SENIOR PROJECT CAPSTONE CAREER HANDBOOK 2015-2016 1 Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Introduction to Senior Capstone Career Project .......................................................... 4 About the Senior Capstone Career Project .................................................................................. 4 APEX British Lit/Comp & The Senior Capstone Career Project ............................................... 5 Overview of the Five Components of Project ............................................................................. 5 Portfolio Requirements ............................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 2 –The Product .................................................................................................................. 7 How Do I Choose A Product? ..................................................................................................... 7 Pre-planning ................................................................................................................................ 7 Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 7 Types of Products ........................................................................................................................ 8 Requirements for the Product ...................................................................................................... 8 Product Verification form ........................................................................................................... 9 Senior Capstone Career Project Approval .................................................................................. 9 Chapter 3 - Product Work Log & Pictorial Log ........................................................................... 10 Requirements:............................................................................................................................ 10 How Do I Create My Product Work Log? ................................................................................ 10 Product Work Log Formats: ...................................................................................................... 11 2-Column Method: .................................................................................................................... 11 4-Column Method: .................................................................................................................... 11 Template for Creating 4-Column Log ....................................................................................... 11 Chapter 4 – The Project Facilitator/Mentor .................................................................................. 13 What is the Role of a Project Facilitator/Mentor?..................................................................... 13 Is it possible to have more than one Project Facilitator/Mentor? .............................................. 13 How do I find a Project Facilitator/Mentor? ............................................................................. 14 Required Forms ......................................................................................................................... 14 Chapter 5 – The Research Paper ................................................................................................... 15 The Paper................................................................................................................................... 15 Chapter 6 - The Portfolio .............................................................................................................. 16 What is the Senior Capstone Career Project Portfolio ? ........................................................... 16 Why Do I Need a Portfolio ? .................................................................................................... 16 Required Contents ..................................................................................................................... 16 Chapter 7 - The Presentation, Senior Boards................................................................................ 17 The Presentation ........................................................................................................................ 17 Presentation requirements ......................................................................................................... 17 Speech Outline .......................................................................................................................... 18 Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A-1................................................................................................................................ 20 Senior Capstone Career Project Due Dates | 2015-2016 | 1st semester..................................... 20 Appendix A-2................................................................................................................................ 21 Senior Capstone Career Project Due Dates | 2015-2016 | 2nd semester .................................. 21 Page 2 Appendix B-1 ................................................................................................................................ 22 Senior Capstone Career Project Proposal Approval Form ........................................................ 22 Appendix B-2 ................................................................................................................................ 24 Senior Capstone Career Project Proposal Approval Form Model ............................................ 24 Appendix C ................................................................................................................................... 27 Senior Capstone Career Project: Parent/Guardian Consent Form ........................................... 27 Appendix D ................................................................................................................................... 29 Student Agreement Form: Project Facilitator/Mentor’s Role .................................................. 29 Appendix E ................................................................................................................................... 30 Project Facilitator/Mentor Agreement Form ............................................................................. 30 Appendix F.................................................................................................................................... 32 Product Verification Form: Completion of Student Product .................................................... 32 Appendix G ................................................................................................................................... 33 Product: Evaluation Rubric ...................................................................................................... 33 Appendix H ................................................................................................................................... 34 Senior Capstone Career Project Presentation Part I - Evaluation Rubric ................................ 34 Senior Capstone Career Project Presentation Part II - Evaluation Rubric ................................ 36 Appendix I .................................................................................................................................... 37 Letter to the Judges ................................................................................................................... 37 Appendix J .................................................................................................................................... 38 Sample Ideas ............................................................................................................................. 38 Appendix K ................................................................................................................................... 42 Considerations To Make Before Doing A Fundraiser As A Product ........................................ 42 Appendix L ................................................................................................................................... 43 Thank-you email to your Project Facilitator/Mentor ................................................................ 43 Appendix M .................................................................................................................................. 44 Senior Capstone Career Project Portfolio Checklist ................................................................. 44 Appendix N ................................................................................................................................... 45 Senior Capstone Career Project Ethical Commitment .............................................................. 45 Appendix O ................................................................................................................................... 46 Apex British Literature/Comp and the Senior Capstone Career Project ................................... 46 Appendix P.................................................................................................................................... 47 Senior Project Presentation | Part I – Student Evaluation Rubric .............................................. 47 Senior Project Presentation | Part II – Student Evaluation Rubric II ......................................... 49 Congratulations! You made it!..................................................................................................... 51 Page 3 Chapter 1 – Introduction to Senior Capstone Career Project Senior Capstone Career Project is the concluding phase of the Cherokee County School District’s Career Pathway model initiated to better prepare you, the student, to meet the needs of employers, technical schools, colleges, or universities in your post-secondary endeavors. This initiative provides you with a capstone Project to showcase the skills you have acquired over the past eleven years of public school. It combines both academic as well as career requirements intended to challenge your ability, stretch your limitations, and celebrate your individuality. In addition to completing the requirements for your senior English curriculum, you will also complete each of the four components of the Project: the Research Paper (1st semester) Product (2nd semester) Portfolio (2nd semester) Presentation, Senior Boards (2nd semester – 15% of 2nd semester grade) ABOUT THE SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT The Senior Capstone Career Project was implemented as a pilot project at Sequoyah High School in 2004-05 and became a Cherokee County system wide initiative in 2005-06. With Georgia’s transition from No Child Left Behind to the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) in 2012-13, the percentage of students who complete a Career-Related Capstone Project (or a work-based learning program) was planned to be included in the CCRPI for 2016-17 as a performance indicator. The Cherokee County School District Senior Capstone Career Project was found to be in complete alignment with the requirements that were released by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) for the Career Related Capstone Project. Students with special needs may require modifications to the Senior Capstone Career Project as determined by an IEP Committee. Students with a 504 plan may require accommodations to the Senior Capstone Career Project as documented in the student's 504 plan.. The goals of the Senior Capstone Career Project are as follows: • To provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their courses to research relating to a career interest area • To allow students to extend their academic experience into areas of personal career interests, to include working with new ideas, organizations, and individuals • To encourage students to think critically and creatively about academic, professional, and/or social issues and to further develop their analytical and ethical leadership skills • To provide students with the opportunity to refine research skills and demonstrate their proficiency in written and/or oral communication skills Page 4 APEX BRITISH LIT/COMP & THE SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT Apex cannot be used to avoid components of the Senior Capstone Career Project. The APEX teacher will collaborate with the student’s original senior English teacher, when possible. The student must complete to the satisfaction of the English teacher all missing components. Often the Brit Lit A students have not completed the research paper. Any missing components should be complete by the end of the first nine week period. These will be graded by the English teacher and added by the Apex teacher to the Apex Grade Book as Additional Assignments (following Unit 6). The Brit Lit B students may need to complete logs and the final presentation. The English teacher will provide the final Senior Capstone Career Project grade which will be used as the test out grade for unit 5 in Apex. The student will simply pick up where they left off. This will be worked out in collaboration with the English teacher on a case-by-case basis. Collaboration and communication will be very important. OVERVIEW OF THE FIVE COMPONENTS OF PROJECT 1 – the Paper After you have decided upon a Product, you will need to know more about it. This is where the Research Paper comes in. No problem. For the past three years, you have researched a topic and written a paper. This paper only builds on those skills. For example: If you plan to design an advertising campaign, you might want to write a paper titled – Trends in Advertising: Ineffective vs. Effective Advertising Campaigns. Obtaining this information from your research will enable you to create a dynamic Product. 2 – the Project Facilitator/Mentor As part of the Project, students must obtain a Project Facilitator/Mentor to assist in learning more about the career area. The Project Facilitator/Mentor must be someone who is knowledgeable in the chosen area of interest or someone working in the field. The students have the responsibility to obtain a Project Facilitator/Mentor and then submit a signed agreement between the school, the Project Facilitator/Mentor, the student, and the parent. 3 – the Product The most successful Projects and subsequent Products are the ones that tap into an area of interest for the student, one the student is passionate about pursuing. By tapping into this individual resource, the student innately receives the motivation necessary to meet the challenges, overcome the obstacles, and excel in the completion of his/her Product and ultimately Project. With this in mind, choose a Product that taps into your passion, extends your learning, stretches your potential, and challenges your abilities. What that may be is up to you. The goal is to find something that you have never done before but always wanted to do or something that you have done before but want to take to a new level. Just remember the requirements. Your selection must Page 5 provide you with a rigorous, measurable “learning stretch” – one that will take you at least 15 hours outside of class to complete as well as one that you can “link to a career” of interest to you. It must represent a significant body of work. For example: A possible Product for someone who might be interested in a career in Advertising would be to design an effective sustained advertising campaign for a local business – more than just a single poster or video. 4 – the Portfolio The purpose of the Portfolio is to document your entire Senior Capstone Career Project process, from inception to completion. It is graded by your teacher, but it is previewed by your Judges for Senior Boards as an introduction to you and your Project. With this in mind, you will want to create a Portfolio that celebrates your individuality and creativity as well as one that conveys the time and effort you put forth in completing your Project. This is essentially a journal of the creation of your product. If you do it well, it will provide the script for your speech outline and prepare you for your presentation to the Judges. 5 – the Presentation The culminating component of Senior Capstone Career Project is the Presentation known as Senior Boards. It represents 15% of your 2nd semester grade. Your formal Presentation will be given before a panel of Judges, a minimum of one teacher and two community members. You will tell them about your Project – the thesis you supported in your Research Paper, how your Product relates to your Paper, and the process you followed in the completion of your Product. You will end your Presentation by explaining to the Judges what you have learned about yourself – how you have grown as an individual and how the experience of Senior Capstone Career Project has prepared you to accomplish your future goals. This is the time to celebrate the passion that went into your Senior Capstone Career Project as you proudly present your accomplishments. PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS Thank You Letter to the Judges (Appendix I) Proposal: Senior Capstone Career Project Approval Form (Appendix B-1) Product Verification Form (Appendix F) Product Work Log Pictorial Work Log Page 6 Chapter 2 –The Product HOW DO I CHOOSE A PRODUCT? Because Senior Capstone Career Project will be one of the most important assignments of your high school career, not to mention the fact that it will take up much of your time in the coming months, you need to consider your choice for the Product very carefully. As stated earlier, the most successful Products are the ones that result from your passion about your topic. It is this passion that gives you the motivation necessary to meet the challenges, overcome the obstacles, and bring your product to fruition. PRE-PLANNING Senior Capstone Career Project is so much more enjoyable if you choose something you REALLY want to do. Think about all of the things about which you are passionate. Thing about things that interest you – things you would like to fix, do, learn, understand, see, improve, create, experience, or own. Brainstorm your ideas as they occur to you: don’t edit yourself at this point. If you’re into sailing and want to sail solo to the Bahamas, write it down. You can always eliminate ideas later if they turn out to be impractical or too expensive. Narrow your ideas down to three or four which are “do-able” and prioritize them. In deciding whether or not a particular Product idea will work, take into consideration whether or not research information will be available and whether the Product is one which you can financially afford to undertake. Also, consider if it will maintain your interest for eight months, take you at least fifteen hours to complete, stretch your abilities, challenge your limitations, and provide you with a rigorous, significant learning stretch. CONSIDERATIONS Cost: Your grade is NOT based on how much you spend on your Product. Time: Your Product must be completed by the due date. Product: Tangible evidence of the skills you acquired in satisfying your learning stretch must be presented in class when the Product is due for Stand and Deliver, as well as for Senior Boards. Think carefully and creatively about how you will present your Product: a demonstration, performance, or portfolio displaying your skills, or physical evidence and explanation of skills required to complete Product. Transportation: Accessibility to and from lessons or meetings with your Project Facilitator/Mentor must be taken into consideration. Equipment: If the Product requires special equipment (sewing machine, saw, computer), consider whether or not it is available and working. Special Permission: Remember that visiting or observing at many sites requires special permission. Call ahead to make arrangements. Page 7 TYPES OF PRODUCTS Physical Product – Shape a surfboard, learn to oil paint, make stained glass windows, design a webpage, restore a boat, install a sound system in a car, design a house/building, write and direct a film, build a piece of furniture Written Product – Write a family history; write a book of poetry/short stories, etc.; write a screenplay; write and illustrate a children’s book, etc. This must be professionally-bound in order to be considered a complete product. Performance Product – Choreograph and perform a dance, organize an improvisational theatrical group, direct a short drama piece, learn to play an instrument Leadership Experience Product – Organize an advocacy group, teach others in an area in which you have skills and expertise Physical Experience Product – Go on a wilderness survival trip, learn to fly an airplane, learn to scuba dive, run a marathon/10k/5k, train for a special event Experiential Project – Apprentice with an elementary teacher and teach a lesson to the class Community Service Project – Raise money for a local non-profit organization, organize a community service event. Remember, you must be able to relate your efforts directly to a career that you are considering. Work-Based Project – Students who would like to pursue a career-related project at their Work-Based Learning site may do so. If they do, the project they propose must go above and beyond the requirements of their job description. Students should discuss possible projects with their work-based learning supervisor, who may serve as their Project Facilitator/Mentor. Projects must meet the requirements for the learning stretch and for the additional 15-hour minimum of effort beyond their assigned duties for their WorkBased Learning position. Remember: Shadowing (Watching someone else) is not a product and does NOT count toward the 15 hours required to produce your Product! You must be ACTIVELY involved in the creation of a finished body of work in order to enter the hours into your Product Work Log. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCT It must. . . Reflect tangible evidence of a rigorous learning stretch – Be a Product you have not done before, have had absolutely no experience with, or one that builds on the skills and knowledge you already possess – yet goes beyond that knowledge to create a higher level of learning. Be student-generated. Be related to your Research Paper. Be linked to a Career you are considering to pursue in your postsecondary endeavors. Take a minimum of 15 hours to complete. Continued on Next Page Page 8 Be documented by keeping a Product Work Log as well as a Pictorial Log to record steps taken, time spent, expenses incurred, and photographic evidence (at least 9) of your progress. Both logs will be turned-in at specified intervals for periodic checks. Ineligible Products : No purchased or ready-made models or kits will be accepted; moreover, Products presented in Stand & Deliver that are not evident as your production as evidenced throughout your digital Portfolio, and that are not present in the final picture with your Project Faciltiator/Mentor, will not be accepted. PRODUCT VERIFICATION FORM IMPORTANT: Before the Portfolio will be graded and before you can present at Senior Boards, the Product Verification Form must be completed by your Project Facilitator/Mentor(s) and submitted to your English teacher (Appendix F). SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT APPROVAL Once you have decided on the Product for your Senior Capstone Career Project, you are to submit the following forms to your teacher for approval: Proposal: Senior Capstone Career Project Approval Form (Appendix B-1)) Parent/Guardian Consent Form (Appendix C) Student Agreement Form: Project Facilitator/Mentor’s Role (Appendix D) Project Facilitator/Mentor Agreement Form (Appendix E) Important: Before you can begin work on your Product, these forms must be turned in for approval of your Product. Products that are not approved by the deadline will be subject to substantial penalty, as will Portfolios. Students will ultimately not be allowed to present their Project at Senior Boards. Once your approval form is signed, however, feel free to congratulate yourself; you’ve just taken the first step toward completing your Senior Capstone Career Project requirement. Page 9 Chapter 3 - Product Work Log & Pictorial Log Since much of the work on your Senior Capstone Career Project will be done outside of class, you will need to keep accurate records of the time you devoted to completing your Product, the expenses you incurred, where you went, whom you talked to, what you learned, what obstacles you overcame, and how you overcame those obstacles. You will incorporate these details in your speech before the Judges during your Presentation. In addition to keeping a written log of your Product from the inception to the completion, you will need to keep a Pictorial Log. Both your Product Work Log and your Pictorial Log will become an essential component of your Portfolio. The pictures will become a part of your Presentation before the Judges. REQUIREMENTS: Begin work on your Product Work Log and your Pictorial Log the moment you begin work on your Product. Make a log entry each time you work on your Product and/or meet with your Project Facilitator/Mentor. (Note: Each of the three progress checks must reflect at least one meeting with your Project Facilitator/Mentor. Periodic checks with your Project Facilitator/Mentor will be made by your teacher.) Begin each entry with the date, and end with the actual time (hours, minutes) you spent working on your Product. Include in your Product Work Log not only a description of what you did, but also a reflection on the successes and failures, frustrations and victories you met along the way. In other words, your Log should be more than a record of the time and work done; it should be a journal of your feelings, emotions, and reactions as well. A Log entry could cover as little as a short phone call to arrange an interview or as much as a day spent working alongside your Project Facilitator/Mentor. Making accurate entries in your Product Work Log will enable your teacher to better evaluate your Product and enable your Judges for Senior Boards to evidence the effort you put forth in creating your Product. Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling are essential for your log entries. Remember that this is the information the Judges see before seeing your Presentation. Create a great first impression! Pictorial Log: Begin taking pictures and creating captions for those pictures (3 at the first check, 3 at the second check, and 3 for the final check) as soon as you begin work on your Product. The first installment of your pictorial log must include a photo of you and any project facilitator/Mentor(s), along with a brief bio of the Project Facilitator/Mentor’s qualifications (#8 on the Project Facilitator/Mentor Agreement Form Appendix E). HOW DO I CREATE MY PRODUCT WORK LOG? YOU MAY USE the 2-column or 4-column methods exemplified on the following pages to create your Product Work Log. Use active verbs such as writing, designing, constructing, planning, taking classes or lessons, contacting sources, volunteering, etc. in writing each entry. In Page 10 addition to logging your time and activity, write a reflection on your activity, the commentary. This is the journal you are creating. You will find that your commentary will be an asset to you as you begin preparation for your Presentation at Senior Boards. Be diligent in recording your journey so that your hard work will be evident. PRODUCT WORK LOG FORMATS: 2-COLUMN METHOD: 4-COLUMN METHOD: Requires Separate Pictorial Log Includes Pictorial Log Models of both formats will be covered; templates will be made available. TEMPLATE FOR CREATING 4-COLUMN LOG (see next page): Page 11 Product & Pictorial Work Log Name: Last Name, First Name Product: Insert Title of Product Date & Time Day of Week 00/00/00 00 hh:mm -hh:mm Day of Week 00/00/00 00 hh:mm -hh:mm Day of Week 00/00/00 00 hh:mm -hh:mm Day of Week 00/00/00 00 hh:mm -hh:mm Total Hours Date: 00/00/0000 Activity & Commentary Activity: Photos Photos should be scaled to 3 inches wide. Commentary: Photo Caption: Activity: Commentary: Photo Caption: Activity: Commentary: Photo Caption: Activity: Commentary: Photo Caption: TOTAL PROJECT HOURS ACCUMULATED THUS FAR: Page 12 Chapter 4 – The Project Facilitator/Mentor WHAT IS THE ROLE OF A PROJECT FACILITATOR/MENTOR? The role of the Project Facilitator/Mentor(s) will vary depending on each student’s Product. The expertise of the Project Facilitator/Mentor makes it possible for students to complete the second component of their Project - the Product. Sustained Instruction: The Project Facilitator/Mentor’s role may be to give sustained instruction in the form of a progression of lessons during which the student might learn how to scuba dive or how to communicate through the use of Sign Language. The instructor becomes the Project Facilitator/Mentor. In this case, you, the student will meet with your Project Facilitator/Mentor on a regular basis in completing most of the 15 required hours. To satisfy the remaining hours required for the “learning stretch,” you will then decide how to reveal your new skill(s) as a tangible Product. You might create a demonstration, digital scrapbook, a professionally-bound cookbook, a video, or a digital portfolio, separate from your Senior Capstone Career Project Portfolio. Periodic Instruction: In other instances, the Project Facilitator/Mentor’s role may be to provide you with periodic instruction. If this is the case, you will meet with your Project Facilitator/Mentor for step-by-step instruction. However, you complete each task on your own without the Project Facilitator/Mentor present. Most of the required 15 hrs. is completed away from the Project Facilitator/Mentor, yet the Project Facilitator/Mentor still provides the you with the expertise necessary to create a challenging yet achievable Product. Once again, to satisfy the remaining hours required for a rigorous learning stretch, you will then decide how to reveal your new skill(s) as a tangible Product. You might create a demonstration, digital scrapbook, a professionally-bound cookbook, a video, or a digital portfolio (separate from your Senior Capstone Career Project Portfolio). Fundamentally, the role of the PF is to . . . o enable the student to create a challenging yet achievable tangible Product o guide, encourage, and oversee the student’s progress o verify the time student spends on his/her fieldwork (minimum of 15 hrs.) IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE PROJECT FACILITATOR/MENTOR? Yes, in fact, you may need more than one. For example, if you want to learn how to use a manual camera and acquire the skills for taking pictures with different subjects and backgrounds, you will have one Project Facilitator/Mentor. When you decide to mat and frame your photos, you may need to seek help from another Project Facilitator/Mentor. Page 13 HOW DO I FIND A PROJECT FACILITATOR/MENTOR? Your Project Facilitator/Mentor must be at least 25 years of age and someone you seek out for his/her expertise or knowledge on your topic. It is your responsibility to find a Project Facilitator/Mentor. Your Project Facilitator/Mentor cannot be a family member. Your Project Facilitator/Mentor cannot be a faculty member. Your Project Facilitator/Mentor must be someone local and someone with whom you can meet face-to-face. Go over the Agreement Form (Appendix E) with your Project Facilitator/Mentor, so that you are both clear about what is expected. Follow up often with the Project Facilitator/Mentor so that you do not lose contact with him/her. REQUIRED FORMS Submitted to your teacher before beginning work on your Product: o Student’s Agreement Form: Project Facilitator/Mentor’s Role (Appendix D) o Project Facilitator/Mentor’s Agreement Form (Appendix E) Submitted to teacher after completion of Product. Your Product and your Portfolio will not be graded and your Presentation at Senior Boards cannot be given unless this form is submitted to your teacher by the due date: o Product Verification Form (Appendix F) Page 14 Chapter 5 – The Research Paper THE PAPER Your Research Paper is NOT a chronicle of “What I did for my Senior Capstone Career Project” nor is it a “how-to” paper or a “report.” Rather, it is a paper that supports a thesis, your stance/evaluation of a specific issue associated with your topic. For example: by comparing and contrasting the latest trends in the field of Advertising, you will be able to evaluate which campaign strategies are most effective for your target audience. After formulating your thesis, you will research your topic to find specific details to support your point of view. Your foundation for writing this paper has been well established throughout the past three years: this Research Paper is simply an extension of those skills. Specific guidelines and due dates for each stage of the process will be covered by your English teacher and confirmed in written instruction. See Appendix J for Acceptable Paper Topics and Related Products Page 15 Chapter 6 - The Portfolio WHAT IS THE SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT PORTFOLIO ? The Portfolio is a professional-grade, organized notebook documenting Your Vision, Your Challenge, and Your Journey as you completed your Senior Capstone Career Project. WHY DO I NEED A PORTFOLIO ? It . . . gives evidence of a rigorous learning stretch in the body of work you call “Senior Capstone Career Project.” allows your Judges for Senior Boards to evidence your progress in completing each component of the Project. gives the Judges a first impression of you. offers the Judges an opportunity to prepare questions they would like to ask you about your Project. REQUIRED CONTENTS Letter to the Judges Photo and Bio of Project Facilitator/Mentor. Include a paragraph or two about your Project Facilitator/Mentor’s life/work that is related to the Senior Capstone Career Project you are doing Thank You Email to Project Facilitator/Mentor (Must Carbon-Copy (CC:) teacher on all correspondence and must include Project Facilitator/Mentor responses) Product Verification Form: Completion of Student Product Product Work Log – 15 documented hours, minimum Pictorial Work Log – 9 photos, minimum Page 16 Chapter 7 - The Presentation, Senior Boards THE PRESENTATION Applaud yourself for your accomplishments on the first three components of your Senior Capstone Career Project. You have researched an issue related to your topic and written an in-depth Research Paper. You have devoted at least 15 hours in completion of your Product. You have compiled a professional Portfolio documenting your journey over the past year. Now, you are ready to celebrate your accomplishments and share your discoveries as you complete the final component of the Project, Senior Boards. PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS Prepare an 8 – 10 minute Presentation (timed – no less than 8 – no more than 10). Time does not include Judges’ questions. Create at least two effective visuals Remember that visuals are important not only to show the Judges what you have accomplished but also to provide you with a pictorial progression of what you want to say. The visuals will enable you to keep your Presentation focused and organized. You will find that they also lessen any apprehension you may have about talking in front of people. o Use PowerPoint or Prezi to present research paper information. o Use video for performances. o Scrapbooks or portfolios may exist in hard form, but must be presented via slide show. o PHYSICAL PRODUCTS ARE visuals! This is a professional-grade presentation. No posters or project boards. Anything that can be put on a poster or project board can be scanned and put on a screen! Create note cards Place only key words or phrases on your note cards, just enough to jog your memory about what you want to say next. Note: Avoid placing complete sentences or jamming too much information on your note cards since this may create the major pitfall of presenting or reading rather than telling. Dress Business Attire: Your attire for Senior Boards should complement your Presentation rather than become a distraction taking valuable points away from your grade. Use the following guidelines in making your decision about what to wear. Girls: No jeans; metal-studded clothing; denim; shorts; t-shirts; skirts that are too short or too tight; tops that are too short, too low, or too tight. (No cleavage or bellies should be in sight.) Girls should either wear an appropriate dress, a skirt or dress pants and a conservative top or jacket (a suit, if you prefer) may be worn in lieu of a dress. Page 17 Guys: No jeans, denim, shorts, t-shirts, or flip-flops. Wear tucked-in collared shirts, dress pants, or khakis (a sport coat or suit, if you prefer). Wear dress socks and dress shoes. Your Hair: Keep it out of your face! Wear your hair in a manner that will allow you to keep eye contact with your Judges and allow them to keep eye contact with you. Any fiddling with your hair during the Presentation will distract the Judges and may result in a lower score. Essential delivery components - maintain . . . o Eye Contact with your Judges (Avoid turning your back to them.) o Body Composure (Avoid leaning on the podium. Stand with confidence.) o Vocal Expression (Moderate your speech - neither too low, too high, nor too fast.) o Personal Expression (It’s ok to be enthusiastic! In fact, allowing your passion about your Project to show will go a long way in impressing the Judges and in making a dynamic Presentation!) SPEECH OUTLINE Directions: Create the following outline in preparation for your Presentation. You may embellish it to complement your Presentation, but make sure you cover the basics. Template for working out your script is located below. Evaluation Rubric for Presentation located in Appendix H Self-Evaluation of video of Stand and Deliver Performance is located in Appendix P Outline format – Use only key words or phrases in creating your outline. I. Introduction A. Introduce yourself, shake hands with Judges, and thank them for coming. B. Capture the attention of your Judges with an appropriate attention grabber. C. Briefly introduce your Project, the thesis you supported in your Paper, and how the Product you created relates to your Paper. II. Body A. Introduce your Product and explain the process you went through to complete your Product. B. Explain how the Product was a rigorous “learning stretch” – a significant body of work – how it challenged your ability and creativity and allowed you to problem solve as you met and overcame obstacles. C. Explain how you feel – the pride – the great sense of success – you feel now that Your Vision, Your Challenge, Your Journey is now Your Accomplishment! III. Conclusion A. Conclude with what you learned about yourself through your Senior Capstone Career Project journey and state whether or not the career associated with your Project is something you still want to pursue. B. Thank the Judges for their time. Page 18 Appendices The Senior Capstone Career Project items listed in the following appendices are for your reference only; items in any appendix are not to be copied, printed, or submitted to teachers as completed assignments. Every item listed in this Appendix will be posted online for you to download and complete individually. Page 19 Appendix A-1 SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT DUE DATES | 2015-2016 | 1ST SEMESTER Assignment Due Date 1. Paper & Product Registration of SP Paper Topic / Product August 7 2. Meeting Fundraising Meeting for All Fundraising Proposals August 11 7:45 a.m. or 3:45 p.m. in Media Center 3. Paper & Product Presentation August 12 4. Form Master Agreement Form Due August 19 5. Paper & Product Final date to change topic August 29 6. Paper Annotated Bibliography 7. Paper First Draft Due; Peer Reviews in class 8. Workshop Senior Project Workshops 9. Paper Second Draft Due 10. 11. September 11 October 14 Locations and Topics TBD October 15 Paper Teacher Conferences on Second Draft Form Project Facilitator/Mentor Agreement & Role 12. October 09 Paper FINAL Draft Due to Turnitin by 11:55 P.M. Page 20 October 15-November 4 October 29 November 9 Appendix A-2 SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT DUE DATES | 2015-2016 | 2ND SEMESTER Assignment 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Due Date Product & Portfolio Product Log / Pictorial Log Check #1 Minimum of 3 Photos / 5 hours Product & Portfolio Product Log / Pictorial Log Check #2 Minimum of 3 Photos / 5 hours Product & Portfolio Product Log / Pictorial Log Check #3 Minimum of 3 Photos / 5 hours Presentation | Stand & Deliver Portfolio All Site requirements All Product Work Logs / Pictorial Logs Product Verification Form Product Completed Presentation 8-10 Minute Speech (on note cards) Dress Rehearsal Completed Portfolio Digital Portfolio Completed (full site is edited, ready for Judges’ review) Presentation | Senior Boards Page 21 January 21 February 23 March 17 March 28 – April 22 April 13 April 27 – 28 Appendix B-1 SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT PROPOSAL APPROVAL FORM Master Agreement Form Please fill out the following form in its entirety. It is important that all information be accurate for the success of your overall project. A digital copy of this form will be included as a part of your digital portfolio. Senior Project Proposal (TYPE IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION.) Student Name Your Cell Phone Home Address E-mail Teacher Phone Directions: You will “pitch” your proposal in class via PowerPoint or Prezi. The following questions are to be addressed in your presentation. Describe your Product and respond to the following questions in as much detail as possible. All questions must be completed thoroughly to receive approval for your Product and Project. Follow the model on the following page precisely. 1) Describe what you are proposing to do for your Product step-by-step and in detail. 2) What is your previous experience in this area of study? 3) How is this Product a “learning stretch” and challenge for you? 4) How long do you expect it to take you to complete your Product? 5) When and where will you work on your Product? 6) What are your estimated costs for completing the Product, and how will you fund these costs? 7) Whom have you chosen as your Project Facilitator? 8) What is this person’s expertise in this field? Page 22 9) What steps will you need to take before you begin work on your Product? 10) What concepts, skills, knowledge, and/or career goals do you hope to attain upon completion of your Product? 11) How will you demonstrate your Product for Presentation at Senior Boards? Using the above information, you should create a PowerPoint proposal. Each question can be its own slide, or you can combine them. Do it however you see fit, but remember, you’re selling me on this idea. After your presentation, your product will either be accepted or denied. If denied, it is your responsibility to redo the PowerPoint with another idea and present it to me before or after school, so take your time and do well the first time around! Page 23 Appendix B-2 SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT PROPOSAL APPROVAL FORM MODEL (Type in demographic information here according to the form) Directions: You will “pitch” your proposal in class via PowerPoint or Prezi. The following questions are to be addressed in your presentation. Describe your Product and respond to the following questions in as much detail as possible. All questions must be completed thoroughly to receive approval for your Product and Project. 1) Describe what you are proposing to do for your Product step-by-step and in detail. I intend to organize a fundraising walk for charity. The first thing to do is find a location that I can hold the event. Next, I want the first fifty people to get a t-shirt when they arrive, so I need to order the t-shirts. At walks there is always some sort of food and drink supplied. I am going to go to Publix and Kroger and ask for donations of items such as water, apples and bananas. On top of that I will get sponsors to donate certain items like bags, pens, or other simple accessories. To get the walk started, I am going to play the national anthem and I am going to ask Mark Wills to sing it. I will most likely have to have police there to keep watch over the event. Both my neighbors are members of the police force, and I will be asking them to volunteer their time for this event. Throughout this whole experience of planning I am going to be meeting with Alice Ramsey, my Project Facilitator/Mentor. She will be helping me and guiding me. 2) What is your previous experience in this area of study? I have absolutely no experience in this area of study. I am a naturally organized person and enjoy helping people. I can handle pressure really well and feel like I am really cut out to be an event organizer. 3) How is this Product a “learning stretch” and challenge for you? I have never organized an event of any kind. With all the responsibility on me, I will have an enormous amount of pressure to complete my Project and I have never had to experience anything like that before. 4) How long do you expect it to take you to complete your Product? Considering that I will be working on it day by day, I will be working on it from now until the event happens which will be in a couple of months. 5) When and where will you work on your Product? I will work on my Project bit-by-bit every day. Such an event has a lot that needs to be planned and organized so getting a little done each day will make the task easier. Most of the work and Page 24 organization will be done at my home, but I will eventually go out and ask for sponsors around Towne Lake. I will also be experiencing my Project Facilitator/Mentor’s event that happens late September and will be learning a lot during that time. 6) What are your estimated costs for completing the Product, and how will you fund these costs? I will be asking for sponsors for certain items needed for the event. That will cut back on a lot of costs. I will probably need to pay for t-shirts for a certain amount of people. The price varies. 7) Whom have you chosen as your Project Facilitator/Mentor? Alice Ramsey will be my Project Facilitator/Mentor. I have known her since I was just a little girl and she has always been an inspiration and a great role model. 8) What is this person’s expertise in this field? Alice Ramsey is the founder of the Pink Posse. She has hosted a cancer walk/run for the past several years. It started out as a small-scale walk just between friends and has grown to several hundred people. The walk/run raises a good bit of money, all by donation, it is free to walk, and the money is donated to a person who is struggling with cancer. Her walk/runs have become very successful. 9) What steps will you need to take before you begin work on your Product? The first step is to find someone who has experience in this field of work. The walk is going to be a fundraiser so I need to figure out who to donate the money to. I will also need to set a date for my event, but in order to do that, I will first need to find a place to host the event and get permission to use that place. I will also get sponsors for my event. I will go to businesses and ask them to donate to my event. I have forms to get signed and approved as well and will need to get those completed before I proceed with my Project. 10) What concepts, skills, knowledge, and/or career goals do you hope to attain upon completion of your Product? Not everyone can become an event planner. It takes a certain type of person to be able to handle the pressure and have the right skills to be able to complete such a large task. I must be very organized to keep this event under control and to make sure I meet certain deadlines. My event will of course involve other people; therefore, I must be respectful of others and responsible enough to keep others in mind and not waste any time. By planning this event, I will have my first event planned and hopefully completed. This will teach me whether or not I want to pursue a career in event planning or if I am even cut out for the job. Page 25 11) How will you demonstrate your Product for Presentation at Senior Boards? My Presentation will include pictures, publicity materials, and facts and information about the walk. The Presentation will include videos of the setup and of the walk, itself. It will also include the amount of money I raised and a copy of the check I am able to present to the organization. I hereby agree to complete the above stated Product in partial fulfillment of my Senior Capstone Career Project requirement. I understand that I will not be allowed to change my topic after August 29, 2015. I understand that I must also obtain my parents’ or guardians’ permission on the proper form before this agreement is valid. Name (type) Date (type) Signature (Your PERSONAL Signature) Page 26 Appendix C SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT: FORM PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT As the parent/guardian of __________________________, a senior at Etowah High School, I am aware that my son/daughter is required to successfully complete the Senior Capstone Career Project in addition to their senior year English curriculum. I am also aware that the four components of the Project are the Research Paper, a tangible Product, a comprehensive Portfolio, and a Presentation before a panel of Judges from the community and school, known as Senior Boards. I understand that the Project selection is student-centered and career-related. I realize the tangible Product that is due the third nine weeks of the school year must relate to the Research Paper and represent a rigorous, definable “learning stretch” that must reflect a significant body of work. I know that my son/daughter will be signing an Ethical Commitment Form, which I have reviewed ( Page 27 Appendix N). I understand that if my son/daughter plagiarizes any of the three components - prior to Senior Boards - that he/she will have to complete an entirely new Project and submit a Portfolio of the new Project by the Stand and Deliver date. Only in this way will he/she become eligible for completion of the fifth component, the Presentation. I understand that the Project Facilitator/Mentor(s) is chosen by my son/daughter. I assume all responsibility for costs and risks inherent in his/her chosen Project. I am aware that these individuals are not endorsed by nor are their credentials screened or reviewed by the Cherokee County School District. Therefore, I understand that it is my responsibility as the parent/guardian to review the qualification and/or licensing of this Project Facilitator/Mentor prior to giving my consent/endorsement as well as to provide all supervision of my child while working with this individual on his/her Product. Cherokee County School District has not undertaken any background checks on the Project Facilitator/Mentor. It is the responsibility of each parent to ensure the suitability of the Project Facilitator/Mentor that you and your student select. Parent/Guardian Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Email Address: Parent Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: Page 28 Appendix D STUDENT AGREEMENT FORM: PROJECT FACILITATOR/MENTOR’S ROLE Name of Project Facilitator/Mentor: Area of interest/expertise: Email address: Phone #: Read the following statements and sign below to acknowledge that you understand your role as well as that of your Project Facilitator/Mentor in completing the Product component of your Senior Capstone Career Project. I understand that I have to give my Project Facilitator/Mentor a copy of the Project Facilitator/Mentor Agreement Form. I understand that it is my responsibility to present my Project Facilitator/Mentor with a copy of my Senior Capstone Career Project Approval Form which outlines the projected steps, costs, and timeframe projected for completion of my Product. I understand that my Project Facilitator/Mentor’s role is to enable me to create a challenging yet achievable Product. Depending on the nature of my Product, I may meet with him/her on a sustained basis or a periodic basis. If it is a sustained period of time in the form of a series of lessons, I will complete the majority of my 15 hrs. in the presence of my PF. If it is on a periodic basis, I will meet with my PF at specified intervals to acquire the knowledge necessary to complete the Product on my own. I understand that my Project Facilitator/Mentor will be asked to verify the time I spend on my fieldwork (minimum of fifteen hours) by signing the Product Work Log on the specified due dates. I also understand that my PF must submit the Product Verification Form to my teacher upon completion of my Product confirming it is my work. I understand that my parent/guardian or relative cannot serve as my Project Facilitator/Mentor and that my PF must be 25 years of age or older. I understand that my PF must be someone who resides locally, whom I can contact easily, so that I may maintain contact with him/her. I understand that my parents/guardians must sign the Senior Capstone Career Project: Parent/Guardian Consent Form endorsing my Project Facilitator/Mentor and that it must be turned into my teacher by the designated due date. Student Name: Date: Student Signature: Date: Page 29 Appendix E Student’s Name (type name): PROJECT FACILITATOR/MENTOR AGREEMENT FORM Thank you for volunteering your time to serve as a Project Facilitator/Mentor (PF) for a student involved in Senior Capstone Career Project at Etowah High School. This Project offers seniors a real world experience as they journey into a topic of their choice, one that they are passionate about, and one that they link to a career. Throughout the year, they must pursue a rigorous, measurable “learning stretch” as they complete each of the four components of the Project: a Research Paper, a Product, a Portfolio, and a culminating Presentation in May – Senior Boards. Sustained Instruction: The PF’s role may be to give sustained instruction in the form of a progression of lessons during which the student might learn how to scuba dive or how to communicate through the use of Sign Language. The instructor becomes the Project Facilitator/Mentor. In this case, you, the student will meet with your PF on a regular basis in completing most of the 15 required hours. To satisfy the remaining hours required for the “learning stretch,” you will then decide how to reveal your new skill(s) as a tangible Product. You might create a demonstration, digital scrapbook, a professionally-bound cookbook, a video, or a digital portfolio, separate from your Senior Capstone Career Project Portfolio. Periodic Instruction: On the other hand, the PF’s role may be to provide you with periodic instruction. If this is the case, you will meet with your PF for step-by-step instruction. However, you complete each task on your own without the PF present. Most of the required 15 hrs. is completed away from the PF, yet the PF still provides the you with the expertise necessary to create a challenging yet achievable Product. Once again, to satisfy the remaining hours required for a rigorous “learning stretch,” you will then decide how to reveal your new skill(s) as a tangible Product. You might create a demonstration, digital scrapbook, a professionally-bound cookbook, a video, or a digital portfolio, separate from your Senior Capstone Career Project Portfolio. Fundamentally, the role of the PF is to . . . o enable the student to create a challenging yet achievable tangible Product o guide, encourage, and oversee the student’s progress o verify the time student spends on his/her fieldwork (minimum of 15 hrs.) Please confirm your agreement to serve as a Project Facilitator/Mentor for the student indicated below by completing this form and by signing the subsequent statement. Page 30 TYPE IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Project Facilitator/Mentor’s Name: Click here to enter text. Home Address: Click here to enter text. Email Address: Click here to enter text. Home Phone #: Click here to enter text. Work/Cell Click here to enter #: text. I, the undersigned, have met with the above named student and have reviewed the plans for completion of his/her Product as outlined in the Proposal: Senior Capstone Career Project Approval Form. I acknowledge that it is the responsibility of the student to complete the Product on his/her own by March 28, 2016. I also agree to complete the Product Verification Form and send it to the student’s English teacher once the student has completed the Product. Signature: Date: (Project Facilitator/Mentor’s Personal Signature) Page 31 Appendix F PRODUCT VERIFICATION FORM: COMPLETION OF STUDENT PRODUCT Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ (Please Print) Project Facilitator’s Name: ______________________________________________________ (Please Print) To the Project Facilitator: Since most of the time spent on the Product phase of Senior Project has been out of class, verification of the student’s effort in the creation of his/her Product is necessary. This verification will enable the student to complete the final component of the Project, Senior Boards and assist the teacher in evaluation of the Product. Thank you for your time. 1. Can you verify that he/she spent at least 15 hours creating this Product? Yes _____ No_____ Comments _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Have you seen this Product at different stages of completion, not just the final phase? Yes _____ No_____ Comments _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What specific problems did this student encounter and overcome? _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What successes have you seen this student achieve? __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Project Facilitator’s Signature _____________________________________Date __________ Page 32 Appendix G Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory PRODUCT: EVALUATION RUBRIC (To be completed at Stand and Deliver) Creates a unique product/performance that relates to research paper. 5 4-3 2-1 0 Reflects excellent skills in synthesizing, evaluating, and analyzing knowledge of topic to create and develop Product. Product reflects unique creativity/precision & planning/design. 5 4-3 2-1 0 5 4-3 2-1 0 Product reflects outstanding quality: polished & visually appealing. 5 4-3 2-1 0 Provides a unique performance in content, style, and medium appropriate to audience’s interests and level of maturity. 5 4-3 2-1 0 Criteria Total ___________________x4_______________/100 Product final grade Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 33 Appendix H SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT PRESENTATION PART I - EVALUATION RUBRIC Student’s Name___________________________________________Teacher’s Name_________________ Project _______________________________________________________________________________ Directions for Part I– Score each component for the Content area of each Presentation according to the following scale 5 = Excellent 4 = Above Average 3 = Average 2 = Below average 1 =Failing 0=Not Evidenced Area I: Content Scoring Introduction Begins with an appropriate attention grabber - - - 2 1 Establishes why he/she chose this topic - - 3 2 1 Establishes topic of Paper and how Paper relates to Product - - - 2 1 Establishes connection between Paper, Product, and career/academic goals 5 4 3 2 1 Introduces Project Facilitator/Mentor and explains qualifications he/she has to help 5 4 3 2 1 them with his/her Project Body of Speech Explains every step of the process for creating Product Explains problems encountered and changes made throughout the process of creating the Product Presents information in a logical and organized manner using transitions to move from one point to the next A tangible Product, or the materials used to create it, is presented Product reflects creativity and precision as well as outstanding quality (polished and visually appealing) Conveys a rigorous learning stretch – student demonstrates a significantly challenging personal, career-based, or academic accomplishment as a result of completing the Senior Capstone Career Project Presentation is free of errors, visually appealing, and easily viewable by the Judges Presentation effectively uses visuals and audio Conclusion Concludes with an explanation of what he/she has learned about himself/herself as a result of completing Senior Capstone Career Project Explains how the skills acquired throughout this journey will be reflected in his/her post-secondary endeavors Thanks the Judges and prompts them to ask questions Questions from Judges Page 34 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 - 4 - 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - 2 1 0 Responds to questions from Judges thoughtfully and maturely, reflecting knowledge/skills acquired as a result of Project Raw Score _____/70 Page 35 - - 3 2 1 0 SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT PRESENTATION PART II - EVALUATION RUBRIC Directions for Part II– Score each component for the Delivery area of each Presentation according to the following scale 5 = Excellent 4 = Above Average 3 = Average 2 = Below average 1 =Failing 0=Not Evidenced Area II: Delivery Scoring Makes Eye Contact with Judges throughout (does not read from notes) 5 4 3 2 1 Maintains Body Composure (poise, gestures, posture) 5 4 3 2 1 Moderates Voice/Vocal Expression (rate/volume, pacing, inflection, enthusiasm) 5 4 3 2 1 Uses appropriate Language (avoids slang) 5 4 3 2 1 (Avoid penalizing non-native speakers of English.) Dress/appearance is “business casual” 5 - 3 - Adheres to 8 – 10 minute time limit requirement 5 - 3 - 1 5 = 8-10 minutes 3 = Within 1 minute, over or under time limit requirement 1 = Under/Over more than 1 minute of time limit requirement 0 0 0 0 0 - Please record how long the student presented; time begins with the student’s Attention Grabber and concludes with Thanking the Judges. (Question and answer time does not count toward the time limit requirement.) Time: _______min. : _______sec. Raw Score _____/30 Comments: Your comments are very important to the students. Please be specific and constructive. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ The Administrators, Senior Project teachers, and students at Etowah High School sincerely appreciate the time you have devoted to serving as a Judge for Senior Capstone Career Project. Page 36 Appendix I LETTER TO THE JUDGES – Due at Stand and Deliver Dear Judges: Paragraph 1: Briefly introduce yourself, your goals – your choice for Senior Capstone Career Project (Minimum 5 sentences). Paragraph 2: Introduce your paper topic, the issue you researched, and briefly explain what you learned by researching this issue. (Minimum 5 sentences). Paragraph 3: Describe your Product and how it relates to your Research Paper. Also, explain the obstacles you overcame and success you achieved in process of completing your Product (Minimum – 5 sentences). Paragraph 4: Explain how your topic and research relate to a career and what you learned about yourself. Address the Career Link and your desire on whether to pursue this career in your postsecondary endeavors. (Minimum- 5 sentences). Paragraph 5: In this paragraph sum up your thoughts about Senior Capstone Career Project and thank the judges for their time (Minimum – 2/3 sentences). Sincerely, Your signature Your Name – typed You never get a second chance to make a great first impression! The first page following the table of contents in your Portfolio will be a Letter to the Judges for your Presentation. Use the full-block letter template and double space between sections, single space within text. Remember the only abbreviations that you can use are the postal codes for each state (GA) and a person’s title. You will use the following format in preparing this business letter. Your Letter to the Judges introduces you in your own words. It will allow the Judges to see you as a whole person beyond the Senior Capstone Career Project. This should be your best writing, carefully edited, and in correct business form. Keep the tone Page 37 honest, yet positive. Appendix J SAMPLE IDEAS: RESEARCH AREA to PRODUCT REQUIREMENT: Both the Research and the Product MUST PROVIDE A “RIGOROUS LEARNING STRETCH,” which conveys a SIGNIFICANT body of work. RESEARCH AREA PRODUCT Anesthesia’s Effects on the Human Replica of Body Organs to Help Show the Effects of Body Anesthesia Leukemia PowerPoint on Leukemia and 3-D Model of Cells and present to STEM Academy or Elementary School Fundraising Success of Benefit Plan and Host a Benefit Concert to Raise Money for Concerts* Crisis in Darfur* Firefighting Make a Scrapbook/Journal Recording My Hands-on Experience at the Fire Station Scuba Diving Get Certification in Scuba Diving and Go Scuba Diving Teaching Methods and Techniques Create and Teach a 2nd Grade Lesson on Bullying and Show to Judges on Video and Pictures Sports Injury Prevention Plan for Sports Injury Prevention Growing Career of Forensic Build a Miniature (3D) Crime Scene Science Fashion Design Design and Create 5 Original Pieces for a Clothing Line Benefits of Faith to Well-Being Plan, Conduct, and Video A Religious Retreat Murals Create a large-scale mural Women’s Dresses Since the 1920’s Make 3 Dresses and Wear One for Senior Boards Sustainable Architecture 3-D Model, Printed Model, House Plans, Interior/Exterior Renderings The History of Roller Coasters Develop a Computer and Physical Model of a Roller Coaster Rheumatoid Arthritis Fundraiser for Web Design to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis* Hydrogen Technology Design and Build a Hydrogen Booster Cell The Art of Assemblage (a form of Create a Work of Art Using Assemblage Collage) Three American Charities Helping Conduct a Fundraising Activity to Raise Money for Orphans Orphans* Favorite Poet Create a Book for Personal Short Stories/PoemsPerform a Reading for Presentations Auto Performance Technology Engine Performance Upgrade Montessori Preschool Curriculum Create Weekly Montessori Lesson Plan for 3-4 year olds Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Film a Documentary of Patient Undergoing Treatment Tap Dancing Video Performance of Tap Dance The History of Dance Video Performance of Modern Dance Page 38 Zoology Fashion Design ASPCA Financial Planning Automotive Restoration Career of Nursing Dual-Sport Motorcycles Skin Esthetics Children’s Storytelling Technology in the Elementary Classroom History and Evolution of Sports Photography/Photography Most Effective Discipline Techniques for Children Early Childhood Learning Strategies Top Value-Adding Residential Renovations History of the Hobby of Caving Career of Dance Choreographer Art History of Lockheed-Martin, Marietta Auto Mechanics (Diagnostics) Learning Styles: Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic Career of Advertising Manager The Use of Fashion as a Universal Form of Expression History of Illustration Teaching Choral Middle-School Music Evolution of Residential Architecture The History of American Cinematography Opening a Small Business Small Business Entrepreneurship Role of Flowers in Special Occasions Journal/Portfolio/Book Presented Via Video Design and Wear a Prom Dress Create a Public Service Announcement to Prevent Animal Abuse Virtual Portfolio (presented ppt.) Restoring a Vintage Vehicle Profile-Presentation of Various Nursing Programs Convert Dirt Bike to Street Bike Giving a Facial via Video Write a Children’s Story That Teaches a Lesson Teach an Elementary Class Using Technology Coffee Table Book (Portfolio) of Sports Pictures A Book of Techniques for the Teenage Babysitter Devise and Use an Educational Game With Elementary Children Document and Aid in renovating a house for sale Journal and Video of Personal Spelunking Experiences Learning a Routine/Teaching a Routine to a Class Piece of Art or Gallery of Art Work Working Model of Airplane Made from Scratch Perform Auto Maintenance Create a Lesson Plan and Teach Create Two Print Ads and a Commercial for Imaginary Product Create an Original Design from Fabric Create Portfolio of Original Illustrations and Favorite Illustrations Video of Teaching and Conducting a Choral Performance Design a Residential Structure Short Individual Film Business Plan/Location/Goods for Sale Start Virtual Business with Complete Business Plan Various Flower Arrangements for Prom and Weddings Page 39 Various Causes Landscape Photography Martial Arts Clay Sculpting Airbrush- Metal Art Origin and History of a Musical Instrument Basic Life Support Domestic Abuse History of Wedding Cake The Effect of Photography in Culture and Technology Teen Fashion Industry Robotics Harlem Renaissance: effects on art, music, and poetry Progression of 20th- Century architecture Fly fishing Stylistic innovations of Frank Lloyd Wright Copyright laws as protection Emergency Medical Technicians Fashion and social change Stained glass through the ages Aluminum welding Art of silk screening Battle of Kennesaw Historical sites in Woodstock, Georgia History of sailing vessels Waste disposal and the environment The Competitive Edge in the Restaurant Business: Current Trends Organize and Conduct a Fundraiser to Support Your Cause Multi-Photo Picture Frame Earn a Martial Arts Belt and Perform a Live Video Demonstration of Techniques Make an Abstract Sculpture Design and Airbrush Sculptures from Sheet Metal Learn to Play an Instrument and Perform Live For Senior Boards Earn Life Support Certification and Help Scouts with Merit Badge Clinic or train community members Volunteer at Domestic Abuse Shelter Design and Learn to Make a Wedding Cake Present Techniques in Low Light Photography Make, Wear, and Accessorize a Dress for Senior Boards Construct a Robotic Hand Make a video of music, art, poetry Design a modern building; make an original model Learn to fly-fish and go on a fly-fishing trip Design a window in Wright-style Write, copyright, and publish a story Ride with EMT’s; keep journal and take photos Design and construct a 20’s era gown Take stained glass lessons; create a project Construct a model (or actual) river boat (from scratch, no kits) Design and create a T-shirt logo for school club Create a map/model of battles to donate to social studies department Create a video walking tour of Woodstock Make a model of a sail boat; take sailing lessons; go on a sailing trip; participate in a regatta (from scratch, no kits) Organize/supervise group to pick up trash on campus for the semester. Keep records of activity. Design a restaurant that reflects current trends and build a scale model of your restaurant. Page 40 Organize a Fundraiser for Missing Children Foundation Missing Children: Found but – include publicity materials and spreadsheet; provide Coping with Psychological Trauma copy of final check to organization.* Learn to Scuba Dive – Must provide certification and Causes and Effects of Pollution on must have participated in an official dive experience; Tide Pools must provide photos and footage. Design a lesson and work as a teacher’s aide. Videotape Past vs. Present: Effective yourself teaching a lesson and create a digital portfolio Strategies for Teaching Reading of children’s work and activities. Industry Standards and Prevention Test and monitor E-Coli bacteria in local groundwater. of E-Coli Bacteria in Groundwater Compile data in a digital portfolio. Compare/Contrast Elizabethan Design and Produce an Authentic Elizabethan Garment Drama to 21st-Century Drama Causes/Effects of Teenage Design and Implement the Red-Ribbon Campaign Drinking Develop and Choreograph a High-Impact Exercise Class Compare/Contrast the Effects of and Teach it to Low-Impact Exercise Class. Chart High-Impact Exercises results and compile a Digital Portfolio. Hone your skills as a photographer and create a digital The Art of Photography: portfolio that reflects your progression of skill. Learn Effectiveness of Latest Technology how to mat and frame pictures to present a mini-gallery in your Presentation to Judges. ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED PRODUCTS First Aid Kit and Manual for Dogs Home Decoration Models Design Cloth Purses Photography Portfolio Animated Short Film Movie Trailer *Senior Projects incorporating a fundraiser or the collection of money as part of the Product require additional approval. See you English teacher for additional information if you wish to pursue a fundraiser (whether a tournament, walk-a-thon, bike ride), raffle, or sell items to collect money to donate to an organization. Page 41 Appendix K CONSIDERATIONS TO MAKE BEFORE DOING A FUNDRAISER AS A PRODUCT Points to consider before committing to a fundraiser: 1. Where are you going to hold the fundraiser? 2. For which organization are you raising funds? What are their requirements for fundraisers? 3. What are your fundraising goals? Are you comfortable with a product grade which is directly linked to your fundraising goals? 4. How does this project reflect a career or academic interest? 5. Can I attend the mandatory meeting before or after school on August 11th in the Media Center? Fundraiser Requirements: Student must secure a location off campus. Verify fundraiser with organization and collect information for how to submit money to them. Complete the District’s fundraiser form—submit to Dr. Ruiz (3109) for approval Establish Plan for Donation Collection Collection of funds on EHS campus Have a teacher present while funds are being collected (not the project facilitator) Receipt all funds given over a dollar Turn in all collected funds to Michelle Stephens. If funds are collected on campus a check will be mailed Complete W-9 with organizations information and submit to Michelle Stephens After completed fundraiser, EHS will mail a check to the address on the W-9 Page 42 Appendix L THANK-YOU EMAIL TO YOUR PROJECT FACILITATOR/MENTOR MAKE SURE THAT YOU USE STANDARD ENGLISH – NO TEXT-SPEAK! USE PROPER SPELLING AND GRAMMAR RULES! THIS IS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE – PROFESSIONAL GRADE. Your project facilitator/Mentor has spent many hours helping you through your product, so it is important that you express your thanks. Take the time to email a personal thank-you letter. You will CC your teacher in all correspondence with your Project Facilitator/Mentor. A copy of the email and Project Facilitator/Mentor’s response should be included in your portfolio. Follow this format in your email to your PF: Dear _____________________, Be sure to mention why you are thanking your Project Facilitator/Mentor. I want to thank you for the time you spent helping me (build my doghouse). Express your thanks simply and directly. Say something here about what it is you appreciate about your Project Facilitator/Mentor. You were always so patient with me, even when I made mistakes. This part addresses specific qualities you found in your facilitator/Mentor. End your letter with a general comment. You have made a difference in my life or My Senior Capstone Career Project would not have been possible without your help or I hope that you will continue to Mentor young people, because you have much to offer. Close the letter with “Sincerely,” or “With gratitude” Use your FULL name (first and last) Page 43 Appendix M SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT PORTFOLIO CHECKLIST This will be provided by your classroom teacher. A sample Site will be provided too. Page 44 Appendix N SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT ETHICAL COMMITMENT As a student completing my Senior Capstone Career Project, I pledge to adhere to the following as a demonstration of my honor and integrity: 1. I understand that I am responsible for meeting all deadlines and completing all requirements as stated in the assignment due dates in the handbook. 2. I alone will complete the research necessary to write the research paper component of my project. 3. I will document my paper according to the MLA format as shown in the MLA stylebook. 4. I will maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity while writing my research paper. 5. I promise not to plagiarize my paper in whole or in any part, which includes submitting the work of another, either published or unpublished. 6. I will include in my portfolio only work that I have created and completed myself. 7. I will collect accurate verifications of the fieldwork I do. I will not forge any verification documents. 8. I alone will do the work necessary for the completion of the product. 9. Throughout the work on my Senior Capstone Career Project, I will maintain the highest standards of moral and ethical conduct. 10. I understand that if I am suspected of committing plagiarism or misrepresenting any portion of my project, I will be referred to the Advisory Board for appropriate disciplinary action. As an honorable student of integrity with full realization of the responsibility and commitment involved, I agree to adhere to the above criteria in completing my Senior Capstone Career Project. Student Name (print): Student Signature: Date: Page 45 Appendix O APEX BRITISH LITERATURE/COMP AND THE SENIOR CAPSTONE CAREER PROJECT Completing all components of the Senior Capstone Career Project is a requirement for passing British Literature & Composition in Cherokee County Schools. (student) must complete these Senior Capstone Career Project components as a part of (check one) Apex British Lit/Comp A British Lit/Comp B (Provide details and deadlines here.) English Dept. Teacher: Date: Student Contract: 1. I understand that I am responsible for completing all requirements of the Senior Capstone Career Project: Paper, Product, Portfolio, Presentation. 2. I have contacted the Senior Capstone Career Project Facilitator/Mentor or my English teacher to determine what sections need to be done. 3. I alone will do the work necessary for completion of any outstanding portions of the Project. 4. If the research paper is required, it must be turned in to the English teacher by the end the first nine weeks. I agree to adhere to the above criteria in completing my Senior Capstone Career Project as a part of my Apex British Lit/Comp credit recovery. Student Name (print): Student Signature: Date: Page 46 Appendix P SENIOR PROJECT PRESENTATION | PART I – STUDENT EVALUATION RUBRIC *Complete this as if you are the Judge watching your Presentation. Complete this as a Judge who has watched at least 5 of your peers complete their own Presentations too (just like you saw your peers present too). How does your Presentation stack-up? Complete this as if you are the Judge watching the Presentation. Student’s Name Project Directions for Part I– Score each component for the Content area according to the following scale: 5 = Ecstatic 4 = Very Pleased 3 = Pleased 2 = Disappointed Area I: Content 1 = Shamed Scoring Introduction Begins with an appropriate attention grabber 5 4 3 2 1 Write what the attention grabber was, if present; if it was not present, help write one right now: Establishes topic of Paper, career link, why he/she chose 5 4 3 2 1 this topic, and how paper relates to Product Body of Speech Explains process for creating Product, problems 5 4 3 2 1 encountered, changes made Is there an organized, sequential explanation regarding how the Project came to be? Yes No 3 2 1 If answering “No”, what needs to be added to your Presentation? Effectively uses TWO visuals/audio props into Presentation Introduces and explains role of Project Facilitator Presents information in a logical and organized manner usingNo transitions to move from one point to the next Conclusion Presents how creation of Product was a Learning Stretch Concludes with an explanation of what he/she has learned about himself/herself as a result of completing Senior Project and explains how this journey will be reflected in his/her postsecondary endeavors. Thanks the Judges (over) Page 47 5 4 Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Yes No Questions from Judges (complete if you were asked questions) Responds to questions from Judges thoughtfully 5 4 3 2 1 and maturely reflecting knowledge/skills acquired as a result of Project. Using the space below, please list any/all 3s, 2s, 1s or “No”s you assigned yourself in this evaluation. Include a plan for fixing each problem area or write down what questions you have regarding how to fix it. Your plan should include when you will make the changes, what you need to do in order to make the change(s), detail what the modification(s) to your Presentation will involve, and estimate what aspect of your Presentation the alteration will remediate. Page 48 SENIOR PROJECT PRESENTATION | PART II – STUDENT EVALUATION RUBRIC II *Complete this as if you are the Judge watching your Presentation. Complete this as a Judge who has watched at least 5 of your peers complete their own Presentations too (just like you saw your peers present too). How does your Presentation stack-up? Student’s Name Project Directions for Part II– Score each component for the Delivery according to the following scale 5 = Estatic 4 = Very Pleased 3 = Pleased 2 = Disappointed Area II: Delivery 1 = Shamed Scoring 1. Establishes/Maintains Eye Contact with Judges (does not read from notes) 5 4 3 2 1 2. Maintains Body Composure (poise, gestures, posture) (avoids bouncing, hair playing, shifting weight from Foot to foot, rocking back and forth, fidgeting, passing Notecards back-and-forth from hand to hand, etc.) 5 4 3 2 1 3. Moderates Voice/Vocal Expression (rate/volume, pacing, inflection, enthusiasm) 5 4 3 2 1 4. Uses appropriate Language (avoids slang, avoids repeating certain words or phrases) List slang term(s) to omit: Yes or No List repeated phrase(s)/cliché(s) to omit: 5. Dress/appearance (appropriate) 5 4 3 2 1 6. Adheres to time limit requirements of 8-10 minutes before being asked questions by the Judges in the room. 5 4 3 2 1 (over) Page 49 Using the space below, please list any/all 3s, 2s, 1s or “No”s you assigned yourself in this evaluation. Include a plan for fixing each problem area or write down what questions you have regarding how to fix it. Your plan should include when you will make the changes, what you need to do in order to make the change(s), detail what the modification(s) to your Presentation will involve, and estimate what aspect of your Presentation the alteration will remediate. Page 50 Congratulations! You made it! If all went well, Senior Capstone Career Project was a rewarding experience. It was Your Vision, Your Challenge, Your Journey—a Celebration of your Creativity and Individuality! You designed it from start to finish, and You Excelled! We are proud to send you off into the world as a Cherokee County School District Senior Capstone Career Project graduate. Embrace Your Future Knowing You Can Achieve Whatever You Seek to Accomplish! Page 51