Ans - Herbajules

Pellets in Capsule
1) What is burning micturation (Dysuria)?
Ans:- Burning or pain with urination (dysuria) may be felt at the
opening to the urethra or, less often, over the bladder (in the pelvis,
the lower part of the abdomen just above the pubic bone).
Occasionally, if a woman has vaginal irritation (for example, due to
inflammation or infection of the vagina or of the area surrounding the
vaginal opening, called vulvovaginitis), she may feel a burning
sensation when urinating.
2) What are the Causes of burning micturation ?
Ans:- Dysuria is very common, particularly among adult women, in
whom it is often caused by urinary tract infections, such as cystitis and
urethritis. However, dysuria can occur in men and women of any age
and can have many non-infectious causes.
Ans:- Pain caused by kidney disorders usually is felt in the side (flank)
or small of the back. Occasionally, the pain radiates to the centre of the
abdomen. Usually pain occurs because the kidney's outer covering
(renal capsule) is stretched by a disorder that causes rapid swelling of
the kidney. Severe kidney pain is often accompanied by nausea and
4) What are the Causes of Flank Pain?
Ans:- A kidney stone causes excruciating pain when it enters a ureter.
The ureter contracts in response to the stone, causing severe, crampy
pain (renal or ureteral colic) in the flank or lower back that often
radiates to the groin or, in men, to the testis. The pain typically comes
in waves. A wave may last 20 to 60 minutes and then stop. The pain
stops without resuming again when the ureter relaxes or the stone
passes into the bladder.
A kidney infection (pyelonephritis) produces swelling of the kidney
tissue, which stretches the renal capsule, causing steady, aching pain.
Kidney tumours do not usually cause pain until they have become very
5) What are the causes of swelling in kidney disorders patients?
Ans:- Swelling may occur if the kidneys are unable to excrete excess
water and sodium from the body, as in kidney failure. Swelling may
also develop from a kidney disorder that causes the loss of large
amounts of blood protein (especially albumin) in the urine (nephrotic
syndrome). When the albumin level in the blood drops sufficiently,
swelling occurs as fluid leaks from the circulation into the tissues.
Other disorders may also cause swelling. Heart failure, caused by
inadequate pumping by the heart, signals the kidneys to retain salt
and fluid, which may accumulate in tissues. Advanced liver disease
also signals the kidneys to retain salt and fluid.
6) How many times a normal person urinate at a day times?
Ans:- Most people urinate about 4 to 6 times a day, mostly in the
daytime. Normally, adults pass between 3 cups (700 milliliters) and 2
quarts (2 liters) of urine a day. Infants may pass as little as 1 cup (230
milliliters) per day. Urination can be increased if a person produces an
excess volume of urine or produces a normal volume of urine but feels
the need to go more often (urinary frequency).
7) What are the reasons of increased volume of urine?
Ans:- Excess urine can be caused by drinking too much fluid
(polydypsia), by taking diuretic drugs or substances that have a
diuretic effect, such as alcohol or caffeine, or by having a high level of
sugar in the blood (as in diabetes mellitus). A rare condition called
diabetes insipidus causes excess urine because of problems with a
brain hormone called anti-diuretic hormone (also called vasopressin).
8) What are the reasons for increased frequency of urine?
Ans:- A frequent need to urinate without an increase in the total daily
output of urine can occur when something irritates or presses on the
bladder. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common cause of
bladder irritation. Rarer causes include a stone or tumour in the
bladder. An inability to fully empty the bladder because of partial
obstruction, often from an enlarged prostate (in men), can produce
9) What is Nocturia?
Ans:- Needing to urinate during the night is known as Nocturia. It is
more common among older people. It can contribute to sleep
problems and to falls, especially if a person is rushing to the bathroom
or if the area is not well lit.
10) What are the causes of nocturia?
Ans:- Nocturia may occur in the early stages of many kidney disorders.
Nocturia is also common in people with heart failure, liver failure,
poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, or diabetes insipidus. An enlarged
prostate is the most common cause of obstruction in older men.
Sometimes, however, the cause of nocturia may simply be drinking a
large amount of fluids, especially alcohol or caffeinated beverages
(such as coffee or tea) in the late evening.
11) What is composition of Unex?
Ans:- Each capsule contains extract from:
Punarnava (Boerrhavia diffusa)
2 gm
Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris)
1 gm
12) What are the indications of Unex?
Ans:- Painful, burning, difficult urination
Urine retention
Benign prostate hypertrophy
Urinary calculus
As an adjuvant to Allopathic Anti - Hypertensive’s
13) Dosage of Unex?
Ans:- 1 to 2 capsules twice a day before meal
14) What is contra-indicated during treatment?
Ans:- De-hydration is contra –indicated,
Non-veg and spicy food is prohibited.
15) What is advisable during treatment?
Ans:- Regular intake of water is preferable.
Drinking fresh coconut water is advisable.
Drink plenty of water.
16) What are the advantages of Unex –
Ans:1. The antioxidant properties of the components help to remove the
toxins in the body and thus reduce the predisposing factors.
2. Reduces intensity and frequency of pain in UTI & urinary calculus.
3. Provides effective and rapid improvement in quality of life of
patients with BPH, calculus or urinary disorders.
4. Convenient and reduced dosage due to advanced technology
along with natural healing system.
5. But there is no any gastrointestinal disturbance seen with this
formulation as components of the formulation act in synergistic
manner, to compensate adverse properties of others.
6. This preparation reduces the requirement of surgical correction in
the cases of urinary calculus and BPH by Antiurolithiatic and
diuretic property of the herbs. This is the crucial advantage of this
polyherbal preparation over conventional regime.
16) What is BPH?
Ans:- Benign Prostate Hypertrophy.BPH refers to the increase in size
of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men.
17) Where the clinical trials has been conducted?
TRACT INFECTIONS” Conducted At Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,
18) What is Gout?
Ans:- Gout is a medical condition that usually presents with recurrent
attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis (red, tender, hot, swollen
joint). It is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. The uric
acid crystallizes and deposits in joints, tendons, and surrounding
tissues. Gout affects 1% of Western populations at some point in their
19) What is Cystitis ?
Ans:- Cystitis is inflammation of Urinary Bladder.
20) What is the meaning of Diuretics?
Ans:- Diuretics are medicines which increase frequency of urination
as well as volume of urine.