Biology Test Chapter 3 and 4 Chemistry

Name ______________________
Modified Test
Chapter Two Test
____1. If an atom contains 11 protons and 12 neutrons, its atomic number is
A. 11
B. 12
____2. The nucleus is made up of all of the following:
A. Protons
B. Neutrons
____3. A covalent bond is formed as the result of
A. Transferring electrons
C. Sharing an electron pair
____4. Ice floats on water because
A. Ice has a lower density then water
B. Water shrinks when it freezes
____5. The most abundant compound in most living things is
A. Water
B. Carbon dioxide
____6. Which of the following is(are) use(s) of radioactive isotopes?
A. Can determine the ages of rocks and fossils
B. Can be used to treat cancer and kill bacteria that cause food to spoil
____7. Identify the reactant(s) in the chemical reaction CO2 + H2O → H2CO3
A. H2O
B. H2CO3
C. CO2
____8. The curved meniscus of the water in a graduated cylinder is due to
A. Cohesion
B. Adhesion
____9. An organic compound always contains
A. Carbon
B. Oxygen
____10. When atoms combine to form a compound, their outer energy levels lose or gain
A. Electrons
B. Protons
____11. Which of the following are examples of chemical properties?
A. Freezing
B. Digesting
C. Rotting
Modified Test
____12. Which of the following are compounds?
A. Oxygen Gas (O2)
C. Water (H20)
B. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
____13. Polysaccharides are giant polymers consisting of thousands of linked
A. Proteins
B. Monosaccharides
____14. The process when a water is lost when two molecules are bonded is called:
A. Dehydration Synthesis
B. Hydrolysis
____15. The smallest particle of an element is a(n)
A. Atom
B. Nucleus
____16. Which of the following are examples of solutions?
A. Salt water
B. Water
C. Sugar water
____17. Sugar is dissolved in water. What is the solvent?
A. Sugar
B. Water
____18. Which of the following is a mixture?
B. Potting soil
____19. Chemical reactions that release energy are
A. Endothermic
B. Exothermic
____20. Which of the following are physical changes?
A. Ice melting
B. Rusting
C. Tearing
____ 21. Electrons that are available to form bonds are
A. Valence electrons
B. Covalent
____ 22. An uneven sharing of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of water
A. Hydrogen bonds
B. Polarity
____ 23. In the formula 2H2O, how many total atoms of hydrogen are there?
A. Two
B. Four
Modified Test
____24. When there are an equal number of hydrogen atoms (H) and hydroxide atoms (OH) in a
solution, the solution will be
A. Acidic
B. Neutral
C. Basic
____ 25. The figure above shows amino acids linked together. What forms when amino acids are
linked together?
A. Lipids
B. Protein
Match the following phrase to the correct answer. Answers can be used more than once.
____26. Not soluble in water
A. Carbohydrates
____27. Genetic material, DNA and RNA
B. Lipids
____28. Monosaccharides, disaccharides,
C. Monosaccharide
____29. Main source of energy
D. Nucleic Acids
Match the following phrase to the correct answer. Answers can be used more than once.
____30. Consists of a sugar, phosphate and
A nitrogen base.
A. Cellulose
____31. Composed of C, H, N, O atoms
B. Proteins
____ 32. Tough fibers that give plants much of their
strength and rigidity
C. Nucleotide
Modified Test
Use the table below to answer questions 43 – 47
Liquid drain cleaner
33. What is the strongest base listed in the table? ____________________________________
34. What is the pH of the strongest base listed in the table? ____________________________
35. According to the table, is vinegar a base or an acid? _________________________________
36. True or False. Vinegar has more H ions than it has OH ions. _________________________
37. A change in one unit on the pH scale represents a tenfold increase in the concentration of
hydrogen ions. According to the pH values listed in the table, how much greater is the hydrogen
ion concentration in vinegar than in eggs? ________________________________________
38. Fill in the missing data in the chart below.
39. Correctly put the electrons of aluminum in the energy levels of the electron cloud.
40. Draw the correct structure of the water molecule.
Modified Test
Using the graph below answer the questions 41 and 42.
____ 41. What is amylase in the figure above?
A. Enzyme
C. Lipid
B. Protein
D. Nucleic Acid
____42. Using the graph above, how does amylase change the rate of the reaction?
a. Speeds up the rate of the reaction
b. Slows down the rate of the reaction
Please write the letter of the correct definition for each term below:
______43. Activation Energy
A. Protein that acts as a biological catalyst.
______44. Catalyst
B. Energy needed to get a reaction started.
______45. Enzyme
C. Substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction.
Please write the letter of the correct definition for each term below:
______46. Substrate
A. Reactant of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
______47. Suspension
B. Weak acid or base that can react with strong acids or bases
to help prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH.
______48. Buffer
C. Mixture of water and nondissolved materials.