Updated for 2005/2006 Electronics Technology EE1420 Laboratory Equipment Familiarisation and Linear Circuit Analysis Tutor Dr.YM Gebremichael Objective: In this laboratory exercise, you will familiarize yourself with the usage of some of the most commonly used laboratory test and measurement equipment such as the multimeter, dc power supply, oscilloscope, signal/function generator and also the breadboard for test circuit construction. Required tools: Bring your own wire cutters and wire strippers. You will also need to buy a breadboard i fyoudon’ thaveone. References: 1. EE1420 course notes http://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ra594 2. Success in Electronics by Tom Duncan, ISBN: 0719572053 3. Electronic Circuits: Fundamentals and Applications by 0750653949 Mike Tooley, ISBN Important safety habits: 1. No food or drink is allowed in the laboratory. Accidental spills can damage or destroy the equipment and your experiment. 2. Never place bags or jackets on the workbench. 3. When leaving the lab at the end of a session, make sure you power down all equipment. 4. Do not dissemble your circuit board at the end of a session if you are going to continue the experiment at the next session. 5. Replace all cabling and unused components in their right places. Before coming to the lab: Read this laboratory experiment handout carefully including the lab-write up procedure and assessment section. Plan out how to perform Lab tasks. Perform any circuit calculations or anything that can be done outside of lab. While in the lab Carry out the tasks in steps and methodically, record all your calculations, results, obser vat i ons i ncl udi ng t hose you don’ t under st and at t he t i me and pl ot al l waveforms in your logbook by clearly annotating scales and other values, and answer any lab questions relating to the experiment. The first section of this lab introduces you to the use of the most common laboratory tests equipments, namely, the oscilloscope and the signal generator. You will be using such test equipment throughout your degree course in the lab and everyone should be familiar with these before continuing to other laboratory experiments. In the second section of this lab you will build a linear circuit on a breadboard and conduct dc and ac measurements. You will learn the concept of Ohms Law in circuit analysis and electrical measurements. In this analysis you will also learn how to use the bench top lab equipments such as a digital multimeter and the oscilloscope for measurements. Part 1: Introducing the Waveform/Function Generator and using the Oscilloscope Common laboratory waveform generators provide standard waveforms including sine, pulse, square, ramp, triangle and dc waveforms with wide range of controllable amplitude and frequency. Each workstation is provided with a function generator. You will need to familiarise yourselves with the use of the control panel buttons and knobs such as frequency selection, amplitude setting, symmetry and DC offset level controls. Oscilloscopes are used to take a picture of such a signal — a time-history of the signal. A typical scope has many controls but in routine measurements only few primary controls 1/5 Updated for 2005/2006 are mostly used. These include: Vertical controls (marked as VOLTS/DIV), Time control (Marked as TIME/DIV), Position knobs (Vertical and horizontal), display modes or channel selection controls (marked as CH1, Ch2, ALT, ADD, DUAL), trigger selection and level setting and input coupling switches (AC/DC/GND) which you will experiment in this lab exercise). The signal to be analyzed is connected to the input BNC jack through coaxial cables. The outer sheath conductor of the cable is connected to the earth of the instrument while the central conductor carried the signal displayed on screen. Two of the controls make up the vertical Figure 1 Oscilloscope front panel controls of the scope. The VOLTS/DIV knob controls the vertical size of the scope trace. For instance, the 2V peak-to-peak sine wave takes up two divisions on the 1V/DIV scale. Note that 1DIV is 1 square (1cmx1cm) on scope display. The position knob shifts the scope trace up and down. Most scopes found in the lab have to channels to display two different signals simultaneously. The controls ADD (Addition of two signals)), ALT (Alternate two signals) and DUAL (Show both) enable different signal display modes. The TIME/DIV (time-base) knob is the primary horizontal time base control, and controls the rate at which the scope trace sweeps (from left to right) across the screen. A scope trace of a 1ms period sine wave, displayed on the 0.5ms/div scale, would show five complete cycles of the wave. An important control on the scope is the trigger knob for signal display synchronisation. Remember that the scope shows a trace of the signal by constantly redrawing the input signal. If the scope redrew each waveform starting at a random time, the resulting trace would not be readable. Thus the scope needs to be triggered properly for synchronised display. During triggering, the trace waits at the left hand side of the screen until the signal amplitude reaches a value set by the trigger level knob. Once the trace reaches this value, the scope trace sweeps across the screen. If the signal is repetitive, the trigger will catch the signal at the same point in every cycle, and the scope will display a clean signal. The trigger circuit thus determines when the scope starts its horizontal display sweep. Triggering needs an input. The source for this input is set by the position of the TRIGGER SOURCE switch. The trigger source can be external signal through the scope trigger input or internal through either LINE, power line oscillating at 50Hz mains or the signal input channels. Whenever the signal displayed on the scope is shown as multiple images or blurred image from which measurements are difficult to conduct, the trigger should be set correctly to ‘ f r eeze’the signal visually on the screen. To gain some familiarity with the scope and the function generator, you will conduct a series of signal measurements in the experiments below. Experiment 1 Frequency and time measurements 1. Tur nont hepowerswi t chont heosci l l oscopeandsel ectCH1andsett hechannel ’ s input switches (AC GND DC) to ground (GND). Set the horizontal time-base to 5ms/div. Move the vertical position knob for channel 1 until you obtain a line at the centre of the screen. Adjust the focus and intensity if necessary. Then set the input switch to DC. 2/5 Updated for 2005/2006 2. Switch on the function generator and using a BNC cable, connect the function generator 50Ω output to the scope input CH1. Select a square wave output from the function generator and set the signal generator frequency dial to 1kHz and ampl i t ude di alsett o a hal ft ur nf r om t he mi ni mum.Make sur et hatt he scope’ s horizontal deflection vernier is on 'calibrated' by turning the red knob in the centre of the time-base knob all the way to the right. Observe the effect of rotating the knob from that position. 3. Plot the scope traces in your logbook, measure and record the frequency (=1/period) of the square waves using the scope and also the peak to peak amplitude of the signal. 4. Repeat your measurements at frequencies 10kHz, 100kHz and 1MHz. 5. Do the measured frequencies agree with the generator dial setting? Do you observe significant deviations? Your measurements are unlikely to agree precisely. Here either of the two instruments (the scope and the signal generator) could be improperly calibrated, but it is much more likely that the oscilloscope is correct and the generator is incorrect, assuming that the user-adjustable calibrations on the scope are in their proper positions. Part 2: Linear Circuit Construction and Analysis In this task you will build electronic circuits on a breadboard and carry out ac and dc measurements on the circuit you have built. In the process you will familiarise yourself with the use of DC power supply, Breadboard and circuit construction, Digital Multimiter (DMM) and the Oscilloscope. DC Power Supply Each station has a power supply. Identify the dc power supply provided in your work station. The main features found in common power supplies and thus you need to familiarise yourselves for routine use include –three colour coded terminals for ±15V or 0-30V and a two terminal 5V output (These outputs will depend on the type of the particular power supply on your bench), output voltage setting knobs and current limiting controls. You will need to identify these and making sure you understand their functions. Using the Digital MultiMeter (DMM) The common DMM is used to measure voltages, currents, resistances and capacitance among other parameters. The mode of operation (voltage, current or resistance) is selected by setting the appropriate buttons and measurement is conducted by connecting the DMM leads in parallel with a component to measure voltages across it, and in series with a component to measure currents through it. When measuring the resistance of a component, the resistor must be isolated from the rest of the circuit. DMM has input sockets labelled as COM (common input), A (input for current measurement and V and Ω for voltage and resistance measurements. All measurements are conducted with one probe terminal connected to the COM socket. Familiarisation with the Breadboard and Building Circuits Commercial electronic equipment is constructed on printed circuit boards by photoetching the circuit layout onto a sheet of copper after which the components are soldered into place. For testing simple circuits, a solder less breadboard is used to build a prototype circuit, thus saving time and effort. A breadboard has a regular pattern of holes or sockets that are connected with built-in conductor. Connecting wires or components are interconnected with these conductors below once Figure 2 Breadboard socket view and internal wiring 3/5 Updated for 2005/2006 they are pushed in firmly into place. The interconnecting wires follow the patters as shown in figure 2 such that the two lines at either edge of the breadboard are interconnected along the length, these sockets are used for power lines where as the main holes in the central part of the board are interconnected in the direction across the board and are used for circuit component interconnection. Circuit Construction Tips Build your circuits compactly. Avoid using long leads between components as they introduce stray capacitance and can result in oscillations or high frequency pickup. Having said that, do not build the circuits so compactly that you have trouble accessing test points and manipulating the wires. For clarity, construct your circuits so that the input port is on the left side of the board, circuitry in the middle, and the output port on the right side. Adhere to consistent colour coding to make your wiring clear, it is convenient to use black for ground connections, red for power and any other colour for interconnections. Experiment 1: DC Measurements 1. Get a three 1k (or near value) resistors from the component drawers and measure and record their resistances with the DMM. Do the measured and nominal resistances agree? If not, why? 2. Set the dc power supply so that the output between the two terminals is 5V. Measure this voltage using the DMM to confirm and record your reading. 3. Build a resistive network using the three resistors on your breadboard. A schematic circuit diagram is shown below. Figure 3 Test Circuit: Schematic Circuit diagram 4. Calculate the voltage drops across each of the three resistors using the nominal values. 5. Calculate the current through each resistor, using its nominal resistance and the nominal supply voltage. Is the value of current the same? Why? 6. By sketching the corresponding circuits diagrams for each of the measurements, show how you would connect the DMM in order to measure (a) to (b) below and record your measured values. a. The voltage drop across each of the three resistors, b. The current through the 1k resistor c. Do the measurements of voltages and currents agree with the calculated values? d. How much power does each resistor dissipate? Are your resistors rated for this power? 7. Vary the input voltage from 5V to 10V in steps of 1V and record the voltage measured at point C with your DMM. a. Plot the input voltage versus voltage at point C. b. Plot the input voltage versus current through the circuit (determined from Ohm's Law.) What is the dependence between input voltage and the current through the circuit and thus calculate the slope of your plot? Does the data fit the theory? ). As with all your plots, be sure to label your axes and scales clearly, and don't forget to give the units. 4/5 Updated for 2005/2006 Note: Ohms Law sates that the voltage drop, V, across a conductor is proportional to the current I, through the conductor. The proportionality constant R is called the resistance of the conductor, or V = IR. Experiment 2: AC & DC Measurements using the Oscilloscope dc voltages can also be measured using the scope. 1. Measure the output voltage of the 5 V power supply using both the scope. (Scope voltage measurements are made by setting the input switch to GND to locate the ground level on the display. Then switch back to DC and measure the difference between the two signals. Make sure that the vernier of the vertical deflection is on 'calibrated. Set the time base to longer periods, (~100ms/div.) 2. Keeping the scope connected to the 5V supply, set the scope channel input switch to AC. What does this setting do? Expand (increase the sensitivity) the vertical scale. What do you see? Describe in detail the AC component of the signal. The amplitude of an AC signal can be characterized in different ways: In this experiment we will use peak or amplitude and the peak-to-peak voltage measurements. 1. Select a squarewave signal output from the signal generator and set the amplitude knob to halfway from the minimum and select 10kHz output frequency. Check the amplitude and frequency of your signal by connecting it to CH1 input of the scope 2. Connect the output of a signal generator to the input of your circuit. And display the signal at point B, on CH2 input of the scope. Plot the waveforms on CH1 and CH2 on your logbook and record the period and amplitude of each signal. Repeat tests (1) and (2) above for sine wave and triangular waves inputs. Assessment –Logbook and Writing the lab report You must complete your logbook with all your work in the lab. Your logbook should contain all your test and measurement setups, circuit designs, calculations, assumptions, experimental results including plots of input signals and output waveforms as seen on the oscilloscope. Your report should contain several sections including: Introduction and Description of the Experiment Background: What is the background knowledge – what information are you given. Explain how the breadboard, power supply, multimeter, oscilloscope, and the signal/pulse generator are used. Experimental arrangement and measurement instrumentation used Describe in greater detain the functions of the test equipments and components used, for example: Explain why DC setting of the scope is used when measuring amplitude of a signal and give an example where the AC setting is used. Explain how the TRIGGER control works in an oscilloscope and why is essential. Explain the use of Vertical and horizontal controls of an oscilloscope. Implementation: Describe the circuit build and test arrangement including a table of components used and their values plus lab equipments employed in the experiment Results: Give all measurements made in tables and graphs and explain the measurement procedure, correlation of your experimental readings with the theoretical calculations. Conclusion: draw conclusion from the measurements made, state what is the project about, what did you do and what are the conclusions? Feedback: Comment on the following: was the lab handout written in a manner, which is clear to follow? How could it be improved? How easily did you get started with the lab? Did you use the additional materials on the course website? Did you need to go outside the course materials for assistance? Did you use the reference textbooks or any other books? Was there adequate support in the lab from the supervising staff? What did you like and/or dislike about this lab? What advice would you give to a colleague just starting this lab? 5/5