TanenbaumCHAT 2010-2011 Annual Report

2010-2011 | Annual Report
Living the Experience.
Defining Your Future.
Marcy Abramsky
Stephen Bloom
Susy Bogler
Ellen Chaikof ’80
Miray Cheskes Granovsky
Laurie Cohen
Dr. Gary Elman, Secretary
Judy Engel, Immediate Past President
Leslie Fluxgold, Chair
Wayne Gelb
Philip Gordin
Netta Greenblatt
Fran Grundman
Brenlee Gurvey Gales
Trevor Kahn
Debbie Kimel
Karine Krieger
Bonnie Langer
Jenifer Lev ’89
Leanne Matlow, Vice President
Ben Mogil ’91
Harvey Naglie
Chantal Ohayon
Ray Rubin
Jonah Sigel
Miguel Singer ’76
Guy Weissberg
Leonard Zaidener
Cecile Zaifman, President
Howard Zerker, Treasurer
Jack Zimmerman
Michael Buckstein ’81
Jordan Gnat ’90
Lori Disenhouse ’76
Dr. Ronn Goldberg
Helen Finder-Guttman
Marla Rosenfeld ’79
Dr. Leon Genesove
2 | www.tanenbaumchat.org
Table of Contents
Report from the
Director of Education
Report from the President
Report from the Director
of Jewish Studies
Report from the
TCW Principal
Report from
the TCK Principal
Report from the
CFO/Executive Director
Report from the
Director of Advancement
2010/11 Committees
Esteemed Rabbis
Visit TanenbaumCHAT
Living the Experience
Donors List
Donald Carr Q.C.
Dr. Sydney Eisen
Mel Finkelstein
Stephen Freedhoff
Bernard Ghert
Dr. Arthur Haberman
Dr. Ben-Zion Shapiro
Dr. Murray Urowitz
A gift in beloved
memory of
David E. Buck z”l
A gift in beloved
memory of Shimon
& Clara Berglas z”l
A gift in beloved
memory of
Barbara Manilla z”l
Cover photo:
Maxwell Charlat, Grade 9 TCW
Chloe Allen, Grade 10 TCW
Dan Poliwada, Grade 11 TCK
Report from the | Director of Education
Jubilee year saw the school make considerable
progress on several fronts. We celebrated our Jubilee with
a range of events, and ‘branded’ it with a colourful
‘Jubilee logo’. We initiated a thorough overhaul of our
recruitment and promotional literature and website – the
fruits of which were visible in the fall. We boosted our
communications and marketing team. Most importantly
of all, we launched our ‘Together’ Capital Campaign to
address the urgent needs of the Wallenberg Campus.
All of these initiatives reflect our awareness that, as an
independent school, we live in an increasingly competitive world. We are determined to ensure that as a school
we are well positioned and equipped to meet the diverse
challenges of the coming decade.
And it is the word ‘diverse’ which reflects very well not
only the challenges we face, but the qualities and talents
we can bring to those challenges. Our new marketing
strategy puts our students front and centre. In six
radically different ways they proclaim “I am TanenbaumCHAT ” – and each say that with the ability to identify
their own area of interest and school commitment with
the school as a whole. We continued to provide an
impressive cohort of students with their ‘unique
springboard for life’.
During this year we saw several very much-loved and
much-respected colleagues move into retirement.
Among them, Lil Fox (TCW) had been a powerhouse of
stability, contradictory as it sounds, for years – a source
of wisdom and good sense to students, staff and
administration alike. Ray Buchowski (TCK) had been
instrumental in setting up and organizing the
professional structure at TCK, and in his quiet and
effective way left his imprint on the school. Eli Honig
served as our resident ‘tzaddik’ for decades, and also as
a truly inspirational Physics teacher. Pesia Signer had
contributed years of dedicated teaching to the Ivrit
department. We wish them all long, active and healthy
As we moved into our Jubilee, we saw new trends
emerging in our student and parent body. The number
of parents who are themselves Alumni increases slowly
but surely year by year (currently about 15 percent
of intake). We continue to grapple with the digital
revolution. Israel continues to be central to our school
life and values. In both campuses, our music programs
steadily grow as integral parts of school life. Our
students continue to be wonderful and selfless young
people, whose capacity to impress and surprise does
not fade. At the end of the year, our retention rate
school wide hit a record at just under 95 percent.
Finally, our leadership – lay and professional –
constitute a united team who work constantly on behalf
of the school. In January 2010, school president Judy
Engel handed over office to Cecile Zaifman. Judy was
a wonderful, energetic and fully committed president
and we thank her for her efforts. We also welcomed
Les Fluxgold as the chair of the Board of Directors.
My colleagues Rhona Birenbaum, Sam Kapustin,
Helen Fox, Jonathan Levy and Frances Bigman are
all exemplary professionals whose leadership of the
school enables it to run smoothly and calmly. My
indispensable right hand, Harriet Israel, ensures that
I run smoothly and calmly. I thank them all.
I Am
Report from the | President
past year has been an exceptionally
busy and exciting time for our school – celebrating
our past while planning for our future. We have
just completed our year of wonderful Jubilee
celebrations marking 50 years of success for
TanenbaumCHAT. Looking to the future, we are
embarking on one of our most ambitious
projects to date – the much needed expansion
and refurbishment of the Wallenberg campus.
Ultimately, a school’s reputation is built upon the
success of its students. We currently have 1,400
students living the TanenbaumCHAT Experience as
well as approximately 6,100 alumni. Our graduates
live throughout the world pursuing their passions
and dreams. They find success and become
leaders on university campuses, proud Zionists
who study and volunteer in Israel, and successful
adults in their career pursuits.
We know that the entire TanenbaumCHAT Experience
– comprised of so many enriching experiences
including Shabbatons, ethical and moral debates
in Rabbinics classes, sports teams, student
council, tzedakah projects, peer counseling, and
advocacy – prepares our students for whatever
challenges their futures hold.
We are so privileged as a school to play a role in
educating the future leaders of our community.
There are many individuals who are responsible
for delivering the TanenbaumCHAT Experience.
Our dedicated administration and staff are
committed to ensuring that each student achieves
success. They teach, mentor and inspire our
students in an environment based on Jewish
values and ethics. Our Board of Directors and lay
leadership work tirelessly to guide the strategic
direction of our school for the future ahead.
I Am
So, as we celebrate the past 50 years, and look
forward to the next 50, the future of our community shines brightly given the long-standing
commitment of our TanenbaumCHAT families to
educational excellence and Jewish values.
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Report from the | Director of Jewish Studies
I Am
When you watch the television wrap-up of
a sporting event, they always have a play
of the game, usually the turning point –
the difference between winning and losing.
In education, it is rarely so clear cut. The
teacher prepares the daily lesson and delivers
it to the class. Conscious of the latest
educational technology and methodology,
the teacher more often than not has most
of the class engaged. At TanenbaumCHAT,
student participation is high, and the
teachers’ assessment for true learning
yields positive results. In short – good
things are happening in the class.
Sometimes, when the stars are in their
proper alignment or, more probably, when
the teacher’s expertise and experience
blend together in that unique, meaningful
way, magic seems to transpire. I call it “the
pin-drop moment;” that is, that brief period
when one can almost hear a pin drop, when
students are really with you, and when
everything else, even university entrance, is
outside those four walls, distant and, for the
moment, irrelevant.
I do not know exactly how often that
metaphorical pin could be heard to drop in
TanenbaumCHAT classes, whether in Jewish
or General Studies. Yet, I do know that it
occurs: from the spring in the teacher’s step
walking down the hall, or from the innocent,
spontaneous and surprised exclamation of
“Boy, that was a great class!” as students
leave the room.
In Jewish Studies, it may result from any
number of things: the realization that the
Bible really has something to say to a 21st
century teenager, or that the halakha has an
internal ethic that could actually solve
some of today’s problems, or that maybe
the Nobel Committee was justified in giving
Agnon that prize, or, finally, that, although
I might not agree with those crazy Jews in
the First Aliyah, going to that barren and
isolated land might have made some sense
after all.
How often it happens may be in doubt, but
that it happens is not. That’s what makes
learning and working at TanenbaumCHAT
so worthwhile, day-in and day-out. You’ll
never know when the pin might be heard.
Report from the | TCW Principal
I Am
When we walked onto the Wallenberg Campus in
September, it looked amazing! Over the summer every
classroom, hallway, corner and cupboard received a
fresh coat of paint featuring a brand new colour scheme,
lockers were removed to open up hallways, and
“relaxation spaces” were created for students and staff.
As I reflect upon the last school year, I am ever
conscious and appreciative of what a remarkable school
TanenbaumCHAT is. This is a school with an exceptional
appreciation not just in academics, but in the arts,
athletics and informal education as our students
continue to astonish us in so many ways.
We have a reputation for being high academic achievers
and the 418 students honoured at this year’s Celebration
of Academic Excellence represent 77 percent of our
current Grade 10’s, 11’s, and 12’s. We have placed in the
top five in many provincial, national and international
contests including the International Bible contest in
Israel, the Weizmann Safe Competition in Physics, the
University of Waterloo math and physics contests and
Model UN.
We have, at last count, twenty three sports teams. Over
70 percent of the student body participates in varsity
and intramural sports. TCW had a very successful
season in boys basketball, girls field hockey, co-ed
snowboarding and track and field, and we competed
against other schools across Ontario in OFSAA girl’s
hockey, snowboarding, skiing and cross-country.
The arts syllabus at TCW is engaging both inside and
outside the classroom. We established a new music
program which enabled students from all grade levels
to discover their talents in both formal and informal
settings. We hosted our first Music Night and as usual,
our annual Arts Night was a great success. Our student
productions of “A Chorus Line,” “Yentel” (the Ivrit play)
and the more dramatic repertoire “Death” gave TCW a
taste of Broadway.
With passion and enthusiasm students were engaged
in a range of many extra-curricular pursuits including
student and athletic councils, Shabbatons, fundraisers,
Dance Fashion Show, Talent Show, and numerous clubs
and committees including WYN, Peer Counselors,
DECA, Year Book Committee, The Fireside Chat (our
school newspaper) and the Shofar – the weekly
D’var Torah. Our greatest collective strength is our
commitment to tikkun olam through fun-filled fund
raising events like “Think Pink” “Japan Relief” “United
Way Week” and “Movember.”
During their four years at TCW, our students foster new
friendships, build leadership skills, develop trusting
relationships, learn to work independently and as part
of a team and grow into outstanding problem solvers.
At TanenbaumCHAT we see examples everyday of their
ability to accept new challenges, set goals a little higher
and use their efforts for a variety of pursuits.
6 | www.tanenbaumchat.org
Report from the | TCK Principal
often receive visitors to our campus, eager
to learn about our school. Recently, a visiting rabbi,
after finishing our walk-about, approached a couple of
students who were waiting outside to get picked up
from a team practice. The conversation went like this:
Why are you here so late?
Basketball practice.
Do you always have such long days?
Day isn’t over. Now I go home and start
my homework.
How many classes do you have?
I take 10 this year.
Plus practices?
Do you like it here?
(with big grin) I love it here.
At this point the rabbi turned to me and said “I actually
think she is telling the truth!”
2010/2011 was a reflection of this conversation in every
way. When I think of the TanenbaumCHAT Experience,
I think no further than the students who are immersed
in their studies, find the time to participate in the
myriad of extra-curricular programming and, at the end
of the day, are genuinely happy.
I Am
While providing a challenging and stimulating environment for academic growth, we initiated new forums
in which our students could shine. Our inaugural
Arts Café was an evening dedicated to the Arts that
attracted hundreds to see our dancers, singers,
actors, artists and technicians. The Dance-Talent show
highlighted the best of our students’ many abilities.
Approximately 50 percent of our students, a huge
number, participated on one or more of our 20 athletic
For the second year running, we represented Canada
at the Shalhevet Freier Physics Tournament in Israel
and, also for the second year, we were victorious in
the York Region Mock Trial competition. But of all
the accomplishments perhaps none stands out as
much as the 280 students who were honoured at our
Academic Awards Evening, with over 800 people
packed into our gymnasium. Our students will certainly
be making their mark on the future.
J O N A T H A N L E V Y,
Report from the | CFO/Executive Director
In February 2010, TanenbaumCHAT’s
Budget and Finance committee
set a tuition fee of $20,100 including
a capital levy of $800.00 for the
2010 /11 school year. For the year
ending June 30, 2011, the school
met this target, showing a surplus
of $480,000 representing 2% of
revenues. Although a drop in enrolment of 7.5% had been predicted,
the school experienced an unexpectedly high retention rate of 93%, a 3%
improvement over the prior year.
This resulted in total enrolment only
3% lower (42 fewer students) than
I Am
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Through a generous gift from Sharon
Finkelstein and Howie Meyer, a
music studio was built during the
summer of 2010. Like the Meyer /
Finkelstein Music Studio at the
Kimel Family Education Centre, the
Wallenberg Music Studio was
outfitted with three virtual reality
practice rooms. These rehearsal and
recording spaces have the capability
of simulating the sonic characteristics of performance venues such as
a concert hall, high-ceiling chapel or
sports arena.
Also that summer, the fitness studio
was relocated and enlarged. Airconditioning units were installed in
windows of classrooms formerly
without cooling.
Through a consultative process with
the Science department heads,
plans for the new science wing
continued to take shape. By March
2011 the drawings were at 75%
completion and the cost of construction was estimated at $7.5 million.
Adjoining the northwest side of the
gymnasium, the new facilities will
include five state-of-the-art labs that
open onto green space, a science
prep room, meeting and storage
areas, new lockers, new washrooms,
a green house, interior courtyard
and outdoor gardens.
Please see the financial statement
below for the school’s operating fund
for the year ending June 30, 2011 and
comparative figures for June 30, 2010:
% of total
3 0 ,
2 0 1 0
% of total
UJA Federation Grant
Other sources
$ 1,904,000
$ 162,000
$ 1,867,000
$ 107,000
Salaries and employee benefits
Programming and operating expenses
Rent and occupancy expenses
$ 1,354,000
$ 2,902,000
$ 1,547,000
$ 2,934,000
Excess Revenue over Expenses before
provision for retirement gratuity
$ 480,000
Report from the | Director of Advancement
for the TanenbaumCHAT Experience was never as hectic
as it was during our Jubilee celebrations. The year was
filled from beginning to end with exciting and memorable
the challenge that faces TanenbaumCHAT is that the
facilities at both campuses are not equal. This has
become one of the school’s top institutional priorities
and 2011 was filled with planning meetings for the
launch of the Together Campaign, a capital fundraising
Several moments truly stand out: The Alumni Wall of
initiative addressing the urgent need for modernization
Honour Induction Ceremony saw the installation of
beginning with a new 16,000 square foot science wing
permanent recognition created to honour past valedictorians,
at the Wilmington Avenue site.
student council presidents and Governor General Award
The kind of work that goes on in the Advancement
recipients. The Jubilee Annual General Meeting opened
Office requires a level of commitment, dedication and
with the collective lighting of the chanukah menorah by
enthusiasm that is personified by the professional
nearly every past president of the school. The year-long
members of our team. Laurie Blake, Shauna Kipper,
celebration highlight was the Jubilee Gala Birthday Bash
Sari Morein and Rebecca Kornblum all deserve a special
where more than 400 friends, families and alumni reunited
mention for their hard work and I want to personally
while raising funds to benefit TanenbaumCHAT’s Annual
thank them for their contribution to making the Jubilee
Fund. The Jubilee afforded our fundraising efforts an extra
year the success it was.
boost – resulting in increased dollars – particularly from
our generous Jubilee sponsors and a competitive online
“Alumni Challenge.”
We turned Fifty…and it was Fabulous!
The 2010/2011 Annual Fund met its financial target for the
year, with generous increases in donations to our Family of
Funds. Including our direct mail program, tribute cards and
the gala – gross unrestricted fundraising totaled $424,000.
An additional $136,000 in designated gifts (where individuals
select specific destinations for their donation) made this a
philanthropic banner year for the school.
The year held as much in planning as it did in execution
for the Advancement Office. After resolving all factors
that have delayed us in the past, TanenbaumCHAT is now
moving forward on the next stage of growth – building and
enhancing our facilities at the Wallenberg Campus. Today
I Am
| 9
Budget & Finance
Susy Bogler
Judy Engel
Les Fluxgold
Wayne Gelb
Elana Glass
Paula Hurwitz
Harvey Naglie
Chantal Ohayon
Cecile Zaifman
Howard Zerker (treasurer/chair)
Leonard Zaidener
Ellen Chaikof ’80
Laurie Cohen (chair)
Judy Engel
Philip Gordin
Fran Grundman
Leanne Matlow
Harvey Naglie
Guy Weissberg
Cecile Zaifman
Lori Disenhouse (chair)
Marcy Abramsky (chair)
Miray Cheskes Granovsky
Brenda Dzaldov
Michelle Factor
Paul Franks
Brenlee Gurvey Gales
Mira Hamat
Jennifer Joseph
Allan Katchky
Karine Krieger
Leanne Matlow (chair)
Henza Miller
Ben Mogil ’91
Liz Pearl
Susan Rapoport-Glick
Ray Rubin
Rabbi David Seed
Cecile Zaifman
Sandra Appel
Alan Applebaum
Ellen Chaikof (chair)
Judy Engel
Les Fluxgold
Philip Gordin
Barry Kuretzky
Bonnie Langer
Ray Rubin
Lorne Cappell, Chair
Dr. Ronn Goldberg
Brian Joffe
Michael Lipton
Harvey Blankenstein
Stephen Bloom
Sheldon Disenhouse
Judy Engel
David Engel
Les Fluxgold
David Matlow
Harvey Naglie
Cecile Zaifman
Warren Grossman
Miguel Singer ’76 (chair)
Ian Zagdanski ’79
10 | w w w . t a n e n b a u m c h a t . o r g
Distinguished rabbis visit TanenbaumCHAT
Students and faculty
at both campuses
were fortunate
to hear from two
TanenbaumCHAT was honoured to host Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman as the Ronald
and Aviva Heller Memorial Lecturer for 2011. Rabbi Hartman is president of the
Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, one of the foremost ‘think tanks’ on issues
of Jewish thought, Jewish values and the contemporary world.
Rabbi Dr. Hartman spoke to a large public audience on the evening of November
11 on the topic of “The Future of Judaism?” where he outlined trends in the nature
of Jewish belief as he saw them developing in different sections of the Jewish world.
On the following day he addressed TanenbaumCHAT Grade 12 students on both
campuses on the debate in Israel over the Gilad Shalit ‘deal’, and how that reflected
basic values in Israeli society. He also engaged in a dialogue with faculty at a
lunchtime session.
Rabbi Hartman’s talks were provocative and original. The Ronald and Aviva Heller
Memorial Lecture – endowed in memory of two wonderful individuals associated
with the school in lay and professional leadership roles – is designed to stimulate
and inform thinking within the school community on issues of concern and
significance in contemporary Jewish life.
Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is a very eminent public personality in Britain,
regarded as one of the country’s most popular and most authoritative voices on all
matters of ethics, morality and belief. He has been chief rabbi of the United Hebrew
Congregations of the Commonwealth since September 1991, the sixth incumbent
since the role was formalized in 1845. He has written over twenty books, including
a Siddur and a Rosh Hashana machzor with new translations and commentary.
Accompanied by Lady Sacks, Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks addressed Grade
12 students at both campuses. Our students found his presence impressive. He
spoke about the fact that even in a world in which the symbolic seven billionth
human had been born, it was still possible for the individual to make a difference.
His latest book discusses the differences between science and religion (science –
he told the students –takes things apart to see how they work. Religion puts things
together to see what they mean). Lively questions and answers followed, not
without some feisty challenges (and, it must be said, feisty response). At both
campuses, students were most excited to hear that he attended Prince William and
Kate Middleton’s wedding.
the Experience
2010 / 11
12 | w w w . t a n e n b a u m c h a t . o r g
The Board of Directors, Administration, Staff and Students Express Heartfelt Thanks to All Those
Who Made Donations to TanenbaumCHAT During the Period of July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
Dream To Reality
Jack & Karen Berkow
Avi & Susy Bogler
David & Ellen Chaikof
Cyril & Risa Drabinsky
Seymour Epstein & Cheryl
Belkin Epstein
Leslie & Patti Fluxgold
Robert Granatstein & Ronda
Trevor & Gracy Kahn
Fela Lichtblau
Edward & Marilyn Maierovitz
Martin & Marlene Rochwerg
Peter & Carol Seidman
Seligman & Associates Ltd.
Irving & Isabel Siegel
Eric & Marsha Slavens
Adam Buck Family
Business Fund
Fred & Ruth Fishman
Linda S. Remson
Arthur Lerman Memorial
Endowment Fund
The Leonard & Felice Blatt
Barbara Manilla Memorial
Endowment Fund
Lawrence & Carol Manilla
Beth Tzedec Stephen
Cooper Award
Beth Tzedec Congregation
Business Studies Award in
Memory of David E. Buck
Michael & Rena Buckstein
Daniel Sherman Memorial
Yossi & Matty Sherman
Danny Salsberg Memorial
Ora Bellin
Sharon Salsberg
David & Bluma Schachter
Memorial Endowment Fund
Jack & Patty Schachter
Mark Schachter & Elina
Steven & Ronda Schachter
David & Galia Azouri
Stephen Bloom & Bonnie
Richard & Melanie Bogoroch
Allan & Andrea Bronstein
David & Ellen Chaikof
Jeff Chorlton & Liane Silver
Sidney Dichter & Karen
Marshall Dichter
Jonathan & Sandi Emanuel
Ellen Feinman
Neil Fleshner & Eileen Rakovitch
Allen & Brenlee Gales
Ira Gans & Beena
Jonathan & Esther Goodman
Steven Gottesman & Lydia Beck
Michael & Dianne Gould
Michael & Karen Haber
Allan & Tanya Jacobs
Ian & Wendy Kady
Aubrey & Lynn Kauffman
Jerry Korn
Blayne & Adrienne Lastman
Michael & Ora Leese
Paul Liebovitz & Joy Sterling
Jeffrey Lipsitz & Judith Laxer
Rhonda Lisbona
Arthur & Sheri Little
Frank Miller & Wendy Orbach
Henry & Illana Morton
Alexander Neuman & Naomi
Alon Ossip & Roma Blecher
Gilbert & Elisa Palter
Jeremy & Gayle Pope
Promenade Park Limited
Daniel & Marcy Rappaport
John & Susan Rose
Lloyd Hoffman & Ray Rubin
Lila Sarick
Ted Saskin & Leora Lewittes
Joseph & Belinda Schneeweiss
Pearl Schusheim
Scott & Randa Sebastien
Malcolm Silver & Jody
Alan & Rebecca Simpson
Miguel & Beth Singer
Jay & Reesa Strasser
Sandford & Deena Sussman
Helen Turk
Richard & Marcy Wajs
Neil & Naomi Warshafsky
Marvin White & Faye
Aaron & Nina Wine
Jay Wintraub & Brenda Cowen
Jeffrey & Wendy Wolfe
Bruce & Rhona Wulfsohn
Arthur Yallen & Francy Kussner
Ted & Bari Zittell
Eric & Marsha Slavens
Eric & Marsha Slavens
Erica Schiller Mammon
Memorial Endowment
Norman Abramson
Tony & Norma Barone
Richard Bolibruch
Corinne Burt
Alfredo & Rosina Caprini
Sylvia Casiero
Peter & Vickie Chiaromonte
Michael & Maria Decarolis
Joseph Deitcher
Tony & Christina Diceglie
Jack & Rosina Dicesare
Rosalind Farrell
Marion Flescher
Christina Gatt
Edward & Linda Hayman
Medicine Professional
Zeljka Misura
Donald & Valerie Morrison
Paul Palermo
Antonio Radatti
Aeron Rampersaud
Clinton Reid
Massimo & Dona Serato
Michael & Elizabeth Springer
Gaetano & Nardina Tassielli
Nicola & Caterina Tino
Lisa Coristine Memorial
Endowment Fund
Michael & Marlene Hartsman
Lisa-Ann Lauren Posluns
Memorial Endowment Fund
Estate of Lisa-Ann Posluns
Parents Association
TD Bank Financial Group
Steve Baker
Jewish History – Holocaust
Studies Award
Rubin Tencer Memorial
Holocaust Education Fund
Samuel J. Sable & Jean
Sable Family Endowment
The Samuel J. Sable &
Jean Sable Family Foundation
Samuel Winbaum
Graduation Prize
Esther Haberman
Memorial Endowment
Stephen & Heshy Altbaum
Donna Cohen
Marc & Joy Koplowitz
David & Susan Zacks
Arthur Haberman
Shaviv Fund
Henry Korenblum
Memorial Endowment
Zelda Korenblum
Michael & Dianne Yanofsky
Hershenfeld Weltman
Family Endowment Fund
Seymour Hershenfeld & Susan
Hillel Schneiderman
Memorial Fund
Colin & Brenda Baskind
Barbara Cohen
Allan & Joane Hoffman
Alvin Katzberg & Miriam
Shaun Singer & Sue Weinstein
Jonathan David Deitcher
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clara Antonacci
Franco & Maria Baldssare
14 | w w w . t a n e n b a u m c h a t . o r g
Irwin & Rhona Ash
Avi & Susy Bogler
David & Judy Engel
Samuel & Marla Figdor
Ra‘anan & Jill Garazi
Aron & Sara Goldberg
Philip & Susan Gordin
Colin Grazin
Allan Guttman & Helen
Finder Guttman
Todd Haim
Jordan & Melanie Hoffman
Ralph & Harriet Israel
Sidney & Marilyn Joseph
Tamara Katz & David Grad
Judit Kenyeres
Jonathan & Meredith Levy
Marvyn & Baila Lubek
Eldon Moses
Stephen & Linda Newstead
Ron & Noa Pachter
Neville & Lynette Richter
Martin & Marlene Rochwerg
Sarah Scutaru
Paul Shaviv & Michelle Stein
Hersh & Arlene Smilovitch
Ted & Rivka Strauss
Jory & Joan Vernon
Cary Wasser & Laurie Blake
Stephen & Terri Weintraub
Merle Wolofsky
Barry & Nelly Zagdanski
Cecile Zaifman
Shimon & Clara Berglas
Memorial Endowment Fund
Craig Guttmann & Esther Berglas
Ray Slomovic
Student Trips & Events
438636 Ontario Ltd.
Andre & Miryam Abitbol
Alliance International
(Media Sales) Inc.
Haviv Assor
Avi Avraham
Yoseph & Lauren Barrett
Allen & Sandra Berkal
Marla Bernstein
Bramtor Electric Supply Co. Ltd.
Paul & Gail Brener
Harriette Brown
Jackie Cohen
Austin Cole
Beverly Cole
Larissa P. Collier Waldman
Jordan & Sherri Cooperman
Jeff Daiter
Disal Contracting & Design
(1997) Limited
Israel & Limore Ellis
Jordan Elmalem
David & Judy Engel
Fame Jeans Inc.
Famglas Foundation
Jonathan & Beverley Fleischer
Mark & Lesley Friedlander
Robert & Shari Friedman
Marli Joy Fromowitz
Alan & Suzanne Gahtan
Joseph & Edna Gelbard
Melissa J. Glazer
Zachary A. Glazer
Harvey Glower
Enid Gold
Steven & Sharon Gold
Benjamin Goldberg
Dov & Jane Goldberg
Joel Goldberg
David & Clara Gordon
Jason & Shaina Gottfried
Laura Gusler
Elie T. Guttman
Albert Hakim
Richard & Mira Hamat
Laury & Ellen Hollend
Miriam Hollend
Phil & Anna Hollend
Samuel A. Hollend
Darren & Amy Honest
David Honest
Margit Honest
Barry Hytman
David Hytman
Gloria Hytman
Stuart Hytman & Andrea
Nathan Jack
Robert Jack
Allan & Tanya Jacobs
Dillan Jacobson
Ruby Judelman
Maurice & Ester Kagan
Shirel R. Kahane Rapport
Neil & Susan Kendal
Eli & Cindy Kipper
Sam Klapman
Scarlett Korol
Suzy Laredo
Basil & Loren Levy
Sandra Levy
Sandi Malamud
Matanya Mali
Jonathan & Iris Mandel
Daniel Stern & Michele Mandel
June Maxwade
Evan & Cheryle Miller
Courtney E. Mlotek
Morris Goldstein Barrister,
Solicitors, Notary
David & Glenda Moss
Michael & Catherine Mucher
Yasmine Mucher
Nelson West Contractors
Cheryl Obront
Obront Investment Trust / The
Morry & Elaine Offman
Bobby & Ilana Onel
Richard & Laura Orzy
Yael Perlon
Sharon Permack
Sheldon Permack
Shirley Permack
Jeffrey & Lynda Peters
Max Peters
Petrah Inc.
Harry Rampersad
Lauren Resnick
Douglas & Shonna Ross
Daniel Rothschild
Rubin-Hoffman Foundation/ The
Mark Sandler
Ted Saskin & Leora Lewittes
Allan Schachter
Jack & Patty Schachter
Steven & Ronda Schachter
Rabbi & Mrs. David Seed
Debbie Shaen
Jeffrey & Alison Sher
John Sherrington
Ted & Yvette Shoub
Avi & Marina Shvalbe
Haim Shvalbe
Rivka Shvalbe
Irving & Isabel Siegel
Glenn & Rhonda Silver
Bill Silverstein
Jaclyn D. Smoskowitz
Jeremy & Randi Solomon
Filippe Spadafora
Shira Springer
David & Cele Steinberg
Liba Stillman
Steve Szuster
Sidney & Cecily Tannenbaum
Ira Teich & Janet Star
David Temkin
Sheryl Traber
Mikhail Troychanskiy & Galina
Michael & Lori Varenbut
Philip & Annemie Vlessing
Max & Olga Vorst
Len & Jacqui Walt
Paul & Susan Weinberg
Westway Animal Clinic P.C.
Margaret Wong
Zaev Wulffhart & Deborah
Cecile Zaifman
Jaclyn D. Zosky
Thank You! Thank
Graduation L'Chaim
Fund – 2011
Alumni Mentorship
Jacob & Mercedes Abecassis
Samuel & Claire Aber
Gilad & Tracey Abrahami
Menachem & Jana Ailenberg
Clifford & Rebecca Ansel
Emily Baird
Barry & Donna Bank
Richard Baron
Peter Benson
Shmuel & Ilana Bergman
Barry & Ruth Berman
Martin & Debbie Bernstein
Bev Stern Enterprises
Richard & Melanie Bogoroch
Allan & Andrea Bronstein
Harriette Brown
Monica Brown
Robert Brym & Rhonda Lenton
Larry & Debbie Buchbinder
Michael & Kaila Budd
Eric & Michele Carmona
David & Ellen Chaikof
Kenneth & Michelle Chapman
Brian & Daliah Chapnik
Samuel & Monica Chocron
Jeffrey Citron & Shawna
David & Sarah Cohen
Eric Cohen & Joy Kaufman
Jeffrey & Laurie Cohen
Robert & Sylvia Cooper
Glenn Daurio & Rhonda Franklin
Edgerley Skuy Medicine
Professional Corportation
Gary Elman & Jan Goldstein
Richard Epstein & Rosemary
Everything Kosher Inc.
Marc & Michelle Factor
Famglas Foundation
Jeff & Linda Farbstein
Blima Firestone
Martin & Sarah Fishman
Steven Fishman
Michael & Jackie Flatt
Robert Freedman & Caren
Joseph & Linda Friedlich
Robert & Shari Friedman
Peter & Eva Friedmann
Alan Perlmutter & Molly Fuchs
David & Barbara Gavin
Eddie Glick & Susan
Jeffrey & Andy Goldberg
Richard & Yvonne Goldberg
Judith Goldmaker
Alan & Pearl Greenspan
Howard & Sari Grossinger
Stan & Fay Grunzeweig
Todd & Ellen Halpern
Gregory & Pamela Hamovitch
Roberto & Yani Hausman
Sender & Lisa Herschorn
Seymour Hershenfeld &
Susan Weltman
Catherine Himelfarb
Gary & Evy Hochman
Amit & Lilach Hopen Golan
Oded Hubert & Bonnie Chandler
Nelson Hudes & Myrna
Jonathan & Athene Hummel
Jon Hussman & Sharon
Maxine Isaacs
Jeffrey & Michelle Jacob
Jonathan & Darielle Jacobson
Marlene Jacobson
Athletics Fund
2153920 Ontario Inc.
Hnina Benlezrah
D. Todd Morganstein
Barrister & Solicitor
Michael & Laurie Davis
Michael Edgerley & Beth Skuy
Jeff & Linda Farbstein
Jacob & Esther Freedman
Aaron & Pammy Glatt
Saul & Robyn Greenspan
Stan & Fay Grunzeweig
Franklin Gwartz & Connie
Larry & Julie Keshen
Kiva's Bagels
Eli Klein
Tomas Kovac & Eva
Kuretzky Vassos Henderson LLP.
Howard & Janice Langer
Bonnie Lebovic
Harry & Esther Lebovic
Jay & Roxanne Leider
Randy & Randi Leifer
Michael & Erika Lipton
Brian Ludmer
William & Joy Muller
Lila Orbach
Russel Steven & Charlene
Clare Ozier
Ronnie & Wendy Peck
Sid & Terry Pollock
Benjamin & Michelle Skuy
Larry & Vivien Spivak
Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell
Moshe Meirovich & Judith
Jay Wintraub & Brenda Cowen
Faculty Fund
Yaron & Rinat Avitzur
Leon Bloom & Bernita Young
Ken & Robin Daniels
Eric Epstein
John & Iris Gorfinkel
Naomi Himel
Danny & Debbie Kornhauser
Marvyn & Baila Lubek
Randy & Andrea Rovet
Neil & Lauren Tabatznik
Andrew & Fay Weisberg
Michael & Dianne Yanofsky
Graduation L'Chaim
Fund – 2010
Sheldon Barris
Mitchell Brown & Alice
Ramon & Beverley Chait
Dominion Rug
Charles Goldberg & Carole
Ron Himelfarb & Elana Levinson
Ivan Karlin & Sharon Singer
David & Felicia Posluns
Allan Rosenbluth & Ellen
Kachuk Rosenbluth
Jimmy & Sandra Srebrolow
Trevor Stein
Melech & Heather Tanen
Les Viner & Wendy Bellack-Viner
Barry & Nelly Zagdanski
Mark Zigler
k You! Thank You!
Jerry & Karen Jesin
Ian & Wendy Kady
Daniel & Evi Kamen
Doron & Lisa Kaminski
Steven Kelman & Lisa Richman
Larry & Julie Keshen
Nisso & Robin Keslassy
Marshall & Carla Kideckel
Eli Klein
Marc & Joy Koplowitz
Danny & Debbie Kornhauser
Charles Kravetsky
Brian Kumer
Stephen & Annette Levine
Jeffrey Lipsitz & Judith Laxer
Barry & Ardys Mager
David Malkin & Karen Ceifets
Anne & Mitchell Max
Michael & Helene Meyer
Mark Mietkiewicz & Aviva Sinuk
David Miller
Gregory & Jacqueline Milwid
Alexander Neuman & Naomi
Cheryl Obront
Mitchell & Naomi Oelbaum
Chaim & Amalia Oren
Benjamin Osher & Elaine
Ceifets Osher
Alon Ossip & Roma Blecher
Robin & Sharon Pellow
Mark & Suzanne Pichosky
Larry & Heather Ritchie
Andrew & Anita Robins
Dov & Menucha Rom
Ohad & Irith Rosen
Yosi & Andrea Rosenberg
Jeff Solomon & Eva Rosenthal
Steven & Dana Rostowsky
Joel & Debbie Rotenberg
Avie & Fonda Roth
Alana Rubin
Lila Sarick
Ross & Raquel Savatti
Robert Schwartz & Cynthia
Todd & Rosalind Schweber
Robert & Naomi Shapero
Cory Sherman & Francine Taras
Jamie Sherman & Karen Hecker
Max & Laurel Sherman
Cori Shiff
David & Rhonda Shore
Irving & Isabel Siegel
Bruce & Edith Silcoff
Malcolm Silver & Jody
Keith Silverberg & Eva
Alan & Rebecca Simpson
Neil & Jordana Smiley
Howard & Nonnie Smith
Howard & Emily Snow
Hillary & Tracey Steinhart
Eben & Karen Stern
Neil & Lauren Tabatznik
Gary & Louise Tenenbaum
Robert & Sue Torok
Sheryl Traber
Samuil & Irina Tsesler
Cary & Robyn Ulster
Leonard Vanek & Arlene Lax
Gary & Debra Walters
Elliott & Anita Weidman
Guy Weissberg & Danielle
Allan White & Karen
Howard & Lisa Winston
Bruce & Rhona Wulfsohn
Michael & Janice Yermus
Lawrence & Robbin Yunger
Ian Zatzman & Debbie
David Rosenberg & Rachael Zbar
Dov & Caroline Zevy
Richard & Randi Zlotnik Shaul
Jewish Programming Fund
Sheldon Barris
Paul & Esther Bergman
James Bitton
Jerry & Terry Dykopf
Cyvia Dym
Elite Roofing & Contractors
Richard Epstein & Rosemary
Bernard & Evelyn Farber
Shim & Vivian Felsen
Aron & Sara Goldberg
Harvey Kaplovitch & Rhonda
Aubrey & Lynn Kauffman
Peter & Adrianne Klemensberg
Blake Lambert
Sarah Lambert
Leonard Simpson Family
Foundation / The
Michael & Ruthie Mammon
Stanley & Ellen Markin
Cheryl Obront
Hyla Reichmann
Ian & Pamela Rosmarin
Elliot Shapiro
Morris & Doreen Sosnovitch
Stan & Bernice Steinman
Gerald & Ruth Warner
Moshe Meirovich & Judith
Michel Weiss & Dana Levy
Jewish Programming
Fund – Shabbat
Leon Bloom & Bernita Young
Cheryl & Ted Cash
Jeremy & Judi Cohen
Robert & Shari Friedman
Faina Garber
Paul Gardner & Lisa
Alex & Rise Glasenberg
Ian Goldman & Ellen Greenberg
Jonathan & Esther Goodman
Mark & Cheryl Grammer
Steven & Alison Green
Jean Greenstein
Lloyd Hoffer & Sandra Dawe
Ariel J. Hubert
Harry & Margaret Klompas
Shirley Markman
Ezer & Dorit Mevorach
Douglas & Jodi Nathanson
Alexander Neuman & Naomi
Michael & Cindy Opler
Kevin Rochwerg & Aviva Dunn
Gerald & Barb Rosenstein
Douglas & Shonna Ross
Avie & Fonda Roth
Rubin-Hoffman Foundation / The
Mark & Naomi Satok
Pearl Schusheim
Zindel Segal & Lisa Morrison
Brian Otis & Debora Shear
Malcolm Silver & Jody
Miguel & Beth Singer
Jory & Joan Vernon
Cary Wasser & Laurie Blake
Andrew & Fay Weisberg
Weisbrod Family Trust/The
Michel Weiss & Dana Levy
Guy Weissberg & Danielle
Booki & Karla Yakobi
Natan Zeligson
Jubilee Alumni Challenge –
Battle of the Classes
Nili Abrahams
Michael Adler
Jeff & Judi Alter
Jerry Shuman & Sandra Appel
Daniel Bank
Avi Behar
Tomer Berliner & Shoshana Berliner
David & Sari-Lynn Binder
Andrew Bloom & Lauren Shapira
Michael & Tara Bloom
Shimmy & Michelle Brandes
Arielle Branitsky
Ian Braverman
Herbert Brill & Susan Telner
Ella Burakowski-Cohen
Daniel Cantkier
Carole & Brian Cantor
Rafael Cashman
Jeremy N. Chad
Rebecca M. B. Cherniak
Debra Cohen & Eli Savage
Steven Cohen
Tammy Cohen
Daniel Cooperman
Alexandra M. Cuperfain
Adam Cutler
Chaim Cutler
Jeff & Lisa Dack
Itamar & Yehudit Danziger
Ron Davis
Esther Direnfeld
Noah Egelnick
Meira Elituv
Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Enakar
Aaron English & Michelle Samuel
Adam & Tina Erlich
Melanie Faust-Ksienski
Shlomi Feiner
David Fishbaum
Arie & Dahlia Fisher
Mitchell N. Freed
Sharona Freudmann
Adam Frieberg
Mark Fruman
Steven & Marsha Gallinger
Michael Garfinkle
Robert & Julea Gasner
Aaron & Pammy Glatt
Jordan & Lisa Gnat
Laura Godfrey
Michael Goldberg
Steven Goldenberg
Jared Goldlust
Mark Goodman
Randy & Annette Goodman
Monique E. Gottlieb
Jared Green
Erin Greenblatt
Charles Goldberg & Carole
Elena Hagi
Gerald Hartman
Daniel Held
Karen Held
Jordan & Melanie Hoffman
Steven Hoffman
Eli & Penina Honig
Roberto & Shoshana Israel
Shlomo M. Jesin
Marc Joffe
Jodi Katzeff
Sidney Kleinman
Shawn & Marsha Klerer
Harry & Margaret Klompas
Michael Kohl
Uri & Pnina Lenga
Ari Schaefer & Simone Levey
Jubilee Alumni Challenge –
Battle of the Classes
Jubilee Birthday Bash
Gala – Chai Sponsorship
Elan Hertzberg & Rina Levi
Batya Levy
Jonah Libman
Kyle Lichtman
David Lifshitz
Aviva Lightstone
Nathaniel & Amanda Lipkus
Martin Lockshin
David Machlis
Jeffrey & Marina Mammon
Joanna Mansfield
Jeff & Danielle Markus
Noah Markus
Shawna R. Maron
Derek & Naomi Mazer
Robert Melamed
Darren & Shayna Merker
Daniel Michaelson
Elliott Michaelson & Lisa Salter
Mark Mietkiewicz & Aviva Sinuk
Jay Gutfreund & Gaela Mintz
Bradley Mittelman
Michael & Catherine Mucher
Miles Kettner & Melissa Muskat
Sydni M. Naglie
Shelly Oshri
Ariel Oziel
Zachary & Paul
Mark Peranson
Liane Porepa
Archie & Ellen Rabinowitz
Sari Rajsky
Sam & Ellen Reiss
Yonatan Revizada
Neil Richler & Lauren Hoffer
Benjamin & Nava Rubin
Benjamin Rusonik
Farhad (Mordechai) Sabeti
Alexandra Schaeffer
Adena Scheer
Chad & Leah Shandler
Brondell Shapiro
Adam & Bronwyn Shepherd
Randy & Donna Shiff
Dan Shimmerman
Daniel C. Shiner
Jeffrey & Joanna Shore
Michael Shour
Lyle Shugar
Joshua & Miriam Shuval
David M. Silver
Michelle Silverberg
Ruthie Simpson
Gail Slome
Mark Smiley & Aviva Silverman
David Sonenberg
Judy Sturm
Eric Stutz & Orli Nadel
Brittany S. Sud
Ilana Tamari
Anna Urowitz-Freudenstein
Louis & Risa Vandersluis
Rachel Wald
Lionel & Sarah Warren
David & Hannah Wasserman
Amanda Wassermuhl
Jack Weinberg
Sharon Weisblum
Mark & Jodi Weisleder
Larry & Bella Weisman
Jeff & Laya Weissberger
Ted & Annette Wine
Daphne Winland
Hyla Wise
Rabbi & Mrs. Stephen Wise
Laura Wiseman
Cindy Wodinsky
Esther A. M. Wolfond
Simon & Stacia Wolle
Jubilee Birthday Bash
Gala – Platinum
The Estate of Anne Tanenbaum
Warren & Debbie Kimel
Jubilee Birthday Bash
Gala – Gold Sponsorship
Stephen Bloom & Bonnie
Bogoroch & Associates
DH Gales Family Charitable
Foundation of Toronto / The
Madison Homes
David & Leanne Matlow
Torkin Manes LLP.
Jubilee Birthday Bash
Gala – Silver Sponsorship
Sheldon & Lori Disenhouse
Daniel Stern & Michele Mandel
Paul Shaviv & Michelle Stein
Jubilee Birthday Bash
Gala – Bronze Sponsorship
Leonard & Marcy Abramsky
Benjamin Group
Avi & Susy Bogler
David & Ellen Chaikof
David Granovsky & Miray
Cheskes Granovsky
CS&P Architects Inc.
Jordan & Lisa Gnat
Ideal Solutions Insurance
Brokers Inc.
Aaron & Sharon Jesin
Eddie & Lisa Jesin
Norman Jesin & Edie Neuberger
Karine Krieger & Daniel Daviau
Kuretzky Vassos Henderson LLP.
Mervin & Myrna Lass
Marvyn & Baila Lubek
Howard Meyer
Mizrachi Organization of Canada
Royal Bank
Danny & Elaine Shiff
The Mayvon Foundation
Moshe Meirovich & Judith
Guy Weissberg & Danielle
Jack & Michal Zimmerman
Jubilee Birthday Bash
Gala – Donor
Adath Israel Congregation
Allen Gallery / The
Alliance Films
Jeff & Judi Alter
Aroma Espresso Bar
Rabbi & Mrs. David Aronson
Associated Hebrew School
Association of Hebrew School
Auto Vault
Bath N‘ Bedtime
Batner Bookstore / The
Jody & Hilary Berkes
Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda
Beth Sholom
Beth Tzedec Congregation
Bialik Hebrew Day School
Big Al‘s Aquarium Services
Irwin & Estelle Bigman
Bikram Yoga Forest Hill
David & Sari-Lynn Binder
Brian & Rhona Birenbaum
Blooming Hill Flowers
Tobi Bongard
16 | w w w . t a n e n b a u m c h a t . o r g
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Howard Brodie & Elen
David & Helen Brown
Robyn Brudner
Orah Buck
Bulova Watch Company Ltd.
Camp George
Camp Kadimah
Camp Manitou
Camp New Moon
Camp Ramah In Canada
Camp Robin Hood
Camp Tamarack
Canada Cleaning Supplies
Canada Goose
Canada Israel Experience
Caryn Silverstein Photography
Cheryl & Ted Cash
Caynes The Super Houseware
David & Ellen Chaikof
Christine‘s Connections
Cineplex Entertainment
Classic Creations
Jeffrey & Laurie Cohen
Aaron Samuel & Renee Cohen
Computer Systems Centre
Condor Security
Robyn Cooke
Corporate Printing Services
Corus Entertainment
Cosmo Music
Counsel Corporation
Creations by Gitta
Creative Bag Co. Ltd.
D&D Party Rentals
D2 Designs
Dairy Treats
Dancap Group
Danier Leather Inc.
Dave Young Fruit Market
Den Handcrafted Jewellery
Designing Trendz Inc.
Designs by Karen Baker
DH Gales Family Charitable
Foundation of Toronto / The
Downing Street Property
Management Inc.
Dr. Gila Martow Optometrist
Dr. Matthew Orzech & Associates
Nili Dzaldov
Nachum & Sorel Eizicovics
David & Pearl Elman
Estee Lauder & Bobbi Brown
Eunice Denby Flowers
Everything Kosher Inc.
Evex Luggage
Ex Examiners Driving School
Fairlawn Market Limited
Charles & Joy Feldman
Joel & Gail Fenwick
First Service Broker Ltd.
Five Star School Maintenance
Ab & Phyllis Flatt
Fogler Rubinoff LLP
Harry & Helen Fox
Fulton Umbrellas
Gallery 133
Gaynor Mechanical
Wayne & Dianne Gelb
Gentec International
Global Upholstery
Howard & Claire Glowinsky
Gluckstein Home
Goodmans LLP
Philip & Susan Gordin
David & Clara Gordon
Graphic Directions
Alexander & Keren Green
Greenberg Turner
Sharon Harding
Harknett Musical Services
Pnina Harlap
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Limited
Ilana Heimlich
Hillstreet Blues
Honey Designs
Richard & Ellen Howard
Howie T‘s Burger Bar
Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP
Israel & Golda Koschitzky Centre
for Jewish Studies
It‘s an Occasion
Jag Sports Supplies
Paul & Janie Jesin
Jonathan Torch Curly Hair
Judy‘s Group Fitness Inc.
Jumalor Consulting
Just Design
Sam & Marsha Kapustin
Karen Simpson Jewellery
Ken‘s Picture Frame Warehouse
Judit Kenyeres
King David Pizza & Falafel
Kirsch Cosmetics
Kubik Inc.
Kwik Kopy
Lastman‘s Bad Boy
Launch Golf Centre
Leo Baeck Day School
Jonathan & Meredith Levy
LF Optical Designer Eyewear
Paul Liebovitz & Joy Sterling
Li‘l Niblets & Baby Sprouts
Paul & Susan Lindzon
Morrie & Donna Liquornik
Macdonell Photography
Macorr Research Solutions
Magen Boys Entertainment Ltd.
Frances J. Mandell-Arad
David Manson & Golda
Maple Leaf Sports +
Mark Lash Jewelry
Shirley Markman
Marquis Gallery
Mastermind Toys
David & Leanne Matlow
Tamar Mayer-Mechaly
Mayfair Racquet & Fitness Clubs
Metro Hardware &
Maintenance Inc.
Howard Meyer
Minuteman Press
Mirvish Productions
Modern Optical
Benjamin Mogil & Marni Banack
Itai & Shulamit Moryossef
Netivot Hatorah Day School
Newell Rubbermaid Inc.
Stephen & Linda Newstead
North York Trophies
Oakdale Golf & Country Club
Offord Group / The
On The Park
Over The Rainbow
Paul Penna Downtown Jewish
Day School
Peerless Travel
Jeffrey & Joanne Perlmutter
Steven L. Petroff
Pooch Parlour Inc. / The
Jeremy & Gayle Pope
Powerclub Elite Personal Training
Prosserman JCC
Pusateri‘s Fine Foods
Steven Sofer & Fern Reich
Reingold Tutoring
Les & Mary Richmond
Avie & Fonda Roth
Royal Taxi
Jordan Sable
Brian & Ellen Schneidman
Schure Sports & Karbon
Sarah Scutaru
Seligman & Associates Ltd.
Shenkin West
Sherson Group
Cary & Ruth Silber
Silvert‘s Adaptive Clothing &
Footwear for Seniors
Eric & Marsha Slavens
Snowhawks Ski & Snowboard School
Soberman LLP
Solo Bace Salon
Somerset Flowers & Gifts
Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc.
Paula Sousa
Sport Specs & Opticals
Sports Performance Centres
Steeles Memorial Chapel
Jay & Carole Sterling
Stock Transportation
Michael & Ronda Taylor
The Blankenstein Family Foundation
The Chesterfield Shop Ltd.
The Jay & Barbara Hennick
Family Foundation
The Shoe Company
The Shopping Channel
Toronto Heschel School / The
Toronto Social Dance School
Town Shoes
Tracedata Services Inc.
Track Fitness
Tribeca Clothing Company
Twain Designs
UJA Federation of Greater Toronto
Umami Sushi
Universal Lamp
Brian Venis & Carolyn Tucker
Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell
Jory & Joan Vernon
ViBE Dance & Fitness Studio
Vics Group International
Stephen & Terri Weintraub
Nina Wener
Westcoast Connection
Wildflowers Inc.
Womens Fitness Clubs of Canada
Megan Woodall
Arthur Yallen & Francy Kussner
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Yeres
Cecile Zaifman
Ted & Bari Zittell
Zodiac Swim & Specialty Camp
Zuchter Berk Creative Caterers
Our Greatest Needs Fund
Stephen Abrams & Rosette
Sheldon Adler & Lisa Werger-Adler
Michael & Bonnie Allen
Brian & Sandi Altman
Neil & Debbie Ambar
Duarte & Susan Belo
Jeff & Kerry Bernknopf
Irwin & Estelle Bigman
Frances Bigman
Lenny & Evie Binder
Steven Hirsch & Paula Blackstien Hirsch
Leon Bloom & Bernita Young
Gayle Borenstein
Colin & Sarah Brasg
Howard Brodie & Elen
Edward Bronfman Memorial Legacy
Thank You! Thank
Maurice & Maxine Budin
Kenneth Caplan & Hannah
Roslyn Devlin
Ramon & Beverley Chait
Charles Cohen & Sandra Patak
Eric & Michelle Cohen
Esther Cohen
Jeffrey & Laurie Cohen
Moshe & Deganeet Cohen
Richard & Elise Cohen
Robert & Marilyn Cohen
Robert Cohen & Judy Naiberg
Lori Cowitz
Ron Csillag & Deborah Beerlach
Barry & Lynn Cutler
D. Todd Morganstein Barrister
& Solicitor
David & Rebecca Zelikovitz
Charitable Foundation
Sheldon & Lori Disenhouse
Ilya Dumov
Rita Dumov
Brian Edmonds & Helen
Wallace Edmonds
Sydney & Doris Eisen
David Eisenstat
Gary Elman & Jan Goldstein
David & Judy Engel
George & Ellen Fantus
Samuel & Marla Figdor
Sandy Finkelstein & Roberta
Arthur & Arlene Fisch
David Fishbaum
Rick & Anna Fox
Jeremy Freedman & Judith
Finer Freedman
Peter & Eva Friedmann
Allen & Brenlee Gales
Devora Galper
Allan & Devorah Gelkopf
Leon & Elaine Genesove
Gensco Equipment (1990) Inc.
Benjamin & Sarah Glatt
Jordan & Lisa Gnat
Gerold & Roslyn Goldlist
Rami & Anita Goldman
Allan Goldstein & Michelle
Steven & Greta Golick
Randy & Shelley Goodman
Leslie & Judy Gord
Philip & Susan Gordin
Marion Greenberg
Irwin & Netta Greenblatt
Elysa Greisman
Jordan & Helene Griesman
Bernie Gropper & Elise
Ralph & Risa Grossman
Gidon & Pearl Grundland
Douglas & Fran Grundman
Hymie & Beatrice Guttman
Arthur Haberman
Earl & Irene Haltrecht
David Phillip & Melanie Harris
Karen Held
Cary & Stacey Heller
Hart Heller
Jay & Anita Heller
Neil & Helene Henderson
Jeffrey & Elaine Hertz
Catherine Himelfarb
Lloyd Hoffer & Sandra Dawe
Mayer & Fern Hoffer
Hway Event Planning & Kosher
Catering Ltd.
IBM Canada Ltd.
Maxine Isaacs
Jeffrey & Michelle Jacob
Allan & Tanya Jacobs
Mark & Eileen Jadd
You! Thank You!
Aaron & Sharon Jesin
Varda Jourdan
Brian & Jessica Kimmel
Ron & Mary Jane Klausz
Leslie Klein & Toby Rose
Howard & Heather Kleinman
Shelley & Smadar Koral
Gary Krikler & Sheila Jacobson
Jack & Susan Kurin
Mark Lampert & Susan
Rosenthal Lampert
Bonnie & Dov Langer
David & Sally Laren
Leboff Family Charitable
Sidney & Dina Lebowitz
Martin & Zulema Leibovici
Jay & Mindy Levine
Sheldon Levy & Lynn-Beth
Sutton Levy
Herb & Roslyn Lewis
Jay & Sarah Libfeld
Mark & Heather Librach
Julie Liebmann
Elisheva Lightstone
Harry Lightstone & Yetti
Lightstone Brenman
Lorne & Terry Lipkus
Martin & Edna Lipworth
Sidney & Lynne Lubelsky
Elliott & Beverly Lyons
David Malkin & Karen Ceifets
Jonathan & Iris Mandel
Michael Manett & Vivian
David & Leanne Matlow
Michael & Helene Meyer
Israel Mida & Laura Walsh
Steven & Michelle Millman
Paul & Penny Minz
Yury Mishiyev & Elena Mishiyeva
Murray & Ruth Miskin Family
Charitable Foundation
Jeff Ginsberg & Bronna Mitgang
Benjamin Mogil & Marni Banack
David & Jo-Anne Morris
David Moscovitch
Morris & Jill Moscovitch
Romiel & Sinnora Moses
Rob & Randi Myers
Barry & Esther Naiberg Family
Natel Management & Financial
Services Limited
Errol Nezon & Rhonda Dick
Allen & Eva Nightingale
Natalie Ohayon
Gilbert & Elisa Palter Family Fund
Geoff & Linda Pearlstein
Gordon & Wendy Peters
Richard Pivnick & Annette
Jeremy & Gayle Pope
David & Erica Prussky
Edward & Dana Prutschi
Yair & Dorit Ravid
Rayjo Charitable Trust
Barry & Karen Reinblatt
Louie & Rosalind Reznick
Kevin & Nira Rittenberg
Stacey Ritter Clements
Jonathan & Edith Rosenstein
Douglas & Shonna Ross
Peter Rostas & Barbara Yaffe
Martin & Gayle Sable
Mark & Linda Saffer
Peter & Randi Satok
Eddie & Esther Schreiber
Todd & Rosalind Schweber
David & Elana Seligman
Jamie Sherman & Karen Hecker
Max & Laurel Sherman
Lorne & Arlene Shillinger
Norman & Janet Shiner
Robert Silverman
Fern Smiley
Arnold Smith & Francie Bay
Lorne & Beth Sokol
Hillary & Tracey Steinhart
Jay & Carole Sterling
Barry & Beth Stern
Eduardo & Denise Stivelman
Ronnie Strasser
Paul Tobias
Marshall & Tova Train
Jeffrey Trossman & Paula Hurwitz
John & Lori Ulmer
Ulmer Charitable Foundation/The
Murray & Judith Urowitz
Brian Venis & Carolyn Tucker
Robert & Alla Volfson
Jeff Waldman & Simone Collier
Larry & Debbie Weinberg
Robert & Donna Weinerman
Andrew & Fay Weisberg
Allen Werger
Allan White & Karen
Menachem & Elana Wolff
Arthur Yallen & Francy Kussner
Asher & Lea Yusopov
Cecile Zaifman
Ian Zatzman & Debbie Kingstone
David Rosenberg & Rachael Zbar
Dov & Caroline Zevy
Zichron Binyomin Charity
Performing & Visual Arts
Stephen Abrams & Rosette
Solomon & Anna Mae Belmont
Barry & Ruth Berman
Leon King & Shira Bernholtz
Brian & Daliah Chapnik
Mark Cohen & Ellen Kurtz-Cohen
Neil & Marie Finkelstein
Bernie Fishbein
Fred & Ruth Fishman
Michael & Jackie Flatt
Mark & Lisa Freed
Joseph & Linda Friedlich
Eli Gibli & Beverly Tobin-Gibli
Robert Gibson & Judith Goldstein
Matthew & Aviva Gottlieb
Michael & Dianne Gould
Amit & Lilach Hopen Golan
Arthur & Louise Hosios
Richard & Ellen Howard
Batya Levy
Warren Manis
Stephen Nash & Janice Goldberg
Sid & Terry Pollock
Daniel & Marcy Rappaport
Coleman Rotstein & Wendy
Adam & Bronwyn Shepherd
Mark Smiley & Aviva Silverman
Cliff Williams & Sally Krigstin
Pesach Cards
Brent & Lynn Belzberg
Joseph & Janeta Braverman
Allen & Evie Collins
Michael Feldman & Nanette Rosen
Allen & Brenlee Gales
Alan & Pearl Greenspan
Mervin & Myrna Lass
Jeff & Debbie Levman
David Manson & Golda
Gilbert & Shayna Miller
Ian & Marlene Rattner
Malka Rosenberg
Stephen & Terri Weintraub
David Manson & Golda Milo-Manson
David & Leanne Matlow
Ezer & Dorit Mevorach
Gilbert & Shayna Miller
Sari Morein
Gerald & Gita Pearl
Mark & Sharon Pearlstein
Ian & Marlene Rattner
Martin & Marlene Rochwerg
Malka Rosenberg
Ted & Doris Rosenstock
Martin & Gayle Sable
Norman & Lorrain Shankman
Les & Freida Sherman
Ben & Barbara Smuskowitz
Michael & Hyla Spagat
Gary & Rosemary Tile
Gary & Debra Walters
Stephen & Terri Weintraub
Pamela Albert
Daniel Benarroch
Rachel Bloch
Danielle Boddy
Ruth Bretholz
Adam Cutler
Jason Demone
Arie Dimant
Daniel Engel
Daniel Erem
Benjamin Feldman
Steven Glowinsky
Risa Goldberg
Rachel Gropper
Marni Grotell
Eyal Hacohen
Brad Halfin
Noah Ivers & Ilana Halperin
Lara Hart
Mariel Heller
Adam Irving
Jacob Kerekes
Ian Klaiman
Zachary Klinghoffer
Dara Kohn
Tamir Kojfman
Hyla Korn
Joseph Koval
Alexandra Kuperman
Gerald Lazar
Michelle Levine
Jonathan Levinoff
Ilana Lipkin
Lobby Night Club
Andrea Mansfield
Mitchell Marcus
Bradley Marks
Amanda Minuk
Daniel Naymark
Melanie Ouanounou
Rina Parker
Samuel & Jessica Redlick
Aaron English & Michelle
Samuel English
Jacqueline Schwartz
Tova Shainhouse
Aaron Shapiro
Julia Shuali
Leora Shuval
Jonathan Stern
David Switzer
Marci Turner
Noam Wolff
Rebekah Zarek
Julie Zimmerman
Shari Zimmerman
Technology Fund
Howard & Miriam Borenstein
Charles Cohen & Sandra Patak
Stephen & Helen Freedhoff
Benjamin Freedman
Warren & Debbie Kimel
Michael & Catherine Mucher
Gerald & Barb Rosenstein
Miguel & Beth Singer
Irwin & Ruth Talesnick
Gary & Louise Tenenbaum
Tribute Card Fund
Rosh Hashana Cards
Alan & Rona Applebaum
Avi & Susy Bogler
Joseph & Janeta Braverman
Robert Brown & Candace
Allen & Evie Collins
Sid & Helene Diament
David & Judy Engel
Bernard & Evelyn Farber
Michael Feldman & Nanette Rosen
Steve Freiman
Joseph & Linda Friedlich
Alan & Pearl Greenspan
Saul & Robyn Greenspan
Gary & Evy Hochman
Joseph & Feige Kay
Steven Kelman & Lisa Richman
Shauna Kipper
Brian Lass & Brenda Gasner-Lass
Randy & Randi Leifer
Jeff & Debbie Levman
Todd & Heather Levy
Howard Lichtman & Riki
Frances Bigman
Avi & Susy Bogler
Norman Browman & Anna Engel
Brian & Daliah Chapnik
Lori Cohen
Aaron Samuel & Renee Cohen
Michael & Ethel Cooper
Harvey & Maura Cooperberg
Brett Copeland
Sheldon & Lori Disenhouse
Jerry & Faith Dubisky
Alexander & Renata Eisen
Louis & Diamond Elmaleh
Gary Elman & Jan Goldstein Elman
David & Judy Engel
Allen & Brenlee Gales
Ra‘anan & Jill Garazi
Stan & Fern Glass
Allan Goldstein & Michelle
Irwin & Netta Greenblatt
Pnina Harlap
Ralph & Harriet Israel
Neal & Karen Kadish
Howard & Ilsa Kamen
Eli & Cindy Kipper
Shauna Kipper
Ryan & Rebecca Kornblum
Jonathan & Meredith Levy
David & Leanne Matlow
Ronald & Sandy Miller
Henry & Illana Morton
Miles Kettner & Melissa Muskat
Stephen & Linda Newstead
Jeffrey & Joanne Perlmutter
Carol Poplak
John & Susan Rose
Beverly Schneider
Sarah Scutaru
Judith Shapero
Jay & Reesa Strasser
Gary & Rosemary Tile
Robert & Sue Torok
L. Todd Walters & Janna Robins-Walters
Cary Wasser & Laurie Blake
Stephen & Terri Weintraub
Nina Wener
Lawrence & Robbin Yunger
Cecile Zaifman
Michael & Cheryl Zeldin
“As my ancestors planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me.”
Talmud Ta’anit 23A
A Gift
A Gift
A Gift
In beloved memory of
David E. Buck z”l
In beloved memory of
In beloved memory of
Shimon & Clara Berglas z”l
Barbara Manilla z”l
David E. Buck z”l was a unique and successful businessman.
He and his brothers Roel and Adam, z”l, joined the automotive
business their father began and grew it successfully until they
sold it in 1987. His business gave him enjoyment and the means
to provide for others, his family and the community. His many
other passions included gardening, skiing, fly fishing, tennis and
the study of Torah.
Shimon and Clara Berglas z”l
were survivors of the
Holocaust. Shimon, one of
eight children, was born in
1920 in Debrecen, Hungary,
and moved to Czechoslovakia
at an early age, where he
lived until captured by the
Nazis. He was ultimately
liberated from Sachsenhausen
concentration camp. Clara,
one of six children, was born
in 1924 in Cop, Czechoslovakia,
and lived there until taken to
Auschwitz in 1944. She was
miraculously rescued from
within a gas chamber on
Tisha B’Av in 1944 when
there was a call for a work
detail. Clara was ultimately
liberated from a sub-camp
of Dachau following a death
There were many wonderful lessons David taught those around him:
Value all men but none to much. Stay humble. Always be grateful and
never feel entitled. Proactively look for ways to be charitable. Enrich the
lives of others and that in turn will enrich yours. Never do anything with
an expectation of something in return. Live ethically. Surround yourself
with the best people. Never hold a grudge. Hate only consumes you.
Think and act independently. Perform random acts of kindness. Love fully
and unconditionally.
David modeled philanthropy and community responsibility. He loved
Israel, Judaism and Canada. He quietly and generously supported many
causes with his time and money. He believed it was a privilege to give
and he loved to do so.
David loved his garden and it was a primary source of his teachings. He
used to say that our lives, minds, vocations, avocations and marriages
are all like gardens; if you don’t take care of them, weeds will grow.
He also loved people and made each one feel special by being genuinely
interested in them and learning from them.
There are only two types of people in this world; those who loved David
Buck and those who didn’t know him.
The Business Studies Award in memory of David E. Buck will be awarded annually at
the Wallenberg Campus Graduation.
18 | w w w . t a n e n b a u m c h a t . o r g
After the war, Shimon lived in
Belgium, where he learned French,
and Clara lived in Austria where
she perfected her German. Shimon
later moved to Montreal and
Clara to New York. Following their
marriage, they made their home
in Montreal until 2006, when they
moved to Thornhill. Between the
two of them, they were proficient
in six languages.
Shimon passed away in November
2009 and Clara in January 2011.
They were deeply religious people,
family and community oriented,
and considered Jewish and secular
education to be of paramount
value. Their two children and
twelve grandchildren include
TanenbaumCHAT graduates from
the Class of 2009, 2010, 2011
and two upcoming graduates from
the Class of 2012.
In their memory, and as a tribute
to the manner in which they rebuilt
their lives, their children and
grandchildren have established
the Shimon and Clara Berglas
Memorial Endowment Fund to
name the English as a Second
Language Award at the annual
Kimel Family Education Centre
During her childhood years, Barbara Manilla z”l attended Associated
Hebrew Schools and she continued her Jewish education at CHAT.
While Barbara was studying kinesiology at CHAT, she discovered that
she wanted to pursue a career in nutrition. Barbara graduated in
2003 and that same year, experienced Israel for the first time on
Birthright, which would leave a lasting impression.
Barbara graduated from Ryerson University with a bachelor’s of Applied
Science in Nutrition and Food and annually won awards for her academic
achievements. She then received her master’s in Applied Nutrition from the
University of Guelph.
From the fall of 2008, Barbara worked as a registered dietician at the North
York Family Health Team. According to her co-workers and colleagues,
Barbara‘s passion for her work and her patients was unmistakable. On
numerous occasions, Barbara‘s physicians received glowing comments from
patients on Barbara‘s care, warmth, intelligence and compassion. She
had a passion for nutrition and the field of dietetics that translated into an
abundance of imaginative and forward thinking ideas. In addition, she was
a tremendously gifted cook and baker. Physical fitness was also a priority
and she exercised regularly.
In July 2010, at a time when her life seemed so full of promise, Barbara
tragically and suddenly passed away.
Barbara is remembered by her family and friends as an upbeat, confident,
accomplished, devoted, caring, sensitive, respected, outgoing and intelligent
young woman. She had an infectious energy that could light up a room.
In response to the outpouring of sympathy and words of consolation from
TanenbaumCHAT faculty members and Barbara‘s former classmates, her
parents Lawrie ‘71 and Carol and her sister Sarah ‘00 have established the
Barbara Manilla Memorial Endowment Fund as a lasting tribute to Barbara
at TanenbaumCHAT. The Barbara Manilla Memorial Endowment Fund will
fund the Kinesiology Award at the annual Wallenberg Campus Graduation.