weekly notes - St Mary's Ewell

Parish Office Tel: 020 8393 2643
Vicar: The Revd Russell Dewhurst
St Mary Magdalen
22 July 2012
Sunday Prayer Cycle
We pray today for the church and for the world, and especially for L'Eglise Episcopal au
Rwanda; in our Diocese, for the Department of Ministerial Training; for the parish
members of the Bible Reading Fellowship; for all who live in Epsom Road; and for
everyone involved in the Olympic Games.
Collect and Post-communion Prayer
Almighty God,
whose Son restored Mary Magdalene
to health of mind and body
and called her to be a witness to his resurrection:
forgive our sins and heal us by your grace,
that we may serve you in the power of his risen life;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
God of life and love, whose
risen Son called Mary
Magdalene by name and sent
her to tell of his resurrection
to his apostles: in your mercy,
help us, who have been
united with him in this
eucharist, to proclaim the
good news that he is alive
and reigns, now and for ever.
9:30am Home Communions
10:30am-12 Coffee Morning
in the church hall
11:30am -4:30pm Jubilympics fun day
29 July – Eighth Sunday after Trinity
8:00am Holy Communion
9:30am Sung Eucharist
11am Morning Prayer with hymns
5:30pm Evening Prayer (said)
Regular Services Morning
(all welcome)
Wednesday St James 9am
A prayer to be used in preparation for ‘Turning
our Vision into Reality’ on 16 September:
Almighty God,
we long to share the love of Christ,
the light of the World,
with the people of Ewell;
shape our vision for St Mary's
and help us to turn that vision into reality,
that your will may be done,
on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell
8:00am HOLY COMMUNION (Common Worship)
The service begins on page 167 of the black book.
After the offertory collection we use Eucharist prayer E on page 196 with the
extended preface printed below for the 9:30 service. We then continue with the
Lord’s Prayer on page 178.
9:30am SUNG EUCHARIST (CW Green Booklets)
Children’s hour and Wayfarers meet today, ask a welcome for details.
Choral Mass Setting: Harris in F
Gloria: Lourdes.
First Reading: Song of Songs 3:1-4
The Holy Gospel: St John 20:1-2,11-18
Sermon: The Revd Russell Dewhurst, Vicar of Ewell
Eucharistic Prayer: E with extended preface
It is indeed right and good, our duty and our salvation, to praise you, the all-powerful Father,
in every season, and on this holy day to celebrate the glory of your saints. In Mary
Magdalene you kindled a fire of love for Christ whose word had set her free. You gave her
the courage of love to follow him even to the cross. Seeking her teacher after his death, so
great was her longing that you made her the first to behold him risen from the dead, and the
first to announce to the apostles his new and glorious risen life. Her words still ring
throughout your Church, to strengthen faith and encourage hope in those who gather
faithfully for prayer. And so with her, and all the citizens of heaven, we join our voices to
acclaim your glory in this their joyful hymn of praise:
Anthem: Here, O my Lord – Whitlock
You are warmly invited for coffee and biscuits in the church hall,
immediately after the 9:30am service.
Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell
11:00am Morning Prayer & Holy Baptism (Common Worship)
A separate service booklet is provided for this service. Please pray for Maya Emily
Cutts-Briant, Aiden James Halliday, and Olivia Violet Upton, to be baptized this
morning, and for their parents and godparents.
5:30pm Said Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)
Psalm 63; Zephaniah 3.14–20; Mark 15.40–16.7
St Mary’s new website has been
launched! If you use the internet,
take a look at
www.stmarysewell.com – the Vicar
would be very pleased to hear any
feedback and suggestions. Church
members who would like a login to
the ‘internal’ pages please contact
the Vicar for a login.
And something to consider while you
are looking at the website: Twentysix members of St Mary’s support
our church at no cost to themselves
using the ‘easyfundraising.org.uk’
site when shopping online. Follow
the link at the bottom of our website
home page, and let’s see if we can
make it up to thirty supporters!
Noli me tangere –
Jesus said to her,
‘Do not hold on to me,
because I have not yet
ascended to the Father.’
Alonso Cano
Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell
Thu 26 July: “Jubilympics” Children’s
Fun Day. 11:30am-4:30pm. The fun day
will be for children aged around 5 to 12.
Letters and registration forms are available.
Note that places are limited and will be
allocated on a first-come first-served basis,
and the cut-off date for registration is Monday
16th July.
August Services: On 5, 12, and 19 August
there will only be two services, Holy
Communion at 8am and (with hymns) at
9:30am. No regular weekday services in
Sun 26 August: Our dedication festival. 8am
Holy Communion. 9:30am Procession and
Sung Eucharist of Dedication. 11:00am Choral
2013: Turning our Vision into Reality.
This event, at 11am on Sunday 16
September, is a chance to reflect on our
vision for St Mary’s in 2013 and how we are
to turn that vision into a reality. All are most
welcome. Please take a postcard with the
details from the back of church.
Sat 17 November: A Quiet Day. It's never
too early to put a date in your diary!
'Threads of Hope' is the theme of our next
Quiet Day planned for 17th November in church. Why not put the date in your
diary now, so you can come along on the day, for all or part of the time? More
details in due course.
Sharing the love of Christ, the Light of the World, with the people of Ewell