SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND ACTUARIAL SCIENCE ACTUARIAL SCIENCE (ACTED) COURSE NOTES & TABLES 2011/12 ACADEMIC YEAR About the ActEd Course Notes The Actuarial Education Company (ActEd) publishes notes for most of the subjects required to qualify as an actuary in the UK. For the relevant modules which are taught here at the University of Kent, the lecturers may recommend the ActEd notes as an additional learning resource. For students in BSc degrees: We have arranged for you to be offered the notes at a special discount rate. Please use the form overleaf to benefit from this reduced price. Your lecturers may recommend purchase (if you are unsure, check with the convenor for the relevant module) but it is NOT compulsory for any module. We regret that under ActEd copyright arrangements, we cannot make these notes available in the library. For students in the PDip, GDip and MSc in Actuarial Science, and MSc in Finance Investment and Risk: Your degree fees have covered the cost for the relevant notes supplied by ActEd and some other core materials. Please collect at the time shown below, bringing your student ID card with you. If you cannot attend personally, a friend can collect for you by showing a note signed by you together with a photocopy of your student ID card. PDip and GDip: Maths Lecture Theatre, Weds 28 September 1-1.30 pm AND Weds 5 October 1-1.30 pm MSc Actuarial Science: Maths Lecture Theatre. Students in Group 2 for MA952 attend 11.45-12.00 pm on Weds 28 September AND Weds 12 October. Students in Group 1 for MA952 attend 12.00-12.15 pm on Weds 28 September AND Weds 12 October. MSc in Finance Investment and Risk: Date, place and time to be confirmed. You will be advised during your classes. THE ACTED NOTES ARE ISSUED UNDER STRICT COPYRIGHT CONDITIONS. THEY ARE FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL USE AND MUST NOT BE SHARED, COPIED, LENT OR SOLD TO ANYONE AT ANY TIME. About the Formulae and Tables for Examinations In the examinations for the PDip, GDip and undergraduate modules in Actuarial Science, you will usually need to refer to a copy of the Formulae and Tables for Examinations 2002 Edition. Copies will be provided in the examination room. Your lecturers may recommend that you acquire a copy of the book to use as a study aid and to familiarise yourself with the contents prior to the examinations. We have arranged for you to be able to buy the book at a special discount rate of £12. For Undergraduate students: Please see instructions below. Purchase is STRONGLY recommended but is NOT compulsory. For students in the PDip and GDip in Actuarial Science: Your degree fees have covered the cost for the Formulae and Tables. Your copy will be available for collection at the same time as the ActEd notes. For MSc Students: You will probably not need to buy the Formulae and Tables, but you can still buy a copy if you wish, following the instructions below. Instructions for buying the Formulae and Tables for Examinations: Make the payment of £12 (instructions below), bring the receipt to the SMSAS General Office during our opening hours, and exchange it for a copy of the Formulae and Tables for Examinations book. You can pay online at You will be emailed a receipt. Or you can take this notice and present it with your student ID card at the Income Office Cashier, in the Registry, between 10 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday, and make the payment of £12 per copy. Advise the Cashier that the account code to be credited is 2590-260-47018. Ensure that you are given a receipt. Any queries about anything in this note should be emailed to ActEd Order Form for University of Kent full-time students 2011/12 Please use this order form if you are a full-time student at the University of Kent to take advantage of the discounted rates agreed with ActEd. Alternatively, if you are only ordering for yourself, you may order through our estore at Title_______ First name ______________________________________Surname __________________________________________ Delivery address______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Post/ZIP code _______________________________ Telephone (home) ______________________________________ Telephone (mobile) ____________________________________ E-mail address ___________________________________________ Preferred delivery date _______________________________ Delivery: Our couriers will require signature on delivery. Hence please state a preferred delivery date (Monday to Friday) that is at least 3 working days after the date we receive your order. Study Materials (Module Code) Cost (excluding despatch) CT1 Course Notes (MA315 ) £40 CT2 Course Notes (MA526) £40 CT3 Course Notes (MA319 & MA529) £40 CT4 Course Notes (MA525 & MA636) £40 CT5 Course Notes (MA516 & MA533) £40 CT6 Course Notes (MA501 & MA639) £40 CT7 Course Notes (MA309) £40 CT8 Course Notes (MA535 & MA537) £40 ST2 Course Notes (MA506) £75 ST4 Course Notes (MA508) £75 Enter quantity required - Despatch costs - If you are buying notes for other students, please list their names. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary Total cost £5 for up to 3 items, an additional £5 for each additional 3 items Total: Invoicing and payment: Please pay by debit or credit card when you place your order. Refunds: Refunds are only available if the pack is returned with the original shrink-wrap intact within 28 days of purchase. In these circumstances we will issue a credit note to the value of the material less a fee (10% of the price of the returned goods, maximum £15) to cover postage and administration. Copyright material: The material is copyright and is sold to you and/or the persons named above for your/their own exclusive use. You may not hire out, lend, give, sell, store or transmit electronically or photocopy any part of it. You must take care of your material to ensure that it is not used or copied by anyone else at any time. Legal action will be taken if these terms are infringed. By applying for a course, you all accept these conditions. Please complete the information below to pay by credit or debit card. For credit/debit card orders: Amex, Visa, Mastercard, Solo, Maestro Please debit my card number: Issue number (if applicable): Cardholder name (CAPITALS): Start date: / Is this a company credit card? Yes / No Expiry date: / Security code: Amount to be debited: £ Signed: Date: / / Please fax this form to 01235 550085 or post it to ActEd, 31 Bath Street, Abingdon, OX14 3FF Please see overleaf for a message from the University of Kent. The Actuarial Education Company is registered at BPP House, 142/144 Uxbridge Road, London W12 8AA, with registered number 3062375. The Actuarial Education Company (ActEd) is a subsidiary of BPP Actuarial Education Limited and is a member of the BPP professional education group. ActEd is contracted to educate students on behalf of Institute and Faculty Education Ltd, a subsidiary of the Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries.