Tantárgy neve

King Sigismund College, Budapest
Title of the course:
Critics on Globalization
Course ID:
Level of education:
Academic semester:
Professor’s name:
Dr. Imre Lévai
Academic title: Associate professor
Hours per semester:
Aims of the course
The general aim of the course is to provide historical overview of the major lines of globalisation critique and to
make the students acquainted with the basic literature on globalisation. The specific goal is to brush up and
broaden the knowledge of students in the field of the globalisation-regionalisation controversy and make them
able to find their way about the labyrinth of arguments for and against globalisation. Basic and recommended
readings offer a wide variety to select from for deepening knowledge in special fields of one’s interest.
Course outline
1. Basic concepts: globalisation – regionalisation – localisation
2. Interpretations of the history of world system evolution
3. Structural and functional sub-systems of the world system
4. World order out of global chaos: cycles of globalisation
5. Global integration and regional differentiation
6. Regional integration and local differentiation
7. Measuring globalisation and regionalisation
8. Globalists, anti-globalists, and alter-globalists
9. The origin and nature of different concepts of global governance
10. Scenarios of world system evolution: beyond extremes
11. Global crises and regional transformations
12. Europe in the world system
13. Nation states in the global and regional environment
14. Summary and consultations.
Aksu, E. – Camillerri, J. A. (eds.): Democratizing Global Governance. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., New York, 2002.
Beck, U.: What is Globalization? Polity Press, Malden, MA, 2000.
Cooper, A. F. – Hughes, C. W. – De Lombaerde, P. (eds.): Regionalisation and Global Governance. The Taming
of Globalisation? Routledge, New York, 2008.
Dicken, P.: Global Shift. Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy. Guilford Press, New York, 2007.
Falk, R. A.: Human Rights Horizons. The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing World. Routledge, New York, 2000.
Farell, M. – Hettne, B. – van Langenhove, L. (eds.): Global Politics of Regionalism. Theory and Practice. Pluto
Press, London – Ann Arbor, MI, 2005.
Friedman, T. L.: The World is Flat. The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century. Penguin Books, London,
Gilpin, R.: The Challenge of Global Capitalism. The World Economy in the 21st Century. Princeton University
Press, Princeton, 2000.
Gilpin, R.: Global Political Economy. Understanding the International Economic Order. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 2001.
Held, D. – McGrew, A.: Globalization/Anti-Globalization. Beyond the Great Divide. Polity Press, Cambridge, 2008.
Held, D. – McGrew, A. (eds.): The Global Transformations Reader. An Introduction to the Globalization Debate.
Polity Press, Cambridge, 2000.
Held, D. – McGrew, A. (eds.): Governing Globalization. Power, Authority and Global Governance. Polity Press,
Cambridge, 2002.
Hettne, B. – Inotai, A. – Sunkel, O. (eds.): Comparing Regionalisms. Implications for Global Development.
Palgrave, New York, 2001.
Hutton, W. – Giddens, A. (eds.): On the Edge. Living with Global Capitalism. Jonathan Cape, London, 2000.
Köhler, G. – Chaves, E. J. (eds.): Globalization. Critical Perspectives. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003.
Lahiri, S.: Regionalism and Globalization. Theory and Practice. Routledge, New York, 2001.
Lechner, F. J. – Boli, J. (eds.): The Globalization Reader. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., Oxford, 2000.
Lévai, I.: Globalisation: Evolution of the Complex World System. Central European Political Science Review,
2006. Vol. 7. No. 26. 156-171.
Micklethwait, J. – Wooldridge, A.: A Future Perfect. The Challenge and Hidden Promise of Globalisation. Random
House, London, 2000.
Roberts, J. T. – Hite, A. (eds.): From Modernization to Globalization. Perspectives on Development and Social
Change. Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA – Oxford, UK, 2000.
Scott, A. J.: Regions and the Coming Shape of Global Production, Competition, and Political Order. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2000.
Scholte, J. A.: Globalization. A Critical Introduction. Palgrave, Basingstoke – New York, 2000.
Steger, M. B.: Globalization. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford – New York, 2003.
Steger, M. B. (ed.): Rethinking Globalism. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, 2004.
Steger, M. B.: The Rise of the Global Imaginary. Political Ideologies from the French Revolution to the Global War
on Terror. Oxford University Press, Oxfords – New York, 2008.
Stiglitz, J. E.: Globalization and Its Discontents. Allen Lane, London, 2002.
Stiglitz, J. E.: Making Globalization Work. W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 2006.
Streeten, P.: Globalisation. Threat or Opportunity? Copenhagen Business School Press, Copenhagen, 2001.
Szentes, T.: World Economics II. The Political Economy of Development, Globalisation and System
Transformation. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2003.
Urry, J.: Global Complexity. Polity Press, Cambridge, 2003.
Wolf, M.: Why Globalization Works. Yale University Press, New Haven, 2004.
Axtmann, R. (ed.): Globalization and Europe. Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. Pinter, London –
Washington, 1998.
Bara, Z. – Csaba, L. (eds.): Small Economies’ Adjustment to Global Tendencies. Aula Publishing Co. Ltd. –
European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, Budapest, 2000.
Bauman, Z.: Globalization. The Human Consequences. Polity Press, Cambridge, 1998.
Bornschier, V. – Chase-Dunn, C. (eds.): The Future of Global Conflict. SAGE Publications, London – Thousand
Oaks – New Delhi, 1999.
Buzan, B. – Wæver, O.: Regions and Powers. The Structure of International Security. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2003.
Chase-Dunn, C.: Global Formation. Structures of the World Economy. Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, MA –
Oxford, UK, 1989.
Chase-Dunn, C.: Globalization: A World-Systems Perspective. Journal of World Systems Research, Vol. V. No. 2.
1999. 165-185.
Coleman, W. D. – Underhill, G. R. D. (eds.): Regionalism and Global Economic Integration. Europe, Asia, and the
Americas. Routledge, London, 1998.
Denemark, R. A. et al. (eds.): World System History. The Social Science of Long-Term Change. Routledge,
London – New York, 2000.
Falk, R. A.: On Humane Governance. Toward a New Global Politics. Polity Press, Oxford, 1995.
Featherstone, M. (ed.): Global Culture. Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity. SAGE Publications, London –
Thousan Oaks – New Delhi, 1990.
Featherstone, M. – Lash, S. – Robertson, R. (eds.): Global Modernities. SAGE Publications, London – Thousand
Oaks – New Delhi, 1995.
Frank, A. G. – Gills, B. K. (eds.): The World System. Five Hundred Years or Five Thousand? Routledge, London
– New York, 1993.
Gill, S. – Law, D.: The Global Political Economy. Perspectives, Problems, and Policies. Harvester – Wheatsheaf,
New York – London – Toronto – Sydney – Tokyo – Singapore, 1988.
Held, D. – McGrew, A. – Goldblatt, D. – Perraton, J.: Global Transformations. Politics, Economics, and Culture.
Polity Press, Cambridge, 1999.
Henderson, J. – Castells, M. (eds.): Global Restructuring and Territorial Development. SAGE Publications,
London, 1987.
Herman, E. – McChesney, R.: The Global Media. The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism. Cassell,
London, 1997.
Holton, R. J.: Globalization and the Nation State. St.Martin’s Press, Inc., New York, 1998.
Kaldor, M.: New and Old Wars. Organized Violence in a Global Era. Stanford University Press, Stanford,
California, 1999.
Lévai, I.: Small States in the Complex World System and the European Sub-System. Foreign Policy Review,
2007. Vol. 4. 104-121.
Lévai, I.: The Evolution of Welfare Systems. The Social Democratic and Social Autocratic Paths. Competitio,
2009. Vol. 8. No. 1. 46-65.
Mander, J. – Goldsmith, E. (eds.): The Case against the Global Economy and for a Turn Toward Localization.
Earthscan Publications, London, 1996.
Mesarovic, M. D. – McGinnis, D. L. – West, D. A.: Cybernetics of Global Change: Human Dimension and
Managing of Complexity. MOST Policy Papers 3. UNESCO, Paris, 1996.
Modelski, G. – Thompson, W. R.: Leading Sectors and World Powers. The Co-evolution of Global Politics and
Economics. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 1996.
Ohmae, K.: The End of the Nation State. The Rise of Regional Economies. Harper Collins Publishers, London,
Robertson, R.: Globalization. Social Theory and Global Culture. SAGE Publications, London – Thousand Oaks –
New Delhi, 1992.
Rosenau, J. N.: Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier. Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1997.
Rosenau, J. N. – Czempiel, E-O. (eds.): Governance without Government. Order and Change in World Politics.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
Sadowski, Y.: The Myth of Global Chaos. Brookings Institute Press, Washington D.C., 1998.
Simai, M.: The Age of Global Transformations. The Human Dimension. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2001.
Solingen, E.: Regional Orders at Century’s Dawn. Global and Domestic Influences on Grand Strategy. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1998.
Storper, M.: The Regional World. Territorial Development in a Global Economy. Guilford Press, New York, 1997.
Szentes, T.: Theories of World Capitalist Economy. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1985.
Szentes, T.: World Economics I. Comparative Theories and Methods of International and Development
Economics. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2002.
Sykes, R. – Palier, B. – Prior, P. M. (eds.): Globalization and European Welfare States. Challenges and Change.
Palgrave, Basingstoke – New York, 2001.
Thurow, L.: The Future of Capitalism. How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow’s World. Nicholas Brealey
Publishing, London, 1996.
Wallerstein, I. M.: The Essential Wallerstein. New Press, New York, 2000.
Waters, M.: Globalization. Routledge, London, 1995.
King Sigismund College
Budapest, February 2010