LA SERNA HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 English 2 Honors – Course

English 2 Honors – Course Information, Expectations, and Policies
Ms. Gina Alexander – Room C-205 – (562) 698-8121 x6151 –
This comprehensive course will focus on the essential 10th grade California English-Language Arts Standards. Areas of study will
include word analysis and vocabulary development; reading comprehension; literary response and analysis; writing strategies and
applications; written and oral English language conventions; and listening and speaking strategies and applications. Students will
analyze historically and culturally significant works of literature. Students will also use the writing process to craft multiple essays of
varying lengths throughout the year.
• A three-ring binder that will be used exclusively for English (1-inch should be big enough) with dividers
• Plenty of 3-holed, college-ruled, lined filler notebook paper – no papers from spiral notebooks will be accepted!
• Pencils and pens (black or blue ink). Highlighters and colored pencils are optional, but helpful.
• Supplemental texts (to be discussed in class)
Highly recommended: Home access to a computer with Internet access and a printer
All units will include vocabulary, lectures, note-taking, active-reading and analysis assignments, on-demand essays, process essays,
multiple-choice quizzes and exams, quotes tests, projects, informal written responses, supplementary/independent reading
assessments, etc. Below are the major literary pieces and common assessments for each quarter (subject to change).
Unit 1: Foundational Drama
• Antigone by Sophocles
• Macbeth by William Shakespeare
CAs: Literary Analysis essay and Mock CAHSEE
Unit 3: Science Fiction and Dystopian Literature
• Anthem by Ayn Rand
• Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
CA: Research Project
Unit 2: Satire and Social Commentary
• Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
• Animal Farm by George Orwell
CAs: Persuasive Argument essay and Performance Task
Unit 4: War and Humanity
• All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
• Night by Elie Wiesel
CAs: Speech to Inform and District test
Classwork and Homework
Assessments (Tests/Quizzes)
Common Assessments
59% and below
Tardiness and Absences: The School-Wide Tardy and Attendance Policies will be followed. If you are absent or tardy too often,
your grade will suffer. Students are responsible for any missed assignments due to an absence. Missed work will only be accepted
for full credit if your absence is excused. Late work will not be accepted if Synergy has your absence listed as truancy or not
excused. Keep in mind that many missed classroom activities and discussions cannot be recreated.
Ms. Alexander’s Standards of Behavior:
• Respect yourself.
• Respect others.
• Come to class prepared and on time.
• Listen before speaking.
• Be honest with yourself and others.
• Maintain a positive learning environment.
• Do your best work.
Consequences for not adhering to the classroom Standards of Behavior:
1. Verbal warning
2. Student-Teacher conference
3. Parent Contact and/or Conference
4. Referral to Administration
Severe Clause: If a chronic or severe violation of the class rules occurs, the student will be immediately referred to the Guidance
Office. A parent conference will be required before the student will be allowed to return to class.
Academic Dishonesty: It is expected that all work submitted in this class is that of the individual whose name appears on the
materials. Research information must be properly documented. Violations of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to
cheating, plagiarism, copying others’ assignments, and receiving help on tests. A student found guilty of academic dishonesty will
receive a zero on the assignment in question, a disciplinary referral, and a parent phone call. A second violation will result in the
student being dropped from the class with no credit given for the semester.
Work needs to be turned in on time. Late work will be accepted for full credit up to one week late with an excused absence. All other
late work will be accepted up to one day late for up to 60% credit. Late assignments must be accompanied by a yellow slip. “Panic
buttons” are available. Essays are due on the due date given in class. Group assignments, essays, and projects will not be
accepted late. Special arrangements can be made, but you must discuss this with me at least 2 days prior to any due date.
Bathroom Passes: If you really have to go, ask permission when appropriate, sign out, take the hall pass, go quickly, come back,
sign in, and sit down. Do all of those things quietly so as not to interrupt. Do not make a habit of this. Only one person may leave
class at a time, and only when the hall pass is available. Please try to wait until you are working independently.
The Classroom: Please ask if you need a pen, ruler, highlighter, paper, etc. I am more than happy to provide you with what you
need (if I have it!) but please do not make a habit of forgetting things. Staplers and hole-punchers are available for your use. Wait
until the class is working independently to use these items. Always return them where they belong.
Appropriate Use of Language: The way we talk with our friends is not always appropriate for a classroom setting. Always be aware
of the situation you are in and speak appropriately in class. This means no profanity and no put-downs. Be respectable. “Students
are to respect each other, all staff, all guests and all substitutes. Picking on, making fun of, degrading, ridiculing, bullying, harassing,
intimidating, and/or name calling will not be tolerated.”
Electronic Devices: Please always have your phones and iPods/MP3 players turned off and put away before you enter the
classroom. Also, you must have your earbuds/headphones put away and out of sight. The school-wide, bell-to-bell ban on
electronics will be strictly enforced in class. If you are caught with a cell phone, iPod/MP3 player, or earbuds/headphones in class,
the item will be confiscated. Please note that I am being very clear… you don’t even have to be using your device for it to be
confiscated. If I see it, I take it!
1st Offense:
2nd Offense:
3rd Offense:
4th Offense:
Confiscated until the end of the period.
Confiscated until the end of the period. Parent contact.
Confiscated and turned-in to the Guidance Office. Only a parent or guardian may pick it up at the
Guidance Office’s convenience.
Referral to the Guidance Office. Parent conference required.
You may not use a reading/book app on your smart phone for SSR in class. However, if you have an e-reader or similar device
(Kindle, iPad, etc.), you may be able to use this device for SSR. It’s not advised that you bring expensive electronics to school and
the school is not liable if it is lost or stolen, but if you would like to use one of these devices, see me so we can talk about rules and
regulations specific to the use of e-readers or tablets in class.
Eating and Drinking: Please do not bring in food, drinks, or gum in the classroom. Bottled water is allowed.
Temperature: Finally, keep in mind that the classroom temperature may be cool. Please dress appropriately. Students may not alter
the thermostat, turn the air conditioner on or off without permission, or complain about the classroom temperature.
English – Ms. Gina Alexander – Room C-205 – (562) 698-8121 x6151 –
Dear Parent/Guardian:
I am delighted to have your son/daughter in my class this year. Together, we can ensure that your child will be a part of many exciting and
rewarding experiences this academic year.
As lifelong success depends in part on learning to make responsible choices, I have developed classroom objectives and a discipline plan that
affords every student the guidance necessary in making good decisions about his/her behavior and thus an opportunity to learn in a positive,
nurturing classroom environment.
Below you will find a summary of the class objectives and discipline plan I have developed for my classroom. Please know that appropriate
behavior and performance will be rewarded and acknowledged, however there will also be consequences for inappropriate behavior and
performance in class. With encouragement, your child will have a positive and enlightening experience this year.
• Students will read quality literature with comprehension.
• Students will improve their writing skills and expand their vocabularies.
• Students will analyze literature and expository texts, while developing critical-thinking skills.
• Honor all classroom Standards of Behavior
• No electronic devices
• No gum, food, or drinks (*water is ok)
• Verbal warning
• Student/Teacher Conference
• Parent/Teacher Conference
• Referral to Administration/Parent Conference
• Device is taken away for the class period
• Parent notification
• Device is taken away and only a parent/guardian may pick it up in the Guidance Office
• Referral and Parent Conference
Feel free to contact me at any time. Be assured that my goal is to ensure the success of your child this year.
Please review the course information sheet, classroom objectives, and discipline plan with your child. Upon doing so, I ask that both of you please
sign and date the form, detach, and return the bottom portion to me. Please keep the top section for your reference.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Together, we have reviewed the course information, classroom objectives, and discipline plan for Ms. Alexander’s English class and understand
the guidelines as presented on the handout.
Student (Print Name) _________________________________________________
Period ______________
Student (Signature) __________________________________________________
Date ________________
Parent (Signature) ___________________________________________________
Date ________________
Parents: Please feel free to add additional information below. Is there anything about your child that you would like me to know?