Kansas Educator Code of Conduct

The watchful guardian of Ark Valley UniServ
November 5, 2013
5 USD 308 Health Insurance
Forum Part 2, 6 pm, PLC at
Hutch HS
9 Hutchinson Pre-Retirement
12 Ark Valley Ad Board in
Hutchinson, 5:30 p.m.
16 Hays Pre-Retirement
27-29 Thanksgiving Break
NOTICE: Deadline
for Hutchinson
The deadline to make
reservations for the KNEA
Pre-Retirement Seminar in
Hutchinson is noon
tomorrow, November 6th.
The Seminar is scheduled for
this Saturday, November 9th,
at Reno Valley Middle
School, 1616 N. Wilshire
Drive, Hutchinson, from 8:30
a.m. until noon. RSVP to
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Ark Valley UniServ District
P.O. Box 470
Lindsborg, Ks. 67456
Phone: 1-877-395-8773
Fax: 785-227-8773
E-mail: julie.wilson@knea.org
Kansas Educator Code of Conduct
The Kansas State Department of Education has developed a new code of conduct for
educators. The Kansas Educator Code of Conduct describes a teacher’s responsibilities to the
student, the district and the profession. You can view a copy of the Code provided by the
Kansas Department of Education by opening the PDF file attached to this email. Many
statements in the Kansas Code mirror the NEA Code of Ethics that can be viewed here
The Kansas Educator Code of Conduct has created a bit of controversy upon its unveiling.
Although the Code was designed to be aspirational, KSDE attorney Scott Gordon was clear in
his conversations with KNEA staff that he would be using the Code of Conduct to “prosecute”
teachers who may violate any portion of the Code. Of particular concern was the comment
that Mr. Gordon would be looking at any teacher who, as a youth or an adult, had been
arrested, charged with a crime or entered into a diversion program in any area cited in the
Code. A diversion would be considered the same as being found guilty in the eyes of the
KSDE attorney. Teachers could be brought up before the Professional Practices Board and
would be at risk of being stripped of their teaching license.
KNEA President Karen Godfrey has been in conversations with Education Commissioner
Diane Debacker regarding the concern over the Code. Debacker has assured Godfrey that the
Code will serve only as a guide for Kansas teachers and not an evaluative tool nor be used to
determine if teachers are fit for the classroom.
So with the mixed messages coming from KSDE what should you do?
▪ review the Code of Conduct
▪ make every effort to conduct yourself in a manner that exemplifies the Code
▪ contact your UniServ director if at any time you have been arrested or charged with a
crime, entered into a diversionary agreement or have been found guilty of a crime
Your UniServ director will provide you advice on what your next steps should be.
American Education Week—November 18-22, 2013
NEA - American Education
Week - Activity Ideas Get a
head start on planning your
American Education Week by
browsing through these ideas to
create a special celebration that
honors the individuals who are
making public schools great for
every child.