Reporting Introduction Reports have to be generated in the system where the information is managed. The main 3 systems from where the information is extracted are shown below: PeopleSoft Campus SalesForce - Commercial dashboards Sales funnel Detail information - - Program catalogue Admission information Student information (program coordination) Student financials Grading Certificates Blackboard - Seating chart - My class In PSCS there 3 levels of reporting: 1. Dashboards by process 2. Queries to extract detailed or aggregated information 3. Reports Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 1 Reporting Dashboards 1 Dashboard by process Usage: a dashboard shows relevant information related to a process: program creation, admissions, enrolment, program coordination, grading or student financials. Access: available in the main menu of each process Actions: o It can be customize and to be personalized by program, e.g. show the list of SFP o Drill down to the detail information (for example, open the financial detail information for one student by clicking in the student) What do we have: Program catalogue: list of all programs with the main information and status (activate commercial, planning or blackboard) Admission: number of candidates in admission process by program and status Admission and enrolment: total number of candidates in admissions process and number of students enrolled by program Student financial summary: total tuition amount, discounts, amount billed and amount collected by student ant payer Program coordination: list of student by program Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 2 Reporting Dashboards 1 Dashboard by process Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 3 Reporting Queries 2 Queries Usage: a search combining different criteria offering as a result a group of organized information. It’s mean to be used by program coordinators to build their reports. Access: Menu Query viewer Actions: o Run predefined Queries o Filter by fields to display only the needed information o Save Queries in My Favorite Queries o Advanced user can generate their own queries o Export to excel and word (mail merged, …) What do we have: Program design summary (PROGRAM DESIGN folder): showing all programs with the main information and status (campus, dates,…). Admission & enrolment summary (ADMISSIONS folder): candidates in admission process and students enrolled by program Admissions summary (ADMISSIONS folder): candidates in admission process by program and status Student financials summary (FINANCIALS folder): total tuition amount, discounts, amount billed and amount collected by student and payer Program coordination (PROGRAM COORD folder): list of student by program Admissions detail information (ADMISSIONS folder): list of candidates (one line by candidate) with all the personal information and detail information of the admission Enrolments detail information (PROGRAM COORD folder): list of students (one line by student) with all personal information relevant for program coordination (nationality, age, gender, sector, company,..) Student financials detail (FINANCIALS folder): same than Student Financials summary with invoice information. Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 4 Reporting Queries 2 Queries Aggregated information Detailed information Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 5 Reporting Queries 2 Queries Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 6 Reporting Reports 3 Reports Usage: preconfigured templates to be filled with the information of a specific selection done by the program coordination, for example: admission letter, graduation certificate, … Access: Menu Query Report Viewer Actions: o Generate reports in different formats: word, pdf, excel o Print out document Inventory: To be determined in each wave, see slides 9 and 10 Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 7 Reporting Reports 3 Reports Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 8 Reporting Reports Report Name Type Use I4_LIST_TRAB Listado de trabajo Academic word Internal printout with basic data of participants I4_WAIT_LIST Lista de espera programa Academic word Internal printout with basic data of participants in wait list I4_REV_DATOS Revisión de datos Academic report Document handled to participants to review their personal data I4_LABEL_DOC Etiqueta dirección documentación Academic report Labels with document sending address of the participants, for sending program materials I4_LABEL_BS Etiqueta dirección factura Academic report Labels with invoice sending address of the participants I4_LABEL_MES Etiqueta dirección mensajero Academic report Labels for messenger, with document sending address of the participants plus telephone I4_LABEL_FOL Etiqueta carpetas Academic report Labels used to paste in folders handled to participants I4_LABEL_EMP Etiqueta dirección empresa Academic report Labels used for sending postal messages to participant and company I4_ROTULO_P Rótulo mesa ponente Academic report Labels used to show professor/speaker name in the person’s table I4_NAME_TAGS Distintivo solapa participantes Academic report Lables for the participant, to attach to their lapels and show name and company I4_NAME_TAGS2 Distintivo solapa participantes logo Academic report Lables for the participant, to attach to their lapels and show name and company, with logo I4_BUTACAS Letreros Butacas Academic report Labels to attach in the participant’s seat I4_TEAM_DIST Equipos. Distribución por equipos Academic word I4_TEAM_ALPH Equipos. Listado alfabético Academic word List of participants, order alphabeticaly, showing their teams and facilities. Handled to participants. I4_FACT_COB Sequimiento de facturación y cobro Academic query Query that shows the list of participants with the most important financial data. One line for each invoice I4_CERTIFI Diploma estándar Academic report Standard certificate of the program I4_ESTADIST Estadísticas generales Academic query Maiin statistics of the program. Includes totals by gender, nationality, fee, .. I4_NAMETAG_P Distintivo solapa ponente Academic report Lables for the professor/speaker, to attach to their lapels and show name List of participants, grouped by team, showing team and facility In red, pending reports Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 9 Reporting Reports Report Name Type Use I4_OP_P_LIST Datos biográficos Academic word Basic biographical data used in International Open Programs I4_NAMETAG_P Distintivo solapa ponente Academic report Lables for the professor/speaker, to attach to their lapels and show name I4_ADMLETTER Admission letter Academic word Admission letter, sent to the student to inform that he is admitted in a program. I4_COMM_ACTA Acta comité Academic word Committee minutes, one report by committee. I4_COMM_EST Estadísticas comité Academic word Committee statistics, summary of accepted and not accepted candidates by program and committee. I4_COMM_LIST Listado candidatos comité Academic word List of candidates of a committee, including for each candidate,:basic information , program, and evaluation result from each evaluator In red, pending reports Copyright © 2014 Accenture All Rights Reserved. 10