April 3, 2011

What's Happening This Week
EVH Weather Station
Volume 6, Issue 20
Grad News
Notes to Parents
Day 7
Solid Uninterrupted Teaching
Tuesday April 5
Grad Decorating - Every
Tuesday, 7:30 at old school
board on Lind Avenue and we
need more parents who know
how to use a drill. Please come
out and support your child.
Grad Dinner Meeting Woodland Primary, 7:30,
Wednesday, April 6th.
Grad Fees – Must be paid by
April 12th. Your contacts are
listed on the bulletin board in
the main lobby. If your name is
not there, contact Ms. Ball in
room 210.
Walking Partners – Please
see Ms. Brent in Room 212.
Sign Up Sheets – for grad
retakes and yearbook pics in
the main lobby. This is your last
Day 8
Solid Uninterrupted Teaching
Wednesday April 6
Day 9
Solid Uninterrupted Teaching
Thursday April 7
Day 10
Solid Uninterrupted Teaching
Friday April 8
Those who can’t, bully
April 3 , 2011
This Week at a Glance
Monday April 4
Those who can, do
Day 11
Solid Uninterrupted Teaching
European Trip
On April 21, 27 students and 4
teacher chaperones will be leaving
for Europe on the annual school
trip. Students will depart from
Gander and fly to Halifax and then
overseas to London and on to
Paris, for 10 days of educational
discovery and learning. The group
will visit Paris, Barcelona, Madrid
and London where they will
experience many of the wonderful
experience Europe has to offer.
They will visit the Louvre and see
the Mona Lisa, climb the Eifel
Tower, walk the Champ de Elyse,
visit Notre Dame Cathedral and see
great works of art in the Prado.
They will experience French and
Spanish cuisine, speak the
language and learn how to convert
their money into Euros. They’ll
learn how to navigate airport
terminals and work their way
through customs. This is a trip of a
lifetime and will open their eyes to
the world. Bon Voyage! Bonjour
Paris! Hola Spain.
EVI Grade 8’s Visit EVH
On April 4-6 the grade 8 students
from EVI will get a chance to visit
and tour EVH. The administration
will get a chance to talk to the
students about high school and the
EVH student leadership team will
act as tour guides as each group
explores the building and various
classrooms. It is hoped that an
early introduction to the school will
start students thinking about their
futures and career options.
Any Questions - email Ms.
Dianne Ball at
Please visit the grad website
for the latest information and
to view the latest Grad
Joel Hynes Tour
Our school was lucky enough to
be selected to receive the one man play
"Incinerator Road" performed by
Joel Hynes. It will be performed in the
gym next Friday, April 8, 2011, from
1:10-2:10 and from 2:10-3:10.
Joel Thomas Hynes is the celebrated
author of the novels Down to the Dirt
and Right Away Monday, and the stage
plays The Devil You Don’t Know, (coauthored w/S. White) Say Nothing Saw
Wood, Broken Accidents and
Incinerator Road. He was the recent
recipient of the 2010 Cuffer Prize, the
Lawrence Jackson Writing Award, and
in 2008 was named the Newfoundland
and Labrador Art’s Council’s Artist of
the Year.
EVH Principal 2011-2012
The new principal for Exploits Valley
High for the 2011-2012 school year
will be Ms. Paula Sweetapple. Ms.
Sweetapple is presently the acting
principal of J M Olds Collegiate of
Twillingate. Paula has 15 years
experience and has served as an
administrator for the past 9 years.
She has worked in Goose Bay,
Glovertown, Gander Bay and
Twillingate. The staff of EVH would
like to welcome Ms. Sweetapple to
EVH and to Grand Falls-Windsor.
EVH Boys Hockey
This past weekend the boys EVH
Eagles Hockey Team won the Don
Cherry’s provincial high school
tournament in St. John’s. In a close
semi-final game the Eagles defeated
the Gonzaga Viking 2-1. In the
championship game on Saturady the
Eagles defeated the Clarenville
Cougars 7-3 with goals by Tyler
Marsh, Brandon Jewer, Cody Drover
and Mike Greening. Congrats to the
coaching staff and Mr. Hiscock for a
job well done.
Student Interns
Over the past few months EVH was
fortunate to have 3 student teacher
interns at our school. The three
interns; Terri-Lynn Philpott, Janice
Kennedy and Danielle Mills, were
previous students at the school. The
entire staff would like to wish them
well as they begin their careers as
high school teachers. From what we
have observed at EVH, these new
teachers will make a valuable
contribution to the field of education.
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