We consider an incomplete contract relationship between a public authority and a private provider (Public Private Partnership), where the private provider invests in non-veri…able cost reducing e¤orts and the public authority invests in non-veri…able adaptation e¤orts to respond to consumers changing demand over time. The private provider has the control rights over the service provision, so renegotiation should take place to allow the adaptation required by the public authority to be implemented. We study the e¤ects of demand risk allocation on the incentives of the PPP contracting parties. We show that the tradeo¤ turns out to be a choice between the public authority holding-up the private provider or the private provider holding-up the public authority.
In fact, in this setting, bearing more risks means giving greater hold up opportunities to the other contracting party, which leads to a lower e¤ort of the party that bears more risks. Thus, our model highlights a new case of counter-incentives and leads us to have predictions regarding the choice of the contractual design. We …nd that when the bene…ts from adaptation are important, it is socially preferable to design a contract in which demand risk is on the private provider, whereas when the bene…ts from cost reducing e¤orts are important, it is socially preferable to put demand risk on the public authority.
Keywords: Incomplete Contract Theory, Public Private Partnership, Contractual
Design, Demand Risk, Counter-Incentives.
JEL codes: D23; H11; L33
Acknowledgements to be added latter: Jean-Etienne de Bettignies, Eshien Chong, Eduardo Engel,
Antonio Estache, Mario Jametti; Conferences: Paris May 2011, Barcelona 2011, ISNIE 2011 y University of Lausanne, Quartier UNIL Mouline, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Email: laure.athias@idheap.unil.ch
INRA-LAMETA, 2 Place Viala, 34060, Montpellier, France. Email: soubeyra@supagro.inra.fr
In the last couple of decades, Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have become worldwide increasingly popular in a broad range of public services (roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, prisons, etc.). However, many concerns have been raised regarding this organizational model (see Engel, Fischer, and Galetovic, 1997, Guasch, 2004, Chong, Huet, and Saussier,
2006, Estache, 2006, Martimort and Straub, 2006, Athias and Nunez, 2008, Guasch, Laffont, and Straub, 2008). The most stringent worries concern the ex post adaptation in‡exibilities inherent to these long term contracts. It is often mentioned that "[a] key concern with long-term PPP contracts is the level of ‡exibility that they o¤er to authorities to make changes either to the use of assets or to the level and type of services o¤ered" (PWHC
Public Private Partnerships, which main feature is the bundling of building and operation in a single contract, encompass a variety of administrative arrangements (Grout and
Stevens, 2003). Nevertheless, we can distinguish two main contract types for delegating public services to private operators: contracts where private providers bear no demand risk
(the payments to the private provider are service payments paid by the procuring authority according to performance criteria), and contracts where private providers bear all demand risk (the payment depends on the actual service demand). The resort to both contract types is now possible in most countries. The traditional model of PPPs in the world has been contracts in which demand risk is on the private provider, but countries around the world have recently promulgated guidelines so as to bring in the alternative contract type, e.g. the June 2004 act in France instituting the new “contrats de partenariat”.
This general background raises the issue of demand risk allocation in PPPs. Herein, we address this issue by comparing the e¢ ciency of the two contract types in the lens of an incomplete contract perspective (Grossman and Hart 1986, Hart and Moore 1990,
Hart 1995, Hart, Shleifer and Vishny 1997, Hart and Moore 1999 and Hart 2003). The imperfect veri…ability of services in public-private contracts has been widely emphasized.
For example, it is clear that it can be extremely di¢ cult to demonstrate (and propose) that amendments to the contractual terms are required as a result of the private provider’s lack of ability, rather than as a result of any unexpected external factors. Furthermore, the public authority does not generally sue a private provider for partial non-ful…llment of its obligations, because litigation can be costly and produce uncertain results, while certainly worsening the relationship (Williamson 1976). Finally, the risks discharged on the contracting party cannot be unlimited. For this reason, the extent of the penalties cannot always be in proportion to the damage caused by the imperfect ful…llment of the
1 In the literature, a contractual aspect is deemed to be perfectly veri…able when 1) a third party can verify the case that occurred in relation to this aspect; 2) the cost of litigation that falls upon the Principal is not greater than the bene…t that it can obtain from a ruling in its favour; 3) the value of the penalties is not subject to any limitation. If one of these three requisites is not satis…ed, there is a risk of not being able to obtain the full enforcement of the contract ( Doni 2006 ) .
conditions of contract. Such characteristics can impede the drafting of complete contracts
(Hart 1995).
In this paper, we consider then a contractual relationship in which a public authority contracts with a private provider.
2 The private provider invests in non contractible costreducing e¤orts, fully relationship speci…c. The public authority makes a non veri…able investment, which corresponds to an e¤ort of adaptation of the public service provision over time so as to respect consumers changing demand (also called demand-enhancing e¤ort). This assumption contrasts with the literature on PPPs, which has so far analyzed
PPP contracts as contracts such that the private provider is essentially responsible for all investments. However, as Ellman (2006) and Athias (2009), we believe that public authorities have an active role to play in the adaptation of the private provision of public services over time. In both contract types, the private provider has the control rights over the service provision, so that renegotiation should take place to allow the adaptation required by the public authority to be implemented. Both parties can hold-up each other and the contracting parties’ incentives are driven by the (anticipated) outcome of the
(e¢ cient) renegotiation about the sharing of the non-contractible surplus generated by the non-veri…able e¤orts. We assume that the private provider faces a risk of bankruptcy when he bears demand risk, which is not the case of the public authority. We show that the tradeo¤ turns out to be a choice between the public authority holding-up the private provider or the private provider holding-up the public authority.
In fact, in this setting, bearing more risks means giving greater hold up opportunities to the other contracting party, which leads to a lower e¤ ort of the party that bears more risks.
Thus, our model leads to two main results. First, the public authority’s investment in adaptation is lower when she bears demand risk. Second, the private manager’s cost reducing e¤ort is lower when he bears demand risk. These results lead us to have predictions regarding the choice of the contractual design. We …nd that when the bene…ts from adaptation are important, it is socially preferable to design a contract in which demand risk is on the private provider, whereas when the bene…ts from cost reducing e¤orts are important, it is socially preferable to put demand risk on the public authority.
We believe our paper makes two important contributions to the literature. Firstly, the theoretical results are counter-intuitive compared to usual results of the moral hazard problem in the agency theory (Iossa and Martimort 2008, forthcoming). Indeed, according to this theory, the agent will increase his e¤ort when he bears more risk. By contrast, we highlight a new case of counter-incentives. Few papers have emphasized this kind of phenomenon, with very di¤erent mechanisms (e.g. Benabou and Tirole, 2006, Lazear,
1989 , Winter, 2009). Secondly, our model highlights the fact that, beyond the theory of incentives, a framework of incomplete contracts might also be useful for analyzing risk allocation.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the relevant literature and
2 We will refer to the public authority as “she” and the private provider as “he”.
state the contributions of this paper. In Section 3, we present the model that leads to our theoretical propositions developed in Section 4. Section 5 o¤ers a few concluding remarks.
The literature on risk allocation in contracts is already well-developed. In the agency theory with moral hazard (see Tirole 1988, La¤ont and Martimort, 2001, and Iossa and
Martimort, 2008, forthcoming, for the case of PPP ) , incentives and risk are bundled by assumption. In other words, if the principal provides more incentives to the agent, the payo¤ of the agent becomes mechanically more risky. In fact, as the agent’s e¤ort is not observable, the contract is based on the stochastic level of production - supposed to be observable. A contract provides strong incentives to the agent only if its remuneration highly depends on the production. Because production is stochastic, strong incentives means larger risk (to the agent). One of the main consequence is that the e¤ort of the agent turns out to increase at the same time as his payo¤ becomes more risky, and this result holds whether the agent is risk neutral or not.
By contrast, we consider an incomplete contract model and …nd the reverse result.
Measured against the complete-contract benchmark, an incomplete contract is one that does not take into account all the relevant variables. This state of a¤airs may result from a lack of veri…ability of the variables that pertain to contract ful…llment as argued by
Hart (1995). Thus, as pointed out by Hart and Moore (1999), an incomplete contract is analyzed as one in which “the parties would like to add contingent clauses, but are prevented from doing so by the fact that the state of nature cannot be veri…ed (or because states are too expensive to describe ex ante)”. Thus, the incompleteness of contracts makes direct incentive contracts unfeasible and makes the incentives indirect and come through renegotiation of the contract. In other words, in incomplete contracts, incentives are driven by the (anticipated) outcome of the expost (e¢ cient) renegotiation about the split of the non-contractible surplus generated by the non-veri…able e¤orts.
As a consequence, in this setting, bearing more risks means giving greater hold up opportunities to the other contracting party, which leads to a lower e¤ort of the party that bears more risks. As in the agency theory, the result holds whatever the agent is risk neutral or not.
The literature on PPPs has so far analyzed PPP contracts as contracts such that the private party is essentially responsible for all investments (see Hart 2003 for instance). However,
Ellman (2006) and Athias (2009) consider the active role of public authorities. They argue that public authorities have an important role to play in the adaptation of the private provision of public services over time for the following reasons. First, any PPP is between
a public authority and a private public-service provider; that is there is no direct democracy
(the public cannot vote directly to select and oust the private provider). Second, there is no market accountability of private providers, since the price applied to consumers, if any, is a regulated price, not a market price. Finally, public authorities, as elected delegates of consumers, are duty bound to discover adaptations and consumers’preferences and to exercise pressure on the private provider to adapt the public service to satisfy the changes in the e¤ective consumers demand. In other words, we have to consider public authorities as active players instead of passive bystanders of the general e¢ ciency of PPPs.
The experience of the British government with school dinners o¤ers a good example of the public authority’s role in the e¢ ciency of PPPs. According to Ellman (2006), “In the aftermath of a series of television reports on school diners by celebrity chef Jamie
Oliver in early 2005, the government rushed to quench mounting public discontent over low quality committing to make improvements. However, new schools locked into 25year PPP contracts are …nding that they cannot rid their menus of junk food despite the government’s pledge”. In this case, we can observe that the private provider invested in cost reducing e¤orts whereas the procuring authority tried to make the private provider adapt the service according to the fundamental change in the consideration of healthy food by the public.
Another good example of the public authority’s e¤orts in PPPs is provided by the
Episode of the “Shipwrecked Men of the Road”of Saint-Arnoult-In-Yvelines. January 4,
2003, the French Weather-Forecaster underestimates the extent of the falls of snow which will fall down on the French North and Centre. As a consequence, the concerned private provider did not take all the necessary measures to preserve the viability of the base joint of two highways. Thus, when plates of glaze appeared on this base joint, already dense circulation became completely blocked. The absence of measures such as the diversion of tra¢ c and information of the users by the private provider increased the number of users blocked out of 60 km. After this event, there was a public discontent about the lack of suitable means in case of considerable falls of snow. As a consequence, the French government pressured the private provider to adapt the service provision accordingly, and the private public-service provider invested in less heavy salting vehicles as well as in automatic salting systems located in crucial points.
For the ease of exposition of the following model, we voluntarily neglect the private provider’s potential role in discovering adaptation. It is not to deny its importance (Hart,
Shleifer and Vishny, 1997, Besley and Ghatak, 2001, Hart, 2003, and Bennet and Iossa,
2006), but if we assume that the bene…ts are separable in the public authority and the private provider adaptation investments, the private provider adaptation investment equilibrium level does not vary according to the contractual design.
There are two main contract types for delegating public services to private operators: contracts where private providers bear no demand risk (availability contracts; payments are service payments paid by the procuring authority according to performance criteria), and contracts where private providers bear demand risk (the payment depends on the actual service demand).
Both are long-term, global contracts on the design, building,
…nancing and operation of a public service and consist in output speci…cations systems.
Both contracts can be considered as …xed-price contracts (the procuring authority o¤ers the private provider a prespeci…ed price for completing the project in both contracts). They do not di¤er in the magnitude of implication of the private operator, both contracting procedures formally delegate to the private provider su¢ cient residual control rights to provide the service free of interference. The main di¤erence between these two contractual practices concerns therefore the allocation of demand risk. The following section presents a simple incomplete contract model of contractual design for the provision of a public service by a private provider.
We consider a contractual relationship in which a public authority P A contracts with a private provider P M , which generates a pro…t and a consumer surplus CS . The private provider invests e in cost reducing e¤orts (the cost of investment is e ), which generates for him a cost advantage of w ( e ) .
4 5
The investment e is not contractible and nor w ( e ) . We assume that this cost reduction investment is fully relationship speci…c, i.e.
P M does not get any bene…t from e outside the relationship.
The public authority makes a non veri…able investment j (with cost j ), which corresponds to an e¤ort of adaptation of the public service provision over time so as to respect consumers changing demand (demand-enhancing e¤ort). As the private provider has control rights over the service provision, the public authority needs to renegotiate the contract
3 Iossa and Martimort (2008) distinguish three types of PPP contract, depending on whether the payment is based on (i) user charges, (ii) usage, or on (iii) availability. In the …rst case, the private provider bears all demand risk. In the second case, the allocation of demand risk depends on the relationship between the payment and the actual usage level. In the third case, the public authority retains all demand risk. It is in fact contractually possible to restrict demand risk imposed on the private provider (Athias and Saussier
2007), so that public authorities do not face a binary choice of contracts but a continuum choice. However, this does not question the results we obtained to the extent that the weaker the extent to which the private provider bears demand risk, the weaker his probability of bankruptcy, everything else being equal.
Since in both contractual designs, P M has control rights over the service provision, e will be implemented unilaterally.
Contrary to Hart, Shleifer and Vishny 1997, we do not consider that the private provider’s cost reducing e¤orts have adverse e¤ects on quality. In fact, while some studies show that the quality shading hypothesis is true for some governmental services (e.g. Deber 2002), some others show the opposite, i.e.
the cost reducing e¤orts are accompanied by an increase in quality (e.g. McDavid 1985).
with the private provider to implement j . However, j is not relationship speci…c, i.e.
the public authority can exploit j in case of renegotiation failure. Both pro…t and consumer surplus CS are increasing functions of j .
As already highlighted, a critical aspect of any PPP is the allocation of demand risk between the public authority and the private provider. In a mechanism based on availability, the public authority retains all demand risk and receives the pro…t from the service. In a payment mechanism based on the demand level, it is the private provider that receives the pro…t. However, if the public authority can receive the pro…t as the private provider, contrary to the private provider her objective function includes also the consumer surplus.
We assume that when the private provider bears demand risk, he can experience negative pro…ts leading to the concession failure and the exit of the private provider (in other words, he goes bankrupt).
This is never the case for the public authority. We also assume that the private provider cannot be replaced by a new one except when he goes bankrupt.
This assumption relies on the fact that the adaptation is extracontractual and the private provider cannot be legally sanctioned for not implementing the adaptation.
The demand for the service is denoted D . For simplicity, we consider that demand is sensitive to innovations when they are su¢ ciently important.
In other words, we assume that the demand is " > 0 when an innovation with a low value j is implemented (e.g., a low “quality” innovation), j < j
. It is a function of j , Q ( j ) with Q ( j ) > " and Q
> 0 , when an innovation with a high value is implemented, j j
D ( j ) =
Q ( j ) if an innovation j j
" , otherwise.
is implemented
When the innovation’s e¤ort is small, j < j
, or no innovation is implemented, the demand is " and it is not perfectly known. It is randomly distributed over [ "; " ] with
0 < " < " . This assumption deserves further comments. Recall that the innovation can only be implemented with the approval of the private provider. Hence it should be clear that we assume that demand is not random (and it is Q ( j ) ) when an investment j of su¢ cient magnitude ( j j
) is made by the public authority and this innovation is implemented by the private provider. Conversely, demand is random (and it is " ) when an investment of insu¢ cient magnitude ( j < j
) is made by the public authority or the innovation is not implemented (whatever the magnitude of the investment j ). However, to avoid uninteresting situations where the equilibrium innovation e¤orts end up to the same
The pro…tability of most PPP contracts is in fact very sensitive to the demand, i.e. a marginal change of the demand is enough to generate negative pro…ts for the private provider. Guash (2004) reports for instance that around 6% of the toll road concessions granted in 1990-2001 worldwide were abandoned.
In practice, the public authority can break the contract but this is prohibitively expensive; this is the reason why we do not observe any contract breach in practice.
Iossa and Martimort (2008 and forthcoming) consider the same kind of simple demand function and assume that the demand is inelastic when the price is su¢ ciently small.
level whatever the allocation of the demand risk, we focus on the case where the threshold j
0 is su¢ ciently small and then j ; j
, j
AC j
0 where j denotes the …rst best level of innovation, j
CC the equilibrium level of innovation when PM bears demand risk and the equilibrium level of innovation when PA bears demand risk.
We normalize the price to unity. If there is no bankruptcy, the pro…t is then given by e
( j ) = D ( j ) F; where F represents a …xed cost. We assume that the risk is such that the expected pro…t is null when demand is " , i.e.
E [ " F ] = 0 . We also use the following notations:
( j ) = Q ( j ) F and ( " ) = " F:
As mentioned above, the private provider is the only agent that can go bankrupt and this can occur only when the private provider bears demand risk. When the private provider bears demand risk and the innovation j is lower than j
0 or it is not implemented, the payo¤ of the private provider is ( " ) + w ( e ) e . Bankruptcy occurs when this payo¤ is negative and, consequently, the probability of bankruptcy is de…ned as:
= Pr ( " < w ( e ) + e + F ) :
Hence, is a decreasing function of w ( e ) e . Let us denote ( w ( e ) e ) with
< 0 . In the following, we focus on interior solutions and we make usual assumptions on the functions lim j !
+ CS
; CS; and
) > 1 ; lim w j !
+ 1
< and lim e !
+ 1 w
( e ) = 0 .
The timing of the model is as follows:
; CS
1; w
(0) =
> 0
; w
= 0
< 0
; w
+ CS
(0) = 0
0 ; lim e !
00 w
CS e
) = +
Stage 0 : Demand risk is either on P A or on P M .
Stage 1 : P A and P M sink their respective investments j and e .
Stage 2 : Renegotiation takes place to allow the adaptation to be implemented in the service provision; P A and P M share the surplus generated by the non-veri…able e¤orts à la Nash bargaining (with symetric bargaining power).
Stage 3 : P A and P M trade (jointly or with their market alternatives).
Default payo¤s and renegotiation gain
When the private provider bears demand risk , he can go bankrupt (with probability ) if no innovation is implemented or the implemented innovation is small ( j < j
). We assume this is the only situation where the public authority can replace the private provider with a new one. Moreover, if this scenario happens, the public authority will implement an incentive contract such that the new private provider will implement the innovation and she obtains all the surplus, CS ( j ) + ( j ) . If the innovation is not implemented and the
private provider does not go bankrupt (with probability 1 ), the public authority’s payo¤ is the consumer surplus level associated with the basic service, CS (0) , normalized to zero.
Thus, when the private provider bears demand risk, the expected default payo¤ of the public authority is then ( CS ( j ) + ( j )) .
The expected default payo¤ of the private provider is a bit more complicated. When no innovation is implemented or the implemented innovation is small ( j < j
), the expected pro…t of the private provider conditional on the fact that he does not go bankrupt is ( E [ : ] is the expectation operator):
( w ( e ) e ) E [ ( " ) = ( " ) + w ( e ) e 0]
= E [ " F = " F + w ( e ) e 0]
Hence, the expected default payo¤ of the private provider is given by:
E [ ( " ) + w ( e ) = ( " ) + w ( e ) e 0] = (1 ( e )) (
( w ( e ) e ) + w ( e )) : (3)
When the public authority bears demand risk , the private provider cannot go bankrupt and then the public authority cannot replace the private provider. The contract is for availability of the basic service and the public authority pays a …xed payment t
(normalized to 0 ) to the private provider. The default payo¤ of the private provider is w ( e ) + t
= w ( e ) and the default payo¤ of the public authority is CS (0) + E [ " F ] t
= 0 , that is the level of welfare when no innovation is implemented.
Let us denote e the …rst best level of cost reduction e¤ort, e
CC of cost reduction e¤ort when PM bears demand risk and e
AC the equilibrium level the equilibrium level of cost reduction e¤ort when PA bears demand risk.
The gain from renegotiation is the di¤erence between the total surplus when the renegotiation is successful (it is CS + + w and it does not depend on the demand risk allocation), and the total surplus when the negotiation fails (the sum of the default payo¤s, which, by contrast, depends on the demand risk allocation). Following the literature (e.g. Grossman and Hart 1986), we assume the solution of the renegotiation is the Nash bargaining solution
(with equal bargaining power), i.e.
the players share the negotiation gain equally.
First best
The …rst best solution is the couple of investment ( j ; e ) that maximizes the total surplus, that is, the sum of consumers surplus, pro…ts and the cost advantage net of the cost of the investments.
( j ; e ) = arg max
( j;e ) f CS ( j ) + ( j ) + w ( e ) j e g ; (4)
The unique solution ( j ; e ) is such that:
( j ) +
( j ) = 1 w
( e ) = 1
At the social optimum, the marginal bene…ts of the investments must equal their marginal costs, that is, 1 in both cases.
Equilibrium when the private provider bears demand risk
Suppose that the private provider bears demand risk. As already mentioned, the gain from renegotiation is the di¤erence between the total surplus when the renegotiation is successful
CS + + w , and the sum of the default payo¤s, which is ( CS + ) + (1 ) (
+ w ) when the private provider bears demand risk. The gain from renegotiation for each side is then
[ CS + + w ( CS + ) (1 ) (
+ w )]
[ CS +
] +
2 w
The payo¤ of each agent is the sum of his/her default payo¤ and his/her gain from renegotiation net of the cost of his/her individual investment. Formally, P M ’s payo¤ is given by:
= and, P A ’s payo¤ is:
= (1 ) (
( CS + +
+ w ) +
) + 1
[ CS + w e
] +
2 w e (8)
= ( CS + ) +
1 +
= ( CS + )
[ CS +
] +
2 w j
2 w j
Remark that when the bankruptcy risk is null, that is, ( e ) 0 , the parties split the gain from adaptation equally (there is no gain from cost saving).
P M chooses e that maximizes his payo¤, U
,and P A
( e
; j
) and solves: chooses j that maximizes her utility U
. The solution is denoted
( )
M ax e 0
1 (( w ( e ) e ))
+ 1
( CS ( j ) + ( j ) +
(( w ( e ) e )))
(( w ( e ) e ))
2 w ( e ) e
(10) and,
M ax j 0
1 (( w ( e ) e ))
1+ (( w ( e ) e ))
(( w ( e ) e
( CS ( j ) + ( j ))
)) +
(( w ( e ) e ))
2 w ( e ) j
The couple of investments ( e
; j
) is characterized by the two following …rst order conditions (we dropped the arguments for the ease of exposition):
( CS + +
+ w ) + (1
Incentive e¤ect
0 w
+ 1 w
Hold-up e¤ect
= 1 (12) and,
1 +
= 1 (13)
Both investments deviate from the …rst best.
First, the choice of cost reducing e¤ort, e
, is driven by two e¤ects, an incentive e¤ect and a hold-up e¤ect. The incentive e¤ect pushes P M to choose an e¤ort level close to the
…rst best level. In fact, the term in brackets is positive,
0 ( CS +
+ (1
+ w )
> 0 , and the second term, ( w
1) , is positive for e < e and negative for e < e . The term
( CS + +
+ w ) > 0 corresponds to a prevention e¤ect, and the term corresponds to an insurance e¤ect (see Ehrlich and Becker 1972)
(1 )
> 0
. In other words, when the net bene…t of the cost reducing e¤ort, w ( e ) e , increases ( i.e.
1 is positive), P M bene…ts from a decrease of his probability of bankruptcy and an increase of his payo¤ if he does not go bankrupt in case of renegotiation failure. The hold-up e¤ect, in turn, pushes
P M to choose a cost reducing e¤ort lower than the …rst best, because the private provider does not get full return of his cost reduction investment ( w ( e ) ) in case of bankruptcy. In fact, P M has to give up to P A one half of the amount he would loose in case of renegotiation failure and bankruptcy, that is, one half of w ( e ) . As a consequence, the global e¤ect is such that P M underinvests in cost reducing e¤orts.
Second, P A does not get the full return of her investment in adaptation j . This is due to the fact that she needs the agreement of P M to implement the innovation. However,
P M ’s hold up is reduced as he can go bankrupt if he refuses to implement P A ’s innovation.
The social surplus when P M bears demand risk is de…ned as
= CS ( j
) + ( j
) + w ( e
) j
CC e
Equilibrium when the public authority bears demand risk
Suppose now that the public authority bears demand risk. The gain from renegotiation is still the di¤erence between the total surplus when the renegotiation is successful CS + + w ,
9 Ehrlich and Becker have proposed a de…nition of (self-)insurance and prevention.
(Self-)insurance designates an e¤ort aiming at loss reduction, for a given probability of loss, while prevention relates to an e¤ort aimed at reducing the probability of a given loss.
and the sum of the default payo¤s, which is w ( e ) when the public authority bears demand risk. The gain from renegotiation for each side is then
( CS ( j ) + ( j )) . We can now write the payo¤s of the two agents.
P M ’s payo¤ is:
= w ( e ) +
( CS ( j ) + ( j )) e (15) and, P A ’s payo¤ is:
( CS ( j ) + ( j )) j (16)
Notice that, when demand risk is on P A , as the public authority and the private provider cannot go bankrupt, the parameter plays no role.
P M chooses e that maximizes his payo¤, U
, and P A chooses j that maximizes her utility U
. The solution is denoted
( e
; j
) and solves:
M ax e 0
= w ( e ) +
( CS ( j ) + ( j )) e (17) and,
M ax j 0
( CS ( j ) + ( j )) j : (18)
The couple of investments ( e
; j
) is characterized by the two following …rst order conditions: w
( e
) = 1 (19) and,
( j
) +
( j
) = 1 (20)
Contrary to the case where P M bears demand risk, here P M gets the full return of his cost reduction investment as he cannot go bankrupt. However, P A cannot replace the private provider and still needs his agreement to implement the innovation. Notice that for
( e ) 0 , then
0 and hence (12) is equivalent to (19) and (13) to (20), meaning that there is no di¤erence between the equilibrium e¤ort levels under the two contract types when the likelihood of bankruptcy is null.
The social surplus in the case where P A bears demand risk is de…ned as
= CS ( j
) + ( j
) + w ( e
) j
AC e
The choice of the contractual design
The optimal contractual design is the one that generates the highest total surplus. It is socially desirable that P M rather than P A bears demand risk only if
CS ( j
)+ ( j
)+ w ( e
) j
CC e
CS ( j
)+ ( j
)+ w ( e
) j
AC e
The determination of the socially preferred demand risk allocation requires a comparison between the investments levels under both contractual designs.
When the contract is designed such that the public authority bears demand risk, this creates one distortion compared to the …rst best case. The public authority places
2 weight on the bene…t of adaptation (see equation (18)) instead of 1 in the …rst best case (see equation
(4)). Regarding the cost reduction e¤ort of the private provider, there is no distortion
(conditions (19) and (6) are identical). The following result follows directly from the …rst order conditions.
Proposition 1: When the public authority bears demand risk, investments in adaptation are sub-optimal, j
< j , but investments in cost reduction are optimal, e
= e .
(The proof lies in the reasoning above).
Remark that the probability of bankruptcy plays no role in this result. This is because the private provider can only go bankrupt when he bears demand risk. The deviation from the …rst best is due to the renegotiation as in the seminal work of Hart, Shleifer and
Vishny (1997). Hold-up reduces the incentives to make an appropriate adaptation e¤ort.
However, in our model, the adaptation e¤ort is made by the public authority and this is of importance for the next result.
Regarding now the second contractual design, where the private provider bears demand risk, the eventuality that the private provider goes bankrupt when he does not implement the adaptation required by the public authority induces two distortions compared to the other contract type. First, the public authority places aptation (see equation (11)) instead of
2 weight on the bene…t of adin the previous case (see equation (18)). Thus, when the probability of bankruptcy is positive ( > 0 ) the former is larger than the latter.
Nevertheless, this weight is still lower than in the …rst best situation. Second, the private provider places 1
( 1 ) weight on the cost reduction gain (see equation (10)) instead of 1 in the availability contract or the …rst best situation (see equations (17) and (4)). The following result follows directly from the corresponding …rst order conditions.
Proposition 2: Public authority’s investment in adaptation is lower when she bears demand risk, j
AC j
CC j , and private manager’s cost reducing e¤ ort is lower when he
1 0 and our assumptions on the properties of the function CS + .
1 1 and our assumptions on the functions CS + and w .
bears demand risk, e
CC e
= e (with j
AC j
< j unless = 1 ).
(The proof lies in the reasoning above).
< j
CC and e
< e
AC unless = 0 and
When the private provider bears demand risk, he faces the risk of bankruptcy in case of renegotiation failure. The public authority holds up then a larger share of the cost reduction e¤orts bene…t, which counter-incites the private provider to invest in cost reducing e¤orts.
The private provider hold-ups in turn a smaller share of the adaptation bene…ts, which provides the public authority with higher incentives to invest in adaptation e¤orts. In other words, imposing demand risk, and hence bankruptcy risk, on the private provider gives greater hold up opportunities to the public authority, which increases her incentives to make adaptation e¤orts but reduces the private provider’s incentives to make cost reduction e¤orts.
These results enable us to provide some predictions regarding the choice of the contractual design:
Proposition 3:
(1) Suppose that the function CS ( j ) + ( j ) is replaced by ( CS ( j ) + ( j )) , then for su¢ ciently small, it is preferable that the public authority rather than the private provider bears demand risk.
(2) Suppose that the function w ( e ) is replaced by w ( e ) , then for su¢ ciently small, it is preferable that the private provider rather than the public authority bears demand risk.
(The proof is reported in Appendix A).
Part (1) assumes that becomes close to zero. The adaptation e¤orts j
, j
AC and j become all close to zero and then only the value of the cost reduction e¤ort matters. As the contract type under which demand risk is on the public authority is socially preferable over this dimension, it is also preferable for su¢ ciently small. Part (2) is a symmetric result.
It assumes that becomes close to zero, and then the cost reduction e¤orts e
, e
AC and e become all close to zero. Then only the value of the adaptation e¤ort matters. As the contract type under which demand risk is on the private provider is socially preferable from the point of view of adaptation, it is also preferable for su¢ ciently small.
This proposition highlights …rst the fact that no contractual design is optimal and second that no contractual design always dominates the other one. In other words, the contract in which demand risk is on the private provider always dominates the contract in which demand risk is on the public authority regarding the incentives of the public authority to invest in demand-enhancing e¤orts. Nevertheless, the contract in which demand risk is on the public authority always dominates the contract in which demand risk is on the private provider regarding the private provider’s cost-cutting incentives. A trade-o¤ occurs therefore between adaptation and cost reducing e¤orts in the allocation of demand risk.
We conclude that when the bene…ts from adaptation are important, it is socially preferable to design a contract in which demand risk is on the private provider, whereas when the
bene…ts from cost reducing e¤orts are important, it is socially preferable to put demand risk on the public authority.
In this paper, we have studied the e¤ects of demand risk allocation on the incentives of the PPP contracting parties. We have focused on the adaptation investments of the public authority and voluntarily neglected the adaptation e¤orts of the private provider. While we have mentioned that considering adaptation e¤orts from both parties does not a¤ect our results if adaptation bene…ts are separable, an interesting extension might be to consider their interactions (whether they are complementary or substitutable). This could lead to interesting insights but introduce complex e¤ects in the analysis. Another interesting extension would be to consider that the public authority can also go bankrupt but this is not trivial because not symmetric.
Our model is very simple but we think it captures the most important trade-o¤s at stake in the e¢ ciency of PPPs. We …rst show that the incentives of the contracting parties are weakened when they bear demand risk. This is a new case of counter-incentives. Few papers have put in evidence this kind of phenomenon but with very di¤erent mechanisms (e.g.
Benabou and Tirole, 2006, with the crowding out e¤ects of monetary incentives, Lazear
1989 with sabotage in promotion tournaments, and Winter 2009 for team production). We also show that demand risk allocation will vary according to the relative importance of the bene…ts from adaptation compared to the bene…ts from cost reducing e¤orts, highlighting that no contractual design is optimal and always dominant. This result questions the current common belief that to not impose demand risk on private providers is a good solution to the problems encountered with contracts in which demand risk is on private providers. In addition, this paper suggests that the current trend towards the increasing adoption of availability contracts should not lead to the abolition of contracts where demand risk is on private providers, but that the two contract types should coexist.
Proof of Proposition 3: To show (1), replace CS ( j ) + ( j ) by ( CS ( j ) + ( j )) .
Conditions (13) and (20) become:
1 +
( j
) +
( j
) =
; (24) and,
( j
) +
( j
) =
: (25)
Since CS 00 + 00 < 0 and lim j !
( 0 + CS 0 ) = + 1 , when goes to 0 , both j
CC and j
AC go to 0 . Thus, the social surplus in the case where P M bears demand risk becomes: also
(26) lim
= w ( e
) e
; and the social surplus in the case where P A bears demand risk becomes: lim
= w ( e
) e
According to Proposition 1, we have e
Proposition 2, we know that e
CC e
= e where e maximizes e 7!
w ( e ) e . Using
(with e
< e
AC unless = 0 ) and then, lim
CC lim
; with lim
< lim
AC unless = 0 .
To show (2), replace w ( e ) by w ( e ) . Conditions (12) and (19) become:
2 w
( e
) =
; and,
(29) w
( e
) =
: (30)
Since w
< 0 and lim e !
+ 1 w
( e ) = 0 , when goes to 0 , both e
CC and e
Thus, the social surplus in the case where P M bears demand risk becomes: also go to 0 .
= CS ( j
) + ( j
) j
; and the social surplus in the case where P A bears demand risk becomes:
(31) lim
= CS ( j
) + ( j
) j
: (32)
According to Proposition 2, the investment in adaptation is closer to the (unique) optimal value for a concession contract compared to an availability contract, j
AC j
< j
CC unless = 0 ) and then lim
0 unless = 0 ).
AC lim
(with lim
0 j
CC j
< lim
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