“Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics In this article we shall examine four different experiments under the title “Experiments in Modern Physics”. These experiments include variations on historical and famous ones, which date to the beginning of the twentieth century, and which paved the way to the development of physics as we know it today. Some of the names involved are those of Einstein, Franck and Hertz, Compton, and lastly a plethora of physicists who came up with the underlying theory which brought to the experiment in thermionic emission. Ultimately the four experiments discussed bellow are separate, yet they all lead to one coherent conclusion: quantum theory and the theory of (special) relativity. Authored by J. Shapiro and J. Zuta, instructed by Mr. Itay Asulin. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Science, Racah Institute of Physics, Jerusalem 91904, Israel. I. INTRODUCTION It was a cloud of uncertainty that hogged around the subject of light and its characteristics during the merry years of the beginning of the twentieth century. A staggering amount of empirical evidence started to accumalate, most of which didn’t fit together very well. I. I. Photoelectric Effect It appeared that if one was to expose a metallic surface to electromagnetic radiation of sufficient frequency, electrons would be emitted. It has been suggested that light comes in quantas which will be referred to as photons. Thus, the energy of a photon “colliding” with an electron may then be absorbed by the electron in terms of the electron’s kinetic energy. If the electromagnetic radiation (that is, the photons carrying it) is below a certain threshold of frequency, then electrons would not be emitted from the metallic surface. This is explained by the fact that it takes a certain amount of energy to make the electron escape from the material, this amount of energy will be referred to as the Work Function. Thus by conservation of energy, we arrive at the notion that the maximal kinetic energy of the electron after emission (denoted by E k ) from the material, would be the energy carried by the photon (denoted by hν , where h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of the photon) minus the energy it took to escape from the material (denoted by φ ), or mathematically E k = hν − φ . (1) The fact that the photons’ energy is hν may appear like black magic here, but in fact it is rather conspicuous once one considers the relativistic energy of a particle, given by E = m2c4 + p 2c2 . (2) It would be easy to think of a photon as having a mass of zero quantity, which means its energy is simply E = pc , where p, the momentum (of a massless object such as the photon) is given by p= h λ = hν . c (3) 1 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics From here it easy to see how the energy of the photon is indeed hν . This effect of electrons being emitted from a material upon being radiated by electromagnetic energy of sufficient frequency is named the Photoelectric effect, and had been mathematically explained by Einstein1. Studying the phenomenon usuallly involves taking a tube of vacuum which has an anode and a cathode in it and radiating it with electromagnetic energy of different frequencies and intensities. The radiation is directed at the cathode, which hopefullly will result in electrons being emitted from it with kinetic energy towards the anode – that is, current in the tube. The two ends of the tube are then connected to an electric circuit in which a voltage is applied in order to prevent current from passing in the tube. The voltage that has to be applied is usually denoted by Vstop . The electric-energy an electron obtains within an electric field may be formulated in terms of its charge multiplied by the potential difference which is the voltage. Thus we arrive with the relation Vstop = h φ ⋅ν − . e e (4) I. II. Compton’s Scattering Another interesting effect, named the Compton (see FIG. 5.) scattering, deals with photons interacting with electrons in a material, which results in an increase in wavelength to the photons. The amount the wavelength increases by is named the “Compton shift”. One may think of the photons with energy hν as colliding with electrons which are at rest during the collision. That is, the electrons’ initial energy is simply mc 2 . By applying the laws of conservation of energy and those of momentum (to two perpendicular axes separately), one may derive the amount of shifted wavelength in electromagnetic radiation: λ ′ − λ = h m c [1 − cos(θ )] , (5a) e where λ is the original incident wavelength, λ ′ is the shifted wavelength, and θ is angle of scattering. In our experiment we mainly deal with scattering angle of 180° . Thus we may already derive a formula for the shifted frequency: ν '= ν 2h 1+ ⋅ν me ⋅ c 2 . (5b) I. II III. The FranckFranck-Hertz Experiment The Franck-Hertz (see FIG. 4.) experiment confirmed Bohr's quantized model of the atom by demonstrating that atoms could indeed only absorb (and be excited by) specific amounts of energy (quanta). In this experiment, we deal with a tube which has an anode and a cathode again. However, this time, the tube will not be evacuated, but rather will contain a certain substance of which atoms are to be excited. Such substance could be mercury. In addition to the two electrodes in the two ends of the tube, there are two more grids - penetrable to electrons - one near 1 Einstein’s image will not be brought here due to its familiarity. 2 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics the cathode and one near the anode. The first grid, near the cathode, is held at a higher potential than the cathode. The second grid is held at the same potential as the first one, but is slightly more negative than the anode. In the experiment, we connect the two ends of the tube to an electrical circuit. We gradually increase the potential between the cathode and the first grid, which tears electrons away from the cathode and accelerates them toward the first grid. Once the electrons have passed the first grid, they “feel” zero electric field; however, they have kinetic energy with velocity directed at the second grid. As they pass through the tube between the first and second grid, they collide with mercury atoms. It appears that these collisions can be either elastic (energy conserving), or plastic. In the elastic collisions, the mass of the electron is negligible compared to that of the mercury atom – hence it loses negligible amount of kinetic energy, and continues on its path toward the second grid. However, inelastic collision may take place, if the electron has sufficient amount of kinetic energy, an amount equal to 4.9eV (for mercury). With that kinetic energy, the mercury atom absorbs all of the electron’s energy and becomes energetically excited. After such collision, the electron remains with almost zero kinetic energy, and has trouble reaching to the second grid and thus to the anode. Even if the electron has some amount of remaining kinetic energy after the collision, it will be decelerated upon arriving to the second grid. Thus only electrons which did not collide at all are prone to actually reach the anode. If one was to plot the potential between the cathode and the first grid (This difference will be denoted by Vaccel . ) versus the current in the tube, it would come clear that the current rises as Vaccel . does , however, within 4.9 V intervals, there are sudden drops in which there is almost no current at all, and then as Vaccel . grows bigger, we see current again (see FIG. 17. (d)). This experiment shows how the mercury atoms may only be excited by specific amount of energy, no more and no less. Of course collisions of second-order may take place, that is, an electron colliding with an already-excited mercury atom. However, such second-order effects will be overlooked in our analysis, as they are much less probable to take place. It is also possible to extract the CPD2 (Contact Potential Difference) value for the cathode and the anode from the “ Vaccel . versus current” graph. The CPD is the difference, in terms of energy, between an electron which occupies a place in the cathode and one which resides in the anode. This difference is generated by the two being connected in an electrical circuit (by wires). If we bear in mind that it takes 4.9eV to excite a mercury atom, we can take the voltage value of the first drop in the “ Vaccel . versus current” graph, and subtract 4.9eV of it. That subtraction result is going to be the energy it took to move an electron from the cathode to the anode, which is exactly the requested CPD value. Another manipulation with the Franck-Hertz experiment is to heat the cathode and see what happens to the “ Vaccel . versus current” graph. We should expect that as we heat the cathode, the mercury gas gets denser within the tube, and it is more likely for atoms to collide with it. Thus, the hotter the tube is, the better picture we shall see. Finally we can use the same setup in order to measure what is the ionization potential for mercury. For that, we merely have to reverse the voltage of the grids and see in which voltage there is a jump in the current. When suddenly 2 The actual components of the energy being measured include Fermi’s energy, the metal’s work function – not only the CPD. 3 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics there is current, it means mercury atoms have become ionized by electrons which have collided with them, and now the positive ions of the mercury are the current carriers. I. IV. IV. Thermionic Emission The last experiment to be discussed in this article is the thermionic emission experiment. Again we take an evacuated tube3, in which we heat the cathode, which provides the electrons within it with sufficient energy to overcome the cathode’s work function. Thus a cloud of electrons is generated near the cathode. By connecting the two ends of the tube to an electrical circuit with a source, we create potential difference between the cathode and the anode which in turn drives the cloud of the electrons toward the anode, and generates current in the electrical circuit. One would expect that the bigger difference there is in potential between the cathode and the anode, the higher the measured current will be in the circuit. However, a simple relationship (such as Ohm’s law) of I ∝ V cannot exist in the system since a cloud of electrons already occupies the tube and creates shielding. So, we use the Child-Langmuir Law, J = 2 ⋅ qe 1 ⋅ ⋅V 2 , 2 9 ⋅π ⋅ d me 3 (6) (where J is the absolute value of the current density in the diode, d is the distance between the two ends of the diode, V is the voltage between the two ends of the diode, and qe , me are the charge and mass of the electron) which provides the solution to the vacuum diode problem to conclude that the current will obey the following relationship: 3 2 (7) I ∝V . This, assuming that there are no collisions of electrons within the tube, and that the initial energy of the electrons is negligible, that is, all of the electrons’ kinetic energy comes from the potential difference. Additionally, it is also evident that there is a non-trivial relationship between the current in the tube and the temperature of the cathode. This relationship is given by the Richardson-Dushman Equation: φ − K B ⋅T 2 . Js = A⋅T ⋅ e (8) Here, J s is the absolute value of the current (the saturated current, that is, the current at very large potentials) density, T is the temperature of the cathode, A is Richardson’s constant, φ (the energy it takes to pull electrons out of it) is the work function of the cathode’s material, and K B is Boltzmann’s constant. Finally we shall try to reinforce the Stefan-Boltzmann law regarding radiation of energy from a black body. Stefan’s law postulates that (9) P = σ ⋅T 4 , 3 Unlike usually illustrated, our tube has cylindrical geometry which means more of the electrons that get emitted from the cathode actually reach the anode. A better geometry would’ve been a spherical one; however, such was not available to us at the lab. It appears that spherical diodes are quite expensive. 4 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics where P is power per unit of area, σ is the constant of proportionality, and T is the temperature. Since the tube is not a black-body, we have to add to it the energy it receives from its environment: I ⋅V 4 S (10) + σ ⋅ T0 ⋅ A , SC SC is the surface of the cathode, S A is the surface of the anode, and T0 is σ ⋅T 4 = where SC temperature of the environment. II. APPARATUS Most of the systems dealt with in this article are old. In fact, the brand name and model number have been mostly worn off from the relevant stickers. Thus it would be difficult to specify exactly what instruments we used in our exepriments. A qualitative description will follow however. II. I. Ph Photoelectric Effect Contrary to what was written in the preceding paragraph, the photoelectric system is actually rather modern. It is a “Pasco h/e Apparatus” (see FIG. 8). The light source used is a lamp of mercury. We use mercury because of its discrete spectrum, which allows us to isolate discrete light frequencies. Adjacent to the lamp is a diffraction grating. The grating is comprised of a grid of small slits which diffract the light from the lamp into a diffraction pattern, in which every wavelength has a maxima in a different angle, for a given order of maxima – much like a superprism (see FIG. 6). After passing the grating, we have a spectrum of light composed of five distinct frequency: 0.519, 0.549, 0.688, 0.741, and 0.82 – all in units of peta Hertz, each wavelength to be found in a different angle from the source. On the other hand, a compartment of the photoelectric tube is to be found. This compartment is comprised of a little hatch where light passes through, and on which filters can mount. In it, a tube with an anode and a cathode lies. The light from the hatch reaches the cathode. The tube itself has a small capacitance. The tube is connected to an electrical circuit, and as light charges the cathode, the capacitor becomes charged more until the voltage between the anode and cathode is stabalized. This voltage is Vstop discussed in Section I. I. The electrical circuit in the compartment also has a digital voltmeter which allows us to measure Vstop and a button to zero the charge on the capacitor upon necessity. Different filters are used to either purify the wavelength entering the tube, or manipulate the intensity of light. The digital voltmeter is attached to a computer which can plot a graph of the voltage on the tube versus time. II. II. Compton’s Scattering Here we use a Ge-Li detector (see FIG. 9.), attached to amplifiers, which are attached to a micro-ace computer (which sorts pulses to 2048 different channels). The basic function of this constellation is to specify how many electrons arrived at the detector and at what energies. On top of the detector, we put three different 5 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics sources of Gamma radiation (which basically emit high frequency photons). The three sources are 60 Co which emits two types of energies: 1.173 and 1.332 MeV, 137 Cs which emits 0.662 MeV, and lastly 241 Am which gives us 0.06 MeV. The detector is attached to a computer which can plot a histogram of the incidence of a given energy level. Additionally, we were provided with lead blocks and aluminum surfaces of various geometries to play with. II. II III. The FranckFranck-Hertz Experiment As mentioned in Section I. III., we use a tube filled with vapor of mercury in this experiment. This tube is heated with an oven to temperatures of up to 200 degrees Celcius. Additionally we also hook up a computer to voltmeters which provide us with readings on the voltage on the first grid and the current in the tube. See FIG. 19 for specific details of how the electrical circuit has been attached together. II. IV. Thermionic Emission The experiment in thermionic emission included an electrical circuit of a certain degree of complexity. It was comprised of a diode (an evacuated tube with a cathode and an anode, see FIG. 10.) connected to voltmeters (hooked up to a computer), resistors, and a power source. The tube was heated using a separate power source. The relationship (which was written on a piece of card-board lying around near the diode) between the voltage of the heating power source and the temperature of the diode is T ≈ 171.428 ⋅ °K ⋅Vsource + 1700° K . Volts (11) On a different piece of cardboard was written the length and diameter of the filament (a cylindrical cathode), equal to 1.4 centimeters (length) and 0.125 millimeters (diameter). The dimensions of the anode (which possessed cylindrical geometry as well) were no where to be found, and were thus left for our poor estimation. Our estimation was that the anode has the same length as the cathode (it wouldn’t make sense otherwise) and a diameter of approximately 6.9 millimeters (measured with a caliber, with an error of about 10%, see the discussion below for why the error on this value is so big). A solenoid was also at our disposal. III. PROCEDURE The four experiments spanned over the course of several sessions in the laboratory. First we would arrive and hold a Colloquium in which we’d discuss the various theoretical aspects of the experiments. Then we would conduct the different experiments. Everything went pretty smooth, except for the thermionic emission system which had gone bananas at us. Hence we had to wait for a couple of weeks for it to be fixed, and then retry the experiment, which fortunately went well in the end. III. II. I. Ph Photoelectric Effect 6 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics We measure the different stopping potential on the tube (by first zeroing the capacitor, using the built-in button, then releasing it and having the computer measure the stablized voltage) with various wavelengths at different intensities. First using no filter at all. By setting the photoelectric head (FIG. 7.) to different angles (FIG. 8.) we achieve different wavelengths. We also made a measurement with the light source turned off at all (expecting to capture the light of the room) and also one with a LED source which had been taken from one of our key-bundle (see FIG. 11). This LED source is said to potentially cause damage to the instruments (according to Mr. Samuel Rubinstein, one of the lab instructors), so we terminated that stage of experiment immediately after being given that information. Because that measurement was done last in order, there is no danger of it affecting the precedeeing ones. III. II. II. Compton’s Scattering After turning on the system (the computer, the detector, and its amplifiers), which had been set up for us prior to executing the experiment, we fetch a box of radioactive gamma sources and place them on top of the Ge-Li detector. We then capture a histogram with the computer of the amount of electrons that had been detected for each energy value. We put each source (of the three) alone and make a measurement. The next phase of the experiment is to put aluminum or lead between the sources and the detector and see what happens. III. II. II III. The FranckFranck-Hertz Experiment Again, the system has been hooked up for us and all we had to do was turn it on. After turning it on, we set the dial of the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and gradually changed the power source's voltage on grid 1 to higher potentials. This voltage was measured by an adjacent computer which also measured the current in the tube. After doing that for a given temperature, we gradually lowered the temperature of the oven and made the same measurements. Finally, we reversed the electrical circuit so that we could measure ionization potential of the mercury vapor. The reversed electrical circuit is illustrated in FIG. 20. III. III. IV. Thermionic Emission The thermionic emission experiment procedure is rather straight-forward. After having the system setup (this stage was done by the lab administrator), we turn the system on (mainly the power sources and the computer with the voltage sensors attached to it) and gradually shift the dial of the power source voltage from zero Volts all the way through to almost 30 Volts. Then we remain with a graph of power source voltage versus current in the diode (which is actually voltage on a resistor connected serially to it). We make this measurement for different temperatures. Setting the temperatures is done by shifting the dial of the separate temperature power source, from about 4 Volts, all the way up to 5.6 Volts. We also measure the current of the heating power source. Finally, as has been suggested by one of the lab administrators (Mr. Solomon something…), we took the solenoid, hooked it up to yet another power source (of 7 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics unmeasured voltage) and put it around the diode tube (see FIG. 12). measured what is the current in the tube with the computer. We then IV. DESIGN IV. IV. I. Ph Photoelectric Effect After measuring the stopping potential for the various wavelengths and intensities, we are left with an array of potential versus time graphs. The saturation of the potential signifies the stopping potential which we seek. We have six graphs for each wavelength (one with no filter at all, and five more for intensities of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% - we were expecting have the same result for no filter at all and a filter of 100%, of course) and five wavelengths all together, hence we remain with a total of 30 different graphs. IV. IV. II. Compton’s Scattering A histogram of energy level incidence exists for each gamma radiation source put on the detector, that is, three histograms. Additionally we also put shielding lead and aluminum blocks, which resulted in more histograms, all in all, 16 histograms. IV. IV. II III. The Franck Franck-Hertz Experiment For each temperature, we have a graph of the voltage on grid 1 versus the current in the tube. All in all we have four measurements. We also have a measurement of the grid's potential versus the current for the ionization potential experiment. IV. IV. IV. Thermionic Emission For each temperature, we have a graph of voltage of the power source, which is basically the voltage on the tube, versus the voltage on a resistor connected serially to the tube. The voltage on the resistor is analogous to the current in the tube by Ohm’s law. We made several measurements for each temperature with different resistors, and we also made measurements with different temperatures of the same resistor. For each measurement we also wrote down the current of the heat power source. A graph of Voltage on tube versus current in it exists for when we put a solenoid around the diode tube. V. RESULTS V. I. Ph Photoelectric Effect The results of our photoelectric experiment are shown in Table 1, FIG. 13, and FIG. 14. As can be seen from FIG. 14, the value we received for Planck's 8 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics h m 2 ⋅ kg . Using the value of the = (0.28161 ± 0.02876) ⋅10 -14 ⋅ e sec⋅ Coulomb m 2 ⋅ kg 5 electron's charge from literature4, we arrive at h = (4.5118 ± 0.4607 ) ⋅10 -34 ⋅ . sec constant is Additionally, in FIG. 15 are the results for the extraneous measurements we have made with natural light (that is, the mercury light turned off completely) and with a LED light (see FIG. 11). V. II. Compton’s Scattering The histogram for Cesium emission is shown on FIG. 25. We scaled the histogram so that the first peak would be where we said there would be emission, in section II. II. That means, 0.06MeV. Then we set out to find what were the other peaks which should be the Compton's scattering shift and a photoelectric effect of the second order. The second order means that after a photon collided with an electron and was shifted to some different wavelength, that photon would then collide with another electron, and pass all of its energy to the electron, in a process similar to the photoelectric effect. See Table 3 for our results. Then we shielded the Cesium (we took the Cesium and not the other materials because it had the brightest spectrum) with different widths of lead and perspecs and studied its spectrum. The results are shown in FIG. 28, 29 and 30. V. II III. The FranckFranck-Hertz Experiment The ionization potential measured for the mercury vapor located inside the tube in our experiment was approximately (this was estimated by eyes) 9.3 Volts. The value in the literature6 is 10.437 Volts. We then extracted from FIG. 17 the differences between two drops of current in the tube, in terms of potential on Grid 1. The results are shown in Table 2. V. IV. Thermionic Emission The measurements of the first phase of the experiment (Child-Langmuir Law) are shown in FIG. 21. Notice how the current doesn't really go like the voltage with a power of 1.5, but actually varies from 1.07 to 1.29, where the power rises as the heating potential rises. In FIG. 22. we have the results for the Richardson-Dushman part of the experiment, where we calculated A (Richardson’s constant), φ (The work function of the material), and K B (Boltzmann's constant). The value of A was found to be A = (161714.93133 ± 29915.44673) ⋅ 4 Ampere (see note 5). If we use the literary value m 2 ⋅ °K 2 1.60217646 × 10-19 Coulombs, taken from Google.com. It should be noted here that the uncertainty value given by the ± sign is by no means an error value. It is merely a statistical value of uncertainty given by the data analysis program which specifies what is the maximal and minimal values of the statistic for which we can get the same correlation value for the line. 6 Taken from http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/periodic/Hg.html. 5 9 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics of K B 7, we arrive at the work function for the cathode which we calculated to be: φ = (4.739± 0.044 ) ⋅ eV . The last phase of the experiment included the conservation of energy equation which stems from the Stefan Blotzman law (Equation 10). The results for this plot are shown in FIG. 23. From this graph we can extract the value of the constant of proportionality, which is Stefan's constant, σ . We received that σ ⋅ S C = (2.77 ± 0.0177 ) ⋅10 −13 ⋅ J . Using our poor estimation of the surface of the s ⋅ °K 4 cathode, II. from section σ = (5.03 ± 0.003) ⋅10 −8 ⋅ IV we arrive at the value of σ, J (see note 5). s ⋅ m ⋅ °K 4 2 Finally, look at FIG. 24 to witness how the current in the diode suddenly drops as we apply magnetic field in the direction of the filament's axis. VI. DISCUSSION VI. VI. I. Ph Photoelectric Effect A considerable deviation exists between the Planck constant we measured and the value from the literature8 ( ∆h ≈ 1.6475 ⋅10 -34 ⋅ m 2 ⋅ kg , where our value is the sec smaller one). This deviation cannot be explained by statistical uncertainty, thus, a technical explanation must be postulated. First, what if the wavelengths specified by the manufacturer (Pacson) of the apparatus are not really what they are? Let us recall that the wavelengths are determined by going to different angles from the lamp. Because a diffraction grating is put on the lamp (see FIG. 6) each wavelength's maximal value should be on a different angle. However, this might have changed with time as there might be fingerprints on the diffraction grating or perhaps the specific wavelength's maxima is indeed at the specified angle, but perhaps there were other wavelengths at this location which were neither in maximum nor in minimum. These considerations however are merely speculative. The major problem with our measurement would perhaps be the analysis of the capacitor's voltage versus time graph. In this graph we had to estimate what was the stable voltage to which the capacitor was charged to (see the black horizontal line in FIG 13). But this was done merely with our eyes and a mouse-pointer. This stage must've brought considerable error into the measurement. Each error in this estimation of the stopping potential is accumulative to the last graph from which we extract Planck's constant (FIG. 14). Lastly, from FIG. 14 we see that for the lower frequencies there is some deviation upwards. This might be explained by the fact that when we measured lower frequencies, sun-light from the room came into the hatch since the filters were not completely insulating. Thus we see this shift to the 7 8 e⋅V , taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_constant. °K m 2 ⋅ kg , taken from from Google.com. h = 6.626068 ⋅10 -34 ⋅ sec KB = 8.617 339 ⋅10 -5 ⋅ 10 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics upwards only for lower frequencies, since the sun brings us ultra violet light. But when we work with high frequencies that come from the lamp, their intensities are much higher than the sun's and thus are the only ones determining the effect. A constructive conclusion from this experiment is the fact that as we heighten the intensity of the incident light on the cathode, the time it takes the capacitor to charge is shorter (seen most clearly in FIG. 13. (e)). This is due to the fact that the more intensity there is to the incident light, the higher the current is inside the evacuated tube, and as the current is higher, it takes less time for the capacitor to charge. It is thus reasonable to state that the current in the tube is proportional to the amount of time it takes the capacitor to charge. A third, somewhat exotic conclusion from our experiment comes from its last stage. Examining FIG 15 we notice two things: The stopping potential for natural light is higher than it is for a LED source, and the time it takes to reach saturation with a LED is longer. This can be explained by the fact that when we made the measurements with the natural light, the windows blinds weren't shut and thus sun-light was able to come through into the photoelectric head (FIG. 7). It is sensible to assume that while sun-light contains high frequencies of light such as ultra-violet ones we're usually recommended to worry about, the LED provides a rather monochromatic source of light of lower-than-ultra-violet frequency. Thus, lower frequencies mean lower stopping potential. Additionally, the longer time until saturation might be explained by the fact the LED light provides less intensity than the natural sun-light, contradicting Mr. Samuel Rubinstein's warning which was discussed in section III. I. VI. VI. II. Compton’s Scattering Most of the observed values we received for the Compton's scattering energies and 2nd order photoelectric effect meet the expected values (at least with differences of up to 5%), as Table 3 shows. We did, however, run into some trouble when we tried to look for the photoelectric effect of the 2nd order in the Cobalt spectrum. As Cobalt emits two different energy values, it is expected to obtain two different values for the 2nd order photoelectric effect. However, that was not the case. We received one only one value in the histogram (see FIG. 26), which suggests that the detector does not have the sufficient energy to differentiate between values of 0.244MeV and 0.214MeV (That is, 0.03MeV) and thus we see the two different peaks in one peak, at the observed 0.223MeV (The values are taken from Table 3). The value of the 2nd order photoelectric effect for Americium was disregarded as the source was found to be of very low intensity. We postulate that has probably been laying around in the lab for a long while (maybe 30 years) until we came around and used it and we recommend its replacement. One of the biggest pitfalls of our experiment was to distinguish between what the capturing program in the computer calls "Real time" and "Live time". When we asked the instructors, they were actually at a loss. The basic problem is this: we want to measure emission of some material (such as Cesium) which is being shielded by different obstacles. However, the only thing we remain at the end of the experiment is the number of electrons which got to the detector for every amount of energy. From that follows that the longer we leave the capturing program open the higher amount of electrons that will arrive at any given energy level. So if we want to check how the energy level changes with various shielding obstacles, we have to 11 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics make sure that we leave the system capturing for exactly the same amount of time for each different shielding obstacle. That is all fine and dandy, but we had two different time parameters given to us by the program, one called "Real time" and the other "Live time". What indicates the actual time that has elapsed since the beginning of the experiment was unknown to us. We thought about reading the instruction manual, however that document was unfortunately unavailable to us. We were told by lab instructor Mr. Michael Dovrat that we should only look at the "Live time". When we made the actual experiment we saw the two parameters advancing differently as the energy shields varied. So we made some of our experiments with constant "Live time" and some of them with constant "Real time". For that reason we were unable to obtain sufficient data for how the intensity varies as the width of the obstacle widens. FIG. 28 reveals the bitter truth. We made measurements for three different widths of lead for Cesium emission at constant "Live Time". It does not require great observation skills to conclude that the number of electrons for each width is actually, exactly the same (besides some experimental noise). This probably means that the "Live time" is adjusted by the frequency at which electrons arrive at the detector. So these three measurements in FIG. 28 are good as crap. We were cautious enough to also make measurements with constant "Real Time", which can be shown in the red and black lines of FIG. 29. As can be seen, the more width the less electrons that arrive. Thus we conclude that "Real time" means the actual physical time that has elapsed since the beginning of the experiment. Also on FIG. 29 with blue color is shielding from perspecs. We can see that the main photoelectric peak is at a different energy than for lead shielding. This leads us to conclude that different materials change the emission spectrum of the Cesium source. Either that or that we somehow miss gauged the three histograms. Last is FIG. 30, showing perspecs shielding of different widths for Cesium. As seen, the two lines (black and red) are virtually identical, suggesting that the perspecs is penetrable to the radiation and barely affects the shifting – at least compared to the lead. Perhaps it is since its atoms are light. VI. VI. II III. The Franck Francknck-Hertz Experiment It appears that the value we have calculated for ionization potential differs mildly from the one in the literature. Again, this could be explained mainly by the coarse estimate we have done in determining the value. Notice (in FIG 16) how the ionization potential is actually a continuous step. That made the estimation even more difficult. We were expecting the value of the average in Table 2 to be 4.9 Volts for all temperatures. As the table exhibits, this is not the case. Not only did we get results which differ from 4.9 Volts, but they are also different for each temperature. At least the standard deviation in each temperature is not that big, suggesting that the difference is relatively constant within a single measurement of some specific temperature. The fact that the measurements vary for different temperatures might be explained by the following possibilities: (a) As we raise the potential on Grid 1, it gets heated and perhaps affects the overall temperature of the system – however, this options is very unlikely, as the temperatures that Grid 1 must've reached to were negligible compared to the 200 degrees Celsius which the whole system was given to;(b) As we raise the temperature, some liquid atoms might be energetically 12 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics excited (merely by the heating), thus when they collide with the electrons they are already excited to the first, or perhaps second level and the electron needs to raise them even higher, producing a different delta than 4.9 Volts; VI. VI. IV. Thermionic Emission Our results for affirming the Child-Langmuir Law show that the current goes like ~1.29 and not like 1.5 as the law actually indicates. This must rise from the fact that we had to estimate where the saturation phase begins on the graphs (see FIG. 21. (e)) for instance. This estimation is of course prone to errors. Secondly, it is possible that the diode is not completely evacuated, thus suggesting there are collisions inside the tube which we didn't take into account. There is a slight deviation in the Richardson's constant we have calculated and the one given by the literature9 ( ∆A ≈ 1.04 ⋅10 6 ⋅ Ampere = 86.54% ). This is m 2 ⋅ °K 2 explained easily by the fact that in order to calculate the current density (the data for FIG. 22) we have to use the definitions of the current density and current. ∫ Current density is defined as J ≡ ρ ⋅ v and the current is defined as I ≡ J ⋅ da . Our S computer measured the current, and not the current density. However, the Richardson-Dushman equation relates to the current density. But how does one derive the current density from the current itself? The task is practically impossible since we do not know how the current distributes in all the space between the cathode and the anode. Our best estimation was that the current density is uniform (that estimation is actually rather poor since as we go along the radius of the cylinder, there are less electrons for each unit of length), thus, I = S ⋅ J . But what surface should we take for the calculation? The most reasonable assumption to use is that since the electrons are being emitted from the cathode and it solely provides the carriers of charge for the current (as comes evident from the saturation of current predicted by the Child Langmuir law), the current density around the cathode is the one to refer to, thus, we should take the surface of the cathode. But the surface of the cathode was not given to us by the manufacturer, and it was also never written anywhere. So we had to make more estimates. We measured the radius of the filament (that is, the cathode) inside the diode and also its length and calculated its surface as the surface of a cylinder. Of course those measurements were very prone to errors as well. Given all those estimations and errors on the way, it is a wonder we got to a deviation of merely 86%. The material of the cathode inside our diode is tungsten. Its work function (given by the literature10) deviates from the one we have calculated only slightly (φ 9 10 ≅ 0.2 ⋅ eV = 4.44% ) which is rather encouraging. A = 1.20173 ⋅10 6 ⋅ φ ≅ 4.5 ⋅ eV Ampere , taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermionic_emission. m 2 ⋅ °K 2 , taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_function. 13 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Lastly, the Stefan constant that we've measured differs only slightly from the one given by the literature11 ( ∆σ = 0.64 ⋅10−8 ⋅ J = 11.3% ). This deviation s ⋅ m ⋅ °K 4 2 might be explained by the fact that in order to calculate this value, we had to divide a value given to us by the fitting program by the surface of the cathode. It was already postulated many times in this article that the surface of the cathode has a very poor estimation, which will probably lead to this deviation in Stefan's constant. Actually, this deviation is just 11%, which leads to the conclusion that our estimation of the cathode's surface is pretty good after all, which could mean that the error in the value of A (Richardson's constant) comes from the estimation that J is uniform over all of the cathode's space and not from the estimation in the cathode's surface. It might appear peculiar that suddenly the current in the diode stops when we turn on the voltage on the solenoid. However, a detailed explanation will follow, which will make things a little bit clear. When we turn the voltage on for the solenoid, a magnetic field is generated on it’s central axis, which is approximately where the diode is located (FIG. 12). The direction of this magnetic field is on the axis of symmetry of the cylinder that is the solenoid. If we denote this axis as ẑ , then the force on the electrons that are emitted from the cathode, with velocity in the direction of the anode is given by the Lorentz force: F = qe ⋅ E + v × B . (12) ( ) The electrical field between the anode and the cathode, generated by the power source which is attached to them, is in the radial direction (cylindrical coordinates). We also approximate that it is constant12. Thus we have: F = m ⋅ a = m ⋅ vɺ = qe ⋅ [E0 ⋅ rˆ + B0 ⋅ (v × zˆ )]. (13) Thus we arrive at three differential equations of first-order for the three cylindrical components of the velocity: m ⋅ (vɺr ⋅ rˆ + vr⋅ ⋅ vɺϕ ⋅ ϕˆ + vɺz ⋅ zˆ ) = qe ⋅ [E0 ⋅ rˆ + B0 ⋅ (− vr ⋅ ϕˆ + vϕ ⋅ rˆ )] or, , m ⋅ vɺr = qe ⋅ (E0 + B0 ⋅ vϕ ) m ⋅ v r⋅ ⋅ vɺϕ = − qe ⋅ B0 ⋅ vr . m ⋅ vɺ z = 0 (14) (15) The equations have the following solution (after applying some start-conditions on the z-component): 11 12 σ = 5.67 ⋅ 10 −8 ⋅ J , taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan%27s_constant. s ⋅ m ⋅ °K 4 2 This approximation is actually not that reasonable since theoretically the electric field of a wire is proportional to 1 . Since we also dealing with small lengths, this value may vary greatly. r 14 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics 2 qe 1 qe ⋅ B0 2 (o) ( 0) ⋅t vr = vr + ⋅ E0 + B0 ⋅ vϕ ⋅ t − − ⋅ m 2 m q ⋅B (0) . vϕ = − e 0 ⋅ t + vϕ m vz = 0 ( ) (16) It can be seen from the solution that while the angular component of the velocity, vϕ , is increasing linearly with time (or decreasing, but it doesn’t matter, it just means that the angle of the velocity is changing clockwise or counter-clockwise with time), its radial component (which signifies the velocity’s absolute value) decreases with time. Thus upon being emitted from the cathode the electrons, force is exerted on the electrons to return them back to the cathode and thus there is no current at all. VII. REFERENCES [1] FIG. 1. http://sol.sci.uop.edu/~jfalward/particlesandwaves/particlesandwaves.html [2] FIG. 2. http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~f93jhu/phys_sim/compton/Compton.htm [3] FIG 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franck-Hertz_experiment [4] FIG 4. James Franck: http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/217_73.html [5] FIG 4. Gustav Hertz: http://www.a-i-f.it/STORIA/Personaggi/Hertz.htm [6] FIG. 5. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/physstamps.html [7] FIG. 6. http://des.memphis.edu/lurbano/vpython/Education/edu_apps.html [8] FIG 7. http://store.pasco.com/pascostore/showdetl.cfm?&DID=9&Product_ID=1686&Detail= 1 [9] FIG 8. ftp://ftp.pasco.com/manuals/English/AP/AP-9368/012-04049J/01204049J.pdf [10] FIG. 9. http://www.mhatt.aps.anl.gov/hutches/7idb/ [11] FIG. 10. http://www.tubecollector.org/grd7.htm [12] FIG. 11. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00069ECRC/103-76177607263851?v=glance&n=3375251 15 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics VII VIII. FIGURES AND TABLES FIG. 1. An illustration of the photoelectric-effect experiment. FIG. 2. A schematic diagram of the Compton scattering. FIG. 3. Electric Potential in a tube in the Franck-Hertz experiment. 16 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 4. James Franck (1882-1964), and Gustav Hertz (1887-1975) below him. FIG. 5. A stamp illustrating Mr. Arthur H. Compton (1892-1962). 17 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 6. An illustration of the functionality of a diffraction grating used in the photoelectric experiment. FIG. 7. PASCO h/e Photoelectric Head (AP-9368). 18 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 8. “The h/e Apparatus Shown With the Accessory Kit and Mercury Vapor Light Source” (taken from the Pasco’s user’s manual). FIG. 9. Germanium-Lithium energy detector. 19 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 10. Ferranti GRD7 Guard Ring Diode. FIG. 11. LED taken from one of our key-bundles. 20 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 12. A variation on the thermionic experiment suggested by Mr. Solomon. Freq. Setup 20% intensity 40% intensity 60% intensity 80% intensity 100% intensity No filter Average 0.519petaHertz 0.549petaHertz 0.688petaHertz 0.741petaHertz 0.820petaHertz 1.092 1.084 1.456 1.619 1.941 1.103 1.102 1.469 1.658 1.945 1.107 1.136 1.474 1.672 1.985 1.102 1.131 1.477 1.664 1.986 1.079 1.107 1.473 1.668 1.999 1.059 1.101 1.493 1.684 2.024 1.09 1.11 1.474 1.661 1.98 Table. 1. Stopping potential (in Volts) results for the photoelectric experiment. 21 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Capacitor's Voltage Vs. Time for light of 0.519petaHertz (charged by photo-electric current) Capacitor's Voltage (Volts) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 Legend: Average Stopping Potential: 1.09Volts 0.4 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% no filter 0.2 0.0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (seconds) FIG. 13. (a) Capacitor's Voltage Vs. Time for light of 0.549petaHertz 1.3 (charged by photo-electric current) Capacitor's Voltage (Volts) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 Legend: Average Stopping Potential: 1.11 Volts 0.7 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% no filter 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (seconds) 22 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 13. (b) Capacitor's Voltage Vs. Time for light of 0.688petaHertz (charged by photo-electric current) 1.6 1.5 Capacitor's Voltage (Volts) 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 Legend: 0.7 Average Stopping Potential: 1.474Volts 0.6 0.5 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% no filter 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Time (seconds) FIG. 13. (c) Capacitor's Voltage Vs. Time for light of 0.741petaHertz (charged by photo-electric current) 1.8 Capacitor's Voltage (Volts) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Average Stopping Potential: 1.661Volts 0.8 Legend: 0.6 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% no filter 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (seconds) FIG. 13. (d) 23 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Capacitor's Voltage Vs. Time for light of 0.820petaHertz (charged by photo-electric current) 2.2 2.0 Capacitor's Voltage (Volts) 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 Average Stopping Potential: 1.98 Volts 1.0 Legend: 0.8 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% no filter 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (seconds) FIG. 13. (e) FIG. 13. (a),(b),(c),(d),(e): Voltage on the capacitor versus time on various wavelengths. Average Stopping Potential Vs. Frequency 2.2 2.0 Stopping Potential (Volts) 1.8 1.6 V_stop =(h/e)*Frequency - (Phi/e) Parameter -Phi/e h/e Value -0.40944 0.28161 Error 0.17918 0.02876 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 Frequency (petaHertz/10) FIG. 14. Stopping potential versus incident light frequency in photoelectric experiment. 24 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Capacitor's Voltage Vs. Time for a LED and Natural light Stopping Potential: 1.144 Volts Capacitor's Voltage (Volts) 1.15 1.10 Stopping Potential: 1.05volt 1.05 1.00 0.95 Legend: LED light natural light 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (seconds) FIG. 15. Two extra measurements made in the photoelectric experiment for the capacitor's voltage Vs. Time with no filters on the photoelectric head. Current in tube Vs. Grid 1 Voltage 145 celscius degrees Current in tube (Amp * 10^-8) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Grid 1 Voltage (Accelerating Voltage) (Volts) FIG. 16. Ionization potential for the tube in the Franck-Hertz experiment. The measured value is 9.3 Volts for the ionization potential. 25 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Current in Tube Vs. Grid 1 Potential 160 celscius degrees Current in Tube (microAmpere) 3 2 1 0 0 6 12 Grid 1 Potential (Volts) FIG. 17. (a) Current in Tube Vs. Potential on Grid 1 175 celscius degrees Current in Tube (nanoAmper) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Grid 1 Potential (Volts) FIG. 17. (b) 26 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics E 1.0 Current in Tube Vs. Grid 1 Potential 190 celscius degrees Current in Tube (nanoAmperes) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Grid 1 Potential (Volts) FIG. 17. (c) Current in Tube Vs. Grid 1 Potential 200 celscius degrees Current in Tube (nanoAmperes) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 8 16 24 Grid 1 Potential (Volts) FIG. 17. (d) FIG. 17. (a),(b),(c),(d): Franck-Hertz experiment results. 27 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics 2 Current in tube (n anoAmperes) Current Vs. Voltage Vs. Temperature 0 160 Te m per 170 atu re ( 180 Ce lciu 190 sd 200 egr ees ) 0 25 20 s) t 15 (Vol 10 id 1 r 5 nG o ge lta o V FIG. 18. Franck-Hertz experiment meta-analysis of results. Temperature Place (Celsius Of Drop Degrees) In Current (Volts) 200 190 175 160 First drop Second drop Third drop Fourth drop Fifth drop Sixth drop Seventh drop Eighth drop Ninth drop 3.46 5.56 7.8 9.94 12.02 14.36 16.3 18.28 20.28 3.96 4.72 5.94 6.98 7.98 9.06 10 10.88 11.96 4.06 6.56 9.26 11.82 14.34 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 6.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Average difference 2.1 1 2.57 2.8 Standard Deviation 0.127 0.131 0.078 N/A Table. 2. Location of drops in the Franck-Hertz experiment. Notice how for each temperature, as the order of drop rises, the difference shortens. This might be explained by existence of second-order collisions. 28 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics FIG. 19. Franck-Hertz experiment circuit. FIG. 20. Franck-Hertz experiment circuit for measuring ionization potential. 29 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 4.4 Volts Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) 3.0 Vs=2.611v 2.5 2.0 1.5 Equation: V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 1.0 Chi^2/DoF = 0.00531 R^2 = 0.98331 0.5 C a b 1.62755 1.07842 0.19567 ±0.02561 ±0.03826 ±0.02449 0.0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (a) Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 4.6 Volts 4.0 Vs=3.709v 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Equation: V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 1.5 Chi^2/DoF = 0.00605 R^2 = 0.99097 1.0 C a b 0.5 1.77299 1.16837 0.25378 ±0.02574 ±0.02644 ±0.02179 0.0 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (b) 30 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 4.8 Volts 6 Vs=5.153v 5 4 3 Equation: V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 2 Chi^2/DoF = 0.00708 R^2 = 0.99467 1 C a b 0 1.78984 1.18888 0.26125 ±0.0252 ±0.01785 ±0.02031 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (c) Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 5 Volts 4.5 Vs=4.041v 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Equation: V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 2.0 Chi^2/DoF = 0.00368 R^2 = 0.99589 1.5 1.0 C a b 0.5 1.20759 1.22351 0.19207 ±0.01638 ±0.0149 ±0.01334 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (d) 31 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 5.2 Volts Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) 6 Vs=5.409v 5 4 3 Equation: V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 2 Chi^2/DoF = 0.00428 R^2 = 0.99757 C a b 1 1.22192 1.23395 0.20074 ±0.01429 ±0.0101 ±0.01257 0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (e) Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 5.4 Volts 4.0 Vs=3.702v 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Equation:V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 1.5 Chi^2/DoF = 0.0018 R^2 = 0.99831 1.0 C a b 0.5 0.6693 ±0.00708 1.29758 ±0.00782 0.07985 ±0.00701 0.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (f) 32 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Thermionic Emission; Heating Voltage of 5.6 Volts Voltage on a serially connected resistor (Volts) 3.5 Vs=3.087v 3.0 2.5 2.0 Equation: V_diode=C*V_res^a+b 1.5 Chi^2/DoF = 0.00104 R^2 = 0.99851 Const 0.51824 a 1.26167 b 0.15908 1.0 0.5 ±0.00516 ±0.00694 ±0.00526 0.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 Voltage between the two ends of the tube (Volts) FIG. 21. (g) FIG. 21.The voltage on a resistor connected serially to the tube versus the potential between the two ends of the tube in the thermionic emission experiment. Current Density vs. Temperature 1200 2 1000 2 J_saturation (Ampere * m ) J=AT exp(-Φ/(KBT)) 800 R^2 = 0.99981 A 161714.93133 ±29915.44673 54999.92062 ±510.87928 Φ/KB 600 400 200 Measurements 0 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 Temperature (Degrees Kelvin) FIG. 22. Equation 8, the Richardson-Dushman equation. 33 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Heating Power versus Temperature; Equation 10 4 Measurements 4 Equation: IV=(σ*SC)*T -σ*(T0)*SA 12 I*V = Heating Power (Watts) R^2 = 0.99971 (σ*SC) 11 4 -σ*(T0)*SA 2.7756E-13 ±1.7738E-15 -2.04042 ±0.07302 10 9 8 7 2350 2400 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 O Temperature ( Kelvin) FIG. 23. Equation 10 put to the test. If our estimates for the surface of the cathode are right, we get a pretty good measurement for the constant of proportionality, σ . Current Vs. Voltage when applying a magnetic field to the axis of the filament Current through the diode (Amperes) 1.4 Measurements 1.2 Current before turning on the magnetic field 1.0 0.8 0.6 Current after turning on the mag field 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Voltage between two ends of the diode (Volts) FIG. 24. This is what happens to the Current vs. Potential graph under the influence of a magnetic field to the axis of the filament which is turned on after the existence of current, and then turned off. 34 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics 137 4000 Cs Histogram 6.62E5eV 3500 # of electrons 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 3.21E4eV 500 4.68E5eV 1.96E5eV 0 -500 -100000 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 Energy (eV) FIG. 25. Histogram of Cesium 137 emission in the Compton's Scattering experiment. 60 10000 Co Histogram 1.173MeV 8000 Unexplained to us, maybe noise? 6000 1.11MeV 2000 0.223MeV 4000 0.957MeV 2nd order photo' effect 0.148MeV # of electrons 1.332MeV 0 -200000 0 200000400000600000800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 1600000 1800000 2000000 Energy (eV) FIG. 26. Histogram of Cobalt 60 emission in the Compton's Scattering experiment. 35 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics 241 Am Histogram 361.4eV 20000 3515.88eV 10000 Measurement 0.06MeV # of electrons 15000 5000 0 -10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 Energy (eV) FIG. 27. Histogram of Americium 241 emission in the Compton's Scattering experiment. Histogram of Cs shielded by different widths of lead All with the same Live time of 10seconds 250 # of electrons 200 150 small width medium width large width 100 50 0 -100000 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 Energy (eV) FIG. 28. Histogram of Cesium 137 emission shielded by three different widths of lead, stopping the program at the same live time in the Compton's Scattering experiment. 36 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics # of electrons 137 Histogram of Cs shielded by different materials of different widths 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 Different energy for the Photoelectric effect lead of certain width, real 49sec lead of smaller width, real 49sec perspecs, real 29sec 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Some arbitrary unit of energy FIG. 29. Histogram of Cesium 137 emission shielded by two different widths of lead, stopping the program at the same real time. time. Additionally we put emission of Cesium shielded by perspecs, with different real time. Done in the Compton's Scattering experiment. Histogram of Perspecs for Cesium 137 with the same real time 2500 # of electrons 2000 1500 1000 block in a lying position block in a standing pos 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Energy of some arbitrary value FIG. 30. Histogram of Cesium 137 emission in the Compton's Scattering experiment. Shielding was done by a block of perspecs which was once put in a lying position and once is a standing position. 37 “Modern Physics” Lab Report for the 2nd Year Undergrad Course in Physics Material Photoelectric Energy Expected Compton energy Observed Compton energy ∆ Compton Energy Expected 2nd-order photoelectric energy Observed 2nd-order photoelectric Energy ∆ 2nd-order photoelectric energy Cesium 0.662 0.477 0.468 1.9% 0.185 0.196 5.9% Cobalt 1 1.173 0.963 0.957 0.6% 0.214 0.223* 4.2% Cobalt 2 1.332 1.072 1.11 3.5% 0.244 0.223* 8.6% Americium 0.06 0.00458 0.00351 23.4% N/IA ~0 N/A Table 3. Results from the Compton's Scattering experiment. All energy values are given in units of MeV. The Cobalt 1 and Cobalt 2 materials signify the two different wavelengths that Cobalt emits. * See section 38