Regular City Council Meeting November 26, 2013 A Regular Meeting of the Chesapeake City Council was called to order by Mayor Alan P. Krasnoff on November 26, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Building, 306 Cedar Road. INVOCATION: Mayor Alan P. Krasnoff PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Gabby Turdici, 8th grade student at Great Bridge Middle School ROLL CALL BY CLERK OF COUNCIL: Present: Council Member Lonnie E. Craig Vice Mayor John de Triquet Council Member Robert C. Ike, Jr. Council Member Suzy H. Kelly Mayor Alan P. Krasnoff Council Member Scott W. Matheson Council Member S.Z. “Debbie” Ritter Council Member Ella P. Ward Council Member Richard “Rick” West Absent: None. Present from the Administration: City Manager James Baker, City Attorney Jan Proctor, Deputy City Manager Amar Dwarkanath, Deputy City Manager Wanda Barnard-Bailey, City Clerk Dolores Moore, Assistant City Attorney Richard Hartwick, Deputy City Clerk Mitzie Wright, and other staff members. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Krasnoff advised that there were no minutes submitted for approval. Mayor Krasnoff relinquished the gavel to Vice Mayor de Triquet. CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION - 50th Anniversary Celebration-December 2013 Mayor Krasnoff called 50th Anniversary Executive Committee Vice-Chairman Stephen Best, Co-Chairs of the 2013 Chesapeake Rotary Christmas Parade Anthony Draper and Dianne Adcock, Historic South Norfolk Home Tour President Jackie Martin accompanied by her husband, Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Barber and Recreation Specialist II Sally Triolet, Great Bridge Battlefield and Waterways History Foundation Executive Director Lin Olson, Regent of the Great Bridge Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Emily Holmes and President of the Norfolk Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution Thomas Whetsone, Chesapeake Community Messiah Production Founder and Chairperson June Vinson, Conductor Craig Robertson and members Tom and Donna Collins, Ginny Matish, Kay Martin, Barbara Russel and Marcia Riggs, and Katrina Plummer, wife of Triple R Ranch Executive Director Duane Plummer forward to accept the certificates. Mr. Best thanked City Council Members, the business community, and the many volunteers for supporting the 50th Anniversary throughout the year. Mr. Best highlighted the official 50th Anniversary Events for December 2013 and November 26, 2013 presented the Certificates of Recognition for the 2013 Chesapeake Rotary Christmas Parade, the Historic South Norfolk Home Tour, the Battle of Great Bridge, the Chesapeake Community Messiah Production, and Christmas at Triple R Ranch as official events commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Chesapeake. PROCLAMATION – Battle of Great Bridge Observance Day Mayor Krasnoff called Director of Parks and Recreation Michael Barber and Recreation Specialist II Sally Triolet, Great Bridge Battlefield and Waterways History Foundation Executive Director Lin Olsen, Regent of the Great Bridge Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Emily Holmes, and President of the Norfolk Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution Tom Whetsone forward to accept the Proclamation proclaiming December 7, 2013 as Battle of Great Bridge Observance Day. Mayor Krasnoff called on Ms. Holmes and Mr. Whetsone for comments. Both Ms. Holmes and Mr. Whetsone thanked City Council Members for the recognition. APPLICANTS’, AGENTS’, AND CITIZENS’ COMMENTS ON NON-PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING ITEM City Clerk Moore advised there were no speakers prior to the presentation of the Non-Planning Public Hearing Item. COUNCIL’S CONSIDERATION OF NON-PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING ITEM Non-Planning Public Hearing Item A. #13-O-147 AN ORDINANCE REAUTHORIZING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX “A” OF THE CHESAPEAKE CITY CODE, ENTITLED “ZONING,” SECTION 3-403, 14-101 AND 14-102, TO PERMIT THE KEEPING OF SIX OR FEWER FEMALE CHICKENS IN ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS City Clerk Moore presented the item and identified the following speakers in support of Non-Planning Public Hearing Item A: Suzanne Luna, 3013 Dogwood Terrace, representing 4 Chesapeake Hens. Elizabeth Metts Allen, 1320 Clearwater Lane, representing self. Wendy Camacho, 1217 Hoover Avenue, representing Hampton Roads Hens. Deborah Shufro, 1314 22nd Street, was not present when called. Amy Brand, 208 Timber Ridge Road, representing self. Bryan Stevenson, 6212 Antioch Street, Virginia Beach, representing self. Rebecca Gardner, 2708 Lake Ridge Crossing, representing self. Anna Ogle, 4303 Onawa Lane, representing 4 Chesapeake Hens. Charles Brockley, 1317 Stewart Street, representing 4 Chesapeake Hens. Mary Lou Burke, 945 Hollywood Drive, representing 4 Chesapeake Hens. Don Burke, 945 Hollywood Drive, representing self. Vice Mayor de Triquet thanked the speakers for their comments. Council Member Ike, on a motion seconded by Council Member Craig, moved approval of the Ordinance, as presented. 2 November 26, 2013 Council Member West thanked the speakers for their input but was unable to support the Ordinance in its present form. He shared concerns about neighbors objecting to having chickens in their neighborhood. He hoped there would be an amendment to the Ordinance protecting the rights of those who prefer their neighbors not have chickens. Council Member Ritter, on a substitute motion seconded by Council Member West, moved to continue any action by City Council to the January 28, 2014 meeting for the purpose of refinement of the Ordinance and to keep the current Ordinance in force. Council Member Ritter commended the citizens who spoke in support of the Ordinance. She spoke about her reasoning for not originally supporting the Ordinance, which primarily was due to the open-endedness of the Ordinance, and she expressed concern of the City not knowing how many homes had chickens. She spoke to her substitute motion and continuance request noting that the Animal Services Advisory Committee and the Chesapeake Agricultural Advisory Commission would have the opportunity to provide input and thought it was important for staff to work on refinements to the Ordinance regarding permits, lot sizes, and setbacks from waterways. Council Member Ike commented that it had been one year since the adoption of the Ordinance, which gave time for Council Members to investigate and hear pros and cons from their constituents. He expressed surprise that the Animal Services Advisory Committee and the Chesapeake Agricultural Advisory Commission had not been asked to comment during the past year. Council Member Craig asked for clarification on the secondary motion. Vice Mayor de Triquet clarified the substitute motion, and Council Member Ritter added that she would like the current Ordinance to stay in place as is. Council Member Ward asked for further clarification of the reasoning to continue any action to the January 28, 2014 City Council meeting. Council Member Ritter addressed the continuance issue. There was no additional discussion. On the substitute motion to continue any action on the Ordinance by Council to the January 28, 2014 meeting and keep the current Ordinance in force, voting yes: Council Members de Triquet, Ritter, and West. Voting no: Craig, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, and Ward. Vice Mayor de Triquet requested Council Members Ike and Craig, the maker and seconder of the motion, to include wording to have the City Manager direct City staff to continue exploring ways to improve the Ordinance and present any recommended amendments to City Council at some point in the future. Council Member Ike stated his motion to approve reauthorization of the Ordinance, as presented, stood on its own without further direction. There was no additional discussion. On the motion to approve reauthorization of the Ordinance, as presented, voting yes: Council Members Craig, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, and Ward. Voting no: Council Members de Triquet, Ritter, and West. 3 November 26, 2013 Vice Mayor de Triquet relinquished the gavel back to Mayor Krasnoff. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY City Clerk Moore identified the following speakers: Richard Blais, 440 Rose Garden Lane, representing Rose Garden Estates, spoke in support of City Manager Item (9). Troy Brinkley, 2212 Laskin Road, representing Landfall Development Group LLC, Virginia Beach, spoke in support of City Manager Item (9). Joseph Tiller, 406 Rose Garden Lane, representing Rose Garden Estates, spoke in support of City Manager Item (9). CONSENT AGENDA Deputy City Clerk Wright read the Consent Agenda into the record. Mayor Krasnoff asked if there were any items City Council Members wished to have removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration under the Regular Agenda. There were none. Council Member Ward, on a motion seconded by Council Member West, moved approval of the Consent Agenda, as presented. There was no discussion. On the motion to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. City Clerk Items (1) RESIGNATIONS A. Dave Brechtel – Towing Advisory Board B. Barry M. Thacker – Chesapeake Mosquito Control C. Gary E. Walton – Chesapeake Bicycle/Trails Advisory Committee D. Jesse Marlow – Chesapeake Board of Historic and Architectural Review and the Chesapeake Historic Preservation Commission City Manager Items POSITION MANAGEMENT (1) A. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO RECLASSIFY A VACANT ENGINEER III POSITION TO A DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COORDINATOR POSITION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND PERMITS – DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND PERMITS B. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO RECLASSIFY A VACANT PART-TIME CLINICIAN I POSITION TO A FULL-TIME CLINICIAN I POSITION AND TRANSFER FUNDING FOR ONE 40-HOUR PER WEEK CONTRACT POSITION TO THE NEWLY CREATED FULL-TIME POSITION IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD – COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD 4 November 26, 2013 C. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO RECLASSIFY A FULL-TIME LICENSED CLINICIAN POSITION TO A FULL-TIME CLINICIAN II POSITION IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD – COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD D. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST TO ADD A TEMPORARY, FULLTIME SENIOR LIBRARY MANAGER POSITION TO THE PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES AND RESEARCH SERVICES – DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES AND RESEARCH SERVICES BUDGET TRANSFERS (2) A. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST FOR THE TRANSFER OF $31,702.08 FROM SALARIES TO GENERAL EXPENSES AND $46,212.60 FROM THE COMPUTER OPERATIONS PROGRAM TO THE DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT PROGRAM – DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY B. #13-O-149 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST THAT CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE A REQUEST FOR THE TRANSFER OF $42,850 FROM THE CITY OPERATIONS CONTINGENCY AND FOR APPROPRIATION OF $15,050 IN INCREASED FEDERAL PASS-THROUGH FUNDING FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES – DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/DIVISION OF SOCIAL SERVICES (3) CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO AMEND THE FY 2014-18 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN TO RENAME THE CHESAPAKE AIRPORT AUTHORITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM “AIRPORT AUTHORITY RENOVATIONS” PROJECT TO “AIRPORT AUTHORITY IMPROVEMENTS AND EXPANSION” PROJECT AND TO REVISE THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION – CHESAPEAKE AIRPORT AUTHORITY (4) #13-O-150 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION OF $10,500 IN 2013 STATE HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM (SHSP) FUNDS AWARDED BY THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (VDEM) – FIRE DEPARTMENT (5) #13-O-151 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION OF $50,000 IN UNASSIGNED SOUTH NORFOLK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT FUNDING FOR ADDITIONAL STREET LIGHTING – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (6) #13-O-152 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO REPROGRAM $105,000 IN UNSPENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS FROM PROGRAM YEAR 37 (2011/12) TO PROGRAM YEAR 39 (2013/14) FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM – DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 5 November 26, 2013 REGULAR AGENDA City Manager Items (7) #13-O-153 ORDINANCE CONSIDERATION ESTABLISHING A OF AN HUMAN ORDINANCE RESOURCES AMENDING AN PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND COMPENSATION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CHESAPEAKE, VIRGINIA, ADOPTED ON MAY 13, 2008, AS AMENDED, ARTICLE 6 THEREOF, TO ESTABLISH THE BENEFIT OF PAID TIME OFF IN LIEU OF ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES WHO ARE VIRGINIA RETIREMENT SYSTEM HYBRID PLAN PARTICIPANTS – DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES City Manager Baker presented the item for approval and reminded City Council Members that this would only apply to new employees under the State’s new Hybrid Plan and that those new employees would also receive long-term and short-term disability benefits as part of that package. Vice Mayor de Triquet, on a motion seconded by Council Member Kelly, moved approval of the Ordinance, as presented. There was no discussion. On the motion to approve the Ordinance, as presented, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. (8) #13-R-068 A. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A SALES AGREEMENT UNDER THE CITY’S OPEN SPACE AND AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION PROGRAM TO PURCHASE A DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS EASEMENT ON +/- 64.01 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY ROBERT A. JONES AND ANN D. JONES, TRUSTEES OF THE JOINT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST AGREEMENT OF ROBERT A. JONES AND ANN D. JONES DATED JANUARY 18, 1999, BEING A PORTION OF TAX PARCEL NUMBER 0580000000490, LOCATED IN THE DEEP CREEK BOROUGH OF THE CITY OF CHESAPEAKE, VIRGINIA, AND HAVING A STREET ADDRESS OF 1173 SHILLELAGH ROAD – DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING City Manager Baker presented the item for approval. Council Member Ritter, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ward, moved approval of the Resolution, as presented. There was no discussion. On the motion to approve the Resolution, as presented, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. 6 November 26, 2013 B. #13-O-154 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION OF $120,000 FROM COMMITTED FUND BALANCE IN THE OPEN SPACE AND AGRICULTURE PRESERVATION (OSAP) PROGRAM FUND – DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING City Manager Baker presented the item for approval. Vice Mayor de Triquet, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ritter, moved approval of the Appropriation Request, as presented. There was no discussion. On the motion to approve the Appropriation Request, as presented, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. (9) #13-R-069 CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO MODIFY THE SCOPE OF THE DOMINION BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TO INCLUDE A CONNECTOR ROAD BETWEEN MULLEN DRIVE AND JONES LANE AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SEEK APPROVAL OF THE COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD FOR AN ASSOCIATED LIMITED ACCESS BREAK – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS City Manager Baker presented the item for approval. Vice Mayor de Triquet, on a motion seconded by Council Member Kelly, moved approval of the Resolution, as presented. Mayor Krasnoff thanked City Manager Baker, City Attorney Proctor, and Assistant Director of Public Works Earl Sorey for their work on this project. There was no additional discussion. On the motion to approve the Resolution, as presented, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS ON THE SERVICES, POLICIES, AND AFFAIRS OF THE CITY (NON AGENDA SPEAKERS) City Clerk Moore stated there were no speakers. Mayor Krasnoff relinquished the gavel to Vice Mayor de Triquet. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS A. Economic Development Authority – 1 vacancy Appointment was continued to the December 10, 2013 City Council meeting. B. Chesapeake Agricultural Advisory Commission - 1 vacancy Council Member Ritter nominated William Cartwright for appointment. Council Member West, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ward, moved to close the nominations and appoint the nominee. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations and appoint the nominee, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. 7 November 26, 2013 William Cartwright (Farmer) was appointed to the Chesapeake Agricultural Advisory Commission. C. Chesapeake Bicycle/Trails Advisory Committee – 3 vacancies Council Member Ritter nominated Steven Froncillo and Steve Lambert for appointment, and requested continuance of the remaining vacancy. Council Member Ward, on a motion seconded by Council Member West, moved to close the nominations, appoint the nominees, and continue the remaining vacancy. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations, appoint the nominees, and continue the remaining vacancy, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Steven Froncillo (Public Works/Traffic Engineering representative) and Steve Lambert (Planning representative) were appointed to the Chesapeake Bicycle/Trails Advisory Committee, and the remaining vacancy was continued. D. Chesapeake City Symbol Committee – 2 vacancies Council Member Ward nominated Steven Fordyce for appointment, and requested continuance of the remaining vacancy. Council Member Ritter, on a motion seconded by Council Member Kelly, moved to close the nominations, appoint the nominee, and continue the remaining vacancy. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations, appoint the nominee, and continue the remaining vacancy, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Steven Fordyce (Citizen) was appointed to the Chesapeake City Symbol Committee, and the remaining vacancy was continued. E. Chesapeake Tourism Advisory Board – 8 vacancies Council Member Kelly nominated Libby Blankenship, Paula “Dani” Feret, Diane Gomori, and Robert Sanders for reappointment; Kevin Fonda for appointment; and requested continuance of the remaining vacancies. Council Member Ward, on a motion seconded by Council Member Matheson, moved to close the nominations, appoint the nominees, and continue the remaining vacancies. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations, appoint the nominees, and continue the remaining vacancies, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Libby Blankenship (Business representative), Paula “Dani” Feret (Citizen), Diane Gomori (Restaurant representative), and Robert Sanders (Hotel Industry representative) were reappointed, and Kevin Fonda (Tourism/Convention/Visitor representative) was 8 November 26, 2013 appointed to the Chesapeake Tourism Advisory Board. The remaining vacancies were continued. F. Citizens Juvenile Advisory Council – 3 vacancies Council Member Craig nominated Pamela Greene-Stewart and Carolyn Sanford for reappointment and Kim Sykes for appointment. Council Member Ike, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ward, moved to close the nominations and appoint the nominees. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations and appoint the nominees, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Pamela Greene-Stewart and Carolyn Sanford were reappointed and Kim Sykes was appointed to the Citizens Juvenile Advisory Council. G. Community Services Board – 3 vacancies Council Member Craig nominated Jeffrey Coleman and Toney McNair for reappointment and Janice Hudgins for appointment. Council Member Matheson, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ike, moved to close the nominations and appoint the nominees. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations and appoint the nominees, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Jeffrey Coleman and Toney McNair were reappointed and Janice Hudgins was appointed to the Community Services Board. H. Human Services Advisory Board – 3 vacancies Council Member Craig nominated Kim Baldwin for reappointment and Corliss Hopkins and Faye Miles for appointment. Council Member Ike, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ward, moved to close the nominations and appoint the nominees. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations and appoint the nominees, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Kim Baldwin was reappointed and Corliss Hopkins and Faye Miles were appointed to the Human Services Advisory Board. 9 November 26, 2013 I. Local Emergency Planning Committee – 1 vacancy Council Member Ike nominated Deanna Bell for appointment. Council Member Kelly, on a motion seconded by Council Member Ward, moved to close the nominations and appoint the nominee. There was no discussion. On the motion to close the nominations and appoint the nominee, voting yes: Council Members Craig, de Triquet, Ike, Kelly, Krasnoff, Matheson, Ritter, Ward and West. Voting no: None. Deanna Bell was appointed to the Local Emergency Planning Committee. Vice Mayor de Triquet relinquished the gavel back to Mayor Krasnoff. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mayor Krasnoff asked City Council Members for any Unfinished Business items. Council Member Matheson, on a motion seconded by Council Member West, moved to continue the Knells Ridge application to the December 17, 2013 City Council meeting. He noted this application was scheduled for the December 10, 2013 Work Session and having a week before Council took any action would be beneficial. Mayor Krasnoff appreciated Council Member Matheson’s comments; however, he expressed concern it may be inconvenient for those who have a stake in the project to attend a Council meeting closer to the holidays, and that Council needed to be mindful that continuations were frustrating to the public at large. Council Member Matheson thanked Mayor Krasnoff for his comments; however, he still felt one additional week was fair to ask and did not think it would not be an imposition to the citizens. Vice Mayor de Triquet inquired, from a procedural standpoint, would the item have to be heard on December 10, 2013 due to City Council’s previous action to consider the item on December 10, 2013. City Attorney Proctor confirmed that the public hearing had been continued to December 10, 2013; and in order to continue it further, Council would have to act on a continuance at the December 10, 2013 City Council meeting. She further stated that this would provide sufficient notice to the applicant and citizens if the matter were to be continued. Council Member Matheson withdrew his motion, and requested that any information presented at the Work Session be shared with the applicant as quickly as possible, even before the Work Session, if possible. Council Member West inquired if City Council would still have the option to request a continuance at the December 10, 2013 City Council meeting. Mayor Krasnoff stated that was correct. Mayor Krasnoff asked City Council Members for any additional Unfinished Business items; there was none. 10 November 26, 2013 NEW BUSINESS Mayor Krasnoff asked City Council Members for any New Business items. Council Member Ike proposed City Council Members consider granting City employees one half day leave on November 27, 2013 and December 24, 2013. He noted a majority vote was needed by Council to suspend Council’s Rules of Order and Procedure in order for his proposal to be considered. Council Member Ike, on a motion seconded by Council Member Matheson, moved to suspend Council’s Rules of Order and Procedures. There was no discussion. On the motion to suspend the Council’s rules of Order and Procedure, voting yes: Council Members Craig, Ike, and Matheson. Voting no: de Triquet, Kelly, Krasnoff, Ritter, Ward and West. Mayor Krasnoff asked City Council Members for any additional New Business items; there was none. BENEDICTION Council Member Ward offered the evening’s benediction. ADOURNMENT With there being no further business to discuss, Mayor Krasnoff adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. /mbw ______________________________ Mayor Attest: ___________________________ City Clerk 11