Government Update NEWSLETTER OF THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY’S GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT Summer 2002 Greetings from Morton Hall: D uring the past nine years, it has been a distinct privilege to serve as Chair of the Department of Government. Now as I return to fulltime teaching and Ron Rapoport takes over leadership of the department, it’s a good time to reflect on the changes we have seen. Since 1993, more than 1,000 new Government concentrators have graduated, along with hundreds of International Relations and Public Policy majors. Seven new tenure-eligible faculty have joined the Department, not counting the three who were hired to join us this Fall. Three faculty left for other positions and three retired, and that doesn’t count the number of visiting faculty who have helped us offer a full range of course when professors were on leave. During this time, our faculty have published 30 books and monographs and 170 journal articles and book chapters of various length (some co- authored with students), as well as delivering hundreds of papers at international, national and regional professional meetings. We have taught dozens of regular and special topics courses, advised nearly a hundred honors theses, and written countless letters of recommendation. We have reformed our curriculum, a process which took nearly the entire nine years to complete. Thanks to the work of Clay Clemens and your own willingness to share information on your activities, we have now published our first six alumni newsletters and also have a terrific website available to anyone throughout the world. As Ron prepares to take over the Chairman’s office, let me extend my thanks to all of you for your support, for the generous contributions to our Department through the Annual Fund (which have helped enrich our offerings for our students in numerous ways), and for your offers of help in so many ways. I owe special thanks to my colleagues who have been tolerant of my mistakes, generous with their time, advice and assistance, John McGlennon and inspiring in their dedication to teaching and scholarship. I am excited about returning to full-time faculty work and wish for Ron and Associate Chair Clay Clemens the kind of satisfaction which I have gotten for these past nine years. Sincerely, John McGlennon FYI: Alumni Feedback Last year we gave you some responses to individual course evaluations over the past few years. But that was nothing compared to the treasure trove of data that fell into our laps as a result of the required periodic departmental assessment. About 500 alumni from the classes of 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001 were surveyed on a whole host of items. Respondents generally gave the Department high marks for its curriculum, classroom instruction, and advising. The vast majority also recalled being satisfied with the substantive knowledge and analytical skills conveyed in their courses here. But a substantial share of alumni suggested greater grounding in statistics, political economy and technology. Most also said there could be more effective career counseling and greater social interaction. And of course Morton itself came in for some choice words (down to the last details, in fact: “Some plants would be nice....and soft toilet paper in the bathrooms.”) At the same time, happily, most alumni said that, if given a chance (or forced!) to do college all over again, they would still choose to major in Government and recommended that entering students to do so. Thanks for both the criticisms and the compliments–we need to hear both now and then! PS: The entire results of the survey are posted on our website’s alumni page: “If you had to choose a concentration again, would you choose Government?” [Years refers to number of years since graduation] Definitely Overall 30% 1-5 Years 42% 10 Years 18% 15-20 Years 31% Probably Uncertain 44% 15% 43% 9% 49% 21% 38% 17% Probably not Definitely not 3% 7% 1% 6% 4% 8% 5% 10% “Would you recommend that a current student concentrate in Government?” Overall 1-5 Years 10 Years 15-20 Years Yes 89% 90% 91% 82% No 11% 10% 8% 17% Current Faculty Notes I n the penultimate year of his teaching ca reer, Don Baxter not only conduted his seminars on South Asian Politics and Indian Politics, but offered a brand new course on Afghanistan, addressing the obvious growth in student interest in that country. Not surprisingly given September 11, James Bill’s courses on Mideast and Persian Gulf Politics drew even more interest than usual this year. In addition, he and Professor of Religion Emeritus John Williams published Roman Catholics and Shi‘i Muslims: Prayer, Passion and Politics (UNC Press). Over 200 guests attended the March booksigning party at Barnes and Noble In addition to co-authoring a new edition of their book on Latin American geography with wife Olwyn, Brian Blouet lectured this past year at Oxford and Cork universities. The Blouets look forward to teaching at the College’s Cambridge program in summer 2003. In addition to his courses on Asian and international political economy, T.J. Cheng chaired the East Asian Studies program and helped the College establish study abroad programs with institutions in Seoul, Taipei, Singapore and Beijing. Also in conjunction with the Reves Center, he helped obtain a $1.6 million Freeman Grant to promote Asian Studies at the College. Clay Clemens offered his usual courses on European politics, and modified his US Foreign Policy class in order to address postSeptember 11 interest. Along with Dave Lewis, he helped put together the new Department website (check it out!) and this newsletter–in hopes of distracting attention from his still unfinished biography of German chancellor Helmut Kohl. David Dessler has played an active role at the Reves Center with curriculum issues and program development, including the new Borgenicht Endowment for Identity and Transformation. Larry Evans again brought in US Senate staff directors to critique briefing papers by his classes. At last fall’s Southern Political Science Association meeting he presented a paper with undergrad Beth Isaacs. At next year’s SPSA meeting, he and John Gilmour will present another paper (on presidential vetoes) done with two undergrads under a Dirksen Foundation grant In addition to joining with Larry Evans to obtain a grant to co-author a paper on presidential vetoes with two undergrads, John Gilmour published a piece on the voting cycle in Legislative Studies Quarterly, and also won the Patrick J. Fett Award for Best Paper on Congress and the Presidency at the 2001 Midwest Political Science Meeting. Half of the Department (the rest were camera shy) George Grayson’s recent monographs help readers track events in Mexico; he also lectured on that topic at the US Foreign Service Institute, the State Department, the National Intelligence Council and the Joint Forces Staff College. If US-Mexican relations should go awry, it won’t be his fault. He also launched a new Mexican Politics seminar, taking the class to DC for briefings. Along with his regular classes on the American Welfare State, Chris Howard helped design a new course to help Government students satisfy the concentration computing requirement In addition to his courses on the Presidency and Public Administration, Dave Lewis did a joint presentation with undergrad Jon Rogers at the 2001 American Political Science Association meeting. In its ongoing effort to keep up with William and Mary, Princeton has hired Professor Lewis who will take up a position there starting fall 2002–he will be missed in Williamsburg. In the last of his nine years as Chair, John McGlennon published a chapter on the 2000 Election in Virginia and launched a topical new summer school course on Virginia Politics. Moreover, in 2001 he reelected to the James City County Board of Supervisors without opposition. Stephen Ndegwa started a two-year stint with the World Bank Young Professionals Program. He and wife Dorothy welcomed an addition to their family, baby Faith. While on family leave, he organized a one-credit course on Africa, with guest speakers. His article co- authored with two undergrads, based on fieldwork near Lake Victoria, appeared in Global Environmental Politics. Yet another faculty member who faced even heavier course demand this year was Sue Peterson who already devotes a major share of her International Security course to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. Her article co-authored with former student Chris Wenk appeared in Security Studies, and her edited volume Altered States appeared in summer, 2002. Paul Pickering, who taught in the Department this past year, will be joining it on a longer-term basis. A graduate of the University of Michigan, she specializes in the former Communist world. Much of her work involves post-conflict circumstances in Bosnia, where she spent much of this summer conducting research. In his last year of freedom before taking over as department chair, Ron Rapoport published “It’s Perot, Stupid!” in PS: Political Science. Along with a colleague at Colorado, he received National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduate grants each of the past two summers to work with students Karen Bruner and Will Blake on the Perot project. At the Charles Center, Joel Schwartz helped launch or expand several programs, including a major new initiative on Environmental Studies. In addition, his freshman seminar on Citizenship is now part of the new Sharpe Community Partnership Program. Current Faculty Notes As Alan Ward prepares for the final year of his fulltime teaching career, he continues to work on such research topics as the new Northern Ireland Constitution, a topic he addressed at a meeting of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, in Galway last November. In 2002-2003, the Department welcomes newcomers Simon Stow, a specialist in political philosophy from UC Berkeley, and Christine Nemachek from George Washington University (and who has taught at the University of Iowa) her area is judicial politics As always, the Department was grateful to have the assistance of several visiting or adjunct faculty in 2000-2001. Mike Tierney, MA ‘88, covered several international relations classes and the research methods course for all Honors students; he is also organizing a workshop series sponsored by Harvard University. Katherine Rahman taught courses on International Law and Organization, and also ran this year’s two Washington Programs (on genetically- modified foods and weapons of mass destruction). Emile Lester again taught political philosophy, while Sophie Hart continued her course on East Asian Politics. In addition, newcomers Peter Canavo, Lynn Khadiagala, and Hans Hacker, who covered political philosophy, African politics, and judicial politics. Bob Archibald, Professor of Economics, remains as director of the Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy, where Former Ambassador Bob Fritts can also be found. In addition to overseeing the Reves Center, director Mitchell Reiss taught National Security Law last fall. Joel Schwartz continues at the Charles Center (see above). As usual, departmental administrator Valerie Trovato kept the Department running, ably assisted by Tess Owens and Barbara Finocchio, as well as four student assistants: Amanda Potter, Meredith Viens, Johnelle Hinkle and Kristin Monaco. Faculty Books 1999-2002 James Bill, co-author, Politics in the Middle East, 5th ed. (Longman, 2000) James Bill [and John Williams], Roman Catholics and Shi‘i Muslims: Prayer, Passion and Politics (UNC Press) Brian Blouet, Geopolitics and Globalization in the Twentieth Century (Reaktion, 2001) Brian Blouet [and Olwyn Blouet], Latin America and the Caribbean: A Systematic and Regional Survey (Wiley and Sons, 2001) T.J. Cheng, co-editor, Security Environment in the Asia Pacific (M.E. Sharpe, 1999) Lawrence Evans, Leadership in Committee: A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Behavior in the U.S. Senate (Reissued 2001). George Grayson, A Guide to the 2001 Mexican State and Local Elections, (Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2001) George Grayson, Mexico: Changing of the Guard (Foreign Policy Association, 2001) George Grayson, Mexico’s Armed Forces: A Factbook (Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1999) George Grayson, Strange Bedfellows: NATO Marches East (University Press of America, 1999) William Hyland, Clinton’s World: Remaking American Foreign Policy (Praeger, 1999) William Morrow, A Republic If You Can Keep It (Prentice-Hall, 1999) Stephen Ndegwa, editor, A Decade of Democracy in Africa [Special Issue of Journal of Asian and African Studies] Faculty Feud It all began when Dave Lewis hacked into Clay Clemens’ course website to post an unflattering photo. Clemens’ retaliated by launching a lastminute write-in campaign to elect Lewis James City County Soil Commissioner with posters that read “Lewis: Because Politics is a Dirty Business” and “A Troubled Man for Troubled Times.” After a disappointing third place finish, the campaign considered mounting a protest based on concerns about butterfly ballots and hanging chads, but settled for issuing a terse concession statement: Dave started out with a firm foundation of support based on his bedrock constituency. We then really saw a groundswell for him in the final hours. In fact at one point we were hoping for a landslide. But let’s face it–his critics are a bunch of slimy worms. There was a whole lot of mudslinging and other events kicked up lots of dust. The gutter press didn’t help. But we hope that our campaign sewed the seeds for future efforts that will blossom. Rather than becoming embittered with the process, Lewis launched a campaign to elect Clemens Student Association President, with posters drawing on a likeness between him and his personal hero, Homer Simpson (“He’s the real life version!” and “The same man?”, along with other slogans like “Build your future with Clay”). Clemens retaliated with more posters alerting by-passers to be on the lookout for noted terrorist Osama bin Lewis, featuring a photo of his colleague in a Halloween costume that made him look more like Gabe Kotter on a bad day. Ultimately the feud could only be settled by a game of Jeopardy, in which Senior Scott O’Brien tested them in their own areas of expertise (such as the Simpsons and the Cleveland Browns for Clemens, and California sports teams and American Presidents for Lewis). The match ended inconclusively, its only real winners being roughly one hundred students, who took time from exam studying to see their teachers totally stumped by arcane questions for a change. 2001-2002 Freshmen Seminars Baxter Bill Clemens Hacker Howard Khadiagala Pickering Tierney Modern India Power and Informal Politics Leadership, Power and Politics Law and Society Race and American Democracy Gender and the Law Change in the Balkans War and Democracy 2001-2002 Senior Seminars Baxter Blouet Cannavo Dessler Evans Gilmour Grayson Hacker Lester Peterson Pickering Rapoport Government and Politics in Afghanistan Geostrategic Thought Ecology and Political Theory Theories of the International System U. S. Congress Congress and the President Modern Mexican Politics Courts, Constitutional Politics, and Social Change Khadiagala Political Economy of the Developing World Liberalism and its Critics Domestic Politics and International Diplomacy Democratization in Eastern Europe Public Opinion and Voting Behavior Ward Nationalism and National Self-Determination Former Faculty Notes Recommended Books & Websites (*ALR stands for “at last report”) According to the Washington Post, the Congress Online Project rated the following sites as the best on Capital Hill–and being lazy, we are willing to take their word for it..... A lan Abramowitz teaches at Emory University in Atlanta...Erich Ayisi has retired...Bart Brown teaches at Chicago-Kent Law School at the Illinois Institute of Technology...Eva Busza is with the National Institute of Democracy in DC ...ALR Rick Damon was an attorney in Watsonville, California...Former Chair Jack Edwards is retired and continues to consult with local government....Martin Farrell teaches at Ripon College...Anne Henderson is now with the US Institute of Peace in DC offering instruction in peacekeeping/conflict resolution...Chonghan Kim is retired, but continues to attend College events on Asian affairs...George Lovell teaches at the University of Washington...ALR Morris McCain resides in Boston, works for the Social Security Administration and offers courses at Northeastern...Bill Mor row is retired in Williamsburg, does courses for the Christopher Wren Association and was recently honored with the VA Social Science Association’s career scholar award for “expanding the horizons of knowledge in Public Administration” ...Louis Noisin teaches at Christopher Newport...ALR Bruce Riegelman practices law in Washing-ton...Former chair James Roherty is retired and lives in Oregon...Recentlyretired Roger Smith lives in town and, among other things, holds lectures for the Christopher Wren Society....Jan de Weydenthal does research for Radio Free Europe in Prague...Paul Whiteley is at Essex University in Britain. Many other faculty have held visiting appointments in the Department and we thought former students might be interested in knowing their current activities: David Adams is with the Fulbright Commission staff at the Council on International Education in DC...Sally Baynard is on the Alexandria VA school board...Michael Clark directs the U.S.-India Business Council in DC...Michael Cornfield is with George Washington University’s Graduate School for Political Management...Mick Cox is a Professor at the University of Aberystwyth in Wales...John Day is retired in Leicester, England...Everett Dolman teaches at the School of Advanced Airpower Studies at Maxwell Air Force Base and just published Astropolitik: Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age... ALR Manfred Er nst worked in finance in NYC...John Forren teaches at Miami of Ohio...Scott Gerber is at Ohio Northern University College of Law...David Gordon is with the National Intelligence Council in Washington...Bill Hixon is teaching at the University of Memphis... Chris Kelly works in the Williamsburg area...Mike Kenney teaches at Britain’s Sheffield University...Joe Khechichian runs a consulting firm specializing in Arabian/Persian Gulf politics...Mar y Kweit teaches at North Dakota...David LeBlang teaches at the University of Colorado...Michael Lessnoff is at the University of Glasgow...Michael Leroy is at Wheaton College in Illinois... Shirley Meeker is with the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland.. Jim Miclot is president of Steidlmayer Software... Jose Peman worked in international banking in Europe...Jacqui Pfeffer teaches at St. Johns College in Maryland...ALR Joe Miri was working on environmental protection for the state of New Jersey...Gary Mucciaroni teaches public policy at Temple in Philadelphia...Bill Murphy is a DC political consultant and adjunct professor at American University...Barbara Norrander teaches at the University of Arizona...Jeff Poelvoorde is at Converse College in SC...Staci Rhine is at Wittenberg College in Ohio...Robert Rickards is with the International University in Germany...Katri Sieberg leaves Texas Tech for a fellowship in Finland this year and then starts at SUNY Binghampton in 2003...Avital Simhony teaches political philosophy at Arizona State...Bob Snyder teaches at Southwestern University in Texas...Kent Tedin teaches at the University of Houston...Frank Thames spent this past year at Albion College in Michigan but takes up a position at Texas Tech this fall..Jim Yoho is at Wilkes University in PA....Jeremy Zilber is now at NYC’s Yeshiva University this fall......Unfortunately, we have lost track of Sharon Rives. Baxter and Ward Retiring S pring 2003 will mark the last semester of fulltime teaching for Professors Don Baxter and Alan Ward. Both came to the College in 1967, meaning that each has logged thirty five years in the Department–seven decades combined! With a margin of error every bit as inexact as these figures themselves, that is approximately 15520 lectures, 14300 papers, 23,245 bluebooks, 23,475 advising sessions, and 315 committee assignments. In addition to that, both also chaired Government at various points (we tried adding up the memos and voicemails that entailed but it blew the microchip in our calculator, a very rare occurrence). Needless to say they have had a major impact on the Department and its graduates. Alumni who would like to be kept up-to-date on plans to honor Alan and Don in Spring 2003 are strongly urged to drop an email to (also, while you are thinking of it, feel free to send us anything in the way of anecdotes, reminiscences or tributes to either or both). Don Baxter (top) and Alan Ward: distinguish at any age… House Sites Kay Granger (R.Tex) Michael Honda (D.Calif) Mike Pence (R-Ind) Richard Pombo (R-Calif) Senate Sites Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex) Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) Leadership Sites Speaker of the House House Majority Whip House Republican Conference Ron Rapoport recommends this site, which offers lots of opinion data on presidential approval, etc. T.J. Cheng notes that accessing this site and then clicking on “Visit the Japanese Data Archive” brings you to a treasure trove of (English language) survey data from Japan. John McGlennon recommends these websites–the first offers data on the nation’s 25 biggest urban areas, the second is a Pew Charitable Trust page for those interested in state-level policy and politics, and the last tracks contributions to candidates for office in Virginia. [A few sites at the College itself may interest alumni as well] Institutional Research’s databooks are a treasure trove of information about the College. SIN gives you a glimpse into what is going on around campus in the student world. The Government Department is very proud of its own vastly expanded, updated site. Speakers Washington Program O rganized as usual by Katherine Rahman, this year’s two Washington Programs fo cused, respectively, on weapons of mass destruction and genetically modified foods. During the latter trip, for example, students met with officials of–among others–the Environmental Protection Agency, the Public Interest Research Group, the Union of Concerned Scientists, the European Union, the US Trade Representatives Office, Continental Grain, Monsanto and the American Farm Bureau Federation. Washington Program participants at DC’s Dacor-Bacon House. S ome well-known guests visited Govern ment classes this year. In the spring, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Chancellor of the College, met with students in the US foreign policy class and faced questions on items including his own decisions regarding Vietnam and Chile during the Nixon-Ford era to contemporary issues. During a day long visit, President Clinton’s National Security Advisor Sandy Berger also spoke with and to students in several international security classes. His comments focused heavily on the Middle East peace process. Former Senator George McGovern, US delegate to the UN Conference on World Hunger, also spoke at the College. Other guests included CBS News Correspondent Jim Axelrod, the Charles Center’s Journalist in Residence, and Washington Post assistant polling director Claudia Deane. Internships and Mentoring E fforts continue to expand opportunities for students to undertake public affairsrelated internships and to improve career counseling with Government help. For the third straight year, about twenty Government concentrators (among other undergraduates) enrolled in the Public Affairs Internship Class, organized online over the summer and with papers/presentations in the fall. This year the students involved were at places ranging from municipal governments and the Virginia General Assembly, to Congress and US embassies as far afield as London or Algiers. In addition, most students undertaking such internships received modest financial support, in the form of Bertha Taylor Memorial Endowment scholarships administered by the Charles Center or stipends from the Donald Irwin Memorial Fund: the latter, a legacy of a Government concentrator, provides funds exclusively for those interns majoring in the Department. A longer term project is also in the works–an effort to build on the Taylor fund. The final goal is a $500,000 endowment, which obviously sounds like (and is) a lot of money, but (given the nature of endowments) we would need that much in order to generate roughly $20,000 in scholarships each year. To date, we have gifts/commitments of $272,000. Alumni who might be in a position to help are welcome to contact Clay Clemens (; 757-2213027). In addition, through the efforts of Career Services Director Mary Schilling, some fifty current students doing internships in the nation’s capital came for dinner and a panel on public service jobs again this June. The evening was hosted by the College’s Washington DC Office under Susan Wayland and Professor Larry Evans moderated the panel. Alumni speakers included Nicole Bibbins. Special Advisor to the Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs U.S. Department of State; Laura Flippin, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Division; Tom Jensen, Public Affairs Manager, United Parcel Services; Andrew Langer, Manager, Regulatory Policy, National Federation of Independent Business; Diane Pratt-Heavner, Press Secretary, Congressman Jim Davis, Florida; and Allison Riepenhoff, Assistant to the Deputy Counsel to the President White House. A similarly collaborative venture has resulted in a new mentoring program this summer. Career Services has matched up current students interning in the DC area with one of about three dozen alum volunteers (many former Government majors) who are already working in public affairs or public policy-related fields. The mentors and students are meeting over lunch or dinner to discuss career possibilities in public service. Alumni interested in helping out in future mentoring efforts should feel free to contact Mary Schilling at As always, the Department thanks those alums who have passed on information about internships (in DC or elsewhere), and encourages any others to do so as well so that we can draw our students’ attention to possible openings for next summer. Feel free to contact Clay Clemens at (757-221-3027). Sandy Berger Henry Kissinger A LUMNI N OTES A s always, all alums, and especially pre1990 grads, are strongly urged to drop us news by regular mail, send an email (, or log onto the Department website’s easy new Alumni Information Form. Since the Update is produced without a large staff, we depend on you for information (and apologize for any errors or outdated items) And don’t think we only want to hear from those in government-related fields—our major can be applied in limitless ways, or not at all! Also: please keep the College Alumni Society posted as to your current address, as we must rely upon its records for fact-checking and mailing labels: contact the Society of the Alumni/ Alumni Records, College of William & Mary, Box 2100, Williamsburg VA 23187-2100 (email: Also, urge any fellow alums who are not listed here in this newsletter and/or who say they don’t receive it to make sure they too are in the Alumni Society databank. Key: PP (Public Policy), IS (International Studies), UR (University of Richmond), UMich (University of Michigan), UPenn (University of Pennsylvania), GWU (George Washington University). Perhaps you should also imagine ALR— “at last report” in front of each person’s name. CLASSES OF 1945-74: Murray Carroll ‘69 lives in Anacortes, Washington with wife, Dorothy, where he researches the history of the American west, particularly military history, and has won awards for non-fiction short stories...Benjamin Cooper ‘73 is a Senior Vice President of Government Affairs at Printing Industries of America ...Philip Harway ‘73 owns a restaurant in Warrenton, VA...Dee Joyce-Hayes ‘68 is a Prosecuting Attorney in St. Louis...Alexander Monroe ‘69 (see MA Alumni list)..Retired VA cir- Stay in Touch We would really like to know what our former students are up to and have several ways for you to get in touch or keep in touch: Mail: Government Department Newsletter College of William and Mary Williamsburg VA 23187-8795 Information sent to the above addresses will be shared with the entire Department and unless you request otherwise may appear in an upcoming newsletter. If you would prefer to contact individual faculty, please address your mail to them by name (for emailers, the website lists all faculty userid’s). Since we rely on its mailing list for address labels, please keep the College Alumni Society updated as to your current whereabouts: Mail: Society of the Alumni/Alumni Records College of William & Mary PO Box 2100 Williamsburg VA 23187-2100 Email: cuit judge William Shore Robertson ‘61 is a mediator with the McCammon Group in Richmond...Tom Steger ‘65 has had his own private law practice since 1978...Robert Turvene ‘53 is an adjunct member of the College’s Kinesiology Department ...John Vile ‘73 is a Chair of the Political Science Department at Middle Tennessee State University and has authored a book entitled Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments. teaches Philosophy at Michigan State ...John Riley ‘81 works for Representative Charles Stenholm in DC....George Tankard ‘81 is a Baltimore trial attorney...Mark Voigt ‘83 is an attorney practicing public school law and civil rights litigation with Levin Legal Group in Huntingdon Valley, PA...Andy Waters ‘81 (see MA list)...Christopher Wittmann ‘80 is the Advisor for Peacekeeping Operations for the Office of Management and Reform, US Mission to the United Nations. CLASS OF 1975-79: Pattie (Bagley) Schutte is a court administrator in MO and recently welcomed newborn daughter Margaret Emily...Randolph Beales ‘82 is with the Richmond law firm Christian, Barton ...Mark Colley ‘77 is with the DC law firm Holland, Knight...Sherry Jennings Frost ‘79 has two sons Jack (12) and Rich (10) and lives in Raleigh, N.C. ... Cynthia Howell ‘78 is currently working at Accenture on a project for the Air Force ...Christopher Kelley ‘78 is managing partner of Twomey Latham Shea and Kelley in New York and has been chairman of the East Hampton Democratic Committee for the last 20 years...Andy Lark ‘79 is an attorney in NYC...Greg Minjack ‘79 is with Sagamore Associates in DC ...Sharon Pandak ‘75 is the County Attorney for Prince William County, Virginia...Skip Parnell ‘78 has held seven Foreign Service posts, most recently as chief administrative officer in Ghana... Betsy (Page) Sigman is teaching Management Information Systems and Decision Science at Georgetown University ...Kevin Quinley ‘77 is senior Vice President at Medmarc Insurance Group. He has published eight books and was just named Director of the National Association of Insurance Litigation...Janet Sanderson ‘77 is U.S. Ambassador to Algeria...Storm Simenson `78 is with the US Foreign Servicein 2001...Mike Urbanski ‘78 is with the Roanoke law firm Woods, Rogers, Hazelgrove... Bill Whitley ‘76 (see MA list) is Gloucester County VA Administrator. CLASS OF 1985-89: Jay Austin ‘89 (IR) is a financial analyst at Philip Morris Management in New York...Jay Black III ‘87 is the Associate Vice President of Investments at Davenport and Company LLC. He also is a an executive board member of Virginia’s River Country...Jery Bowers ‘89 and his wife, Kristy are expecting twins. Jery teaches at the Madeira School in McLean, VA...Patrick Cannon ‘86 teaches political science at Cal State Sacramento...Doug Clarke ‘89 is Director of Education at Applied Career Training, a NOVA career college....Adrienne Cox ‘86 is an executive in business development and marketing at Microsoft’s Dalby ‘87 is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Jackson State University...Emily (Deck) Harrill ‘88 is a Courtroom Deputy for the Clerk of Court at the U.S. District Court in Columbia, S.C and has been recently accepted to the University of South Carolina School of Law...Kim (DiDomenico) Duty ‘89 (IR) is a V.P. of Communications for the National Multi Housing Council...Tim Duvall ‘88 teaches political theory and American politics at St. John’s University...Anne Edgerton ‘87 works for Refugees International in DC and frequently travels to the Congo...Mike Egge ‘88 is living in Atlanta and is a proud father of twins...Patricia Elliot ‘87 (PP) is the Senior Director of Environmental Health Policy for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials in DC...Richard Evonitz ‘89 works for marchFIRST in Chicago and attends DePaul School of Law...Christopher Fincher ‘87 is the Senior Vice President of Wachovia Securities...Angela (Fogle) Jacobs ‘87 work as a Certified Planner near DC...Martha Griffin ‘89 is an Education Coordinator and acting Executive Director for Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association. She was recently admitted to Johns Hopkins University...Vince Haley ‘88 lives in San Francisco...Paul Harrill ‘86 practices in the litigation section of McNair Law Firm in Columbia, S.C...Tim Hugo is Executive Director of Capnet, a lobbying firm for high-tech in DC...Bill Hatchett ‘88 works as a Senior Military Analyst for the CIA...Tom Jensen ‘85 is Public Affairs Manager for UPS....Mike Keller ‘88 is with the Foreign Service in Cambodia...K. Page Kistler ‘87 is with the Boston law firm Lee, Levine & Bowser....David Koman ‘87 is a trial attorney for the US Navy...Maggie (Margiotta) Melson ‘88 is with Episcopal High School in DC...Jim McCreedy ‘88 is a partner at Wiley, Malehorn & Sirota in NJ...Mark Maurer ‘88 works for a community planning, environmental management and public policy consultant...Mark McMahon ‘88 is with Sapient consultants in Munich Germany...Sherri Mylott ‘86 lives in Vermont and is Director of Development at Bennington College...Dave Parmele ‘89 is a Business Development Manager for Plaut CLASS OF 1980-84: Matthew Bradley ‘83 is an Administrative Judge at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission...Thomas Brooke ‘82 is an Intellectual Property lawyer in DC...Bill Childs ‘80 is sales and marketing director for Abbott Laboratories in Germany...Heidi Crapol ‘84 works in the community relations department for Phillip Morris in Richmond...Donna Lee (Harpster) Williams ‘81 is starting her third term as Delaware Insurance Commissioner...David Kaut ‘82 is an analyst for Legg Mason Telecom Research ....John Hassell ‘80 heads the DC office of Hewlett Packard, managing its federal and state government relations...Megan Lott ‘82 is the Development Director for the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute...Steve Macedo ‘80 is a Professor of Government at Princeton...Sandra (Harton) McCluskey, ‘81 owns a French café on Capitol Hill and a catering company in Alexandria... Renata Manzo ‘82 drafts contracts for various clients of Hunton and Williams law firm...Scott McCleskey ‘84 is the Head of Regulatory Policy for Virt-x, a pan-European stock exchange in London and is finishing his MA in IR at Cambridge...Mark Osler ‘85 teaches law at Baylor...Chris Phillips ‘81 is cofounder of the Society for Philosophical Inquiry...Fred Rauscher ‘84 A LUMNI N OTES Consulting...Jeryl Rose Phillips ‘89 works in the City of Hampton Planning Department coordinating long-range, comprehensive planning . . .Father Don Planty ‘88 is with the Vatican embassy in Ethiopia...Michael Powell ‘85 chairs the Federal Communications Commission...Daniel Sachs ‘87 opened his own law firm in DC and edits DC’s Political Report website...Maria Santucci ‘88 works with Deloitte consulting in East Brunswick, NJ, and runs marathons...John Schad ‘87 is Director of Marketing/Feature Films for Warner Brothers Home Video ...Alison Seyler (‘86) is the Vice President of Caressa Shoes...Andy Shilling ‘88 is with Givando, Shilling law firm in Chesapeaker...Jonathan Siegel ‘86 is COO for the Boulder Center for Performance and Sport Psychology...Dan Smith ‘85 teaches Political Science at Northwest Missouri State University...Jeff Spoeri ‘87 is Director of Development for the UMich School of Education...John Squier ‘87 received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and works as a Program Officer for Russia and Ukraine at the National Endowment for Democracy...Bill Stokes ‘87 is with the Merrimac Group in DC and chairs the Washington Network Group...Ward Thomas ‘85 is Assistant Professor of political science at Holy Cross and just published The Ethics of Destruction (Cornell Press)...Mike Tierney ‘87 (see MA Alumni list)...Shannon Watson ‘89 most recently served as the Vermont State Director for the GoreLieberman Presidential Campaign...Naomi Zauderer ‘88 is Executive Director of the NY Professional Nurses Union. CLASS OF 1990: Steve Bovino directs public relations for the Pittsburgh Penguins...Mark Cozzolino is Vice President, Legal for Merrill Lynch in New York...Claudia (Bellinger) Harworth is a sole practitioner attorney specializing in estate planning...Katharine Hornbarger lives in Massachusetts where she is a state affairs manager for the Grocery Manufacturers of America...Bill Jonas is Associate Director for Operations, at UNC Charlotte’s University Center...Jonathan Kurrle is a Government Relations Representative for Reed, Smith, Shaw & McClay...Nicholas Lashutka is the Director of Government Relations at Ohio Business Roundtable...Kristi (LaCourse) Lynch is a Financial Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond ...Andy Stross is with Capital One in Richmond…Duane Milne teaches at Westchester State College in PA ...Mike Wilder is the managing editor of the Times-News in Burlington, N.C. CLASS OF 1991: John Ajello is Assistant Vice President at Schinnerer & Co...Buzz Hawley is legislative correspondent at Van Scocyoc Asociates ...Renee Johnson is the Senior Producer at Digital Eclipse Software, Inc. in California...Frank Lynch is an Assistant General Counsel with Cavalier Telephone based in Richmond ... Julie McEvoy is a practicing attorney in Washington, DC...Leila (McLaurin) Beasley is the Associate Editor of Educational Leadership magazine...Andrew Morrison has finished his MA in international affairs at GWU...Scott Pasternack is an Associate Attorney for Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund and recently spoke at an Environmental Law program at the College...Mike Slozan is an associate with Arnold & Porter in DC...Frank Thames teaches political science at Texas Tech...Ted Rusch has recently married and runs a for resort properties...Chris Walters is Vice President of Investments at Bank of America in Abingdon, VA. CLASS OF 1992: Seth Bromberger works with SAIC in Mclean, VA...Nate Dugan is teaching at St. John’s in Annapolis and received the Leo Strauss award for the best dissertation in theory . . .Laura Flippin is Deputy Assistant US Attorney General...Matthew Gillen is a foreign service officer...John Graham is a minister in Marion, VA...Jacques Herman (IS) is with HSBC Republic...Brian Hightower raced in the World Competition Ecochallenge last August...Eric Kadel works for Sullivan & Cromwell in DC...Christian Klein married fellow alum Lona Carwile in 2001 and is a senior associate with Obadal and MacLeod in Alexandria...Brad Miller is Manager of Operations for the Charlotte NC Area Transit System...Scott Pasternack recently spoke at William and Mary School of Law’s Environmental Law Symposium...Rob Perks has joined the legislative staff of the Natural Resources Defense Council in Washington, DC...Craig Phillips (IS) is at Harvard Business School...Lanier Saperstein is with the law firm Simpson, Thatcher...Alaka Singh (see MA Alumni list)...Heather (Williams) Kadel works for Legg Mason in Baltimore and is the J.V. Field Hockey coach at Langley High School. CLASS OF 1993: Matt Erickson is with Laguens, Hamburger & Stone, a DC media and strategic consulting firm...Brian Foster is in his fifth year serving as Town Manger for the Town of Altavista, VA... Lukas Haynes (IR) is the program officer for In- ternational Peace and Security in the MacArthur Foundation’s Program on Global Security and Sustainability in Chicago... Vince Indelicato Jr is a Corporate Training and Sales Support Specialist for GOVS, Inc..Amanda Koman works for Congresman Steven Rothman...Andrew Langer is Manager, Regulatory Policy for the National Federation of Independent Business in DC ... Betsy Lazan is attending library school at the UNC and an assistant in the Botany Library...Christopher Lloyd is the Vice President and Director of the Business Expansion Services at McGuire Woods Consulting and recently got engaged...William Ruger teaches political science at. CLASS OF 1994: Matt Abbruzzese finished up his stint with military intelligence and is at Johns Hopkins SAIS.. Brian Anderson works with I-64 Networks in St. Louis...Emily Becker is teaching middle school in Healy, AK...Debra Brosnihan (IR) has begun UVA nursing school ...John Capati (IR) is in Albania with American International Health Alliance...Withers (Covel) Hurley recently got married and owns her own business, Online Health, Ltd...Tom Gill teaches at NansemondSuffolk Academy...Dave and Myriam FizaziHawkins have a new baby...Denzel Hankinson is at National Economic Research Associates in DC...David Ginsburg manages market research for Choice Hotels International...Derek Gottschall (IR) is the Vice President for Institutional Block Trading for the Bank of New York...Kristin (Loerzel) Larson graduated from Harvard’s Kennedy School and is an environmental consultant in New Haven CT...Grant Neely is VA Governor Mark Warner’s Special Assistant for Policy...Don Purka is working full-time with the Asian Development Bank and will be relocating Contributing to the Department Many thanks to the generous alums or friends listed below for their donations. As noted in the Chairs’ letter (front page), these funds are invaluable supplements to enrich student programs. We welcome further contributions and thank you for your generosity. The best way to contribute is to target your William and Mary Annual Fund donation to the Department, which you may request when approached during the drive or at any other time of year by sending a check to the Development Office, College of William and Mary, Box 2795, Williamsburg VA, 23187-8795. Note on your check that it is for the Government Department. 1951 1956 1956 1959 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1980 1981 1984 1986 1994 1994 1996 1998 1998 1998 Col. David M. Klinger John Hummel Nancy Hummel Philip Tuck Colonel William Koziar Sharon E. Pandak. Kenneth Rye Carolyn Testa Rye Mark Dennett Stan Haynes Patricia Stevens Michael Sturm Emily Kehrberg Alice Givens Ashley Harwell Samuel Ozeck Jennifer Flaningam Lee Shaw Ellen Moncure Wong 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 James Jebo Maureen Klovers Brooke Livingston Gerald Rockford Weitz Joseph Wong Alexandra Crawford-Batt William Gomaa Jennifer Hamilton Carrie Housman Parker Wertz Bonnie Benn Daniel Ehlke Jamie Jacobsen Ryan Lucas Philip Wiseberg Jennifer Wood Charlotte Tycie Young Genevieve Marley A LUMNI N OTES to Manila to be a financial analyst with the Infrastructure-Energy Group ...Jennifer Sweitzer is Director of Education at the Chief Executives’ Organization in Bethesda MD...Georg Vanberg teaches political science at Wisconsin. CLASS OF 1995: Joe Bates is a Senior Research analyst for the Consumer Electronics Association. He and his wife, Holly, are expecting their first child...Jeffrey Bauer is a law student at the University of Richmond....Jennifer Cozens currently works for BAI, Inc. as a defense contractor in the Northern Virginia area ... Nicole Harold is a Forensic Scientist with the Virginia Division of Forensic Science in Roanoke...Mary Lehner works for the DC law firm Vinson, Elkins and got married in October..Judy Lorimer (PP) is with the education unit of Wallace-Reader’s Digest Foundation, dealing with grants to public schools...Arslan Malik (IR) is with the NYC law firm Milbank, Tweed ...After working for MD Democratic candidates and organizations, Mike O’Connell is now a retail analyst in Boulder CO...Matt Pickelle is an attorney with RIA in NYC ...Rebecca Sack (IR) is pursuing a Masters in Divinity at Regent College in Vancouver...Tara Salem is legislative assistant to Congressman Mark Foley...Paul Wellons (IR) is with the law firm Jones, Day in Atlanta...Chris Wenk is with the DC law firm Covington & Burling.. CLASS OF 1996: Sue Baumann is with the Nassau County NY district attorney’s office...Melissa Bomberger got her international studies MA at Pittsburgh...Hanna Brilliant works for McGuire Woods Consulting while attending George Mason Law School...James Bullard is with Henrico County DA’s office...Chris Burdette is working towards his PhD at UVA...Forest Christian after graduating from UVA Law, is serving as a law clerk for U.S. District Judge Bernice Bouie Donald and has recently accepted a position as an attorney with the Department of Justice’s Honor Program...Peter Coyne is with Mellon Ventures in Los Angeles... Melssia Eliff completed her MS in Planning from Florida State in 1998 and works as a Community Planner for Hillsborough County FL... Sarita (Talwar) Finnie (IR) finished UVA business school, has married and is with Honeywell in Minneapolis... Kyra Grundeman attends George Mason Law School...Kathryn Harness (PP) is a third year associate at Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue in NYC...Scott Hodgdon received an M.A. in Philosophy from Johns Hopkins and is at UVA School of Law...Jessica Jacobson (IR) is working towards her Masters in Public Affairs in International Development at Princeton...John Kauffman is working for a law firm in Seattle...Clarence Long IV is a law clerk for the United States Securities and Exchange Commission...Rachel MacCleery got her MA in urban planning at Princeton and works for DC city government...Mark McLaughlin (IR) is with White, Case law firm in DC...Annie Mitchell attends George Mason Law School...Jonelle Ocloo just graduated from law school and is now working with Advocates International ...Claire (O’Grince) Gardner got her MA in political science from Columbia and lives in Hawaii...Matt Siano practices securities law in NYC and got In Memoriam Michael Edwards & Jim Reilly Lost on September 11 Two graduates of the Department were among the thousands killed in New York in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Michael Edwards (known by his middle name Hardy to good friends) was a New Jersey native. At the College he was a member of Pi Lam and got his BA in Government in 1990. He and his wife Jackie were to celebrate their fifth anniversary on September 14. He worked for Sandler O’Neill and Partners on the 104th floor of Two World Trade Center. Native New Yorker Jim Reilly was the youngest of five and followed brother Tom to the College, where he was active in Pika. After graduating in 1998 he worked for Republic National Bank and then as a bond trader at Keefe, Bruyette, & Woods on the 89th floor of Two World Trade. Over 850 people attended his memorial mass in October and over 100 fraternity brothers devoted the Spring 2002 Wiffleball tournament to his memory. The Alumni Society has a fuller memorial to all former College students killed on September 11: alumni/memorial/memoriam.htm#ed In addition, the College has set up two memorial funds specifically in their memory. Contribution checks should be made out to: The Endowment Association of the College of William and Mary (specify on the check whether it is for the James B. Reilly Scholarship Fund or the Michael H. Edwards Scholarship Fund). Checks should be sent to: Michael Edwards Jim Reilly The Development Office The College of William and Mary P.O. Box 8795 Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 married earlier this year...Noelle Straub is the Senate reporter for The Hill newspaper in Washington, DC . . .Anne (Tarbox) Hall teaches in San Francisco and married Charlie Hall in October...Russell Taylor is at grad school in Music management at NYU...Brett Thompson has taken a year’s leave from his law firm to head up issue research for Missouri Senate candidate James Talent...Robert “Bobbin” Tuleya is an attorney with the SEC in DC...Greg Werkheiser is with the law firm Piper, Marbury and directs the Virginia Citizenship Institute...Kelly (Womble) Winn teaches art at Churchill Road Elementary in Fairfax County while working towards her second MA...Robert Wone is with the DC law firm Covington and Burling. CLASS OF 1997: Rebecca Alves is a first year associate at Gibson, Dunn law firm in LA’s Orange County office....Dani Barbour teaches in the DC area....Jen Bennett works for Accenture Consulting in DC...Jeff Boyer (PP) is living in Hampton, Virginia...Kira (Companion) Stewart is a Community Specialist for Raleigh’s Community Services Department...Andrew Foos works for the Public Affairs Council...Matthew Fogelson is at the University of Maryland Law School...Tim Garnett is at DFI, a DC defense and business consultancy...Alex Gibby coaches track at Stephen F. Austin University in Texas...Janet Glover is in Kenya with Catholic Relief Services (and learning Swahili)...Aaron Goldsmith is an attorney with Bracewell &Patterson...Sarah Hall got her law degree from GWU and is practicing law with Coudert Brothers in Washington, DC ...Khang Hiu graduated from Carnegie Mellon’s MBA Program and is a management consultant for KPMG...Karen Jupiter does development work for the Museum of Science in Boston...Sarah Karwan is clerking in federal court for the Chief Judge of the District of Connecticut...Synta Keeling works for BETAH Associates, Inc., which specializes in minority health issues...Eric Kross entered the Marine Corps Officer Candidate School in spring 2002 ....Matt Lyon is with the US Department of Health & Human Services....Caroline Mueller (IR) works for Nextel in DC...Nisha Narayan (IR) is with the American Association for the Advancement of Science in DC...Jennifer Otterbein is working with a high school youth group and looking into teaching....Steve Rodger graduated from Vanderbilt Law...Lauren Schmidt is with DC’s Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm...Matthew Scheiffer is a Caption in the United States Army...Jane Sibley works for Red Cross focusing on distaster mitigation...Matt Snow is at UR Law School...Richard Sulik lives and works on the Is- A LUMNI N OTES land of Oahu, Hawaii...Dharmesh Vashee after graduating from the University of Richmond’s Law school, is working as a law clerk for Judge Douglas Tice in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Richmond ...Miguel Villarreal is with NYC’s Cahill, Gordon...Jamie Wallis works for Shnken Advertising in NYC and is also an entertainment correspondent for AP..Tim Witcher is with in Atlanta..Mikhail Zeldovich got his MA at Tufts’ Fletcher School and Harvard law degree in June, and works for DC-based law firm Dewey Ballantine, after a brief stint in Kazakhstan for the International Center for Non-Profit Law. CLASS OF 1998: Emily (Adams) Korff (IR) works for the American International Health Alliance and travels frequently to the former Soviet Union ...Kendrick Ashton (IR) is doing a joint JD/MBA at the University of Chicago...Rebecca Asta graduated from Tulane law...Chad Carr teaches at Balboa Secondary School in San Diego...Catherine Carroll is pursuing a JD/PhD at University of Michigan...Charlotte Chang (PP) works as a researcher for Barents Group of KPMG Consulting, Inc....Peter Clark (IR) is spending a year in Columbia as a human rights monitor with Peace Brigades International...Erin Clarke is an editor with Random House....Brian Cohrs was commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the USMC and is in Fort Sill, OK for the Artillery Officer’s Basic Course...Brent Colburn is a Regional Political Director of the Democratic Leadership Council in DC...Greg Cota works for Senator Pat Leahy on the Senate Judiciary Committee...Alexis Cox works as a production assistant and intern coordinator for the “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer” . . .Peter Coyne works on Long-Term Growth and IT Services opportunities at Mellon Ventures in LA ...Andrew Dickson (IR) will be in Taiwan for the next few years with the Foreign Service finishing his tour in Damascus...Mike Diserio is with CSPAN in DC...Toan Do is with the Army in Friedberg, Germany...Ryan Dolibois is at YES college preparatory school in Houston...Brian Elliff co- founded Guava Interactive web design firm...T.J. Fitzgerald is pursuing a PhD in Middle East History at Harvard University...John Greenwood (IR) begins the Fletcher School MA program in international affairs this fall...Matt Guiney is at Georgetown law school...Rian (Harker) Harris is finishing up her post with the political section of the US Embassy in Guatemala...Ian Hart (PP) is the Webmaster at the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston...Henry Johnson graduated from Tulane Law in 2001 and is now an Assistant Attorney General of Alabama...Kermit Kaleba is at W&M law...Joey Ladymon finished his MA in Defense and Strategic Studies at Southwest Missouri State University...Becky Layde (IR) is doing an MA in international studies at Georgetown...Jennifer Lieb is at the London School of Economics and has been accepted to Princeton’s PhD program...Angelique Lenoir is working for the City of Hampton as a Neighborhood Grant Administrator...Grace Lessner works for Sequential Information Management & Publications as a records management and archives consultant specializing in government records... Matt Long does governmental relations with the American Council on Education in DC...Dave Loewenstein is with Accenture in DC...Tony Marques is studying for the priesthood at Catholic University’s Seminary in DC...Nicole Maroulakos is a litigation associate with Dewey Ballantine LLP in New York....Mara (Pressman) Surridge is a 6th grade teacher in Fairfax County. She was recently certified as a clinical faculty member with George Mason University...Jennifer Reznik completed an MA in London and is with Illuminations Television...Claire Rice (PP) is with Accenture Consulting in DC...Pat Rooney is at the Department of Energy...Carolyn Ruff works for Gannett, publishers of USA Today...Lori Sandler is teaching high school in Brooklyn...Sean Savage has left J.P. Morgan to start an international affairs MA at Johns Hopkins SAIS...Rachel Seher is pursuing a PhD in Political Science at Yale...Lee Shaw is with the Washington Hospital Center...Joe Sheerin is with McGuire, Woods in Richmond...Erin Shy is with Accenture in DC...Abigal Sines (IR) got her MA in Asian Studies from Hawaii and is now a program assistant at the East-West Center in Honolulu....Brett Tillett recently married Rebecca Nemerow (‘99) and is doing an MA in special education...Jason Torchinsky is with the Department of Justice....James Treglio is at USD law school and is a Democratic Party Activist...Geoff Waguespack is at Loyal University law school in Chicago ...Lori (Wentsel) Blinde is doing advanced grad work at UCLA ...Christy Wetzel is at Duke Law...Leighanne (Wright) Erickson teaches in Port Angeles WA...Jim Zucker has finished his stint with the Army and will do Teach for America this year in Houston... CLASS OF 1999: Brennan Bolt is in law school at University of Georgia and clerked this summer at McGuire Woods..Heath Bradford starts UR law school this fall...Kieran Brenner spent this year working with the Economist in Shanghai...Reagan Clyne works for SRA International, Inc., a Northern VA information technology firm, and is also an EMT with the Annadale Volunteer Fire Department...Brian Cohrs is with the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton CA...Jill Crissman (IS) is with the National Association of Retired Federal Employees and is doing an MA at GWU...Sebastian Csaki (IS) is doing his PhD at Cambridge....Chris DeMuth is an analyst at DC’s Swindler, Berlin...Allison Foley is a first year law student at Suffolk University in Boston...Jeff Geiger worked on on Tim Kaine’s race for VA lieutenant governor....Mindy Gill is currently enrolled in George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs...Jack Jebo is at UR Law School and got married in May...Brett Keener works as a financial analyst at CFS Associates in Paramus, NJ...Matt Larsen is working towards his MA in Church-State studies at Baylor...Brooke Livingston is with the Senate Appropriations Committee staff...Susann Miller started her own political consulting firm in Washington, DC...Wendy Oleson (IR) is with the US Army at Fort Benning..Oz Parvaiz is with Capital One in Richmond....Lori Pound is a third year student at University of Richmond Law School...Jess Powley is the DC representative of the Marwood Group, a political consultancy and starts Georgetown Law School this fall...Kristen Rhode (IR) is doing her MA at the London School of Economics...Wilson Rickerson spent 2001-2002 at the German Parliament....Grainne Sibley is with the National Imagery and Mapping Agency..After completing his Masters in Public Policy at the College, Aaron Rosenberg is with the Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration n DC...Tim Sprinkle (IS) works for an education association in DC and teaches part-time... Franz Steinherr is a law student at the University of Oxford and works for a British member of Parliament...Alicia Tio-Messina is a consultant with Arthur Andersen’s Office of Government Services in ...Mary Ellen Tsekos is with Peacechild, a youth-led sustainable action development program....Whitney Untiedt is a magazine journalist ... Sara Yun is a Masters candidate at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University...Steven Ziehm (IS) works at International Business-Government Counselors in DC. CLASS OF 2000: Shanan Alper is with Arthur Andersen consultancy in DC...Jennifer Attrep is a researcher at the Federal Reserve..Alicia Boyd (IS) is at GWU grad school...Ryan Casey is in the Peace Corps and will be teaching English in Russia...Alicia Carbaugh has been with the health care section of Edelman Public Relations...Kelley (Cawthorne) Shreffler is with Baker and Daniels in DC...Andrea Coleman is at Washington & Lee law school...Mardi Conduit is finishing her law work at Adelaide University in Australia...Susan Crane married Donovan Maust and is starting a Fulbright in Sydney Australia this fall...Tim Csontos is with a DC computer company...John Dane works for Branch Banking & Trust in Richmond...Billy Day is with the Hampton Road Daily Press...Chris Donald teaches at Norfolk Academy...Jim Finn starts UNC law school this fall....Will Gomaa is with a DC tax policy advisory group ..Tamara Greene is with the National Imagery and Mapping Agency in DC...Jennifer Hamilton (IS) is a research assistant for Senator Joseph Lieberman’s Governmental Affairs Committee Staff...Betsy Haws is with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in DC....Paul Helms is studying law at Vanderbilt....Rebecca Herbig is a law student at T.C. Williams School of law...Marcus Hicks is studying law at Seton Hall...Tim Hudson is at Duke law school...Elizabeth Jones works for CQ Press in Washington, DC...Suzanne Keller is working for AmeriSpan Unlimited in Philadelphia...Katy Knapp is with J.P. Morgan Chase in NYC....Jennifer Kretschmann is studying law at Tulane...Brooke Leyerle (IS) is at Wisconsin veterinary school...Dan Maloney is with Arthur Andersen in DC.. Mark McNeely is with Washington Management Group, a consulting firm specializing in government contracting...David Miscia is at Duke law school...Amy Napier is studying law at UVA...After finishing with Americorps, Peter Nevin worked for the Salt Lake Olympics, is with the marketing at Nantucket Nectars in San Francisco, and planned a coast-to-coast bike tour in summer 2002.....Gabe Parker works in the commercial fishing industry in MA...Jeff Palmore works for Congressman Ed Schrock...Marsh Pattie is pursuing an M.Ed. In Student Affairs Practice in Higher Education at UVA. She is an assistant in the Office of the Dean of Students/Fraternity and Sorority Lifedoing a Masters in Higher Ed at UVA....David Plummer is with the National Imag- A LUMNI N OTES ery and Mapping Agency...Neela Rathinasamy is a Team Leader for Americorps in South Carolina....Patricia Ripley is a Research Assistant at the American Institutes for Research in Washington, DC...Mike School is with Capital One in Richmond and doing an MA in Education at the College...Andrew Sedaca is working for First Union National Bank as a Website Strategist...Phil Shaw is with the National Imagery and Mapping Agency ...Corinne Shirley is at Vanderbilt law school....Amandeep Sidhu is a consultant for the Federal Defense Group American Management Sustems, Inc ...Demian Smith is with the Atlantic Council, a non-profit foreign policy thinktank... Megan Tapper works for Congressman Ed Schrock....Marc Wear is at a legislative monitoring and issue management firm in DC ...Parker Wertz is a paralegal in NYC ...Brandon West is in Army Officer Candidate School...Glen Westerback is at Cornell law school...Drew Whelan is at Villanova law school...Mike Woodlief works in the entertainment industry in LA ...Tom Yehl is with a Vienna VA youth ministry...Nick Zweck is an associate to a federal court judge in Adelaide Australia. CLASS OF 2001 Kelli Alces starts at University of Illinois law school this fall...Alex Crawford-Batt is working for the Department of Defense...John Broome is with Accenture in DC...Anne Coleman (IR) spent the last year at the European University in Bruges Belgium and is joining the Foreign Service...Sarah Combs is with Anderson Consulting and recently married Raymond Clore III (‘00)...Kevin Croke works for the Democratic Leadership Council and Progressive Policy Institute in DC ...Lauren Dawson is with Anderson Consulting in DC...Becky Di Muro is at Case Western law...Ryan Done is at the University of Utah Law School...Dan Ehlke is doing a PhD in political science at Brown...Jesse Emch is with the Close Up Foundation and getting an M.Ed...Vicky Gaffney is at Accenture in DC...Erica Godwin is at Catholic University law..Christina Hall has been working for the poor in the Dominican Republic....Noe Hatchuel is doing an MA in international affairs at UVA...Marcus Hill is at Wake Forest law school ...Christine Ho is at UR Law School...Yuri Horwitz worked for the USGS in DC and has now moved to San Francisco GMU...Jamie Jacobsen is attending grad school in Education at the College...Will Karangelen starts UR Law School this fall...Laura Keehner is with DC’s American Enterprise Institute..Anjali Kharod is at Villanova law school...Tariq Louka is at W&M law school...Joe Mejstrik is with Accenture in DC...Sean Michaels is in the College’s Public Policy MA program and interned at the US Embassy in the UK this summer..Lauren Morgan is at UVA Law School...Anneliese Munczinski is at Tulane Law School...Art Neill works for the Maryland Democratic Party...Mayur Patel (IR, PP) is working towards his J.D./L.L.M. in international law at Duke Law School...Marie Lovern is with Accenture in DC..Cheryl Malacane is a law student at the Catholic University of America...Tony Murray is with the Army in Germany...Mayur Patel is at Duke law school...David Redavid worked as a legal assistant at NYC’s Curvath, Swane in 2001- 2002...Jon Schenina is attending graduate school at Harvard University..Dan Schy spent 2001-2002 as the College’s guest tutor at Britain’s Greenwich Royal Hospital School and starts UR Law School this fall...Tracy Selmer works as a staff assistant for a member of the Fair fax County Board of Supervisors...Simran Singh (IR) is at University of Miami law school...Jessica Steinberg teaches Latin at a Florida private school…Steve Strosnider starts UVA law this fall...IV Tench has been working at DC’s Brookings Institution..Lt. Greg Tomlin is with the US Army in Germany...Phi Wiseberg is a Legal Assistant in Washington, DC at Jenner & Block. MASTERS PROGRAM ALUMNI NOTES R ahul Bhagat ‘88 is with ANZ Bank in Calcutta...Marsha Brandstedt works for the Cleveland World Trade Organization...Clarke Cagey BA ‘93/MA ‘94 is with the US Department of Health and Human Services...Alan Calandro ‘89 works for the nonpartisan fiscal office for the CT legislature...Ted Carmines ‘72 teaches political science at Indiana University...Ben Cooper ‘74 is Senior VP for government liaison with the Printing Industries of America in Alexandria, VA....Katherine Darke BA ‘92/MA ‘93 (Public Policy) is Program Manager at the National Institute of Justice Office of Research and Evaluation, Violence and Victimization Division, Department of Justice...John Dedrick BA ‘86/MA ‘88 directs research at the Kettering Foundation in Dayton...Mike DeWitt ‘83 teaches and coaches at D.D. Hylton High School in Woodbridge, VA...Darby Dickerson BA ‘84/MA ‘85 is an Associate Professor at Stetson University College of Law in FL...Dan Dowd is studying for his Ph.D. in political science at Yale...Paul Duckenfeld ‘95 is with the National Imagery and Mapping Agency in DC...Cathy Dunn ‘79 lives in Mystic CT, and is National Account Manager for Hubbell Premise Wiring...Paul Gough ‘80 is the director of South Dakota’s Board of Regents...Bob Graboyes ‘82 got his Economics PhD from Columbia and teaches at UR and VCU...Michael Gresalfi ‘81 is at Lockheed-Martin Corp. and also an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins...David Hawkins BA ‘92/MA ‘94 is Director of Government Relations at the National Association for College Admission Counseling in DC...Myriam Fizazi-Hawkins BA ‘92/MA ‘94 works for America- Middle East Educational and Training Services...William Allen Hazelton ‘70 teaches political science at Miami University in OH and directs its international studies program...Donald Hilbert ‘74 is with the US Army in DC...Jonathan Kajeckas BA ‘89/MA ‘94 works for the County of Sonoma CA...Steve Lafalce ‘91 works at the Advisory Board in DC...Grace Lessner ‘98 is with the Virginia State Library...Chris Liptak ‘97 is US naval attache at the Embassy in Rome...Steve Lobb BA ‘94/MA ‘95 is doing his Ph.D. in political science at Yale...Chris Maloney ‘90 is at Woods Academy in Bethesda, MD...Rob Martin ‘95 is in UVAº’s Ph.D. program...Laura (Meredith) Meitland ‘93 lives in St. Louis...David Melding ‘89 lives in Cardiff, and is a Conservative member of the Welsh Assembly...Shari Mortimer ‘92 is finishing her Ph.D. in political science at UVA...Alexander Monroe ‘69 is Richmond City Records Manager and a naval reserve officer..Lee Mumpower ‘78 is Director of Instructional Services at Chattahooche Technical Institute in Mariette GA...Paulette Parker BA ‘92/MA ‘95 works for a Williamsburg- area software firm...John Pierpan ‘96 is at UVA law school...Jay Price ‘92 teaches public history at Wichita State...Ken Rosenfeld ‘96 worked in Fairfax, VA local government, appeared in West Wing and is now in East Europe...John Rothget ‘72 is Paul Rejai Professor of Political Science at Miami of Ohio...Carmine Scavo teaches at East Carolina University...Alaka Singh ‘92 received her Ph.D. from Cambridge in development economics...Chris Tanner ‘92 is a lawyer in NC...Mike Tierney BA ‘87/ MA ‘88 teaches here in the Department...John Tinkham ‘71 is busy with the World Affairs Council and the Virginia Social Sciences Association in Virginia Beach...Jim Toner ‘73 is a professor of international relations and military ethics at the U.S. Air War College in Alabama...Heather (Lehr) Wagner ‘89 is publishing a book series on the creation of the modern Middle East...Jacqui (Mart) Walpole ‘86 lives in DC’s Maryland suburbs and is a public spokesperson for home-schooling...Andy Waters BA ‘81/MA ‘82 is an attorney in Houston...Diana (Burghard) West ‘95 is working for the National Journal’s Cloakroom Evangelist...Bill Whitley BA ‘76/MA’78 is Gloucester VA county manager...Ridgeway Wise ‘95 is with the Foreign Service. Morton crackmograph Morton Update As most of those who spent their four years within these walls know, Morton is not all it’s cracked up to be, but now we have proof. Enterprising Department staffers Valerie Trovato and Barbara Finocchio documented the gradual collapse of the building’s walls in a photo essay (one example below). As can be detected in the picture, Facilities Management is closely monitoring the situation with well-placed crackmographs. Each semester they send a wall expert over to check the progress of decay and he confirms that (pardon the complicated technical jargon here), “Yep, your cracks are gettin bigger.” But for those of you already caught up in the hoopla of Morton’s approaching 30th Jubilee in 2003 (much like the pre-Millenium buildup), never fear: top people are said to be working on this problem, and we are assured that the building will still be standing well into its fourth decade.... Class of 2002: The photo makes this scene appear more orderly than it was Awards 2001-2002 Senior Honors Theses 2001-2002 Jessica Trojak won the Department’s Warner Moss prize for the outstanding thesis; her project dealt with the question of the conditions under which countries join international organizations in order to slow cooperation, using Britain’s role in the European Union as an example. Both Jessica and Michael Cutrone earned Highest Honors, a very rare occurrence in the Department. Jennifer Korth (Lewis) The Rule of Nine: Attitudes of Supreme Court Justices Thanks to the generosity of Annabelle Koenig-Niimo and the late Laurie Johnston, the Department is able to honor a student with outstanding potential for a foreign service career. This year the award was shared by Paul Grieco and Channing Rich. Michael Cutrone (Evans) Parties, Pivots, and the Patient’s Bill of Rights Those chosen for Phi Beta Kappa in 2001-2002 included Government majors Doug Bunch (who was also honored at Commencement with the Carr Cup for outstanding all-around student), Dan Fine, Liz Grimm, Chris Mooney, Maggie Newland, Scott O’Brien, Channing Rich, Lauren Schantz and Jessica Trojak, along with International Studies concentrator Paul Grieco. Jonathan Strausberg (Rapoport) Unraveling the Jewish-Democratic Alliance: the Power of Group Identification on Political Perception This year’s student Commencement speaker, Alex Pyke, was a Government concentrator. (International Studies) Finally, the Department nominates one student each year to an exchange program to teach at the Royal Hospital School in Ipswich, England. This year’s choice was Jesse Knight. Steve Langan (Gilmour) Predicting the Type of Banking Reform from Theory: 1920 Through 2000. Jessica Trojak (Clemens) Inhibitory Cooperation: Britain in the European Union Theresa Barbadoro (Howard) Public Education Inequality: Can Knowledge Make the Difference? Meg Ehrie (Tierney) An Explanation for Kuwait’s Lack of Democracy: a Synthesis of the Rentier State and Informal Politics Theories Stephanie Cervantes (Mitchell Reiss) Strategic Implications of US Theater Missile Defense in East Asia Melissa Shoemaker (Katherine Rahman) Reconstruction of Bosnian Society After the Conflict Bloopers, cont. I n what we can only attribute to the high quality of teaching in our Department, we have far fewer student bloopers to report this year (though granted a number that we found simply can not be reprinted because this is, after all, a family publication). Nonetheless, our students did not totally disappoint us. In ruminating about domestic politics, one declared that the US electoral system penalizes small parties “because they come from small areas” (Ross Perot call your office). With the Mideast on everyone’s mind this year, one student traced the crisis back to the late 1940s, when the newly-created state of Israel was “infantile.” Now, of course, according to some of his classmates, the US fears getting “boggled down” in a new conflict in that region, though—never fear–the Pentagon has conducted a “bottoms up” review of military readiness to ensure that it can handle “rouge regimes” like that of Saddam Hussein. On a loftier plane, another undergrad concluded that concepts like the balance of power make sense “in time of war when the support of all nations is easier to garnish” (with a little parsley on the side, perhaps?) At the same time, one should not forget that “Terrorism can be used to ferment a revolution” (and presumably give it a bit of a kick?) Still, whatever bloopers our students commit, it is not for lack of attentiveness–something that may be a bigger problem in other departments: for example, one colleague from English reported this spring that when a student’s cell phone rang in the middle of a seminar, she picked it up and audibly told her caller “Can’t talk long—I’m in class.” Thanks Several Government folks helped with this year’s Update: Chair John McGlennon; Professors Chris Howard and Sue Peterson; Office Manager Valerie Travato; Secretaries Tess Owens and Barbara Finocchio; and student assistants Amanda Potter, Johnelle Hinkle, Kristin Monaco and Meredith Viens. We are also very grateful to the Publications Office–Cindy Baker, graphic designer Sylvia Colston, photographer Jim Gleason, and Public Relations Assistant Teri Edmundson. Finally, our gratitude to Betsy Quinzio, Director of Alumni Records; William and Mary News editor Jackson Sasser; and Charles Center Associate Director Lisa Grimes, the Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy and the Reves Center for International Studies. Clay Clemens, Editor. PHONE 1-3024 1-3025 1-3041 1-3032 1-3027 1-3028 1-3035 1-3030 1-2391 1-3085 1-3031 1-7553 1-3026 1-3045 1-3087 1-3034 1-3035 1-3045 1-3036 1-3038 1-3040 1-3042 1-2460 1-3040 1-3039 1-3021 E-MAIL Government Department Alumni Information Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on your whereabouts and activities! Last Name: Previous Last Name (if applicable): First Name: Graduation Year: Degree (BA, MA): Concentration(s)*: *if other than Govetnment Permanent Email Address: Permanent Mailing Address*: *only insert if you are not currently on the College Alumni Society mailing list, e.g. if you have not been receiving the Alumni Society mailings and/or our alumni newsletter, Government Update Current Employment /Activities (for Government Update): News for Government Update: Other Message/Information (not for Government Update): Use this convenient form to update us: just go to the Department website at and click on Alumni The College of William and Mary Government Department [Newsletter] P.O. Box 8795 Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 NAME Baxter, Donald Bill, James Blouet, Brian Cheng, T.J. Clemens, Clay Dessler, David Edwards, Jack Evans, Larry Fritts, Robert Gilmour, John Grayson, George Hart, Sophia Howard, Chris Khadiagala, Lynn Lester, Emile McGlennon, John, Chair Morrow, William Ndegwa, Stephen Peterson, Susan Pickering, Paula Rahman, Katherine Rapoport, Ronald Schwartz, Joel Smith, Roger Tierney, Michael Ward, Alan Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Williamsburg Virginia Permit No. 26