The Adventures of LU Written by: Valkerie Asura Copyrights Declined. This work is in the Public Domain. Authorship: Valkerie Asura (2015-Present) Valkerie Asura 1515 N Town East Blvd STE 138-277 Mesquite, TX 75150 USA FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - OUTSIDE RESCATOR STATION - 3158 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME A spaceship, the ASTROROCKER, sits outside of an asteroid field. In the distance, a field of red glowing orbs surrounds a large asteroid station. ANGLE ON: ASTROROCKER BRIDGE STEVE’S BOOGIE by ERIC JOHNSON plays. Keystrokes can be heard echoing across the bridge of the spacecraft. The bridge, a utilitarian retro scene, is devoid of life, save one person. LINUX SPACEPORT sits at the helm, typing messages in a computer and looking at the radar screen. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN Linux’s computer terminal shows a blinking text prompt. A text message comes on screen. BROADCAST MESSAGE FROM UNIX: Unix>> It was very dark, and the wind howled horribly around her. The message stops. The prompt cursor blinks. Linux smirks and lets a small laugh. She types a message back. ANGLE ON: ASTEROID FIELD OUTSIDE RESCATOR STATION In the field of asteroids surrounding Rescator Station lies the DESCENT, a small fighter spacecraft. The craft appears to be adrift in space. PAN: 180 DEGREES COUNTERCLOCKWISE AROUND SPACECRAFT UNIX STARSHIP, a cyborg, is in the pilot’s seat. 2. INT. STARSHIP CABIN - 3158 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME INSTITUTIONALIZED by SUICIDAL TENDENCIES plays. Old relics of the 1990’s era of Earth are scattered in the cabin. Unix is drinking a packaged version of "JOLT! Fusion Reaction" cola, bottle by Nuclear Singularity Beverages of the Echo Sector, and typing messages into her computer. A red digital clock is tracking the time, making DTMF tones as it counts. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN A message is typed into the computer: >>Linux: She felt as if she was being rocked gently, like a baby in a cradle. Huh... A message returns on the screen: Linux>> All’s quiet after the storm. There’s no trace of anything. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix has a cold look on her face. She types a message back to Linux. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN On Unix’s computer screen reads: >>Linux: I wonder, does that lake of darkness where Nero does his fishing look something like this? Keep to my shadow. This may not go so well. Unix’s alarm clock goes off. The music stops playing. ANGLE ON: ALARM CLOCK The time indicates 3200. She silences it. ANGLE ON: UNIX Making a troubling smirk, she types a message to Linux. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN Unix’s computer screen reads: >>Linux: It’s time. Go to standby. A message comes back from Linux. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 3. Linux>> Roger! ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix reaches for a console above her and pulls down a NEURO INTERFACE device. She dons the device and flips a switch on her overhead console. A number pad emerges from her armrest. Unix sighs. UNIX STARSHIP No looking back... Unix recomposes herself. UNIX STARSHIP Computer. The onboard computer makes several beeping sounds. A light on the overhead console starts blinking. UNIX STARSHIP Execute program "Cookie Monster". PAN: 180 DEGREES CLOCKWISE TO COMPUTER SCREEN Unix’s computer screen reads out: >Launching "Cookie Monster"... A picture of Cookie Monster’s head is shown on screen, eating cookies. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix takes a quick look around her ship, in a slightly nervous manner. The onboard computer makes several beeping sounds. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN Cookie Monster shows a big smile and gives a "Yum" sound. The following comes across the screen: SYSTEM PENETRATED Unix minimizes the program and opens up a text chat line to Linux. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix begins typing. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 4. The following appears on screen: Linux>> The monster’s been sprung. Making the call. ANGLE ON: UNIX She takes an old analogue telephone handset and places it on the SONIC COUPLER. A dial tone comes over the onboard audio system. She dials into the station. The line rings, then Cookie Monster’s voice comes over the speakers and says "Give me cookies!". Unix quickly leans back in her seat and closes her eyes. Data can be heard transfering from the NEURO INTERFACE for several seconds, causing Unix a degree of discomfort. The line goes quiet. The onboard computer makes several beeping noises, and light the NEURO INTERFACE goes from glowing red to green. Unix relaxes. ANGLE ON: DESCENT SPACECRAFT The field of glowing red orbs turns green. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix opens her eyes. She reaches out to her computer and begins typing a message. ANGLE ON: COMPUTER SCREEN The following comes across the screen: Linux>> I’m in. Let’s go. We FREEZE FRAME on Unix. SUPERIMPOSE: Name: Unix Starship SUPERIMPOSE: Occupation: Crime Hunter SUPERIMPOSE: Specialty: Hacktivism SUPERIMPOSE: Mission: Hunt the Mekenzie Brothers. We resume normal frame rate. ANGLE ON: DESCENT SPACECRAFT The spacecraft powers up its systems and engages its engines. It flies towards the station, ASTROROCKER following behind. ANGLE ON: RESCATOR STATION (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Linux docks the ASTROROCKER on one of the main docking ports. ANGLE ON: RESCATOR MAINTENANCE PORT Unix flies her ship into an empty maintenance port. 5. 6. INT. RESCATOR STATION - MAINTENANCE PORT- 3205 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME The landing gear lowers and the ship docks in in a maintenance port. The engines turn off and the cabin hatch opens. ANGLE ON: DESCENT PILOT’S SEAT Unix grabs her hat and laser rifle. ANGLE ON: DESCENT She closes the hatch of her craft and touches her HOLOGRAPHIC SPECTACLES. Holographic lenses materialize in-front of her eyes. FIRST PERSON VIEW: UNIX Several messages come across the screen of the holographic lenses: BOOTING... >> Initializing Connection... >> Connection Established... >> Initializing Maps... You have 15 minutes to detonation. A wireframe map displays on her lenses with a route marker. A WIREFRAME MAP DISPLAYS ON HER LENSES WITH A ROUTE MARKER. ANGLE ON: MAINTENANCE PORT Unix slings her rifle and walks off into a hallway and into the station. 7. INT. RESCATOR STATION - MARKETS - 3208 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME Unix steps out of a dark hallway and into the markets of Rescator. The sight of rusted hulls and dirty, sleazy business puts a look of disgust on her face. She looks to her left, down one side of a row of bazaars, then to her right, down the other side, then forward. She continues walking and seemingly wanders the markets. A group of rough-looking men eye her down and follow her. She navigates the scene with finesse and makes her way out of the markets into a dark hallway. She begins running. ANGLE ON: T-INTERSECTION Unix rounds a corner and takes cover. She peers down all directions of the hallway. FIRST PERSON VIEW: UNIX A message comes across Unix’s lenses with Linux’s image: >>You’re right there, girl! Meeting Room 2. They’re all yours. The ship’s all stowed. Just waiting on you! ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix cracks her knuckles then reaches for her pant pocket, pulling out a BOMB. She looks at the door next to her. ANGLE ON: DOOR It reads "Meeting Room 2". Loud music can be heard coming from the door. ANGLE ON: MEKENZIE BROTHERS JONAS MEKENZIE and JERIMIAH MEKENZIE are in a darkened meeting room enjoying an array of naked women, and non-stop liquor. ANGLE ON: UNIX She breaths a large sigh, emiting a fog. She places the BOMB, takes a detonator out of her shirt, and counts down using her fingers. When she reaches "1", a pair of large hands grabs her. ANGLE ON: WALL Unix is slammed against the wall and surrounded by three large, rough-looking men. Unix drops her gun. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 8. ROUGHNECK A (Grizzly) Look who we have here... One man takes the BOMB off the door and shows it to the others. ROUGHNECK A (Grizzly; Fecetious) What’s this?... Roughneck A looks at the bomb, then back at Unix. ROUGHNECK A (Grizzly) What’s a girl like you doin’ playin’ with big boy toys, like this? ANGLE ON: MEKENZIE BROTHERS Jerimiah slaps Jonas on the stomach with the back side of his hand. JERIMIAH MEKENZIE Go see what that is. Jonas draws his laser pistol and angrily makes his way to the door. ANGLE ON: UNIX AND ROUGH MEN JONAS MEKENZIE (V.O.) (Yelling) Goddamnit! The door swings open. JONAS MEKENZIE (Yelling) What the hell’s goin’ on out here!? The roughnecks look at Jonas. Roughneck A holds up the bomb. ROUGHNECK A (Grizzly) Looks like little miss ’here was going to rain on your parade. Jonas walks to the men and takes the bomb. He loks at it, then at Unix. He gets in Unix’s face. Jerimiah yells from the meeting room. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 9. JERIMIAH MEKENZIE (O.S.) (Yelling) What do we got? JONAS MEKENZIE Party crasher. ANGLE ON: JERIMIAH Jerimiah throws a naked woman off of him and quickly gets up. ANGLE ON: UNIX AND MEN Jerimiah quickly comes out of the meeting room. Jonas holds up the bomb. Jerimiah looks at Unix. JERIMIAH MEKENZIE (Rough) Little girl, that was a big mistake. Do you know what we do to people like you? Jonas gets right in-front of Unix. JONAS MEKENZIE (Deranged) You and I are goin’ to have a little fun, now... He takes a knife out of a holster and runs the blae gntly across her cheek. He backs away. JONAS MEKENZIE Grab her. The rough-looking men grab sieze Unix by the arms and neck, bending her over. Jonas starts to undo his pants. JONAS MEKENZIE (Deranged) We’re going to teach you a little lesson in what it means to be a good girl! The rough men drop Unix’s pants. She has a robotic lower body. The men are confused. Jonas raises his laser pistol at Unix. JONAS MEKENZIE (Angry) I’ll take care of this! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 10. His gun is bullwhipped out of his hand. The whip strikes Jonas’s ass, dropping him to the floor. HARDER THAN YOUR HUSBAND by REDNEX plays. ANGLE ON: HALLWAY THRESHHOLD A pair of legs are silhouetted by bright white lights behind them. PAN: UP Linux Spaceport stands in silhouette at the threshold with a fist on her hip, a laser pistol in one hand, and bullwhip in the other. She cracks the whip, then steps forward, out of silhouette. LINUX SPACEPORT (Loudly; Ecstatic; Western Accent) Y’all need to learn how to treat a lady! ANGLE ON: ROUGH-LOOKING MEN ROUCHNECK B (Deep) Get her! INTERCUT BETWEEN UNIX AND LINUX ANGLE ON: UNIX The rouch-looking men abandon Unix and run at Linux. Unix kicks Jonas in the stomach, knocking him back. ANGLE ON: LINUX Linux cracks her whip again, then quickly whips all three rouchnecks across the face, knocking them hard. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix kicks Jonas’s pistol out of his hands. Jonas sends a series of punches at Unix, but she reflects them. Jonas pushes Unix out of the way and makes an escape with his brother. Unix recovers herself. ANGLE ON: LINUX & ROUGHNECKS LINUX SPACEPORT (Yelling; Western Accent) You go on ahead and get him, girl! I got this! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 11. Linux whips the three men away from her. One roughneck charges her. She shoots his head off with her pistol. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, grabs her rifle, and chases after the Mekenzies. ANGLE ON: HALLWAY The Mekenzies round a corner. Jerimiah fires a shot at Unix, but misses her. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix takes a quick second of cover behind a pillar. ANGLE ON: HALLWAY CORNER The mekenzies continue running. Unix rounds the corner, following close behind. 12. INT. RESCATOR STATION - MARKETS - 3219 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME Jonas and Jerimiah come barreling out of a hallway connected to the markets. ANGLE ON: JONAS & JERIMIAH Unix fires 2 shots at Jonas. The first one barely misses; the second hitting him in the neck, instantly killing him. Jonas drops a disk. Jerimiah attempts to reach for the disk, but takes a shot to the hand. He takes cover. The music stops. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix quickly run to Jonas’s body and steals the disk. ANGLE ON: JERIMIAH Jerimiah shoots at her, just barely missing. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix takes cover. ANGLE ON: UNIX & JERIMIAH The two find themself in a stand-off behind cover. ANGLE ON: JERIMIAH JERIMIAH MEKENZIE (Yelling) Hey, scumbag! You killed my little brother! Jerimiah fires a shot in Unix’s direction. ANGLE ON: UNIX UNIX STARSHIP (Yelling) And you’re next! Jerimiah fires several more shots towards Unix, missing all of them. Warning alarms go off across the station. ANGLE ON: FLOOR Guide lights emerge up from the floor and illuminate in one direction over and over again. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 13. ANGLE ON: LOUDSPEAKER STATION COMPUTER (V.O.) (Filtered) This is a class D warning. For security reasons, the station must now be evacuated. The bazaar shopkeeps panic and flee the scene. STATIONSTATION COMPUTER (V.O.) (Filtered) Please proceed to the nearest escape pod. ANGLE ON: JERIMIAH Jerimiah slips out amongst the crowd. ANGLE ON: UNIX Unix emerges from cover, takes aim at him, and lets go. She quickly lowers her weapon, then breaths another quick, foggy sigh. She looks tired. The station tremors. Her radio goes off. LINUX SPACEPORT (V.O.) (Filtered; Western Accent) Girl, you better get on back here. This station’s coming down... Now! Landing dock 2-E. Hurry up! Unix makes an escape. The structure around the markets collapses. 14. INT. RESCATOR STATION - DOCK 2-E - 3220 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME HITTIN’ THE HAY by REDNEX plays. Unix emerges from a collapsing hallway. An explosion throws her forward and knocks her off her feet. She recovers herself and boards the docked ASTROROCKER. The ship doors close behind her. ANGLE ON: ASTROROCKER BRIDGE Linux is buckled in and ready at the helm. Unix quickly enters the bridge and goes to her seat. UNIX STARSHIP (Loudly) Go! Go! Let’s go! Linux flips a switch on the console and manipulates the joystick. ANGLE ON: DOCK The ASTROROCKER turns around and engages its engines, lighting the bay up. The craft speeds out and away. A large explosion closely follows. 15. EXT. EXT. SPACE - OUTSIDE RESCATOR STATION - 3222 ASTRO HOURS LOCAL TIME Escape pods and merchant ships flee the scene as the station violently explodes, sending debris in all direction. Several ships are destroyed, and the local section of the astreriod field is disrupted. The ASTROROCKER escapes the explosion, following closely behind Jerimiah Mekenzie. ANGLE ON: ASTROROCKER BRIDGE Jerimiah’s ship makes a course correction. The engines of his ship light up and Jerimiah escapes at hyperspeed. The computer on the ASTROROCKER computes his course and plots a pursuit. Unix points in the direction of his escape. UNIX STARSHIP (Loudly) There! There! Alright! Ready!? LINUX SPACEPORT (Loudly) Three... Two... One... UNIX STARSHIP (Yelling) Hit it! ANGLE ON: ASTROROCKER The ship makes a course correction. The pylons orbiting the ship spin faster, then the ship goes to hyperspeed. The music stops. ANGLE ON: RESCATOR EXPLOSION The explosion from Rescator lingers in the area. We SLOW FRAME. The logo for Linux/Unix (LU) quickly flashes on screen. The outlined text slowly marquees across the screen: The Adventures of LU QUICK FLASH TO WHITE