KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE SECTION 09 67 23 TROWEL APPLIED POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE 1/4” STAND ALONE FLOOR SYSTEM PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This section includes the following: 1. Urethane cement resinous flooring system as shown on the drawings and in schedules. 2. Provide labor, materials, equipment, and supervision necessary to install a heavy duty trowel grade urethane cement flooring system as outlined in this specification to new or existing concrete surfaces. 3. The manufacturer’s application instructions for each product used are considered part of this specification and must be followed at all times. 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.3 A. Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including general and supplementary conditions and Division 1 specification sections, apply to this section. B. Related sections – Coordinate work in this Section with work in other Sections to properly execute the work requirements and maintain satisfactory progress of work in other Sections. 1. Cast-in-Place Concrete, section 03 30 00 2. Concrete Curing, section 03 39 00 3. Expansion Control, section 07 95 00 C. Reference Standards – Use Current Versions 1. ASTM F3010 Standard Practice for Two-Component Resin Based Membrane-Forming Moisture Mitigation Systems for Use Under Resilient Floor Coverings 2. ASTM C 1538 Bond Strength or Tensile Bond Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull-Off Method). 3. ASTM D7234 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers. 4. ASTM F710 Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. 5. ICRI Guide 310.2R Selecting and Specifying Concrete Surface Preparation For Sealers, Coatings, Polymer Overlays and Concrete Repair. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The work shall consist of preparation of the substrate, application of a trowel applied cement based floor coating system. The system shall have the color and texture as specified by the Owner with a nominal thickness of 1/4 in. It shall be applied to the prepared area(s) as defined in the plans strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. Cove base, if required, is be applied where noted on plans and per manufacturers standard details unless otherwise noted. 24 October 2014 Page 1 of 7 KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION B. 1.4 POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE KOSTER UC 200 shall be a complete system of compatible materials manufactured by KOSTER AMERICAN CORP. to create a seamless flooring surface. SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the requirements and Conditions of the Contract in Division 1 Specification Section. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s data sheets and supporting information for each product and process including: 1. Product specifications 2. Installations Instructions 3. Complete manufacturer’s pre-installation checklist. 4. Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each product being submitted. C. Samples: A 6 in square sample of the proposed system. Color, texture, and thickness shall be representative of overall appearance of finished system. D. Applicator Approval: Submit a letter from the manufacturer stating the applicator is approved to install a heavy duty trowel grade urethane cement floor system. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Manufacturer shall have a minimum of 10 years experience in the production, sale, and technical support of epoxy and urethane industrial flooring and related materials. B. The Applicator shall have been approved by the flooring system manufacturer in all phases of surface preparation and application of the product specified. 1.6 C. No requests for substitutions shall be considered that would change the generic type of the specified system. D. System shall be in compliance with requirements of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and local Health Department. E. A pre-installation conference shall be held between Applicator, General Contractor and the Owner for review and clarification of this specification, application procedure, quality control, inspection and acceptance criteria and production schedule. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packing and Shipping 1. All components of the system shall be delivered to the site in the Manufacturer's packaging, clearly identified with the product type and batch number. B. Storage and Protection 1. The Applicator shall be provided with a storage area for all components. The storage area shall be kept at a temperature between +60°F and +80°F, dry, not exposed to direct 24 October 2014 Page 2 of 7 KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION 2. C. 1.7 POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE sunlight and in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations and relevant health and safety regulations. Copies of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all components shall be kept on site for review by the Engineer or other personnel. Waste Disposal 1. The Applicator shall be provided with adequate disposal facilities for non-hazardous waste generated during installation of the system. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Site Requirements 1. Application may proceed while air, material and substrate temperatures are between +40°F and +90°F providing the substrate temperature is above the dew point. Outside of this range, the Manufacturer shall be consulted. 2. The ambient relative humidity in the specific location of the application shall be less than 85% and the surface temperature shall be at least 5°F above the dew point. 3. The Applicator shall ensure that the work area is ventilated adequately. 4. The Applicator shall be supplied with adequate lighting equal to the final lighting level during the preparation and installation of the system. B. Conditions of new concrete to be coated with urethane cement material. 1. Concrete shall be moisture cured for a minimum of 7 days and be fully cured for a minimum of twenty eight days in accordance with ACI-308 prior to the application of the coating system pending moisture tests. 2. Concrete shall have a flat rubbed finish, float or light steel trowel finish (a hard steel trowel finish is neither necessary nor desirable). 3. Sealers and curing agents should not be used. 4. Concrete surfaces on grade shall have been constructed with a vapor barrier underneath to protect against the effects of vapor transmission and possible delamination of the system. C. 1.8 Safety Requirements 1. All open flames and spark-producing equipment shall be removed from the work area prior to commencement of application. 2. "No Smoking" signs shall be posted at the entrances to the work area. 3. The Owner shall be responsible for the removal of foodstuffs from the work area. 4. Non-related personnel in the work area shall be kept to a minimum. WARRANTY A. KOSTER warrants that its product shall be in accordance with the specifications published in the current revision of the products data sheet. KOSTER covenants that in the event any of its products fail to meet their published specifications, KOSTER shall replace those products proved to be defective. KOSTER shall not be responsible for any incidental or consequential damages due to the breach of its warranties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, KOSTER’s sole liability hereunder shall not exceed the cost of the defective product originally purchased. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE, KOSTER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AND MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE 24 October 2014 Page 3 of 7 KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE PRODUCT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. The user must determine if the product is suited for the intended use and the user must bear the risks and liabilities associated with it. B. KOSTER AMERICAN CORP. liability with respect to this warranty is strictly limited to the value of the material purchase. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 2.2 MANUFACTURER A. KOSTER American Corporation Corporate Headquarters: 2585 Aviator Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23453 Phone: (757)425-1206 Fax: (757)425-9951 Web Address: www.kosterusa.com B. Manufacturer of Approved System shall be a single source with materials made in the USA. MATERIALS A. General: Use materials of one manufacturer throughout the project as hereinafter specified. B. KOSTER AMERICAN CORP., KOSTER UC 200 seamless flooring system 1. System Materials: a. Topping Coat: KOSTER AMERICAN CORP., KOSTER UC 200 Resin, Hardener, and Aggregate 2. Patch Materials a. Shallow Fill and Patching: Use KOSTER AMERICAN CORP. KOSTER TA Fumed Silica with KOSTER UC 300 Resin, Hardener, and Aggregate. b. Deep Fill and Sloping Material (over ¼ in): Use KOSTER UC 100 or KOSTER UC 300 filled with KOSTER Quartz 40 (natural quartz) as recommended by manufacturer. 2.3 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS A. Topping Coat 1. Percent Solids 2. VOC 3. Adhesion Strength to Concrete, ASTM D 4541 4. Compressive Strength, ASTM C 579 5. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 638 6. Flexural Strength, ASTM D 790 7. Abrasion Resistance, ASTM D 4060 CS 17 Wheel, 1,000 gm load, 1,000 cycles 8. Flame Spread/NFPA-101, ASTM E 648 9. Impact Resistance, ASTM D 2794 10. Water Absorption, ASTM D 570 24 October 2014 KOSTER UC 200 100% NIL >400psi 8500 psi 950 psi 3300 psi 50 mg loss Class 1 >160 <0.05 % Page 4 of 7 KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION 11. Hardness (Shore D), ASTM D 2240 POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE 80D PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 EXAMINATION OF SUBSTRATE BEFORE INSTALLATION A. Examine substrates, areas and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content, installation tolerances and other conditions affecting flooring performance. B. Verify that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for flooring installation and comply with requirements specified. C. General 1. New and existing surface shall be free of oil, grease, curing compounds, loose particle, moss, algae growth, laitance, friable matter, dirt and bituminous products. 2. There shall be no puddling of water on the substrate surface at the time of application of the flooring system. To ensure maximum bonding the use of oil-free compressed air and/or the light passing of a propane torch may aid to further dry the substrate. D. Moisture Testing: Perform tests recommended by the manufacturer and as follows. 1. Perform anhydrous calcium chloride test ASTM F 1869-98. Application will proceed only when the vapor/moisture emission rates from the slab is less than and not higher than 25 lb/1,000 sqft/24 h. 2. Perform relative humidity test using is situ probes, ASTM F 2170. Proceed with installation only after substrates have a maximum 99% relative humidity level measurement. 3. If the vapor emission exceeds 99% relative humidity or > 25 lb/1,000 sqft/24 h then the Owner, Engineer, and /or General Contractor must be notified and advised of potential additional cost for the possible installation of a self-leveling underlayment moisture vapor mitigation system or other mean to lower vapor value to <25 lb/1,000 sqft/24 h that has been approved by the manufacturer. PREPARATION A. Remove existing floor finishes including floor coverings, coatings, paint and adhesives. Follow RFCI Recommended Work Practices for the Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings. B. Mechanical Surface Preparation 1. Shot blast all surfaces to receive flooring system with steel shot using a dust collector. All surface and embedded accumulations of paint, toppings, hardened concrete layers, laitance, power trowel finishes and other similar surface characteristics shall be completely removed leaving a bare concrete surface having a profile of between International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) CSP 2 and 4. 2. Floor areas inaccessible to the shot blasting machines shall be mechanically abraded to the same degree of cleanliness, soundness and profile using diamond grinders, needle guns, bush hammers, or other suitable equipment. 3. Along all free edges, including doorways, wall perimeters, expansion joints, columns and equipment pads, a ¼ in wide by 1/8 in deep keyway shall be cut into the substrate. 24 October 2014 Page 5 of 7 KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION 4. 5. 6. 3.3 3.4 POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE Drains and transitions to other floors: cut a keyway at an angle toward the drain or transitions. Floor and drain needs to be flush. Around any rectangular drain exposed to hot and cold temperatures, cut a ¼ in gap and fill the gap with caulk (High Elongation Joint Sealant). Place a terrazzo strip if meeting carpets, vinyl, tile, or raised floors. Keyway ½ in from strip. Cracks and joints (non-moving) greater than 1/8 in wide are to be chiseled or chipped out and repaired per manufacturer’s recommendations. At spalled or worn areas, mechanically remove loose or delaminated concrete to a sound concrete and patch per manufacturer’s recommendations. APPLICATION A. General 1. The system shall be applied in four distinct steps as listed below: a. Substrate preparation b. Topping Coat 2. Immediately prior to the application of any component of the system, the surface shall be dry and any remaining dust or loose particles shall be removed using a vacuum or clean, dry, oil-free compressed air. 3. The handling, mixing and addition of components shall be performed in a safe manner to achieve the desired results in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. 4. The system shall follow the contour of the substrate unless pitching or other leveling work has been specified by the Architect. 5. A neat finish with well defined boundaries and straight edges shall be provided by the applicator. B. Topping Coat 1. The topping coat shall be KOSTER AMERICAN CORP., KOSTER UC 200 supplied as a three component unit consisting of KOSTER UC 200 resin, hardener and aggregate mixed per the manufacturer’s instructions. 2. The resin shall be poured into a clean 5 gallon metal pail followed by the addition of the hardener. After a 30 s mix using a forced circulation pail mixer, the aggregate is mixed in until a homogenous consistency is reached mixing for an additional 60 s. 3. The topping coat shall be applied over a horizontal surface using a steel trowel or screed box at a rate of 18 sqft/unit (1/4 in thickness) then backrolled using a 3/8 in non-shed nap roller and/or other equipment approved by the manufacturer. 4. Allow material to fully cure. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests, Inspection 1. The following tests shall be measured and recorded by the Applicator: a. Temperature 1. Air, substrate temperatures and, if applicable, dew point. b. Coverage Rates 1. Rates for all layers shall be monitored by checking quantity of material used against the area covered. 24 October 2014 Page 6 of 7 KOSTER AMERICAN CORPORATION 3.5 POLYURETHANE MODIFIED CONCRETE CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Cure flooring material in compliance with manufacturer’s directions, taking care to prevent contamination during stages of application and prior to completion of the curing process. B. Remove masking. Perform detail cleaning at floor termination, leave cleanable surface for subsequent work of other sections. C. Protection: After completion of application and clean up, do not allow heavy duty traffic on coated surfaces for a period of 24 hours at +75°F. END OF SECTION 24 October 2014 Page 7 of 7