F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CODDE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS DGT91832 02-29 ATA 29 - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 02-29-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 02-29-05 GENERAL Introduction Sources Equipment location 02-29-10 DESCRIPTION Sub-systems Accumulators Distribution 02-29-15 CONTROL AND INDICATION Control Indication 02-29-20 SYSTEM PROTECTION Circuit breakers Relief valves 02-29-25 NORMAL OPERATION Introduction On ground operation In-flight operation 02-29-30 ABNORMAL OPERATION Introduction HYD 2 fluid leak Engine-driven pump 1 and 3 failure CAS messages DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-00 PAGE 1 / 2 ISSUE 4 02-29-00 PAGE 2 / 2 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 F900EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM GENERAL DGT91832 02-29-05 PAGE 1 / 4 ISSUE 4 INTRODUCTION The hydraulic power system provides pressure for actuation of several airplane components. It is composed of two fully independent systems (HYD 1 and HYD 2 systems) operating simultaneously and powered by: - three engine-driven pumps with a regulated pressure output of 3,000 psi (+/- 200 psi), - one electrical stand-by pump. Hydraulic system is a “set and forget” type. After initialization for flight (ST-BY PUMP set to AUTO) no crew action is required for the rest of the flight if no failure occurs. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-05 PAGE 2 / 4 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM GENERAL FIGURE 02-29-05-00 FLIGHT DECK OVERVIEW DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 F900EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM GENERAL DGT91832 02-29-05 PAGE 3 / 4 ISSUE 4 SOURCES Each hydraulic system has its own hydraulic fluid reservoir located in the mechanic servicing compartment. Each reservoir is pressurized by its corresponding hydraulic system. The reservoirs are pressurized to avoid pump cavitation. HYD 1 RESERVOIR HYD 2 RESERVOIR 2.38 USG 1.58 USG (9 l) (6 l) Main hydraulic power is provided by three engine-driven mechanical pumps. HYD 1 system is supplied by two pumps: - engine 1 hydraulic pump, - engine 3 hydraulic pump. HYD 2 system is supplied by two pumps: - engine 2 hydraulic pump, - electrical stand-by pump, automatically activated in case of HYD 2 engine-driven pump failure (fail-safe system). DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-05 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PAGE 4 / 4 GENERAL ISSUE 4 F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 EQUIPMENT LOCATION Hydraulic pumps Parking brake accumulator Circuit breaker panel Ground servicing connectors Overhead panel Hydraulic reservoirs Accumulators Stand-by pump and selector valve Instrument panel FIGURE 02-29-05-01 EQUIPMENT LOCATION The hydraulic system components are mainly installed in the hydraulic racks in the mechanic servicing compartment. Except for very few items, the HYD 1 system components are located on the left side of the airplane, the HYD 2 system and stand-by components on the right side. External hydraulic cart connections are provided for ground checks and maintenance tests of each system. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DGT91832 02-29-10 PAGE 1 / 4 ISSUE 4 SUB-SYSTEMS HYDRAULIC ENGINE DRIVEN PUMPS The three self-regulating, piston-type pumps are driven by the accessory gearbox of the corresponding engine. They automatically regulate the output pressure at 3,000 psi (± 200 psi). The pumps are not controlled from the cockpit. The pumps are lubricated by the hydraulic fluid. A shear section in the pump drive shaft protects the engine gearbox in case of pump seizure. STAND-BY ELECTRICAL PUMP In case of HYD 2 pump failure, a stand-by electrical pump (A1 bus) allows operation of components powered by the HYD 2 system. In AUTO mode, the stand-by pump starts automatically as soon as a pressure drop (pressure below 1,500 psi) is detected in the HYD 2 system: the stand-by pump cycles continuously between 1,500 and 2,150 psi and stops operating as long as pressure stays above 2,150 psi. The stand-by electrical pump may also be used, on ground only, to pressurize the HYD 1 system for maintenance checks. The mechanical selector that switches the pump between HYD 1 and HYD 2 systems is located in the mechanic servicing compartment (right side). CAUTION The stand-by pump selector must be set to IN FLIGHT position prior to flight. NOTE The stand-by pump must be switched off in case of HYD 2 system leakage. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-10 PAGE 2 / 4 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 ACCUMULATORS Each system includes a hydraulic accumulator to dampen pressure surges in the system and provide instantaneously available reserve power. Each accumulator is fitted with a refiller port and a nitrogen pressure gage. The HYD 2 system includes two additional accumulators to provide reserve power for the parking brake system and the thrust reverser operation in case of HYD 2 system failure. NOTE After engine shutdown or hydraulic failure, hydraulic pressure in each system accumulator drops to zero. Check valves maintain the pressure in the parking brake and thrust reverser accumulators. Pressure holding valves keep the reservoirs pressurized. FIGURE 02-29-10-00 ACCUMULATORS DIAGRAM AND TYPICAL HYDRAULIC ACCUMULATORS DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION FIGURE 02-29-10-01 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DIAGRAM DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-10 PAGE 3 / 4 ISSUE 4 02-29-10 PAGE 4 / 4 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 HYD 1 SYSTEM HYD 1 system is pressurized by two self-regulating (constant pressure) hydraulic pumps driven by the No 1 and No 3 engine gearboxes (PUMP 1 and PUMP 3). Both pumps draw operating fluid from the No 1 hydraulic reservoir and feed the system at a rated pressure of 3,000 psi (± 200 psi). The output pressure of the pumps hydraulically charges the HYD 1 system accumulator and supplies pressure to: - pitch servoactuator (one barrel), - rudder servoactuator (one barrel), - aileron servoactuator (one barrel), - pitch feel unit, - normal slats (inboard and outboard), - landing gears and corresponding doors, - No 1 brake system, - nose wheel steering. HYD 2 SYSTEM HYD 2 system is pressurized by one self-regulating (constant pressure) hydraulic pump (same characteristics as No 1 and No 3 pumps) driven by the No 2 engine gearbox (PUMP 2). PUMP 2 draws operating fluid from the No 2 hydraulic reservoir and feeds the system at a rated pressure of 3,000 psi (± 200 psi). HYD 2 system can be pressurized by an automatic electrical pump (ST-BY PUMP) connected to A1 bus. The output pressure of the pump hydraulically charges the No 2 system accumulator and supplies pressure to : - pitch servoactuator (one barrel), - rudder servoactuator (one barrel), - aileron servoactuator (one barrel), - flaps, - airbrakes, - emergency slats (outboard only), - No 2 brake system, - parking brake (with one monitored pressure accumulator), - thrust reverser (with one pressure accumulator, not monitored). DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION 02-29-15 PAGE 1 / 10 CONTROL FIGURE 02-29-15-00 STAND-BY PUMP OVERHEAD PANEL CONTROL DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data ISSUE 4 02-29-15 F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PAGE 2 / 10 CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 4 DGT91832 SYNTHETIC TABLE CONTROL FUNCTION TO ACTIVATE SYNOPTIC TO DEACTIVATE In AUTO mode, not cycling - - It must be in AUTO mode in flight (normal condition) - In the AUTO mode, it automatically operates in case of PUMP 2 failure pushbutton - status light Push on (AUTO ST-BY pump can be mode) set to AUTO mode or OFF ST-BY pump starts operation when HYD 2 pressure drops below 1,500 psi and stops when pressure reaches 2,150 psi (green range on the psi scale is adjusted to normal operating range) In AUTO mode, cycling In AUTO mode running for more than 60 sec OFF On ground test, cycling on Push OFF On ground test, cycling off Invalid data DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION 02-29-15 PAGE 3 / 10 ISSUE 4 INDICATION Hydraulic indications are displayed on the MDU: - in the HYD synoptic, - in the STAT synoptic (hydraulic quantity and pressure indications). Direct-reading indicators are also available for the reservoirs fluid levels and for the accumulators pressure mainly in the mechanic servicing compartment. HYD SYNOPTIC FIGURE 02-29-15-01 HYD SYNOPTIC DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-15 PAGE 4 / 10 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 4 F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 Examples of hydraulic level indications QTY above the minimum required (1/4) QTY below the minimum required (1/4) Invalid data FIGURE 02-29-15-02 HYDRAULIC LEVEL INDICATORS Examples of hydraulic pressure indications FIGURE 02-29-15-03 HYDRAULIC FLUID PRESSURES NOTE When the stand-by pump is active, the green range of the pressure indication scale shifts from 2,150 to 1,500 psi. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 02-29-15 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PAGE 5 / 10 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 4 Examples of hydraulic pump status Running Not running Failed Invalid data FIGURE 02-29-15-04 HYDRAULIC PUMP STATUS Examples of equipment status In normal operation, symbols are green. If a failure occurs in a system, the symbols of equipment powered by this system become amber. NOTE As flight control actuators are connected to HYD 1 and HYD 2 circuits, the corresponding symbols are (see figure below): - green, in normal operating conditions, - amber, in case of total hydraulic power loss, - half green / half amber in case of loss of one system. FIGURE 02-29-15-05 SYMBOLS OF FLIGHT CONTROLS DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-15 PAGE 6 / 10 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 Park brake, Thrust Reverser (T/R) and corresponding accumulators FIGURE 02-29-15-06 PARK BRAKE AND THRUST REVERSER INDICATIONS DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT91832 STATUS synoptic HYD 1 and HYD 2 quantities and pressure indications FIGURE 02-29-15-07 STAT SYNOPTIC DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-15 PAGE 7 / 10 ISSUE 4 02-29-15 PAGE 8 / 10 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 DIRECT READING INDICATORS Fluid level indicator Each reservoir is equipped with a built-in fluid level indicator with two scales labeled PRESSURIZED and UNPRESSURIZED. Each scale includes two red ranges for low and excessive fluid quantity and one green range for optimum level at temperature between – 40°C and + 90°C when the system has been unpressurized for several hours. They are located in the mechanic servicing compartment. FIGURE 02-29-15-08 HYDRAULIC FLUID LEVEL DIRECT READING INDICATOR DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION 02-29-15 PAGE 9 / 10 ISSUE 4 Accumulator nitrogen pressure gages Visual check of accumulator nitrogen pressure gages is not possible from the outside. It has to be done through the mechanic servicing compartment door, except for the gage of the parking brake accumulator, which is located at the root of the RH wing. FIGURE 02-29-15-09 PARKING BRAKE ACCUMULATOR NITROGEN PRESSURE GAGE DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-15 PAGE 10 / 10 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CONTROL AND INDICATION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CODDE 1 SYSTEM PROTECTION DGT91832 02-29-20 PAGE 1 / 2 ISSUE 4 CIRCUIT BREAKERS FIGURE 02-29-20-00 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CIRCUIT BREAKERS RELIEF VALVES Reservoir overpressure is prevented by a relief valve. Entrapped air is automatically purged through a vent valve. When engines are shut down, reservoirs pressurization is maintained by an accumulator in the pressure valve. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-20 PAGE 2 / 2 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SYSTEM PROTECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832 F900EX EASY CODDE 1 02-29-25 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PAGE 1 / 2 NORMAL OPERATION DGT91832 ISSUE 4 INTRODUCTION In the following, typical on ground and in-flight situations have been selected to help the crew to understand the symbols provided in the various panels and displays. ON GROUND OPERATION AIRPLANE WITH AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) OPERATING FIGURE 02-29-25-00 HYD SYNOPTIC, APU OPERATING AND STAND-BY PUMP CYCLING NORMAL STATUS RESULT Hydraulic engine-driven pumps 1, 2 and 3 are inactive as engines are not running HYD pumps 1, 2 and 3 symbols are gray and HYD 1 system is inoperative. ST-BY pump overhead panel pushbutton in AUTO mode ST-BY pump cycling as HYD 2 is inactive HYD 2 equipment symbol are green DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-25 F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PAGE 2 / 2 CODDE 1 NORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 4 DGT91832 IN-FLIGHT OPERATION AIRPLANE FLYING IN NORMAL OPERATION (3 ENGINES RUNNING) FIGURE 02-29-25-01 HYD SYNOPTIC NORMAL STATUS RESULT HYD 1 and HYD 2 systems operating: Hydraulic engine-driven pumps 1, 2 and 3 active ST-BY pump overhead panel pushbutton on AUTO position - HYD pumps symbol is green, - HYD 1 and HYD 2 system equipment symbols are green AUTO indication above ST-BY pump symbol DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CODDE 1 ABNORMAL OPERATION DGT91832 02-29-30 PAGE 1 / 6 ISSUE 4 INTRODUCTION In the following, abnormal situations have been illustrated to help the crew to understand the symbols provided in the various panels and displays. HYD 2 FLUID LEAK ABNORMAL STATUS FIGURE 02-29-30-00 ST-BY PUMP OVERHEAD PANEL CONTROL FIGURE 02-29-30-01 HYD SYNOPTIC DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-30 PAGE 2 / 6 F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CODDE 1 ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 4 CONTEXT RESULT - HYD 2 fluid quantity symbol is amber - HYD 2 hydraulic pressure symbol in amber - HYD 2 corresponding symbol in amber + HYD 2 PUMP 2 HYD 2 fluid leak + - ST-BY pump on AUTO, running for more than 60 sec DGT91832 - % MASTER CAUTION CAS message light on ST-BY pump symbol is amber ST-BY PUMP PERMANENT CAS message AFTER PROCEDURE COMPLETE FIGURE 02-29-30-02 ST-BY PUMP OVERHEAD PANEL CONTROL DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 02-29-30 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PAGE 3 / 6 ABNORMAL OPERATION DGT91832 ISSUE 4 FIGURE 02-29-30-03 HYD SYNOPTIC ACTION RESULT ST-BY pump overhead panel pushbutton set to OFF ST-BY pump symbol is gray with OFF indication in amber DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-30 PAGE 4 / 6 F900EX EASY ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM CODDE 1 ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 4 DGT91832 ENGINE-DRIVEN PUMP 1 AND 3 FAILURE FIGURE 02-29-30-04 HYD SYNOPTIC CONTEXT RESULT - Engine-driven pumps 1 and 3 failure PUMP 1,PUMP 3, HYD 1 pressure and equipment symbols in amber. + HYDR #1 PUMP 1+3 CAS message + % MASTER CAUTION light on DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ABNORMAL OPERATION DGT91832 02-29-30 PAGE 5 / 6 ISSUE 4 CAS MESSAGES CAS MESSAGE DEFINITION BOTH HYDR SYSTEM Too low hydraulic pressure at pump outputs with engines running HYDRAULIC LOW LEVEL .. Hydraulic level (1/2) less than ¼ HYDR #1 PUMP .. Hydraulic pump (1/3) failure (HYD 1 system): pressure below 1,500 psi (97 bar) HYDR #2 PUMP 2 Hydraulic pump 2 failure (HYD 2 system): pressure below 1,500 psi (97 bar) ST-BY PUMP ON C#1 Stand-by pump connected on HYD 1 system for maintenance ST-BY PUMP PERMANENT Stand-by pump cycling for more than 60 sec HYDR .. FAIL On ground, indication of hydraulic (1/2/3) pump pressure switch failure DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-29-30 PAGE 6 / 6 ISSUE 4 ATA 29 – HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ABNORMAL OPERATION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F900EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT91832