Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients required in very small amounts and serve as facilitators for normal metabolism, growth and physical health. Most
vitamins and minerals are not manufactured in the body so they must be obtained from the diet. Each have different functions in the body and are essential
for the biochemical processes within the cells and tissues.
Vitamins are either fat soluble (Vitamins A, D, E & K) or water soluble (Vitamins B & C). Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body, whereas water soluble vitamins dissolve in water and cannot be stored in the body—thus regular supplementation is required.
Minerals are inorganic compounds that originate from the earth and cannot be synthesized by living systems. They are divided into macro minerals (bulk elements) and micro minerals (trace elements).
Vitaminico Mineral supplies the essential vitamins and trace minerals that could be lacking in the diet, thus enhancing optimal condition of livestock and companion animals.
Vitaminico Mineral contains the following:
Vitamin A (150000 I.U)
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E (45mg)
Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat soluble vitamin and is
important for healthy vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division and cell differentiation. Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system and enhances the function of white blood cells that destroy harmful pathogens. Vitamin A promotes
healthy linings of the eyes, respiratory, urinary and
intestinal tracts. When those linings breakdown, it
becomes easier for infectious agents to enter the
body and cause disease. Vitamin A also promotes a
healthy skin, mucous membranes and helps prevent
growth disorders in young animals and has a protective function against the body’s epithelial cells in
older animals.
Vitamin D3 is essential for promoting calcium absorption from the gut and maintaining adequate
serum calcium and phosphate concentrations to
enable normal mineralization of bone and prevent
hypoglycemia. It is also needed for bone growth
and bone remodeling and therefore called the antirachitic vitamin (prevents rickets). It is important
for neuromuscular and immune function and the
reduction of inflammation. From a nutritional
point of view Vitamin D3 becomes critical if the
absolute supply of Ca and P or the ratio of Ca:P is
not optimum
Vitamin E is the most important lipid-soluble
antioxidant, and it protects cell membranes from
oxidation by reacting with the lipid radicals. It is
important for keeping cell membranes in good
condition and maintaining healthy nerves, skin,
muscles, red blood cells, heart and circulation. It
also enhances the utilization of Vitamin A and is
involved in carbohydrate metabolism. It is very
important in the regulation and protection of
Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency Symptoms
Growth and skin disorders
Night blindness
Pathological changes in skin and mucosa
Reproductive Disorders can also occur
Disorders related to Ca and P metabolism
Bone, joint and teeth disorders
In calves, lambs and pigs muscular dystrophy with
lightening of the skeletal musculature (myoglobin
loss) and denerative changes in the heart musculature (mulberry heart disease) which can lead to
sudden heart failure.
Vitamin B1 (140mg)
Vitamin B2 (160mg)
Vitamin B6 (20mg)
Vitamin B is needed to metabolize carbohydrates,
fats and protein. Every cell of the body requires
vitamin B1 , to form the fuel the body runs on—
ATP. Nerve cells and heart muscle require vitamin
B1 , in order to function normally, so vitamin B1 is
important for normal brain function. Vitamin B1
assists in blood formation and enhances blood
Vitamin B is essential for metabolizing amino acids, carbohydrates and fats to provide energy.
Riboflavin is further needed to activate vitamin B6 ,
helps to create niacin and assists the adrenal gland.
Vitamin B2 is required for healthy mucous membranes and in the digestive tract it helps with the
absorption of iron and Vitamin B6. It is essential
for healthy skin, hair/wool and hooves/claws.
Vitamin B6 is needed for the many enzymes involved in protein metabolism.
Vitamin B6
through its involvement in protein metabolism
and cellular growth, is important to the immune
system. It also helps maintain the health of the
lymphoid organs. It is essential for red blood cell
metabolism and Vitamin B6 is vital in the manufacture of hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also helps the
amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin. The
nervous system requires Vitamin B6 to function
efficiently. Vitamin B6 also helps maintain blood
glucose within a normal range.
Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency Symptoms
Growth depression
Disorders of the nervous system
Cerebrocortical necrosis (CCN) in calves and
Also anorexia and inadequate energy metabolism
Growth retardation
Poor food utilization
Growth retardation
Skin inflammation
Nervous disorders
Liver and heart damage
Nicotinamide (350 mg)
Vitamin B12 (25mcg)
Calcium Pantothenate (90mg)
Nicotinamide via its major metabolite NAD
(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), is involved in a
wide range of biological processes, including the
production of energy, the synthesis of fatty acids,
cholesterol and steroids. Due to its role as a precursor of NAD, it is an important molecule involved in energy metabolism. This is important in
promoting a healthy nervous sytem, skin and
healthy gastrointestinal functioning. It also has
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
Calcium pantothenate (calpan), also know as B , is
an antioxidant water soluble vitamin which is
needed to break down carbohydrates, proteins and
fats. Pantothenic acid is metabolized to coenzyme
A via a sequence of steps. Coenzyme A (CoA) is
involved in the metabolic release of energy from
macronutrients—especially lipids. Vitamin B5 helps
metabolize nutrients. Manufacture antibodies and
produce vitamin D. It also stimulates the healing of
wounds. Vitamin B5 is critical to the manufacture
of the red blood cells as well as sex and stressrelated hormones produced in the adrenal glands.
Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the formation and
maintenance of the myelin sheath, a protective
layer around each nerve, which allows for the
quick transmission of nerve impulses. It assists in
the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also
plays a role in the manufacture if DNS & is involved in fatty acid synthesis and energy production. With an adequate supply of Cobalt, the
ruminant can supply its requirements of B12
through microbial synthesis in the rumen.
Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency Symptoms
Skin changes
Gastrointestinal disorders
In dogs: “black Tongue Disease” is typical
The deficiency symptoms are not the same in all
In pigs: “Goose stepping”, higher stress sensitivity,
fertility disorders, incomplete genital formation,
absence of lactation, decreased suckling reflex in
piglets, brown exudates around the eyes. Hair
loss, rough hair, hair pigment loss, fatty liver syndrome in all mammals.
Rough coat
Skin inflammations
Growth disorders
Trace Mineral Mix (10mg)
Trace minerals include:
Glucose (c.s)
Trace minerals are necessary for oxygen transport,
energy metabolism, growth, cell and nerve protection. They are essential in the assimilation and
utilization of vitamins and other nutrients. They
aid in the digestion process and provide the catalyst for many hormones, enzymes and essential
body functions and reactions. They aid in replacing
electrolytes lost through heavy perspiration or
Sodium Iodide
Cobalt Cholride
Iron Chloride
Copper sulphate
Magnesium Cholride
Sodium selenite
Zinc Sulphate
Tricalcium Phosphate
Sodium Cholride
Glucose is an easily available form of energy and
the first required sugar in the energy generating
process of Glycolysis.
Recommended daily dosage : assume 1 measure = 12 grams
May be administrated in feed or drinking water. In dry mixes the product is very stable but it is preferable that mixes are consumed by animals within 7 days.
Preparations in water must be replaced on a daily basis.
Pregnant mares in second or third trimester & during
Calves: 1/2 measure daily (6gp/dy)
Lambs: 1/4 measure p/day (3g p/day)
Lactation: 2-4 measures daily (24-48 g p/day)
Heifers, cows & bulls: 1/2 to 1 measure
Ewes & rams: 1/2 measure daily (6g p/day)
Foals recently weaned: 1 measure daily (12g p/day)
daily (6-12g p/day)
Breeding ewes: during pregnancy and lactation: 1/2
Young horses, stallions & horses in training : 1—2
Pregnant & lactating cattle: 2-4 measures
-1 measure daily (6-12 gr)
Measures daily (12-24g p/day)
daily (24-48g p/day)
Ponies: 1/2—1 measure daily (6-12g p/day)
Dogs & Cats
Breeding sows: during pregnancy & lactation: 1/2-1
1/4-1/2 measure daily (3-6gr p/day)
measure daily 96-12g p/day)
Boars & younger growers: 1/2 measure daily
(6g p/day)
Vitaminico™ is a complete vitamin and mineral supplement that can be administered in feed or
drinking water .
Bedson Africa (Pty) Ltd
“Always by your side”
Cnr Axle and Battery Str
Willows Business Park
Silverton Ext 53
Office: 012 803 4376