AP European History - Bayside High School

AP European History
Student Agreement
Ms. Anderson-Wagner
Every unit throughout the school year is structured like the summer assignment:
 Chapter study guide for A History of Western Society
 Vocabulary flash cards (must be actual flash cards completed with your
 Chapter outlines (TAG and MAGS) for Western Civilization primary source
 Guns, Germs, and Steel written assignment due on Edmodo 8/28 (Group
utq5qj); this is a great HSA correlation
WARNING: Do not wait until the last minute to complete your summer work!!! Allow yourself ample time to
complete all assignments. Also, the honor code applies to all assignments (you may not copy out of the book or
copy/paste); if you borrow information, cite your source. If you have any questions, e-mail Ms. Anderson-Wagner
This is a college level course and the reading and writing assignments remain intense throughout the year. Expect
to devote a minimum of one hour per night throughout the school year. You cannot afford to neglect any work.
You are expected to take the national exam in May. The fee this year was $90. The national exam is used by
colleges to award credit for this course. There is also a World History II SOL.
If you participate in sports or extra-curricular activities, you are always expected to manage your time effectively
to allow you to complete your work on time.
Home assignments will NOT be accepted after you have taken the Unit Test.
Daily quizzes are based on the homework reading assignments.
Daily discussion questions require your active participation. You will also take class notes.
Each of the sixteen units ends with a timed test and a timed essay. These will be challenging.
I am available for extra help Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Parents should be sure to sign up for access to Parent Portal so they can track their student’s progress.
Return the bottom portion of this page to Ms. Anderson-Wagner in room 213 (or mailbox in main office)
by June 17, 2015.
As an AP European History student, I agree to comply with all of the requirements of this class. I also agree to keep
my parent or guardian informed of my progress in this class.
Student signature
E-mail ___________________________________
Printed name
As the parent or guardian, I agree to provide support for my son or daughter throughout the school year.
I understand that this is a serious, challenging academic endeavor and I am aware of the points listed above. I have
reviewed the honor code and VBCPS’ policy on plagiarism. I agree to maintain awareness of my child’s progress in this
class through Parent Portal.
Parent / guardian signature
AP European History
Summer Assignment, Part 1
Printed name
Flash Cards
Flash cards are due the first day of each unit. Terms must be on 3x5 index cards. The term must be written on the
unlined side and a complete description should be on the lined side. These must be in your own handwriting.
Terms such as “individualism” must be defined in reference to the time period. Thus, the first definition in a dictionary
may not reflect the Renaissance meaning and significance of “individualism.”
Identifications of people must explain why they are significant in history. In addition, you should include the title and a
brief description of written or artistic works created by that person.
These flash cards will help you review for the unit test and eventually for the AP European History Exam in May.
You will need about 400 index cards for the school year.
Chapter 13 Flash Card Terms:
Pope Alexander VI
Dante Alighieri
Giovanni Boccaccio
Jerome Bosch
Filippo Brunelleschi
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Baldassare Castiglione
Leonardo Da Vinci
Lorenzo de Medici
Miguel De Cervantes
Desiderius Erasmus
Jacob Fugger
Hans Holbein the Younger
Niccolo Machiavelli
Pico Della Mirandola
Michel de Montaigne
Sir Thomas More
"New Monarchs"
Francesco Petrarch
“Renaissance Man"
Lorenzo Valla
AP European History
Summer Assignment, Part 2
Chapter 13 Study Guide: European Society in the Age of the Renaissance
Day 1
Day 2
Quiz on pages 415-428, questions 1-25
Quiz on pages 428-449, questions 26-47
DIRECTIONS: You will need to read Chapter 13 in A History of Western Society to complete this study guide. You do not
need to use complete sentences, but you must give complete answers. Answer only on this study guide in your own
Pages 415-428:
1. What occurred in the Italian states in the period from 1050 to 1300?
2. What accounts for the great wealth of Venice, Genoa, Milan, and Florence?
3. What was the Renaissance? Where did the Renaissance begin? (city-state)
4. Complete the following chart on the groups that controlled the governments of the northern Italian city-states.
Group in Power
Who made up
this group?
How they ruled?
5. By the 15th century, who had control of the northern Italian city-states?
Reasons for
6. Why was there no political unity among the Italian states?
7. Complete this chart on the five powerful city-states that dominated Italian peninsula.
Main Power?
Type of Government?
Who ruled the state?
8. What was the political situation among the Italian city-states?
How did the city-states maintain a balance of power?
9. How did alliances bring about modern diplomacy?
10. Who invaded Italy in 1494? What areas did they take?
11. What was the League of Cambrai? Who expelled the invaders from Italy?
12. What two empires continued to fight for the Italian city-states?
13. Identify Petrarch.
How did he view the period after the fall of Rome and his era?
14. Describe the rise of individualism in the Renaissance.
What did this individualism stress?
15. How was this Renaissance individualism different from attitudes of the Middle Ages?
16. Explain what is meant by humanism. What did humanists study and emphasize?
17. How did humanism relate to Greco-Roman culture?
18. How did humanists differ from Medieval scholars?
19. What is meant by secularism? Explain the secular views of Renaissance people.
20. What role did the papacy play in the new secularism? Give examples
21. Who were the great artists of the High Renaissance (1500-1527)?
22. Complete this chart on the great sponsors or patrons of the arts.
Reasons for Sponsorship
Examples of their
23. In what way did the subject matter of art change during the 15th century?
24. Complete this chart comparing Medieval and Renaissance art.
25. Identify the key facts describing the status of the Renaissance artist.
Pages 428-449:
26. What view of education was expressed in Peter Paul Vergerio’s Treatise to Ubertinus, the
ruler of Carrara?
27. What specific subjects were young men to be taught?
28. Baldassare Castiglione
His worksHis views on education-
His influence-
29. Describe the education of well-to-do women in the Renaissance.
30. Why did Laura Cereta “bear the envy of other women and the hostility of men”?
31. What function did education for women serve? What were they to do with their education?
32. According to The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, how should a ruler rule?
33. Identify Johann Gutenberg.
34. How did the movable type printing press change the lives of Europeans?
35. What types of jobs did middle class and working class women have during the period 1300 to
36. What happened to the status of upper class women during the Renaissance?
Describe the life of upper class women.
37. What were the views of the following writers concerning a woman’s role?
 Leon Alberti – On the Family
Juan Luis Vives – Instruction of the Christian Woman
Sir Thomas Smith – The English Commonwealth
38. How did northern humanists interpret Italian humanist ideals (individualism and humanism)?
How was northern humanism different from Italian humanism? WHY???
39. Who was Thomas More? Describe his background.
How did Utopia (1516) present a “revolutionary view of society”? Describe that society.
What did Thomas More state was the cause of vice and violence?
What did More say was the key to improvement and reform?
40. Describe the background of Desiderius Erasmus.
What were the topics of Erasmus’s books listed below?
The Education of a Christian Prince (1504) –
The Praise of Folly (1509) –
What was Erasmus’s view of the Bible being translated into the vernacular, the language of the
What two basic themes ran through all of Erasmus’s work?
41. Another Northern Renaissance humanist was Francois Rabelais. Explain how his book,
Gargantua and Pantagruel, can be read on several levels.
How was Rabelais similar to Erasmus?
How was Rabelais similar to More?
42. Describe Northern Renaissance art and architecture.
43. Identify each of the following and their works:
 Jan van Eyck –
Jerome Bosch –
44. In Italy and then in France, England, and Spain, what did rulers have to do to rebuild their
45. How were these new monarchs Machiavellian?
46. How were these new monarchs really NEW?
47. How were the new monarchs similar to strong monarchs of the Middle Ages?
48. Identify the following. Be sure to mention the country involved. Refer to pages 444-448.
Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges (1438) –
Concordat of Bologna (1516) –
Wars of the Roses –
Parliament –
Royal Council –
Court of Star Chamber –
Justices of Peace –
Tudors –
Reconquista –
Hermandades –
Religious pluralism –
New Christians or Conversos –
Inquisition –
AP European History
Summer Assignment Part 3: Primary Source Documents from the Western Civilization book. (During the school year, I
will refer to this as the “Red Book”)
Please read the preface and how to use this book pp. xvii-xxii
You will read and take notes in the following format on pages 3-18. All of the readings pertain to the Renaissance.
These readings prepare you to tackle the Document Based Question on your AP exam.
For each document, you will complete the following on your own paper. We call this “TAGs” and “MAGS” in class.
1- Title: School of Athens
Author/Artist: Raphael
Gist: (2-3 sentences or so summarizing the document) Raphael honors noteworthy Classical thinkers, artists, and
deities who influenced Renaissance art and thinking. He honors contemporary Renaissance greats by putting their
faces on historical figures and shows them interacting. Additionally, he uses innovative artistic techniques, such as
perspective to provide a sense of realism.
2- Medium: (book, letter, essay, newspaper article, painting, etc.) Painting/fresco
Audience: (Who is the writer addressing?) Pope
Gender: (is the writer male or female) Male
Social Status/Class: (rich, poor, middle class) Artist (supported by wealthy patrons), highly revered
3- “It makes sense because….” Statement for each document.
Example: It makes sense that Raphael painted School of Athens and put contemporary Renaissance faces on historical
Athenian greats because of the influence of Classical (Greco-Roman) values during this era.
AP European History
Name __________________________
Summer Assignment Part 4: Guns, Germs, and Steel
Due 8/28 on Edmodo (Group utq5qj) in Microsoft Word/.doc (I do not accept Google Docs links or Mac formats)
Every year, my students ask me, “Why do we study AP European History? How did Europeans become
so powerful?” I have found that Jared Diamond’s book and documentary Guns, Germs, and Steel provides a
solid explanation that connects well with my Health Sciences Academy students. Your job is to first summarize
and evaluate Diamond’s explanation. Next, you will explain a key event or technology from the
perspective/point of view of a European and one from the point of view of an indigenous person. Throughout
the year, we will identify the guns (weapons, wars), germs (diseases, medical issues and trends), and steel
(technology) of each era and evaluate their impact on Western civilization.
1. Watch all 3 parts of Guns, Germs, and Steel and complete the viewing guides. These videos are available on
PBS’ website and on YouTube. Each episode lasts for about an hour.
Episode 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36BQW1SuHQ8
Episode 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsKBFXe7biQ
Episode 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xPvd_HFZZE
Here’s a link to the transcripts http://www.pbs.org/gunsgermssteel/show/index.html
2. Write a 3 mega-paragraph paper about Guns, Germs, and Steel. This should be in your own words. If you
do borrow a quote, be sure to properly attribute it so that you follow the honor code.
A. Paragraph 1: summary of GGS
B. Paragraph 2: explain the impact of a key event, disease, or technology from a European conqueror’s
point of view/perspective
C. Paragraph 3: explain the impact of a key event, disease, or technology from an indigenous (native)
point of view/perspective
Writing checklist/Requirements
__ Word document (no links or Mac)
__ 12 point font (Times New Roman)
__ Double-spaced
__ 1 inch margins
__ Name and date in top right corner
__ Title in center of the paper
__ indent each paragraph
__ each paragraph needs an intro sentence
__ each paragraph needs at least 3 supporting details
with explanations
__ spelling, grammar, no abbreviations, no contractions
__ 3rd person objective (no “I think” or “I liked”)
Firstname Lastname
August 28, 2015
AP European History
The Significance of Guns, Germs, and Steel in European History
(come up with your own title)
In Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond answer’s Yali’s question, “Why is it that you white people
developed so much cargo, but we black people had little cargo of our own?” Diamond begins his research in Papua
New Guinea, …..
NAME ________________________________________
Based on the Pulitzer Prize Winning Book by Jared Diamond (1998)
Dr. Jared Diamond - Ph.D. (1937 - )
Professor of Geography at UCLA
Episode I : Out of Eden
1. In which country does the story begin?
Papua _____________________________
2. There have been people living there for at least
3. Western colonials (Europeans) typically believed
that power was determined by
4. Which is a more productive way of finding food?
or Gathering
5. In the middle east, what two cereal grasses grew
6. What type of structure does the archeologist believe
he found (world’s first)?
7. At some point during the drought in the middle east
– people started
8. The way crops are changed by human interference is known as ____________________________________
9. People in the Highlands of New Guinea have so little protein, that sometimes the eat ___________________
to supplement their diets.
10. The inequalities of the world were born from the _____________________________________.
11. About 9000 years ago – there is a transformation in the way that humans interact with ________________
12. Which two animals were the first to be domesticated in the ancient world?
13. There are nearly ________________________________________ known species of wild animals.
14. The best animals to farm are large, ______________________________ eating mammals.
Africans have been able to successfully domesticate the Elephant
Humans have been able to successfully domesticate Zebras
17. From the 148 different species of wild plant-eating mammals that weigh over 100 lbs., the number that
have ever been successfully farmed for any length of time is just
18. The successful agricultural area in the middle east was known as the _______________________________
Its demise was that it couldn’t sustain intensive farming – climate was just too dry
Modern industrialized America would be unthinkable without the
spread of farming from the Fertile Crescent (no wheat or cattle before it)
20. What is Jared Diamonds “one word answer” to the question asked by Yalle (why you white men have so
much cargo and we New Guineans have so little), 30 years ago?
1. In 1532, the New World and the Old World Collided - ____________________Spaniards attacked the
imperial army of the Incas in the highlands of Peru, before the day was out they had massacred _____________
people. Not a single Spanish life was lost in the process.
2. Who is the leader of the Spanish conquistadors that conquered the Incan Empire? _____________________
3. How long was the Incan Empire by the 1530’s? _____________________________________
5. YES or NO
There were Horses and Cattle in the New World before the Europeans arrived
Did the Incas ever use the Llama to plow a field?
6. The horses that seem so exotic to the Incas, had already been used in Spain for ___________________years.
At the time of the Conquistadors, Spain had the biggest army in Europe
8. Gun Powder had originally come from _____________________, but its use as a weapon was pioneered by
the ______________________. In European hands, guns became more _____________________ and portable.
9. The real power of the Conquistadors lay elsewhere, with the production of __________________________
The Spaniards did not fear the Incas when they first saw the camp
Books (knowledge in them) helped the Spaniards defeat the Incas
12. The ultimate transmitter of knowledge – the _____________________________________
13. Eurasia is 8,000 miles ______________________ The Americas is 8,000 miles ______________________
14. The shape of the continents, the distribution of plants & animals, the spread of Eurasian technology – these
were facts of _________________________________.
The Incan soldiers were unarmed (did not carry weapons) in the battle in 1532
The Spanish tried to convert the Incan Emperor to Christianity before fighting
Pizzarro kills the Incan Emperor in the battle
18. What was the first disease from the Eastern Hemisphere to spread to the Americas? ___________________
19. The flu first came from ______________________ transmitted via chickens and ducks, the measles from
______________________, smallpox from other domesticate animals.
The Incas did have the natural immunity to the diseases spread by the Europeans
21. Some scholars think that there may have been a population of _____________________ Native Americans,
and the vast majority, perhaps _____________________ were killed by old world diseases.
The Incan Emperor was sent back to the King and Queen of Spain
1. Where did the first Europeans settlers arrive in Southern Africa? __________________________________
2. How far away is Southern Africa from Europe? _____________________________________
3. Europe and S. Africa share a similar distance of LATITUDE or LONGITUDE away from the equator – thus a similar climate
Smallpox affected the indigenous people of Africa in much the same way as in the Americas
5. Guns and the _______________ from which their made, were the last two of the great European advantages.
The Flintlock Riffle was as “important” as the Cell Phone is today
7. Which group initially stopped the Europeans from advancing into Southern Africa? ____________________
8. Battle of Blood River - The Boers killed an estimated _____________ Zulus – Boers suffered only 3 injuries
9. __________________________were key, with Railroads one could transport lots of people & their supplies over vast areas.
10. The maxim gun could fire continuously up to __________________rounds per minute = equivalent
firepower of probably up to a ______________men in a company.
Europeans were successful at farming in the interior of Africa
12. ______________________________________explains why the Europeans were now failing.
13. At. 23 degrees South Latitude – they passed the ________________________________________
14. The two seasons in the tropics are ____________________ season & the __________________ season
African languages are very different from each other
16. Linguistic analysis has isolated a family of languages known as ___________________ which originated in tropical West Africa.
The Small Pox virus may first have originated in Tropical Africa
18. One of the most virulent diseases on Earth __________________________ carried by the mosquito – this
was the disease that was now overwhelming the European settlers in Africa. Africans better immune to it –
better settlements (high dry areas) as opposed to the Europeans who settled by the water (where mosquitos bred)
19. Africa still had one great draw for the colonizing powers, vast reserves of ___________________________
20. Zambia is one of the poorest countries in the World – average annual income is ______________________
Average lifespan of a Zambian is ______________________
AIDS is now the number one killer of African children under 5 years old
22. Malaysia & ____________________________ are among the richest and most dynamic economies in the
world – like Africa – they are tropical countries with the same problems of geography and health