Electronic Applications for Regulation and Control Company Profile Company “ Optimist is the one who thinks a traffic jam can be solved by honking ” your global partner on ITS integrated solutions. Introduction Transport by road is without any doubt, the most used transport mode for both people and goods. Extensive use of this transport mode has become increasingly difficult to perform and resolve by the administrations, due the new needs in traveling and goods transportation. Mobility is one of the main concerns for users since economies, life quality and the care of our environment depend on it. Under these conditions, innovative efforts are required, it is useless to enlarge existing infrastructures without an excellent and a efficient mobility policy, effective regulation of traffic and parking and a correct aplication of intelligent transportation technologies (ITS). Organizations around the world have recognized that the use of intelligent transportation technologies, the most modern telecommunications and a direct efficient information provides solutions to the problems of mobility for people and goods. Success stories are numerous and opinion polls from citizens give proof of that. Mobility Enhancements add life quality, safety, improved performance and growth of enterprises environment improvements and ultimately, a more enjoyable and better life. What do we do? We advise and bring inspiration, technology and sustainability to Administrations and Local Corporations in the design, application implementation, operation, maintenance and monitoring of projects to implement Intelligent Systems for road traffic (ITS). We provide global technology solutions in the ITS field, optimizing existing resources and facilitating their subsequent operation and maintenance. We offer hardware and software solutions, adapted and fully integrated, trying to reconcile existing systems, optimizing available project resources. We give a real meaning to the "turnkey" concept , integrating design, technology and service, prioritizing profitability, effectiveness and avant-garde projects. Our project overview helps the full integration of all stages. The result is a fully homogeneous system, high quality technology and high added value. Our main motivation is to achieve the highest levels of quality and excellence always looking for the satisfaction of our customers. The successful model implemented in the Principality of Andorra and Barcelona metropolitan area are our greatest guarantee of success and motivation to advance and strengthen our understanding of ITS technology and its application beyond our borders. Our values and mission Our values supports our mission and supports our business and behavioral principles. Our values represents the foundation of our work, our main reason for being and a safe path toward our goals. They represent the qualities that distinguish us and guide us and we strive to apply them every day, in each of our projects. For us the value of honesty is essential for the development of our business and involves the inability to feel superior to anyone, perceive the good in others and have the ability to redirect a project without ignoring the visions that have been able to change our original decision. Illusion is the value that best defines our company, teamwork and our collaborators. Our illusion allows us to release the energy and creativity of our employees to bring originality, inspiration and ingenuity to our projects. Illusion Honesty Honesty is a human value which means to behave with consistency and honesty with oneself and with respect for the truth and justice toward our clients. This value has enabled us to overcome obstacles to achieve goals and respond to major technological challenges, becoming main key of our business plan. Being honest is not deceive and do whatever you have to do to build trust and credibility. The value of flexibility allows us to respond to market needs. One factor that is not attainable for traditional large companies. Flexibility combined with a record of success, ambition, innovation culture and nonconformity (status quo) are the basis of our product and way of being. Our determination is to meet and whenever possible, exceed all legal obligations and ethical requirements. Our principles derived from the value of responsibility and this guides our business decisions. Responsibility Flexibility The ability to adapt to the needs of our clients, within available resources, to the peculiarities of the environment and service. Our technological capabilities, based on extensive experience and professionalism of our staff enables us to meet and satisfy any need in the field of ITS. These principles are applied not only from within the company, but we try to encourage our employees and suppliers to adopt the same standard of ethical behavior. Among the principles of responsibility we highlight: � Respect for the dignity of all people � Health and safety promotion � Our commitment to environmental policies � Our commitment to quality � The fulfill of commitments Our operation areas Adapteds solution gy Technolog consultin ent Investmment manage ign jects des � ITS proelopment v and de wardship jects ste t � ITS pro elopmen v e d s m tilation n � Algorith e (v t n e vem and impro tc.) lighting, e ions Exploitat centers l control � Integra ams te n o nti � Interve ance ng nce engineeri al assista andards � Traffic d technic e ring ITS st liz ia ito n c o e M / n tio � ITS sp ta ) n mapping / Impleme � Design ry (mobile t invento e s s a S � IT ilities nnels fac � Road tu S IT n a � Interurb ITS � Urban hting d a � Ro lig ccess control /A g in � Park n ns desig re solutio n: ig s e d � Hardwa s n re solutio tems � Softwa tocol sys tions .Multipro port solu ment sup e g a n a .M Mainten ons Installati hting � Road lig ts h lig ontrol ic � Traff ent and c managem ction te e d s � Traffic n o tic violati a m to u A � g monitorin se � Traffic ultipurpo M / y a w � Bus g signalin � Variable trol centers con ic ff a Tr � Urban / an Interurb Road tunnels Parking / Access et � On stre et � Off stre signaling � Variable nt anageme m ic ff a � Tr g � Lightin ting � Firefigh tions al installa ic tr c le E � on � Ventilati enters control c � Tunnel What can we do for you? The AERCO professional team have an extensive experience with the design, implementation, integration and monitoring of a project and the subsequent exploitation of the operation and maintenance of facilities and systems. LEVEL 1 Traffic Engineering Mobility studies are a previous essential step for proper decision-making in the implementation of ITS solutions previous step. The subsequent study of behavior will give us a concrete vision and an accurate picture of the impact on the mobility of the solutions adopted . Not all mobility problems are solved only with the implementation of ITS systems. The study and design of traffic systems, sizing of streets and roundabouts reconfiguration and optimization of time and traffic light phases, study of parking areas and patterns of behavior are indispensable too. AERCO has an exceptional partner, Spain's leader in the field of traffic engineering and technical consulting in mobility. ITS asset Inventory ( MOBILE MAPPING ) represents a great resources optimization and is a very effective tool for mobility technicians from Local Government, this is also an AERCO’s area of activity and specialty. LEVEL 2 Civil Engineering and Facilities The implementation of ITS technology solutions for mobility problems and needs requires a prior design, advice to the authorities and a thorough monitoring during implementation and subsequent operation of an ITS project. Our partnership with renowned specialists in civil engineering and facilities, with over 10 years experience and expertise in the design of road tunnels, public lighting facilities fluids, etc.. It is a guarantee of success and tranquility. LEVEL 3 ITS Engineering Adapted and custom software and hardware solutions design is not attainable for everyone. Administrations are increasingly aware of the need to optimize resources and make their investments more sustainable. The lack of standardization of systems and communication protocols hinders this goal and leaves Administrations in the hands of manufacturers. AERCO designs and proposes multiprotocol adapted solucions. We study the feasibility and propose custom solutions regardless of the ITS systems already installed. A friendly graphic environment and the integration of all systems on a single platform and subsequent exploitation simplifies maintenance, reduces staff training costs optimize Centralized Control Centers and finally and avoid dependence on brands, manufacturers or protocols. AERCO have his own engineering software department, with over 10 years of experience and many successful achievements behind. LEVEL 4 Facilities Exploitation and Maintenance A poor exploitation or maintenance can call into question a good implementation of an ITS solution. We specialize in the design and implementation of specialized maintenance equipment and teams of first responders and road tunnels. Maintenance of ITS systems requires high specialization and highly motivated and efficient team. Centralized Control Centers require good organization and should add value to the administrations and those responsible for road infrastructures. AERCO was honored in 2008 with the EuroTap Award for the best road tunnel and the best exploitation of Europe. We are a guarantee of success for effective and sustainable maintenance of infrastructures and for the safety and comfort of its users. Our integral software solutions In AERCO we transfer our knowledge to each of our designs and integrations. From the Principality of Andorra, a "showroom" of 468 km2 and a team of over 50 people, full of enthusiasm, experience, extensive knowledge and great dedication to service, we offer products and advanced technology, with verifiable results and satisfaction for our clients. � Complete integrated solutions � More than 25 integral control centers working with our ITS software platform. � Design and exclusive customization for every client. � Integration of any system, product or subsystem type (with open protocol). � Software audit service, design and maintenance and long term exploitation. Our extensive experience as system integrators enables us to offer solutions that meet the needs of operators of road transportation. The modernization of road infrastructures and our cities demands, increasingly, integral software services that prioritize the full use of the systems and infrastructures, optimize the costs of implementation, exploitation and maintenance and quick operational results. AERCO constantly improves its products and designs inspired by the needs and technology trends in advanced road traffic management for urban, interurban and tunnels areas. Our products and designs cover all aspects related to the ITS road systems and subsystems management and are specially designed to: � Governmental agencies � Local administrations � Road and highway concessions � Private societies We cover all areas that require intelligent transport applications: � Urban environment � Interurban environment � Highways � Road tunnels � Fleet management and emergency vehicles � Emergency management and coordination � Control centers � Airports � Public transport � Road operation (COEX) � Parking AGISAdvanced 5.0 Intelligent road traffic lights management application AGIS 5.0 is an urban multifunctional traffic management center for the control of road traffic lights system. AGIS 5.0 allows you to manage, supervise and eyewatch a road lighting system network and adapt’s to the urban areas requirements. Urban traffic management center AGIS 5.0 integrates as a top member of traffic lights network. AGIS 5.0 is particularly suitable for places requiring an adaptive and centralized control system for traffic lights crossings. AGIS 5.0 is an optimal platform for modern adaptive traffic control in urban areas with open modular architecture and ready to cooperate with third-party systems and software. The intelligent management application for traffic lights AGIS 5.0 has the ability to integrate controllers with different communication protocols. Main features and benefits � Real-time monitoring and control. � Real-time visualization of all traffic control events and states. � Open protocol for third-party systems. � Advanced adaptive system. Adaptive � Multiple clients. � Exclusive display plan General features Possibility to connect controllers with communication protocol: � OCIT � Protocol B (Barcelone) � Protocol M (Madrid) � NTCIP � Any other manufacturer protocol (open protocol). Open interface for cooperation with third-party systems: � City cameras systems. � Traffic detectors. � WIM (Weigh-in-motion). � Weather stations. � Environmental sensors. � Thermal cameras. � And many others. Functional parameters Real-time monitoring: � City status detailed visualization (vector map). � Stage diagram for signal groups and detectors state. � System events record. � Traffic controller’s hardware subsystems real-time monitoring. � Environmental network sensors monitoring. � Traffic flows parameters display. � Able to integrate video camera visualization. Supervising and control: � Forced remote plans, intermittence, switch-off, structure change or time phase. � Intersections individual or group operation mode modification for the public transport or priority vehicles. � Intersections coordination and synchronization (green wave). Adaptive Adaptive control system: � Phase/cycle timing extension (manually forced) or by remote automatic calculation adaptive system and traffic flow analysis. � External demands conditions change. � Timing calculation according to the integrated sensors parameters. � Traffic density detection system by camera, radar or thermal camera. � Adaptive timing and operation according to the weather conditions. � Co-ordination parameters with automatic definition. � Remote upload of the new traffic logic into the controller. AGISAdvanced 5.0 Multiprotocol Possibility to connect controllers with communication protocol: • OCIT • B (Barcelone) • M (Madrid) • NTCIP • Other manufacturers (supplier’s open protocol). Centralized traffic lights structure Traffic detectors • Loop detectors. • Infrared, doppler • Video detection. • Pedestrian buttons. • Radars. • Cooperation with third-party systems. Environmental meteo sensors • Wind speed and direction. • Temperature - moisture. • Snow thickness. • Present weather. • Road pavement. AGIS Client AGIS Server AGIS Vision AGIS Adaptive Advanced traffic monitoring • Traffic controller’s state real-time monitoring by stage diagram. • Traffic controller’s hardware subsystems real-time monitoring. • City status detailed visualisation. • Individual intersection’s interactive diagram display. • System events record. • Coordination graphic (green wave). • Traffic parameters display (intensity, gap between vehicles...). Advanced adaptative control • Dinamic recalculation for signal plans or signal plans group. • Adaptive time phase by traffic flow analysis. • Intersection capacity calculation. • Saturation flow analysis graphic. • Operation controller adapted to the weather conditions. What is ARTIC? ARTIC is a traffic control and regulation integral application. We are talking about a multiprotocol software platform for ITS devices management and monitoring, fleet control, exploitation help and automatic sanction systems management. Its multi-platform and multiprotocol design allows any ITS systems installation to integrate regardless of the integrator who performed the installations and their typology. There's currently a real problem for the total integration of systems within a unique platform for the traffic control centers; this inconvenient creates a dependence on a technology, a manufacturer or an integrator for the administration and at the same time the costs for room staff training are multiplied. And the administration still does not have a real device integration. A full system integration minimizes multiprotocol communication problems, it has a unique custom interface, the system is much more robust, fast and efficient deployment costs are lower and the administration sets the standard to follow without being left in the hands of multiple ITS integrators. ARTIC is fully configurable by the user, with a management tool that will give independence and autonomy. ARTIC platform consists of several modules constantly evolving: ARTIC ARTIC ARTIC ARTIC ARTIC ARTIC Tunnel Tutor ARTIC Gost Urban Colors Interurban Fleet ARTIC Traffic regulation and control intuitive application. ARTIC ARTIC Tutor Colors Helps a control center operator Integrated traffic lights centralization ARTIC Urban ARTIC Tunnel Urban ITS devices integrated management Tunnels integral management ARTIC Fleet ARTIC Interurban ITS systems and interurban infraestructures integrated management Real-time fleet management ARTIC Gost Automatic infractions detection systems operation and management help ARTIC Tunnel Integral tunnel management Fire fighting systems Ventilation, Air quality Communications network Public address system Traffic lights Electrical systems Variable signaling Traffic management systems SOS posts CCTV, DAI Lighting systems ARTIC Urban Integral ITS urban systems management Traffic lights Road lighting Dynamic parking signaling Environmental sensors Smartphone scan app Residential access control Variable signaling CCTV Parking areas control (on-Street) ARTIC Interurban Integral ITS interurban systems management Dynamic weighing (WIM) Automatic car counting Road lighting Environmental sensors Speed detection Emergency SOS phones Variable signaling CCTV Lane signaling system Weather stations ARTIC Tutor This module helps traffic control centers operation to send guided plans. The planned procedures for tunnel emergency and evacuation or any other urban infraestructure are introduced into TUTOR system. In case of an emergency or pre-established procedure activation, TUTOR system will guide the operator until the incident is solved. Function plans are developped by the system, completely intuitive for the operator preventing this way any erroneous or inconsistent action procedure. TUTOR system records each and every one of the steps taken by the operator, during the resolution of an incident and allows to export to Excel lists for further processing. The system is fully customizable by the user and interacts with any ARTIC controlled device. ARTIC Colors Centralized traffic lights intelligent module integrated within ARTIC. Unlike AGIS 5.0, aimed at local administrations without competences or needs to control ITS other devices than the centralized traffic lights control, ARTIC Colors integrates perfectly within the ARTIC platform, providing the last with advanced traffic lights centralization functionalities. ARTIC Fleet ARTIC integrated real time fleet location management. � Emergency vehicles � Snowplows � Road vehicles � Etc. cloud IPTV WWW km/h kg ARTIC Gost Traffic fines operational management platform. Combined with one or more automatic traffic infractions control modules , it allows fully automatic sactions management. � GOST systems significantly improve road safety for vehicles and pedestrians in urban and interurban environments. � Significantly decreases necessary human resources for infraction detection and sactions processing. � Allows a quick return on investment thanks to the system's high efficiency. � System’s high portability and scalability. � High performance advanced technology and fast deployment. CHRONOS Park Forbidden parking detection CHRONOS ADR CHRONOS Redlight Dangerous goods transportation automatic detection (ADR) Red light crossing detection CHRONOS CHRONOS Access Stop Unauthorized access detection Infraction detection at stop sign CHRONOS Speed Excessive average speed detection by section Awards and Recognition Best Europe tunnel EuroTap 2008 award In 2008 AERCO received international recognition from FIA and the most prestigious Automobile Club from Europe for the Pont Pla tunnel (La Massana - Andorra), as "Best European tunnel 2008". EuroTap conducted audits evaluated quality aspects, construction project security, installations, access, exploitation and maintenance. The score obtained was the highest since the awards creation, obtaining an excellent qualification. AERCO performed the installation of ITS systems and the Control Center as well as exploitation and maintenance. Main achievements Traffic engineering ITS Engineering ITS Explotation and Maintenance Installations + Systems integration Traffic engineering experts Transport system is the socio-economic circulatory system, and like so, it fully determines its functioning. On the other hand, it is the most sensitive system to the economic conjunction and is subjected to all kinds of alien influences. Specifically, the value that transportation have over the activities location requires to integrate them into the broader regional planning framework. The current economic situation requires, more than ever, a refined criteria and resources allocation mechanisms to increase efficiency for investment administration already existing, prioritize new ones and reduce mobility high costs sticking points based on the adequate mobility management strategies. This imperative can not be achieved without a reality deep and constant analysis nor without precise future actions and continuous planning, both management and new infrastructure investments. However, this study and programming task can only be addressed with guaranteed success when it comes to complex issues like logistics or the environment, if carried out by authentic specialists. Clearly then the need to entrust the analysis of the problem and evaluation of proposals of interdisciplinary, experienced and proven technical teams in the mobility planning and management, so they can assume and guarantee two levels to develop always in any urban mobility study: A) Planning level requires a deep understanding of the system analysis techniques, extensive experience in the evolutionary processes and transport system interrelationships and obviously a multidisciplinar approach. B) The management support level, wich requires a strong technical base, a deep realism and common sense, territory and peasantry detailed knowledge and highest efficiency and adaptability, so that strategic planning can be directly converted into a palpable reality, easily "sellable" to the true guarantor of its succes: the citizen. Traffic engeneering AERCO offers its comprehensive design and consulting services to develop, under the terms, specifications and content provided in the tender documents and his commitment to apply with enthusiasm and professionalism all his experience (in improving transport, supply, road safety, traffic, parking, walkability, Bike, etc..) and in general all the impact of mobility on the social, environmental and economic system. Our traffic engineering specializations Public transport - Surface collective transport - Rail transport and guided systems - Taxi Inland transport Private transport Goods transportation - Accessibility, vial planning and circulation - Roads and major communication axes - AParking - Traffic light regulation and signaling Integral goods centrals and distribution logistics Ports and coasts Sea and air transport Environmental impact Road safety Infrastructure projects Ports and Viaducts Underground parking Traffic engeneering Environment Road safety Socioeconomics Evaluation study on generated mobility with the general plan of the municipality of Alcolatge Las Lagunas de Rabassa IKEA traffic study update Almansa city mobility study Municipality Alcoletge (Lleida) Alicante Almansa (Albacete) Sta. Isabel and Granada (Almería) road axis traffic reconfiguration study Almería Evaluation study of the generated mobility by a new shopping and office center at La Margineda (Santa Coloma). Andorra La Vella. Andorra Traffic study evaluating the future Andorra’s road infrestructure road trips uptake Andorra Carme d'Avinyonet del Penedès street traffic study (Sector Pla Parcial Sud 3.3 - Les Planes) Azuqueca de Henares sustainable urban mobility study Banyoles school pathway mobility plan and planning Can Ribó Industrial Polygon mobility study and drafting Balaguer city sustainable mobility plan study drafting Avinyonet del Penedès (Bcn) Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) Banyoles (Girona) Badalona (Bcn) Balaguer (Lleida) Macro traffic simulation of possible diversion of the proposed new building lobbies Line 4 in relation to the program of works @ 22 Barcelona Study for the redimension of pedestrian entrances and corridors at Flea Market in Barcelona. Barcelona Rates study for two car parking at Sant Andreu Barcelona Study of PMU generated mobility by the transformaton of the Industrial Building at Avila street 60-64 Barcelona Barcelona ZAL accesses capacity plan Barcelona Study of generated mobility for the urban improvement plan at l'Illa Selva de Mar Barcelona PMU 9 subsector generated mobility study for the interior reform at Llull-Pujades Ponent sector. Barcelona Generated mobility study for Avila, Doctor Trueta, Badajoz and Avinguda Icària streets block urban improvement plan Barcelona Average speed tracking at Barcelona southern access Barcelona Traffic engeneering Study title Municipality Generated mobility study for Illa Almogàvers, Pamplona, Sancho d'Àvila and Zamora streets block urban improvement plan Barcelona Reina Amalia parking accessibility study Barcelona Generated mobility study for the PGM modification around Palau de la Música of Barcelona Barcelona Generated mobility evaluation study at Manresa ARE Barcelona Traffic study for the reurbanization and opening of new ways at Ronda del Mig area (Via Augusta - Balmes section) Barcelona New ways reurbanization and opening traffic study for Ronda del Mig Via Augusta, Balmes section Barcelona Forum building parking access management study Barcelona Ordination plan of traffic resulting from the construction works on the new building at 178 Provença street Barcelona Accessibility study for the RCD Espanyol stadium Barcelona Generated mobility study for the implementation of the Design Center around Plaça de les Glòries, Barcelona Barcelona Generated mobility evaluation study for the P.G.M. modification at Prim-Sagrera sector Barcelona Mercat dels Encants parking management and equipment methodology Barcelona Interactive support manual creation for the Urban mobility plan development Barcelona Technical assistance with the planning of works around Meridiana avenue Barcelona Generated mobility study for the Montigalà IKEA shopping center ampliation Barcelona Traffic impact study for the Ronda del Vallés construction site Barcelona Technical assistance at the Pg. de la Zona Franca diversions plan Barcelona TransCAD simulation model migration to AIMSUN format Barcelona Barcelona metropolitan area traffic model elaboration Barcelona Traffic study and modelling for a new FIH Central Market and new access over F street at Mercabarna Barcelona Plaça de les Glòries path detailed sizing and micro-simulation Barcelona Hospital de la Maternitat parking sizing study Barcelona Traffic engeneering Study title Municipality Les Corts district mobility study Barcelona Plaza Garduña rearrangement study Barcelona Zona Franca A street micromodelling and traffic study Barcelona Mercat de Sant Antoni provisional transfer afectation mobility study Barcelona Mobility impact study on large commercial equipment Barcelona Tiangle de Llevant mobility study (capacity plan) Barcelona Elaboration of accessibility rules to mall center adapted to Directive 2006/123 EC Barcelona Study for the burial of the Ronda Road in Moses Ruiz-Plaza Pavilion section Barcelona Montjuïc Park accessibility study Barcelona Tibidabo theme park accessibility study. Collective transport improvement and private vehicle access regulation proposal Barcelona Extension of the traffic simulation model for Local Road Service all over Barcelona province Barcelona Bicing service operating model definition, study, bases and foundations Barcelona Tres Turons mobility study Barcelona Financial viability study for the concession and operation of several areas designated for parking in the town of Caldes de Montbui Caldes de Montbuí (Bcn) Information gathering and diagnosis for Cardona urban mobility plan realization Cardona (Bcn) Cabezo Beaza Industrial park sustainable mobility plan Cartagena (Murcia) Implementation study for the regulated area in Córdoba. Córdoba Demand evolution outlook report for 28 public car parkings Espanya N-634 junction analysis, Kalea Ibaizábal in Galdakao Galdakao Traffic engeneering Study title Gavà informative signaling plan Municipality Gavà (Barcelona) Speed limiter elements implementation study at Gijón rural area Gijón Gijón road parking regulation system resizing study Gijón Horche municipality mobility study Horche (Guadalajara) Generated mobility evalluation study for the General ordination plan specific modification at 39-41 Europa avenue, Igualada. Igualada World Trade Center parking demand and economic feasibility study Igualada (Bcn) Blue parking zone expansion and integral restyling study Igualada (Bcn) Urban mobility plan at La Llagosta La Llagosta (Bcn) Hospital Arnau surroundings mobility improvement study Lleida Generated mobility evaluation study at “SUR-8-9-23” sector Lleida Generated mobility evaluation study for Lleida station special plan Lleida Generated mobility analysis and report presentation for New BBVA headquarters Las Tablas, Madrid. Madrid Parking management and exploitation models report at the Madrid Palacio de Congresos Madrid Connection criteria definitions for pedestrian itineraries at Madrid central area Madrid Fuencarral, Hortaleza and Montera streets area pedestrian mobility improvement Madrid Car sharing implementation benchmark for Madrid municipality Madrid SER system performance monitoring Madrid Economic evaluation study for the Malgrat city parking system Malgrat de Mar (Bcn) Manresa ARE generated mobility evaluation study Manresa (Bcn) Hospital General de Manresa access management alternatives microsimulation Manresa (Bcn) Ronda de Maó mobility study Menorca Island (PDSC) Road Sectorial Plan drafting Maó Menorca Traffic engeneering Study title Municipality Montblanc (Tarragona) old town mobility plan Montblanc (Tarragona) New road informative traffic study. Connecting road between the future Besòs road's left edge and AP-7 road Montcada (Barcelona) Montmeló general urban municipal plan specific modification mobility study and Railroad undergrounding Montmeló (Bcn) Catalonia Circuit self-protection plan Montmeló (Bcn) Paris bicycle service comparative analysis (Vali’b) N-420 road study, Riudecols variant París Riudecols (Tarragona) Gran Via de Sabadell multiple traffic solutions analysis support Sabadell (Bcn) Gran Via de Sabadell mobility study support Sabadell (Bcn) Sopelana municipality sustainable mobility plan Soria road security plan creation, consulting and assistance Colònia Güell to Santa Coloma de Cervelló residential partial traffic plan ordenation and alternatives microsimulation Besòs river left margin traffic conectivity study, at Santa Coloma de Gramenet Generated mobility study and microsimulation for the 38/4 sector Sopelana (Vizcaya) Sória Sta. Coloma Cervelló (Bcn) Sta. Coloma Gramenet (Bcn) Zaragoza C-1413a and C-1415a Sentmenat roads variant link micromodelling and traffic study different cities Blanes - Lloret new planned Bus Lane microsimulation traffic study different cities Baix Llobregat corridor mobility study different cities Study of traffic and deflections of the constructive project work booked for bus lane on the C-58 and between Ripollet Av. Meridiana different cities Traffic study for the determination of intensity of the future Diagonal Axis (Vilanova - Manresa) different cities Traffic study of the A-2 highway between Riudellots de la Selva and Bàscara villages different cities Traffic engeneering Study title Studies for the development of pedestrian traffic under the municipal plan for sustainable mobility Municipality Málaga Puigcerdà's Plaça Santa Maria- Els Herois pedestrian habilitation study Puigcerdà Generated mobility study for Piera’s municipal urban plan Piera (Bcn) Areatza sustainable mobility plan Areatza Gorbeia’s natural park accesibility analysis Areatza Auñón municipality traffic management study and signalization improvements Auñón Generated mobility evaluation study for the execution of the Balaguer municipal urban ordination plan Balaguer Bicing-BCN public service bicycles maintenance audit Barcelona Audit of Begues mobility plan implementation Begues Bilbao access ways congestion study Bilbao Brihuega municipality movility study Burgos city parking study Brihuega Burgos Operating system analysis for the implementation in car parks of FGC and Business Plan Catalunya Chiloeches municipality circulation management Chiloeches Analysis of alternatives to the I-1 between Ciutadella and Ferreries Ciutadella Durango's commonwealth sustainable mobility plan creation Durango Municipality of Prat de Llobregat horizontal and vertical signaling inventory drafting El Prat de Llobregat Project drafting for the urban orientation signaling for the city of Gijón Gijón Gijón city guidance signaling works project management Gijón Granollers integrated mobility and parking services model implementation study Granollers Ibarra sustainable mobility plan Ibarra Igorre sustainable mobility plan Igorre Traffic engeneering Study title Municipality Valuation study of technological systems that facilitate car sharing Madrid Study for the improvement of customer satisfaction Madrid Consulting services for the implementation of a model of Public Bicycle (MIBICI) Madrid Study for the reform of incidents regarding the improvment of the service level of EMT Madrid Overhaul of the current mobility ordinance to suit the public bicycle project Mybici Madrid SER system performance monitoring in the city of Madrid Madrid Mobility Plan, study and management of urban traffic in the town of Mondejar Mondejar Mobility evolution diagnosis of Montserrat associated with the modification of existing means of access Montserrat Navarcles municipality mobility study Navarcles Orozko sustainable urban mobility plan study Orozko Study of pedestrian and bicycle mobility in the city of Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca Implementation of a Public Bicycle Model in Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca San Sebastián de los Reyes street parking regulation sizing study Sopelana municipality sustainable urban mobility plan San Sebastiàn de los Reyes Sopelana Soria municipality sustainable urban mobility plan study Sória Audit of Sustainable Mobility Plan of Vitoria (YEAR 1) Vitòria Advice for planning works in the city of Barcelona Barcelona Planning and activities monitoring on Diagonal avenue Barcelona Traffic model exploitation service study Mobility and Road Infraestructures Services Management. Year 2009. Barcelona Forum area internal mobility management study Barcelona Traffic engeneering Study title Municipality Urban mobility plan drafting guidelines elaboration Barcelona Technical assistance planning for the high speed lane works, between Mallorca street, Castillejos and Padilla Barcelona Passeig de la Bonanova, Barcelona, technical assistance and diversions planning Barcelona Passeig Sant Joan Bosco, Barcelona, technical assistance and diversions planning Barcelona Barcelona Design Center road section protection interference plan and traffic diversions construction project Barcelona Barceloneta district mobility study (traffic, parking, pedestrians and public transport) Barcelona Ronda del Guinardó between Sardenya and Cartagena sreets simulation model update Barcelona Generated mobility study for specific modification of the PGM sector in the Eixample North Sarrió the Municipality of El Prat de Llobregat Barcelona Drafting urban mobility plans for extension guidelines study Barcelona Tram mobility study and captable demand Barcelona Mall traffic study implementation at Barsov (Rumania) Brasov (Rumania) Castelldefels information signs plan Castelldefels (Barcelona) Mobility reorganization study for Castelldefels municipality Castelldefels (Barcelona) Traffic study for the proposed new road overall improvement. Connection variant south of Lleida (A2) with C-13 (Vilanova de la Barca). Section: Lleida - Vilanova de la Barca different cities Manual and automatic gauging necessary to characterize the traffic in the stretch of Olost Olvan Axis, Vic Gironella different cities Good practice parking manual drafting for urban business areas activity different cities Ermua variant construction project traffic study Ermua (Vizcaya) Study for planning traffic diversions resulting from the works of the AVE train station in Girona Mobility study for the implementation of a Management Centre (WTC) La Roca del Vallès mobility study Girona Igualada La Roca del Vallès (Barcelona) Traffic engeneering Study title Municipality Technical assistance for drafting the Urban Mobility Plan of the city of Lleida (ALG-UTE Doyma) Lleida Traffic study for the proposed construction of the N-260. Pirenean axis KP 282 to KP 284 Section: Gerri de Sal variant Lleida Study of the effect by the introduction of the tram on the mobility model of the city of Palma de Mallorca Mobility impact study on the preparation of the C-14, KP 112 KP 177 +700 +445. Section Oliola - Adrall (Bank of Urgellet). Palma de Mallorca Ribera d'Urgellet (Lleida) Guadalajara mobility information gathering Guadalajara Guadalajara mobility plan update Guadalajara Torrevieja sustainable urban mobility plan study Torrevieja Urban road safety plan course taught at Toledo during June the 30th 1rst and 2nd July Toledo Meritxell/ Carlemany avenues pedestrian enabling Andorra Mobility survey in the city of Logroño Logroño Traffic study for the establishment of a Science and Technology Center in Las Tablas (Madrid) Alcobendas Drafting of the technical aspects of Mobility Quality of environment manual for Public Works information to citizens Catalunya Micro modeling of different roundabout alternatives management between Avenida Tenor Fleta and Z30 Zaragoza Zaragoza Generated mobility study for Prat de Llobregat, La Seda district Sector 2 urban improvement plan El Prat de Llobregat Preparation of project layout and construction. Description Southern Huesca Valdabra from the link in the A-23 to link the motorway Siétamo Lleida-Huesca (A-22). Province of Huesca Traffic study and micro modeling the intersection for Avenida de la Porta Diagonal in the municipality of Cornella. Phases 1, 2 and 3. Huesca Cornellà (Barcelona) Technical Assistance for the planning of the works of the High Speed Lines at the intersection of the streets Entença and Provença Barcelona Derived contingency plan for the AVE Tunnel Construction Works in Barcelona related to mobility in the city Barcelona Bellaterra bus parking mobility study Bellaterra (Cerdanyola) Traffic engeneering Study title La Roca Village mall informative signaling project Municipality La Roca del Vallès (Barcelona) Technical assistance for improving mobility in the new urbanization in Mijas Costa Málaga Madrid metropolitan area mobility study Madrid Urban mobility plan at Burgos hospitals Burgos Sustainable Mobility Plan. Common Strategy on mobility and transport. Euskadi Technical assistance and management support of the actions of EMT for the implementation and commissioning program Public Bike Madrid (MyBici) Madrid Parking operation indiscipline and SER system operation tracking Madrid Valencia congestion and signaling works information gathering Audit information collection of Gijón roundabouts Valencia Gijón Galicia (PSAD) deterrent parking sectorial plan Galicia Audit of Sustainable Mobility Plan of Vitoria (YEAR 2) Vitòria Traffic study of the construction project of the Southern extension of the Port of Barcelona Barcelona Study of the traffic generated characteristics of the businesses in the area of logistics expansion of Barcelona Barcelona Support for improving exchangers with a long-distance correspondence to the metropolitan regions of Barcelona Barcelona Urban bus network energy eficiency improvement and resizing study Burgos Urban bus network energy eficiency, rezising and service improvement Burgos Upgrade and improvement of the traffic simulation model of the City of Palma Palma de Mallorca Impact study on mobility for coverage of vials in the district of Sants Barcelona Traffic engeneering Study title Operating service model of traffic management services and mobility of the road infrastructure in 2011 Mobility study for Les Franqueses del Valles municipality Municipality Barcelona Les Franqueses (Bcn) Ciudad real sustainable mobility plan Phase 1 Ciudad real Ciudad real sustainable mobility plan Phase 2 Ciudad real Sant Julia de Loria (Andorra) traffic variant prognosis Andorra Parking operation indiscipline and SER system operation tracking Madrid Development pedestrian area mobility ordenance of Huesca Huesca Girona north sector basic network study Girona Vitoria Civita 3.01 deliverable project realization Madrid Bureau of Transportation workshops analysis and monitoring Bellaterra Mobility Center Sustainable mobility good practices study Vitoria-Gasteiz Madrid Bellaterra Vitoria-Gasteiz Traffic study for the expansion of retail space in a business park Madrid Elaboration of Logroño mobility survey Logroño Sant Julia de Loria traffic lights and green wave implementation study Andorra Planning and scheduling activities in the network core of Andorra la Vella and Escaldes Andorra CG1 road future diversion intersection micromodeling and traffic study Andorra Proposed redesign of the Margineda roundabout to improve road safety conditions Andorra Traffic engeneering Study title Tunnel control and monitoring system (CCCVic) Responsibles and developers of the management, control and IP based monitoring system for Government of Catalonia tunnels. � Communications network design, configuration and implementation � Full client design and implementation (front-office) � Design and implementation (back-office) of IP video system, IP public address, IP recording, IP videowall system, incident detection DAI, communication with TELVENT server, fire algorithms, interlock camera algorithms, etc. � 50% remote stations implementation The system is a SCADA for total control of tunnels, specially developped for the Government of Catalonia, wich is based on integrated tunnel management through a single redundancy system through an optic fiber and radio-links IP network. All systems are integrated into a single graphical interface to help operability, safety and productivity. It is based in a distributed computing system composed of servers and clients located within the Central Control Center and on different Local Control Centers. This installation has a special feature, it manages several tunnels all over the territory: Length Managed tunnels Length Lo Coscollet 244m La Vola 500m Remolins 288m La Rierola 106m Obaga Negra 782m La Carrera 122m Espluvins 937m La Famada 94m Aubenç 333m La Codina 1.448m Montant de Tost 636m Fonfreda 654m Sant Esteve d'en Bas 892m Sant Julià 1 278m Amadeu Torner 750m Sant Julià 2 146m Parpers 4.013m Romagats 136m Figaró 426m Buc 388m Granollers 780m Espinelves 175m Montcada 500m Pigot 236m Bracons 4.610m Les Comes 438m La Cavorca 155m Joanet 1.394m Corbs 90m Bagís 231m Les Salines 157m Les Fosses 454m La Sala 508m ITS Engeneering Managed tunnels Tunnel control and monitoring (CEDINSA) Responsibles and developers of the management, control and monitoring for CEDINSA tunnels; separated from Vic Road Control Center in 2008, although there is still a traffic and cameras data exchange between those centers. Based on the same above mentioned system. C-25 (segregated from the system in 2008) Length (m.) Tubes Fonfreda 654 1 Sant Julià 1 278 1 Sant Julià 2 146 1 Romagats 136 1 Buc 388 1 Espinelves 175 1 Pigot 236 1 Les Comes 438 1 Joanet 1.394 2 Bagís 231 1 Les Fosses 454 1 Tunnel control and monitoring (BRACONS) ITS Engeneering Responsibles and developers of the management, control and monitoring for BRACONS tunnels, unified with Vic Road Control Center system. Pont Pla tunnel control and monitoring (1300 m.) Responsibles and developers of the management, control and IP based monitoring management system of Andorra's Pont Pla tunnel, EuroTAP 2008 awarded, of Andorra Government. Communications network design, configuration and implementation. All Client (front-office) and server (Back-Office) design and implementation. Design and implementation (back-office) of IP video system, IP public address, IP recording, IP videowall system, DAI incident detection, fire algorithms, interlock camera algorithms, etc. B-20, Santa Coloma and El Bruc tunnels Responsible for management system, monitoring and control for El Bruc tunnel, and B-20 managed by Spanish Public Works Ministry tunnels. System installed with Schneider PLCs for devices, traffic and tunnels control. Developed SCADA with Monitor Pro V7.2. Development: � PL7 pro programming (Premiums) � Concept programming (Momentums) � SCADA Monitor Pro with client server architecture (1 server y 2 clients) ITS Engeneering Equipment: � 12 Premiums (remote PLC’s) � 42 Momentums (PLC’s concentrator) � 25.000 signs � 43 Switchs Barcelona Airport electric control Barcelona Airport electric control maintenance, supervision and new elements implementation during the new Barcelona Airport Terminal works execution. Equipment: � 2 Quantums (PLC’s) � 60 Momentums (PLC’s) � 15.000 signs � 30 Switchs � 14 Video cameras � 1 Intercom central � 6 Intercoms � 4 Fire Alarm centrals (notifier) Development � PLC Unity and Concept programming � SCADA IAS Wonderware (Archestra) � 3 servers (2 process and 1 data base) � 5 Operation consoles � 9 Operation consoles HMI (Intouch) Barcelona Airport new South Terminal (T1) Responsible for the software development and implementation of climate control system installations, plumbing and sanitation of the new terminal. Schneider PLC’s. Equipment: � 34 Premiums (PLC’s) � 82 Switchs � 30 Getaways LON-TCP � 555 Advantys (PLC’s) Development � Unity PLC programming � SCADA IAS Wonderware (Archestra) � 5 HDMI with Video Citect ITS Engeneering Devices � 926 Fancoils (LON-TCP) � 250 UTA � 33 Autonomous equipment (modbus) � 27 Electrical network analyzers � 32 SAI � 144 Low voltage switchboards � More than 150.000 signs SMP - Command and Presentation System Responsible for the Barcelona Airport beacon control system software maintenance between 2007 and 2010. Airport beacons control and monitoring: � Beacon regulators � Beacon circuits (treads, axles, edges, approximation, PAPIS, SLIU, etc.) � Weather stations � Ilumination towers Barcelona equipment � Optic fiber double ring � 19+19 Quantums (PLC) with double card � 600 Momentums (PLC) � 600 Beacon regulators � More than 100.000 signs � 32 Switchs � Update time of less than 1 second Responsible for the migration of software to Wonderware system (IAS 3.0 and Intouch 10.0) and redundant PLC Quantum software developers. Development � PLC Concept programming � C++ development for clients and servers � 2 Control servers (principal and backup) with automatic switching � 10 Operation consoles, 6 of them ITS Engeneering Migration to SCADA IAS Wonderware � Developing an SMP standard under Wonderware's SCADA IAS together with AENA � 4 servers � 10 INTOUCH Operation consoles � 5 Terminal server consoles Network configuration Responsible and material executors of the network design and configuration for: Catalonia’s traffic service ( 10 gigabit) � 100 Hirschmann level 2 and level 3 nodes. � 500 Final equipment. CCCVic (Gigabit) � 100 Hirschmann level 2 and level 3 nodes. � 250 Final equipment. Bracons (Gigabit) � 75 Hirschmann level 2 and level 3 nodes. � 300 Final equipment. C-17, Costa Brava y Costa Dorada (radio-link network) Basque Country AP-1 tunnels (Gurutxexiqui) � 15 Hirschmann level 2 and level 3 nodes. � 30 Final equipment. ITS Engeneering Pont Pla tunnel and Access � 50 Hirschmann level 2 and level 3 nodes. � 150 Final equipment. Real-time control systems Variable speed management system (C-31 y C-32) System installed in the CIVICAT for the variable speed management, including signing and radar elements. ARTICBA (Barcelona Traffic Control Integrated Multimedia Application) � System installed on CIVICAT (Catalunya Road Information Center) and Mossos d'Esquadra (Police) Control Center. � Employed to manage a lane in the opposite direction of the usual lane direction, on N340 between Mollins de Rei and Cervelló (Barcelona), and to manage the Baix Llobregat Highway. � Real-time control and monitoring of various traffic devices, such as light beacons, information panels, cross&arrow signs, data collection stations, artificial vision, SOS posts, television cameras etc.. � Developed using client-server architecture, using C++ programming lenguage for servers, Java for clients and COBRA for communication between both of them. ITS Engeneering � Uses ethernet and FDDI network as main communication link between Control Center and street equipment, by wich digitalized data, video and audio are sent. ARTICTGV (Traffic Control Integrated Application for Basque Government) � Application installed in the Bilbao (Basque Country) Control Center. � In use for Basque Country road management. � Real-time control and monitoring of various traffic devices, such as information panels, data collection stations, artificial vision, CCTV etc.. � Various different communication systems are used together with installed equipment. HDSL (Andorra telephony) for video and data transmission, GSM, RTC (Switched Telephone Network) and Ethernet. ITS Engeneering � The main system features are: - Devices control and monitoring - MPEG and H.263 video format sending - Traffic data graphic lists - Continuous real-time map for internet display Management systems Road catalog Management system developed for the Catalonia Government to manage its roads within its responsibility, aswell as all installed elements. GSMI – Systematized Maintenance Management Management system developed for Catalonia Government for the maintenance and monitoring of elements of its competence. Fault management Management system developed for the maintenance and breakdowns monitoring system. Created with ASP technology, it is accessible via internet and allows clients to introduce faults and can carry out queries of repair timing, costs, billings, etc.. � Installed at Mataró for city’s traffic lights maintenance monitoring. � Installed at Terrassa for city’s traffic lights maintenance monitoring. � Installed at Basque County for Basque Government roads maintenance monitoring. GAF ITS Engeneering Catalonia Government traffic density management application. Our operation and maintenance of road infrastructure and ITS systems experience. AERCO has developed its activity as an installer and system integrator in the Principality of Andorra where its headquarters is located. Although for our international expansion we have agreements with other companies who work mainly in Spain and France, we emphasize in our corporate presentation of our more remarkable facilities installed in Andorra. Andorra, our 468 km2 "Showroom". (Facilities integrally installed by AERCO) Multi-purpose reversible lane, Aixovall-La Margineda ITS Exploitation and maintenance Multi-purpose reversible lane, La Comella Multi-purpose reversible lane, Sant Julià de Lòria ITS Exploitation and maintenance Multi-purpose reversible lane, Av. Tarragona National Traffic Center (Andorra Government) ITS Exploitation and maintenance Multi-purpose reversible lane, Sant Julià de Lòria (city) Multi-purpose priority lane La Margineda ITS Exploitation and maintenance Grandvalira ski resort parking signaling La Pedrera Tunnel modernization (Andorra) ITS Exploitation and maintenance Dos Valires Tunnel ARTIC platform integration Fluid installations and ARTIC integration on Radio Andorra tunnels ITS Exploitation and maintenance Fluid installations and ARTIC integration on La Tàpia tunnel Our experience in the operation and maintenance of road infrastructures and ITS systems. It was AERCO's first activity back in 2006 at the Principality of Andorra, with maintenance and exploitation contracts for La Massana tunnels and its influence area, aswell as the Andorra Government Traffic Control Center. In 2008 EuroTap European Consortium, composed by FIA (International Automobile Federation) and the most prestigious Automobile Club honored Pont Pla tunnel and its exploitation with the first price and an EXCELLENT mention. Until today, AERCO maintains and exploits all Andorra ITS infraestructures. Our experience, motivation and dedication to service have pushed us to export our business model and our knowledge and so expand our borders. Installations + Systems integration Tunnel first response team Control center operators � 6 Road tunnels (12 Kms.) � 19 Kms. of tunnel links � 9 kms. evacuation and service galleries � Andorra National Traffic Center � 6 Tunnel local control centers � 7 Municipal control centers (Local Police) � 200 Kms. ITS equiped roads � Traffic cameras � Variable information panels (VMS) � Data acquisition stations � Weather stations � Hidden signs � Travel time calculation � Traffic lights � Traffic lights speed control � Radars (cinemometers) � Average speed by sections radars � Lane signaling � More than 250.000 signs (PLC, Alarms, etc.) Installations + Systems integration AERCO currently exploits and maintains the following Andorra road infraestructures: +376 80 21 80 +376 82 53 69 aerco@aerco.ad www.aerco.ad C/ Esteve Dolsa Pujal nº 40 nau 8 – local A AD500 - Andorra la Vella Principat d'Andorra