlAustin Hall St. Louis,Mo. . *=. > T. pagestatement andafter having Oct12,1953 . Sp; Agto, Fa B-I03 Stu LO&#39;lJ.iS, H0. 92 &#39; K Q92 SpBC.AgtegFnBeIaSta Spec.Agt-, FBI, st. Louis,110., 10/12/53- 1 .3 2 >- 1 i ~ I 1 _ 1 92 _ _ . ; F &#39; 1 ,f-&#39;%,.%F. 5__I-11: res -...,, &#39; Ii-.-Q1; ? &#39;-2». Y ; ,1; , i l 1 J i 21°55 _._,_ , .14 -. . 1 &#3 . h&#39;?- V "E -&#39;».-1 _ , .., . _.-. -.--. ---1. -,» , &#39;s._&#39;._~-am-.v.&#39;~.1 ..--~--= .;-*_»1&#39;; &#39;..;&#39;="--. ;-_=-.-- 1&#39; ._r-.,.-.-.1--=+ :--V--_ "_-.-.--. -1-.~» &#39;-._=-,1_,-1»;-_P1>=&#39;92_.-_--.92--;.-,,;-.="-.-.4 >1;=.-_| -- -.">;¬~, .-11-:1-1",.I,&#39;~#,&#39;;:,1_ :..|&#39;>?--&#39;;.15,:-_-.1: --&#39;1»_-:1-&#39;-1~&#39;-J-I. &#39; - -;192;;.~¢;&#39;.&#3 &#39;92-=3.-; - - .-.-.-~1..--..=-... -:,. 1-1=.-.1 1&#39; 1 ..---,._-. ..-an-..1-1" ».+"1.~ ~. - 1. .- ¢,:_&#39;1-.q.;&#39;-I-2--1-1 .~&#39; -1:1 .~.-A-1..-e.=~..-.. -~ .1 $§;1&#39;;;&#39;+.=f;;r 1;-&#39;-.:<&#39;.";<:_»92.-,&#39;;,~_a&#39;:,:_&#39;;~,:. ~.&#39;¢-:&#39;_--&#39;--j&#39;=_.-Ififf -.=,--.;-&#39;5~;_ ~.&#39;=;2 1 .-Z-&#39;3_&#39;E-§3&#39;.1*.1=g ?-?_~.92.<?1 i¥?~ :1.:&#39;§I;*;f}§§ :>e?-".JFf1? 1?-&#39 ; 1*." C~ &#39;-"3: ";""&#39;;"&#39; l&#39;--&#39;>" &#39;-&#39;*,-§¢""&#39;~&#39;." -7&#39;--*3 -5 1JP -"&#39;$1-&#39;/ ?1&#39;.1=-&#39;-* ~&#39;1 <~=1-&#39;<"% 1-1&#39;-ii.-.&#39;~* .~:=5.&#39;c» 1?I§&#39;I=£&#39; >1" "A_1&#39; <-~1&#39; ~§?=&#39 1:-=5F5 &#39;_¥:"&#39;T. .:e1~:,~ .I1; -,&#39; :5. ...=~r_$"/&#39;--.-.;&#39;r--T? &#39; --~.-. &#39;1. .-1_»,-...",.r1&#39;._.,-,.: --.P&#39;-_-_1~ ~-1; &#39;..--.,~» ___I,~ V...-1. -,-,_-3; ».--,92,_.<_~_.E__»--I.-#1-.= L-:&#39;<-e,-;1w:-rt: g3 = &#39;~ --_,_. -&#39;~&#39;1&#3 &#39;t92--.--; V:-:=_> Q ;. ,»;&#39;=:i,=~r".»~ _&#39;.-:&#39;§;&#39; 5375 /-"-._-.1-;_<.;&#39;pi15§&#39;2f&#39;»r§§ ;;;_:-.!_-43¢ ~1"._&#39;5~._-_ . ~:;_. =§ 113.;--_-11.1-= _r.-;-=>.__--= I*>&#39; . -;_ _1 -A ,-;__-_. ,____=1r__.__ -92&#39;_,_.-__-r.;. ~.,7-&#39;. ,.,.__.gik !,;.;.-._._. __. x-Lg. 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J; _-,-=., -_.-1-._,...,.-_1292-1..-.-_ _- =_ __ .r&#39;_ .,.-= .-_-.| ..-=§!f_&#39; -F&#39;»-I --5.~--.-.1 »._-"1 ; __>.-._-e_-. 1-,92 -.,£ ..r. _--»&#39;; _.>-.~--,> --,-, --&#39;11.: ..92-= - ,,y"."i .&#39;,;;92.-;1- -&#39;-- .,_;_I .1 --2 - _.-1, §é_# ;=-1-+}:-T 1" *»."1 1_ -,3&#39;.zI£&#39;.1 -Y>§"&#39;r.=¢-51151.5 ;>3&#39;..._&#39;. $}*&#39;T<I<C=&#39;§~/ 1_- 2--*.&#39;»~ 5.!-;-:1, 1"_&#39; . 7 --~~Ivi--= A 1~&#39;92»&#39;-:._-.&#39;.--".-41» =_-.--&#39;..=.1@&#39;.:={:--&#39;.=1:-.1:».1=.; 1:;-;=;-~.-.1:-5,1-4-~&#39;-.-...,-1.-=:¢-1,--1.11;"-1/3-w.-=.=. 1 "&#39;=_&#39;=?-&#3 -- >--»&#39; .4= &#39; 1 1 -;-.-;1.-1&#39; . Y:+fQQ7/ .. t . P: :_92&#39;.&#39; >; .15. l 1 .2 ,1 .=; &#39; .1 &#39;; ?:&#39;»&#39;$1>%i&#39;E-If-&#39;-.92_&#39;.192lJbi1&#39;;r5Q5&#39;. &#39;}.&#39;:_*=._--;l;....~m__* --"me..." &#39;~ .. _ "r " " id 2&lsIL925;.¢&#39;.f.. > ~~a=..£&#39;:.- 1tf&#39;Jul5{ -t-.ali.n.-ié _1 &#39;51 1. J ;;.:::_¢u.:..&#39;-*4-xi=>~-=.~=;c;c::v;:"»;;-ea-sine iii JLE 1.; I 5-_ ii é 31":lI -7% -1 r &#39;.~_ r-&#39;-uhAug &#39; s1. H429 u 39>. F; .; i=1 t4 iii}, 7»- -lag ..7711 -,-3 T ?! I...-&#39;a -I-.&#39;-1.. &#39;. -"&#39;25: *1 ,9; &#39; 4 92=&#39;9 On October subject CARL AUSTIN HALL was interviewed by Special Agent and the writer. HALL advised that w. . . , ith respect to t e w c as sprinkled over victim s body at the time of his burial that he, HALL, stated he purchased this lime at a lumber yard which is Just west of the Westport Bank and approximately one and one-half blocks on the other side of the railroad ¥ tracks. &#39; ! 1 HALL stated that this was in the Plaza District. &#39; HALL stated that it was his plan originally to strangle BOBBY GREENLEASE,and that he attempted to strangle the child with a small piece of rope similar to that need in clothes lines; however, after placing the rope around the victim&#39;s neck and drawing it tight, he could see that the child was suffering, and that apparently the rope was not suitable. He the? became upset and told BONNIE HEADY to step out of the car at which time he fired two shots the first one missing and the second one taking effect.y HALL advised that he is not certain, but he believes the rope that he intended to use to strangle crime scene. the victim was left at the purchased the plastic and HALL advised that vicinity of L; idETagent j v _asQto _e-... II-&#39;I¬I&#39 no 929&#39; L case radio which he had bought for BONNIE HEADI, he believed this was Purchased somewhere in the lorganford at some appliance is I 1 | 92 r .- HELL iii qiliitl- 3 and Arsenal store possibly Streets. It was his on the corner of belief Hartford that it was and Horganfcrd Reade §ecovery_o{ Two Trash Genet Duffel Bag,_and Tray I L T " e"92c_ was _ _ to St. Louis the vicinity of Highway 66 and the MeramecRiver in an attempt to locate the duffel bag inwhich the ransom moneyhad been paid and two trash cans and a shovel which HALLpurchased for of the named ransom money. "THELM" The two trash located of Highway 66. on Iarnell cans were Road about the purpose of located four tenths of in burying part a river a mile shack south ihe shovel was located on Rudder Road about one tenth of a mile north of Highway 66. These two locations are in St. Louie County, Ilia-Ann»-i 4s+n-61;.-I Ina nlwwlnsnllnl ».=6 1=44-4v-.- 4-L-.= ls.-.0--:4 -2-Q-.-5--K.-.-. ..J&#39; -H... -_-LDH92J92-ll.|.o uuv aawu anwauua uuuw a§J.4.92=uu-I-I15 in-HO -1..u.LG1192¢.|,J.J.l-auJ.UI.I U; U115 -L-._ hlu a is .1? trash cane, a vane! o e St. c Louie and to ra h preparedby Special Agents- arebeing maintained in instant file Division. I H | i /5- if-?"..*§_. hB- 1 J7;l ;.~r..!_;» !-:.-; "13.-L- &#39;5 g.=>.=~.$g;. =»= .-1.*z-&#39;1?&#39;-A-. p- t-. ~.; &#39;.&#39;I .<11"5=- .1 :-. 1 Z? -$9 -&#39; ""RI fir? ér 3-&#39;r $u,m h§§§ --___._.._._; _ll. ._. lei. __-1. ., .» _:._ . 1 1.1. _ .:1-.-.-1 : ;-E-&#39;rL-I ._,a:-=&#39;.n~:&#39;=.r/1-I-::-a:-.~!r&#39;u-.; _._ _ ,_ -_,_ _vi _ur-;r:i&#39; __ _. _.._ ~;;-,___»,- - I,-_., _ -__,,,. _ , ..-__1_.: I- :: ?.? 4_-=-.92;__--r_ -:r.:&#39;: &#39;; »; L hvL.92: 7l&#39;~L%.-n1 :£I.92L &#39;4 .xny.e_z4¢o i: 92&#39;-£43 lv;J=m&#39;VJ.:n4l&#39;.12|§.!" 9-M"-1.: ¢:3&#39;£92 92g?&#39;.£-n;-.-:1.-1. he4 _F4 r 4,. VUI 3 - .&#39;.:_&#39;_:-5 __H -1.: -: ».:1 T17; SL 7-H29 iii. -1 r Q: -:E1: Tr] _.2~&#39;_ 1 -i <-1..."? FL: r&#39;..-._-92_.!&#39; |-92. .&#39; EH11". E??? -~1-:.- The duffelbag naelocated in an alley back ofagarage located at the rear of 2200-02 Wyoming Street, S1 -.Louis, llissouri. Atrey which had beenremoved by HALL Ironone of the trunks in Ihich he had placed somethe of ransom noneyobtained was afrom on his fence adjoining the aey. He found the tray reflecting the re_cov"ery theofduffelbag and th hoto were .ou eDiv re ered by Special Agents and eion. 0 -r-255.:- -&#39;?-.. -&#39; nd lanein lainteine memor 1 I echart and 92:;"92¢_92 n instan 1 eof the " Q5:1 _"-&#39;: »§»&#39;e _..,,..- 0- - § -3 3K.t = &#39; A-"&#39;-¥_T_-.-i .4-T-&#39; 3 195$? ~-53&#39; 2* I. ___;_.:~ r r 31-s&#39;e.4 -:=- IL &#39; 14 ;¬§. _ __-yr. -~&#39;J& , ,. H » i 1 | If ,. - ....,.:,a~» __.,, ,.&#39; -~w - -es :-;e,92.r-<~,e___-_a---if--*1 _ 1:5: 92l...:.._s.,.......-....._ >~*~:;eI-&#39;W-=s..,_--_-A--c......l ":_ ,.:--12.45-Q-Le e g "= &#39; + Ty~ of-, 45%. . =1 92I iv I -<it .2? x I, 4- ;"&#39;*"" is- &#39;:<:&#39;; =--. --I-_-_--?-..»-F -&#39;?f e-.1---:.&#39;. -It_ 1 ,J . . . ..-I » V&#39; ,1 4 -5 1 . B. stag:xmnis oi -semi - _ cam. STATEMENTS or BONNIE HEAD! L . 1. ONNIE HEADY n 1-. St. Louis SHOULDERS n. a.+m andce1f &#39; was questioned on October 7, 1953; at the llth .+ Kw rhi r n11 Jsnrnrnn nvnnuumtxl rm. District, LnnTs £T iT £B 1cf 1=§Z§§&.;l L§*¬i1; BEZI- é*I§£ i5,iiE;"E$.imI;;1Z5駧 of St. Louis MissouriandSAC J. E. THORNTON andSA sat in onthequestioning, , ~: _11 BONIE BROWNHEAD? stated she was L0 years of age and stated she resided at 1201 S. 38th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. She advised she was divorced from her husband, ELLIS HEADYand had only arrived in St. Louis She apparently did not know what day of the week it was but aditted recently. and indicated she was the one who had gone to the school to get BOBBYGREENLEASE _&#39;L. that she thought he was the son of CARL HALL, those fonser wife would not permit him to see the youngster. The questioning Ea her condition; is statement _ :5 1 however, set forth was conducted under considerable a statement was taken later in this report. She was advised any statements rights she made could be used in Court. She said she had no hesitation would not prevaricate due to her excessive of her apprehension, -1. make an honest "*~&#39;.&#39; would ., she might be effort 1|, weeks before She stated -_-,3 " -.; I351} ;as. - L-=1 ¢ !&#39;££~ her into that and hours, and places, she -- she first met HALL in St. part of May, 1953; that knowing him fo her home at 1201 S. 38th Street, St. or had a criminal record; occasions. Joseph, Missouri, about two days he moved Joseph, Missouri, She stated that at first where they entered CARLHALL did not that his income merely kept them furnished with copious supplies of whiskey, but that she actually supported the household in the purchase of groceries, the payment of utilities, and other necessities. She stated that while in this ment and prior She stated to the kidnaping he had advised her that he had a former wife.. that he never did name this woman, but related that asga result arrange- of this alleged union a son wasborn, that this wife secureda divorce and _5Q... i t 1? She said that she and he drove by the GREENIEASE that they had driven by the home on prior he was on parole but that recollection. abduction 5&#39; ea; kidnaping, least a couple of years. the actual into a commonlaw arrangement. her that an attorney HADY advised she stated that she now believes that CARL by way of background that during the latter advise __-... e Mg befoe the agents arrived." to agents about instant hazy on dates, to refresh HALLhad planned this kidnaping for at home and she now recalls 1.§._. . -v-ni to talk 1 she was not consulting Hrs. y on any of the details or facts, She stated, however, that drinking during the period from August 29, 1953, to the time Concerning the kidnaping, about three in that to the agents without first she had a lawyer and had consulted with him briefly :_- of which shedeclined to s1gn.//¬h;s,- of her constitutional required to make any statemnts and that 551 because i iii =7 -.5-Z ,_ difficulty &#39; On October B, 1953HEADY wasinterviewed bySpecialAgent pi as-q ii : 1* z i 61. --., &#39;. .I_.__V. 1,_~_ -_,_ . _<:.1z<,&#39;:--»" K ~,-£L,:"»=e-w_-.-_Q&#39;.f-_ .¢-&#39; . _ 292. ._ _ . _ ._ _..-__._,._ _ .»..;¢-3 I I, .92. 1__&#39;-;,;-,__»=.;=&#39;.=: .,_.. . < . ,.,7..¢..&#39;!" &#39; .&#39; -&#39; - _-A .,. , .. <. -, _.r._ W. _;,;,_; - _&#39; . .H. -, ._-- _~.. .k 92.. .. ...-._92 _ 1,. ..._._ _ __. . ,_. .;_-.,,. ..s_ u - .,.=, _._;;.~,1&#39;~.,;~--;,_;_ 1.,» * ,__=;;_ 1.11 __;; -, &#39;; ; .-I;-_,-_;;£.-&#39;1-. :_:"_.;-:,_;<|._ -&#39;-,-W1,-, ._-._._-__. .:J_,¢a,-,-&#39;.?a,92&#39; _-:59»-,=,;&#39; ; ~ _-, &#39;- L$&#39;r_¥--_ - :--_ -L , .;~.;-.: .- _2r-75-&#39;?inJ--&#39;-I-W &#39;--..-,-92&#39;;_,Y-,.,__/ 1;ézi t=.__A.&#39;.= . _-, ; aha, an__ ;&#39;..;...»u..._"Ia..s-!.;.>.&#39;:.,.».-.1-,=&#39;-.R~,, Lt,&#39; . .&#39; .1_<-__ _;>&#39;.&#39;.-;.m.92.*=&#39;..». 923|i&#39;92923"~;A%&#39;-i=§L&#39;: ~?&#39;I-§ f-L%a £ <-_,,~> w?:1¥§s92Ai&# . _:_ gr I. s~|-_ .,_~ ¢ L» &#39;-"Zr -Q sis? &#39;9.-: I :l_§ - 4 f y 5L 7-L29 that the son was now living her that one of the in the GREENLEASE home. She stated he had advised conditions of the divorce action was that a court order had been executed barring him forever from seeing his son or obtaining .--1; f custody of him. She stated that she definitely was told by HALL that his son was in the GREENLEASE household and is definitely sure he named the son as "BOBBY". She stated that in driving past the GREENLEASE residence prior to the actual abduction, he stated that his purpose in driving by was to see whether or not BOBBYwas in the yard where he might surreptitiously observe him and possibly 1 have a chance actually to converse say that arrived at the with his son. he was formerly conclusion that She stated married Mrs. that while HALL never did to Mrs. GREENLEASE,she, BONNIEHEADY, GREENLEASEwas the former wife of HALL, due to the fact that HALL had told her that his former wife was given custod of . . their son. She stated that pertaining to the actual abduction, she and HALL discussed this in detail on Sunday, which would be September 27, 1953, in her 29 She stated that on that occasion they were both 92&#39;--- home at St. Joseph, Missouri. sober and that HALL had stated that she was to proceed to the French Institute i3: of Notre Damede Sion School, pose as Hrs. GREENLEASEsister, s and child using the ruse that Mrs. GREENLEASE had suddenly been taken ill _i-L?-_~? she wanted custody -as &#39; I.&#39;.. .1 .;_ ,2 -u a; g_ 1 &#39; .4. 9;...;e- Th all &#39;7 -.:&#39;~~ ? he-i Iv-&#39; -.-3 ---L Q E"1.: H: fa-r ail: of BOBBY During the questioning in the car and talk and that in order to take him to his mother. take her Plymouth station wagon to sit obtain the it was asked of Mrs. HEADYwhy she did not to the school, to him there, this would not be a good idea". left St. Joseph, Missouri, secure BOBBY, and allow HALL 1 F ! I i and she stated that "we both agreed She stated that pursuant to their plans they around 9:30 A.M. in her Plymouth station drove to Kansas City, Missouri, for the purpose of getting BOBBY She said they had no other cause or reason to visit Kansas City wagon and GREENLEASE. on September 28, 1953. She continued stating that they drove to the Katz Drug Store parking lot, h0th and Main, Kansas City, and parked the station wagon in the parking facility there, that she then proceeded to the ToedmanCab stand located in the immediate vicinity and secured the services of a taxicab and instructed the driver to take her to the French Institute of Notre Dame de Sion, 3328 Locust. She stated that on this particular morning she was definitely sober, had had only two drinks early in the morning which had not affected her in the least and that she was every manner. _ Continuing she advised that she arrived at the school around 11:00 A.M., to the best of her recollection, that she rang the bell at the outer door, was admitted by the sister and informed the sister that .4 she was Mrs. GREENLEASE&#39;s sister, that she and Mrs. GREENLEASE had been shopping in the plaza area, that Mrs. GREENLEASE had suffered a suddenheart attack and therefore had sent her, BONNIEHEADY,to the school to obtain BOBBI&#39;s custody and to bring him to Mrs. GREENLEA5E-She stated that in due course of time one of the sisters brought BOBBI GREENLEASE to her, that.she left school, proceeded in the sam taxicab to 38th and Main Street to the Kata -51- the Fr ;- ;; V 1.; s"_"-T; rff 1&#39; . E-.4 &#39; > 92"&#39; :~§ »§ &#39;u_ aw Ia - _ ;s* ¥ no |__l -, -- ,3; . ._ .l-- -;5-&#39;_---_&#39;_;V-..; . .~1|£ _; ~_;,__ --- . .-; =~L_. _-1..-=..-:.92:<...t-.-a »_.-- lit;-.&#39;.!-l~...i;.¢;:-_-.1.-.92.».-;&#39;.;.:.." __n,-_ _»_ - . .-,--V. w_ 92._-92/-. ,1- .5 -._ _ 3" .-»--.,-1.-.&#39;;. 92"92: * - A...¢_.:4. ,-...;-=_. 1,-&#39;<-"_,-. ,&#39;. |.1_.r| ;; _.,-1:.!-;~;:.92;..;¢.r-1-&#39; -r."o,-L:-. --r.-L -vs-~.-a!--_ -*|¢.&#39;a-I-.4-&#39;..>..-;&#39;.-= .:l-;;-¢l&#39;.¢._&#39;-.;=-..;.&#39;.&#39;.&#39;._: &#39; 2&#39;-40:1 ._.._;. -a-.1-»:.=&#39;...1_4" " ,¢.-92,.&#39;_ 4.&#39;-.-.|<~;..=.u92F92 .&#39;, - w- .0---~:.;.»,.. 1&#39; noIf Y .2 51 .&#39;.~ -&#39; 1; ,g1 SL 7 k29 s-_ 1 lo Drug Store parking lot where she and BOBBY got out of the cab. She stated that enroute she asked BOBBY the names of his two dogs but denied that she asked him the name of his prrot. She stated, however, that he told her he had a green parrot named POLLY She stated that and that the parrot would converse with people. - she knew that the GREENLEASE family had two dogs inasmuch as when she and HALLhad driven past the OREENLEASE residence they noticed two dogs playing in the yard. She also stated that BOBBY had told her enroute that the family had two cadillac automobiles. She denied telling the sister at the I + I school that Hrs. GREENLEASE was in the St. Mary&#39;s Hospital. She stated, however, that one of the sisters asked her, "Is Mrs, GBEENLEASE in St. Mary : Hcspital"? She states that she believes she answered the nun in the affirmative. 5:11} P kl-:,5-_&#39;_ She also advised that enroute from the school to the parking lot she had told .;-.~&#39;7 BOBBYGBEENLEASZ that sh was going to take him to see his daddy and that they 3;3;?. *5 ii were going to get some icecream. hi? , I; eds; .» . 4 _ &#39; I ; id It should stated that be here HALL would his return him to the school after he had had a that the Toedman Cab in him a $1 bill of the cab and that she the and BOBBY fare was about walked 85¢. down the short interview which She stated sidewalk ing past the popcorn stand looking for CARL HALL, than with and BOBBY she were there in the lot. She stated that on the after side of getting the build- as he was supposed to meet I when she had originally gotten out of her station wagon driven by HALL she had done so before he parked it and therefore, she did not know where he was parked. BONNIEHEADYstated that after getting .1? t-7* part of sr i&#39;3_&#39; &#39; .J sitting .__ [ >- . station sitting . ,.-L~;. .;-Q3;. she had been riding drove into the Katz parking lot from Main Street and let them out near the side door, just inside the archway, that she paid the cab driver giving out .- ~i1 .4-= I that son. - alleged BONNIE HEADY stated ri as" BONNIE HEADY admitted at least technically guilty of violating acourt order in obtaining BOBBY GREENLEASE if CARL HALL s story had been true. She stated however, that she. did not think it too serious. She did not state that they had had any plans for returning BOBBY to the school but advised that she had merely assumed that to the past the popcorn stand she saw her station wagonparked in the south the lot and that she and BOBBY walked over to it and found CARL HALL behind the wheel in the car, She said BOBBY very readily got into the wagon next to HALL and she got in next to BOBBYso that BOBBY was She stated that as soon as they got in the middle in the front seat. station wagon CARL HALL remarked "H ello, BOBBY, how are said "Fine", or some such similar remark, and HALL on quite a conversation like they knew each other. you?". BOBBY and BOBBY GREENLEASE carried She stated that as soon as she and BOBBY got in the station wagon HALL drove off the Katz lot down to the Area shoppingdistrict and let her out near JACKHNRY&#39;s and told &#39; :~&#39;:7 2&#39;Eountry tlub i Ff; :?;;&#39;.: . ::..&#39;.l sh 1. -; -- ,-< s if .-9? J51% 21>: i &#39; . _, !92&#39;.. $2.1.$é;i:-._ .15.. Tulaata-:L$&#39;; "-P"&#39;..za2;~i1;.:o:.ii1~;1;:.=;¥l.4.&#39;= .;_."-:i:1=12 v>1._..&#39; &#39;--F3-"1--." .L;&#39;;_=;.&#39;.~.&#39;| ->, 1i1.&#39;l15t.d¢&#39; &#39;-,",., .-i-1&#39;£ L..."--~,,-&#39; .....** 5i.. .&#39;.&#39;92..._»" " - &#39;~..-. ".&#39; { "- V-&#39;VvH-RU _ SI» 7--1+2? -c - i-1 on the plaza she merely ..-.n..* .i. 5&#39; -1-T we "5. a-5&#39;!-._ . P T ?£ . had been made the day before and it was not discussed further got out of the station wagon, walked up past!Helzberg&#39;s Jewelry Store and visited shops all over the plaza. shoppingtour she purchased a pair of She stated that during her &#39; hose, someearrings and s slip, each of these articles being purchased in a different store, the names of she could not recall. She stated that after making a complete tour of which the plaza, she endedup in a bar where she had four shots of whiskey with water dnegm Every effort was madeto get BONNIE HEADY to identify the bar in which she did her imbibing, and although she had been quite clear on , details up to this point, she was very indefinite as to the bar except to - *1 say that it was quite dark inside. She could not rememberwhether or not - . :&#39;-&#39;1 she had ever been in this bar before and claimed to have no details as tothe architectural furnishings or personnel of the bar which she patronized..-,._, 1&#39;1-t_ P- .,,,.; i-1-I -&#39; _.1": T? Considerable denied that time was spent with BONNIE READYon this she ever went to the rest had not had an opportunity to visit room in the bar a rest point. although room since leaving She emphatically admitted that she home at St. E Joseph, Missouri, at 9:30 A.M. and that she usually took every opportunity afforded A-fr. H -=i her to visit a rest room. - f r She stated that she met HALL by prearrangement around 1:30 near gr JACK HENRY&#39;s when he came by in the station wagon. She said she got in and . asked him what he had done with BOBBY,to which HALL replied he had taken him back to the school. She stated she also observed that HALL had a 25-pound sack of Nutrena dog food in the back of the station wagon and she made some remark about it that she was glad he had gotten the dog food as they were about out. She stated that after getting in the station wagon they imediately drove to North Kansas City where they stopped at Lynn&#39;s Bar, which is their regular stopping place-so much so that the proprietors there often remark, "You couldn&#39;t drive by here without turning in". She said they had three or four drinks at Lynn&#39;s Bar and than started out for St. Joseph, Missouri, where they arrived about 3:30 P.M. an.":--&#39;-.&#39; even ,r r ., I __ 31. .4 . BONNIEHEADYadvised upon arriving at St. Joseph she could not recall getting out of the car but there was a possibility that she had done so, it being pointed out that according to her story she still had not been to the rest roomsince she left homearound9:30 that morning. She said HALL went in the front door and came out through the basement, at which time he imediately suggested that she go uptown and get his laundry I: and do someshopping, which she did, taking the station wagon. She stated she got HALL&#39;s laundry, picked up someearrings she had repaired, and r&#39;_&#39;§&#39;§{ 17-2 > &#39; F fl v L F 1 E ir_.; = _. 3 . p../92 A. 1-ll--|-nah.-..n! _, 1.. . _, _ :." _, . _J-&#39;92|f1 _ _, .. _._ 92-:.Ln ._ . .4.&#39;92&#39;_92<.;:-..i.._n$.-a5;i§r>Z1-il92§|L>.. ,1, .,:. _.=,,_ .;_ a. _.92 ,-_.-_.,_-;.-,-;-_., -..,;&#39;-...», 51&#39; _1;.-is }I&#39;C|l. e..| :";; ~&#39;|r &#39;¬>7 .-¢;H£ 1i.l»~.,,...:L~.:7_&#39;Jd-5&#39;11 .n6-1417-_I¢;~|;12.¥.nA-L92§i - A.&#39;.m&#39;5v £ n.L:-ii - iP~v..Tii-I-|& T-"3&#39;! . . ._..- *- 3* , - ..4-|&#39;92.. gt. = .; . -&#39;5, 11&#39; 1. I-~ SL 7-L29 2;. _, Q. H,-, ..- of the I station wagon certainly not t%; at the as soon as they in the got home from Kansas car when she put her groceries City as in after it was buying them super market. She said she arrived back homeabout 6:30 P.M. and found HALL at had left him about three hours earlier. s: ,-. .,a home alone, .&#39; f, or herself .»-Ii -5.1: -5 one other than HALL and herself had slept in any of the beds and in fact no one had been on the premises with the exception of possibly her maid, who was there on the Friday before the kidnaping. She stated the maid generally comes on Monday and Triday but since they were in Kansas City on Monday, the maid _§§§ N-ea :1 . 37.1 ?5 *1 _ L- . I-.5-.~r=._ if ax: ""1- %u I .1 .53, .__ ii ._.-.-4 .7 ! "*&#39;-:2 &#39; 1_&#39;.=j &#39; _-I -.1,. 1»;. l E, 2|?"-&#39; .1}; where she BONNIE HEADYemphatically stated did not had been in her come and on Friday that no home since Monday, she called one other than CARL HALL September 28, l953*- that and said she was sick and no couldn&#39;t she knew the colored maid was the last come. She stated that so far as individual other than HALL and herself who was on the premises as not even adelivery boy had come to the home. She stated, however, that she had prepared a meal one evening for Hr. BARNEY PATTON, attorney of St. Joseph, Missouri, who She stated was both apersonal she does not recall friend and the legal council exact evening that he for CARL HALL. was at the home for a steak dinner, but states she is definitely certain that it was prior to the kidnaping. BONNIE HEADY was specifically and definitely interrogated or MARSH, or a JOHN MARSCH or MARSH. She stated concerning one TOM MARSCH that name prior to the time of their emphatically that she had never heard never saw any TOM MARSH, never heard arrest in St. Louis. She stated she into instant picture. of any TOM MARSH,and has no idea where he might fit Itshould be here stated that prior to this point in the interview BONNIE HEADYhad stated that in the station wagon at the time of BOBBY GREENLEASE&#39;s abduction, there was ablue plastic sheet which she had used to cover the back end of the station wagon so that it would not be torn whom she often carried in the car. up or soiled by her boxer dog, "Doc", She stated she had had this plastic cover for along time as she previously had two other dogs, atotal of three, and carried them all over the country to various dog shows and used the plastic cover to protect the station her pets. Besides the plastic cover she stated wagon from deformation by there was also an old quilt lying the back of the station wagon not give any reason for it being there other than to say that it there along time. She admitted it had not been cold enough in of months for its to use it as a lap robe_or presence in the station cover and I F had no but could i | C. > 92 92 92 W f. i 1 Q . 1 had been a number logical explanation wagon. , Q ?,Y _, . At this point in the interview CARL HALL had an apartment inSt. Hrs. HEADY informed again that Joseph that he paid $50.00 amonth for, and that the reason he had this apartment -&#39;5h- : was that he was on parole and he K -,_a. q~_ I; 5%: _ .__; -¬ as 92 t -;~&#39;; . --&#39;A. , . -&#39;. . .11 . : _~-.. -s- .,_. . .&#39;- -- ---t--&#39;».&#39;<--, -:~ - .._-- - .~.:&#39;-._.-.&#39; .-- -&#39;-"-l=-" 92 -1:-_-1 1 --. .-::.; L:.&#39;~? - &#39;.~ -&#39;1. ,"2- -&#39; L--~ -&#39;-1 --: &#39;1.. -7 =_-", :&#39;_&#39;. ; -&#39; _u .~&#39;.,...-»"--"1 - ii.-;&#39;J-&#39;e92..P:;:-1 _-&#39;1 &#39;_&#39;-. 2-.r-"~f T".--12?. - -:rr~&#39;f1;1"*.-&#39;.": - "-&#39;1 ?:_*1:=J-ii--It-1-**w";f*},§:=;_1: .1 ;=-&#39; &#39 - -- -Y 1-- &#39;~"&#39;..-a 1&#39;. .- ,&#39; -&#39;1-&#39;-&#39;-.-r--as - -- "&#39;&#39;-__ &#39;. .-Y: *1.-&#39; ~.~~ "&#39;_;.: :&#39;&#39;-:&#39;.-r .¢."-,; -;.&#39; ~&#39;:_"&#39;&#39;:_".11-.~." I.--__&#39;92>2 V92-yf &#39;» -&#39; &#39;.--J4 1&#39;.-~=,= I ..._.s..<.92:.~._=...5..w..... atua... lI.l_&#39;4;"il-8n4392&#39;uamVJ4iAL}¢J£LiI7;3nl.~-S-&#39;Jli+1<AJi-iv-"&#39; use-.4-ilznzidlu;-/2-i4;¬a»ii-$1-.|i7n ;$-§mi92&#39; ¢.n"£&#39;Z- &#39; .» . .. .~ ssasu K ..-_, sL 7-1429 &#39;r had to have an address of this type as a mailing point for his parole supervision and that he couldn&#39;t afford to let a parole officer know he 4 .-__.| W? was living with her without the benefit of a formal marriage as this would be a violation of the parole regulations. She also stated at this point that she had had no tradesmen or repairmen into her home other than a 51- E-I 31 sis; plumber who had fixed the toilet on the first floor a numberof prior weeks to September 28, 1953. She also advised that on her trip downtown after arriving home she bought no fertilizer, lime or any other material of this 4.4 F sort. " ,,_-. ES &#39;.&#39; 4 She stated that on Mondayevening she prepared the meal, they stayed at home and watched television. She stated that she did not see on the television any news item announcing the abduction or the disappearance of , the victim. She stated she recalled that she and CARL HALL had several &#39; .&#39;_&#39;_._, . ,3 drinks, in fhct she described him as getting "blind drunk" - that he got Q .. , ,... .. _:":1 1-..1 drunker that night than he usually .;r. &#39; 4 disappearance of the victim. tell - her what he had done with had assumed that .3 She stated she immediately asked HALL to the victim, HALL had returned &#39; arrangements to do so. _~- did, although she did not imbibe as heavily that night as usual. She stated she recalled they went to bed just as the news flashes were going to be televised. She said they arose the following morning, Tuesday, September 29, around 9:00 or 9:30 a.H. and that either while at the breakfast table or shortly thereafter she picked up the newspaper and saw the news account of the abduction and the claiming victim to that the up to this school time or had made She stated HALL admitted to her then that-he had not returned the victim to school, and that while he did not have personal custody of the boy he assured her that he knew where the boy was and that she shouldn worry t about him -that he was all right. When asked at this point why she did not go to sq the police or the family of the child she stated that she figured then that she would be caught and would be "in it" and that HALL would also be arrested on this charge., She stated that she also did not believe at this time that HALL would be responsible for the death of the child, even though she knew that he had knowledge of his whereabouts. On Tuesday morning, September 29, 1953, BONNIEHEADYstated she - J walked out on the back porch just to look around as was her custom, and when she did so she saw a place in the dog pen where the dirt had been disturbed for quite a large area. She immediately asked HALLabout it and he said he had worked up a bed in preparation for setting out some flowers. BONNIE §EADY admitted that she noticed this plot of newly worked earth after reading of the kidnaping of BOBBY GREENLEASE in the KansasCity Times and received the evasive answers from HALL as to what had become of the victim, BONNIEHEADYstated that she was satisfied with the explanation of the newly worked earth given her by HALL and they decided to plant some as sh? 1.-3; e-,2 P 92I : she chrysanthemums,and accordingly, both she and HALLdrove to McInich&#39;s Greenhouse and got a dozen chrysanthamum plants, after which they returned i ? O i L 5 2 F _::l_-;. " _.;..._. |.&#39;. - . tin _.. . . *1 gas gég g. . 15$ p ".. .. .=_,.. &#39;____ -_. .. ,,_= -; -_. ,-_ . I -,_ .t --. __. _ .- .._- 5..-____92 .-, I »,_1,_-;_ J .. _ ;_=_-:.;-&#39;-, Y; &#39;-1» &#39;~-&#39;1 _ , ~ -j&#39;,~;&#39;:-&#39; ~ &#39;I&#39;ll";_;,:_:&#39;J;:a=~ :,:---*;:]j&#39;~{;,.&#39;;1 eT&#39;|3.3. u,--g -1 :_;-fa,--5&#39;:--fa9~7-;<,&#39;92i&#39;:frj:TE? his =&#39;-. ~ -.: ~.., i _-,-, ac"" ~71.&#39; w .<.1;» -;. .-:= -V_&#39;! vr-92 _..~;,~..: __~92»_-,.-_;1,.-~.~._-__.,>.1_~_~-»jf >.-5g -5. _ --Ac-.,?-, }i-% ._. "&#39;. -j.=__ 4:3. 2&#39;-&#39;-92"u_" T7 - -r» u-...-Q2...-u~.&#39; - ti "___ --,-__-§. . :.&#39;=.;-,t< ,-- ~ "fr.-3;:";-.:92..;.&#39;-92.:.,-= ..-.:.;&#39; er <; gs.-:; &#39;~~ -,_&#39;,=, >1.&#39;»--5-~ -:11:-I-ii-a,~_-.&#39;_-~_»: -=.--:»1.=:=_l;r;_a__;%-__--_,92,,&#39;-K/_-z~ --&#39;--=L.:_.-.=:2:a-1-&#39;--"-1--&#39; _:: - :&#39;_ieJ" a¢-a4m¢~.»n~ .; .uh &#39; 54% ~ - wanna *&#39;: ._ 1»~&#39;9292 an 17 1 --&#39;. &#39; 1 F SL 7-£29 home and she and HALL planted them where he had prepared the dirt. BONNIE HEADYstated that she helped HALL although the dirt that there plant the chrysanthamums and that was not hard, it was firm and they had to work it up. She denied were any big clots of dirt which would cause her to believe that T the groundhad previously been turned up, but did admit that it wasnot as 1t ; I . 1 F _. E; 3,.1. _ ,_ =:":;a -"4?f . f&#39; hard as the rest of the yard. She stated it was necessary for them to .water n chrysanthemm plants and in doing so she got her shoesdirty. She said she was wearing a pair of black play shoes and she got mud all over them. She stated that she admitted she had knowledge of the kidnaping at the time these flowers were planted but she did_not suspect it was a grave and they planted these flowers about noon. i&#39; vt She said that that afternoon they laid around the house getting drunk and she was constantly worrying about the childHALL that never said where the victim was located and just kept saying he was well. She admitted that each day she read the newspapers and related that the papers said no contact had been made with the kidnapers nor had any ransom note been received by the victims family. She claims at this time she asked HALL, made contact?". She denied any knowledge of any ransom note ever being prepared or mailed. considerable supply Ya-., F Concerning this possibility "Whyhaven&#39;t they she stated she had a e of writing material in her home, paper and envelopes, stating that she had two sizes of envelopes which actually fit the description of envelopes in instant case. She stated she had purchased the large ones from the post office inasmuch as they were already stamped and it would r F tr be more convenient for her to prepare them. She claimed HALL used her writing desk and material and she never had any knowledgeof the contents of any of his letters. M-4- She stated he would inform her that they were personal letters, She advised he never asked her to mail any letters him letters of her own to have him mail for her. for him, in fact she gave She stated there was a possibility that her fingerprints could be located on any of the paper and envelopes in her home because she had handled them in her home, but g .,..._,_ - :-4 5»; -.-.l- ..;:,.. .. 4 emphatically stated that she had never assisted in the preparation of any ransom &#39; whatsoever. = notes BONNIE HEADY claimed that there about numerous occasions the booth in the northeast gas rt 1 ; at her home in 6:30 P.M. She stated this was their favorite place to eat, that ate there on waiters and always had the same booth 5:- remained St. Joseph, Missouri, until the afternoon of Wednesday,September30, on which occasion they drove to KansasCity and had dinner at the Coates House, arriving they £E she and CARL HALL and were well known to both the head- whenever it was available, it being corner of the restaurant immediately adjacent to the service door and they used the samewaitress on every occasion they patronized this establishment. BONNIEHADY stated while eating in the Coates House HALL left the booth stating he had to make a telephone call. He might have left more than once as he was always going to the bathroom i --J?-.> _ :.31L- ,_ .»=~x -<r &#39; J ";.92 ._:;_-__. :.he, |__: 92 __;_-:,,__&#39; -_ ?:r&#39;E_ &#39;1 :1"" *1 &#39; z _5_-1|»-.»92.-____-.192 e . -I 1. -,-..r~? 11.;= = &#39;.~<» 7.,-92= ,,- 1;" F4 .,<,--.,M.92 &#39;c.-, .q,.._.,.1;. 4-._;~:; g ,,.;. n.,,92. 9:5»,-. :5:-,=*1.&#39;. -V». -1- :---~_- ~ &#39; 52.", &#39;.|l~.n£;:.r-r.=.L-I.-&#39; ,;y,¢=..15.3._ _~- e _": , &#39; ,1 . .";__g 1. .,,__., .<.&#39; .._ &#39;7 _ 1r. _A. __ V._ ,_ &#39;_-_- -.&#39;,: t -.-U -__. I-4.._.,._ .,-, . : _ ==,A_ -i_ -_, c. 9292,J&#39; _. 1. =-; ;,r1_§-!_;- - .;,i;- -_-1f_: -;».._;."-;-;""L_:,_,_-r; ,_ ;;._ &#39; -r;_,",l5: .. "" .I;i-l--* .&#39;i - ".&#39;F,~&#39;-3:&#39;&#39;5-;.;5~Z-".""»&#39;3-T" :1"-&#39;l &#39;..&#39;-E?! ""T.&#39;= -&#39;. . -"T37-&#39;.?&#39;/"=i""T?&#39; -"-".:&#39;= .. r 3 -_ ,1 .-j "&#39;1 &#39;T;»,ef:»1&#39;.&#39;;§;_-;&#39;;&#39;_.;j.";:__f; ; "&#39;i_._".=;&#39;.:j&#39; -r _- _._,:_&#39;_: ~= ~=92;:._&#39;;-;_; -&#39; _ ;J=_ ; -,:a~;-1."-&#39;5_gs.=;;-§;_&#39;._:9 -, .92&#39;.-sop ~ _.-r_ --~< -;_ _ _&#39; >_,E {» ._;*7&#39; &#39;_ sl4-..&#39;*.e,;:f_&#39;_-;?1---1-1=:=. &#39;4~I&#39;_i.-I-5 3&#39;-:l&#39;*_ 5 I -&#39; 1_=-5. ;-&#39;}92I,-ix. -, !; -= |; _&#39;.» ;_¢"i»=:*&#39;>~:§1 :?;% _-,l x -*3 &#39;;-g , i L_n=&#39; .>_$"e-92a-l-L-;&#39;s,,_-L_I 5;&#39;;;_=§.*&#39;-,&#39; ~;&#39;,; ~, ,5". :51.-&#39;,-L, T -J, -&#39;§ 1-,L&#39;§_;_~ *5_, e i -,- 3,}; T *5"; &#39;-&#39;3 -; g_T&#39;3,-&#39;;_1_&#39;9Q 11&#39; 1&#39; ;_92 :5 . 92u *4 on-u FBKO id. l =.r ;_ SL 7~h29 and she did not not recall &#39;7 _.-¢ try to keep track where they went after could remembers they never Joseph, but did remember the or way in and the of him. went any they stopped way out. She said they that CARL ja left her in the car while .92 newspapers and she definitely I -4&#39;4! 5- ~:k St. Louis paper under his _&#39;,&#39;;&#39;T&#39;1. Oklahoma City paper. She 1 1, . ."| .1 - 1 as he had several eosld not , _;;v. fat .5 iii ll . he went in. when Joseph about 10:30 to do; kidnaping occurred Station in he came out he he had recall aChicago aTulsa Kansas City to Friday and had several paper and a paper or an i however, she and HALL remained at home in St. Joseph drunk all of the time and that she was consisted of, however; she had knowledge evening HALL rented ablue Ford sedan from a i J;l&#39;. wasaha ririnlrino time the and..--.~_ 1&#39;.hn1&#39;. mindher wan ------as v-92.--1 --_...._-.° u_._n&#39;|&#39;l &#39;a.-_.--won.-w ---. --_-..I"..- and further, i E car 200 block on 7th Street in St. Joseph in her name and think of any logical reason for him doing so but gave her she was enamored with him and would do anything he asked her she could not consent because 6 muddled. I HEADY stated that on ge thP phdrivin St. Jose la?! as she to St. both added that he could have had such apaper, hand when he came out. _ § _ their activities prior inthe the Union recalled that arm, but could not in his recall what that sometime rental place Ed I to Sta about aweek before the HALL drove her to BONNIE HEADYstated that on Thursday, October l, 1953, and I got back she could and as far 11:00 P.H. she recalled new .15 Coates House place other than to start back at Lynn&#39;s for a few drinks on BONNIE HEADY stated that wg BONNIE HEADYstated that leaving the Ford sedan in her driveways She Ruggle&#39;s in North Kansas City at Lynn&#39;sfor Friday evening lymouth stati adrink o n ag wo said they for she and HALL left her drove to Kansas City fried chicken, before getting home in nand leaving the rented blue stopping at having previously stopped Q I I i to Ruggle&#39;s. 3&#39;: After leaving :5 as was about 7:30 P.M., .n-uni $4-92delves; .l|92.nh192all 92l92|I92 UQH1 I92 J-A DQr92I 1!92II~lrr9292I|Q 1.e&#39;Hno-up Gil ! 92l92-I LI -U ll -lqlll-92 @ I :L 92I92J ¥92I92.:> 92I -Q LLULIUGQVUUO I-AA 92! 92Ru IIUGLGha-rr HG: vugmn-guns lor at least an hour; then the President at the Hotel Drum where he ash Hotel., After to the to the Continental Hotel Omar Room; then to Room. HEADY Huehlbach and he went to park .o§ Edi -.3, 4:_ J|_, Ruggle&#39;s, whichshe estimated parked the station wagon Continental Hotel leaving the ¢%r&#39;:f1 the Drum, she was are each place. and got the car each place and from for at stated that and said President Hotel, drunk and unable to hour and out from the Hotel to Muehlbach - the President HALL had her wait and he/went She stated after they,left walk. She had at let her wagon. She denied knowing they walked the Continental and came and picked her up. least an HALL had the station least three W a said they had been in or four drinks in i > 92 . . _;.____w _-;.- .- .- ..- .3 , - ._ _ . _..-: .:.-9~,-__;-_-d_ . 92: _. ..--_; »-. .1». . --1. , ..-V,»- -_l.92_ - -.----_ |_-.,-_= V!T-~ .-,-~.. v. -&#39;_.-it 1,-&#39;_.~&#39;-. .$&#39; .&#39;. 921,.».;;~_;_-;= _¢_,_-_&#39;.*,1 =;-5--rim.-. J -&#39; _".92 ..- .-=, ,_- -.;I" &#39; _"-"_§:».Ihi-ti Uil-.=&#39;.A&#39;n§£§1J92 Q-*4 92.,- .i¢. 1 .U¬..w!L :&#39;a.:--&#39;-;;¢.n= ¥r¢.£.>I-n.I&#39;3 57;a&#39;_-L92n -;ie&#39;.-s-.n.L&#39;. .,{&#39;;;;-L-1;...g ;§;i_~,p-._;..; 13.: .1,3; ¢&#39;,,,,;, -._;;;-cc.e,-&#39;,g,;-_§i,_;1;;gi§q..-.:1_&#39;r- :32;:.s&#39;,:.Tr_L&#39; Z"- -£1 5&#39;; &#39;1. §" 7-r-43» -1&#39;. QT ».;r.»&#39;~--_* ".-f".~5=; - E ? r .&#39;.=e¥:: . n e ,:---7% i¥§%§ $@§@ ;=L{&#39;.. &#39; ,. .5-- 92, _92 ,,_.. __,!..;-FE .,-&#39;~.,;;-,|:,-3 &#39;-&#39;: v ssgh &#39; 4T_ -. - cg &#39; :5 "51. -L -&#39;1.»_&#39;.&#39;_ &#39;; ;"_ {Lt l . _ . 4%. KL; gin SL ..&#39;,_ ._; 3P5? -is 7-#29 READY stated that HALL was always leaving her to make phone calls or go to the rest room but she thought nothing of this as this was a regular practice of his. She stated that he probably made phone calls from the Muenlbach, President and Continental Hotels as he was absent from her presence E T_ -1 4 4__.i 7 -1 ....-4. _=,= in each place. - -_F,~_-. . :3 a:: :4 __. Q: ._ _ _.» 4--.- _ .u. -_ bar which previously visited passed out in this "H . -,-:&#39;._jv_ {._-,_; .$1:-3-k ;_-__ -. gs,-4. --&#39;1 "Z1,"-&#39;+I . _.,, ___l_. &#39;;_.., ,__. ~ HEADYstated that after leaving the President Hotel they went to another E she described as being of poorer type than the three and that that was the last she remembered as she must have establishment although she admitted it would have been possible for them to have gone to someother bars as it is her nature to be able to remain upright although completely blacked out. She stated the next thing she rememberedafter going to one other bar following the DrumRoom in the President Hotel was when she awoke at home in bed on Saturday, October 3, and she has no recollection as to how or when she got there. HEADYstated that on Saturday night she and HALLwent to Kansas City taking both the station wagon and the Ford sedan. She stated they left P.M. She drove the station wagon and HALL drove the at Lynn&#39;s Tavern in Northtown for about an hour and then decided to leave the station wagon at Lynn&#39;s and use the Ford. She stated, at this point, HALL had a set of keys to her station wagon which he kept in his possession at all times which was s duplicate of her keys. She stated after leaving Lynn&#39;s they went over town and she could not recall eating anywhere but made a round of the bars starting at the Ambassador Hotel, then the Bellerive, then the bar in the big apartment house across the street 1} I i l I her home about 6:00 s,»4 Ford. They stopped &#39;<3:J D§-I: - I22:-;E;"~ .&#39;. and down from the Bellerive. ,.. .-._ ._;92 , 1:.»- She stated that she could not even remember leaving this bar but is sure that they did as she recalls helping close up the town which would have been at 12:30 A.M. at some bar which she could not definitely recalls She stated all during the evening HALL would as was his practice leave her either for the restroom or to telephone. &#39; She stated at the closing of the town they left and went back over to Lynn&#39;s Place which at that time was closed and she opined that it mst have been after 1:30 A.M., as 1:30 A.M. was the closing time at Lynn&#39;s. She stated the station wagon was still there in at least approximately the sameplace she had perked it. HALLtold her she was too drunk to drive and in F i _._-};&#39;.",-;=:. &#39;i..";Zl=&#39;$i ,s p&#39; "1 | _i__§ us<a ::_;=§, &#39;;_ ¬¥;§ A -~-;..-=--1! $355 eus __ _s_,-_;-,. __;,__.;_-_-.-924:;¢é.l».e_.-a¢iz92,.s:e-ha,-5-;,.wa,.,..,,».».*--.;..¢...:-.i=-an-.¢.¢ u-sum:.z.a.;a:u.¢1.!<4»-H¢$nawwnae$e&e¢anmz-?-|?cs *r.=&#39;-_ » 1- : ._&#3 il&#39;&#39;..92-2 N-5: aneaaxo a -.; -¬.?;_;na- _r? %w7 kl; I 1: 1 33;- -1 £17 "_- __ I SL 7 h29 I BONNIEHADY stated that after coming to on Sunday afternoon she and HALL started nipping again on a bottle they had in reserve and did not leave the cabin until after dark. HALL had already suggested that they drive to St. Louis for the weekend and she agreed to do so, and then she called ROBERT i CASTLE,who is connectedwith Kelfliok&#39;s Kennels, St. Joseph, Missouri, from someplace wherethey ate in KansasCity on Sundaynight. CASTLEto go back and get her Boxer dog and take him to She said she told the kennels as they were going to be away for several days, READYstated she could not remember court but unate or where they went after leaving the tourist where they ..,.,-Fa é i ,: &#39; -3:4 doubtedly they went someplace to eat because she remembersmaking the long- distance telephone call to CASTLEand it was from some eating place but she could not remember eating or any of the details after leaving the tourist court. fad} .{&#39; &#39;__. - As far as she could remember, shortly after making the phone call they started for St, Louis in the blue Ford and HALL was driving, she was pretty well inebriated but did wake She said up one occasion when the car was t stopped and she remembers hearing the trunk slam followed imediately by HALL E , getting in the car. She stated she did not ask him what he was doing but ..,_,. . eE assumed he had probably pulled off the road to relieve himself and found the R._,,__.. Q_.-I trunk door open and closed its She stated the next thing she remembers they . were in St. Louis. She stated, however, she did recall that they went out .:&#39;._f92&#39;entirely possible that he could have stopped 1 --==; : .&#39;, Highway LO to St. Louis and itwas it as she was in a drunken ;f§&#39;. :I;, for a moment or two and she would not have known 2ea-:1 stupor and was sleeping all the way. She stated upon their arrival the first place in St. Louis she awakenedand recalls they&#39;went to was a bar and she estimated this 6:00 A.M. as the bar just opened. Strenuous efforts to be around were made to effect the of this bar but she could not recall any details of the location of same, structure, or other identifying data or any personnel therein. She &#39;."_"__!&#39;!"&#39; &#39;g1-Fe .1 location stated she did recall that it was sort pretentious in any manner and there gg of a tumble down place, was not might have been two or three men in the place when they walked in although she explained the bar was Just opening when they walked in. She stated that she ordered herself a drink and that HALL left her here although he did not tell her his reason for leaving and she estimates he was gone for about one hour. She said at least_it was long r 92 i I E 1: -it &#39;.?*:2 Ir &#39;8 4, .»| _1..-7 -._J rs -. ., .1 .;_.~,-_-~. ..., ..., LAG-= ..-..-.»-- ;¢&#39;92.5: .--so-. ~92::%:" 492u&#39;e&#39; I .-----. .&#3 1:.-»__sf..--"av--rs.-1-; -&#39;-ea-;.-...z..|.;».-.¢.-1.-;-~..<>i92;;.-.4.s.s,-A-1-444.-;--:._-.~-».a..;|4=, ; ¢ ;#E 1-» -&#39;---;i-&#39;;-i----~.<-=;&#39;-_;.&#39;<&#39;-&#39;1-,£,=1-ALA;-~~~ -L if-f:1&#39;~92-V»-&#39;--i-i-ii-_-3&#39;..|.--7 ¢»=--92:--&#39;1-ee ~=4 -_..» ,,_ fn §% e" are u..92.-FQKO _,._ % ;&#39;. .4.- SL 7-A29 .? re She stated I i .2 1:- Chase Hotel to walk in St. through the located an this apartment house. ments concerning here for that at the rental acouple time she suggested they Louis and HALL objected lobby of a hotel so She stated that HALL made and that he of days. check into the to this saying she was too drunk they cruised around and finally informed her She stated that this all of the arrange- that they would stay time was the first time she _;; _ had actually seen the luggage HALL had purchased although he informed her at the time he left her at the bar upon arrival in St. Louis that he did purchase some luggage due to the fact that it would look extremely strange for them to -r ;" check into ahotel 151- 1. 31% - if; __ s 1 .. = wr "e &#39;- -. !-1.1 -~ !,__:&#39;_... 1 q-i if." I or motel She stated that they of foot lockers. she decided to look like and opened it She stated did not she then on the and saw inside to that it flopped over sober condition and told him to iv-..&#39;; A.2 pay the cab driver bed and went into She advised that same afternoon she got another stated she stayed in this apartment next day having been out of whiskey and decided take her to the fare to go get aliquor _ ... .. 4.... was arrt-.:5l&#39;.eCi by uffluufa luggage looked money. She asound that when e sleep and she woke up both on the dresser and she beck". She stated that note with an apartment key in and did not see HALL at all; she was in somewhat of asemi- some more store. When booze. She she opened she found $2,000 in $20 bills called ataxicab her purse to in the ? . bottom of .. 4- - 4. 04. so. Lila ~r.....-1... u..1-: uuu..|.a :u..|..I.G6 h._.........+.a.......a. ur.-:pcu.&#39;|.-uueuue K K 1-» -.._. FF v I said her purse. She stated that she now realizes that HALL must have put the $2,000 ransom money inher purse while she was sleeping and at the time he left the apartment. She stated she obtained some liquor and milk and went back to the apartment and started drinking and shortly thereafter she -___ _____ I n I secure an explanation of this money but to her efforts with grunts and groans. on the the afternoon. one was black. She see what the inside of the contained alarge amount of HALL and the grips were gone but she noticed anote quoted from memory, "I had to leave. I&#39;ll be right -gs __, ; f apartment house and that HALL One was green in color and wake up until later on it. She and the ts entered the stated she endeavored to awaken HALL to that he refused to do so merely replying -.- | _._;|_,; ,, 232* without luggage. immediately flopped himself onto the bed and went into a heavy sleep and that she had abottle of liquor and had herself a few drinks and became interested in the two grips he had purchased. She described these as metal grips about the size i l . 1 I Q -60-&#39; &#39;1: a. 92&#39;.&#39;.?1.»- hi . ~.~ _. ,_.A V. .. ., -§r____.,! :_ ,___,a_ .V_,_ .- »/~-.~J..92 _, ,-1»_ -; -T-1.>&#39;-J"J=eT-IL»!J-&#39;1 -_:_ 92;.:. ...;:-.~-.. .,__.-_. .-E; -N-. 1. ..,;:,.__..,. .. .---A34.l -- -.,,,-T __,. .,3.,4: .,_,_..-_&#39;_; 92,»&#39; .§&#39; -.;._., ..e_-;,.. -. ,_,.. _,_-;.92&#39;1...1. ..&#39;: ;;.*.,-;.&#39; -, &#39;we _¢,w&#39;92_.-__ ...~. yr;-, ..~92 -<4-4-Z11-#554 .i»&#39;4§.p».. nl$&#39;§iI7»w492 9-92-"ls,-_¢_a;_ _>-_ .92L3|..-..-L&#39;4 -"1*-.e&#39;?-=< 1-1~--.1};-»;_&#39;5»_&#39;,-&#39;-1"; ~&#39;¢.-1*»&#39;-#:-.14-i=AY&#39;I~2 i-v.1=k&#39;r-1-AJ§ 1&#39;;;.=}~bv-;. __ -" . t1.3: .- u air. - SL ?-4.29 .- HEAD! was reinterviewed on October 1.0 and ll, substance related the same set or facts with but slight -- - 1953, and she in variations until A her ad.mission&#39;of lt on October Ill,1953. Thisinterview was conducted 92 ¬3 by ._r-. e,. .," -1. &#39; Asst-iami HEAD! seemed Country Club éh =14 Plaza on the day of the start oi kidnapping after admitted at that she knew when she got not CARL HALL son this time the interview; > he was of Notre she get Dane do hiss out and that BOBBY Sion. She also of the there was F French no question in her mind of the reason for decoying him out of the schoo.l as she and CARL HALL had been making careful plans for over two weeks to kidnap BOBBY. She .er.a ..ed that CARL HALL had been talking about pulling abig kidnapping for -war two months and told her he had thought of nothing else while he was in the Missouri State Penitentiary and thought he had some very good ideas could use and avoid that he knew wealthy family. occasions, looked and tried ._--¥._-"-"C" J j. -"1, 1&#39; L? 1;? _ 21,... u .. F -P-_. -was of keeping they picked PAUL GREENLEASE the GREENLEASEboy because in "school and "knew that itwas the best way of getting their BONNIE HEADY stated the boy in her that they home and &#39; hands on the boy. had first considered the releasing him alive, but possibility the more they talked about doing this the more loopholes they found in this plan and decided at least two weeks before the kidnapping that they would have to kill the boy in order to avoid detection, feeling that he would be able to identity both of them and the hide-out should they release him alive. § BONNIE HEAD! it .|~ {W to the -4-? could not school where recall ever stated that CARL HALL had he delivered the boy being along when followed Hr. on several they did she did go with CARL HALL to the school but denied being in the school prior to GREENLEASE occasions, but this. She she stated that and was familiar with the location, the day of the kidnapping. _&#39;r li!NNIE GREENLEASE as he er Q .2 agig. _ _{-.. A HEADY stated never gave there was then any He seemed to be s happy bright little for aride and raised no objection 1BONNIE HEAD! stated the body in the river after this would not work as if absolutely no trouble or boy who Just thought whatsoever to that she they killed there was 5. -. kill. BOBBY in any adelay -61- in the I I 1 4 92 > T A way. he was going doing so. &#39; and CARL first thought about putting BOBBY GREERLEASE, but decided that money the body might cone to the surface .1. rI reason to resisted them . s. She stated that they drove to Kansas City on numerous at the GREENLEASE home,both from the front and rear to decide | 1 detection. BONNKE 1-[EADY stated that CARL said ,1 .=. ,. at the French Institute _92f&#39;1<I, : which he .&#39;$&#39;?=i 92. Iv 53* well composed GREELNLEASE out of the Institute that .Q . .:="1 to be however, after thirty minutes of thorough and meticulous questioning she admitted that she had lied about getting out of the station wagon on the payment of and would spoil their the ranaol chances of w i 92 ¥ 5 -&#39;,".;.&#39;. ,. ., . 52 -&#39;5 , 92 . . . .. .,~.. .... v.1. _~_ - ~ --. .-1 .».-.. ,., Lfllh_-4" -=~-s.....=....¢.. ~ i.:1. _-- .wn.:ua.vr.u.¢zu..:.u.u.a <-. <.»...k. &#39;I.lbI:r§} _;.._@_._ .,.-,.¢; .1 ._._ -_.,|_.1_ LL! ..a| .1.--as... as» tin-92u..i.|_ bur.- - £_&#39;-&#39; 5 L I.-_-_..&#39;,"_._.... .-,-_:;1;,.&#39;._-,5 ,_.1= 2§ -.. __ .-_V~§_§ - j&#39;_.: .1 . .- J, S14 T &#39;Li.2 9 55% 1- T91 £5 getting the ransom. She stated that they then decided they would have to bury the body and tried to pick out agood spot to do so. She stated that . J they found 2 1 __._:§ -e » .1 .1 as they line not than the but after aplace in too far awooded thought possibly school. She they made a hole to area over on the Kansas side they could snatch stated that their final put the bod in the child from his they thought this would plans and went back to see ahead of time they found that in and were knocking down trees, apparently preparing .; hen decided the only place they could bury the body -&#39;2 r"e;ci.ainty was in her backyard. &#39; -.-.-3 BONNIE. I-IEADY stated that the only hitch in Q-1 I. 3;: of the state from the GREENLEASE residence and considered this place originally made was the fact that they had rather than shoot him as they were afraid a that had a piece of rope or heavy twine but after he got out in the country found that the twine was not long and therefore he had to shoot the 3&#39;--&#39;?.:"&#39; 4. -.. ~ :- home rather be an ideal place, about digging bulldozers had moved for asubdivision. degree of with any their They . .i I » B. plans as intended to strangle the boy shot would be heard. She stated with which to strangle the boy, where he enough to boy rather intended to commit this get his hand in and twist than strangle him. act he it, I | I _Z-1.3;? 5.1-&#39;:-:4; BONNIE HEADY stated that she did not see this atte WPt-ed stran. ulation 8 . .- .5as she had leftthe car and walked up the road with her dog but CARL HALL :-; s&#39;?a r.ed that was the reason he had to shoot the boy. She stated that when she gc. _ back to l .~&#39;i the car the boy was not dead yet and was still moaning, and there was blood all over the station wagon. She stated she was startled Rh-=@ h-|-i --.--...... nq &#39;h¢| l".4=n&#39;|&#39;92 hnfnrn and ea-.._ 1-HQ +.h:a+. i+. was: 2+ a1 l Else ...-. an... lvvwaq :=| -1 re...-....».. ..._--. -v.----. ..._-.. d... ----- nnf. .---. -J movies and died and television shows. there was She said no mess or blood, when aperson but that they just was shot was not the way it was as > in this instance. as-J &#39; shortly |..__ &#39;5" BONNIE HEAD! stated that after she .5--. CARL HALL had had She stated that about store on north side ever since apistol the hth .iu3._v 3,, 1953. she went with CARL HALL over to Kansas City, pnrchased a.32 caliber Smith and Wesso blue steel revolver of Minnesota Avenue, just east of of July and probably Kansas, where he ahardware from l th Street. information and stated that CARL HALL name in gun was wh.&#39;1.le parked on parking lot south September. he did HALL stated as oi the Ambassador Hotel not report this theft to early part the police of department. -.1 - i 1BONNIE}HEADY statedthat when she took her dog and walked up cu.Q:-we .&#39;_ __ . bi he recalled he used ris right this purchas ing this gun and gave address as Iola, Kansas. He stated stolen out of the glove compartment of BONNIE HEADY&#39;s station wagon -eorifiz-mad this up met him. the row shehedge lost her New waiting for hat. She CARL HALL to described this &#39;1»-,1-k m.akers_ tag in it. she murder BOBBY GREENLEASE in some manner hat as stated that this asmall brown felt hat was hat with purchased by her a > I . . 92-i._.-_ __:-_. . . .. .., __., ._-_.&#39;--_..___.,;,.-= -:-____»_-_,r ,_-| _ 922_.__. _ .~ ._,,- _. . . 5__---,_.1, -... A _.. k-. ht. Vs,.. ~__. .. 92. |_. __, . j._~,@ -,, -~.=:-_.._-.5. .,.__ ,s_-.,..~ , _&#39;. &#39;11 --.2 1:.>&#39; ,-- »-1-111.,-~r .. ~~_,,.» 92A 92? .1: l .,-a be _..s;;_ .~ _11;»:.zJ.;.-.;11...a..-; V -. AV. . . ,..-_-.1. .. is uaf.&#39;;-§_i-.92tr-._..-- -- _..:..-_.~!.»..-,Q&#39;.,-.<.|. ». -_.. - .. --.- .. .:-&#39;...-92&#39;.->a-92.-. . ,-e.1&#39;--;.&#39;.92i.3la=-a...&#39;:o.¢-&#39;1»!.-a..." _. [I ..1--.-_.-_,-.-._., __ .__;».>1,_-_ --~ = §"-.92 92...-:,-_..-|,-.=&#39;._!, -&#39;mJu-_.=R.=1 e=u.J-.w~ u.-2=._.~.&#39;/ .i_,>1.-..».-a-a-4¢_~.u=....." ea. " -.1:-_:.:.|." 1;... &#39; y1.7-,»..-Q ,¢-,.~,,,,-.1 :bqh!rlFj&#39;L:&#39;s -.~....B& _ = I7- v 1,. _ it 7As SL ?~ __, ».-&#39;_ .1 .~ &#39;=: 1 "92.:~>;§{ at a small hat shop around the corner from the Taft Hotel in New Iork City about She stated she did not know just how she lost her hat but remembers it dropped to the ground while she was holding on to her dog after Aicum A-EA ua.u. uuu were fired; that it was real close to the hs@e row and slam Hunk. to pick it up and it would probably still be in that lane. During the SWO YEHPS ago. e __... 3%? preparation of statement r-&#39;1 the ransom letters &#39;5;-n= .-stat-e=l that she, for the first and instructions she did this at the time, admitted that she wrote 3 I all prepared in connection with the payoff. of CARL HALL direction and helped him Z1 In}-&#39;921-92:-v92r92v ...-.-.-..=_A-3.-.-. -Q-1......-. ...-M-. ..,...~.r92 4....-.....,.a+.-.,-1 U&#39; 4.-. ... ?.-._"e J»-.5t1.l1,:1.é &#39;I92J I A-r VJ. 4-Ill-E JJLUDU..~.,-.-L...-. LJLILIUDI &#39;|&#39;J&#39;|I92|92 ],&#39;L[1 IICICI &#39;L_|,J_]_ VULJ .....,.1.-. l.I.l92J.9241J -L11-LUlUO92.|CF92-l MU 1......l92-1lU" 1228FBI handwriting experts had been able to identify her handvnritirmg, * &#39; sta*. .&#39;l1".g she had made every attempt to disguise handprinting and handwriting and wanted to know if FBI had been successful. in identifying it. h!&#39;92 ff: l_I&#39;92 nnfnr .-.J....|._.&#39;l J.L_.l. -L__l. l__ ...l.92J.__rirl-11&#39; 1"rn&#39;r1&#39; _.1.__..___92...__! _:_92-_.92 D92.J192Fl92-.111: l&#39;LE|. HUG-DBU U.I. 011210 UH-lJI&#39;L|J._Y H-.l.DUI&#39; UH.I,1.L|| . .ELl.|b bl.-UPPUU ii-{LU PLUKBQ _._ _ . -f T-;§_= .-"3 ; __.L: &#39;£ .§_. 1.4 op. I-he 1"&nS: .m money about midnight, Sunday night, October 11, they had driven not more than two or three miles when he again stopped the car, uh;.492r:¬the Bi license 1-:1-.;cr they :4 3 on the rented Ford and tock flashlight and money", plans had worked out together. ! first she remembers they arrived in St. Louis with I-LRLL having d.-:n-s all d&#39;?I".lT.:a.I1g,<> ll-St when the bars were opening which would be 6:00 a.m., m-:"r -n§ of October 5, Monday. She stated they stopped had a few drinks and sh-1-rtIly after CARL HALL showed up with .&#39;|a?"gs: than the other. two suitcases, They then took the suitcases F&#39;*.TIL up into l an alley where they openedthe bag which CARLhad picked up saw the duffel _&#39; that .- tried the duffel bag was tied to untie it get out your with unsuccessfully. kni_f e and cut it". with more money than She stated that they auicteases were full. hard knot the duffel one considerably and went in rented time trunlzgand she for the first She stated the night before. and that both she and CARL She finally told him "for that HALL She stated knife and out the rope and that ass! his much about the trip BOIFNIE HEAD! stated that she cannot recall frsm Kansas City to St. Louis. In fact, she does not remember CARL HALL stopping to make phone call to GRE&#39;EI92I"LE after SE picking up ransom package. She stated rs :_Q- plates told her he had looked in the duffel bag and "it was really full of and that "they had it", and had been successful in their elaborate > did Christ take bag was crammed full sake out his of money, she or CARL had ever seen before in their lives. filled the two suitcases with the money and that She stated that the larger of the suitcases, E l 1. 5. P } both which she described as a foot locker type, was so full that they could not get -_=$92 {.. *-he lid elcsed with the tray on top the money, and therefore threw the tray away in order to be able to close the locker. She stated that there 1T was no question but what all of the money was in the duffel bag when they r gal. to as St. Louis and that all of this money was put into de scribed. 92 ! -63- 4 .- the two suitcases P &#39;-. I."_.¢1 "_"L=_; -._-;.. .~ _. :, _-_1&#39;_. .; - -_ - . .,_-=_1- *&#39; _:&#39;_-_ .. _,1_-._-_ -_. , 92-., ;-_.92|:-_ ____,___--_ 1;,2.5 &#39; .C.92i.P92-1 1. ..-.-.92_-.~ 1-L. .zr,-a_~e=.-1 I.-at-:;vi=x&#39;1¢&#39; - :-L41 h-h:.m:»>;=eue¢.--I-es-a.-. :92§."|a.&#39;.&#39;19292I|&#39;:HT&#39;-&#39;i&#39;Z.&#39;!1|-t&#39;A§-4&#39;Z_§L11.L§Q"_:r;u.-.. as,-A=¢92-;ae!-*-*-ant"-1 ~&#39;~h11f§1;&#39;I_£T~1" 1; -£*ae.."&#39; 92 .»=-92>-&#39;-;92<n;?;92a;§.-axzbg ,=5i&#39;,&#39;i&#39;:-ii;:?§¢:=&#39;.-92.i- ..e.1 -.-&#39; 1:» I-2.1-.e:!2 .&#39; _.+ .__,.__ A -7* go t _ st M29 -:: 3 -"A ._ 2. B I*IN1E mmstated thattheonly other time she saw thismoney in the bags was in merely looked in they had filled the apartment at 11.5011 Arsenal Street and the larger it earlier in at that time she of the two suitcases and that it was just the day in the alley previously as described. -.." I -;i E &#39; ,.,; »_.-_< i. _ 1 1-9,; t I .1 Efl": _ < .1 .4,I | .. .-&#39;r *t "" -II- G 5-r .-1 _ IQ _ _ 519""; / . -I = 1 =.19 -6L- . _ >;. eff &#39;_j 4 . -3 :&#39;§ T i5§ " -- . 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"w. J 5L7-L29 During contact with the interviews , SAma:|.ntained . who the cellmate bid of subject HEADY. J&#39; &#39;3 _; : F &#39;-&#39;2? 5 I .~ .228 Q, .1", . -,-.-_ 55..-:2 I-=9? T § _ &#39;_ 2»; "».r-&#39; *.";-} . - cl 1&# -.7 PT I ér 4-750 -7-79! &#39;1 . XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETEDPAGE INFORMATION SHEET &#39; Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the le. in icated, explain this deletion. One or more of the Deletedexemption under -1 s! Kc L __ material available for release to you. UInformation pertained only to a third party E] Information pertained only to a third party. following statements, where _with no segregable with noreference you to orthe subject of your request. Your name is listed in thetitle only. E] Document s! originating withthe followinggovernment agenoy es! _,_&#39; _ L __ . was/ were forwarded to them for direct response to you. ePagelsl referredfor consultation to the following governmentagency ies!; in as the information originated with them. You will 92 I&#39;Ifl &#39;1 92&#39;92&#39;l | rl II I 1ll I-92I I DB HQVISBCI OI 8VEl1l3.DIlH&#39;.y HDDI1 I BEl1I&#39;1&#39;I. OI HIE Hl lefl l [O U18 I Dl. m Page s! El For withheld for the following reason s!: your information: Z/The following number is tobe for used reference regarding thesepages: W-0%}-o Vii O&#39;éE1g._es@ II I KXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ~x; .4- 7 |&#39;.&#39;"L ,,,._, 4 &#39; -., -_. *2 a - t » ,. .._ .. 92.._, _ .7, . .-* 5 .1 _ |.92.-_.-_.;};.; .~"-1;.--.-&#39;< .1 tmzJ¢n&#39;|792v"° 3..¢,. .-n.,.m_;;- v92».n.:92~..m_~&#39;_.9292.-0.-uat x.-1-r|._.~¢X>-L._¢...1r_:-u-. .».;92_1_.92.>,92A.=-,. 1=,..u..,¢_ u- --~-Ir :_-=:.4_.4~> 92a-n J. - *. 1&#39;. $22, 3-" F - 3&#39;% »1 .-_--3 &#39; 5 S g -I Q _".~. $2? 1-_,__»_._ .";j&#39;§.&#39; ¥iiI*-;;i=Ej. .&#39;1 #Handwriting _ ,.+ i-3:-3&#39;, 92_~i. 5 .3.&#39; 7"-; J_? :52 _. 4t Mei £1!i" ._""92I: _K. &#39;-. J. ._,_. T94" iii and forwarded to the and handprinting Laboratoqy specimens were taken on subject HEADY ...I-lsL:;:...;_.... M--&#39; I~;t.<n&#39;->..a.a." -,=...-* -1=n=;.t."i~¢z£».~s.s-~<==+.. fHi&2.t=eii|a=.-_--.;.-waiL.£.;-...-aidali-xiii <..-a.=....e-"=~ I1"tsn&#39;tr.-:~;;...;zm-.en.:.;=.n, -.&#39;:u-;a4. -"iii &#39;4. n."1J»4.-.1.-i-&#39;i:.&#39;1.2&#39;.;.1-.1 -_|&#39;J:&#39;¢i-|;L§;.}&#39;~&#39;u,1.&#39;-wave . .;§?g Egixt. . Fgi Er .- y 6;; . fl "1;. 1:. &#39; Q égg .. V-, 31, 7.139 %§;¬g. .. i 924u"_ aw 1. :1; .1 4 ~&#39; ~- - ff? _2. _. sxqrggggriift tnr. Q1; serum mam; sf; 3 1. 1%?- - The following is the signed statementof subqect BONNIE HEADI: .I I -in $5. .- -. 1". .- &#39; __p "I:,Bonni at . __ -j - H toiand smm Dep&#39;t._of wustice. o res Ior esad , ma - ."Sue _October u&#39;1 the following l H 7 Lou-1!, HQ: 11, 1953 Agente,.__FBI, s. b-1 u. pfonises of any kind have voluntary signed statement been made to me and know I do I not have :aake,an to statement kc!! unless Iso- -desira, I have been advised my right of to employ &#39; &#39; n ._ Qlamro __wt ;__[ ..&#39; "On Sunday September 27, 1953, Carl Hall, with whomIhave knew at the time he was digging it in furtherance to kidnap Bobby Greenleaseand intended to kill of his body by burying him in this hole. _&#39; .92 -:&#39; I-&#39; &#39;= 5.: ;&#39;. 3.&#39;§=? :2..&#39;--,--1; station wagon and according to our . &#39;1;-1&#39;3; on -rv - R; 92 I previously worked was Bobby Preenlease&#39;s aunt a heart utter; while we were shopping the Plaza. The sister went and got Bobby Greeplease for me and Itook him out and wegot in the cab which I had waiting ior i i " me. Ihagthe cab drive to noKaty&#39;e parkingatlotA th &Main where Car was waiting "Bobby and Igot _* l plan out plan I took a Toedmangab to the French Institute of Notre Dane&#39;de §ion._ Ihad the cab wait while Iwent in to get Bobby Qreenleaae.Itold the sisters that I _ .":f &#39;2? of his him and dispose "On Honda]September 28,l9S§ Carl and I drove to Kansas Cityin my Plymouth and that his mother had had Ii been living at my home 1201 South38th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri, dug a hole in my back yard. This hole was about Afeet deep, betweenhand 5feet long and about 3feet wide. It took Carl all afternoon to dig this hole. I didn&#39;t help him dig it but for me in nstation wagon. i in with Bobby in the middle of the front seat- and Carl drqveout us in the coutry. Ididn&#39;t Egow whare.we went but we started out Westport Road andwent q ts aways out in thecountny and onto anatural colored gravel road. we drove off this road into awheat-field with the stubble standing, There was a big thick hedge along side this lane and we drove in quite a ways andparked. I knew Carlwas goingtp shoot the boy although he hadn-&#39;t given us any trouble. I got out and walked off the hedge row_for quite a ways until I heard two shots fired .;.-.- fairly close together. I had my dog "Doc" with me andas soon as_I heard the two ahots.I turned aroundand wentback to the 92 F I I 1? 9E§-Y Pe_>_- |. I. . »; t .. . &#39; I. 92 Q12 i3Lé_. ear. 1 I : -as-u ,---7 -.---R» . . ,.-_. --_. . _ _ 192;u- . . -_.- . . F;.2-&#39;= 2~.;¢£ =1-.==;3: -&#39;->=-"; 1&#39;?*. =?1»&#39;1,&#39;=?_." :=§y, ;,&#39;*92 i3;7¥++-.->&#39;-,:*.~&#39;==~»; ». 3F-2; 923.; ¢1&#39;¢ @&#39;# Y1-&#39;1 -- :- ~11iwi;2i?&#39;??a~§; . .92&#39;..-~-&#39;=*. .-*." ¢-Q-_&#39;-1. :>.-.-;.»i-1=1I--¢-.1§ "3715.-5: &#39;. ..-zr: if r=;="= - 11-, =,~ »5:1 :: : -,-2&#39;,» I. ;.-5 ,--_;;_.-. ~ 2-,&#39;=_ -.33, 7.- x -g;4&#39; _--3",. :- r¬}§¢§$2¢= . .- -&#39;-~.":-&#39;:_ -.&#39;."&#39; -?-;;e =_.-.,|1»&#39; ---~,>.".: :!",..&#39;5."&#39;l"-3-I -&#39;-&#39;-&#39;&#39;&#39;-"&#3 ,.-1-.:"~: 7 ;-&#39;f5.&#39;}"z$ I-I-1 Ti-I-&#39;52-7% .&#39;-:11:-T.~?.5. 3.&#39;i .. ... r.»r" Ln... 5&#39;{H&#39;¥&#39;lQ!"&#39;!=92&#39;§*a fE&#39;!7:&#39;l»a ?¬Y1"5E -L":§ =§E&#39;¬"?5§-"1-T§I~ 5&#39;5-Y7: : .-"--"i$F"1 .&#39;i;-5:" -.{2&#39;1 V5§ R11.-1 .,_.. My .-,;92...r».--<..-,. I.-.-, .--92,,<,~r ,,,.-ts 92,,....-¢,.1 ..,.,u..---¢~. I4>._~n-71 - I-.-~ .92- -"1"- -92"T&#39;i=3"*;&#39;*.&#39; -~921-1-!» .92 »-_...&#39; &#39; :-92 _ i-Q2 .__V » .I- ;_;;.-__=e _. .-.I ,. I-...._ A. __ ._ ._-_. ;,. ..... ,I. -:92&#39;:..."&#39;;_* ¢&#39;_ L l{_:.§ .A,.-&#39;..92_."&#39;.:&#39;...¢.. _1.}_"314._£_¢_a _ -_ , 1.-_-¢_ -9.5;;_-__.-,=_,;_d_-._-&#39;1»-.1.-_&#39;~_&#39;.;:=;=_-mhqlr,5 ¢Q§_;;:-L -,5;,-- I,-;,_,.*-II.-,_¢ ,,»,_-&#39;-I-I, 1 ~i ",-:*,-51~,-&#39;,;&#39; &#39; Ih~,--_ ~<~.";;-_ 92-,=- &#39;-cu,",*_1&#39;;_~ --,-" 2;?~&#39; . ., . . |t --.. ... _. . ,, ______. I . .-...__. .-- LG " .-&#39; .&#39;&#39;1. =. §-8:. SL 7-L29 &#39;11.! 1.: E- _;;.&#39; &#39; |- _ "Before I left the station wagon Carl and spread out_the blue the boy wrapped in the plastic wagon and covered 4 4 . "-:3. 4,1 I?"-3 bridge onto .e%s 5""- hf #34_§ when I got back Carl had sheet in the back of an old the station i" comfort. couple of 92. I #71 highway. Nb drove to Lynn&#39;s tavern in north Kansas City where we stopped for a couple of drinks &#39; , seat with Carl and put Doc in the second into town and got onto the southwest traffic the downtown area. wt went across the air» but if we didn&#39;t we went across the A.S.B. dog and Bobby : body in the station wagon. After drinks we drove home to St. leaving the having a Joseph. Carl drove into -- the basementand unloaded the body onto the basementfloor. u "I went aroundand went thru the front door and openedthe kitchen " &#39; F!§ V51 &#39;< 5&#39;-L"; l. ,.-if -2} . door leading to the basement. Carl carried the body upstairs wrapped in the sheet and put it in the hole he had dug the day before. He put lime on the body but I didn&#39;t see him do it. Carl started to fill in the hole but only put enough dirt in to cover the bod. Carl said he had to drive back to Kansas City and mail the reneen letter I had prepared en Sunday at Carl : direction; that is I wrote it "After Carl had washedthe blood 1.; while " -41- - "I wrots all out of the station wagonhe tho rinson notss and pay off instrnotions ii W W dir- instructions on the night we arranged for the pay off at the church at L th and Harrison. I don&#39;t remember any of the details - E-.. 92 § gected by Carl and went with him to put out all the pay off an .- 1;. I he dictated. drove to Kansas City to mail the first letter. I stayed home and finished filling in the hole in the back yard up to about 6 inches of the top. The next day Carl finished filling in the hole and we went out to HcInnish&#39;s green house and bought some flowers which we planted over the grave. " .4 - him with "I got in the front seat. is drove back way going north into port bridge I think had let the tail gate down plastic sheet. of the secondpay off attempt in north KansasCity as I drinking pretty heavy. - &#39; - was "About mid-night Sundaynight October L, 1953 we picked up a dufflg bag on a country road east of KansasCity and after driving for quite a ways Carl stopped and took a flashlight and looked in the dufflg hag and changedthe license plates. cailtoid me it&#39; logkedlike the money wasall thereandwestartedout anddrove I 1 5 § .%% 5; L.-. I.1-, 0 I-.; #69- 1,, I 5;&#39;,._n__ ;__M:E_=c_:;,_92LJ_{ .-5;-,:._..&#39;.< ?,~;M3, ._,:-._ M. - &#39; 1.. ->.r.&#39;; |-.. - n?_- ,-- ;-- .. - ,- _,, - .-;.=__,_ .-. -92-..,;,-,.. ~ . .1.1--, --_-&#39; - 1.-.,92.»,-He, -1.-._~¢.&#39;-92:.,. . . -an-hw.--.-; .---.1 .~.. .|,.92. . .s.s.r. rY92...-1 H| .1.. ._.:=...._.u&#39;1.92.. _....~ .1._.:.~..<..=1: sin-I-liq :-T.-l¥&#39;_1 -4.. av-...n-I&#39;.n..= .¬_..-.-......._..92_"_.=...%..£ A5.-.sJ¢ ii.?_4iJ»:n;ta;uar.;¢ZZ;u.u 7.31»-¢ . -_. _,._ .Wg. &#39; ."Q. -%"r;;,=&#39; . sr. v-1.29 to St. Louie arriving early in the noming. I ment on six pages and it 1&#39;: true. ""&#39; -;&#39;..,,._ _ .&#39;92--"F &#39;-. _ *2-&#39; &#39;,&#39; ..&#39;-&#39;5- ~ reed this state- "/e/ BonnieE. Heady. Special Agent,FBI B Special Agent, FBI" 5 4- I aw -:_:._ _92 .- .,! ___$___ §- R5 _._ -g , Thefollowingunsigned statement wasobtained from HEADY at the time of her initial interview on OctoberY, 1953. t Although1-IEADY refused to sign it, she admitted that it was true. . __ _ __ -an - * .__.: _eL.._:4 "&#39;5" , &#39;7&#39;-I _ ~# L } §.... EFL - :11k_ -__ !-&#39;-i _ -; _"If&#39;1&#39;; _&#39;i .--W. 1.;:-= .7.3.&#39;= ~&#39;i ; &#39;.&#39;.-&#39;_= |,.-r . t . -1. 92 i * o &#39;-1% Q. -_ < .r 1. .1? ~ 1 &#39; $4 i . J -I / I ..- F 12* -_1-1 __ . v _ *. -.-, P _ -70- K i. E &#39;.~T~_.¢,5;&#39;$3&#39;5 , 2£3 &#39; _ ;-9 --o= ¢.V; -u. I J n .:1. -&#39;, . V . .. .---."-,...w¢_ _--.-92..-.-._ . ;;_f;;_ &#39;.=;i&#39;.__.:,; is-{:42-51:6".u¢;.?=& -v.-.~ #i g{f¢;mi?1L&#39;$r&#39;E ?$,_._-_;,.__.;_ &#39;1$.*?"" 13.Eqgw <=&#39;_ ,_.1--, .7 " -11.--. ~-s-=--. j - ,-_-_r&#39;.?,:<1=-11%.-1 _---,-Irv-F. , _ _ 4;3¢:_ _ .E,,§"f?1g3s? _ T --~-*--, ~__¢_ _-t, _n1g=v§;§ry;r3",j*, ._;=. 7- _. ---:92-&#39;1; -, _.___ -2-92 -;&#39;ut.v¢;an4gqq;Q-wan-WW1-,,,--,_ I A-A=;., ~.;-,-, .. ,,_--_;-,3, ;.-",J2-&#39; :._&#39;-»--*1" . . *. -."_&#39; 4- 4- _.,-I ,. -.92.1: . .»:->&#39;»-..v f&#39;r-, .=..-.&#39; "4--,.,&#39;-,-&#39;. .-&#39;~_,-_=:-_.-92;e -_=:;.;92_;-: - ,.-;_ - 1:-Kw . --_ .1,-}92,.--,.-&#39; ..-.&#39;~ &#39;1! -,,.3- -.-,1-zg; .- , _ 7:1. 92_-, ___;<&#39;.-, ¢__-_!¬92_ _,i&#39;.".&#39;,--/;;92¢_92;-/;}"_.;t_T_ ;_,;~. ;<,aN.-1_&#39;,;,5_§;_::F&#39;>g¬ii,__; ¢-i»J;_. 5:§,;&;.~§.. .;_-.-<_-,-».;~ {Ln Luci -._:t... __,§-,_,.._,.: ,, up: -,..:3-I1; -av ,2 , -K 99-&#39;_ -,MDr ,. . 4; ,L. »--92-1.-_ -&#39;__-._. , _, _&#39; -,_--,;&#39;1 --,-., -_ &#39; __>"-_» ,..- ..=--~_:¢_;A.~=&#39; .&#39;-_&#39;.1. -. .- ,-_»J .~&#39;, =_" _-..--,&#39;.; _ ,~"&#39;xi» ."-"2&#39; --T-T -F;:I_-1 -&#39;;., &#39;.-_""~&#39;-T. &#39;_ &#39;=_"_ ." ; ".35 § :&#39;.=&#39;§_&#39;>.41 -!";3.&#39;-=&#39; _&#39; 1; -" :&#39;P-T&#39;"§I os_-_¢_{;,_.7, &#39;: v-~} .92i-&#39;1.-;-92~ :~.-2:;:,!-1=:{=;,;¬.-i - -. .,@§&#39;§1§_1-}$*<>;}&#39;r,.<r,=, h:&#39;; ;_=-&#39;-92;; ;&#39;§;1:1 :92 -"r§_?. i?@»;?§ =§.§.l=?§;f¬§£:E :=;:§;&#39;J_3-;=-, *T&#39;=»:=:: §&#39;$&#3 .1»1f. :?-9 FL ;.=.&#39;: 9 ,......-M... ~ ..-.u._92.i.- ..i...|r.u...»_|...-.-....i..._.........;.......-.-...l. ~. __ -;1.¢;-;1_-a.»_-i....-.1§. . _,_:_; .;,&#39;.=;.»92.-.. ...4..<..».%._-, s-: -_::_e-;;~»-41..L.-¢F_" A. gA»92-L_ 9292. J-:- 1 A _PI : _ - --1&#39; ~_.;...- _:.é...&#39;; 9292 9292L iii I_ SL ?- -1:29 .,.1 """"""".¢>~@;.!&#39; "&#39;:&#39; A. .. _ & Mr &#39; .. =-_ ... . . I. J -&#39;£"qT:L&#39;J.;q§ ._-t- &#39; -.THCRNTON: Mrs. I-IEADY, you know you have Police JEREMIAH SHOULDERS, and Er. J. of Investigation _made to you. You &#39;.<a ,._ ~--.1 I7| brought into been talking to Chief 0&#39;CONN&#39;ELL, Colonel I. A. LONG, E. THORNTON of the Federal Foreau and no threats or promises are know that you will undoubtedly court and any-tl-1:Lng you tell us of Lt. being be is free land true. Yes, I&#39;m trying to help you as much as I can. I&#39;mjust so hazy on some things that I can t remember. If you had been drunk as long as I had, it does something to your brain. I just travel around in a haze most of the I&#39;&" . I-IEADI: é- .-.>. _*l-. V_w .°E&#39;§7.&#39;.? time. fgnestions by Colonel JEREMIAH 0 OO!*INELL fnswers by BONNIE mom HEAD! . E31 z -; 1" -.&#39; n I, .92"I "-._ o 1547 &#39;.&#39;. 5 -. F" i _._~1: A. &#39;1] What is your BONNIE BROWN name? HEAD! Q. Hcw old are you ? in J46 Q. Are youmarried A. Ilm divorced. Q. What is 11. 1201 South 38th Q. Do you A. Well, I just have that apartment for twodays. I Q. Do you know the address of that apartment? ,4. ___&#39;_-_L5 E.:n|f if .. &#39;1-*5. -1: &#39;. &#39;1 Fff E ;&#39;: 92~-Y A-. or single? &#39; your have address? St., St. aresidence Joseph, Missouri in the City oi St. Louis? 1 Well, Iim with an A. not sure, it&#39;s I40 something, Irhatis &#39; that street, it starts &#39; I I e l .45.&#39;:-.-" _-11I3:,/&#39; ;.. ... &#39;.-_-_.:*.&#39;;&#39;:"92~.=1&#39;;= r.-: ;r.:r-= my-,s _;f: ;2[.&#39;>tI;;; v_gh;192I;rv}.,q! ?."£_{ F1 ]§?;q_g-v 112:1 .g&#39;.kQ_s.;¢uaqvrz-~ra92Y;¢. -&#39;;?"&#39;s"&#39;~&#39;. r-3 3{.;-,;§.;92-&#39;1_"r& r:;&#39;. ~ 1&#3 .. , . -_-K_...-1 . _,. . --._ ..-.. .. ~, .. - -.~ol5I92;$ &#39;.-&#39; .1:-§.-_.=4...-*."= ~-.l. .--,. =1-L -~,1;,=¢-r-_q,:~,~;-~,--5?:-7 ~--V- ...=. _&#39;921}q92.l_ .--=-M, ..:»m. &#39;.-=_= -he:- ..~~-.&#39;»-.-*,~.*.§&#39;@= -. ....92:5"-5-».-v=.-inf? I -.~,-.-.-.»*-..-:_.,;=:.-!.~.»~ -2--1.~:.&#39;: 1:1---.-;:.:"---a= - i<*.1&#39 ;-, 521$-.=:;z 2% i-.-&#39;-F.-.-1 ~4:-is"-:~;-.-5,1, .. -. J-=7. r~&#39;.&#39;.Y:.-&#39;2"-_ . :1&#39;. .=.:_=e .~..§F=;>a92~.*T .F &#39;.~i&#39;Z=.&#39;::-":&#39;@&#39;=>&#39;-.2 g:,*-"45" -#21::/:3--.a:-=:~-{; .~§.>-<-;392:*»;;. |_-".;&#39;.-4.T_&#39;;.1";&#39;T1f _&#39;.&#39;1J;&#39;.~&#39;1_&#39;c. J-5-IL a_-. .-L. _&#39;.L.92&#39;-. 5,-.&#39;-. 92._".&#39 ,-&#39;_.=_==-;»_&#39;;-~z;_-.._;-;;"- -,=.-;_-&#39;,;{=;&#39;¢;;.s-=:;-; .;:_-1&#39; 1 {Ti "&#39;1:-F1-1. 2 .-.r-~&#39;3.--.~1I~r-1-£1Keg =!=-,¢.&#39;z> 5L11-92 1s_C .<&#39;.-:&#39; -.;&#39;,-:-=&#39;-.=--25; *192. -&#39;3-M !-" 1&#39;->-=-I:--&#39;=.;:~;#&#39;-1:-re; --*-"-&#39;_"-"5&#39;v92"$.* , 1,. .. -.-.. 92:.<&#39;». &#39;--=1.-.1 ; -.1- ..-. =*&#39; "»..=;.,t._._|.V._.._. .,_92.~ , 1.,,i. r;-*-1&#39;. ;,-...,%»_.-. ,.1-=< ,_._.; . ,-_;._. i+_K--,.-.92_.-.-,::f,g;92,g;,¢ .__.._.92&#39;;Eu& . 92 :?g~:-< ,...;£§ §-5:75;--> .__r~.--=.1;.-&#39;-: -,,-1. ;--rm-..~;>; : 15&#39;--5!.i.|> &#39; 1it:;; a .-:3 t"&#39;;2~,_&#39;Para:-&#39;. . - "= .;l§;?;&#39;L - , , E &#39;»=&#39;1" *1 Y.*~*==&#39;"F *»&#39; ;r&#39;:."&#39; 11*.57&#39;- %.7§FF&#39;§s§u%5;.;1e;1;¥§J&#39;%1 -< >~ -:92&#39;=I=1 a . 1- <_&#39;" " =&#39;%_=&#39;,?.*-.&#39; <-*»"*1is -&#39;=-Fr1.§=* 1§-;g&#3 i :_&#39;, j-E --.-&#39;. =s : . ;-:3 -. ;F:;;.¥.=;§=;. 1*3.;-g -= "&#39;9-*_ :v§&#39;-.&#39;.5 A .:&#39;=~&#39;r; :lf §*.:.§ =; : 2 F_ :-. Z.._5,=, _.v_.;__. ._.. -.92 92. H ~ ~?5:27;}. .- -_&#39;5§;.il{:,, -&#39;..r= "&#39;-&#39; &#39; . -3-92:&#39; n, § =rEz»;f->~> &#39;,.-:;-Q5. ;. , 7!&#39;::&#39;§!&#39;! r5 .&#39;£»92~1 > £ § .1..1El=.r ii . . -_ ?$%% -_ .--_. *4 -.-.,1. -1 --&#39;. :a-92:-..: -..,U»...-.~ 1 ....-l4--&#39;*~""">&#39;1"" 92 . ... ., . I.- u. A..1..-:..........-~ ~A.r _» -,.,4&#39;... 1- -.».. 92:A.-&#39;_ -~»~~ 2 .* - ;_:; v_ .,-., ---1----- _: _-_&#39;:3:..-1.-iii.wUfa;1&#39;.?£l$.:1¢l: .-_-I.3:&#39;L;&#39;x92l;1;-; .a-r:;._.-&#39;-._.a-__....--_a,__;->. .&#39;.;.-1-A-..-~.&#39; _-:.- ;-;-gr; -__c:=_ * r92;L-K4: - 1 ~ .-- ---1: Hf --arr--&#39;-&#39;»:"&#39;*&#39;-- it =".i1,=.=*:.-=.&#39;.&#39;.--&#39; -= _i . 92> 92" 1_-Q55-i§_ _. . SL 74429 -7: " _: 12 _i .T1? -.. ,= "7 Arsenal? A. Arsenal, that&#39;s Q. When didyou rent that aoartment? A. I guess itmust 7 7; ; ,Irv "75 -"_i _._ _!___.:&#39;£ _-, I Q. l it. have been Monday morning. Q. -was anyone with you when yourented it? A. He rented it. 1 just stumbled =1,-"22" Q. When you say he, please name -_ J&#39;,,=-&#39;1&#39;.-11. ..-;-. ¢-~.;- A. I mean CARL HFLLL." "&#39; .- ".&#39; Q. _ :- .53 Who isCARL F along... who you mean. HAIL? A. Q. end. A. 53 :- C1. -».< r-53;:-_=; _,._. ,. A. Q. And, how long do Since about And where did you know the end of May. you meet him? CARL HALL? I &#3 92 fi;§;Eé ;i . 1117;»;-. ; .-.r;=;{?{é . -. . ... ».*--1-_: -»,4 ._ .._.1i-~_ -- -1,.__t_;,;.-_ ;_ ._ _.;;&#39;_ . -&#39;7 .. .- _;. . ._ . _; .__. --.-,-._ --... --;.__;..-_,-_92_~= .. .- . -_,. _ ..;,;.,~---92. . -:_;&#39; .; 1. - --,...__. V. . -5-.._.,_,~,-_-_==...-_:.-._--;--._¢- .:;,-.~-;--_-_.--&#39;._ -_¢:.§;_ .7 - 92-..;~.._ ,.&#39; .,-._--..-.5,-~-.-:._ ____.&#39;921..;-_-,,;, . ;. -1_,;»;--1,;/_.-=...;v;-~5._..r,;_r_ .1,-._.;.»._;__._~._ 4<.*.:-*1-.J.&#39;. 1&#39;1.»--_&#39;. s . _&#39; .-If. »»_. : &#39; .,.-1-&#39;i.1. _V i .-1:.-3&#39;»L _~ -_.51.. . 1st, , &#39;.-~;.-L .- -&#39; Q- -.92. .,=»-.- &#39;~+ -2.,-n >4. .»a;=-119292 &#39;----;&#39;{"-&#39;_ -..; F -.-:;"_&#39;_ - 5-.. , ., .f.;._~--;&#39;. »- -. ~ *=__.&#39;- _*;..:&#39;....;.927=s1a=ib.~;i~.._.4;&. 1z.m>:u£e..sw.Li;»._i:enn&#39;;aJ_i:ac;cs.;L. -_,_&#39;___._= &#39;2-:.&#39;-K -&#39; &#39; &#39; -, -.!.. ;. __ &#39; I .I 5. -;> 45 .1.- , :51. 1 " "&#39; ".92.3§- .1-&#39;|92 :&#39;¢&#39; n.i- =iia . ¢92l/ »|-;j..u.&#39; apw &#39; wan ! -1.-2? &#39; Q. A. Please name . Well, CARLhad talked about his boy about his boy since I first and he told me about his f st 1.:-7¥.=&#39; "it ii--5 -&#39;8-F fa off and on HALL -CARL knew him. Wife. Off He told a lot about her, everything how they got along and how mean she treated and I felt sorry for him because Ithought a bad deal all the way had talked and on he&#39;d mention it. oi things him and he had had round. Q. A. &#39;**-.:=-_ I -=_~:.:&#39; _ &#39;;&#39;¢.5" ...: *1; _7.;&#39;l - V.-1 _"_! -.~;,_..5 . .535. *2 TI 1 3!-Iii :-.&#39;§ ~-+-,&#39;.-:,.-- - 1.->1 &#39;: &#39;-e~. &#39;.-"3 " "&#39;1:-7 _-"7 :4. &#39; . -.. -.4 . -Q1: " r.-Z Q. A. Qa ; -Ln _-|92p- He didnft I . LO A. tell me. New where did he first I tell you about this i dc;:&#39;.t know. i At St. Joseph. All the time we were together he just mentionedit once, he liked to see his boy and when we went to Kansas City, he&#39;d drive by the Au house. 7 Hedrove by thereseveraltimes. Hesaidhehoped to catchtheboy out so he Where is Q. I think could the see home located? it&#39;s Baronna Road, I believe it residential 4,.-pr." - .s.<== Q. How many times section. ;.&#39;:;.j fa .,- A. Several Q. Over what did times. period Was that after is. you pass the - It&#39;s out in an exclusive . _ home? he had talked about this boy § § T. time? Just over the last two weeks. A. e of I I him. Greenlease A. 7?F1"/-3 I boy? TheGreenlease home? -v , 1 __¢- _&#39;l I" IICIJIIEI Think. Q. _ Q ,Y in st. Joseph we». you . .f-L-I~.=&#39;;§il* 1..-__-. Msg . :;;F&#39;§; _-I r1__,t 1,; 1s%:*?.$= :-34-.--._. -;-»:=&#39;-its s;.&#39;. _a_A. ,, § =&#39;92.§ -3=.s53»&#39;a-: ;17f.&#39;*3j: §? ~ * _= ..;. .. .-4.",1 .:1 ,.;.&#39; . ,&#39;3 ..- -,-, .-_,. .-_...-.~. .~;..-_,--. ..,,_----. =,--...;.~.~&#39;=-1--.,..;,-a-PI» =-<&#39;_. &#39;-&#39;..-.-,:1,&#39;"&#39;¢&#39 - »&#39; -n _1 --_-:92..=< 1&#39;-.1-_--1&#39;.-,1-_j-= _ ~;&#39;;"" -_~;~ _ .92;~ A .".;"..~1.=. V &#39;--:73-+3-I-* .."_§f..--.&#39;-&#39;._ .;_ ,i. ;_.,: _-:;_,_-.¢.~ - L-&#39;/5.1.. -"4. .£..|~<K.-.-ma.-..-.-.2 -&#39;. -»aL»i» .;-&#39;a;-.=ia." &#39;-_.;;.=-;3as-1a;;¢.=_£....4..~.i-2-&#39;».e.m_c.i.i l=-.;n...;-u;...;-i~--~--<a>.m..;£--&#39;-/-:&#39;-k..;.gg4--a-=|.J.p§>:--. -»_. err.-+.-.~= ¢--- &#39;--~ 924-J------s-1-.-is i qt» &#39; . 5E. ?&#39;==¢.i" .. 92Vt. <92.": 313Q ."eéiv I92.&#39; l "- *¬ -a --. +"¬::. ..f__._.:; s1 --1.29 pick him up at Iikj Q-; -1,. L___._3 Q. He A. Q. ~~_;.1&#39;,w, i ".&#39;;&&% :.I . ~:t921-= &#39;_&#39;.<.,4 = ..-T. ¬- ."~i A-,-1-Jr» r- _.>. the school and he could spend a few hours with him. He said they wouldn&#39;t let him have him at the school because she has probably warned him about her ex-husband. And he was very nice to him when we got him in the car. Q. asked you if you would go and get Yes. this boy? _ And then what l I did. you do ? went and got him, just walked in and got him. Tell us just exactly what you did there, how you went into the school, who saw you and what you did. &#39; .:~:&#39;-?*.&#39;A. Well he stayed in the parking lot at Kat-2. and told me to catch a cab &#39;: .-.-* a.". and so I did. I went to the school and there was a Sister sitting -;&#39;-.&#39;,&#39;» .-.-f. there at the desk. Ijust told her I&#39;d come to pick up BOBBYGREENLEASE, --&#39;.-L-IS :-&#39;2 &#39;:that this mother had taken ill and wanted me to bring him to her. S0 &#39; &#39;-. went and got him immediately. " ..-. ..: is &#39; ;;7 r- l i&#39;JZ~ ?5.- Q. r: ._-= -_._r ..-r ._--1 V--2 A. Did the Sister turn Ir.a+.1s right. &#39;T_¥f Q. Did shef1 ask you ~.-T5-A. #31 No. none at all. 7? ! -_ .1 1 $31. _ to you? . any questions? She did say that she was very sorry about Mrs. GREENLEASE gbeing ill and we both better say a little prayer. We did and that is vrh:&#39;.&#39;i.e the other Sister was getting the boy. We walked right back out and the boy was there-waiting and he came right up to me and took a hold E % cf. my hand. 5, ... .-0..-.___ &#39;1 .-T. &#39;.&#39; -1 E 5.: -s the boy over 3 r Q. And then what A. I took him to the cab and we drove to Katzl parking lot and CARL HALL was sitting there in my station wagon at the parking lot. Then we drove directly to the Plaza and I was there about 2 hours and he picked me back happened? up and the boy wasn&#39;t with him and I asked.wherethe H K I If-; .&#39;<. .|&#39; I F. he &#39;-V _.._.,-..~_ .,_= __ I,_ i-*/1.2...- 2|...» .A_ _LI./uhI.{&#39;X%&#39;..;¢I.nI:_}E=-irL¬.§5..:.n925_é!-Ens. _, _- -_ ,,92.92..-...i-»=-r:.92 . 1, . -hr-!i,1, .r ,_&#39;.-. . -..-»._&#39;-.v ._-I _; &#39;--.-._&#39;-_=_.-_.__&#39;,¢-&#39;1,-_& . *92§.@ J »>.a...:-r. -A-.:..:.-12 ; =:1. ..v4..s»<.&#39;:¢h.~92_....=&#39; :..=_;;;£-j."_~»&#39;-&#39;-5-_,92-Qa:&:&#39;-= ..:e-i--_.,;.-&#39;..i&#39; »=- .41 .=e;4, , It 1__- m -1-. w.~ ..-4: ,° 92 [Mai :&#39;.¢i_-_-n ? h29 vv-= __4._ ::-.2 -; F A. No. 1! _&#39; I Q. A0 =-1:-5 >4 &#39;-"I Z .3 Hal T.."*~Y Q. A. 1" ? _,:_"&#39;;-s §lV92f -.l -s _. __._r_.. Q. ..,,.= -- ;.&#39;Il . .9. ._ 92¬ RO -&#39;1&#39; h .Q. 92 . .-5-*.&#39; Ira:--"=. &#39;3..&#39; A l: ¢. w 4&#39; r P!- I don&#39;tlcnow what After you arrived happened the time. is to e He sent me directly things and get his that took me quite I St. Joseph, Missouri, that out of the house - domtom -to laundry and to go to the grocery alittle while. . buy him some store and I just came home and we ate supper and watched television like Anything happen the next day - unusual? - &#39;.&#39;nextellmorning the after breakfast, I was reading the paper and so - Recall what paper that was? l Well, we get two, The Kansas City Starr Was there and the st. Joe News and Press, _ anything in that newspaper that you were interested It told about the kidnapping Iand hasdumbfounded. -=4 Q. The kidnapping A BOBBY GREENLEASE, then I Q. What questions A. I asked him what that is when he got mad and wouldn&#39;t say anything of who? did you he did s. asked him with the ...._ Ac _.,_. .&#39;_.,-_-. Yes. 1 you then? l &#39; MR. THORNTCN: That A. Yes 0 , boy and where he - he hit was on aTuesday? 1 r questions. ask him? cmn business. THOPNTCN: Did in or attention? . AG MR. we always do. n 0 Y ? And then what happened? attracted your T half of back home, that there? both. §1¢.~}&#39;i&#39;.-5 Qn day itis - was and everything and and told me to mind aw ;i L I % 92 §.f,! 92I. - n -* e 1AE5 . " ._ ,-: __ ..._ "-s 2.2;? ,.~...- 2...,--$3. .- -_ ; :f»&#39;.tab...LzLn::¢.=§.=-1;Q-i_-&#39;;L:.&#39;Z:-£ r-&#39;-&#39; -1-&#39;-"_&#39;. _::;&#39;.;-_- .:-i_:...:-.-_L=:-_;-..L-L -~ ""+&#39;31:l-i¥!92LQ &#39;§5+:-49411; 4>_-5>LP"Q1 -Ii .-i&#39;.=.&#39;1=;-11""--&#39; ;-¬~&#39;r92 "&#39;M-"-I-Zr " *- -oi.-&#39;--1--s--* 1-&#39;3. *1 7-1429 . __-_i --_n 2The J. :.--2. -.4; _; - .1 ,, -2. 1:92_ <1;-1: 3&#39;;-I i92- ;&#39; .-L1 . day following the kidnappi A. Yes. I been running around looking like lthisleverl since. CHIEF 0&#39;CONNELL: Has he home all A. I can&#39;t remember whether Q. Did you day Tuesday? he was remain home all day That would be September 29? l or not. Tuesday? F 3!?-$125 -.»"-@ @.&#39;-.- Ea i I 1* no .1 ET /rl . T: . You did? r-_, .&#39;; Q. wa; .50 Yes, he % Q. Did 4. . with me you remember if A. Well he was practically all he was home most .- the time. home on Tuesday, all oi the day. He might day? have run an errand some place. Q. Did you have any discussion about this on this particular day? 5 A. The only Q. Did you have any discussion on Wednesday? A. Very little, caused told it and whenever I did he &#39;.,.. :9 ft &#39;. L. 4I. E... =4.- discussion was Q. Did you see A. Yes, every when he hit me , that was on Tuesday. you he would not talk about it. acted like he was going to beat up other article in the paper? c time I&#39;d read the paper. I&#39;d just I would mention on me again. I &#39;I ask him what he knew about it. Q. What would he say? &#39; . e I u % .2 . -_r-- &#39;-J" ; -. .&#39; -. -.", ._ :,-- . i&#39;12:-.1---,&#39; .~ -.1.-;.*1 ._ -- ~. - -- -1 ..5, .-- _ = ___.:__ i;,:I~.~..-"..-1".r ;.- =&#39;_ &#39; r.-.-,":,-...= . _&#39;;. &#39;<&#39;~;;i>.-e.>;&#39; -&#39;-}&#39;3_&#39;;&#39;~ -. -g-&#39;.,-:?l&#39;92-~&#39;-_-" ~.It-jay?-:37-7:1-,1,_:.. ,-_---;:-_,r f ,--F&#39; i-.3&#39;.":& 92 ,A_-"~ --. J"I-._.-_. .<&#39; ,,&#39; .11. .=1=»_-iy .-.--~ _-.»,_r< . _--_,-. ._., c; .-rek-. ;-<1 re-.= -&#39;_-,.i;&#39;; -I-;q< <. -.,:->~-.--. -..-w o» ,.;: ,-_"-=1;-~~.~&#39;. e___..-me, --»>~- .:; w: *" -- 92: -= ..,, ~. *92;-I. V;-.2-,.92_ ,;&#39;=:..»,-, : " &#39;-..1 ---I-1rs<=&#39;-2:" _=- l &#39; " :-"ti, - »~-,2 - 1-&#39; .---_ *-»:&#39;-=1 ~. &#39;. -..>..__"-1:--:&#39;:;l&#39;{&#39;£292vl}-I-#A5&#39;$31923i§Z&#39;t"E3§&#39;§ u:.£92a.w -&#39;. ¢2.a-5.1;.Il< #liLI¢92r .§}¢922kk92§ui-"F _&#39;i7:s §.5i:&&#39;|%92?.$lEinK;921Li&#39;;;5&3: " 5&#39; Zl: . ;3_»] -,.;3 §i§§5§ -T gee; 1;;f§.I I- F?-"35 1" <9 .?%!&#39;;-K-;§ 92§ eh». §5 §&#39;-ge.-:60 ; }§_r_i;:_ hoe ,mw~ .. F1:-&#39; *&#39; &#39;-_, 1&#39;5! J =, , 3 --In a W; -...._,V; ,e --1 n-=1-;:-| 7- U an 1 &#39;:_ &#39; 7439 - -I= I got so I just didn&#39;tmention it 1-_-=§.&#39;-&#39;. And Friday the same way? -,-____._¢_&#39;... -.i|-0* ! Yes, *cause I was interested and | any more.&#39; Zea, I A» in the paper every the items ; Q» A» back. I read all day. I wanted to know it, thought maybe I was so anxious the boy would be brought to see. t-W .__;»_»,.,. .;;* wed Q» And Saturday? A» Yes» - :-1&#39;15" &#39; 1?; Q» Did &#39;1 &#39;5. .E&#39;~l.&#39;I z ki A» ,_&#39;,: _&#39; -cf 0 Q0 -I-1:, r&#39;*;_.&#39; ._, I¥=? you - or CARL HALL leave Yes, we were Over what aw- period of Ac From the Q» From the day of between Tuesday and saturday? several days. Saturday. the kidnapping i I _. until Saturday? three times» what I think Saturday was Q» And what other days 1 f time? kidnapping til he §*T" &#39;. : St» Joseph down to Kansas City Yes, I think A» &#39;:&#39;:- . &#39;~a _&#39;-1I i__, *:v-_&#39;_Q» Do you recall xrd 1 __,-Jw -»- sea 7I* &#39; 7m I days? one day. did you - go into Kansas City if you recall? " ,.-,._!,:,#- 1-&#39;-Q -1, . .1. . .-~ §. :-}*;3 &#39;..-_i_-----Q _ d-*.--~= -&#39;..l~:... .1 as.-1.x.4 X - -"L-"~-i:_~...4.-&#39;J:&#39;:l.a:3"LE;i?.:.1&#39;Jan.££x&#39;:-;!;.:i4v>&#39;$;.§4Z.L$5&#39;~L§rL92A;iZar.;;§ -»-&#39;l&#39;l~u_92.~. it-1?-&#39;i :u;.;:;5§ ¢£rE ¥1&#39;i1%.?¢;.l* ¬l-If_1 $1 78529 -5 r._ . -=2 e. ...¢ Q. Hes you ever in the La alle? A. I Q. Hell, &#39;.&#39;_:-a 3 32?.-I. 5*~" i lcnmre on Sunday? who run it " Q. n He wooldnit gen I think there&#39;s an eating place oslled the Branding Iron and I suggested going one night... He said he didn&#39;t want to because he 1. W _. 1*. = -We 11¢: . &#39; I _.- dmlt sane money. _ Hoar, on Sunday, did you go .5» Yes. Q0 Did you go torn? together? - I dr-ova-.the Plymouth and he . Wagom _ Q. into Sunday evening. _is z 92 .-92." -. .v-1; .:~. - 31 1I -1-} 5.3...; in the In-Selle out there to eat owed the man drove the Ford. It&#39;s a Plymouth Station _ . That is your 1 r 92 car? A0 Yes. Q. What other kind of automobile did you have? .,...-. F-. A ,1} § y 4 AF I 41.0 J.I J; ,&#39;:~ &#39;1 1 . .2 . .3. Q. Where did you rent this?; A. There Q. Did you know the A. Ho, I in St. Joe. - name of the canpeny. can&#39;t think some place ;* on 7th oi it. You won&#39;t have any trouble Street. Q. Whendid you rent this A9 Can&#39;t tell blue Ford? x what day . either. nding out -